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Donuts and Discssion
Date of Scene: 01 July 2021
Location: Hole-In One Donuts in Salem Center
Synopsis: Monet and the time-displaced Vance meet in Salem Center at a donut shop. The discussion over donuts includes their etymology and a reminder given to the psychic astronaut of Monaco's existance.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Vance Astro

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Evening of June 30th, Monet has stepped off of campus again but this time she's not gone on a jaunt to the Big Apple having just had a light run into Salem Center where she has taken occupance in a booth at Hole-In One Donuts. In addition to the fried rings of leavened dough she has acquired a steaming cup of coffee and has a copy of _Twenty Years After_ held in one hand, reading it between sips and bites.

Vance Astro has posed:
    It's almost July. Almost the fourth of July. Yes, even when Vance was in the 31st century, he celebrated the Fourth of July. As one of the biggest Captain America fans out there, he was also a fan of the holiday. Hell, his uniform had -been- star spangled red white and blue for a few years.

    Either way, things have changed. Time travel is one thing. Unintentional time travel that you can't go home from is a whole different thing. And so, out for a walk, he found himself passing by a place with people inside, enjoying treats. And then the smell of the place grabbed him, and without any real conscious thought about it, he turned to head inside. Donut instinct?

Monet St. Croix has posed:
While the oft forgotten sequel to _The Three Musketeers_ and the donut are holding Monet's attention too tightly to allow her to notice another person walking in her presence is unmistakable. While nobody in the shop is blatently talking about the beautiful young woman, she is a topic of hushed discussion between one couple (perhaps he looked at her too long for his girlfriend's comfort? well, at least they aren't actively arguing) and one of the young men working behing the counter appears a bit moon eyed. All this said, Monet is oblivious as she enjoys her book and desert.

Vance Astro has posed:
    The irony is, ever since the ionic blood transfusion, Vance has had that little something extra too. His body has been as augmented as Steve Rogers's body ever was. He doesn't have the same sort of figure Monet does, but for those drawn to guys, he has quite the handsome appearance.

    He has a bit of money from the current time period. He's acquired it with some hard work and persistence. So he steps up to the counter and says, "May I just have two of whatever the most commonly ordered item? And a glass of milk to go with it?" as he lays a few dollars on the counter.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Wait, what? That's a voice that cuts though the focus. Monet looks up upon hearing the unusually worded order in such a rich and resonant voice. After looking over the man's figure with his tight jeans she glances at the page number she is at and gently closes the book before setting it down.

Monet waits for Vance to be given his order and, using an expression composed primarially of a smile and subtle eye movements, she indicates that her booth is not so occupied that he couldn't join while she still manages to not look despirate or demanding... although something in how she's holding herself makes it clear she feels like it would be his loss if he didn't join her. The Monegasque teen is shameless, isn't she.

Vance Astro has posed:
    The irony is.. Vance couldn't care less about the whole.. she's beautiful.. thing. Sadly, his heart is still in the 31st century. Aleta and all. But either way, he gets his order and does turn to regard the room. As someone trained to read a room, he doesn't -miss- the invitation. He just doesn't really pick up on the whole... he's lucky to be there. More like... oh, good, someone friendly! Little does he know...

    And so, he places his platter and glass on the table before sliding into the seat. "Evening ma'am. I'm Vance. May I know the name of my hostess?" he asks with a bit of a smile on his face.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"I am Monet," she replies in her French/Monegasque accented English. She inclines her head towards the platter he brought with him before asking, "Based on your order I assume that this is your first visit to the shop also?" She then dunks one end of her already bitten donut into her mug and then bites the soggy bread off the rest before it became so wet as to fall apart under its own weight.

Vance Astro has posed:
    "That obvious?" asks the dark haired man. He chuckles and shrugs, "I am told glazed is the most popular choice. I have to admit, it looks like sugar on sugar cake. Not usually a big fan of sweets and such. But I couldn't pass up the scent of these things. Donuts... no idea why they are called that." But he shrugs and lifts his to take a bite... eyes widening at the flavor.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
After a moment's thought, Monet says, "Well, I understand that the name came from the fact that a woman once put nuts in the oily cakes she was making. Thus it was dough with nuts in it." Unhesitatingly she adds, "There is also the debate over the spelling, five or eight letters, either is pronounced the same," to her explination before asking, "Would you like any additional information about them?"

Vance Astro has posed:
    Chuckling, Vance shakes his head as he swallows. "Well, to be honest, I would very much -not- like for you to tell me how many calories are in one of these." He gives his best mildly awkward grin before he shrugs, "So, Monet... you don't sound you are from this region... er.. country. Am I right?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
"You are correct, I am not," Monet answers in her flawless but accented English. With a sense of pride in her voice she says, "I am from Monaco," apparently counting on Vance's knowledge of the world to know what that means, unless she's asked to clarify. And then she takes the final bite of her donut and washes it down with a sip of her coffee.

Vance Astro has posed:
    Nodding a bit, Vance brings up a thought of the 31st century map of the Earth. Then he tilts his head and shrugs, "By your accent, I assume there is some French influence, but forgive me... I am not exactly... " Then he pauses and a thousand year old memory pops up like a bubble in water. "Oh.. Monaco.." he remarks with a smile. "Gotcha!"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix grins as she watches the outward signs of confusion then comprehension. "Yes, and a bit of Italian as well like Menton and Nice," (this city name is pronounced like Neice despite its spelling) "But we maintain our independence unlike our neighbors." She then adds, as if it was required, "And of course you are forgiven." She doesn't say anything judgemental about standard American education but the thought is there.