Lois Lane

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  Lois Lane  
Lois Lane (Scenesys ID: 99)
Name: Lois Lane
Superalias: None
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Daily Planet Reporter
Citizenship: US Citizen
Residence: Metropolis, United States
Education: BA in Journalism
Theme: DC (AFC)
Groups: Justice League
Apparent Age: 36 Actual Age: 36
Date of Birth 17 Aug 1983 Played By Erica Durance
Height: 5'8" Weight: 135
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Violet
Twitter: @LLaneDailyPlanet
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/bWcASV2sey0 "Holding Out For A Hero" - Bonnie Tyler

Character Info


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A star reporter for the Daily Planet, Lois Lane is dedicated to finding the truth wherever it's hiding. She is equal parts charming as she is trouble, and she often finds herself using the former to get out of the latter. Don't worry, though, she'll still get the story regardless.


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1987 - Born to Sam and Ella Lane.
1988-2001 - As an army brat, Lois rarely spends much time in any one place. She develops a strong sense of justice from her father, but his challenging treatment of her and her sister cultivates in her a sense of compassion.
2002 - Lois lies about her age and manages to get an article published by the Daily Planet. When the truth is discovered, Perry releases her, insisting she finish school and get back to work as soon as possible.
2004 - Lois attends Raleigh College, taking the maximum course load and attending summer school to graduate as quickly as possible.
2006 - Lois graduates from Raleigh College and immediately gets a job at the Daily Planet.
2008 - Lois meets Clark Kent and is first saved by Superman. Lois wins her first Pulitzer Prize
2012 - Lois wins her second Pulitzer, writing about the invasion and the role of the Justice League.
2018 - Loki's attack on New York inspires Lois to do her first reporting on social media, where her updates guide panicked residents to shelters.

IC Journal

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Lois is courageous. She stands up for what she believes in, the consequences be damned.

Lois genuinely cares about other people. This core decency is one of the secrets to her success. She can inspire the downtrodden to speak the truth because they know she will do all she can to help them.

Lois has a strong sense of dedication that displays itself in many aspects in her life. She's dedicated to her friends and family, unwaveringly loyal and there if they need someone. She's dedicated to her work, single-mindedly charging forward to pursue the truth and bring it to the people. She's also dedicated to her values, being someone who feels the need to do the right thing, whatever the cost.

Being able to work on a single problem for a long time without tiring is a key trait of Lois Lane. This can be maddening to friends, but it has won her acclaim in her career.

Lois is extremely curious and open-minded. The path to truth is what makes asking questions and seeking out answers so exciting to her. Most often, this curiosity is directed at revealing the truth about how power is used and abused, but that is not to say that things closer to home (like the identity of a certain superhero) don't pique her interest.

Lois can find patterns and relationships where others see only chaos. She has made a career of taking disparate facts and (with hard investigative work) weaving them into a narrative, supported by research and logic.

Lois has a strong sense of loyalty. She will be there for her the people she loves. This includes her family at the Daily Planet and many others. When things get hard, she is a trusty friend.

When Lois sets her mind to something, she puts her all into it. Whether this is writing a wrong or finding the truth, Lois rarely goes at less than full speed.

Character Sheet


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While Lois never pursued the stage, she has taken acting classes. Acting has helped her detect when people are being dishonest. Further, it has been crucial when she needed to bluff her way past security or slip away when caught being where she wasn't supposed to go.

Lois has a natural charisma and wields it skillfully to talk her way into and out of situations. She can be very convincing and she usually uses her charm in conjunction with her acting to navigate dangerous situations.

With good questions, appropriate pressure, and a mastery of tone and body language, Lois can draw answers from people that they would not wish to provide. Her interviews can leave people wondering why they told her so much when she's done.

Guided by experience and intuition, Lois has learned what to pay attention to. She has a knack for knowing where the secret files are, where the hidden traces of a cover-up lie, and who the right person is to ask about events.

Lois is an excellent writer. Her articles frequently deliver unvarnished truth and inspire readers to do something about it. She has won many awards, including the Pulitzer Prize. Twice. More recently, she has adapted to digital copy and social media as an even faster way to get the truth in front of people.

From a young age, Lois' father treated her like a soldier. One result of this was her learning self-defense. She is no world-class martial artist, but she is no helpless princess, either.


