Charles Xavier
Charles Xavier (Scenesys ID: 290) | |||
Profile | |||
Name: | Charles Francis Xavier | ||
Superalias: | Professor X | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Mutant | ||
Occupation: | Professor and Benefactor, Xavier's School for the Gifted | ||
Citizenship: | United States, Israel | ||
Residence: | Xavier's School for the Gifted | ||
Education: | Doctorate, Multiple Fields | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Xavier's School, X-Men | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 85 | Actual Age: | 85 |
Date of Birth | 13 Jul 1934 | Played By | James McAvoy |
Height: | 6'0" | Weight: | 190 lb |
Hair Color: | Bald | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: | War - Why Can't We Be Friends? |
Character Info
Charles Xavier, world renowned scientist and philanthropist along with founder of the Xavier school for the gifted is a recognizeable presence to many. A powerful telepath and leader of the X-Men when needed on the field, his strategic ability and planning are foundational. He aims to promote mutant rights through peaceful means and to bring the various non-human species together with humans in the world. Far from perfect as an individual, Charles seeks to provide the bridge in society between these groups and an outlet for troubled individuals who need to discover themselves without judgment but with guidance.
* 1934 - Birth in Israel to Brian and Sharon Xavier
* 1940 - Return to United States with Parents
* 1942 - Manifestation of Mutant Abilities with Receptive Telepathy. Projective Telepathy would present in coming months.
* 1946 - Begins High School, Cambridge High, Massachusetts
* 1950 - Enters Harvard University
* 1952 - Graduates Harvard University (Biology), Summa Cum Laude; Enrolls in MIT Doctorate
* 1952 - Suspends School Work, Enlists US Military for service in Korean War
* 1954 - Graduates MIT (Genetics / Biophysics); Travels World Attending Various Educational Institutions
* 1958 - Pursues additional degrees while teaching (Economics, Philosophy, Political Science)
* 1962 - Honorable Mention, Nobel Prize for Biophysics
* 1963 - Travels the World conducting research on Genetic Abnormalities
* 1971 - Effect of injury sustained during service leads to lower body paralysis forcing return to the United States
* 1975 - Published research earns Nobel Prize for Biophysics
* 1980 - Begins political efforts to pave road for future Mutant societal integration
* 1995 - Meets Erik Lehnsherr, begins planning for Mutant integration programs
* 2009 - Begins converting home into a school with aid of Erik
* 2011 - Begins Xavier School for the Gifted, recruits first class and forms hero training regimen
* 2017 - Presumed Dead following events of Days of Future Past; Taken by Shi'ar Empire
* 2019 - Returns from space with rejuvenated body
IC Journal
Charles Xavier is compassionate to those he encounters, an understanding disposition that leans to the side of listening to others and providing a counseling ear.
Charles approaches situations with thought and care, preferring to thoroughly look rather than leap and to plan his actions.
Character Sheet
Astral Adept:
Xavier has access to the Astral Plane and is able to project himself onto it, and through it other mystical planes of existence. Xavier is able to shape ectoplasm and even construct permanent astral edifices, such as a prison that holds the Shadow King in check. He can even bring others along with some excretion.
Power Detection:
Professor Xavier can sense many kinds of superpowers, most easily the radioactive half life mutant powers give off when they activate. He most commonly uses this power through Cerebro, but his occasional premonitions of ill intent are uses of this power.
Xavier has minor telekinesis developed over years of working with telekinetics. He can about lift himself and his mundane wheelchair up a flight of stairs. His communion with the M?Kraan crystal implied greater heights are possible.
Xavier is an Alpha-level mutant, giving him one of the most advanced human brains in existence and making him the most powerful telepath on Earth. His normal range for his powers is roughly 250 miles, though he can extend it further with effort, and can detect other mutants that are within several miles of him. In combination with Cerebro, he can link to the mind of every being on a planetary scale. He can mentally link with any mind and communicate with them.
Alternately he can use his ability to manipulate a target's perceptions, cloaking the presence of himself and others, adding subconscious suggestions, mental illusions, or even direct mind control. He can alter or erase memories, or even completely mentally control a target.
His intelligence and abilities allow him to quickly absorb information and telepathically pass it on to others, such as teaching even alien languages quickly. If needed, he can unleash extremely powerful psionic blasts or shield himself and others from mental or empathic attack.
