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Latest revision as of 13:06, 28 June 2021

Mutants Trafficking in Humans
Date of Scene: 27 June 2021
Location: Charles' Office / Classroom
Synopsis: Clarice shares Dyani's intell - and brings the girl's situation to the attention of Xavier's school.
Cast of Characters: Charles Xavier, Clarice Ferguson

Charles Xavier has posed:
The sun had been down for about 45 minutes and the school was winding down for the night. A weekend night, so a lot of the Staff was gone out for the evening to enjoy their Fridays. Some were still on hand, Storm was here, for instance.

In fact, Storm is the one who answers the door when Clarice arrives. She greets her with a friendly expression and will listen to the young woman's explanation before eventually leading her to where Charles is in his office.

Storm explains that Charles isn't yet retired for the evening, and has been preparing for a trip to Boston in the morning so he's still awake.

And it's true, once inside the Professors office / classroom, he's right there on the far side of the room behind his desk. He is typing on a laptop on his desk and has a cup of tea beside him on his desk. He finishes his current line of typing and looks over to the two women. "Ah, Miss Fergusson. To what do we owe the pleasure this evening?" He asks in that kind way of his.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Thanks, umm, Ms. Munroe," Clarice remarks as she is shown through the school - and to Xavier's office. She's a bundle of excess energy it seems, as she glances briefly to the chair opposite Charles' desk without moving towards it - her hands clasping, and shifting in front of her. "I- well. I'm not sure it's a pleasure, exactly, so much as it's business," she suggests - before launching in without any further preamble.
    "I've been helping a girl that we," the Brotherhood, clearly, "freed from enslavement. I'd like to get her enrolled her. But aside from that - she was able to see- she told me that she saw what she believes to be a mutant with some sort of touch-based mind control power, capturing humans and loading them into trucks. And talking about selling them into slavery and how much money he's going to make."
    There's a momentary pause before it occurs to her to adds, "...sorry about bothering you so late."

Charles Xavier has posed:
Storm stays in the room to listen to Clarice's rundown of the situation, and Charles faces Clarice from behind his desk, his fingers interlacing together over it. There's a few lights on in the office, but it still has a calm ambience tothe fancy room, there would probably be a fire going if it weren't nearly July so the fireplace lays dormant, but the air is nice and cool from the heat that blankets the environment outside the windows behind the Professor.

"I'll get more tea." Ororo says quietly as she steps out of the room then to leave Blink with the Professor.

"Well, that all sounds rather... urgent, doesn't it?" He replies to the girl. She's motioned to take a seat if she hasn't already. "Enrollment here is a possibility, to be sure, but it comes with complications. We'll have to know more about this young woman, details on her situation in life. Her parents, or guardians, so on and so forth."

He leans back in his own chair, sitting up good and straight. "What can you tell me about this individual who is capturing mutants, you say?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice drops into the seat at the gesture - tucking one foot underneath herself, before apparently deciding to think better of that, and dropping her foot onto the floor instead.
    "I think her parents would be interested in it. Apparently the local school wasn't allowing her to attend anymore - before she was taken. She's already lost more than two years of schooling, and she wants to be around other mutants. She'd be //safe// here." Clarice comes across as rather insistent on this - her gaze intent. She seems rather invested in the girl.
    But of course - that was the less pressing of the two matters. "Well. Umm... It's hard to say much for certain. Dyani - she's the girl - she can control bees, and see through her eyes. She said she saw a man who got into a fight with some local thugs. But when he touched them - they stopped fighting against him, and started fighting //for// him, dragging their friends over so they could be touched, too. Now he's... he seems to be controling all of them. And Dyani says they're grabbing people of the streets, so he can touch them, and make them docile, and eventually ship them off to who knows what fate. So we have to find a way to take him down - without touching him. And figure out how to free the men he's controling. And where he's been sending these people so we can try to rescue them. And rescuing humans isn't really- well. It seemed more up //your// alley."
    As opposed to trying to get the Brotherhood involved...

Charles Xavier has posed:
Storm is soon to come back with another cup of tea for Clarice that she offers to the girl with a saucer to hold on to it if she'd like. She then steps back and smiles to Charles as he offers her a thank you.

The Professor's eyes then go back to Clarice and he stares upon her. "If she's still living with her parents, and they're her legal guardians, then yes we will have to speak to them soon before we can really enroll her. They have to visit the grounds and see if this truly is the place that they would like thier duaghter to be. It souns as though she's on the right path to this place being appropriate fo rher, but... I've come across parents who have felt otherwise for their children." He shows a faint smile then.

