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Lets watch a play
Date of Scene: 08 March 2020
Location: East Village
Synopsis: An invitation to see Avengers (the play!) gets complicated when Rose insists in going armed
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Rose Wilson

Conner Kent has posed:
So now Conner and Rose are living in the team hideout. Which is awkward at several levels. Fortunately, Conner doesn't need to sleep much and has plenty to do. On the other hand, he wants to keep an eye on the volatile young woman. Previous experience tells him that leaving Rose alone for too long is like leaving Bart alone for too long. Only with more explosions.

It was fun a couple years ago. Maybe Conner has become Unfun at his old age. Whatever. He checks out at lunch and dinner. Today he brought in more supplies and electronics to update the wifi. And also...

"Rosie? You around? Want to go to see a play?" Because, why not. He has two tickets and no one else around to invite.

Rose Wilson has posed:
A play?

That is such an odd group of words that it draws Rose out of the room that she'd claimed as her own, which just happened to be her old room anyways. From the room comes the sound of something heavy falling, then she steps out of the room with a confused look on her face as she heads towards where the source of the question is from.

"What do you mean....a play?" The way she asks the question would almost make one believe that he'd asked her to shoot a puppy or something. Uncertainty, distrust, confusion.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Yes, on Broadway," declares Conner, brandishing the tickets like a (small) banner. "The Avengers play. I got two tickets from a friend that owed me. For..." he checks the time in his smartphone. "We got an hour."

Conner pockets the tickets and shrugs. "I thought you would be bored. And I have not seen a play in ages." 'Ages' for him means about three months. Although he has not been in a Broadway theater since before Hawaii. And that is most of his life.

Rose Wilson has posed:
That same look remains on her face, and when he waves the tickets she watches then her eye travels back to his face, "Broadway."

Rose glances down at his phone, then back up to his face, "You're asking me to go see a Broadway play?" One might begin to think she'd had one too many hits to the head the way she keeps parroting things back to him.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Yes, about the Avengers," Conner loses his smile and narrows his eyes, "you hate plays," because of course Rose hates half the things that are fun. And most of the rest of the things in the universe.

He pockets the tickets. "Well, never mind. Maybe I can still find someone else..." he checks the list of friends in the phone. But unsurprisingly the bulk of the numbers are from Hawaii. And pretty much 0 are from New York.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"I've never been to a play." Can she hate something that she's never been to? Quite possibly. She does have a very deep capacity to hate things, after all. Or just want to mess them up.

Rose takes a little while to think, as much time as he takes to look through his phone and realize that he's got zero friends in the area that he could ask in her place. Then she shrugs easily before turning on her heel to head back the direction that she came from, remaining silent until she gets to the door, "Let me change."

Conner Kent has posed:
Maybe he can call Kara? But then Rose mentions she has never seen a play and he looks back at her. "Really? Why not?" Because he is technically three years old and has seen a dozen. Conner is often surprised because people does not try to do three new things every day like he used to.

"It is like a movie but different..." he starts. But Rose has already retreated to her room. To change. He looks down to his clothes. Jeans, t-shirt and sturdy hiking boots (needed for the kind of landings he does). Absolutely nothing wrong with his clothes. Or hers.

Changing? "We aren't going to the opera," he comments. What is she changing into? Conner is quite sure Rose doesn't have fancy clothes. In fact, he is pretty sure her traveling bag is full of weapons, not clothes.

Rose Wilson has posed:
His assumption is probably right, although she's gone long enough that she might actually be changing clothes. There is silence from the direction of her room until he can hear the door open, then close.

Moments later she comes back wearing exactly the same thing she was wearing when she left, except for the t-shirt. It's a dark grey one this time, and probably clean. Probably. Plus she's got her boots on, and her jacket which she seems to be tucking a handgun into the back waist of her jeans.

"Why haven't I seen a play? Better question for you, Conner. When would I have gone and seen a play?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"Anytime you wanted?" Questions Conner back. "I mean, they aren't that expensive, and the theaters aren't rare either. And hey," he slides behind her. "Pretty sure you can't take a handgun into one."

Technically she shouldn't be carrying one anywhere. New York has some strict firearm regulations. But some fights aren't worth fighting. Now, getting into trouble and missing the play because she was trying to sneak a handgun into the theater. Nope. "You don't need it, I will protect you." He offers with a smile.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose tugs her jacket down over the gun, making sure that the fabric of it and her t-shirt lay as flat and smooth as possible. Then she spins around towards him, one hand lifting up so that she can jab a finger against his chest, "I don't need you to protect me."

The finger jabbing might be more effective on others, but that doesn't stop her from doing it for emphasis, "I can damn well take care of myself, Conner." She drops her hand before smirking at him, "And no one'll even know I've got the gun."

