Monet St. Croix
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Monet St. Croix (Scenesys ID: 2262) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Monet St. Croix[1] | ||
Superalias: | M | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Mutant[2] | ||
Occupation: | Aristocratic Scion | ||
Citizenship: | Monacoan, French, and Algerian | ||
Residence: | Xavier's School for the Gifted | ||
Education: | AA Degree from Xavier's | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Mutants, Brotherhood, Hellfire Club, Themyscirans, Xaviers, X-Men | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | Young Adult | Actual Age: | 22 |
Date of Birth | 21 Nov 2000 | Played By | Kiana Madeira |
Height: | 5'7" / 170cm | Weight: | 125lb / 56.7kg |
Hair Color: | Black | Eye Color: | Brown |
Twitter: | @M1&only | ||
Theme Song: | I Don't Care by Icona Pop |
Character Info
Monet St. Croix is a mutant with a formidable suite of powers who comes from Monegasque and Algerian aristocracy. She's a physically and mentally superior example of humanity in almost every way. She's also secretly a living example of physical invulnerability not making it impossible for one to be damaged.
Monet is a scion of the St. Croix family which can trace its history back to the late middle ages in France. Through her mother she is descended from Algerian royalty. Additionally for at least the last three generations, including her and her siblings, her family has included and been involved with mutants.
Monet's father, Cartier St. Croix, was the child of Louis' second marriage. Having had a talent for business and organization, he'd had a successful career as the president of nearly half a dozen businesses before retiring from business and accepting a position as an Ambassador for Monaco. Though Monet's life her father served at many embassies as well as having specific diplomatic assignments from time to time as well. Cartier also followed in his father's footsteps, joining the Mutant Underground network himself even before his children manifested their mutant abilities.
Her mother, Jamila St. Croix, was the descendant of Algerian royalty and a mutant herself. Her mutant power was limited bio manipulation with which she could perform genetic manipulation within her own womb as well as imbuing others with energy that accelerated healing (or even hair and nail growth). When she was pregnant with Marius she unconsciously adjusted his genes after tests showed he was going to be born with Edward's Syndrome (or trisomy 18) and having the prognosis for her son's life (median lifespan for a child with the disorder is fifteen days) explained to her. Ironically, this meant that she was directly responsible for the survival of her future killer. She successfully optimized Monet's genes but when attempting to do so with the twins errors occurred leaving both Claudia and Nicole with cases of autism (high functioning in Nicole's case, many would simply label her as having Asperger's Syndrome).Timeline:
1998 | Marius St. Croix (Emplate) is born. |
2000 | Monet is born in a chateau in the Swiss Alps. |
2007 | Claudette and Nicole St. Croix are born. |
2015 | Marius' mutant power triggers leading him to kill his (and his siblings') mother. Monet's powers activate some short time later. |
2016 | Marius returns, transforms Monet into Penance when she declines his offered alliance and the pair are banished to a hell dimension by their sisters who adopt the role of Monet in her absence. |
2016 to 2018 | Monet-as-Penance suffers at the hands of her brother and the natives of the hell they reside in for more than two subjective years due to the way time twisted there. Claudette and Nicole live in their merged state masquerading as their sister while they are officially listed as having been kidnapped by their brother. |
2018 | Monet is rescued by her sisters who take her place as Penance for a time. Monet attends Xavier's for a year to complete her secondary education, in doing so she earns enough college credits to quality for an Associate's Degree. |
2019 | Monet rescues her sisters from the Penance form. |
2020 | Monet spends some time in Algeria, Monaco and Monaco with her sisters (and occasionally her father). |
2021 | Monet returns to Westchester to reside at Xavier's and prepare to continue her college education. |
IC Journal
- No entries yet.
Blue Blood:
On one side of her family, Monet is descended from Algerian royalty while on the other French aristocracy. Coming from such sources of "old money" and being privileged by such for her entire life, she often comes across as aloof and cocky. This is also the source of her preference for high fashion and the finer things in life.
Monet tends to be defensive, harboring a desire to conceal any signs of personal vulnerability. Due to this she typically keeps others at arms' length which increases the appearance of being pompous and stuck-up.
Extremely Confident:
Monet is perfect. Talented, capable and beautiful. She also knows this and isn't ashamed to tell others these facts if they need to have it pointed out to them.
Monet may not make friends quickly or easily, but once she has formed such a bond with someone she is extremely loyal. A better friend you can't ask for? just watch out for the pithy comments, being her friend doesn't make you immune from these.
Psychological Scars:
As the victim of physical and psychological abuse at the hands of her brother after being kidnapped by him, Monet has psychological issues. These manifest as a combination of non-debilitating claustrophobia (due to the tightness of the Penance form), anxiety centered on the fear of a repetition of the abduction, confinement, and abuse, as well as an impulse to withdraw when stressed. Additionally, sometimes her sleep is interrupted by nightmares from her time trapped with her brother in a hellish dimension and the Penance form.
Exposed to both Catholicism by her father's family and Islam by her mother, Monet considers herself more spiritual than religious. When pressed she identifies as a non-denominational Muslim rather than a spiritual agnostic.
Character Sheet
Augmented Strength:
Monet's mutation infuses her body with psionic energy which enhances her physical strength to superhuman levels. This unconscious telekinetic augmentation boosts her lifting power exponentially as she applies force which allows her, on average, to lift and press about ten (10) tons of weight. This extremely high strength-to-mass ratio allows her to move faster and jump higher than an unaugmented human is able to.
Damage Resistance:
Monet's powers reinforce the structural integrity of her flesh by means of the psionic energy infusing her tissues making her resistant to extremely large amounts of physical damage including extremes of heat and cold.
Exceptional Senses:
Monet's senses of hearing and sight are extremely keen for a human. She can hear a whisper from the far side of a quiet room and can pick up the sound of a dog whistle unlike most humans. Her vision is "perfect" with better than 20/20 visual acuity as well as excellent night vision allowing her to see well in extremely low light conditions (although she still cannot see in the total absence of light). This is not a mutant power, being the result of her mother's in utero manipulation of her genetics, and so cannot be suppressed with her mutant powers.
Exceptionally Fit:
Monet's physique is at the peak of human potential without actually being superhuman. Her natural strength (disregarding her telekinetically augmented strength), stamina, speed, reflexes, durability, agility and other measurements of physical feats are on par with the greatest of baseline humanity. She is also an example of classical beauty as measured in and around the Mediterranean basin. This is not a mutant power, being the result of her mother's in utero manipulation of her genetics, and so cannot be suppressed with her mutant powers.
Monet can hover or fly via telekinesis. With this power she is capable of reaching supersonic speeds and can sustain such speeds to perform transatlantic flights.
Genius Intellect:
Monet has a genius level intellect due to superhuman mental processing, thinking with accuracy faster than most people, and memory retention to the point that she seems to possess true eidetic memory. She is an intuitive thinker and has a talent for solving puzzles and enigmas in addition to having a gift for learning. This is not a mutant power, being the result of her mother's in utero manipulation of her genetics, and so cannot be suppressed with her mutant powers.
Because of this trait and a well-rounded education most activities she undertakes she can perform as well or better than the average person. Those with greater than average training will, of course, outperform her of course but her abilities and knowledge tend to impress the masses.
Healing Factor:
Although she is extremely difficult to injure, Monet also possesses an accelerated healing factor allowing her to recover from those rare injuries rapidly. Minor cuts and wounds tend to vanish in hours while greater wounds recover equally as fast proportionate to normal healing rates. This quality also makes her highly resistant to diseases, poisons and toxins of most kinds.
Limited Telepathy:
Monet is an untrained telepath with limited range and variety of applications available to her. Her range is sufficient to span the area of a football stadium while the telepathic abilities she has are limited to reading minds, projecting thoughts and shielding her mind against telepathic intrusion.
Reading the surface thoughts of an unshielded mind is relatively easy for Monet (she can do deep scans but this requires full concentration and focusing on a single target, the deeper she scans the greater the psychic effort required); mind reading becomes nigh impossible with regards to targets that possess active mental shielding or psionic powers of their own. Monet finds projecting her own thoughts to be easy unless the target mind is resisting in some way as this acts like mental shielding as well. Her own mental shielding is the strongest of her telepathic abilities but can still be circumvented by those stronger than her, which includes most other telepaths, but will make it harder for them to use their powers on her than on an unshielded mind regardless.
Sibling Synergy:
The St. Croix siblings (Marius, Monet, Claudette and Nicole) can combine with each other in any combination of two or more resulting in unique entities. These entities blend the component siblings' appearance and abilities, although sometimes new ones appear as a result of the amalgamation. This ability requires physical contact of the involved siblings but they do not both have to be willing, however if one is unwilling this results in a battle of wills over control of the gestalt form.
Additionally, the synergy between the siblings which allows for this unification also alerts them psychically to each other's presence. This proximity sense has sufficient range to reach across an area equal to an American football field and is mass-based. Due to the mass factor, Monet can detect Marius at a further distance than their younger twin sisters and can tell him apart from either of them but would not be able to tell Claudia from Nicole though this ability.
This is not a mutant power, being the result of their mother's in utero manipulation of the sibling's genetics, and so cannot be suppressed with her mutant powers.
Being the daughter of a diplomat and the scion of old money though both of her parents, Monet was taught etiquette and manners from an early age. In addition to simply knowing how to be polite she knows how to fit in among the creme de la creme of high society. This makes her general acerbic and rude demeanor worse in many ways as she is doing it intentionally despite knowing better.
Fashion & Style:
Monet has an interest in fashion and the fashion industry. She stays abreast of the latest trends and has an excellent feel for coordinating color and cut of outfits with the body types and colorations of those who wish to take her advice.
Thanks to her native intelligence and broad education, Monet is multilingual.
She speaks French natively, and both Monagesque and English with native fluency, though her English is French-accented unless she makes an effort.
She is able to speak, read and write Genoese, Intemelio, standard and Algerian Arabic and German with a high level of fluency, making only occasional mistakes and with a minimal accent.
She speaks Spanish and Italian to a good conversational level, Themysciran and Kryptonian to a slightly lesser level (but improving fast), and has a limited grasp of basic Russian, Mandarin and Japanese.
Self Defense Training:
From early childhood, Monet received training in a blend of martial arts with the focus being on self-defense. While this was never meant to make her an offensive powerhouse it compliments her physical abilities well enough.
Both sides of Monet's family trace back to aristocracy, so she is the definition of old money. Her family is worth close to a billion US dollars while her own personal trust fund is valued at close to ten million and she is given a generous weekly "allowance" from it that exceeds most people's weekly incomes.
Monet has what some people would call an excess of pride and self-confidence. She unhesitatingly tells those people that if you have the ability to back it then it isn't hubris. This degree of unabashed arrogance can and does rub people the wrong way which can lead to her facing problems created by her treatment of them.
Marius St. Croix:
Although he is absent from her life, Monet's brother Marius is anything but forgotten. A mutant who feeds on the bone marrow of other mutants, he has a particular liking for the taste of his blood relatives making all three of his sisters favored targets. He is has a severe case of antisocial personality disorder and, being dependent on harming others to survive, has become a villain through and through. Because his dependency is on the existence of other mutants, however, he is also an advocate for mutant rights, in his own twisted way.
Not Kryptonian:
Monet is not a Kryptonian. However, with her power set it would be easy for those who know of or encounter her to come to that conclusion in error. Because of this, some might act against Monet as if she was one which would lead to her facing opponents or attacks meant for Superman and his kin. Additionally, this could open her up to undeserved prejudice against aliens.
Painful Memories:
Monet time with her brother was traumatic and this experience has left her with memories best not remembered. Because of this she sometimes experiences mild claustrophobia (due to the tightness of the Penance form)and nightmares that can interrupt her sleep (or others even if she screams out telepathically!).
Telepathically Coarse:
Most telepaths are graceful with their abilities having developed a subtle finesse in the use of their psychic powers. Monet has no such refinements. Nobody can mistake that someone has touched their mind when she does so, even if they may not know exactly who has done it. Even her surface scans can be felt as an intrusion and if she doesn't take care with her communication it can leave her targets with a mild headache even if she didn't intend it. While this could change with time and training, these are luxuries Monet hasn't been able to acquire.
Despite her resistance to damage, Monet does retain some innate human frailties beyond just the limits of her nigh physical invulnerability. She still needs to breathe and eat like a normal human. She also require sleep, even if it is less than most human's due to her exceptional stamina. Additionally, she has no more resistance to direct magical effects or to psionic attacks that can pierce her mental shields than the average person.
Weak Secret Identity:
While she technically has a secret identity, Monet does very little to protect it. She has no official costume (and if she did it would have no mask) and doesn't hesitate to use her powers when needed. Her "codename" is even just her first initial. This is clearly tied to her arrogance but carries different drawbacks than those stemming directly from that personality flaw.