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Contacts and Allies:
Lois has been in the reporting game for almost a decade. With her charm and reputation, she's curated an incredible number of contacts from around the globe.

Daily Planet:
Working for the Daily Planet allows Lois to have access to a press pass, and get invited to many special events. It also can motivate people to talk to her. This platform grants Lois a vast audience, which can inspire fear in wrongdoers as her pen is far mightier than the sword.

Lois has her parents who still live on the family farm in Pittsdale, and a younger sister named Lucy. She can call on them if she needs anything. It also means that if she needs to leave Metropolis for some reason, she has a place in Pittsdale she can go hide out in and her family's there to support her.

Man of Steel:
Superman has a way of arriving just in the nick of time to save Lois. While she doesn't attempt to put herself in danger to get his attention, she has a knack for needing a rescue with considerable frequency.


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Clark Kent:
Clark is Lois' best friend. She trusts him and also looks out for him. As much as she competes with him at the Daily Planet, she has grown attached to the man. Heaven help anyone else who disparages "Smallville" or his work in front of her.

Man of Steel:
Lois likes Superman. She has for many years. She trusts him and will stand up for him. At times, she even tries to physically defend him, distracting his enemies just long enough for him to emerge victorious.

While Lois can be focused and dedicated, sometimes she can overdo it. Instead of spending a normal amount of time on a project, her attention can border on obsessive to finish it. She spends more time than she should and pushes herself hard on things she becomes dedicated or attatched to. This manifests itself in both projects and people, and the line always blurs a bit on where dedication turns to obsession.

While Lois doesn't have a death wish, she is very much a risk taker. Combined with being impulsive, if a dangerous situation is involved, Lois has no qualms about approaching it. Sometimes it's a calculated risk, and other times she doesn't wait for the calculation and she goes for it regardless of the potential consequences to life and limb. Danger is just an afterthought!

Because her opinions are generally well-informed, it is hard to get Lois to change her mind. Of all the people in her life, Clark is one of the few who has been able to do this with any regularity.

Trouble Magnet:
Considering what she does for a living, it is remarkable to say that Lois gets in even more trouble than one might expect. Most of the time, she is up to the task of getting herself out of trouble again. Sometimes, however, she needs help (often from people with an S emblazoned on their chest).