Charles is a natural leader, with a gift for public speaking, debate, and persuasion that makes him highly influential. This is only augmented with his mutant abilities. Even those who find themselves in conflict with him are oftne willing to listen to what he has to say and concede the validity of his arguments and can be swayed towards his point of view, though some will still oppose him. He is a world famous advocate for mutant and metahuman rights.
Charles is a leading world expert on psionics, genetics, and mutation. He holds Ph.Ds in genetics, biophyics, psychology, and anthropology, as well as a M.D in psychiatry. He is particularly gifted in designing and building equipment that uses or enhances psionic ability, such as Cerebro.
Charles is incredibly intelligent, capable of rapidly absorbing, analyzing and learning from information. He is an extremely effective tactician and strategist, allowing him to evaluate situations and devising effective short and long term responses, some of which can be very convoluted. However, he normally leaves this to the X-Men team leaders in the field.
Military Training:
Charles served in the American Army as a search and rescue operator, using his abilities to quickly find wounded soldiers and get them to safety. He is experienced (if rusty) in the use of standard military small arms and first aid.
Xavier's ability to mentally absorb information and learn it means that he is a master linguist and can cary on fluent conversation in just about any language, even alien languages when verbally possible.
Superpower Equipment:
Professor Xavier is extremely good at understanding how superpowers work, and can construct equipment to enhance a power or mitigate its drawback to some extent. The most famous example being Scott Summers?s visor. Much of Xavier?s work is invested in making life easier for mutants and other metahumans who need help controlling themselves.
Note: Before doing RP around creating new items of much significance, a job should be submitted first.
Unarmed Fighting:
During his student days studying Eastern philosophy and martial arts, Charles became an effective hand-to-hand fighter, particularly in his knowledge of pressure point strikes to immobilize or disable an opponent.
Based on the SR-71 airframe, the Blackbird is a VTOL aircraft is the primary conventional transportation for the X-teams that Xavier oversees. It incorporate Shi'ar technology, including a cloaking device that makes it literally invisible when in operation and Shi'ar ram jet engines that allow limited deep space operation and Mach 5 speeds. It includes several defensive laser turrets and a special ruby quartz windshield to allow Cyclops to use and magnify his optic blast many times over as an offensive weapon. A top hatch and platform can be raised to allow passengers to use their abilities, with a force field in place to shield them from air turbulence or vaccumn. The craft has space for 3 flight crew, four passengers, and a cargo compartment that includes a first aid station for injured teammembers. This vehicle is available for use by all X teams at need.
Cerebro is the most powerful mutant detection system currently available on Earth. It was designed and built by Xavier himself to detect mutants via the presence of an exotic protein generated with the expression of the X-Gene. It is built into a circular chamber with a central walkway leading to a round platform hidden under the Xavier Mansion. Its walls are psionically reactive, allowing it to display images to observers of what the user sees while wearing Cerebro's amplification helmet, including thoughs and memories of those scanned. When in operation, Cerebro designates mutant signatures as points of light on a holographic globe, with the height of each point showing the power level of the mutant in question. Cerebro can also greatly enhance the range of a telepath, allowing a powerful psionic like Xavier to touch every mind on the planet at once if needed. However, Cerebro can only be used safely by extremely powerful telepaths of Alpha level or higher.
School For the Gifted:
Built from his family home, the School for the Gifted and its hidden X-Men base are state of the art, combining the finest technical achievements of Xavier and the X-Men as well as advanced Shi'ar technology. Xavier constantly upgrades its facilities with cutting edge technology, particularly the Danger Room where students and X-Men alike train to better understand and utilize their powers.
Charles inherited a substantial wealth from his family upon his parents passing, wealth that had been passed down generationally. In his youth his powers were used to help bolster it, although in recent years his own ability in finance has grown the wealth substantially to fund the X-Men and their operations. All of it is done quietly without direct ties in order to keep anonymity of the foundation and protect the students.
Xavier's wheelchair serves its purpose, but also includes several technical enhancements built into it, from communications, autobalancing gyros, and the ability to support him to temporarily stand for speaking engagements. In an emergency, he possesses a high-tech hoverchair for use in rougher environment designed by one of his ex-students, though he prefers the solidity of a wheels when possible.