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Monet St. Croix has
512 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Deadites at Dawn | March 23rd, 2025 | A group of unlikely heroes are caught between the legion of the Deadites and the Necronomicon Ex Mortis and have to drive it back into Hell with all the gore that is involved. Warning: Scene contains mutilation, murder, and excessive amounts of blood and gore. |
Injustice For All: Return to Belle Reve | March 22nd, 2025 | The Justice League and Allies once again confront the Injustice League at Belle Reve prison in Lousiana and find that their opposites have only begun to cause them problems. |
Killing the Kinneys - The Revenge of Kimura | March 21st, 2025 | Kimura reveals herself to X-23 and her scheme for torture and trauma. And it's just the start of the suffering. Warning: Log contains dark material, talk of torture, abuse, and heavy trauma. Read at your discretion. |
Justice From Afar | March 20th, 2025 | There is talk of death and sacrifice. |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Revenge | March 16th, 2025 | X-Force and an unlikely ally return to Madripoor to drive out the MLF once and for all... |
X-Men Flame of Darkness | March 15th, 2025 | The Flame of Darkness is still burning. Foxtail Falls becomes an animal preserve in Westchester. Carmichael is still out there, the leader of this Black Team of anti-Mutant mercenaries. |
Get Your Cat Out of the Gutter | March 9th, 2025 | Cannonball, Rachel, and Darcy face off against Cheetah. |
X-Men: Quiet Eyes - Part 2 | March 9th, 2025 | In space, no one can hear you scream. But inside a space station, they can. |
Konami Code - Arcade Deathtrap | February 23rd, 2025 | In which a group of heroines are caught in Murderworld for rage against the 8-bit world. |
X-Men: Polar Plunge, Part 3 | February 22nd, 2025 | Enough trudging through a winter wonderland. Time to hit the steam room. |
X-Men: Polar Plunge Part 2 - Furry Fury | February 20th, 2025 | Nobody ever talks about Weapon W. It's time that we continued that. |
X-Men: Polar Plunge | February 18th, 2025 | Nothing nice lives up this way... If you think the weather's cold, you should meet the government employees. |
When You Invite Strays... | February 12th, 2025 | Diana invited Katsumi to the Themysciran Embassy, should it not work out with the Avengers HQ. And yet, it somehow becomes Monet's headache... |
Rumble In Th--Little Italy! | February 11th, 2025 | Well it's not like he -meant- to kill 'im... |
Ski Trip 3: Re-Reckoning | February 8th, 2025 | Xaviers returns to Killington! Jubilee does not tie a baby to a snowboard, Jamie works all the angles, and the gang has a discussion that definitely isn't a drugs PSA in disguise. Time hit the cabins and party! SKI OR DIE! |
Seige of STAR Labs | February 5th, 2025 | A group of superheroes stop the Wrecking Crew from breaking into STAR Labs. |
Favors 1: X-Men's Offer | February 4th, 2025 | Fabian Cortez offers the X-men use of tech that will allow double their normal powers, if only they give him a call. Everyone Thinks This Is A Bad Idea and that Fabian is Trying To Be Evil. +Plot 263 |
Panic and Power | February 3rd, 2025 | A mutant kid is chased by the Friends of Humanity into Times Square. A timely intervention from Rachel, Monet, Noriko, and Caleb ensues. |
X-Men: Unleash the Hounds | January 27th, 2025 | A twisted monster of a man called Ahab attacks a gathering of mutants with his slaves, the Hounds with murder on his mind for sport. A group of Brotherhood and X-Men fight him off with trauma. |
Bombs and Screams | January 20th, 2025 | Exodus and Conan team up in defense of the Dewey Decimal System against the Bomb Queen, who gets blown right back in ways to make almost all wince in a display of dirty fighting. |
HUNGER: War of the Heralds | January 13th, 2025 | The heroes gather. Two Heralds die (and one gets his ass bit by a super-dog). Galactus revokes the Surfer's powers and empowers Morg, who seems more dangerous than ever. The heroes retreat, but the Invisible Woman and Hal Jordan leads an infiltration into the Worldship. |
Omnipotus | January 8th, 2025 | Omnipotus tries to arrive on Earth to take a chunk of it before Galactus does. M and Atom Eve turn him away! |
Injustice For All: The Queen And Her Court | January 6th, 2025 | The Queen of Fables makes her presence known in Metropolis thanks to the machinations of the Injustice League. She finds herself opposed by some unlikely foes. |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Apocalypse Now | January 5th, 2025 | Stryfe and his allies have their cataclysmic showdown with Cable and his allies, all in pursuit of the power of Apocalypse. |
Come to Themyscira to Party | January 4th, 2025 | There is a grand party on Themyscira, and everyone was invited! who got drunk? Who got stone walled? Who got served? You'll have to read to find out. |
Multiple Prepwork | January 2nd, 2025 | Jamie, Rogue and Monet drop in on Cortez unannounced. Cortez is sus and now they have proof he's up to something! |
Serpents on a Statue | December 21st, 2024 | A group of heroes stop a variety of snake, lizard, and reptile themed secret terrorist organizations determined to destroy the Statue of Liberty! Happy holidays and enjoy your shenanigans. |
A Garden Meeting | December 20th, 2024 | James and Monet have a nice chat in the garden. |
In Blackest Day, In Brightest Night: Burn Like My Power | December 17th, 2024 | After detecting strange energy readings on the edge of Sector 2814, a response team heads on the Green Lantern Interceptor and discovers a new and ominous power... |
Through A Mirror Darkly: The Four Horseman Of Apocalypse | December 15th, 2024 | Stryfe and the MLF attack the Horsemen of Apocalypse in and above the streets of Cairo, Egypt, all in an effort to discover the location of the ancient mutant En Sabah Nur himself... |
All the pretty little horses | December 12th, 2024 | Hope and Monet chat about everything and noting in the stables while Hope grooms a horse. Perhaps soon there'll be an addition to the stable? |
Totally Radical (Or Not) | December 7th, 2024 | Monet and Alison talk at the arcade about music. |
Amazon Training: The Sword | December 5th, 2024 | The art of the sword, as performed by the Themyscirans, at the Themysciran Arts Center. Much training is had, much clanging was clanged! |
Xavier's Thanksgiving | November 27th, 2024 | The Xavier's School residents and faculty gather for the Thanksgiving holiday. |
Summers Kitchen | November 19th, 2024 | Alex gets an ear full of info, about Sinister, the end of the world, and Sugah Cookies. |
A Quiet Evening On the Watchtower (Famous Last Words) | November 18th, 2024 | An invitation. A discussion. A threat to the planet...a quiet night. |
Danger Room: Qurac | November 15th, 2024 | Professor X sets a deadly task for his X-Men, with the eager assistance of the Danger Room. Can the X-Men survive the Onslaught of Qurac? |
Brains and Schemes | November 10th, 2024 | Monet and Sage casually talk over at the Hellfire Club on current events and appreciation of finer things. |
Whatever the opposite of strip poker is. | November 9th, 2024 | Spooked. |
Introduction to Amazons 101 | November 1st, 2024 | Diana shows Mary and Monet around, and Mary has a guest house for the next few days on Paradise Island. |
Xaviers: Sleepy Hollow Tricks | October 31st, 2024 | The Xavier's School crew head out to Sleepy Hollow for a bit of trick or treating. It is rated as Edutainment by TV-Guide, while the Boston Tribune labeled it as raunchy teenage smut. |
The Resurrection of Quentin Quire pt 4 | October 25th, 2024 | The assembled mutant team manages to find the secret lab hidden on the 13th floor of an old office building, and locates the last Quentin-clone in the batch, exfiltrating the entire stasis tube back to the Mansion to hopefully have more medical and telepathic support on hand to revive and restore Quentin's consciousness. |
Bad Hair Days | October 24th, 2024 | Rien needs help with the family hair. |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Recovering An Old Friend | October 21st, 2024 | Cable, X-Force and allies assemble to raid one of Stryfe's facilities to try and reclaim the Professor A.I. unit. |
HUNGER: Moonfall | October 20th, 2024 | The Silver Surfer arrives and, as a tactic to weaken Earth, throws the moon out of its proper orbit, threatening great chaos and disruption to the Earth. Many heroes arrive at the Watchtower, fighting - and losing - in attempts to delay and distract him while they try and right the lunar calamity. In the end, the mystics are able to break through Galactus' numbing of his emotions with the help of his lost love. Also, there's a Green Lantern Trebuchet-launched Juggernaut. |
Danger Room - Mutant Massacre | October 16th, 2024 | A group of X-Men fight in the Danger Room in a recreation of an old nightmare, the Mutant Massacre. |
Arrogance and Aliens | October 13th, 2024 | Monet and Noa talk about Spaceport trading. |
Central Park Seasonal Supervision | October 11th, 2024 | Several random paths cross while Doreen is helping Central Park squirrels prepare for colder seasons. |
Injustice For All: The Beast Strikes Back | October 5th, 2024 | The KGBeast and his mercenaries invade Gotham looking for revenge on the Penguin and the Injustice League. With so many innocents caught in the middle, the Justice League and allies responds as the situation threatens to spiral out of control... |
Exhaustion Before Escape | October 4th, 2024 | Before the fall of Madripoor, Monet and Hope talk. |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Resistance Is Futile | October 1st, 2024 | Cable and allies put up a last defense of Madripoor, rescuing more civilians but ultimately being driven out by Stryfe and the MLF. Juggernaut makes another appearance and teaches Holocaust who the most dangerous man around really is. |
The Refugee Warlord | September 26th, 2024 | Blackfire arrives on Earth. Surprisingly, no punches were thrown, but there was an ultimatum. TL;DR Tell my sister I said 'Hi'. |
Seeking Support - a Princess to a Friend | September 22nd, 2024 | An emotionally overwhelmed Monet goes to see Diana. And Diana explains to her that she needs balance in her life. And Monet has to start taking care of herself. |
Tales of Gemworld: An Opalious Trap | September 19th, 2024 | Amy leads a group of heroes into Nilaa to rescue Ypsilos, her beloved pegacorn. They end up at an exotics auction and run into a fight they aren't ready for: Dark Opal. |
Mutants Growing Horrifically - Sugar and Sinister | September 18th, 2024 | A group of patrolling X-Men and Xavier's students come across a mad-mutant that's been making Mutant Growth Hormone. A four armed lunatic that's out of this world, say hello to the sadistic SUGAR MAN. |
X-MEN Savage Guardians 3 | September 11th, 2024 | The X-Men infiltrate the Neo-Mutates main laboratory, and shut down their operation for good. They help slow down the fleeing Neo-Mutate forces, just in time for SHIELD to arrive to mop them up. Sauron was discovered to be the leader of this operation, but he fled before he could face retribution. The Fall People have been saved, and Kazar has re-united with his wife and loyal companion in Zabu. |
Library chats! are best chats | September 7th, 2024 | Closing unfinished log. |
Mutants Growing Horribly - Pt 2 | September 3rd, 2024 | A group of street heroes team up to take down a group of Mutant Growth Hormone dealers that have been grabbing kids off the street. Along the way they find torture, betrayal, and some of the worst humanity has to offer. But some of the best too. But it comes with a massive price to it. Warning, log includes dark themes such as torture, experimentation, and traumatic matter. |
The Open Door: It Never Left | September 1st, 2024 | Demons draw marked people into a library near Bryant Park to be consumed. Heroes arrive to stop the lunch rush. |
HUNGER: Savage Lands - Ring of Fire | August 29th, 2024 | The X-Men return to Mount Doom (again). It is a lot more doom-like, a land of ash and a great lava lake. At the caldera, they find evident converts from the local sun cult, casting down the name of their prior god 'Garokk' in exchange for some 'Firelord.' Gee whiz. Also they save a local virgin from getting volcano'd, because that's how that works. Valeria investigates the wifi, but all Jean can get her is a broken router. |
Through A Mirror Darkly: A Sinister Wind In Madripoor | August 24th, 2024 | Cable and his team attempt to rescue a number of mutant hostages on Madripoor from the Mutant Liberation Front. Things get more complicated when both Sinister's Marauders and the Juggernaut make an appearance creating a four-way fight. |
X-Men: Savage Guardians 2 | August 23rd, 2024 | The X-Men perform a rescue op on a laboratory in the Savage Lands. They find that the lab has fallen in to emergency disrepair, following mysterious power surges from the Savage Land's power grid. Several Fall People were lost to the sinister lab, but many more were saved by the heroes. Site B cleared. Site A yet remains... |
Thoughts Underneath a Willow Tree | August 21st, 2024 | Monet and Storm talk. |
HUNGER - Emotions and Sacrifice | August 20th, 2024 | Mantis and Monet talk about souls and Surfers |
HUNGER: Man-Thing | August 18th, 2024 | The challenge was a bog witch, the reward an audience with Man-Thing. Will the information they found help? Even if it doesn't, meeting Man-Thing was an experience none will soon forget. |
