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Latest revision as of 01:03, 6 July 2021

Together, They Fight Crime!
Date of Scene: 05 July 2021
Location: The Griffin
Synopsis: Terry finds a new definition for fighting crime, and the plot to catch a ghost begins. But first- breakfast!
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Terry O'Neil

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake notes, since providing soul sustenance to Satana, he has slept well. Not to be misunderstood, he is still the sort of soul you let wake up on his own or rouce by throwing a shoe. But waking up on his own is pleasant these days. No screams of 'Something bad happened back in Africa!'.

Satana always always got a charge out of that, he thought.

Speaking of which... the form he's cuddling is far too angular to be Satana. If Satana had a flat surface to her she hid it perfectly. She made Elvira look like a flat chested tween with braces.

Enough, Thomas, we get it. You're hitting that.

And proud of it!

He comes completely awake. The knife he had hidden goes back in its hidey hole and... there's Vorpal. Yep. He pats Vorpal on the cheek with his very hard hand to wake him asking, "So how did yu get my number?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal stirs, but it takes him a few more secnds t become fully conscious. When he goes to sleep, he definitely sleeps. Unless there is immediate danger, his mind always makes a quick assessment of things and classifies the situation into "Can sleep through it?" or "Wake up hissing."

Technically speaking, this flals within the first cetegory, but someone /is/ talking to him, so sleeping through it would be rather rude.

Green eyes open slowly, and his arms continue to be wrapped around the other form in a snug. Stifling a yawn, because morning breath is not fun, he answers:

"... Nick. Ghost-ridden guy, y'know?" another yawn tries to come out, but he fights it down once more. A hand idly traces the outline of Thomas' collarbone and he frowns a little, as if trying to remember. "... was that catnip you had in here?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake reluctantly takes Terry's hand away to reach over the headboard and return with a spiky black and red box labeled 'Herbs'.

"... herbs. Satana gives it to me. You can ask her... if she ever comes home. I think you guys would hit it off. That could be a lot of fun." He carefully replaces the box and falls back onto Terry's arm. "We didn't exactly get down to business last night. But before we do I have to ask you, what the fuck is a Vorpal?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal laughs at the question, "It's a Wonderland word. That's where I am from. Or, at least, most of me. There's no direct translation into your English, but over there it means 'exhibiting glominous and significamundial qualities.' But the closest expression in your language would be 'somethng that often comes in handy.'"

The Cheshire cat smiles and narrows his eyes in a bedroom-eye look he probably flashed last night, too. "Herbs. Well, that explains why I was so... eager. Not that I wouldn't have anyways." He leans forward to nuzzle Thomas' chest briefly, "But I'm /usually/ not the one to jump into bed at the first meeting. That being said... it was kind of fantatsic."

Slowly, he begins to stretch, a 'pop' here and there. "Right... business. Our common friend who seems to be more haunted by troubles than a thirteen year old goth's poetry anthology..."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake gets out of bed, reluctantly remembering his role as host. Then he drops back onto Terry for a second and bending close says, "This is a much better way to deal with the whole hero villain thing than punching each other. Don't you think, Handy? Good name for you." He leans very close and then springs back teasing and reaches for clothes. "I'll get something to eat. Do you like eggs? Bacon? It's kind of my specialty. The psychos all seem to love them." He starts to get dressed, the knife holster first, the three jagged scars on his chest very visible, as he omits the shirt and just goes with pants. Yeah pants.

"Mr. Drago's music got me through some very bad times. This demon is going rogue and the Ghost is just a..." he mumbles something very derogatory, not sure if it is suitable or falls short. "'Tana would help him for nothing. Apparently a lot of his old timey fans wind up in Hell. Personally... I think she was fucking with him. A lot of people end up in Hell. He's not responsible for them. She fucks with people." He gives a plush giraffe toy a dap in passing.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry leans forward as Thomas does the same, "Oh, I think it's a great way. I personally think a lot of that punching is just a sublimated form of... what we did." He slides off the bed and reaches for the lower half of his uniform, which is basically a pair of bike shorts at the moment, since his uniform is going through yet another redesign... one of the drawbacks of not being able to afford a design by Janet Van Dyne like, apparently, almost everybody he knows can. Lois has a whole closet full of Janet originals.

And then something strikes him as funny as he pulls the shorts up. "Heh... Catman and I slept together. This is so meta," he says, and flashes a grin as he stands up and finishes his stretching. "I mean, don't take it personal- we probably will have differences down the road. I tend to be very lenient unless someone's actually hurting innocent people. But outside of that, I am not the kind to hold grudges. Just ask Harley, she's my best friend, after all. She taught me how to roller derby fight..."

Listening to Thomas talking about Nick, he nods slowly. He's heard the same story quite often-- the part about Nick's music helping people, not the hell part.

