Conner Kent
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Conner Kent (Scenesys ID: 381) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Conner Kent | ||
Superalias: | Superboy | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Alien Hybrid | ||
Occupation: | WMD/hero | ||
Citizenship: | American, technically | ||
Residence: | Wandering | ||
Education: | Virtual reality high-school and memory implants | ||
Theme: | DC (FC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 20 | Actual Age: | 20 |
Date of Birth | It is kind of complicated | Played By | Joshua Orpin |
Height: | 6' 2" | Weight: | 210 lb |
Hair Color: | Black | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Superboy was one of the heroes that stepped forward on the wake of Superman's death, in 2017. He is perhaps the most famous of those who did and is quite popular among people of his age. Doubly so in Hawaii, where he lived for a couple years.
2955: After losing his wife and children to a metahuman terrorist attack a brilliant Science Police officer goes insane with grief. He steals experimental power armor (the Harvest armor) from the SP arsenal and a half-working time machine (it will only go backwards) from the Time Institute with the plan of travelling back to the 20th Century and destroy super-humans before they become a threat.
2900-2100: Travelling backwards in time jumping a few decades each time, Harvest picks up weaponry and technology he thinks he will need for his quest.
2065: Harvest raids an abandoned secret facility that once belonged to the Justice League. There he finds a cryo-capsule with a small child inside. He finds out he is Jon-El, son of Superman, put in hibernation due to a genetic disorder that was killing him while the League developed a cure and apparently forgotten after the bulk of the League was killed fighting super-criminals. He takes the child with him.
2007: Harvest time machine overloads and melts, stranding him decades too late to stop the rise of super-humans from the root. Undaunted, he decides he will destroy super-humanity by raising an army of super-human soldiers under his control.
2011: Harvest takes advantage of the alien invasion to recruit mercenaries, disgruntled scientists and kidnap his first superhuman would-be soldiers. He builds a few bases around the world and founds N.O.W.H.E.R.E.
2012-16: N.O.W.H.E.R.E. slowly becomes known as a secretive organization providing advanced technology to both private groups and governments in exchange of information about super-humans. Soon enough some agencies link them to the disappearance of some super-powered kids here and there. Meanwhile Harvest attempts to heal Jon-El's genetic disorders, but fails. He decides instead to create clones from Jon-El and try to modify them genetically from the start so they avoid the genetic problem. Eventually he succeeds.
2017: After a few years of living in a virtual reality, but still a couple years before planned, Conner wakes up and escapes the N.O.W.H.E.R.E. facility near Metropolis where he was being held. His memories of the escape are blurry, but he thinks he had some help. Coincidentally this happens just after the great battle between Superman and Doomsday. Because of his powers, people confuse Conner with a de-aged Superman, and he (also pretty confused, but shamelessly bluffing through it) takes the role happily.
Despite his attempts to take the name of Superman (he even copyrighted it... well, his agent did it) the media and most people ends up calling him Superboy (he looks about 16). He falls in with other super-hero kids of his age, including young Tim Drake, that is just starting his career as the third Robin. Together they have many adventures. Eventually Conner moves to Hawaii.
2018: After 'remembering' much of his VR experiences and reviewing his memory implants Conner accepts he couldn't possibly be Superman. However he is unable to find the facility where he escaped, or any trace of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. In truth he is not looking too hard. Living in the present and enjoying his life as Hawaii resident superhero.
2020: Conner returns to the East Coast after a series of tragedies pretty much make him want to leave Hawaii for time. He plans to attend college.
IC Journal
Conner's origin is shrouded in mystery even for himself. His memories before he escaped are false. Implants and virtual reality scenarios. He has been called a clone of Superman, but he has known for a couple years he is half-human. Or is he?
Faced with some existential problems, Conner seems to have decided to ignore them by running away, chasing girls, going to parties and getting into trouble. By not thinking about his past he avoids the angsting so many of his peers with less reasons for angst seem to fall into all the time. For him the present is more important.
His public image is that of a bold hero, impulsive and self-confident, a bit of a motormouth, a rebel, a jerk with a heart of gold. That is what he wants to be. It is a fun facade, and Conner only lets close friends to knew he does have issues. Issues about his identity, about relating to normal human and about peering too close into his past.
Character Sheet
Kryptonian Heritage:
Kryptonians look like humans but they aren't. They are more evolved than humans and they come from a high-gravity planet, which makes their muscular system much more efficient than the human one. Conner has inherited many of these traits.
Even without solar energy Conner is strong enough to lift about two tons, and his reflexes and stamina rival the finest human athletes. He is also extremely smart, although he rarely shows it, preferring action to reflection (and also due to having some friends that are even smarter). His unique hybrid physiology makes him immune to all terrestrial and Kryptonian diseases.
Solar Powered:
For unclear reasons (maybe ancient genetic engineering) Kryptonians under the radiation of yellow stars generate a battery of energy that activates vast superpowers. Being a half-kryptonian and a teenager, Conner energy reserves are small compared with pure, adult Kryptonians. But he is still growing, and his real potential (which will take over a decade to develop) is roughly half of Superman's. Right now it takes Conner about six hours of sunlight to fully recharge. He can sustain his powers indefinitely as long as he is receiving radiation, but indoors or during the night he can deplete his power if he uses them extensively for a few hours.
Right now he is strong enough to lift a tank, he is also tough enough to stand impacts of equivalent strength and can trade blows with mighty superhumans (although it would be foolish to challenge and adult Kryptonian or Hulk).
He can fly, and fast enough to achieve escape velocity and reach orbit.
He never physically tires unless he has depleted his solar energy reserves. He still mentally tires and needs to sleep, but far less than a normal human. He regenerates very quickly, even healing broken bones in mere minutes, and can survive injures that would kill outright any normal human and heal completely without scarring.
He can survive without breathing, although this taps directly from his energy reserves and will exhaust them in a few hours.
He can move fast. He is not supersonic (yet) but he can outrun almost any land vehicle. His reflexes are also such that he can catch arrows in flight and dodge bullets (which he can see because of his enhanced senses).
He has a vision range that goes deep into the infrared and microwaves (he can see radar stations glowing from orbit) and the ultraviolet. He can see in complete darkness. He can focus his eyes into very distant or very close ranges, having limited telescopic and microscopic vision. He can hear high frequencies, like a dog, and his aural acuity allows him to hear heartbeats at a hundred yards, and listen to conversations at twice that.
He can expel stored solar energy from his eyes in the form of infrared radiation. This 'heat vision' will deplete his energy reserves very quickly. Conner can reach maybe temperatures of 1200 Celsius. Enough to melt soft metals and get iron to red hot.
It should be noted Conner does not have the ability, or maybe has not figured yet how to use, X-ray vision or freezing super-breath.
Tactile Telekinesis:
Superboy's telekinesis is the only one of his powers that is not dependent on solar radiation. It comes from his human side, which means he technically is a mutant or meta-human (hard to say, his genetics are unique). Conner is a powerful telekinetic, but his powers usually only extend a couple inches of his body. He can reach a few yards by channeling his power through solid objects.
This 'tactile telekinesis' allows Conner lift about 30 tons, and exert equivalent force with his punches and kicks, as well as resist kinetic impacts of similar power by sustaining a forcefield around his body. This basic power use requires little concentration, and this forcefield will remain even if Conner is unconscious. This field is very effective towards physical attacks, but not as much against energy attacks.
By extended the forcefield around an object or person, Conner can protect or rend apart, or even skillfully dissemble complex machines. He was also able to fly at speeds of about 500 mph before his solar powers kicked in.
It should be noted Conner is able to 'feel' through his telekinesis and has been able of some remarkable stunts, including simulating super-earning (before he developed true super-hearing) by feeling the vibrations of sound after extending his forcefield over a large surface. It is not as good as X-Ray vision, but he can 'see' if there is someone behind a wall as long as that someone is touching the wall or the floor.