HUNGER: The Oans Must Answer | August 17th, 2024 | A group of allies united against Galactus travels to Oa to demand answers from the Guardians of the Universe. They get some -- eventually. |
HUNGER: Heralded | August 16th, 2024 | The Silver Surfer arrives to herald the coming of Galactus, in the middle of Times Square. The heroes attempt to reach his heart, but find it blocked or guarded, and are left to deal with the chaos that emerges as the populace considers the end of the world. |
HUNGER: Let's talk Galactus | August 16th, 2024 | A gathering of the JLD and some friends reveals just a little more information regarding Galactus. John only had to barter his soul to get some of it. It wouldn't be Tuesday if John's soul wasn't on the table, now would it. |
Mutants and Master Molds: Fully Armed and Operational | August 13th, 2024 | After a final, brutal fight, the X-Men and their allies destroy the Master Mold. But it's never over, is it? |
I've been workin' on the railroad... | August 12th, 2024 | No description |
Injustice For All: A Great Disturbance In The Force | August 11th, 2024 | Felix Faust and the Injustice League seek to try and greatly amplify their mystical might at the Gotham Museum of History by returning to an old trick. The Justice League and their allies come out of the woodwork to stop them. |
Amazon Smash | August 11th, 2024 | The Amazons put on another training sessions for would-be gladiators! Some quips are made, some punches are exchanged, some bruises are endured, and some gnarly injuries sustained! Monet shines as an Amazon pupil, while Kate Bishop comes in swinging for the top spot in the trainee pool! Audra and Talia impress the Amazons with their fortitude, while Caleb gets a lot of encouragement, and an assurance they are not being mean to him for being a boy. Honest! |
X MEN: Savage Guardians | August 9th, 2024 | The X-Men arrive in the Savage Lands to find a village of friends being attacked by high tech slavers? They help save the villagee, just as the slaver masters arrive to claim their victims. The slaver masters offer threats, and take to the sky when their mortal enemy of KAZAR AND ZABU arrive! |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Madripoor Will Fall | August 7th, 2024 | Madripoor has fallen to Stryfe and the MLF. Cable and his allies fight a rearguard action to evacuate as many people as possible while trying to deny Stryfe any tangible gains for his efforts. |
Questionable Coffeee | August 5th, 2024 | Betsy catches up with Storm and Monet, and some plans might be made for next steps to shake off the angst. |
Jon Phones Home | August 3rd, 2024 | Jon phones home and finally has the peace of knowing his parents are aware that he's alive and loved but maybe he should have hung up sooner? Magic always has a price - only time will tell if it'll be bigger than a boy seeing too much at one time. |
Contemplations of the Cosmics | August 2nd, 2024 | Monet comes to talk to Jean and Rogue about whether the Phoenix can give them answers on the terrifying cosmic entity that consumes planets called Galactus. Ultimately it is a course with extreme risk and so they discuss alternatives. |
HUNGER: Blackest Nights - Tamaran: It's Technically Vegan | July 28th, 2024 | The heroes reach Tamaran just ahead of Galactus, who comes to claim it in the place oF Okaara after renewing Terrax's service. As the planet errupts in chaos, the Tamaraneans fight of the Citadelians to reclaim their starports and attempt evacuation, and the heroes do what they can to save as many souls as possible. Diana manages to briefly pinkie-lasso the big guy, and reveals a weak point: the obscure device known as the Ultimate Nullifier. |
Contemplating M-Fection | July 27th, 2024 | Storm helps a depressed Monet deal with Quire's seeming death. |
Injustice For All: A Savage Strike | July 27th, 2024 | The Justice League assaults the Legion of Doom's Savage Land base. A host of robo-dinos and a whole lot of lava stands in their way. |
Mutants and Master Molds - Get Wrecked | July 26th, 2024 | A group of X-Men and allies go to strike at a Sentinel base and are lead into an ambush. Not all of them will make it out in one piece. |
Dangerous Pursuits | July 24th, 2024 | Neverending, exhausting, and unforgiving Danger Room sessions with impossibly high standards and stakes? That's so Bishop! |
Storming in the Gardens | July 21st, 2024 | In the gardens, Storm, M, and Tabby talk about the donkey and rabbit troubles. |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Scavenger Hunt | July 20th, 2024 | Cable and his team seek out two of the missing primary cores from the ruins of Greymalkin. But they have competition. |
GNATION: Bank Heist | July 15th, 2024 | A group of heroes thwarted the Goblin Nation's latest heist at the New York City Bank. In addition to saving all but one of the hostages, quick thinking averted a major breach of OsCorp's finances! |
HUNGER: Blackest Nights - Vega: Hunger vs Greed | July 14th, 2024 | Morg and Terrax fight, and the heroes work together to bring down the Executioner. To the shock of no one, Terrax turns on them. To the shock of maybe some, the reason is Galactus' arrival on the planet. He offers Terrax his original deal, as he does every Herald, exchanging his world for service. But Big Purple is still hungry, and sets his sight on the other planet in the system that you've heard of. |
Fighting on the Fly in the Sky | July 11th, 2024 | Conner and Monet try some flight training. |
HUNGER: BLACKEST NIGHTS - Vega: Lawless Space | July 7th, 2024 | The Milano travels to Okaara, as does Hal Jordan. Quill asks to be taken to their leader, and surprisingly, it works. On the planet, they meet the Warlord Tyros, formerly Terrax, a Herald of Galactus. He denies his role in the murder of the Green Lantern Corps in time for a different guy with a space axe to show up. At least one of them did it. Hal also finds out why the GLs are actually banned from the Vega system. |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Assault on Greymalkin | July 6th, 2024 | Cable assembles a group of interested parties to discuss the MLF on Greymalkin. It does not go as planned. |
Cyber and Cut Off | July 1st, 2024 | Rien and Logan face off against the monster called Cyber. This time they both walk away. And Cyber doesn't. It's over for now. Only for now. |
X(aviers)-Men: Eat, Explode, Splash | June 30th, 2024 | The Xavier's school plays host to music, fun, grilling, and fireworks courtesy of a particularly talented mutant with poor musical tastes. Plus Ellie's there. That means it's trending on something or another. |
Rooftop Reminiscing | June 29th, 2024 | Storm and Monet talk with Betsy and Kwannon about the pair. |
Charge of the Light Brigade ver 2.0 | June 28th, 2024 | It's a true battle of the under dogs as a trio of heroic super heroines stand against a rampaging Juggernaut bent on opening a new fault line up in Los Angeles! But is all as clear cut as it seems on the surface?? |
Rien and Thither | June 25th, 2024 | Monet asks for Rien on help for how to approach the future super soldier on the possible alterante timeline enemies that he's fighting. Sometimes you can only get perspective from someone else who is from a parallel post apocalyptic timeline. |
Pain and Screams and Cyber | June 22nd, 2024 | Logan faces the things that nightmares are made of when he once again faces one of the greatest monsters from his past, the man known as Cyber. One of the few that can give even the brave Wolverine nightmares. Trigger Warning, scene is extremely gory and includes graphic torture and dismemberment. |
After dark meeting | June 21st, 2024 | Closing unfinished log. |
Mutants and Master Molds - Form and Functionalism | June 20th, 2024 | A group of heroes goes to investigate a large Sentinel driven fusion (or fission, whichever) reactor near Madripoor. They destroy it and as a side-note EMP Madripoor. Also sidenote that Juggernaut is probably not the best use of the ball end of the fastball special. |
Injustice For All: The Hunt Resumes | June 18th, 2024 | The Justice League's scouting mission to the Savage Land finds what it is looking for -- after a few false starts -- and the Injustice League's latest base of operations is revealed. |
Hanging at the Hideaway | June 17th, 2024 | Monet and Kwannon talk. About ninjas |
Through A Mirror Darkly: What The Future Has Wrought | June 16th, 2024 | Just what Stryfe sought to obtain out of the time line is revealed as the MLF attacks STAR Labs in Metropolis and unleashes their newest allies. |
Radial Betsy | June 13th, 2024 | M and Betsy scheme for a telepathic switchup. |
The Bong Has Rung | June 13th, 2024 | A night is weird even by the standards of the realm as Mary Seward rides off into the night with Bessie the Hellcow, and Jemma Simmons is pursued with romantic intent by Doctor Bong. |
It'll be a cold day in... | June 10th, 2024 | Bobby, Rogue, Storm, and Gambit have wings in the kitchen and just enjoy each others company |
Unpleasant Screams | June 10th, 2024 | Logan runs into a nightmare from his past, a foe from over a century ago. Few things can give the Wolverine the shivers like the man called CYBER. Warning, log contains graphic violence and mentions of torture, do not read if these are triggers. |
Who Is The U-Boat Commander | June 9th, 2024 | A ferry strikes something in the water and begins sinking. Heroes respond to save the passengers and a few cars. Guy with the bitching vet watches it sink. |
Mutants and Master Molds - Survival of the Fittest | June 3rd, 2024 | When the Sentinels go on the march, it's up to the Brotherhood of Mutants and tagalongs from Xavier's School, Superman, and Shazam to save the day! |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Attack On The Atom Smasher | June 2nd, 2024 | A select strike team of heroes shows up at the Large Hadron Collider in CERN to try and stop Stryfe and the Mutant Liberation Front from achieving their ends. But just what are those ends... |
Removing A Threat to Mutant Kind | May 31st, 2024 | The strike team assaults the Friend of Humanity's secret stolen Brainiac factory, taking out the guards and two working Sentinels before the entire location is blown to kingdom come. |
Campus Rabblerousing | May 30th, 2024 | A protest ends up in an arrest. |
Injustice For All: All Along The Watchtower | May 28th, 2024 | The Watchtower comes under attack as the Calculator's schemes are revealed and the war with the Injustice League continues to escalate. |
S.O.M. Save our Morph | May 27th, 2024 | Morph calls in for assistance. Monet and Patty answer. The Juggernaut makes an appearance, changes his allegiances after a heartfelt plead from Monet. Spoiler: The Warehouse doesn't Survive. |
Bureau of Lost; Never Found | May 25th, 2024 | Our heroes find themselves at the Bureau of the Lost while tracking down Frank Noble's missing shirt and have to magic their way out in rhyme and find out that everything lost is just waiting to (never) be found. |
Fantasy Flights | May 25th, 2024 | A minor Danger Room scenario has twists and turns. |
Perry Is Scary | May 24th, 2024 | Clark and Jimmy feel the wrath of Perry when the editor in chief tries to go cold turkey on his vices. |
Balcony Break | May 21st, 2024 | No description |
Mist River Montana | May 18th, 2024 | The X-Men travel to an idylic Montana farm, where they meet up with Rogue's father, and a close friend who may shed some light on the mystery of the Native American mysticism rituals that caused Rogue's mother's disappearance years earlier. |
Perfection In the Storms | May 16th, 2024 | Monet and Ororo talk about the troubles and the inevitable ones htat will follow. |
Mutants and Master Molds - Investigation Interruptus | May 16th, 2024 | The search group from Xavier's files out and tracks down a Sentinel camp. With help from their fellow heroes in the neighborhood, they break in and find the things of nightmares, of Sentinels. Of Master Molds. |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Rising Tensions | May 14th, 2024 | After NYPD officers shoot a mutant child in Bushwick, the Mutant Liberation Front arrives to escalate matters further. |
Husking It Up | May 13th, 2024 | An early morning run catches several members of Xavier's catching up. |
Injustice For All: The Defector | May 11th, 2024 | The Justice League and their allies are drawn to an isolated and deserted airfield by an anonymous member of the Injustice League claiming to want to turn himself in. But is it all just a trap? |
You Didn't Think This Would Be Easy, Did You | May 10th, 2024 | Monet starts her training, and the first thing she learns is that that Diana and Philippus are bullies. Donna and Cassie have the bruises to prove it! |
Forging new friendships | May 8th, 2024 | A group of people hang out outside. Discussions are had about tech and sentinels. |
When Telephone Tradition Takes Over | May 7th, 2024 | Superman is at the opening of a new phone booth when a supervillain attacks, and old instincts and traditions take charge. |
Riding the Cowgirl | May 6th, 2024 | Monet and Inez go out drinking. |
Second Annual Xavier's Talent Show | May 4th, 2024 | Xavier's holds another sometimes annual talent show for gifted youngsters. Like last time, there were lots of amazing acts. The judges were split, but the tie was broken in the final moments and Patty Sloan was declared the winner! Against all odds, the school will be getting its deposit back for the Dip N Dots machine rental. |