Following the destruction of Genosha and the attack on Bushwick's "Mutant Town" in New York, Xavier founded this worldwide nonprofit organization to assist displaced mutants, as well as employing legal representation and search and rescue teams to assist oppressed mutants to freedom. Its personnel are mostly sympathetic non-mutants with a sprinkling of ex-students and mutants and metahumans interested in social justice.
Charles personally trained the First Class of the X-Men, and remains a mentor and friend to his grown students as well as a teacher to his younger ones. He is responsible for funding and organizing all of the X teams, though he no longer goes into the field with them as often.
Dark Side:
Charles would be the first to admit he's not perfect, and that he struggles with a dark side; the constant whisper urging him to use his powers more directly, to "fix" things by taking away the freedom of choice of others, to steal their secrets, or to manipulate events and people to suit his ends. As a telepath, he is constantly reminded of the dark side of those around him, hearing the nasty, wicked thoughts people keep to themselves, or the shadowy urges they think about but keep in check. Only his strong will and sense of morals and ethnics keeps this in check, as well as continuing faith in the basic goodness of people. This dark knowledge has caused him to use his tactical talents have created the Xavier Protocols, outlining how he might take down even his own students in the event that it becomes necessary - something that might damage his standing with those included. When strongly stressed, or when those he cares about are seriously harmed, he can lose his self-control and lash out. He may regret it later...but sometimes the damage is already done.
Charles Xavier has established many enemies over the years, either by thwarting their plans or aiding their opponents. As the leader of the X-Men, he has become the target of their wrath, as has the school as a safe haven for mutants. Even those not knowing the full extent of the school recognize him as a leading voice for mutant rights. Then, there are the enemies of the Shi'ar...
Faith and Reason:
Xavier believes in convincing people to change their ways through patience and reason, as he has faith in the basic goodness of most people. and that many who resort to violence are simply frustrated and misguided more than evil. He prefers a steady but solid pace towards equity for mutants and metahumans, rather than forcing rapid, violent change in society. like the Brotherhood. This can cause brash mutants to deride him for being too willing to maintain the status quo or not improving mutant rights through direct action and confrontation. Given a choice, Charles will always try to talk down an opponent when possible, meaning he is often forced into a reactive stance, ceding the initiative to his opponent in the hope of convincing them through words first.
Xavier?s power takes a physical and mental toll on him. If not prepared, Xavier can suffer violent feedback from a sudden emotional backlash. This can weaken his concentration, cause physical harm, or knock him unconscious for a short time. Complicated psychic surgery can also damage Xavier physically as he takes on his patient?s suffering.
Although Charles' body was rejuvinated by the Shi'ar to around his mid-40s the process is one that was imperfect and his injury which cost him use of his legs is still present. Although he is able to walk with focus, it takes a lot of mental and physical energy, requiring him to still utilize his wheelchair. The fact that he can walk is something he keeps private and known to only a very select few.
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Charles Xavier has
69 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Family Ties | March 2nd, 2025 | Cain is offered shelter at the Xavier School following run-ins with the Acolytes. |
Check In With The Prof | January 8th, 2025 | Professor X consults Ailsing on her evolving mutant powers. |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Apocalypse Now | January 5th, 2025 | Stryfe and his allies have their cataclysmic showdown with Cable and his allies, all in pursuit of the power of Apocalypse. |
Through A Mirror Darkly: The Four Horseman Of Apocalypse | December 15th, 2024 | Stryfe and the MLF attack the Horsemen of Apocalypse in and above the streets of Cairo, Egypt, all in an effort to discover the location of the ancient mutant En Sabah Nur himself... |
IT's All For A Good Cause | November 27th, 2024 | You never know who you might run into at a charity event! |