Memory Implants:
Conner received memory implants and training through virtual reality simulations that give him an excellent base of knowledge in science and culture. He is fluent in a few human languages, including French, Russian and Spanish, and likely several others. In fact he does exactly know what he 'knows' because he doesn't remember to have learned it. Sometimes he blurts out very specific information or realizes he can understand a foreign language he had never heard before.
It would be an error to call Superboy a great fighter. But he has been in a few super-powered brawls, he has some formal training in boxing and he has keen fighting instincts (alarmingly good sometimes). Added to his great speed and reflexes, this make him a fairly capable warrior. He has learned to control his strength pretty well, and he can knock out any normal human with a single punch without breaking anything important.
Things Learned:
Living in Hawaii a couple years, Conner learned to surf like a pro (or so he says) and he can dance in a club without looking silly.
Some Savings:
Superboy got an agent early on. A fairly sleazy, yet not fully incompetent goof, called Rex Leech. Rex even managed to trademark the Superman brand, and for a while Conner (and him) earned quite a bit of money from sold toys, action figures and T-shirts. Conner gave up the trademark quickly enough, but as Superboy he got quite famous and popular for a while.
He is no longer into public appearance or charging for his autographs, and he donated to charities most of his earning. Rex himself has moved on into other projects, although he still watches over a few small business ventures for Conner. This means Conner has some serious savings and a small stream of revenue. He likely can afford to go to a good university and even pay for a (modest) apartment in New York while he does. But he definitely will have to find a job afterwards.
Conner escaped N.O.W.H.E.R.E. with a black and red outfit of futuristic design and the S symbol on the chest. The suit is a smart cloth that self-repair apparently draining a small amount of Conner energy. It is extremely tough, to the point of being really useful as protection when he relied in his tactile telekinesis for combat. ( The outfit also had numerous bio-monitoring sensors. But Conner's friends removed them long ago. Conner no longer uses this suit unless he is going into a long mission involving very hazardous situations. He prefers a leather jacket, jeans and boots. But he kept the red S in a black field as his personal 'super' logo and has it on his chest. A black T-shirt with bit red S is his main 'outfit' nowadays.
Kryptonite radiation is deadly to Kryptonians and Conner is Kryptonian enough it affects him too. The presence of Kryptonite causes intense pain and negates Conner powers (including his telekinesis - as his whole metabolism is disrupted) and will cause him go unconscious after a minute exposure or so. Enough time under the radiation -might- kill him, but he can survive exposure considerably longer than a normal Kryptonian.
Kryptonian invulnerability does not work well against magic. Magical weapons cut through it easily. As do destructive spells that otherwise seem to lack the force to hurt him. It should be noted his telekinesis can protect him against magic and magic weapons, so he has some defenses normal Kryptonians lack.
Red Solar Radiation:
The bulk of Conner superpowers require him receiving yellow sun radiation. Without a constant influx or radiation, he will be depowered after about a week (or a few hours if he uses his powers intensively). Also, the presence of red sun radiation causes his batteries to deplete pretty quickly and he would lose his Kryptonian powers in minutes. He would keep his telekinesis, though.
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Conner Kent has
285 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Donut binge | March 17th, 2025 | Laura is not a clone, but she is still troubled by her past, therefore... donuts! |
Conner doesn't like coffee | March 4th, 2025 | Superboy gets identified by someone (Caleb) he met in Greenland weeks ago. He REALLY should wear glasses. And learn to love coffee. |
Rose is back. Back again. | February 13th, 2025 | Rose returns to the Roost to immediately taunt both Tim and Conner. |
Big Trouble in Little Scandinavia | February 6th, 2025 | A group of heroes travels to Greenland and stops (delays?) the zombie apocalypse! |
Trust but verify | January 18th, 2025 | Laura runs some tests on the samples she got from Spiral. And Conner updates her on the island of Gamorra and the ongoing mystery about illegal cyborg part sales. |
Running over rooftops | December 9th, 2024 | Conner finds Longshot running over the NYC rooftops. He investigated. All clear, now he just needs to forget Longshot is his real name, because vigilantes shouldn't give their real names. Or something. |
Catching up is happy to do | November 20th, 2024 | The friends catch up |
Stranded on the Beach | October 14th, 2024 | A ferry going to Manhattan is sabotaged, Noa does repairs |
The Refugee Warlord | September 26th, 2024 | Blackfire arrives on Earth. Surprisingly, no punches were thrown, but there was an ultimatum. TL;DR Tell my sister I said 'Hi'. |
The Flickering Building | September 9th, 2024 | A building goes missing and Jinx falls. Also a nutjob steals hundreds of the same building for a big kaboom. |
Checking the Roost's Pantry. | September 8th, 2024 | Friends catch up, and wonder about timey wimey things |
Moving on, or something | September 7th, 2024 | Conner visits Superman's polar hideout to try to find out more about the incoming world-eating menace. |
Interview with the Author | August 17th, 2024 | Conner interviews a comic-book writer. For truth! (and to pay the rent). He also meets Gwen Poole, the ninja hero with a codename even worse than his own. |
Catching up with Cass. Vampires did what | August 7th, 2024 | Cassandra drops by the Roost and Conner finds her for a brief catch-up |
Mutie Harassment | July 27th, 2024 | No description |
something-something about Mutant Town | July 27th, 2024 | No description |
Snikt & Sake | July 20th, 2024 | Tim puts Laura into one of the worst positions known to man: Birthday Girl. |
Fighting on the Fly in the Sky | July 11th, 2024 | Conner and Monet try some flight training. |
Another Friday in the Roost | June 21st, 2024 | After the field trip to Tijuana, Conner tries to draw the attention of the Outsiders towards Gamorra |
What is up in Gamorra | June 21st, 2024 | Carrie and Conner compare notes post-Tijuana |
Yacht Party | June 8th, 2024 | The Outsiders fight off Gila and the Hunter-Killers and manage to capture some criminals. The submarine-yacht blows up, but they can have the party in the batplane, so nothing important is lost. |
Don't Drink the Water III | June 1st, 2024 | Zombie cyborgs. A motorboat chase. And a cliffhanger as Mr. Gila finally shows up. They didn't drink the water, but can they survive the yacht party? |
Don't Drink the Water II | May 25th, 2024 | The Outsiders found a cyborg storage area and one of the Sinaloa Cartel suspects, but she ran! TBC |
And Don't Drink the Water | May 18th, 2024 | The Outsiders travel to Tijuana to find more about the cybernetic gangers and find them... in a church. To be continued soon! |
Why can't the bad guys be in Hawaii | May 5th, 2024 | Tonight Outsiders weekend movies include talking about cyborg gangs possibly hidding in Tijuana. Field trip soon |
Shorta-kinda clone-brother | April 29th, 2024 | The first attempt or Kon and Jon to get to know each other better semi-fails due to the usual emergency, but it is a start! |