Another Day in Mutant Town | April 29th, 2024 | A badly damaged bar in Mutant Town turns into a one stop shop for an unlikely group of people who end up talking and very nearly but not quite get to trading punches. |
Mutants and Master Molds - Stalks the Sabretooth | April 26th, 2024 | After a Sentinel attack and a riot, Sabretooth chases along after a scent and a hunch. And comes away with a prize. |
Mutants and Master Molds: The First Wave | April 24th, 2024 | The Sentinels send out their first production line to rampage through Bushwick. A combined group of the Brotherhood and members of Xavier's fight them off. |
Sentinels and Memories | April 22nd, 2024 | Monet, Cypher, and Quentin talk about the return of the Sentinels. |
Sell My Soul For A Filled Donut | April 20th, 2024 | A few Gothamites in New York together stop for coffee and snacks, and run into some of the local personalities. |
Injustice For All: Imma Gonna Make A Monkey Out Of You | April 20th, 2024 | The Justice League and their allies pursue the Injustice League to Gorilla City and face down the trap that Grodd has prepared for them... |
Ninja Me This | April 18th, 2024 | M meets Kwannon. Does not realize it's not Betsy! |
Lunar Colony | April 17th, 2024 | The first public gathering upon the Lunar Colony of Earth's first base upon the surface of the Moon! Drinks are had, speeches are made, and Lobo suggests a topless bar be added to the construction plans! |
Hydra vs UN: Outside attack | April 6th, 2024 | Hydra launches a mechanized assault on the UN during a meeting of world leaders. Numerous heroes including Superman, Thor, Iron Man and others arrive to halt the attack. |
Hydra vs UN: Underground Breakdown | April 3rd, 2024 | Hydra bombs detonate along the Holland Tunnel, and a group of heroes from different walks of life have to team up to stabilize it and evacuate the people there, and improvise to prevent a collapse. |
Like an (Alien) Fish Out of Water | April 2nd, 2024 | Arisia arrives on Earth, learns a few lessons, and makes at least one new friend! |
The Roof of Destiny | April 1st, 2024 | The chicks all bailed, leaving Doug and Julio to was philosophical about plant sex. |
Injustice For All: The Assault On The Legion Of Doom | March 30th, 2024 | The Justice League and their allies finally track down the Injustice League's base. But their dogged foes might still have some tricks up their sleeves... |
Returning Home from SPACE | March 28th, 2024 | After the encounter with the Hegemony station, Monet and Minoke talked about various things, had a bit of self-reflection, and got to know each other. |
An unwelcome idea. | March 27th, 2024 | Are bomb mutations real, can they be remotely triggered? |
Cards with Cajuns | March 25th, 2024 | Members of Xavier's school get together in the Rec Room |
The Patron of the Hegemony | March 24th, 2024 | The mystery of how the Hegemony has such technological superiority is revealed. They are cheating. Their emperor is none other than Vohc, the Kryptonian god of Building. This battle just got a whole lot harder. |
The Path Of Progress: The Fall Of John Sublime Pt. 2 | March 23rd, 2024 | Cable and the team continue their assault on John Sublime's island fortress, seeking to finally corner their nemesis. |
Hanging out by the Lake | March 18th, 2024 | Stones are skipped, Patty meets Betsy. Gets advice from Monet and gets soaked courtesy of Catseye. |
The Path Of Progress: The Fall Of John Sublime | March 17th, 2024 | Cable and the team begin their infiltration of John Sublime's island lair, seeking to put an end to him at last. |
A Quick Swim on a Warm Day | March 14th, 2024 | Caleb, His sister, and Monet meet Lorena after a nice swim in the ocean. |
Injustice For All: The Assault On Belle Reve | March 12th, 2024 | The Justice League and their allies confront the Injustice League to try and prevent a mass breakout at Belle Reve. |
M and Maddy | March 12th, 2024 | M and Madelyne meet |
X-Terminators: First Blood | March 10th, 2024 | No description |
Mutants and Master Molds - The Alien Acquisition | March 7th, 2024 | The X-Men respond to a Sentinel raid at a STAR Labs facility. They manage to mostly drive off the Sentinel infiltrators.. But they can't guarantee that their robotic enemies haven't gotten away with something bad. Very, very bad. |
Mxyzptlk At Joe's | March 6th, 2024 | A fifth dimensional imp comes to Joe's Diner and there is much denunciation of pronunciation. How /do/ you spell or say his name!? |
Meeting People | March 1st, 2024 | Patty meets Kitty, Jubilee, Monet and Noriko, also gets a picture taken by Scott. |
Singhing a Bad Tune | February 24th, 2024 | The Shadow faces the Brotherhood of Singh to free kidnapped children. But she's going to need help.. |
Heroes Assemble 4th Anniversary: The Watchers | February 24th, 2024 | For the four year anniversary of Heroes Assemble Mush, Uatu the Watcher again hosts some of his colleagues to share what he has witnessed over the last two years of events on a small blue planet called Earth. |
HUNGER: The Banished | February 23rd, 2024 | An alien convoy of immigrants in need of asylum arrive at the Atlantic Starport. Much fire is suppressed, and Ant-Man ends up looking like a Ghostbuster covered in Marshmallow. |
M & M | February 21st, 2024 | Monet, Mystique and the not-M-named Logan meet briefly! |
The Path of Progress: Sublime Strikes Back | February 4th, 2024 | X-Force's Madripoor safehouse comes under attack by mercenary forces sent by John Sublime. |
Mutants and Master Molds: Getting Gyrich | February 2nd, 2024 | The X-Men go to sneak up on Henry Gyrich to see what he knows about recent Sentinel Shenanigans. They find he knows nothing of interest. There is mental trauma from poking about in his head while he was indisposed. And dinner goes In and Out. |
Neena Pizza! | January 31st, 2024 | Domino teaches Monet the fine art of picking up pizza and picking on Wade. |
Injustice For All: Isn't It Amazo | January 28th, 2024 | The Justice League and it's allies faces down Professor Ivo's Amazo android as the Injustice League tries to lure the white hats into a trap. |
Ponderings on the Weather | January 23rd, 2024 | Ororo and Monet talk about life, emotions, and the start of the year. |
X-men Danger Room: Potent Pairings | January 18th, 2024 | The X-men and students gather in the Danger Room to work on cooperation and power combinations. |
Mutants and Master Molds - Ghost in the Machine | January 18th, 2024 | The X-Men find a storehouse filled with Sentinel parts being stolen. While they're there to investigate they face off with the real thing! |
Staff Attendance | January 16th, 2024 | Hellion faces trauma over his powers, and his feelins that his lack of control define them. Psylocke and Douglas try to talk to him. Or talk him down. |
Things with a (Green) Foot | January 15th, 2024 | Storm, Gambit, and Monet enjoy the snow with Penance. |
The Path of Progress: Around The Island In Eight Hours | January 15th, 2024 | Cable and the team manage to obtain their objective and get their hands on someone who should bring them one step closer to finally catching up to John Sublime. They also sink a yacht. So typical mission. |
Monet and Madelyne | January 12th, 2024 | Madelyne and Monet catchup in Mutant Town. |
Injustice For All: A Shadow Falls | January 10th, 2024 | The Hall of Justice finds itself invaded by the Heart of Darkness. Whispering shadows try to corrupt both the Leaguers on site, along with their allies and visitors. |
So, this Madripoor thing.. | January 8th, 2024 | Monet gives Domino a new avenue, a sideroad on the small island of Madripoor. |
The Way of the Hegemony | January 2nd, 2024 | The unexpected journey to an unknown planet ends in a battle to free the people from a Hegemony ship and its captain Gn-Ga. Using Singularity to get back home, they now know more about the threat than before. |
Not All Of Us Can Hide | December 31st, 2023 | Olivia arrives at the school for an appointment and meets Joshua and Monet and gets to see Joshua's power in action. As if the gold skin wasn't enough of a giveaway. |
It's a social time in the 'center | December 29th, 2023 | Everyone is surprised at the arrival of Singularity |
X-Mas Party | December 23rd, 2023 | Xaviers School hosts its annual Christmas party for high society highs. |
M Damned Spot! | December 22nd, 2023 | Neena and M talk about holiday plans. |
Injustice for All: A Very Green Christmas | December 20th, 2023 | The Justice League and their allies look to thwart the latest scheme of the Injustice League before they can interfere with the world's financial system, doing untold damage. |
Where we are gods | December 17th, 2023 | Instead of ending up on New Krypton with aid, the team ends up on a strange planet conquered by the Hegemony. |
You Will Be Judged Pt 1 | December 16th, 2023 | M and 'Jenny' save a young man who is chased by the lovechildren of Omega Sentinels and the Phalanx. Just what are they facing? |
Can You Take Me To... | December 16th, 2023 | A group of heroes stop Hypno Hustler in the Park! |
Super Shopping Madness! | December 8th, 2023 | Christmas is saved by guest heroes! |
Two Girls, One Deadpool | December 6th, 2023 | Inez, Monet, and Wade celebrate big scores. Inez serves Wade with divorce papers after finding out he got a possible 3 million windfall. Monet decides to help and watch the world burn. |
Try A Little Priest | December 2nd, 2023 | No description |
Penance and Paige | November 29th, 2023 | A group talk about coming holidays, presents, and the current state of Nicole and Claudette St. Croix, currently locked in the gestalt form of Penance. |
Telepaths in the Town | November 28th, 2023 | Out and About |
Penance and Screams are Music to My Ears | November 20th, 2023 | A group of heroes battle Emplate in his twisted home dimension to free two young girls imprisoned there. There is a final battle to save Nicole and Claudette and to defeat Emplate. |
The Siege of New Krypton | November 19th, 2023 | An SOS was raised and the Superfriends leave Earth to discover New Krypton under siege by the Kryptonian Hegemony. A battle with robots insues buying the time to come up with a scientific solution to the problem. More like a patch over a wound than a real solution though. They'll be back... |
Milky Milky Moo | November 14th, 2023 | The four meet up at a milkshake shop. They chat and then move on. |
It Was A Beautiful Day In Space | November 6th, 2023 | A violent attack on Asteroid M finds Mystique to have been the primary target. Numerous heroes, human, alien and mutant alike come to the aid of the station and save it from being blown to the planet below. As the dust settles... Magneto returns. |
Quoth the Garden | November 6th, 2023 | Ororo comforts Monet some after a long, rough period. |
Injustice For All: The Heist | November 4th, 2023 | The Justice League and their allies are alerted to an attempted robbery at the American Museum of Natural History by the Injustice League. And an old foe just might be the target. |
Telepathic Tango | November 1st, 2023 | On Halloween Monet runs into Madelyne Pryor. |
The Path of Progress: Ambush | October 30th, 2023 | The trap is sprung and the expected chaos insues. The only real question is whether Cable and co. can come out of it all with a tangible lead on John Sublime's whereabouts. |
New Krypton Work Release Program | October 29th, 2023 | The Supers and their Friends have their first encounter with the Kryptonian Hegemony fleet under the command of General Zod. It is a narrow escape against overwhelming fire power. The threat is barely understood - but our Zod and his criminal cohort proved themselves today. There's hope yet. |
Xaviers: Haunted House Night | October 28th, 2023 | An Xaviers Haunted House extravaganza! |
Themy-Scare-Ya | October 23rd, 2023 | We did the mash. We did the monster mash. |
Xaviers By Night | October 19th, 2023 | A student's nightmares are made real by her mutant power. The X-men have to fight through hellhounds, Bloody Mary and Samara, and then the Headless Horsemen to get to her. |
Injustice For All: Release the Kraken | October 18th, 2023 | The Justice League and their allies rush to the defense of New York's Port when it comes under attack by the Injustice League and their mythological sea monster... |
Emplates and Extermination | October 16th, 2023 | On a dark Friday the Thirteenth, Emplate breaks into Xavier's Mansion, looking for mutants to feed upon. And is fought off, with traumas brought up and used to strengthen rather than terrify. |
Jimmeh Ehm'ing M | October 15th, 2023 | Jimmy and M heckle one another. |
Preparations for Halloween | October 8th, 2023 | Storm and Monet talk. Negasonic drops by. There is disappointment. |
Now that we're here | October 8th, 2023 | X-Force finds an avenue in for more information from a Lantham Grant. Slowly Madripoor is giving up some secrets. |
Punching Holes | October 6th, 2023 | Monet and Jimmy help Rogue fight through some extra Danger Room work! |
Injustice For All: The Deathless Doom | October 2nd, 2023 | Metropolis finds itself under attack as the Injustice League unleashes Chemo on the unsuspecting city. The Justice League and their allies answer the call to find a way of stopping the creature's rampage. |
And then, nothing happened | September 28th, 2023 | Monet and Domino are unsuccessful (by script) at baiting, so next best thing? Grabbing something to eat. |
Quoth the Jubilee Ever-More | September 25th, 2023 | Monet goes to check in on Jubilee and Noriko. |