Danger Room: Qurac | November 15th, 2024 | Professor X sets a deadly task for his X-Men, with the eager assistance of the Danger Room. Can the X-Men survive the Onslaught of Qurac? |
The Resurrection of Quentin Quire, pt 5 | October 31st, 2024 | Xavier (with a little help from Tabitha) manages to cram Quentin's mind back into the liberated clone body, freeing him from a mental spa day on a perpetual noon-day beach. Now we're back to slowly dying in the meat, thanks Charles! |
Power and Glory: Theosis (Turn 3) | October 12th, 2024 | The coalition of X-Men, Brotherhood, and Justice League: Dark members who entered the Temple of the Burning Pentecost's extradimensional Labyrinth to save Mutant souls comes face to face with the consequences of the Deacon's actions: the unleashed power of the Redeemer, a meek human man inadvertently invested with a spark of divine, Elemental Fire after the Deacon's empowerment ritual ran aground. Quick thinking and clever shows of force allow the team to hold the Redeemer at bay long enough to force open a path to safety, escaping the crumbling Labyrinth with the ritual's Mutant victims intact. |
Power & Glory: The Ruin Revelation (Turn 1) | October 12th, 2024 | The X-Men, the Brotherhood, a handful of their mystical allies, and professional chaos agent Selene converge on VS Farms, the purported site of a horrific blood ritual intended to empower a mad Purifier turned cult leader. While they succeed at winnowing the Purifiers' numbers and slaying their time-twisting Mutant enforcer, they find themselves stranded in the cult's extradimensional Labyrinth as the ritual races towards its apex. |
Power & Glory: Reach Out and Touch Faith (Turn 2) | October 12th, 2024 | Shunted into the foul Labyrinth where the Temple of the Burning Pentecost conducts its bloodiest business, the X-Men, the Brotherhood, the Constantines, and Princess Amethyst confront the Deacon on the precipice of fueling his ascension with the suffering of Mutant souls and bodies-- and run headlong into the demonic puppetmaster responsible for arming his Purifiers, the foul-mouthed and firebreathing Violator. While they succeed in putting a stop to the ritual and toppling the Deacon, their meek pawn Phil Timper is swallowed by the powers unleashed by the holy man and the demon-- swallowed, consumed, and transfigured into something wonderful, terrible, and new. |
Lois Lane Interview: Charles Xavier | October 9th, 2024 | In the wake of Galactus's coming and the anniversry of G-Day, Lois Lane interviews Charles Xavier on the mutant crisis. |
Cain and Able | September 15th, 2024 | No description |
We Are In A Situation of Cosmic Triage | September 9th, 2024 | Lorna visits her former teacher and present father figure, Professor Xavier, to check on him after recent challenges... and bring him yet another: a helmet worn by one of the mysterious, hyperadvanced Purifiers encountered in Brooklyn over the summer.
He stares into the face of Evil and does not blink. |
Power & Glory: The X-Communicated | September 1st, 2024 | A - former - member of the Purifiers and newly manifested Mutant comes to X-Corp's New York offices, demanding to speak with the X-Men so that he might confess his many sins-- as well as the sins of his former fellow zealots. On his heels are the Deacon and his warped enforcers, representatives of the same mysterious sect responsible for the attempted assassination of Lauren Ritter. As the X-Men battle against the terrible, many-armed might of the Mutant monstrosity known as The Judgment, Professor Xavier fights to draw out the secrets of the Deacon's horrific, impending ritual from the fleeing apostate's mind. |
The Once and Future Juggernaut Part III | August 28th, 2024 | It's an all out assault on The Temple of Cyttorak as the forces of The Justice League Dark, The X-Men and The Brotherhood converge in order to prevent the power of The Juggernaut from being unleashed in a disaster of truly biblical proportions! |
The Once and Future Juggernaut Part II | August 14th, 2024 | The Brotherhood and the x-Men are forced together over their mutual wayward associate-frenemy-family as The Juggernaut's boiling rage brings him to assault a secret installation where the artifact he requires is being kept and studied. |
The Once and Future Juggernaut Part I | August 5th, 2024 | When an idol to Cyttorak is discovered in the mountains of Canada, great effort is made to spirit it away to the care of WAND for safe keeping. Unfortunantely, The Juggernaut, increasingly unrestrained and chaotic, has his sights set on what he believes is his and a greater danger is soon revealed. |
Dangerous Pursuits | July 24th, 2024 | Neverending, exhausting, and unforgiving Danger Room sessions with impossibly high standards and stakes? That's so Bishop! |