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Lois Lane has 156 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
New Approach January 14th, 2025 The Acolytes host a 'public discussion' in Mutant Town where Fabian Cortez speaks on the future of Mutantkind. He is challanged by Lois Lane, verbal sparring resulting in +bbread 4/754. And yet, teen mutant Vito appears to be won over by the propaganda!
The Piglitzer Goes to... January 9th, 2025 Diana and Donna are tasked with helping Lois find out if she still has the tail.
Injustice For All: The Queen And Her Court January 6th, 2025 The Queen of Fables makes her presence known in Metropolis thanks to the machinations of the Injustice League. She finds herself opposed by some unlikely foes.
Nia's Brought to Speed January 5th, 2025 Lois asks for coffee and Nia brings it and she explains the story she's working on.
Dazzler's New Years Rockin' Eve December 31st, 2024 Alison hosts a concert in Apple Park while people enjoy roller skating, food, and friends. Ryan Seacrest says hello on the Jumbo Tron and everybody watches THE BALL drop.
Interview with a Dazzler December 24th, 2024 Lois interviews Dazzler about recent events, social issues and the future too
An Interview with Mister Wayne December 7th, 2024 Lois interviews Bruce on his plans for Christmas and his thoughts on the Luthor presidency and what he does for Gotham.
Amazon Training: The Sword December 5th, 2024 The art of the sword, as performed by the Themyscirans, at the Themysciran Arts Center. Much training is had, much clanging was clanged!
The Bullpen November 29th, 2024 Catching Up
Meeting a new addition to the House of El October 23rd, 2024 Lois Lane meets Superwoman. There are similarities there that a good reporter can't deny, so she'll probably looking deeper into where she came from.
HUNGER: Moonfall October 20th, 2024 The Silver Surfer arrives and, as a tactic to weaken Earth, throws the moon out of its proper orbit, threatening great chaos and disruption to the Earth. Many heroes arrive at the Watchtower, fighting - and losing - in attempts to delay and distract him while they try and right the lunar calamity. In the end, the mystics are able to break through Galactus' numbing of his emotions with the help of his lost love. Also, there's a Green Lantern Trebuchet-launched Juggernaut.
I, Kara October 14th, 2024 Lois comes to Centenial Park to interview Kara Zor-El. The Alien from Krypton. Flik. Spin. They exchange names. It was a good meeting.
Interview: Meet the Constantines October 10th, 2024 Lois shows up to interview John, ends up interviewing Meggan as well... and turns out to have one of her harder interviews of her career.
Lois Lane Interview: Charles Xavier October 9th, 2024 In the wake of Galactus's coming and the anniversry of G-Day, Lois Lane interviews Charles Xavier on the mutant crisis.
What's Black and White and Red All Over October 7th, 2024 Lois was kidnapped from Bruce Wayne's party by the Riddler! Fortunately for our intrepid reporter, Batgirl was on the scene to rescue her!
Wayne Foundation Charity Birthday October 6th, 2024 Many big names attend a charity event disguised as a birthday bash. It's a critical success! It's super effective! There aren't any surprise explosions, thieves, or hostage situations either!
Interview: Stephen Strange October 5th, 2024 Lois interviews Stephen Strange -- and when Joan pokes her nose in, interviews her too!
Family Golf Outing October 3rd, 2024 Clark, Jon, and Lois go mini-golfing to try to feel out being a family for a bit. Lois drops hints. Clark misses some, but not all!
Just Get Here October 3rd, 2024 On her way back from Genosha, Lois' plane comes under duress. And is rescued not by Superman, but by their son from the future. Lois realizes what it means to be a mom is for the first time,
The Inquisition Is Almost Over, I Promise October 1st, 2024 Star Daily Planet reporter Lois Lane visits the island of Genosha for an in-depth interview with the Mutant nation's queen on the day of her birth. Rather than a celebration, she engages Polaris in a thoughtful conversation about Genosha's role in world affairs, her commitment to peace, and the country's ties with the Brotherhood of Mutants.
Terrax Aftermath: Guardians September 29th, 2024 Amid the battlefield in Wakanda, Lois Lane searches for stories to tell. She finds some of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the interview goes about as one would expect.
Interview: Sue Storm September 29th, 2024 Sue is visited by Lois for an interview. They talk the past, the present and the future and Lois makes a new friend. Good for her!