Miss Sinister Scythes | September 25th, 2023 | The X-Men find a facility run by Sinister. Cable leads a strike force that's put through the ringer. But they burn the place down. |
IT CAME FROM BENEATH THE FOOD TRUCK! | September 21st, 2023 | When a large mechanical montrousity upsets downtown Manhattan, Superboy (Conner Kent), M (Monet St. Croix), Vermilion (Jane Roe) and and Caleb Dykstra (with Sheila) arrive to save the day! |
Too Nice a Place | September 18th, 2023 | A bar is too classy a place for a fight. And for M to run her mouth. |
Injustice For All: Side Jobs | September 11th, 2023 | The Injustice League shows themselves again, attempting the hijack a cargo ship from the Gotham Beast as his long sought after ambitions are finally crushed. An ecclectic group of heroes insured that their plans would not succeed. At least not entirely... |
Smoke and Mirrors | September 9th, 2023 | The X-Men do battle with Black Team 5 1, and the rest of his soldiers. The captives at the hidden lab are rescued after a gritty and violent battle. Magneto puts on one hell of a light show before fleeing in to the sunset, and Mr. Sinister offers an ominous fairwell. |
The Path of Progress: Back to the Start | September 9th, 2023 | Cable and his team storm the evil law offices of evil to try and dig up information on John Sublime's whereabouts. Afterwards there may be a trip to the Waffle House. |
Runin with a Ghost Who Walks | September 6th, 2023 | Legends of the Pulp era. |
Witches Duel | September 6th, 2023 | Two wicked witches duel over rights to a name. Heroes stop them before everyone in the area is made into chickens. And the names don't sound remotely like one another! |
Kandor: The Last of Krypton | September 3rd, 2023 | The planet New Krypton is founded, the bottled city of Kandor is restored to some form of its splendor. But then the Oans make their move, sending a force of Lanterns and battle spheres to destroy the Kryptonians once and for all. The heroes of Earth clue by four the Lanterns in to the reality of the situation and the tide of the battle is turned... but at what cost? |
Danger Dorks | August 30th, 2023 | M and Ellie face off in the Danger Room and agree never to speak of Elmo again. |
Welcome, glad to see you! | August 30th, 2023 | A hot welcome to Madripoor! |
Give me your tired | August 28th, 2023 | No description |
Injustice For All: The Opening Salvo | August 22nd, 2023 | Grood and the Reverse-Flash resurface in Metropolis with a surprise in store for the heroes that answer the bell. The lives of the Justice League and their allies are about to get much more complicated. |
Saturday night | August 20th, 2023 | Quick social. Social life, what? |
Maps and pizza- grease marks the spot! | August 19th, 2023 | Domino hosts Monet and Cable at one of her safehouses to discuss Madripoor and tactics in general. Pizza and beer are served. |
Thinking with Kryptonian Portals | August 18th, 2023 | Preparations for the settlement of New Krypton are well underway. Caitlin and Monet are the first humans to set foot on the planet. |
The Second Floor Waterfall | August 14th, 2023 | Lorna and Monet assist Scott with some wayward mutant pets in the plumbing of the mansion. |
Lost and Found Her | August 13th, 2023 | Monet finds Noriko to make good on her word, which was kindly given in the first place. Noriko finds out where Jubilation is living, both try not to be vulnerable in front of each other, both fail. |
Just In The Neighborhood | August 13th, 2023 | Monet St. Croix manages to track down Jubilee and check on the prodigal vampire. She finds her rocking out to the Spice Girls. |
Brotherhood in Bushwick: Taking Testimonials | August 11th, 2023 | The taking of testmonials in Mutant Town went without violence, and Her Royal Majesty of Genosha, Queen Lorna Dane dropped the mic. |
The Path of Progress: We're Down At The Bottom Of A Hole | August 7th, 2023 | Cable and his team need to escape the hole they find themselves in after Sublime tried to blow them up. He might have a few more surprises for them too. Fortunately the good guys might have some backup of their own... |
The Check In | August 7th, 2023 | Cable and Monet drop in on Outlaw to make sure that all is well. Possibly laying the ground work in case they need to draw her in to the latest missions. X-Force. |
The Ninja and the Arrogant | August 6th, 2023 | M and Yukio chat. What's respect got to do with it? |
Magneto and the Train | August 5th, 2023 | The X-Men, along with Captain America, race to a remote farmland area to stop Magneto before violence can break out. Magneto is detained by the enigmatic Black Team 57 and it's cocky leader. |
Kandor: City of Hope | July 30th, 2023 | The House of El and their allies head back in to the Bottle of Kandor to find out what really happened. But their hearts ache doing nothing and instead take matters in to their own hands... |
Bushwick Got Preachers | July 26th, 2023 | A group of mutants stand up to protestors at Bushwick and talk them down in a standoff. |
The Path of Progress -- A Sublime Time Pt. III | July 22nd, 2023 | Cable and his team finally come face to face with John Sublime -- after a fashion -- and the trap is sprung. But just who is trapping who? |
Taking Care Of The Bird | July 20th, 2023 | Various X-men gather in the Blackbird hangar for maintenance work and conversations. |
Bushwick Blowback | July 18th, 2023 | Protests in Bushwick flare up as people for and against the 'mutant vaccine' spill over, and the locals have to help keep the peace. |
Juggernaut And Ego | July 17th, 2023 | Cain meets M in late night Westchester. |
Kandor: Into the Bottle | July 15th, 2023 | The Kryptonians and friends head in to the bottled city of Kandor to learn of the struggles there-in and a dictator who serves Brainiac. A flame is lit and hope begins to spread. |
Sinisterly Deviant | July 9th, 2023 | A group of mixed mutants and monsters show up at a genetics conference where Essex Corporation has setup a booth. Observation turns to a fight as it's not Mister Sinister who shows up, but something Deviant. Guest Starring Doctor Curt Conners! |
Fourth of July | July 4th, 2023 | Jubilation Lee presents the 4th of the July! Sponsored by Capri Moon! |
Talking Things Through | July 4th, 2023 | Jubilee comes to check on Monet and M reveals a painful secret. |
Sinister And Family Time | June 29th, 2023 | Bando's sister is put in danger to test him |
The Path of Progress -- A Sublime Time Pt. II | June 26th, 2023 | Cable and company successfully infiltrate Sublime Pharmaceuticals, getting the necessary intel to hopefully take down the whole monster at once. But the head-honcho bows out of his scheduled appointment leaving the team still hunting the head of the snake. |
Kandor: The Future of Krypton | June 25th, 2023 | A meeting of minds to discuss the future of Krypton when a future Kryptonian drops in unannounced. |
Coyotes About | June 22nd, 2023 | M talks to Mercy about gardening and history in the Embassy. |
Mojo-Mecha-Mayhem | June 21st, 2023 | In which our intrepid heroes go to the Mojoverse and fight the good fight of the toyetic 80's legions of doom! |
Sprites and Sersis | June 19th, 2023 | Sprite runs into another Eternal and the two catchup some at the Hellfire Club. |
Broads and Brawls | June 11th, 2023 | A group of eclectic mutants wander in and over a game of cards ponder life, mysteries, drama, and celebrate the paranoia that comes with childbirth. |
The Path of Progress: A Sublime Time | June 11th, 2023 | Cable and his team assess the situation and decide that a fire-fight in downtown Manhatten is just to risky. A more subtle approach is called for this time... |
SUICIDE SQUAD: Atlantic City baby! | June 9th, 2023 | Another Typical Suicide Squad Success |
Rogues Gone Wild: Magic Ain't What It Used To Be | June 6th, 2023 | The Avenue of Tomorrow is again the scene of a Rogue attack as the Weather Wizard and Abra Kadabra turn their own kind of magic into absolute chaos. And just to add to the mess? Why not throw in the Hulk to deal with too! |
Songs of the Brotherhood | June 5th, 2023 | A ninja and the Shadow take on assassins of the Sengh Brotherhood. |
Advanced Ariel Defense Class | June 5th, 2023 | Scott takes some less experienced mutants up into the blackbird to work on defensive maneuvers. |
Kandor: Superbrainiacman | June 4th, 2023 | A significant portion of Earth's mightiest heroes mount a rescue mission to save Superman from Brainiac. For some of them, they faced more than they bargained for. For Brainiac, he missed the most important part when he cloned Superman - heart. |
Cannonballs and Cuckoos | June 2nd, 2023 | Two New Mutants talk with the Three in One about school days. |
Cheery Ol' London: Part One | May 31st, 2023 | The Charity Covention is a knock out...but something always mucks up a good time. Like crazy possessed people! |
Totally Radical | May 31st, 2023 | Things go totally un-tubular as Ellie is stuck only able to do 90's lingo while saving M from video game Mojo mayhem! Not radical. |
Looten Down Under | May 30th, 2023 | sewers and looters in the stank underbelly |
The Path of Progress: A Walk Around The Bloc | May 28th, 2023 | Cable and his team make a raid on another facility, rescuing a number of mutants. And maybe, just maybe find the name of the individual behind all of this... |
Savage Lands: The Brood CHARGE | May 27th, 2023 | The heroes in the Savage Lands join forces to push back a massive Brood King invasion force that attempted to storm the Lemurian Castle lands. SHIELD, Justice League, Avengers, and more combined forces to see to it the King of the Brood was felled. |
Meeting Monet | May 26th, 2023 | Aurora runs into new people at the Hellfire Club, and learns that some powers are really fearsome. |
Cruelties and Creeds | May 25th, 2023 | Victor Creed and M brawl once more. M survives by the skin of Creed's teeth. |
Eternally in Paris | May 24th, 2023 | Sprite vs M being a brat. Sprite wins against M's brattiness. |
Brood of the Savage Land: The God Machines, Finale | May 19th, 2023 | The group travels to find the final Celestial computer... but they don't find the Engineer. Instead, they find the Savage Land sun cult, who speak of their god imprisoning the Deviant as a 'demon.' Also, one of the priests thinks Lorna is their high priestess. She tries to trick them by playing along, but gets in trouble when the genuine article arrives. They do bear a certain resemblance. What does it mean? Who knows. But at least they finally got Doug to the damn computer. POWER ON! |
Half a Dozen of Swords, Same as the Other | May 17th, 2023 | Stabbageddeon |
Fire From The Heavens: Power and Glory | May 16th, 2023 | The Justice League and their allies face down Despero, seeking to put an end to the threat posed by The Third Eye and the Flame for good. Battling on a distant planetoid, the League confronts the alien despot in one last battle. |
When Stegosaurus and Savages Snarl | May 13th, 2023 | A herd of Stegosauruses are saved from the Brood by Kanga Riding Amazons and Mutants coming to the rescue! Dino-Gore is everywhere! |
NIMBYism | May 11th, 2023 | Why do so many people bother Earth? Monet has a theory. |
MEIYA NO SAIKEN: Shinya no Kessen | May 5th, 2023 | In the dead of night, sinister figures invade the school in search of the Wolverine! Battle ensues! |
Withdrawl Concerns | May 3rd, 2023 | When Monet has banking to do, she's not about to let a little robbery with some know-nothings trouble her. She takes care of business, then takes care of her banking. |
Strangers in a Savage Land | April 26th, 2023 | Allies gather in the Savage Land before the coming storm. |
X-Folks: The Purest Unpacked | April 23rd, 2023 | A gang of bikers had been a thorn in the side of Logan and some of the xavier School and stuck deep enough they needed to be yanked out. |
Jungle Fireside | April 21st, 2023 | Savage Lands discussion with the X-Women at the fireside of a Fall People village. The topics are light, and ominous. |
Brooding Beasts | April 19th, 2023 | The infected creatures of the Savage Lands cause a frenzied stampede that engulfs a village of innocents. Wonder Woman, and the Amazons, call to arms the protectors of the Savage Lands from the X-Men and the Justice League. |
Marauders and Mayhem | April 19th, 2023 | The X-Men go to bust up a lab of Mister Sinister's. And find something waiting for them that is even more disturbing than a trap. |
Caught in the Act | April 18th, 2023 | Jubilee needs let into the arcade. Monet finally gives up something that's causing her a great deal of pain. Last on Mutants 90210.. |
Pinking Up | April 16th, 2023 | Clarice tlaks to M to brief her on how to survive in the Savage Land. |
Danger Sessions: No Peace Amongst the Stars | April 15th, 2023 | No description |
Pitstop | April 12th, 2023 | An eclectic group father late night during a donut shop break in. |
Lost in Translation | April 10th, 2023 | M has a bad day. Cypher and Franklin talk her out of it. Without threats, even! |
The Path of Progress: A Rock And A Hard Place | April 4th, 2023 | Cable and the team that he has assembled storm an island in the South Indian Ocean in the middle of a monsoon seeking out kidnapped mutants. Will they have anymore luck then on their last mission? Will they bring back any of the captives alive? And will they finally discover who is behind this all? |
Blinking Around the World | April 1st, 2023 | The X-Women take Clarice out shopping. In Paris. |