"I understand fucking with people. I mean, I'm the Cheshire Cat. A good chunk of what I do is mess with people- as long as it doesn't do harm. Or, you know... unless they really deserve it." That grin again, "That's my favorite part, to be honest. And as for your question... I love eggs. I eat them here as often as I can- back in Wonderland there was this crazy bird who wouldn't let people even /near/ an egg because she thought everybody was a snake..."

Following Thomas, he says "Let me know if the Wonderland stories annoy you. I don't want to be the Rose Nylund of this outfit. The thing I don't understand /yet/ is this ghost's motivation for haunting Nicky. I mean, the guy is a marshmallow. Who the hell wants to hurt him?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake gets to the kitchen and start whipping up some eggs. "Heh, I could counter with from Arkham and the Joint. The inmates used to have little groups saying what they'd do to Harley. I didn't. because that gets you noticed by the Clown. terry, even I don't go near him, I advise you do not, magic and whatever not withstanding. When bad guys want to scare each other, we tell Joker stories."

The eggs start to smell delicious." Thomas dishes out a plate and sets it before Terry. Plates another meal for himself See? Good host.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh, I may be from Wonderland, but I'm not /insane/. Just mad. Even Harley has had the good sense to call it quits with that psycho. If I ever run into him, believe me, I will let Robin and Nightwing deal with him while I evacuate whatever victim he's got. I'll never face off with him unless there is no other choice. I suspect he's not insane as many claim..." he shakes his head and takes a seat, "He's Unsane. What he did to Harley... the dude doesn't have a mental illness. I've known people with them, have had family that suffered from it. I suspect there's something ... extra. But I don't plan to find out firsthand any time soon."

He waits until Thomas is seated before he starts eating, because Agatha O'Neil always drove the importance of being a good guest. She probably didn't mention any etiquette to follow /after/ you had slept with your host, but... hey, you adapt, right?

"These are really good. Man, I'd sleep with you every night for a breakfast like this!" he quips, taking care to eat slowly in order to savor everything the best he can. He's given up trying to get Gar to slow down, because admittedly he does /not/ have the metabolism of a shape-changed, and isn't privy to the cavernous hunger that apparently haunts them and speedsters.

"What is 'Tana's assessment of the ghost guy? He's got his nuts in a twist for a revenge of /some/ sort on Nick. And even though the demon he hired was low-level, I can't imagine the price was peanuts. When there's a demonic bargain or partnership, your soul usually comes up as the top price, right? And he's a ghost. Soul is all he's got."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake tries not to growl as he tunnels through eggs and mostly bacon. "Well he gave her a shitty deal. Ths guy is a first class wannabe villain, hands me his hat and cane coming in like I'm a menial. Well it backfired. I nearly shoved the cane up his apparition and 'Tana soul fired him. He left kind of toasty. I think it started as an extortion scheme. Nick managed to thwart him in a humorous fashion and now he talked this demon into heling him, which is baaaaad. He doesn't have the souls to get a demon, probably a Moloch Nobody who has his own designs on Nick for some reason. Most of the hierarchy doesn't want Nick bothered. The Ghost? He holds a grudge."

A two foot tall demon pops in and Thomas hands him a plate of eggs.

"Thanks Thomas!"

"We need more eggs, Bloord. And 'herbs.'"

The demon gives a thumbs up, a nod to Terry and he's gone. Plate and all.

"Bring back my goddam plate. It was my Aunt Lil's!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry whistles. "he sounds like a piece of work. If he were a /massive/ threat, I could get Raven involved but... he's dangerous, but not a world threat. Getting Raven involved would be like bringing a nuke to take out a group of tanks." He licks his chops and finishes the last of the eggs. "And she'd probably tell me that I should figure it out myself. But in fewer words and more glares."

Crossing a leg over his knee, the Cheshire taps his chin, frowning a little. He gives Bloord a smile and a wave before he vanishes. "Waiting for him to make the next move is not wise, though. I think we should find a way to /force/ him to make his next move. Then we can spring a trap on him... what do you think?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake wipes his mouth as he finishes. A perfectly clean plate pops back, knife and fork set in it and he grabsit out of mid-air. "Bloord, no one likes a fucking wise ass!"

Small smile.

Then he grabs Terry and tries to give him a yoink onto his lap. "You definitely should hang around and wait for Satana. You aren't looking to like, fight evil today are you? Hang around and maybe the two of you can reason this out. I mean this is not in my wheelhouse. Maybe we set up a decoy?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry puts up no resistance at being grabbed, he accomodates himself on Thomas' lap and secures himself by wrapping his legs around his waist, leaning in to snug. "Today is my day off- Lois owes me for pulling me in at the last second on the Fourth to cover that last-minute rescue, and my boyfriend is on the West Coast talking to his agent about a potential role, so I've got the day all to myself today."

He gets a mischievous look, and says "Well, yes, I suppose I could hang around and wait for her to get home so we can discuss metaphysical war plans. Of all of us she is the one with the greatest amount of experience in the matters of souls, so she's indispensable. But until she comes home..." he reaches over and runs a clawtip alongside Thomas' jawline, "We /could/ go back and... fight evil a little more!"