Return to the Roost | April 10th, 2024 | Roost Chatter! |
The Patron of the Hegemony | March 24th, 2024 | The mystery of how the Hegemony has such technological superiority is revealed. They are cheating. Their emperor is none other than Vohc, the Kryptonian god of Building. This battle just got a whole lot harder. |
It's Another Birthday! | March 23rd, 2024 | Cake is had! Also, best birthday present ever! And Kiden gets to share it with friends, which makes everything better! |
Unintended Consequences-A cultural display | March 16th, 2024 | The Exhibit is a success; except for exposing the fact that an alien flower is alive and well and ready to create chaos. |
A taste for heroics | March 7th, 2024 | No description |
Back from the Dead - Medbay | February 23rd, 2024 | Conner confronts Phoebe, who appears to be grabbing her things from the Medlab and moving out of the Roost |
Bad Mix in the Cauldron | February 12th, 2024 | When a large, gasoline spewing Metahuman starts to cause issues in Burnley, the Outsiders are there to lend a hand. |
Pizza and movies, and stolen FBI files | February 2nd, 2024 | A few Outsiders gather to talk about rogue cyborgs and movies |
Better and Crazier | January 20th, 2024 | The Outsiders and the Shadow interrupt a gang meeting and have to fight three strange cyborgs. Mr. Gila seems to be behind the cybernetics, but wasn't he trafficking with bioengineered animals last year? Well, the Outsiders have the directions to a couple of black market cyberclinics, they can go ask him! |
The Way of the Hegemony | January 2nd, 2024 | The unexpected journey to an unknown planet ends in a battle to free the people from a Hegemony ship and its captain Gn-Ga. Using Singularity to get back home, they now know more about the threat than before. |
Moles on the Farm | December 29th, 2023 | Nick Nottles (who gets kidnapped so often he should get a punch card) hosts The Moles (Oppo, Norjak and Clem) along with the Outsiders for a rural Christmas on the Farm. You won't see everyone piled into a 'slay' looking for 'snipes', but you can imagine everyone piled in to a sleigh pulled by the local marvel, The Monster. |
One Christmas present | December 21st, 2023 | Kiden wants a vinyl record player for Christmas. A what? |
Shield Made-Ins | December 11th, 2023 | Outsiders Training Room opportunity develops into maudlin frustrations at existence. Otherwise fairly normal. |
Around the Roost | December 8th, 2023 | Conner and Kiden check out the labs... ROSE RETURNS!! |
The Siege of New Krypton | November 19th, 2023 | An SOS was raised and the Superfriends leave Earth to discover New Krypton under siege by the Kryptonian Hegemony. A battle with robots insues buying the time to come up with a scientific solution to the problem. More like a patch over a wound than a real solution though. They'll be back... |
Campus Date! | November 17th, 2023 | Conner shows Kiden around the ESU campus and they chat about the future. |
Robbinsville Roundup | November 10th, 2023 | A Joint Bat and Outsider operation ends with Saif Hassan in custody, Rook (Damian Wayne) not liking Flux (Kiden Nixon). The path is laid out. What could happen to the next stop? |
It's Always Raining in Gotham City | November 9th, 2023 | A meeting with the newest Outsider, pizza and Laura's hot sauce are involved. |
Date Night Dumplings! | November 5th, 2023 | Dumplings were had (so many!), and plans were made! |
Track Down the Sixth | November 1st, 2023 | The Outsiders, Rook of the Batfam, and new friend Flux investigate an operation. Saif slips through their fingers with a magical teleport. |
New Krypton Work Release Program | October 29th, 2023 | The Supers and their Friends have their first encounter with the Kryptonian Hegemony fleet under the command of General Zod. It is a narrow escape against overwhelming fire power. The threat is barely understood - but our Zod and his criminal cohort proved themselves today. There's hope yet. |
Back to NY | October 29th, 2023 | Conner returns from Gotham to find Kiden still in his apartment. They have pizza and talk about raves. |
Friends & family, old and new. | October 28th, 2023 | Kiden and Laura run into each other after a long time. Conner drops in and offers Kiden a place to crash. Have we witnessed the birth of X-23 mutant match-maker? The world can only hope we have not.... |
Bops the Bots! | October 27th, 2023 | Toyman was thwarted, though not captured, and a tasty meal was had! |
Long Time No Talk! | October 22nd, 2023 | Food was had and two friends got in a good catch up! |
Cozumel Search and Rescue Relief | October 10th, 2023 | In the aftermath of the tsunami that struck Cozumel, a group of heroes work rescue and relief under the harsh eye of the press! |
IT CAME FROM BENEATH THE FOOD TRUCK! | September 21st, 2023 | When a large mechanical montrousity upsets downtown Manhattan, Superboy (Conner Kent), M (Monet St. Croix), Vermilion (Jane Roe) and and Caleb Dykstra (with Sheila) arrive to save the day! |
Kandor: The Last of Krypton | September 3rd, 2023 | The planet New Krypton is founded, the bottled city of Kandor is restored to some form of its splendor. But then the Oans make their move, sending a force of Lanterns and battle spheres to destroy the Kryptonians once and for all. The heroes of Earth clue by four the Lanterns in to the reality of the situation and the tide of the battle is turned... but at what cost? |
Harlem Nocturne | August 23rd, 2023 | Closing out an old scene. |
Thinking with Kryptonian Portals | August 18th, 2023 | Preparations for the settlement of New Krypton are well underway. Caitlin and Monet are the first humans to set foot on the planet. |
Grad-ual Measures | August 13th, 2023 | Tim's graduation party is sprung sucsessfully. All are given brownies. |
Kandor: City of Hope | July 30th, 2023 | The House of El and their allies head back in to the Bottle of Kandor to find out what really happened. But their hearts ache doing nothing and instead take matters in to their own hands... |
Herald of Misfortune, Pt. 2 | July 29th, 2023 | The Outsiders investigate a wastewater facility while searching for three missing persons. Who they, unfortunately, find... having been mutated into giant lizard people. |
Herald of Misfortune | July 28th, 2023 | The Outsiders investigate the disappearances of several journalists from right within the Gotham Herald building. What they find isn't good. To be continued! |
Kandor: Into the Bottle | July 15th, 2023 | The Kryptonians and friends head in to the bottled city of Kandor to learn of the struggles there-in and a dictator who serves Brainiac. A flame is lit and hope begins to spread. |
Something About Kandor | June 24th, 2023 | Conner asks Alura about Kandor and other Kryptonian issues |
Kandor: Superbrainiacman | June 4th, 2023 | A significant portion of Earth's mightiest heroes mount a rescue mission to save Superman from Brainiac. For some of them, they faced more than they bargained for. For Brainiac, he missed the most important part when he cloned Superman - heart. |
Superboys and Normal Girls | May 19th, 2023 | Mary Jane and Superboy catchup at a cafe in the ways life has been weird. |
Sticks and Stones II Pt II | April 28th, 2023 | The day is saved by a group of plucky young heroes and some highly experienced mole people! |
Sticks and Stones II | April 14th, 2023 | When a museum of birch bark basket making disappears down a sinkhole that weirdly shifts to the north, the Outsiders gather to try and find the cause, and rescue Nick Nottles and other Metropolis University history students.