Queen In Residence | March 31st, 2023 | Some of the X-Women chat late night in the kitchen on romance. |
Supers in the Park | March 30th, 2023 | No description |
Supergirls and Ice Cream | March 29th, 2023 | Kara and Monet have ice cream, and talk about movies. |
In in a Blink | March 29th, 2023 | Blink comes to the Mansion for aid. Monet plans to use the Pinkette's powers for a shopping trip around the world. |
Toy Man Tormentor | March 29th, 2023 | In which Toyman attacks the local Nerf Superstore and his giant blimp-robot is smashed.. TO NOTHING. |
In the Sky with Supergirl | March 28th, 2023 | Kara and Monet fly together in the embrace in the sun above the clouds, and pledge themselves to their love. |
Flying Through the Night | March 27th, 2023 | Kara and M talk quickly over coffee. |
Fire from the Heavens: The Flame of Py'tar | March 27th, 2023 | The League and the allies meet to discuss the Flame of Py'tar and how they will proceed to deal with Despero once and for all. Plans are formulated, decisions made and pasteries consumed. |
Astra's Final Solution - Peace | March 24th, 2023 | The Superfriends travel to Revolution Day, an important event in Kryptonian history when the Hegemony was toppled and the future of the planet was decided. It is here they find Astra about to change history for the worst; and also who was really behind it all - a god named Vohc. |
Monet restored... or restrained | March 21st, 2023 | Rogue retrieves the restrained and restored Monet from Dr. Doom's clutches, only the future will tell what trials await when they confront Desparo again... |
The Path of Progress: Blood Dues | March 19th, 2023 | Having tracked a mutant trafficking ring to a facility on the outskirts of Madripoor, Cable leads a handful of fellow mutants in an assault to try and rescue any remaining victims -- and to try and find out more about who is behind the despicable scheme. |
Frosting the Ego | March 18th, 2023 | Crystal Frost meets M. |
Sparkle Goths and Emos | March 15th, 2023 | M and Negasonic snark in the library. |
Fire from the Heavens: Enter Despero | March 13th, 2023 | The Justice League and their allies comes face to face with the Third Eye at last and are left reeling as the might of Despero is unleashed upon them in his quest to reclaim the Flame of Py'tar. How long will the the League be able to keep the alien despot from reaching his goals? |
Astra's Final Solution - Project P718 | March 11th, 2023 | The Superfriends travel back farther in to Krypton's past than they intended and find themselves locked in to a fixed point in time, the birth moment of Brainiac. They calibrate their time travel instruments and move on and totally didn't stop a nuclear apocalypse at all. Ssssh. |
Fire from the Heavens: Emissaries of The Third Eye | March 7th, 2023 | To no one's surprise the Kalanorian's latest attempt to reclaim the 'Flame' for their religious despot, the 'Third Eye' meets fierce opposition from the Justice League and assembled protectors of Metropolis. And while the alien armada might prove to be little match for Earth's greatest protectors they are a mere herald for the threat to come... |
X-Folks: The Purest Pack... of dumbasses. | March 4th, 2023 | Part II: The Purest Pack tried to increase their beef with Logan and Harry's Hideaway. By targeting Tabitha and some girls from Xavier's School. The X-Men and two Kryptionian ladies made sure the actual prey were the bikers. Part III coming soon! |
Watching the Super-Sun Rise | February 28th, 2023 | Kara and M watch the sun rise over the Themysciran Embassy, and plan to move in together. |
A Cold, Cold Night | February 26th, 2023 | A cozy little chat on the roof. |
Astra's Final Solution - The Time Machine | February 25th, 2023 | When Astra In-Ze turns up in a scout ship declaring she's |
Fire From The Heavens: Harbinger's Warning | February 22nd, 2023 | Alien spacecraft battle above the skies over Metropolis. But one of them proves to be an alien refugee fleeing his world, bringing warning of a terrible threat from beyond the stars... |
Sinister Invites You To The Estate | February 21st, 2023 | An auction is done of old things from an old Man Sinister. Lessons are learned from those who judge and may need to be judged. In the end, Mystique burns it all down the way it should be. |
Cheetah plans to play Tiger Queen and Rob a Zoo. | February 17th, 2023 | Cheetah and Saberooth leave the zoo with four large pets. Totally not fleeing juggernaut. |
Fist Fu Fighting | February 16th, 2023 | Franklin gets in a bar fight. Then things get weird. |
The Sanctuary of Solitude | February 11th, 2023 | The Sanctuary of Solitude is found, but it was corrupted by Kryptonite and has become an ecological nightmare that is the responsibility of the Kryptonians to clean up. It will take years. |
Hanging with the Hope | February 11th, 2023 | Scott, Hope, and M talk by the pool. |
We're All Doomed | February 10th, 2023 | Monet and Sif encounter Doom at Coffee of Doom. Monet is thus DOOMED. |
Supering the Stars | February 10th, 2023 | Happy Valentine's Day, Kara and M style |
Lorna arrives with food and hospitality | February 6th, 2023 | Lorna invades Xavier's with... hashbrown casserole and is countered with feels. |
Vamps and Scamps | February 5th, 2023 | Goth, Peppy, Snark, and Debonair talk in the Club. |
Fencing Lessons | January 28th, 2023 | The first fencing lesson at Xavier's School for the Gifted. As expected, it was wild. Wild, I tell you! |
Isalia drops in | January 22nd, 2023 | A new (old?) Amazon basically drops out of the sky. Introductions are made. |
Null Day at the Zoo | January 21st, 2023 | When Null's project dog is let loose on the Central Park Zoo's inaugeral Valentine's nights, M (Monet St. Croix) and Maul (Jeremy Stone) arrive to play dog-catcher. |
Skii Ball Arcade Time! | January 19th, 2023 | An eclectic group meet in the arcade for a pizza party and discuss why vinyls are superior. |
Reclaiming The Lost | January 15th, 2023 | Marie, Monet, and Tabitha make up a royal welcoming committee as T'Challa visits Xavier's! Marie returns the spear she was loaned, and accepts an offer she'd be a fool to refuse! |
Asgardians at the Gates (of the Amazon Library) | January 13th, 2023 | Sif comes to the library at the Themysciran library to look for information about Malekith and his Kursed. |
The Mother After | January 10th, 2023 | M and Kara catchup on recent emotional events. |
Mutant Libersion Makes No Friends of Humanity | January 9th, 2023 | The Mutant Liberation Front attacks the Friends of Humanity. The two groups have enough hate and murder on both sides that they can't be told apart. Some things are universal about humanity. |
Visible Or Not | January 8th, 2023 | Monet talks with the totally not visible mutant girl! |
Sledding X-Man Style | January 7th, 2023 | Xavier's students and staff take to the sledding slope for a day of wintry fun. |
Amazon Training: Shield Wall | January 6th, 2023 | A test of endurance, a test of willpower, Diana almost seems to be enjoying this. The trainees who sign-up for it may or may not be tooo! |
Jenga from Space | January 3rd, 2023 | A piece of junk from space crashes in to a skyscraper in Metropolis. It's carrying a deadly plague of inky space monsters that eat everything and replicate when attacked or when they've eaten too much. A team of Titans, Avenger, and a mysterious new Kryptonian save the day. The world will never know how close it came to being nommed in to oblivion. |
Crossing the Bird | January 2nd, 2023 | Monet and Kendra pass flight in the night. |
A TIME TO ... Gain | December 29th, 2022 | The X-Men visit Madripoor and find their lost frenemy. |
Supers in the Sky | December 27th, 2022 | Kara, Alura, and Monet talk about things which lay under the sea and adapting to life on Earth. |
Doom. No, the other one. | December 25th, 2022 | Christmas Eve at Xavier's school sees a Doom LAN party for the students. |
Seeking Sentinels | December 19th, 2022 | A team exercise in the Danger Room against Sentinels. |
8-Bit Theatre | December 18th, 2022 | Monet and Cypher have a snark off about challenges. Doug wins. |
Kryptonian Arts and Crafts | December 16th, 2022 | Alura meets Monet and they discuss deep deep topics.. which was a prelude to Monet telling Alura she is dating her daughter. Only one pottery wheel got broken. |
Last Minute Christmas Shopping | December 16th, 2022 | Priscilla and Henry are out doing some last minute gift shopping and they run into a few people. Or well, at least one of them runs into Henry! |
Robbing the Bank | December 14th, 2022 | Astro-Knight and the King of Chins Hercules go fisto-a-face-o with Scorpion and Rhino! |
bezhgam vo Themyscira! | December 9th, 2022 | Alura is welcomed to Themyscira by Donna, Diana, Hippolyta and Monet. She seems more concerned with the revelations about showers and horses than those about superpowers. |
A TIME TO ... Lose | December 4th, 2022 | The X-Men investigate missing mutants and discover technology and a portal from another time and place! |
Phantom In-Ze | December 4th, 2022 | Alura makes a desperate attempt to escape the Phantom Zone. Thankfully family and friends turned up and helped out, taking a leap of faith. Welcome to ,Rth, Alura In-Ze. |
Post-Thanksgiving Snack | November 28th, 2022 | Post food chatter comes up amongst M, Scott, and Warren. |
Something Nefaria Going On | November 27th, 2022 | Quasar and Karolina Dean fight and defeat the goatee-flashing Count Nefaria! |
Xaviers: Thanksgiving | November 24th, 2022 | It's another Xaivers School Thanksgiving preparation night! Kicking off the holiday seasonal fun times! There's lots of parents at this one, and interesting alternate Thanksgiving meal options discussed, including X-23's dutch oven, Sam Guthrie's deep fried turkey? And Hank suggests a fish! Jean's floating brain ham, and Roberto probably ordered some food from a designer food store that will be delivered any minute! Enjoy reading, whomever I'm talking to here! |
Order Borne of Darkness - Cosmic Carnage Under the Sea | November 20th, 2022 | Intrepid heroes dive into the depths of the sea, and fight an ancient guardian protecting something most precious. An artifact that can bend reality. It is stolen from them and taken to deepest, darkest space. Now the heroes shall have to track down members.. Of the Black Order. |
Themyscirans: The 700 | November 18th, 2022 | The 700 are introduced to Themyscira in a wide variety of ways, including a bit of dance and drink at the new club dedicated just to that! Talk of space is had, talk of music takes place, dance moves are explored, and something something 'i just kissed a girl' and apparently people liked it! |
Kara and M, Floating in a Tree | November 13th, 2022 | Two socially awkward girls have a picnic. |
X-Men: The Oil Tankers | November 12th, 2022 | The X-Men help the Dude find his wife's captors and aids him in starting a potential revolution on the 'other side' of the mysterious gateways. |
Themyscirans: New Souls | November 3rd, 2022 | The Themyscirans gather at the Well of Souls to greet the first arrival of a contingent of new Amazons, more women arrive in one day than have been seen in over a thousand years from the Wellspring, and yet more are set to come... |
The Reavers: Kill or Capture | October 30th, 2022 | Donald Pierce goes all in to recover Josh to further a secret advanced cybernetics program. Trying to grab Josh in Bushwick goes sideways when Bunny, Gabby, Monet, Roberto, and Tabby show up and wreck borgs. |
Xaviers: Haunted Hayrack Ride | October 28th, 2022 | The Xaviers School annual Halloween special. This time with limited commmercial interruptions. It aired on FOX at 6:30pm, and was viewed by approximately 82 million households. |
Dastard! By! Science! | October 25th, 2022 | In which our heroes run into AIM having Transmogrifier Rays and weirdness is had and no one will ever speak of it ever again. |
XM A Dinner with the Dude | October 24th, 2022 | The conversation with Rogue's father is had at dinner at Xaviers School. Much is discussed, Rahne is the winner in the end though. |
The Power of TRANSISTORS | October 22nd, 2022 | An Avenger and two killers engage an old school tech boy. |
Hellish Start to the Day | October 21st, 2022 | An interesting group of fighters dispatch a demon back to the Hell from which it came! |
Themysciran Embassy Dinner | October 16th, 2022 | Diana invites a few people over for dinner and drinks, and chit chat! |
Rogue's Spooky Campsite | October 15th, 2022 | Rogue invites a bunch of students and other weirdos from Xaviers to the woods. STuff happens! |
Shadow X: Hidden Tracks | October 15th, 2022 | No description |
Zero Gee Isn't For Me | October 13th, 2022 | Monet and Negasonic fight aliens. IN SPACE. In the Danger Room. |
The M and the Messiah | October 7th, 2022 | Monet and Hope talk things. Tabby shows up and Hope deals with confusiong emotions in proximity to Tabitha and firearms! |
Autumn In Central Park | October 7th, 2022 | An Autumn day in Central Park sees graffiti, a crashing skateboard, and Matt never does get to enjoy his PSL and bagel. |
When Supergirls Fly | October 7th, 2022 | After Supergirl is put under the influence of Poison Ivy's phermones, she and M retreat and put Kara through detox. |
Flying on Ego High | October 3rd, 2022 | Monet and Lei Ling talk on a long flight and bond over insulting Americans. |
Mean Girls After the Mall | October 1st, 2022 | No description |