Conner Kent has posed:
"You don't need a gun to protect yourself either, you can beat the crap out of anyone this side of Captain America with your bare hands," points out Conner. "It is a play, we aren't going to fight anyone. Please, leave the gun here."

Because he is not sure the security people at the play won't realize she has one.

And it bothers him she thinks she might need a gun going to see a play.

"Just this time, please," he asks, offering her a hand. "If it happens you needed it I will never again ask you not to take one with you."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Just because I can doesn't mean I can't bring a gun." That's not very good logic, honestly. Rose knows it, but she doesn't feel the need to point out anything more logical as an argument.

The hand that he holds out to her, and the offer that he makes gets a drawn out moment of thought from her, and then she looks back up at him, a brow lifting, "And if I say no, are you going to beg me next?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner blinks at Rose's logic. Not that logic is his stronger point, but that non-argument seems bad even for his rather low standards. If he could get headaches...

"I'm not going to beg or anything," he decides. "I am just not going to go with you if you need to carry a gun even if all we are going to do is going to watch a play. No unless there is a damn good reason. Is anyone after you?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
Is anyone after her?

Rose gives him a Look. Can he feel that capital L in that look? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way it's fairly clear that she might just think that is the dumbest question he's ever asked her. The look gets wiped off her face a moment later before she steps in closer to him, voice lowering, "So you got me all excited and dressed up....and now you're backing out on me?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"That is a very weird reading of the situation, even for you," replies Conner, crossing his arms. "You want to bring a gun to a play, but don't want to tell me why. Which now makes me think maybe there is a good reason, and maybe you are here because you have been chased out of your usual place." And that is bad because she should have told them. Or at least him, who is also living in the team hideout!

Rose Wilson has posed:
There is a slight tilt to her head when he comes to this conclusion, her brow lifting upwards just a fraction, "Chased out of my usual place is putting it just a little bit strongly. Didn't I say I'd just be moving through?"

Maybe moving through is her way of saying that she's on the run? Who knows.

Conner Kent has posed:
"You said..." Conner can't remember what exactly. He might have thought she just missed be here. "Something like that, yeah." He doesn't speak Rose-esque, it is a weird language. Very hard to understand for non-natives.

"Anyway, if we are not in the immediate danger to get attacked and we are going to watch a play, you don't need a gun," he points out. "But if we can get attacked, I need to know because I am going to get involved."

Rose Wilson has posed:
When he starts to repeat her words there is a smirk of amusement, but then she shrugs her shoulders. No one probably speaks Rose-esque, it is a difficult language to learn. Very complicated.

"I don't know if we are....but then, maybe we are. Aren't we always in immediate danger? A lot of things happen in this world, and we're targets." Rose points out reasonably.

Conner Kent has posed:
"No, we are not," replies Conner, raising his hands in a half-despairing gesture. "Here is usually safe. Going to a play is safe. Patrolling for crime is a bit dangerous. Going to fight Darkseid's goons is super-dangerous. There are degrees, girl."

And seriously, taking a girl to a play has never been this complicated. They are going to be late. But he figures it is better to get this cleared up now, and not later. "So... taking aside that yeah, we can get hit and vaporized by a kryptonite meteorite anytime. But it is not -very- likely. Why are we in danger?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
Taking a girl anywhere has probably not been this complicated before. Rose doesn't do much to uncomplicate it, either. Instead she shrugs her shoulders, "I did a job...someone didn't like the result."

Which that could be ANYONE. Or any kind of job. Probably not losing someone's dog that she was dogwalking kind of job though. "Why can't I take my gun?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner does suspect it wasn't a babysitting job either. At least he hopes not!

There is also the small detail Rose choose to run instead of fighting. Which is not something the Rose he knew would ever do. "Okay," he sighs, "but promise me a detailed explanation when we get back. We will get you out of whatever trouble you are. And then you can leave. Or stay, but without this kind of stuff going, okay?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
Promise? She doesn't promise, not in so many words. But the smile that she offers might be meant to be taken as a promise, a hand lifting upwards to salute him slightly.

It's a bad salute. She was never actually IN the military, after all. But then she turns to start for the door once more, content in the fact that she's won this small little skirmish, "Where are we going?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Has Conner ever won a skirmish with Rose? Some things never change. But he is going to pester her all the time starting when they come back until she talks. Or no more free pizza.

"Broadway," he replies, checking the time. Not enough time for a cab. Much less the subway. Rose could possibly get there in a motorcycle by breaking all speed limits, but that is not going to happen. "I'll take you there."

Rose Wilson has posed:
His mode of transportation is wildly different then what she can manage on her own, and she could argue that she knows the way. But she's pretty sure that he isn't wanting to drive.

When he offers to take her there is a pause, considering everything before she shrugs once more, "Sure. Just don't mess up my hair."