They stumble across friends of Tim's, the mole-people Oppo, Norjak and Clem and their Subterrain THE UNDEFEATED, and hitch a ride. Next they fight the LOTH IMPERIAL, who seem to have taken the whole of the (small) mill museum -- but for what dastardly purpose? Find out next time in -- STICKS AND STONES II PT II! |
Young, Just Us! Part 3 | March 25th, 2023 | A brief trip through space-and-time lands the Outsiders precisely where they're needed, to take down the monstrous Rip Roar! |
Astra's Final Solution - Peace | March 24th, 2023 | The Superfriends travel to Revolution Day, an important event in Kryptonian history when the Hegemony was toppled and the future of the planet was decided. It is here they find Astra about to change history for the worst; and also who was really behind it all - a god named Vohc. |
Young, Just Us! Part 2 | March 11th, 2023 | The Outsiders go camping, take some pics at the giant sequoias, and go on a hike in the forest. Then something weird happens. To Be Continued! |
Astra's Final Solution - Project P718 | March 11th, 2023 | The Superfriends travel back farther in to Krypton's past than they intended and find themselves locked in to a fixed point in time, the birth moment of Brainiac. They calibrate their time travel instruments and move on and totally didn't stop a nuclear apocalypse at all. Ssssh. |
Young, Just Us! Part 1 | February 25th, 2023 | The team makes it to San Francisco! Unfortunately the rain spoils any immediate plans for vacation, but it's nothing a good sleepover can't fix. |
Astra's Final Solution - The Time Machine | February 25th, 2023 | When Astra In-Ze turns up in a scout ship declaring she's |
What we found in the Antarctica | February 22nd, 2023 | Alura and Conner catch Kal up on what they found in the antarctic and what the plan is going forward to restore the Sanctuary of Solitude. |
Not A Birthday Gathering | February 19th, 2023 | A Very Not-A-Birthday full of meetings and good food. |
The Sanctuary of Solitude | February 11th, 2023 | The Sanctuary of Solitude is found, but it was corrupted by Kryptonite and has become an ecological nightmare that is the responsibility of the Kryptonians to clean up. It will take years. |
Who is missing now | February 4th, 2023 | Conner is doing some research and meets Mercy and Marie-Ange |
Waking Up in the Roost | January 15th, 2023 | Velocity wakes up at the Outsiders' medbay and meets Phoebe and Gabby. |
Cash Grab Job | January 13th, 2023 | Carin is lured into a trap by Cyberdata's minions, but manages to escape with the help of X-23 and Superboy. NPCs baddies: Rancor Deathstrike and Megawatt, Image D-listers but totally canon. |
Slumlord Open Forum | December 29th, 2022 | Alura gets to meet Conner properly while also righting a low rent housing wrong. |
It is so late it is early | December 14th, 2022 | Late night and after a failed stake-out three Outsiders talk about life and drugs and the usual |
Phantom In-Ze | December 4th, 2022 | Alura makes a desperate attempt to escape the Phantom Zone. Thankfully family and friends turned up and helped out, taking a leap of faith. Welcome to ,Rth, Alura In-Ze. |
Dinner at the Roost | November 26th, 2022 | The Outsiders celebrate the end of National Game & Puzzle Week. |
Turkey-day ideas | November 23rd, 2022 | Thanksgiving is coming and a pair without family ponder the day |
Buddy Movie in how many minutes | November 21st, 2022 | Bart has two buddies over but no movies just pizza and friends. |
A Rare Respite of Relaxing Recreation | November 4th, 2022 | A few of the Outsiders catch up over eclairs. |
Taming the Tigress: Jailbreak! | October 29th, 2022 | While Art rushes to warn her mom, a jailbreak wrecks Havok at her prison and League agents move in.. |
Movie Night for two | October 16th, 2022 | A lovely Romantic Comidy was watched. Popcorn devoured. Sodas and Suds drunk. Bond scheduled for another night. |
The smell of success | October 15th, 2022 | Laura and Conner catch up in the Roosts storage level. Conner refuses to involve his love life with Laura's schemes. |
A Bittersweet Goodbye | October 2nd, 2022 | No matter what pitfalls stand in the path
Nor angel's ire, nor demon's wrath When one mournful chapter finds its closing They'll stand by you, a family chosen. Phoebe acknowledges she'll never get the answers to the questions that drove her to desperation, and rather than pursue, she lets go. |
The Animal Un-Fair | September 30th, 2022 | They knew mixing T-Rex and shark DNA was a bad idea. But they had to do it. For SCIENCE. No, really, it was a pet sale. Of sharks. It couldn't end well. |
Target: Outsiders I | September 24th, 2022 | The Outsiders briefly become the hunted, but the demon Volroxach hadn't counted on Flashbangs, Adamantium, and Conner Kent. |
Priority Mission, Codename: Onomatopoeia Pistachio | September 23rd, 2022 | The Outsiders respond to a metahuman sighting at a local fall fair just outside of Gotham and <insert nut pun here>, but they manage to save the day despite <insert another nut pun here>. Did they learn the danger of being too punny in the field? ...probably nut. |
SHIELD and Secrets | September 22nd, 2022 | Mary Jane talks to Superboy about her work in SHIELD and clears the air some. |
Humanizing the Qira, Take 3! | September 20th, 2022 | No description |
It is Music, probably | September 19th, 2022 | Conner takes Rose to a concert for catching up and dancing. Avoiding fights, too. |
Hail Unglorious Hydra | September 11th, 2022 | A group of varied heroes show up to save the day against the evil forces of Hydra! |
New Phone Who Dis | September 11th, 2022 | Lunch turns into a lesson in music! |
Even Heros need some pizza | September 10th, 2022 | An almost date, or friends sharing a pie at one of the best places in town. Or was Rose just trying to build up the courage to face someone she disappointed? Friends help bolster the spirit. |
Rose is cooking, with music | September 7th, 2022 | There is loud music going in the Roost as Rose shows she has been learning more than just ways to beat up people. What is going on? First Laura, and now Rose can cook too? This is a sign of the End Times! |
Well you see, what had happened... | September 5th, 2022 | Conner meets another meta in Gotham, but this one is a little odder than most! |
Priority Mission, Codename: Corduroy Sasquatch | September 3rd, 2022 | The Outsiders answer a priority alert message and take down a massive creature terrorizing the old fashion district of Gotham. |
Jackets and Patches | August 19th, 2022 | Conner and Rose catch up until Gabby joins their game of pool |
Sonja and Superboy | August 12th, 2022 | Mary Jane finally tells Superboy about Red Sonja. |
Unicorn Hunt I: Central Park | August 6th, 2022 | Heroes gather to hunt the first unicorn released by Tabitha Smith in Central Park, NYC. Laconian, the Wood Guardian, is returned home, and has given Phoebe the names of his compatriates in bondage -- Epirote the Ice Mist and Achaean, the Firebound. Superboy did not get gored; Red Sonja (Mary Jane Watson) got to wrestle down a fantastic beast, Wonder Woman lassoed a Unicorn, while Hope Summers and Rose Wilson provided cover fire with tranq darts while wrestling with the local greenery after an initial stone-cold reception. |
Youth Springs Eternal | August 6th, 2022 | Hope bumps into Phoebe and Conner and gives the weirdest darkest peep speech to Phoebe |
Rooftop Green | August 1st, 2022 | Conner Kent comes up for some of that rare Gotham sunlight and finds Phoebe Beacon gardening on the roof. They discuss what they got X23 (Laura Kinney) for her birthday, and Conner reminds Phoebe she's more than 'the thought that counts'. |
Mayhem on the Gotham Express | July 30th, 2022 | When two rival groups of assassins both come after the same target the Outsiders have to save an innocent woman from danger! Unsurprisingly Laura Kinney proves to be bad at throwing parties. |
Ballet Recital | July 24th, 2022 | FyreMuse studios presents, A Night at the Ballet! Featuring Cassandra Cain as a main performer. Subtext includes: family reuninon, innocent beauty, and joy. Lots of joy. |