The First Leaves of Fall | September 30th, 2022 | Ivy's attempt to sneak thief is thwarted and Monet may have a new enemy |
Negas and Monets | September 28th, 2022 | M and Ellie talk. And might actually sort of tolerate one another. |
Zen with the Storm Goddess | September 26th, 2022 | Storm helps Monet relax in the midst of the younger girl's confusion. |
Invitation to the Fortress | September 25th, 2022 | Kara shows Monet around the Fortress. And M has a rare indulgence of happiness. |
It's Your Birthday | September 25th, 2022 | Monet St. Croix and Kara Zor-El celebrate Kara turning 21. |
Order Borne of Darkness: Prelude | September 22nd, 2022 | GIRL discovers an item of the power cosmic beneath the sea! And gets ready to dive into the depths. |
A Hankering | September 21st, 2022 | M and Beast talk in the garden. |
All That Glitters Is Not Gold | September 15th, 2022 | Gunmen attack a jewelry store, only to find the customers include Dick Grayson, Oliver Queen, Monet and Meggan Constantine. Plus the Punisher staking out the place, and Daredevil near by. |
Cats and Carnage | September 14th, 2022 | Monet, injured at the Themysciran Embassy, passes along a warning of the carnage of teh capricious CHEETAH to Kora. |
Rogue Captured | September 10th, 2022 | A big wild thing happens at a train station. Everyone is kewl! |
Night at the Museum | September 8th, 2022 | A trip to the museum erupts into chaos complete with frost hounds, ghosts, and a cursed helmet! |
Unholy Grail | September 3rd, 2022 | Scott Lang takes Grail and Monet mini-golfing while Grail readies to meet the Amazons. AND HER DESTINY. |
Grail in the Dugout | August 29th, 2022 | Grail comes to Earth. Samples Stadium Hot Dogs. Speaks to Scott Lang and Monet. Goes 'take me to your Amazons'. And deals with Power Girl doing her own very unique 'welcome to Earth' intro. |
Mankind Can be Monsters | August 27th, 2022 | Lorna Dane stops the Friends of Humanity from experimenting on missing children to make Mutant Growth Hormone and uses a minimum amount of force. |
A charging cold crime with a tube of boom | August 25th, 2022 | Captain Cold and Rhino try to rob an armored truck only to be stopped by several heroes and a gray woman with red eyes who appears out of some mysterious portal. |
Conversations with Kara | August 22nd, 2022 | Monet talks to Kara whil hurt about Cheetah. |
Caught by the Cheetah | August 18th, 2022 | Monet meets a crazed Cheetah in a museum and is left as a bloody smear to send a message over to the Amazons. |
Doubting the Danger | August 17th, 2022 | Tabby facing off against the freeze for training. |
Eccentrica Gallumbits and Endowments | August 11th, 2022 | Gotham has a weird day by Gotham standards when The Mighty Endowed tries to use her.. Hypnotic abilities to rob the bank! Only the Sensational She-Hulk and the Amazing Alfred can save the day. But not their sanity. |
X-MEN The Biggest Smile | August 11th, 2022 | The X-MEN arrive at a mysterious island in the Atlantic Ocean to chase the coordinates of what they presume to be the hidden base of the SMILE laboratories. |
X-Folks: Dox-M: Camping Noobs | August 7th, 2022 | The X-Men make the world, and a Montana Summer Camp safe for S'mores and undersized tees. A number of fankids are made and the amount of wild dyejobs at the Xavier School increases. |
Talking in the Embassy | August 6th, 2022 | Monet and Kara talk about Themyscira. |
Guilt and Ego | August 4th, 2022 | The Ego meets the Nice Catholic Girl. Guess which one runs! |
The Reavers: Initiation Interrupted | July 29th, 2022 | Several heroes converge on a black market cybernetic body shop just when the Reavers inducted a new recruit by giving him his full enhancements. The fight was swift, brutal and left nothing standing. But that did not keep the heroes from making off with people and information that may shed some light on who the Reavers are and what they have been doing. |
Training the Ego | July 25th, 2022 | Kara shows M some aerial combat moves. |
It's Not Easy Being . | July 24th, 2022 | Monet St. Croix finds Kurt Wagner exercising his teleportation abilities as one would do wind sprints or strength training. The two talk briefly before Kurt bamfs away. |
Museum Meetings | July 20th, 2022 | Monet St. Croix makes the acquaintance of the self-identified Wayne Spare Heir, who's been making the rounds at galas and charity functions. Turns out there's a severe disadvantage to being rags-to-riches. |
Nasty and Nefarious | July 20th, 2022 | Count Nefaria comes out and tries to steal a bank! |
Playing in the Pool | July 19th, 2022 | Kitora met Monet St. Croix at the pool while she's practicing her underwater survival skills. |
Taking Inventory | July 17th, 2022 | Monet, Sam, and Tabitha stumble upon Nori taking inventory after dinner. Noriko has things to say about the organization of the kitchen. People catch up. Plans are hatched for Kitty and Lockheed. |
Medbays and M's | July 15th, 2022 | Some of the X-men visit M in the medbay |
Even Supergirls Can be Scared | July 15th, 2022 | Kara and Monet make peace with one another after Monet has had time to heal. |
AIM of the Savage Land | July 15th, 2022 | The sentinel dinodaurs are destroyed as is the base which produced them. Our heroes retirn home with pit any greivous wounds for once. |
Making Apologies for the Mind | July 15th, 2022 | After fighting, Monet and Kara talk. |
Where We're Going We Don't Need Roads | July 13th, 2022 | Cannonball races Big Wheel along Manhattan. |
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished | July 8th, 2022 | Supergirl nearly re-enacts Mortal Kombat with Monet. Thankfully, the Titans, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men all make an appearance to save the day! |
Piece of Mind - Passing About Warnings | July 3rd, 2022 | Monet gives Alexander a warning to pass along to the other godlings of the threat of the Shadow King |
X-MEN: Danger Bots | June 30th, 2022 | A small team of X-MEN members unite to do battle on their own turf vs a hypothetical nemesis attack. SENTINELS! |
Need Caffeine; On the Scene | June 29th, 2022 | Monet meets Cheynnee and hears about his ongoing work and they talk. |
Downtime in the tower. | June 29th, 2022 | Monet comes to give a warning to the Titans. |
When The Glass Cracks | June 29th, 2022 | Monet meets the new, improved Supergirl! |
Considerations Over Coffee | June 28th, 2022 | Monet and Patience agree to be friends and talk on life |
Resting in the Water | June 23rd, 2022 | Kitty gives advise to Monet while at the lake. |
Egos and the English | June 23rd, 2022 | Monet and Betsy have a quick talk. |
Of Aliens and Egos | June 20th, 2022 | Kara goes out of her way to help Monet gain confidence. |
Learning Patience | June 19th, 2022 | Monet and Patience fly through the forest. |
Monet and the Magdalena | June 17th, 2022 | Monet meets Patience at the library. Two very anti-social types don't get very far! |
Coffee After Collapse | June 17th, 2022 | Monet and Patience meet again |
World Devoured, Soul Shattered | June 16th, 2022 | After the fight against the World Eater, Alexander Aaron tries to talk to Monet about pain and fear. |
Mutant Mud Pit | June 12th, 2022 | Xavier's builds a mud pit for tug of war down by the lake. |
Themyscirans: Wings of Fury | June 12th, 2022 | Diana, and the Themyscirans do battle with an ancient World Eater brought back to life by mysterious powerful 'Hearts'. |
Stranger is Danger | June 7th, 2022 | Some Danger Room training gets dastardly. DRAT! AND DOUBLE DRAT! |
Supergirls and Super-Egos | May 31st, 2022 | The Ego Meets the Supergirl |
X-MEN: Watching - Breathing - Smiling | May 27th, 2022 | The X-MEN investigate the SMILE labs, and find a whole lot of teenagers in trouble! And bird poo. |
Pieces of Mind: Fears | May 23rd, 2022 | Monet is pushed into the Astral by the spirits. |
Dox-M: The Show Must Not Go On! | May 23rd, 2022 | The X-men and a few valient heroes take down the Friends of Humanity's torture streaming operation. Hannah and other captives were rescued. No no one was high and Kaida is real. The place was leveled and sadly the kids will need to find a new place to play basketball. |
Maggot's Interrogation | May 21st, 2022 | Hope Summers and Monet St. Croix confirm that Maggot was on MGH when he attacked the school grounds. He confesses that he was searching for a way to boost his powers and feel like a superhero. Unfortunately, he cannot remember where he got MGH from. |
Xaviers Graduation Party | May 21st, 2022 | It is a nice graduation day 2022 at Xaviers School! The Fleebs really are the best! |
Even Big Damn Heroes Have to Sneak in Home | May 20th, 2022 | Tabby gets home from being a hero and at some major peace. Steals and shares Pizza, discusses religious diet loopholes, comparitive wages, and future adult hood stuff with Bobby, James, Kitty and Monet. |
Of Tabbies and Toasters | May 15th, 2022 | Sam and Tabby talk food and family with M. |
X-Folks: Dox-M: The Pox on 'em | May 9th, 2022 | Warning: Implied trauma and abuse.
Tabby's research into her recent bad luck turns up deeper problems in the world of social media and the internets. Plans are planned to use the knowledge for the good of mutant kind or at least feeling really good about themselves. Also. Tabby's dad is a complete bastard. |
S.H.I.E.L.D. Save the Chief Room 2 | May 9th, 2022 | The second team of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents bursts through to help go rescue the Chief! |
The School is Now Out of Shampoo. | May 5th, 2022 | Tabby is getting herself back to peak Tabby. Not quite cleared or maybe the systems haven't caught up. tabby runs what she can without combat. Mindless Dance Numbers, Explosions, and eyeless precogs with semi-automatic assault rifles make noise. Tabitha also begins a conspiracy with Ruth and Monet for Mothers Day Upcoming. |
Skulking out the Sinister | May 4th, 2022 | The X-Men sneak into an old lair of Mister Sinister's. Where they find things showing that he's been keeping track of Scott and Jean for decades. How far back do the monster's webs weave? |
Little Black Book | May 3rd, 2022 | Looking for a book of power in an occult shop at a late hour. |
Zzzapp! | May 1st, 2022 | Two members of the Justice League face off against a brain-eating electro-charged psychic devourer. |
Breakstone is Not Easy to Break. | April 25th, 2022 | Tabby works on her powers. Tries to be all private about it and fails because she doesn't think things through. Valid options and tactics are offered by friends and close ones! It's nice having family! |
Five is for Funsies | April 24th, 2022 | Esme Cuckoo attempts to do something to the computers for test season. The rest of the girls show up while Esme gets in trouuu-bbble with Mister Summers and Tabby is the big sis! |
Talking to the Snake | April 21st, 2022 | Viper is interrogated by Melinda May and Dottie Underwood. Rage and hate flies both ways. Mindgames go back and forth until one breaks. One woman is leaving in a body bag. |
No Friend of Mine | April 16th, 2022 | Tabby was selected to be on a very exclusive show. The X-Men vehemently disagreed with the casting agency, the Friends of Humnanity |
Floating in From Outer Space | April 15th, 2022 | An alien, fresh on earth.. |
Robb and Gun It | April 10th, 2022 | A She-Hulk and a Monster Hunter go to talk to a gunsmith about ridiculously oversized weapons and have some bonding time. |
The X in Mexico: Parte Tres: Beach Blasting Boomie | April 9th, 2022 | The Spring Break trip comes to an end. Tabby brings a not so happy trail. It's disposed of but Monet is hurt. Kids get a new life as does the newest superhero, Jerome Badonk: The X-Donk! |
Night out in Gotham | April 8th, 2022 | No description |
Introduction to the Extended Logans | April 6th, 2022 | M meets Rien and gets a headache hearing about time travel, smelling bad, and alternate universes. |
The X in Mexico: Party Dos | April 2nd, 2022 | Drunken ruin delving actually results in an archeoogical find. Jean being responsible again, everyone else beiing grossed out and Tabitha smelling badly in Rogue's arms. |
Storm's Flyin Lessons | March 27th, 2022 | A random conversation in midair about how to better ones self |
Mayhem at the Front | March 27th, 2022 | Hellfire Meets Hellfire as the Rider is challenged. Burning away to ashes. |
X-MEN: Capital Critters | March 27th, 2022 | The X-Men investigate a bunch of missing mutants in a Washington DC suburb. What they find may lead to more questions than answers! |
The X in Mexico | March 25th, 2022 | Part 1: X-Men get wasted in Cancun. Borrow a boat from Beto and invade a tourist trap island for possible ruins and loot! To be continued! |
Octavius You Jest | March 23rd, 2022 | Monet versus Doctor Octopus. The Doctor Escapes. |
When Ego Meets Brain | March 17th, 2022 | M takes Val out shoe shopping. |
Hobgoblin on the March | March 13th, 2022 | M and Hobgoblin have a brutal brawl in the Financial District. Hobbly flies away the winner. |
What The Chels | March 13th, 2022 | Shaun is hired to do some driving for a St. Croix. They chat about life, fashion, and Jordans. Five Stars! |
Shopping in Salem | March 5th, 2022 | There are discussions of art and violence with fashion and personas. |
Graduation Day Pt. II | March 4th, 2022 | The X-Men are given another reminder of the sometimes harsh reality for mutantkind. As if they needed it. |
Among the Anti-Social | February 23rd, 2022 | Two extreme introverts meet with the ice broken by an adorable mousegirl. |