Hunger: WAKANDA UNDER SIEGE September 28th, 2024 Hunger comes for Earth, and Wakanda proves to be up to the challenge. Heroes assemble within the African Kingdom, to help push back the Herald of Galactus.
Everyone Loves Wasabi May 10th, 2024 Kate and Lois have a conversation and realize they have a fair amount in common over a sushi dinner. Numbers exchanged before Lois heads back to Metropolis and Kate goes to actual work (not that Lois knows that).
Turning the Page April 18th, 2024 Lois and Jon share a bit of conversation and are soon joined by M'gann M'orzz. Secrets are revealed and things take a turn for the fascinating.
Dent for DA (The Split - Part Two)r March 28th, 2024 Harvey Dent shakes hands, makes a speech and survives an assassination attempt. Only he's the one who ends up with blood on his hands.
Heroes Assemble 4th Anniversary: The Watchers February 24th, 2024 For the four year anniversary of Heroes Assemble Mush, Uatu the Watcher again hosts some of his colleagues to share what he has witnessed over the last two years of events on a small blue planet called Earth.
Recognition from the King January 27th, 2024 The Black King invites one of the rising stars of the Hellfire Club to dinner, and finds out _why_ she is rising...
In Soviet Russia, Winter Warms You January 13th, 2024 Old scene from a previous user.
Balls Deep in the Corner Pocket January 10th, 2024 Scott acquires a fan in Lois while gifting a long time billiards player a championship.
Accidental Encounters or Kismet January 10th, 2024 Lois and Alex dining alone, knew one another from a past life, said, hello, and then caught up.
What Does It Take To Meet The King January 8th, 2024 Lois reaches the final interview with Sebastian Shaw himself. Although she does not know it yet...
Into the Depths of Hellfire Club January 6th, 2024 Lois makes her first foray into the Hellfire Club, and wrestles with how dedicated she may be.
The Way of the Hegemony January 2nd, 2024 The unexpected journey to an unknown planet ends in a battle to free the people from a Hegemony ship and its captain Gn-Ga. Using Singularity to get back home, they now know more about the threat than before.
Post New Year's Eve January 1st, 2024 Lois and Clark and New Years...
Countdown to 2024 January 1st, 2024 The ball drops for 2024 New Year. Do people get their kisses?
Winter is Coming December 31st, 2023 A bank robbery in the Bronx potentially leads to widespread outages in the city!
Dinner With Lois June 26th, 2023 Lois Lane and Jon Kent enjoy dessert and pizza (in that order) and an evening of bonding and conversation.
Welcome to Paradise August 25th, 2022 The visitors to the island arrive via the Jet and are given a honored reception!
Lois' Belated Birthday Bash August 20th, 2022 Lois' birthday party includes presents, foam and... drag. You'll need a drink for this one.
The Breakup (pt 1): Denial and Bargaining August 16th, 2022 Lois rescues Janet from wallowing in her own despair, and makes the socialite go out and tend to herself. THE SQUAD rolls in hard, and a (very) pregnant Peggy and a (annoyingly perfect) Diana show up to help. End result? Peggy and Dan are getting an all-expense paid trip to Themyscira, and their child-to-be a free passport from the Amazons.
Press The Stops and Stop The Presses August 6th, 2022 Terry brings Lois some news, and there are hints of something /big/ happening involving the FBI and other, potentially unknown parties. Stop the presses!
Kawfee Tawk July 24th, 2022 Gar catches Lois up on matters regarding Terry before she goes on the rampage over interns failing to get her quality coffee. Set after 'Wonderland:The Crown That's Always Hidden' but before 'Gaming To Get Away From It All'
Liberation of the Press! July 22nd, 2022 Lois and Janet get lunch, and in that short timeframe Lois manages to see into Janet's plan and confirms her suspicions that Janet's doing something dumb -and- reckless.
Press Club April 20th, 2022 Lois and April bump into each other in the press room at the UN.
Dollhouse: Genetic Drift July 19th, 2021 Bobbi, Jemma, and Sarah go straight to work when they get back from the Triskelion raid. This is the second time they've done something like this. It goes far smoother than they expected with an astonishing result the next morning. Peggy is saved.
The Future Came To Brunch June 30th, 2021 The time displaced Kent-Lane family discuss superpowers and knee scrapes over a leisurely brunch.
The Framework: HYDRA Reloaded (I) June 20th, 2021 SHIELD defends against a massive HYDRA attack at the Sphere, successfully defending their trapped comrades against certain death.