Meanwhile, in Outsiderland | July 22nd, 2022 | A evening meeting of Outsiders at the Roost. Rose is back. Laura sneaks. Phoebe is hurt. |
Something About Summer | June 29th, 2022 | Conner and MJ go to a concert and nothing explodes. Conner still doesn't know she is a secret agent, tsk. |
Abandoned Warehouse Investigation | June 24th, 2022 | Hope Summers, Connor Kent and Emma Frost discover a warehouse containing MGH. However, they also find more than they were expecting. |
A Coffee Break | June 17th, 2022 | a spy, a super-clone, and a spider-girl walk into an ice cream parlor... |
Some things need more fixing than others. | June 11th, 2022 | Laura does some work on a motorcycle and agrees to help Megan with her scooter. Conner suggests finding ways to have fun. Everyone agrees The Facility should be stopped. |
After the Wheel | May 30th, 2022 | Mary Jane meets Superboy after he saves the day from being run over by a wheel. |
Of Kryptonians and Barbarians | May 28th, 2022 | In which Superboy and Haze take care of the driving hazard that is Big Wheel and find that most ancient and mysterious of things, a telephone booth! |
Thorny Questions | May 21st, 2022 | Laura reviews intel in the dining room. M'gann and Conner both stop in to say hi. They chat about recent developments with the Outsiders and M'gann fools everyone with her smile. |
Lab Rats in the Roost | May 18th, 2022 | No description |
Informal Team Meeting | May 15th, 2022 | Several of the Outsiders meet by accident. |
A bit of Hope, and more work for the Outsiders | May 8th, 2022 | There is a new drug for mutants in the street and Hope visits the Roost to see if the Outsiders would help investigating it origins and remove it from the streets |
Game Night with Friends! | April 23rd, 2022 | A fun night of Overcooked between friends! |
Daemonites in the Dark | April 13th, 2022 | The Outsiders run into some Daemonites possessing kids in an abandoned warehouse. |
Party like there is no N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | April 3rd, 2022 | The Outsiders have their victory party. Tim drinks too much coffee. Laura wears a dress. Robbie gets tagged as suspect of dating Gabby (he is innocent). And other normal things. |
Secret of the Sisters: Resolutions | April 1st, 2022 | The Outsiders and friends regroup after the attack on Alchemax. Wounds are healed, plans are made, Deadpool is itchy. |
Deviant and Damnation | March 19th, 2022 | Some Deviants deign to do dark things. They're met while pursuing kids by a group of heroes that are united against them no matter their origin. Members of the Brotherhood, the Outsiders, and the Titans stop a group of victims from being taken. And they've met the new guest stars front and center. And so the stage is set for the next dark and creepy caper to start.. Stay tuned Deviants. Stay tuned.. |
Secret of the Sisters: Return to Alchemax | March 19th, 2022 | The Outsiders and Deadpool move to infiltrate Alchemax only to find Gabby's missing sister already broke in. In the ensuing chaos, a new, unexpected threat is released. The dead puppeted but aware of what went on? What horrors is up with this Project Ryker they discovered? |
Our Last Days in N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | March 16th, 2022 | The captive heroes manage to rescue Phoebe and finally confront Dr. Harvest. Thanks to the rescue team attack (scene 10489) they don't have to deal with a horde of superhumans and they manage to overcome their adversaries. NPCs Warblade, Omen, Leash and Harvest himself are captured, and Colony Zero is taken. SHIELD and the Russian government likely end with a lot of super-tech and mad scientists. N.O.W.H.E.R.E. is essentially destroyed. |
At the gates of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | March 16th, 2022 | The Outsiders and their allies assault Colony Zero, defeating and capturing the bulk of the remaning N.O.W.H.E.R.E. agents. NPCs: Templar, Match, Bright Eyes, Hammersmith, Psykill, Windshear. All captured. |
Secret of the Sisters: Part One | March 5th, 2022 | Gabby reveals the secrets of her and her clone sisters to Laura, Deadpool, Bart and Emiko. They realize the urgent need to get to Alchemax to solve a growing problem. |
Tuesday in N.O.W.H.E.R.E. Part 4 | February 18th, 2022 | Nadia spends her free time in N.O.W.H.E.R.E. making new friends. (NPC: Fuji) |
Happy Birthday Phoebe! | February 14th, 2022 | Tim Drake springs a 'Surprise' Birthday Party on Phoebe, with members of Justice League Dark and The Outsiders in attendence. Everything goes off without a hitch due to Outsiders, Batfam, JLD and new friend Arrowfam Emiko making sure assassins didn't infiltrate the Gotham Pinball Museum & Arcade. Everyone eats tons of Japanese Food, Onion Maiden food and So Much Cake and Cupcakes.
For just one night, Phoebe is able to focus on her friends and the ties that bind them together. Special Appearance from Chas Chandler, whose gift is going to make Phoebe cry for like, three hours at least. |
No, Robocop was not a Sentinel | February 12th, 2022 | Saturday at the Roost, movie night is planned because Hope doesn't know what Cyberpunk means |
Tuesday in N.O.W.H.E.R.E. Part 3 | February 5th, 2022 | Escaping her cell in Colony Zero, Phoebe goes looking for blood (her own blood). She ends up meeting in one of NOWHERE head researchers, and it does not go well. The sadistic Doctor Centerhall won't be underestimating magicians ever again. |
Good to be home | February 4th, 2022 | Conner catches Hope in the kitchen, raiding the fridge. They agree to pick up what they started a year ago. |
Tuesday in N.O.W.H.E.R.E. Part 2 | January 18th, 2022 | Free to roam through Colony Zero for a few hours, Laura decides that explosions are the answer to their problems and blows up N.O.W.H.E.R.E. manufacturing facilities |
A Raid at N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | January 15th, 2022 | The Outsiders and their allies find Colony Seven and manage to overcome Keeper and Misbelief psychic powers, capturing the N.O.W.H.E.R.E. complex and finding the information they were looking for: the location of Colony Zero and their kidnapped teamates. |
It is Tuesday in N.O.W.H.E.R.E. (Part 1) | January 11th, 2022 | Red Robin sneaks out of his birdcage N.O.W.H.E.R.E. to explore Colony Zero. He finds Conner's prison, and he leaves him there! |
To Strike Back N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | January 9th, 2022 | The Outsiders and friends gather to exchange information. Viv is quite sure she has found another of NOWHERE bases. They will go investigate. |
Attacked from N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | January 4th, 2022 | The Outsiders secret base is attacked by N.O.W.H.E.R.E.'s army. Robin, Balm and X-23 are captured! Superboy is missing! Blue Bird buried alive! NPCs: Templar, Match, Bright Eyes, Warblade, Crush, Thunder, Lightning, Windshear and Leash. NOTE: This scene is forward-dated to some point in the future to avoid scene-lock. Date of Scene will be updated at the conclusion of the arc! (This scene is still technically pending a future timing!) |
Picking up the pieces after N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | January 4th, 2022 | In the aftermath of the attack on the Roost by N.O.W.H.E.R.E., the remaining team has to reckon with the absence of Red Robin, Superboy, Balm, and X-23 while also protecting the Outsiders from potential discovery. Thankfully, with a little bit of adult supervision (and medical aid) by the Archivist and a surprise special appearance by Karen Starr, Honey Badger secures the Roost with the help of Impulse and Miss Martian. Injured and unconscious Bluebird and Pixie are both evacuated. NOTE: This scene is forward-dated to some point in the future to avoid scene-lock. Date of Scene will be updated at the conclusion of the arc! (This scene is still technically pending a future timing!) |
Old Ft. Booksmore | December 29th, 2021 | A Blanket Fort in the Rec Room of the Roost becomes a forward camp for belated holiday gifts, party planning, and war planning. Phoebe openly invites everyone to the End of the World, Tim plans to rent out a trampoline/laser tag place for a party. The only thing that was agreed on?