Jersey City Fire Department's Charity Food Drive For NYC | February 17th, 2022 | Heroes, both costumed and not, get together to help collect donations and drive relief for people affected by the recent events in NYC! |
A night out! | February 16th, 2022 | Monet and Blake meet for a little chance chat. |
Cream with Your Demon | February 16th, 2022 | Satana and Monet catch up over coffee and chat. |
Hellboy gets a burger. | February 14th, 2022 | Hellboy gets some attention...and a free burger! |
X-Men: Graduation Day Pt. 1 | February 12th, 2022 | Graduation Day for the newest batch of X-Men recruits is underway and off to a promising start. The Danger Room is put to good use, evaluating the adaptability and teamwork of some of the most promising potentials. |
Lounging in the Library | February 11th, 2022 | Some back and forth among mutants in the Library. |
Mojo II: The Mojo-Ening! | February 10th, 2022 | The X-Men (and special guest star Stella) are abducted to Mojoverse where they face leftover holiday threats and treats! FEAR stocking stuffers! FLEE fruitcake. ESCAPE bad movie references! And AVASTE YE at the fourth wall! |
Where Everybody Knows Your Codename | February 7th, 2022 | Drinks are served at the Hideway. New Arrivals are welcomes and Tabby gets stuck with the check. |
Red and Caffeinated All Over | February 5th, 2022 | Satana and M bond over coffee and tell one another they like one another for their mind. And scene 10,001 whoo! |
Heroes Assemble Anniversary: The Watchers | February 5th, 2022 | The two year anniversary of Heroes Assemble Mush sees Uatu the Watcher showing three of his colleagues various moments from the last two years of Earth's history. |
Lights, Camera, Mojo! | February 5th, 2022 | No description |
Social and Brimstone | February 4th, 2022 | Monet St. Croix meets Satana and the two actually talk wtihout threats or swallowings of souls! |
Hellfire and the Pits | February 4th, 2022 | A Ninja, an Ego, and a Succubus walk into a bar.. |
Decompressing | February 3rd, 2022 | Megan catches up with Monet after her collapse on the field. Secrets are traded. |
Bat-Burger Royale With Cheese | February 2nd, 2022 | No description |
X-Hopefulls | January 30th, 2022 | Paige trains. Slightly older X-Folks and Tabby advise. |
Train with Wonder Woman | January 28th, 2022 | A wild group of combat enthusiasts get a chance to train with the Amazons at the Themysciran Arts Center! Madness ensues! |
A Mutant and an Alien Go For Coffee | January 28th, 2022 | A chance meeting develops into a conversation about New York and the world beyond. |
Algerian and Alien | January 26th, 2022 | Monet, Starfire, and Johnny Storm have lunch in Metropolis |
Dames and Defenstration | January 24th, 2022 | M encounters Carol Danvers. M is gonna M |
An Informal Get-Together For Friends & Allies at the Themysciran Embassy | January 20th, 2022 | There is a mid month party held at the Themysciran Embassy, celebrating the new year to come. People mingle and some mystery is spied at. |
Chilling on Break | January 17th, 2022 | On winter break, Monet talks to the chillest guy |
Westchester By Night: First Blood | January 16th, 2022 | After swiping an ancient grimoire important to her kind, Jubilee has accidentally left a trail of breadcrumbs that leads the armies of its rightful owner to the gates of Xavier's! The school is visited by Suthtehk The Malefactor's three vampire brides and their army of undead, hell bent on recovering what belongs to them! Divine, the half-Kryptonian visiting the school, draws first blood, figuratively speaking, and ignites a war between vampires and mutants! |
Xavier's Ski trip II: Return of the Hunger of the Night | January 15th, 2022 | The X-Men investigate the mysterious cave from their first outing in Killington. The cave, as it turns out, is possibly the butthole of a sleeping primordial ice giant, who draws power from every murder in the local town, which transform people into its Wendigo-like servants. After, er, climbing into the creature, its servant attacks, fought off by Warpath, and the giant itself awakens, forcing the team to scramble to save the town from the ensuing avalance. Defeating the titan itself requires defeatnig the seemingly deathless Wendigo servant - ultimately, Rogue defeats it with her own life-stealing abilities, reclaiming the lifeforce stoeln on the titan's behalf, and sending it back to its slumber. Also: the school cancels all future ski trips and everyone votes for tropical vacations. |
Appointment with Perfection | January 13th, 2022 | Monet goes to the Amazons to request to be trained and meets a Princess. |
rooftop turf war | January 13th, 2022 | Some jobbers die, little casual workplace chat. |
Bubble Bubble Sinister and Trouble | January 13th, 2022 | The X-Men encounter something horrid deep in the Earth. Something Sinister this way comes, and Murderous Marauders try and rampage. Held off by burning Phoenix Fires. |
Hanging with Helena at Harry's | January 12th, 2022 | Helena Wayne meets Monet. The two bond over while talking about statistics. |
Xavier's Ski trip II: Its all Downhill from Here | January 10th, 2022 | The Xaviers students and teachers arrive at the ski cabins, and the teachers end drunk and pruny while Monet's room is fortified against all enemies! Meanwhile, Noriko and Jubilee plan Fleeb-icide. |
The Watch Proceeds | January 7th, 2022 | Michael Erickson meets and greets with a /bunch/ of people in Grand Central, as various volunteers show up to help fight the angels. |
Danger Room: Rage of the Gorilla King | January 7th, 2022 | The X-Men's island adventures in the Danger Room come to a climax, facing off against the Gorilla King. Who knows what the next chapter will have in store... |
Is it early or late in Bushwick | January 6th, 2022 | Magicy types do magicy things. |
Asking About Angels | January 6th, 2022 | Monet and Angela talk about fighting angels. |
Training for Trouble | January 4th, 2022 | Megan and Monet train together against a big threat. Teamwork is awesome. |
In the Heights | January 3rd, 2022 | A paranoid motorist causes chaos on the Henry Hudson bridge, and the X-Men, there delivering humanitarian aid to the evacuees on the Blackbird, save the day with the help of Rave. Also, Cheese Guy has a bad night. |
Meeting Mania, Maddie, and Monet in Mutant Town | January 2nd, 2022 | Mania chases a purse-snatcher and is met by two mutants with mental abilities that prove concerning: Monet and Madelyne. |
Upper Class Snobs | December 31st, 2021 | Blake and Monet meet at the Hellfire Club and talk over wine |
Experiencing Themysciran's Embassy | December 28th, 2021 | Monet St. Croix visits the Themysciran Embassy and meets Caitlin and Donna. |
Schook of Hard Knocks | December 27th, 2021 | Winter attempts to quietly end a Russian traitor and criminal, but is interrupted by Satana, Monet, and Dane Whitman. After a brief altercation Satana succeeds in scaring off Monet, then convinces Winter to let her drink down the traitor, with Dane's grudgingly allowing it. |
Happy X-Mas | December 25th, 2021 | Christmas Eve in the X-Mansion Rec Room. There are hug wars about. |
A Real Page Turner | December 24th, 2021 | Monet St. Croix enjoys a few pages out of her book before Jubilation interrupts. Jubilee can't understand why someone might want to read a book over other more interesting activities. Monet picks up on what might be driving Jubilee. Noriko makes a sudden, however brief appearance, but long enough to fire off some parting jabs! |
It's Winter | December 21st, 2021 | People drank cider! |
Bold Brash Bravta Beatdown | December 21st, 2021 | Dmitri and Monet fight some Russian Mobsters. |
That's not how it's done! | December 20th, 2021 | Irritation and annoyances all around! |
This Is Not The Buffet I Was Hoping For | December 19th, 2021 | While things could have been much worse without the efforts of Blake, Monet and Invincible the appearing/disappearing talking dinosaurs still managed to make a meal of a few New Yorkers while making a mess of Midtown Manhatten. |
Thoughts at the Metropolitain | December 18th, 2021 | Angela and Monet meet at the Metropolain Musuem of Art and engage in conversation and even appear to enjoy it! |
Musing at the Museum | December 17th, 2021 | Gilgamesh and Monet discuss the finer things at the shark exhibit |
Summer during Winter | December 16th, 2021 | Nathan meets Hope at Harry's for a quick catchup. They run into Monet who is puzzled by the pair. The pair agree to a movie night in the near future. |
Making an Exodus | December 16th, 2021 | Paris Bennet makes his appearance and Monet is told to take a message to Xavier. |
Contempations and Computers | December 15th, 2021 | Jimmy Hudson and Monet talk about camraderie. Monet is less than thrilled. |
Monet at the Opera | December 15th, 2021 | Monet and Power Girl discuss culture at the opera. Each is unmoved. |
An evening on the Mutant Town. | December 14th, 2021 | A discussion on society across the cross walk. |
When Litter Pick-Up Goes Wrong | December 14th, 2021 | Valeria attempts to do some litter pick-up and discovers that sometimes planning is the better part of valor. |
Danger Room: Shipwreck Isle | December 12th, 2021 | The training session in survival techniques proved a few of things for certain. It is probably a good thing that they have mutant powers to rely on. That Rahne can sleep through almost anything, that Monet knows an impressive array of french swears, that James can benchpress a solid portion of an 18th century sailing ship, that Jimmy cannot be trusted with pork products. And that Scott should not include alcohol in his simulations. Especially if Rogue is involved. |
XAVIERS: Caroling pt 2 | November 25th, 2021 | It is that time of year again. The Xaviers School gang tries to go out and spread Christmas / Holiday cheer. It sorta goes pretty good this year! Everyone is surprised by this... |
Welcome to the Neighborhood | September 9th, 2021 | June's friends decide to knock over a corner store. Ayanna is caught in the middle of it and Monet helps them understand the error of their ways. |
The Game is afoot, a hand, maybe a knee | August 6th, 2021 | Clues are found attitude is given, just another Friday at Xavier's |
The Golem of Bushwick: Trial By Fire | August 5th, 2021 | An explosion rocks Bushwick's clinic, and the community comes together to save people from the resulting fire. |
An Alien, a Mutant and a Weapon Cache | August 5th, 2021 | Michael Erickson comes to the campus of Xavier's school in order to retrieve a cache of weapons and a SHIELD SUV, he meets Monet and they discuss recent events... and her ignorance of them. |
Visit to College | July 23rd, 2021 | Conner shows Monet the ESU campus and they have lunch together. No supervillains were punched in this log. We will fix that in the next one. |
Flash Update | July 16th, 2021 | Monet reaches out to the Flash via Twitter. They meet and she makes him aware that the Reverse Flash is active again. |
Donuts and Discssion | June 30th, 2021 | Monet and the time-displaced Vance meet in Salem Center at a donut shop. The discussion over donuts includes their etymology and a reminder given to the psychic astronaut of Monaco's existance. |
M and Superboy Assist the NYPD | June 25th, 2021 | On her way to a pampering at a spa, Monet meets Superboy. They exchange pleasantries, she gives him her phone number and the two of them help the NYPD thwart a jewelry heist turned high speed chase. |
Xavier's Welcome Party | June 22nd, 2021 | An excellent party turns dark, as both students and teachers learn a bit too much about Halal food. Oh, also Monet is welcomed. Details, details. |
Poolside Conversation and Burgers | June 20th, 2021 | Henry McCoy hosts an afternoon cookout buffet poolside at Xavier's School. Monet arrives and confides some of her past to him. Gabby arrives and helps lighten the mood. Both of the girls enjoy buffalo burgers a'la McCoy. |
Mini Concrete Picnic | June 17th, 2021 | One of Cinque's employees got a future interview at Star Labs. Monet and Doctor Harrison Wells met. |
Zoom Scouts M | June 17th, 2021 | Immediately after an urban picnic Zoom follows M in order to test her. After a brief interaction in the Catskills, he finds her lacking (for now at the very least) and they part company. |
And You Get a Milkshake, and You Get a Milkshake... | June 16th, 2021 | Clarice shares milkshakes - and her utter lack of scientific experience. Hank, Clarice, and Gabby meet Monet. A trip to Genosha is proposed. |
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Monet St. Croix has
512 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
M's Eighteenth of June | June 18th, 2021 | Monet deals with the encounter with Reverse-Flash the evening before in the best way she can think of... by herself. |
Entertainment Credits
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Monet St. Croix has been credited in
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Monet St. Croix has been credited in
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Monet St. Croix has authored
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Group Memberships
Monet St. Croix has been listed in 1 groups.
- Jump up ↑ Monet's actual full name, in French Catholic tradition insisted on by her paternal grandparents, is "Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix."
- Jump up ↑ While Monet is a mutant, some of her abilities are the result of in utero genetic manipulation by her mother via her biokinetic mutant ability.