This scene runs intandem with Scene 6645 'The Framework: HYDRA Reloaded (II)'.

A Powerfully Unexpected Brunch June 16th, 2021 Kara drops in to visit Kal, only to find a very sleepy Lois Lane and a very awkward situation.
Hour of the Wolf May 19th, 2021 A late night at the Daily Panet is interrupted by the deadliest shot in Metropolis-Bloodsport! Can Lois and Clark stop the super-mercenary before he kills again?!
Where Do We Go From Here April 30th, 2021 Finally back on Earth, Lois and Clark get over themselves enough to have a nice dinner and realize what a good team (and parents) they really do make.
Awkward In Spaaaace April 26th, 2021 Conner -finally- has the guts to go talk to Lois about what and who he is.
Meeting Lois March 30th, 2021 Jon meets his mother and his father...five years before his birth. General chaos ensues.
Magical Meetups March 5th, 2021 Lois and Zatanna measure each other up and... find each other acceptable. They get out of Clark what is really bothering him about this trip.
Chocolate Trouble March 1st, 2021 Nebula kills more innocent chocolate. Groot grumbles about revenge! Not really.
flygog.com: Krypton or Bust February 16th, 2021 Supergirl to Captain Quill. Commencing countdown, engines on, check ignition. and may Rao's light shine upon you. The House of El makes arrangements to fly with the Guardians of the Galaxy to near-ish Oa, and to the dead planet Krypton, and may be a few other places before heading back to Earth. All for a worthless bucket of diamonds and some space weed.
Press The Stops! February 9th, 2021 Terry and Lois catch up before she goes to find out if there's life on... Krypton.
You know my names February 5th, 2021 Kara Zor-El shares her secret identity with Lois Lane, who takes the surprise shift in perception better than most.
Time to pack our bags January 26th, 2021 The plan is made, the participants chosen. To Oa they go! Up up and Away!
One of These Things is Not Like the Others January 25th, 2021 Lois' doppleganger nearly kills her with a drug cocktail meant to put down a horse. Superman comes to save her just in time and they have a sincere heart to heart in the Fortress of Solitude. (Content Warning: Heavy drugs use and discussion of overdosing.)
Private Moment January 21st, 2021 No description
Another You: Clean Cut Doesn't Cut It January 7th, 2021 Prim and proper Lois Lane, doppleganger to the mouthy, crass, relentless real-world Lois Lane, finds herself cornered by Vorpal and Daytripper. Her only way out? A promise she knows she can't keep.
Stepford Journalism January 4th, 2021 No description
After the Show December 30th, 2020 Amanda explains all she knows about the troubles in Tribeca to Lois, who agrees to help her shape the narrative in the press.
Trippy in Tribeca December 29th, 2020 Amanda Sefton follows the trail of a magical monster to an underground club in Tribeca. Lois Lane is in the right place at the right time to catch all the action.
He Wore Blue... Spandex December 28th, 2020 Lois is rescued by a man in blue! Not the usual one either!
Chinese Take Out Healing December 11th, 2020 Lois and Clark have a long over due talk with Chinese, a few kisses, and then there is an unexpected visitor. Content warning for adult language.
Home Sweet Daily Planet Home December 8th, 2020 Terry finally returns to the Daily Planet to discover he still has a job. He tells Lois and Clark that he's getting ready to reveal his big secret and they give him some elder-reporter advice. Then Lois tries to figure out what's bothering Clark and everyone sticks their feet in their own mouths.
Dead Men Tell No Tales November 30th, 2020 No description
Talk About Old School November 28th, 2020 Ant-Man wisely and justly uses his powers to terrify a 6 year old girl only for Lois Lane and Golden Eagle try to wrongfully apprehend him. Sponsored by Oreos.
title November 13th, 2020 No description
The Art of the Prank November 2nd, 2020 Lois and Clark burn the midnight oil on a stakeout in New Bohemia. But what is the terrible secret of the Invisible Courier, and can our reporters stop an art theft ring before the Prankster takes it personal?!
Wake Me Up When September Ends September 7th, 2020 Terry's message gets to Lois. Clark's secret comes to the surface in a feat of crack reporting from beyond the grave.
Stop The Presses! August 20th, 2020 Lois leaves Terry with empty tupperware and no easy questions. It's hard being a weirdo with a secret!
Just Another Newsday July 22nd, 2020 Lois and Clark give Terry a lot of advice on the Titan Story he is working on.
Heartfelt Worry June 24th, 2020 Lois and Clark discuss Brainiac and new worries.
Unexpected Child June 6th, 2020 No description
Monday Monday (So good to me) June 2nd, 2020 The best plans of mice and supermen often meet with an alien invasion.