"As for this trouble amker... well. I thank you for coming to us with the information. I can certainly put an alert out and dispatch those willing to help to come and do just so. I'm assuming you have a pretty solid lead on where we might find this man?" He asks then.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "At the moment - she's at a Brotherhood safehouse. I worry that sending her home would just lead to her being taken again," Clarice says seriously - her expression a determined and solemn mask. "And I won't let that happen to her again. But... I mean, they're still her parents. I get that. I'd be happy to bring them here, to see the place."
    She picks up her tea, blowing on the surface - and taking a cautious sip before offering Storm a brief, grateful smile. Her attention shifts back to the Professor before she explains further. "Dyani is keeping an eye on them - with her bees. She can have one of them lead us there. I didn't want to approach on my own, incase I tipped them off, or got caught unawares... And I figure your team has a little more experience with this sort of thing than I do on my own. So... She told me about it, and I came here."

Charles Xavier has posed:
Charles reaches for his own tea cup raising it up between both of his hands as he listens to Clarice's response. He takes a sip from it before he once more lowers it and holds it now between his hands with his elbows on the arms of his chair.

Storm sits down on the arm of a chair pushed back against the bookshelves and she simply listens for the time being.

"Her parents might be gravely worried for their daughter's well being. We should look in to that at once as well." He tells Clarice in response. "But yes, I will send this information to a handful of our members and have them come to find you in Bushwick, you said, yes?" He asks.

He glances to Ororo and nods toward her. "She is our Admissions administrator, and will be happy to work with this young woman, once we do have her safely here with her parents. If they do wish to have their daughter enroll here, Storm will see to it that everything is taken care of." He shows a light smile to Clarice then. "I'll see who I can contact about this tonight, in fact, and ... well, we'll hope for the best. It sounds complicated, to say the least."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's a mess," Clarice confirms, shooting a look towards Ororo for a moment - then back to Charles. "I've been very cautious about making contact with her parents. I haven't been able to find any sign that her parents are being watched, but I would hate for Dyani's return to have put them in danger - as a means to get Dyani back under their control. They haven't seen her yet - but I was able to get a phone to them so they could at least talk. But I guess there wouldn't be any safer place for them to meet again... than here."
    With a shrug of her shoulders she adds, "I'd rather keep them apart a little bit longer than risk putting any of them in more danger than necessary."
    Setting down her tea - she reaches for a pen, and a spare scrap of paper to jot down her contact number. "I mean - Lorna has this, obviously, but so you can reach me... In Bushwick, yes. Or- well. Pretty much anywhere, really. Distance and location haven't been a problem for me for a long while. But that's where these guys are. Bushwick."

Charles Xavier has posed:
"Your caution is commendable." Charles says about the worry for the young woman and her parents. "But to be frank, it will be key to get them back together as soon as possible to alleviate any concerns that her parents might have for the young woman's real well being. Believe me when I say that contact, visual and physical, is everything to a parent when it comes to the safety of their child." Not that he has any kids, that he knwos of, but he certainly spends a lot of time observing parents with complicated children, obviously.

Storm stands up from the arm of the chair and walks over to accept the information when Clarice has it written down. She walks around Charles' desk to hand it to him and then stands there and offers a smile as well.

"We'll do everything we can, Clarice." Ororo says in that oh-so-soothing voice of hers.

"Indeed we shall." Charles says after glancing at the information himself. He looks back up then and softly exhales. "As much as we are able to, of course. We will lay out what that all entails, but it will be up to this family to decide what to do. Once they're safe, of course, and hopefully here amongst us, new friends, yes?"

He smiles again to Clarice.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm sure you have more experience with these things," Clarice agrees. "I just want to keep Dyani safe. Children shouldn't be used to-" She cuts off, shaking her head slightly. "Children shouldn't be forced into violence," she finally remarks - hiding her expression behind her cup of tea.
    Was it any wonder she was so protective of the child?
    She glances between Charles and Ororo - flashing them both a brief. "Thanks. I knew you'd be happy to help with all of this."

Charles Xavier has posed:
5r"Of course." Charles says. "In fact I'll get right on it. I have to be somewher ein the morning, so it is very nearly time for me to drift my way toward my quarters, but I'll make sure the information is put upon the right channels." He sets his tea cup down and Storm is quick to pick it up.5r5r"Ororo will show you out, when you're ready." He tells the young woman across from him.5r5rStorm starts back in that direction and she motions to Clarice to follow her. The white haired woman has a pleasant look on her face. "We had a pair of birthday today. We have an abundance of cake in the kitchen if you'd like to stay a bit and indulge in frosting and sugar." Storm offers as she's prepared to lead Clarice back toward the main foyer area of the mansion.5r

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Thank you for your time, and your help, sir," Clarice says promptly - rising to her feet, and seemingly determined not to take up more of the Professor's time than necessary. Weird hours? That's fine. Wasting his time? Not so much.
    She follows Ororo readily, feet padding lightly in the school's halls. "Well. I wouldn't mind a bit of cake. I - uhh - could always bring some over to Lorna's room if she's about?" It wasn't a surprise to anyone that Clarice would want to check in on 'her Queen' as often as possible. "I think Dyani will really fit in here. When I mentioned the idea of going to a school with other mutants - she got very excited."