Tacos. |
N.O.W.H.E.R.E. But Up From Here | December 27th, 2021 | Nadia and Tim meet with Harvest and he tells them the why of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. |
Invited to N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | December 18th, 2021 | Laura and Phoebe meet N.O.W.H.E.R.E.'s leader, Dr. Harvest. They also attempt to stab and burn him. He only wanted to talk! |
Somewhere near N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | December 7th, 2021 | The kidnapped Outsiders + Nadia wake up for an interview with N.O.W.H.E.R.E.'s residents psychic. Nadia is salty about her drugged Chai. NPCs: Match and Omen. |
Highway to N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | December 6th, 2021 | Nadia meets Fuji in a lonely highway. And decides to visit N.O.W.H.E.R.E. because SCIENCE! Of course it is a trap. She know it is a trap. They know she knows it is a trap. But does she knows they know she knows it is a trap? Probably, as they roofied her Chai, the villains! |
Outsiders, Meet Thoth Dad, MD | December 4th, 2021 | Wherein the Outsiders are introduced to the long-suffering Archivist, who has been brought in by Red Robin to provide informal mental health counseling, self care advice, and some basic adulting skills. |
Fairy Tails the Others | November 27th, 2021 | Outsiderish Socialish in the Rec Room. Some things get Rec-ed. There are lemon poppyseed cookies |
Recovering in the Medbay | November 26th, 2021 | A recovering Megan catches up with Bart and Conner |
A dark fairytale | November 21st, 2021 | Megan is assisted by the Outsiders in rescuing young witches who have been kidnapped and drained by Spider Monsters! |
Disorganized Crime | November 20th, 2021 | Two members of the Outsiders are dispatched to intercept a potential superpowered interlocutor in an ongoing turf war between the Italian mafia and Russian mob. While attempting to subdue the KGBeast, X-23 and Superboy encounter a zombie and Gwenpool. Hard to tell which was more confusing, to be honest! |
Roost Chats | November 6th, 2021 | Conner and Hope discuss the roles of vigilantes. And also movies. |
Outsiders Movie Night, now with extra TIGER | November 6th, 2021 | The Outsiders will be watching The Third Man and Seven tonight. Also, there is Siberian Tiger in the Roost and this time Bart has nothing to do with it. |
Everyone Wants the Cutting Edge | November 4th, 2021 | In which what starts as a heist ends in a rout. Reavers trying to upgrade their tech are thwarted by a demi-god, a half-alien, a mutant mage, and a Spider-Man. |
When We Last Left Our Intrepid Adventurers... | October 31st, 2021 | The Outsiders come together for a special Halloween edition of a long-standing (and long-paused) D&D campaign. New members are initiated to the party, a haunted manse is explored, and ultimately the great, terrible beast lurking in the attic is slain. The group earns some experience points and a haunted orchestra of mechanical instruments. Plans are put in place for more meetings around the gaming table in the future. |
N.O.W.H.E.R.E. in the Dark | October 30th, 2021 | The Outsiders invade Colony 1 and find a nightmare. Mix aliens and zombies and we will get N.O.W.H.E.R.E. |
Birthright: Cairo Connection | October 29th, 2021 | The Outsiders and Zatanna Zatara manage to break onto a truck, destroy the appropriate cursed objects |
Planning the Rainbow Revenge | October 20th, 2021 | Harper discusses ideas of how to handle the gang that's been bothering her brother with two of the OG Outsiders. |
Unlock N.O.W.H.E.RE. | October 17th, 2021 | Conner brings Nadia the contents of the box found in the ruins of Colony 2. She is confident with the information she can crack the tesseracts. |
...and good friends help you move bodies | October 11th, 2021 | Conner drags Laura and Tim into a corpse-recovering scene at Colony 2. It is about as fun as expected. Mild horror warning. |
A Cracked Gem | September 29th, 2021 | Amy Winston gets an unexpected visitor in her hospital room, one who seems to know she is also Princess Amethyst. A conversation ensues. |
A Cry for Help | September 28th, 2021 | Having called out to the Outsiders after her recent 'testing' by Oracle, Bluebird is brought to the Roost by Superboy. There she meets Impulse and Red Robin doesn't help her out (promise Batman!)... honestly, she's just left in their fabrication lab and given a selection of security equipment she can set up in her apartment.
(Continuity Note: This is a direct follow up to the Follow White Rabbit scene.) |
The Rebellion Will Be Televised | September 21st, 2021 | Thanks to the efforts of Gotham's valiant defenders, Princess Amethyst is saved from her Gemworld pursuers and the forces of darkness are beaten back! ...for now. |
Birthright: Nekhet Exhibit | September 21st, 2021 | Not quite opening night goes deadly and awry. Mickey Rogers, originally held responsible for Phoebe's kidnapping and torture beneath the Silo has been released from prison. Lydia's ectoplasmic shield convinced a bunch of Gotham socialites that there was a curse that had come to life, even as John Constantine and Lydia Dietrich shut the curse down. Tim provides a get-away car and saves the day by an electrifying spur-of-the-moment plan, Laura and Superboy execute a well-down extraction for a panic-stricken Phoebe, and somewhere Jason Todd probably has a bottle of champagne and a platter of roast beef canapes all to himself. |
Harper Gets /Two/ Visitors! | September 14th, 2021 | Following (pretty obvious) clues left by Harper, Red Robin visits her apartment with Superboy. Discussions occur, advice to /not/ be a vigilante is given and then a contact phone is provided.
(Continuity Note: This is a direct follow up to the No Bat-Signal This... cut scenes.) |
Where in the world is N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | September 14th, 2021 | The Outsiders find and raid one of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. bases. A place that was nowhere. |
Living in N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | September 14th, 2021 | In the aftermath of the battle at NOWHERE's Colony 2, the Outsiders refocus and have a brief talk with David Umber, a renegade member of the organization. |
Tim Doesn't Actually Know Everything | September 11th, 2021 | Conner and M'gann get an update about an ongoing investigation from Tim-the-Outsiders-team-leader, and then Conner and Tim-the-person-behind-the-mask have a long talk. |
A Brief Jaunt Home | September 5th, 2021 | Phoebe makes a stop to restock both her medical bag and her candy drawer. There is dissatisfaction, and the team meets Lonnie. |
Competitive Games | September 3rd, 2021 | No description |
Karaoke Night | August 28th, 2021 | The Outsiders meet for sushi and karaoke. Scout the dalmation is the goodest boy, Cassandra is the breakout star of the night, and Gabby is appointed a full member of the team. Then everyone sang Bohemian Rhapsody, the end. |
Life in Greenwich | August 15th, 2021 | Hope drops by the Village to see what Conner is up to. |
Outsider Saturday | July 31st, 2021 | It is Saturday morning at the Roost. And M'gann cooked ALL the food. She was bored. |
Storm of the Century | July 24th, 2021 | The Outsiders are called to a hostage situation on the high seas! Yes, technically they fight pirates, and there are enough ninja-types on the team for the makings of a joke. Pretend there's one here. |
Visit to College | July 23rd, 2021 | Conner shows Monet the ESU campus and they have lunch together. No supervillains were punched in this log. We will fix that in the next one. |
The return of Vaguey McNotell Pants | July 22nd, 2021 | Rose returns after a few months doing maybe possibly Not Good Things |
N.O.W.H.E.R.E. is up to N.O. good | July 10th, 2021 | The Outsiders travel to Yucatan to capture the Three Deadly Brothers. The interrupt N.O.W.H.E.R.E. attack on the crimelord Xavier Cujo, survive the Troika trying to blow them up, and escape with a prisoner. NPCs: H.A.R.M., Attica and Slag. |
Jason Todd and the clones | July 4th, 2021 | Laura & Conner introduce Gabby, the newest Outsider, to Jason. |
M and Superboy Assist the NYPD | June 25th, 2021 | On her way to a pampering at a spa, Monet meets Superboy. They exchange pleasantries, she gives him her phone number and the two of them help the NYPD thwart a jewelry heist turned high speed chase. |
To End N.O.W.H.E.R.E. (you know what I mean!) | June 20th, 2021 | Conner and Hope visit GIRL's HQ to talk about N.O.W.H.E.R.E. with Nadia and Viv |
Nadia's First Birthday | June 20th, 2021 | Nadia's first real birthday is /amazing/. Mission Accomplished. |