Return to normalacy, Evening edition May 17th, 2020 Lois and Clark have Kara over for introgation.. dinner.. Kara's over for dinnergation.
The Bells: Mirror, Mirror May 10th, 2020 Lois Lane and intern Kara look for more information about the source of the Shadow.
The Bells: Whispers in the Dark May 10th, 2020 SHIELD agents and Asgardians attack the Shadow consuming Metropolis: and work to return it to prison.
The Bells: Death Knell May 10th, 2020 Heroes assemble to face the Shadow monster trying to eat Metropolis, before it can move upon Gotham!
The Bells: Artifacts May 6th, 2020 Zatanna, Lois and Clark investigate the source of the Shadow Demon.
Fresh New Faces May 1st, 2020 Moral of the day: Don't talk about Sweden!
Cozy April 30th, 2020 Lois asks about Clark's backstory.
Coffee Time April 27th, 2020 Kara brings Lois her coffee and accidently reveals some family secrets.
The Bells: Empty Auctions April 22nd, 2020 Zatanna visits Lois to share information about the Shadow monsters.
The Bells: Superhearing is a Problem April 21st, 2020 Lois and Clark attempt to follow the 'Bells' monster, knowing Clark may well get hypnotized by it.
It's been 782 Days Since An Attempted Lois Lane Kidnapping... April 20th, 2020 Taskmaster kidnaps Lois to draw out SHIELD agents. But was it a real kidnapping or was there another reason behind it?
Trips and Plans April 15th, 2020 Clark and Lois chat about a visit to Smallville.
Keep Feeling Fascination April 11th, 2020 A heart-to-heart at the Planet without an accident of some sort is not unheard of. Neither is the juggling of secret identities and the revelations thereof being interrupted by the aforementioned accidents. It's just another day at the Planet!
The Bells: A Little Magic April 9th, 2020 Lois enlists the help of one John Constantine to investigate the spooky shadow creatures.
The Bells: Growing Shadow April 8th, 2020 Lois, Clark and Steve Rogers meet about the strange monsters and sounds coming out of Metropolis.
Just a Visit April 5th, 2020 Clark and Lois discuss her learning he's Superman, and their relationship.
Lunch is Never Work April 3rd, 2020 Lois and Jimmy chat over a
A Little Magical Perspective April 2nd, 2020 Lois seeks Zatanna's help in a mysterious occurrence. (The Bells)
Opening a Window of Opportunity April 2nd, 2020 There's no such thing as bad press. Terry gets to point Lois at a story, Lois gets a story, and Nick gets publicity. Everyone wins!
Quiet Time April 2nd, 2020 Lois and Clark discuss the strange shadow creatures, and some relationship adjustments.
Harley Sessions: Lois Lane April 1st, 2020 Harley has her first therapy session with an unlikely client who BAMBOZZLES HER INTO AN INTERVIEW. LOIS LANE YOU VILLAIN
The Bells: An Echo March 31st, 2020 Clark and Lois encounter a strange shadow... with teeth.
A Whisker Too Late March 31st, 2020 Catwoman comes to steal what's already been stolen, Lois comes for one kind of story and leaves with another.
A letter to the editor... March 29th, 2020 Chizue and Lois enter into an alliance
Daily Difference March 27th, 2020 Clark brings carryout, Lois brings memories.
An Asgardian Angel in Midgard's Court March 25th, 2020 Angela arrives on Earth. She's not happy. And she ruins Heidi's day. But Diana and Naomi help make it better!
She's A Rainbow March 24th, 2020 So what do you do when an alien warrior princess drops by for coffee?
The Cape Doesn't Make The Man March 24th, 2020 The moral of the story is to never let Colette
Quite the Secret Keeper March 24th, 2020 Lois reaches out to Steve about their friends reconciling -- Clark is actually Superman after all!
Going Public March 24th, 2020 No description
The False Supermen Pt 2: Unmasked March 21st, 2020 Lois realizes who Superman is.
The False Supermen Pt 1: Always March 21st, 2020 In the aftermath of being hit in the head, Clark and Lois find their relationship growing stronger.
Trial of Glass March 20th, 2020 During an attempted interview on courthouse steps, a dangerous criminal attacks the crowd!
Hardly Awkward March 18th, 2020 Clark fixes a broken shower, and has to rush off, for 'reasons'.
Matt Hagen Surprise March 17th, 2020 Matt Hagen, Clayface, Visits Lois Lane at her office in a surprise visit. Things go surprisingly well. She gets a lead, and he gets a possible future part.
Sunset of Roses March 16th, 2020 Lois dumps Superman (for Clark?)
Ripped That Stitch, Did You March 14th, 2020 Lois and Steve exchange thoughts on personal privacy. Lois enjoys her mocha' Steve's boot gets attacked by ducks. Ducks, oy.
Kiss the Gar March 14th, 2020 Other than chiding Terry on his dangerous behavior, Lois, while no singing crab, gives some advice.
Secrets March 12th, 2020 Lois lurks around some secrets Clark might be keeping.