Mental & Mentality | July 8th, 2024 | Dracula, Rien, and Charles meet at Oblivion club to discuss a plan. The ground work is laid. |
Sam looks for more Advice. | June 22nd, 2024 | Sam gets more good advice |
Brother Mine | June 20th, 2024 | Two loving stepbrothers catch up after a long time apart. |
The Original X-Men and their Mentor gather for drinks | June 18th, 2024 | Old friends catch up |
Tarot Reading | June 14th, 2024 | Tarot brings a proposial on Mutant outreach to Professor X. Also, space tea. |
A Sort of Homecoming | June 5th, 2024 | The Master of Magnetism seeks an audience with Charles Xavier and discovers a grave threat lurking in the Institute's midst: Unlicensed Merchandising. Definitely nothing more nefarious than that; no mind control devices from the future to see here. Not anymore, at least. |
Open Office | June 2nd, 2024 | Returning home from a mission in space, Professor X debates the problems of the day with some of his X-Men. |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Attack On The Atom Smasher | June 2nd, 2024 | A select strike team of heroes shows up at the Large Hadron Collider in CERN to try and stop Stryfe and the Mutant Liberation Front from achieving their ends. But just what are those ends... |
Xaviers By Night | October 19th, 2023 | A student's nightmares are made real by her mutant power. The X-men have to fight through hellhounds, Bloody Mary and Samara, and then the Headless Horsemen to get to her. |
The Walking Dread | September 2nd, 2023 | The X-Men make a daring rescue of some key players in the madness of the Mutation Reversal Treatment! A hot night in Atlanta! |
The chism Trail | August 19th, 2023 | The X-Men are confronted by Black Team 57 after a mission to Washington to try and garner support for ending HR-485 before it can be voted in to law. The mission rapidly goes south, with much danger and much explosions! |
X-Men Shi'ar Debriefing | August 10th, 2023 | The X-Men get to know the newest member of the family, freshly moved in from SPACE. Telepathic cultural hijinx ensues, to be followed by virtual piracy. Fantastic cookies also served. |
The Ohio Mutant Conspiracy | July 14th, 2023 | Charles' 88th birthday almost goes off without a hitch. But Jean just had to go and jinx it, didn't she! |
Sinisterly Deviant | July 9th, 2023 | A group of mixed mutants and monsters show up at a genetics conference where Essex Corporation has setup a booth. Observation turns to a fight as it's not Mister Sinister who shows up, but something Deviant. Guest Starring Doctor Curt Conners! |
Pieces of Mind: Outbreak (Finale) | July 31st, 2022 | The telepathic X-Men and Jane Foster regroup to hunt the Shadow King, to force him out of a horrible new body he's made. |
Pieces of Mind: Long Shadows (Pre-Finale) | July 30th, 2022 | The Xmen and Jane react to the Shadow King's assault on Charles, working to rescue him. |
Pieces of Mind: Stalemate | July 26th, 2022 | The telepaths discuss how to extract Charles from Shadow King -- while their mage ally offers a dangerous suggestion. |
Pieces of Mind: Sanctuary's End (X-Men) | July 4th, 2022 | A group of X-men and associated discuss what to do about the Shadow King's claim on Charles. |
Pieces of Mind: Getting RESULTS | July 3rd, 2022 | Emma and Tabitha check in with the mage, Kels, about the astral problems. |
Pieces of Mind: Removing the Masks | June 28th, 2022 | Emma and Tabby seek out the mage that warned them about the Astral Villain, and lots of information is exchanged. |
Pieces of Mind: Behind Enemy Lines | June 27th, 2022 | Emma escorts a bunch of lost souls towards the Astral sanctuary... until something goes very wrong. |
Pieces of Mind: Spa Day | June 13th, 2022 | Jane meets someone that has seen the Big Bad.... maybe. |
Pieces of Mind: Magic Interlude | June 8th, 2022 | Jon speaks to one of the mages from the theater, to find out what really happened with the odd ritual. |
Pieces of Mind: Equal Exchange | June 6th, 2022 | A ball of terrorized, damaged souls erupts into the astral! |
Pieces of Mind: Witnesses | June 2nd, 2022 | Fitz talks to a witness to the event at the campus. |
Pieces of Mind: Astral Inventory | May 30th, 2022 | SHIELD and X-Mansion telepaths share knowledge of those lost in the astral. |
Pieces of Mind: SHIELD | May 28th, 2022 | SHIELD arrives to sort out a psychic event outside of a college dorm, to find many comatose, and some victims very confused about whose bodies they are in... |
Pieces of Mind: Fears | May 23rd, 2022 | Monet is pushed into the Astral by the spirits. |
Pieces of Mind: Inception | May 22nd, 2022 | Lost fragments of spirits seek answers... and those at the X-Mansion work to aid them. |