Outsiders' Saturday | June 12th, 2021 | Just another weekend at the Roost |
A Little Bit of Gotham Trouble | May 29th, 2021 | Conner, Phoebe and Roy go to the Gotham Botanical Garden and save a dying llama orchid. |
One Afternoon in High-Town | May 28th, 2021 | The Outsiders spend an afternoon in a high-town Madripoor hotel. |
One Night in Madripoor | May 28th, 2021 | The Outsiders travel to Madripoor to stop a weapon shipment heading for Gotham. They find cyborg zombies and Gamorra technology. NPCs: Hunter-Killers. Borgia (unnamed). |
Fancy meeting you here! | May 14th, 2021 | Conner and Gwen find out they are neighbors. Gwen teases him about his secret identity! Maybe using glasses are in order. |
Teams are Balancing Acts | May 8th, 2021 | The Outsiders have a little informal training in the Roost and chat about why everyone in Gotham hates clowns. |
Quick and Annoying | May 4th, 2021 | Ghost Spider and Superboy confront jewel thief Speed Demon. Newsflash: speedsters are annoying. Also, Conner should wear glasses. |
Visitors from N.O.W.H.E.R.E. | May 3rd, 2021 | N.O.W.H.E.R.E. attempts to recruit Nadia (or else!). They came prepared for her, but not for Viv Vision. Guest stars (NPCs) Dr. Zaniel Templar, Brighteyes and the mighty Fuji. |
Parting Ways Among the Stars | April 27th, 2021 | Some food and drink is enjoyed before the ships part ways, though the Raacal has an additional unexpected passenger for the journey. |
Awkward In Spaaaace | April 26th, 2021 | Conner -finally- has the guts to go talk to Lois about what and who he is. |
Krypton or Bust: Argo City | April 17th, 2021 | Argo City never made it to K-2 and the last of its people perished. But the last of Krypton -- Zod and the House of El, find a common ground laying the city and its people to rest. |
Catching up on things | April 16th, 2021 | No description |
All work and no play make Balm something... | April 11th, 2021 | Outsiders casual time; Phoebe is filling her time while she's not attending school, Conner needs a chair -- but not one that can handle five hundred pounds -- and Laura gets to play common sense filter. What else are friends for? |
Krypton or Bust: The Dead Planet | April 8th, 2021 | The journey takes them to the Rao system, finally, where they witness the devastation of a lost civilisation. A record was found on one of Krypton's surviving moons that showed Argo City flying away from the system and an audio message from Kara's father, Zor-El, inviting survivors to join them. |
College Stuff | April 7th, 2021 | Gwen and Conner chat briefly just before the ESU finals week. |
N.O.W.H.E.R.E in particular. | April 2nd, 2021 | Conner, Hope and Laura chat about the recent N.O.W.H.E.R.E attack and the more sensible team members consider some post mission relaxation. Laura on the other hand plans more training. |
N.O.W.H.E.R.E. in the Narrows | March 30th, 2021 | The Outsiders interrupt another N.O.W.H.E.R.E. operation, this time in the Narrows area of Gotham. NPCs: Warblade and Shadow Walker. |
Guess who's cooking dinner | March 24th, 2021 | Hope returns from an extended mission and cooks dinner. The kitchen does not burn down. This time. |
A Dick Grayson Birthday Bash | March 20th, 2021 | A birthday party for Dick Grayson's 27th birthday on the ritzy Lady Lovelace anchored passenger ship. Booze and cake and high society all in one. |
It is a big starship | March 13th, 2021 | Conner goes exploring and meets Maxima (or perhaps a simulacrum of her) |
The Martian is Back | March 13th, 2021 | M'gann is back to Earth and of course the Outsiders kitchen. So are burnt cookies. |
Shine: The Montana Homestead | March 13th, 2021 | The Moonstone Facility, a former religious commune-turned-slave-labor camp and refuge for the illicitly wealthy. The Outsiders and their ally Agent Angelos Tampambulos are on hand to rescue Phoebe Beacon, missing from Gotham City. The magical healer is rescued from her plight, and returned home. Mickey Rodgers and a slew of other minor villainous types are rendered to SHIELD and FBI custody, and Rodgers, loosing the Gotham Gate, will never be in a position to hurt anyone again. |
Research to the Borgs | March 10th, 2021 | Phoebe, Conner, and Bart begin researching the N O W H E R E cyborgs that attacked Phoebe and Laura |
Krypton or Bust: The Sto-Oa System | March 6th, 2021 | Upon arriving in the Sto-Oa system, the happy travel party is met with some very unhappy Oan ships and a fleet of Green Lanterns en route. Declaring that transportation of Kryptonians is a war crime, a stand off ensues resulting in Superman, Power Girl, and Super Girl surrendering to the Oans to get answers. Meanwhile, Jon Kent escapes the phantom zone and casually meets his dad and aunties and Maxima declares Green Lanterns forbidden from her empire. I am Groot! |
N.O.W.H.E.R.E. Was Here | March 6th, 2021 | Two Outsiders and one Catwoman stumble on a NOWHERE operation. Just as they threatened Red Robin months ago, they are hitting Gotham. |
Chocolate Trouble | March 1st, 2021 | Nebula kills more innocent chocolate. Groot grumbles about revenge! Not really. |
Breakfast Trek III: Search for Yogurt | February 27th, 2021 | Rose searches for her lost Greek yogurt and Conner interrupts. |
So The Whole Theater Huh | February 25th, 2021 | Steph comes by needing chemistry help. Tim is still feeling the effects of a taser rifle, and Conner drops in to let Tim know he'll be away. |
Krypton or Bust: Up Up and Away | February 20th, 2021 | Kryptonians, family and friends gather on the Milano, which then docks with Maxima's ship. Greetings are made and the ships begin their journey to Oa. |
A Fairy in the Park! | February 19th, 2021 | Megan gets mugged. A Superboy comes to her rescue. | Krypton or Bust | February 16th, 2021 | Supergirl to Captain Quill. Commencing countdown, engines on, check ignition. and may Rao's light shine upon you. The House of El makes arrangements to fly with the Guardians of the Galaxy to near-ish Oa, and to the dead planet Krypton, and may be a few other places before heading back to Earth. All for a worthless bucket of diamonds and some space weed. |
Shine: In the Aftermath | February 13th, 2021 | No description |
Shine: Investigating the Hotel Room | February 8th, 2021 | Conner and Laura investigate room 1534, the hotel room where the Johnsons have stayed while in Gotham. It's a mess, but they find some surprising -- and some terrifying -- information about the plan surrounding Phoebe. |
Shine: Mickey Rogers | February 8th, 2021 | Commissioner Gordon, SHIELD agent Angelo Tampambulos interrogate Michael |
Winter Wonderland: A Way In | February 6th, 2021 | Winslow Schott's Dome finally comes down, but Schott escapes |
Shine: Up on the Roof | January 31st, 2021 | Working out some anxiety on the rooftop with Scout, Conner makes sure Phoebe's head doesn't get too cold. Misfit comes up in conversation, and Cassandra is introduced to refined sugar.
We're all doomed. |
Gritty Streets of New York | January 30th, 2021 | Sandman robs Tiffanys and some unlikely heroes step in to save the rich people from being robbed... superheroing is odd. |
Visit to the Planet | January 26th, 2021 | Conner visits the Daily Planet and meets an intern |
Time to pack our bags | January 26th, 2021 | The plan is made, the participants chosen. To Oa they go! Up up and Away! |
Noir Movie Night at the Outsiders | January 23rd, 2021 | The gang gather to watch Dirty Harry and talk about the latest missadventures. Problems will not all be solved with a .44. Probably. |
A night in with the Outsiders. | January 15th, 2021 | No description |
Return of the Rose | January 12th, 2021 | Rose returns to the Outsider's secret HQ and find Conner/Phoebe |
Shine: Broad Daylight | January 12th, 2021 | Phoebe comes to review a hole in the ground, and ends up with being blamed for a Meta-Human Turf War. Conner scores friend points, Rose makes a new best friend with a Man called Goo, and Cassie tanks an exploding SUV. Nice, Normal Gotham afternoon...? |
Furby Or Bust | January 5th, 2021 | Conner Kent, Ruth Aldine, and Jubilation Lee meet in Chinatown, purely on accident, and go in search of the regional distributor of Furbies. They instead find a dusty little shop where the shopkeeper gets more Ruth than he bargained for! |
Shine: Meet the Johnsons II | January 3rd, 2021 | A press conference to try and encourage the public to find Phoebe Beacon and return her to her birth parents goes awry when someone begins to mess with the vents, flooding the whole building of the Gotham Gate with the smell of singed human flesh!