Lois Lane, Danger Magnet March 11th, 2020 Lois, injured from a bank robbery, is fussed over by Clark.
Your Average Metropolis Banking Day March 11th, 2020 Horrible bank hijinx that give Lois a big think about A World Without Superman.
Decisions of the Heart March 10th, 2020 Lois makes a difficult and unexpected decision.
Yank That Stitch March 10th, 2020 Log 411, wherein Lois gets the 411. But not really, because Steve manages to succeed in keeping Clark and Superman separate, but encourages Lois to follow her heart in the process, which will probably lead to kicked Feels.
Park Run In March 9th, 2020 Lois stumbles upon someone
Hard at Work March 9th, 2020 Clark does paperwork, Lois naps.
Undercover! March 8th, 2020 Lois and Clark go undercover at a hospital for a story.
Diner Stories March 8th, 2020 Daniel and Lois meet for an interview. It does not go as expected.
Scrying Sentinels March 7th, 2020 Zatanna and John were heading to Genosha to scry Sentinels. Illyana and Lois tag along. John disappears. Brings in Strange. And poo-poos on the idea. This is not over yet!
Further Roses March 6th, 2020 Superman and Lois discuss secrets, Superman's return, and what is between them.
Money Can't Buy Happiness March 5th, 2020 Shuri helps Lois with her battery life.
Time well spent at the DMV March 5th, 2020 Lois lane runs into Hank Pym at the DMV.
Life is but a Stage March 4th, 2020 Lois Lane visits Clayface for an interview and gets a different story.
Ice Cream Symbolism March 4th, 2020 Lois and Clark discuss Lois running into danger, and Clark's reaction to Superman. It's confusing.
Coffee Calms My Nerves March 3rd, 2020 No description
Picking up Lois March 2nd, 2020 Superman responds to a call to help, and comforts a shaken Lois.
Journalistic Imperilment March 1st, 2020 Lois investigates Poseidon Shipping, and finds more than she bargained for.
Negotiating the Cape February 27th, 2020 Superman whisks Lois away to a romantic spot, and they plant seeds for a closer relationship.
E Pluribus Unum: Building Tomorrow February 27th, 2020 Lex Luthor makes a not-so-shocking announcement. #Lex2020
Warning: May contain an awkward snuggle February 26th, 2020 Lois has a sleepy chat with Clark.
Operation Wholesome Torture February 26th, 2020 Janet leads a shopping adventure with Steve, Lois, and Clark.
Bang Bang! February 26th, 2020 Terry meets up with Lois after getting shot. Gar drops in. Terry gets a few ideas on how to proceed. Willl be be careful? Will he have a complete plan? Stay tuned for the next time someone has to save him from certain doom!
Super Secret February 25th, 2020 Clark is adorkable and so is Lois.
Writ by a Fiery Hand February 25th, 2020 Drawing attention to the wheels of genocide.
Sharing Big News February 24th, 2020 Lois vistits T'Challa to inform him that new complications have put a pause on any thoughts of a relationship.
Breaking News February 23rd, 2020 Lois Lane is visited by a very much Alive Superman.
E Pluribus Unum: The Scoop February 23rd, 2020 Lois Lane interviews Tony about his presidential bid.
Just a Friday February 22nd, 2020 Lois encounters Clark doing way too much dutiful paperwork.
Off The Record February 21st, 2020 Thanks to Janet, T'Challa and Lois have a blind date.
E Pluribus Unum: Surprise Announcement February 20th, 2020 All the lovely people gather for Tony Stark's small announcement.
'Friendly' Dinner Date February 20th, 2020 Clark takes Lois to dinner. It may or may not be a date.
Smoker's Paradise February 19th, 2020 Two people seeking introspection meet on a roof.
A Fishy Situation February 19th, 2020 Lois tries to investigate a fishy situation, Aquaman and Thor save the day from another.
Door number Two February 19th, 2020 Clark 'rescues' Lois from being stood up.
Things that Can't Be Bought February 18th, 2020 Janet and Lois are having tea, and meet Illyana; Janet decides it's time to meddle in Lois' love life.
Links and Leads February 18th, 2020 Lois and the Best Widow watch a movie.
Those Mobbed-Up Sweatshop Blues February 17th, 2020 Ace Reporter Lois Lane gets the scoop and a ringside seat to the Spidey Show.
Some Raw Muscle February 17th, 2020 Lois gets Clark to help move a fridge, and they end up talking.
Valentines and Stakeouts February 15th, 2020 Lois and Clark do a long stakeout on Valentine's Day.


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Lois Lane has 156 finished logs.

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Lois Lane has been credited in 0 shows.

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Lois Lane has been credited in 0 albums.

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Lois Lane has authored 0 books.

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