Xaviers Graduation Party | May 21st, 2022 | It is a nice graduation day 2022 at Xaviers School! The Fleebs really are the best! |
Great Mind Come Together | May 18th, 2022 | Xavier comes to Peggy to share tea and concerns about people who are disconnecting Astrally. They make a good bond of it, both being British, quite old, polite, and protectively invested in taking care of people. |
The Kryptonian Comes to Stay | January 26th, 2022 | Divine is welcomed to the X-Mansion and the staff look for ways to help her settle in. |
That Spiderman Gif | October 21st, 2021 | A wild clone appears for a meeting with Xavier. Jean probes Madelyne's memories to find the truth, probably scars her for life, and thus she is welcomed into her crazy new family. |
A Hole in the Head | August 27th, 2021 | Clarice and Cynthia visit the Professor - who discovers something a little more alarming than anticipated in Cynthia's head. |
Oh where oh where has our little dog gone | July 27th, 2021 | Clarice frets - perhaps needlessly? - about Rahne's silence on text messages, and recruits the help of Hank. |
Shi'ar: Heart and Mind | July 26th, 2021 | Terry brings Lilandra to Xaviers, where she meets Charles and a number of X-men and students. Lilandra shares her knowledge of the Phoenix, through a psychic vision depicting the X-Men's encounter with the Brood, as well as knowledge of her brother D'Ken's ambitions to somehow control that power for himself, through an ancient crystal artifact on M'Kraan, deep in Shi'ar space. The X-Men are on high alert as they prepare for a long journey, and the Brotherhood is warned of -- and asked for help with -- the Shi'ar fleet in space. |
Hello, Goodbye | July 14th, 2021 | Rahne Sinclair calls Professor Xavier to discuss leaving the mansion, and in the end she leaves him something to remember her by. Sweet scene, read with a tissue. |
Mutants Trafficking in Humans | June 27th, 2021 | Clarice shares Dyani's intell - and brings the girl's situation to the attention of Xavier's school. |
Zen and the Art of Cerebro Maintenance | October 14th, 2020 | Jean updates Charles about the weird Brainiac tech, and they get working on Cerebro. |
Road Rage: Did Hank Find A Cure | September 23rd, 2020 | Hank makes something to counter the power nullifier that Vulture and Green Goblin got their hands on, and shares the news with Professor X, Scott, Kitty and Noriko. |
Next X-Steps | September 16th, 2020 | Charles and Jean discuss her new responsibilities as headmistress, interactions between X-Corporation and the X-Men, and possibly reaching out to other public superhero groups. |
Old Friends and New Faculty | August 27th, 2020 | Charles and Moira reunite, and Moira agrees to become part of the faculty at Xavier's school, and a consultant for X-Corporation. With his responsibilities expanding, Charles offers the position of Headmistress to Jean Grey. |
Water in the Urban Desert | August 13th, 2020 | IMP, Michael, Greer and Gabby assist X-Corp with some volunteer work and convincing a homeless group to evacuate a dangerous area. Alton demonstrates a dangerous flaw to Charles Xavier and Gabby and is offered suggestions and help. |
Evaluations | July 31st, 2020 | Xavier evaluates the Kinney sisters as potential students, and approves Laura to join one of the X-teams if the team leader agrees. Gabby is officially accepted as a student. |
Ants and Consultation | July 30th, 2020 | Charles Xavier visits Hank Pym's laboratory to discuss efforts to restore the shrunken people of Genosha and to check in on his wellbeing.. |
Coordinating Efforts | July 8th, 2020 | Hal and Jean work to coordinate the X-Men's help for the assault on Brainiac, with the blessing of the Professor. |
Scotch: The Final Frontier | June 11th, 2020 | Lorna comes to Xavier for therapy. |
Don't Blink Or You'll Miss It | June 2nd, 2020 | Clarice comes to speak to Charles about the world at large. |
Not Handled Properly | May 15th, 2020 | Scott, Jean, and the Professor check in on Genosha about the incident with the Magistrates. |
When a Seer Seeks Wisdom | May 14th, 2020 | Marie comes to Charles hoping for a way to stay in America after school, and leaves with a promise of aid and a clear path set before her. |
Seeking Professerly Advice | April 27th, 2020 | Warren goes to Charles for some advice and comes away with it feeling a bit better about the future. |
Therapy: Genoshan Edition | April 27th, 2020 | The Professor gets Lorna to agree at least to further therapy and time to relax. |
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Charles Xavier has
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Charles Xavier has been listed in 1 groups.