Phoebe, hidden in plain sight, has to be guarded away by Conner while Laura Kinney, Dick Grayson, and Bart Allen search for clues, and find more questions than answers. |
What if we went to Krypton | December 30th, 2020 | The Superfam has a Supermeeting about a Superroadtrip. Kal has a new friend. Kara is bad with secrets. Karen is bad with secrets. Conner is still a clone. |
Walking the rubble | December 28th, 2020 | Wanda revisits the scene, Clint joins her and the pair meet up with yet another 'veteran of the bunny war'. |
Beware of Schmeeps | December 21st, 2020 | The Schmeeps were stopped. The world was saved. More or less. |
Time Square Trip | December 9th, 2020 | Ellie, Ruth and Noriko run into Conner. Noriko's Noriko, then she's worse, then finally everyone gets to eat. Then Ruth is Ruth. Naturally, Ellie is still in love with her phone the entire time. Rumor is they're engaged. Poor Conner. |
High calibre training. | November 19th, 2020 | Laura disturbs Conner by doing a little unusual fire-arms training. They chat about the value of lethal weapons and the importance of non-lethal options. |
Ship happens. | November 7th, 2020 | Conner had plans for a relaxing Saturday with Hope at Outsiders HQ which gets ruined when Laura stops in with something to investigate. Phoebe stops by just in time for the gang to head for some sparring. |
Spooktacular Justice Party | October 19th, 2020 | The Justice League Halloween party! |
Meanwhile, in Hawaii | October 17th, 2020 | Conner takes Hope to Hawaii for some R&R |
Being Squishy isn't a Virtue | October 4th, 2020 | Being squishy may not be a good thing when you're a superhero, but having a good heart certainly helps! |
What is fun | October 4th, 2020 | Hope and Conner catch up and discuss phone etiquette. |
Weekend Report | September 27th, 2020 | Conner tells Hope about the missing in Buredunia and other recent things. Then they go in a date. Ish. |
Green Roof | September 27th, 2020 | Phoebe is setting up some flower boxes on the Robin's Roost Roof, interrupting Conner's think time. They have a bit of a chat. |
Games and Healing in the Rec | September 23rd, 2020 | Roy meets Conner and Phoebe and gets some heals. |
Trail to NOWHERE | September 18th, 2020 | Red Robin and Ravager confront one of NOWHERE main agents and his bodyguards. Templar makes some promises. |
All she got was a new haircut | September 12th, 2020 | Conner finds Hope playing games in the rec room. After talking about life, the go out to find food. |
Outsider Kitchen | September 5th, 2020 | Cookies in the Kitchen at the Robin Roost. At least Tim is happy. |
On Matters of Security | August 29th, 2020 | There's a long conversation about security risks and breaches. |
Mission: Some Folks Have Bad AIM | August 28th, 2020 | Mission: Success. AIM beekeepers and MODOK are no match for the Outsiders! The data is downloaded, the backups destroyed, the macguffin is dispersed into space, and Cassie is over yellow-wearing goons with bad lasers and worse science. |
Mission: A Covert Rescue | August 28th, 2020 | Rescuing kidnapped metahumans! |
On the Path to NOWHERE: Lab Results | August 25th, 2020 | Conner's genetic identity is discovered! Superman offers contraceptive tips. Nothing about this log is comfortable for anyone. |
A Visit from a Large Bat | August 24th, 2020 | An evening of pool and socializing turns awesome when Batman shows up bearing gifts of new transport. Also, Hope shoots Batman. |
A Long Flowing Conversation | August 23rd, 2020 | Conversations about many topics. |
Surprise Training | August 22nd, 2020 | Cass the Ambusher attacks again and tries to get Conner and Hope to learn some moves with mixed success. |
The Fortress of Kryptonian Prejudice | August 21st, 2020 | Kara meets Conner and he's not what she expected. Conner states a universal truth, that no one is allowed to disappoint Superman. Also the S does not stand for Super. |
Movie Night | August 20th, 2020 | Movie night! Friends! Fun! Opsec failures! And some gentle mindwiping. |
The Fortress of an Increasingly Inaccurate Name | August 18th, 2020 | Superman brings Conner to the Fortress of Solitude to introduce him to some Kryptonian culture. It doesn't quite go as planned. |
Outsider Downtime | August 16th, 2020 | Casual hanging out at The Roost among the Outsiders. The only one without drama is the robot pirate butler. |
Down Time | August 15th, 2020 | Outsiders chatter in the kitchen. |
Something Just Like This | August 12th, 2020 | Burgers, conversation, a little drama, and plans for movie night. |
Sunlight Heals All Poison | August 10th, 2020 | Conner's kryptonite shard is removed and his superdad gets him into the sunlight to heal. Afterwards, some small celebration! |
There's a Small Problem in Metropolis | August 9th, 2020 | Tim lets Conner and Rose know about a dangerous job this afternoon. |
Something About Clones | August 8th, 2020 | Laura is moving to the Roost and Conner has a chance to talk with her. Clone things. |
Stopping a Bullet | August 3rd, 2020 | A fight with DEATHSTROKE! And it totally does not go as the Outsiders planned, at all... |
Something About Nowhere | August 3rd, 2020 | Conner brings to Tim some information about N.O.W.H.E.R.E. |
Teaming Up Is Hard To Do | August 1st, 2020 | The new members of the Outsiders are introduced. Shenanigans and a new kitten! |
Aliens Make Good Outsiders | July 31st, 2020 | Recruitment mostly goes off with a couple of hitches. |
Over Pool | July 30th, 2020 | Conner and Tim chat over a friendly game of pool. |
The Morning After the Rave | July 28th, 2020 | You know the WORST time to meet Conner's dad? While hungover. |
Late breakfast for the Outsiders | July 25th, 2020 | Tim, Rose and Conner plan for a rave full of gangers. Hydrating is important, by the way. |
Cut: This is the Remix | July 25th, 2020 | Raves, illicit drugs, and high Batkids. Whoops. This spy mission did not go as planned. |
Downtime | July 20th, 2020 | Conversation over sandwiches, and plans for a Hawaiian vacation? |
Samples, Where Are Those Samples | July 4th, 2020 | Tim stops by the Roost to grab some evidence for the Bats to look into, but is distracted by Conner and Rose. Mostly Rose. |
Morality Play | June 21st, 2020 | Unstoppable force meets immovable object. |
Just a Chat | June 21st, 2020 | It was supposed to be showing off a hero base, but instead, there's talk of fantastically bad ideas, like Tim trying to date Rose and Conner wanting to slow that trainwreck in progress. |
Dead Chicken Restaurant | June 14th, 2020 | Bart, Rose and Conner meet for dinner at the dead chicken restaurant. Bart want to save the chickens-in-the-Matrix. Like Neo. |
Happens in a Castle | June 10th, 2020 | It was supposedly to be closed for reforms, but they were there anyway! |
A Rose by any other cafe.. | May 21st, 2020 | The old gang gets together, and everyone agrees flaming arrows are bad. |
After the Shadow | May 12th, 2020 | After fighting the shadow demons in Metro, there is some talk. |
The Bells: Death Knell | May 10th, 2020 | Heroes assemble to face the Shadow monster trying to eat Metropolis, before it can move upon Gotham! |
The Bells: Metropolis Overrun | May 8th, 2020 | Shadow monsters assault Gateway bridge, and heroes respond with firepower. |
Coffee with Conner. Alliteration for the win! | May 2nd, 2020 | No description |
The End is High: Bart has a girlfriend | April 16th, 2020 | Cassie, Conner and Bart meet and chat. We all knew the only thing that could slow Bart down was a girl |
It was just one more painting! | April 10th, 2020 | Bandits try to make a score out of Rubin's museum of art. With teamwork between Superboy, Ant-man and Quiver the day is won. The only apparent victim was pizza. |
Who Wins | March 22nd, 2020 | Rose wins. As usual. |
Home of pizza. And the Maggia. | March 21st, 2020 | Pizza turns to gunfire turns to talking. For the non-gangsters, at least. |
(Super)Boy Meets With (Wonder)Girl | March 12th, 2020 | Cassie meets up with Conner and they catch up on what's been going on. |
No One Died, Yet | March 10th, 2020 | The Avengers Play was a thing, and Rose didn't shoot anyone. But she's sad that the good guys won. |
Lets watch a play | March 8th, 2020 | An invitation to see Avengers (the play!) gets complicated when Rose insists in going armed |
Just Like the Old Days | March 5th, 2020 | Rose meets Tim. Did they convince her to stay or was that her plan all along? |
Three Old-Young Friends | March 1st, 2020 | Three young heroes meet again after several months distant |
Surprise Visit | March 1st, 2020 | While Conner tries to settle in the old team hideout, Rose Wilson drops by looking for a safehouse, derailing Conner's plans. |
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Conner Kent has
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Conner Kent has been credited in
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Conner Kent has been credited in
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Conner Kent has authored
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Group Memberships
Conner Kent has been listed in 1 groups.