Thomas Blake
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Thomas Blake (Scenesys ID: 979) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Thomas Blake | ||
Superalias: | Catman | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Occupation: | Gambler/Freelance Merc | ||
Citizenship: | American Citizen | ||
Residence: | Mobile | ||
Education: | Self taught | ||
Theme: | DC (VFC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 29 | Actual Age: | 29 |
Date of Birth | 08 Aug 1990 | Played By | Chris Hemsworth |
Height: | 6' 0" | Weight: | 200 lb |
Hair Color: | Reddish-blond | Eye Color: | Green |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: | Hurt by NIN |
Character Info
Thomas "Catman" Blake is a mercenary with a criminal record. Once a D-list 'theme' criminal, he has reinvented himself as a troubleshooter and 'security consultant'. He has a number of successful jobs and a few dissatisfied customers.
1990: Born in Gotham City to Sienna (former actress) and Reese (practicing bastard).
1999 After years of abusing her over coddling young Thomas, Reese snaps and kills Sienna, throwing her down a flight of stairs.
2000: After being found Not Guilty of murder, Reese continues trying to make a man of Thomas, abusing him further.
2010: After years of violence, Thomas kills his father in self defense, making it look like a shooting accident. Thomas becomes a big game hunter and professional bacarat player.
2012: Having blown much of hs family fortune, Thomas returns to Gotham and becomes the Catman. He is quickly brought to justice by the Batman and Robin.
2015: After several years behind bars Thomas is released. He returns to his Catman identity and gets beaten soundly by Catwoman (who turns his cats against him), Batman and Green Arrow.
2016: Thomas enters a downward spiral. The authorities deem him not worth prosecuting and he heads to Africa. Presenting himself to a pride of lions, ready to die.
2017: Thomas emerges from the jungle, having reinvented himself. After declining offers to join several criminal organizations he begins seeking bacarat tournaments and freelance troubleshooting assignments, careful to stay under the radar.
IC Journal
Thomas has a problem with authority. Yes he will deliver on an assignment he is paid for, but he isn't sucking up to anyone. He will counter disrespect with more disrespect. He will make it known he will complete a job his way. Period. Otherwise go hire a scab like Bolt.
Animal Friend:
Catman's love and rapport with lions is well known and nearly mystical in nature. He does like animals of all stripes and will intervene to help an animal in distress or being abused. He will be harsh to people abusing animals.That sort of thing, not dressing pets in little princess outfits.
Catman is not a mercenary for the money. He doesn't gear up with a giant cat robot to rob banks (anymore). He undertakes various contracts to make enough to live. Usually the assignments are in a morally gray area at worst. He often is only partially successful because he sees something really wrong going on he won't allow. Several colleagues have remarked that Thomas wants to be a hero deep down. Of course his vengeful tendencies and womanizing don't make him a paladdin.
Many of his friends and associates can be described as "murderous psychotics". Despite this, Catman gets along well in a group lunatics. He is often the glue allowing such a group to work together. He provides an anchor for the more violent and unruly members. It's similar to the rapport the Joker enjoys with the deranged, except Catman doesn't manipulate them or use them as tools (and probably couldn't go that far). He merely gets them to act somewhat normally.
Catman has few friends. He's never been one for bro hugs. However, when he has a friend it is one for life. He will never leave a friend behind. He will (literally in canon) go through hell for one.
Thomas is generally a rather peaceful fellow. Again like a cat he will have satisfaction for any insult or injury done to him. He has killed in the past, justifying it as being bad men, who deserved it. He does not forget or forgive easily.
Character Sheet
Animal Empathy:
This only really works with lions. Lions accept him as a pride leader, somehow. He has a non-verbal communication with them. It's not going to let him use them to perform complex operations in a heist (and he would not). They will have his back and his enemies become their enemies. The opposite is also true. Other animals seem to like him on sight.
Night Vision:
Much like Wildcat, Thomas has excellent (peak human) night vision. he can't see in total darkness. It's probably a human mutation (note small "m") that exists in the real world.
Sense of Smell:
Catman's olfactory sense is honed to peak human levels by living with lions. He can recognize a person by scent at short range. He has tracked targets by scent. This is not a power so much as a skill but it is again peak human.
He is a master at leaping, climbing and evading attacks. None of this backflip stuff. He probably could do one or two in a pinch, but he is not Nightwing or Daredevil. His climbing skill is particularly strong and even without his claws, he is an excellent free climber. His hands are strong enough to bend coins or fold a frying pan.
Knife Fighter:
Thomas' agility, athletics and survival training combine with Martial Arts expertise to make him one of the best knife fighter on Earth (not a very heroic skill). He can fight with a knife, or throw them with deadly accuracy. He uses double bladed balanced knives usually but will use bowie and other thick bladed weapons.
Martial Arts:
Catman is in the same tier as say, Wildcat, just below Batman or Richard Dragon. He can hold his own against Batman and fight between them would likely grind to a standstill for several minutes, especially if Catman is fighting defensively and trying to escape or buy time. His fighting style is similar to Judo but with some hard moves.
He is world class at sneaking, easily on a par with Batman or Catwoman in terms of quiet. He is not as good at hiding or ninjutsu but still no slouch. He often makes use of his claws and acrobatics to scale walls and hide there (much like Catwoman--but don't tell him that).
Particularly in the veldt. You could drop him naked anywhere in the savannah and he'd be fine. He came out of the veldt with nothing but shorts and a big old knife. He would do better dropped naked into Gotham than Batman would dropped naked into a pride of lions. It's just Batman is better at everything else.
"I check for traps..." He's not as good as Batman or Catwoman at gaining entry or picking locks. Then again he is not adverse to breaking a window. He can gain entry to military facilities or prisons with some back up.
This is Catman's salient ability. He is called the best tracker on Earth. Not detective, Batman and others are better thsn him. Catman will get you, once he sets his eye on you. In part his tracking uses his acute asense of smell (in the wild). In part, he's great at legwork (and breaking legs) to find a person. In the wild he can track a person or animal for days based on their spoor and tracks.
Thomas Blake is a world class bacarat player. He has lived well off his winnings for long stretches. He has beaten the Gambler (who cheats) at bacarat. He does not play games of chance (bacarat is not a game of chance the way he plays.)
Catman has several 'Catarangs' (he does not call them that) and several modified Sykes Fairbairn knives clipped to his belt. He doesn't carry a gadget for every occasion like the Bat. A flashlight or other common item for a specific job is not out of line.
Catman's cape is actually a mystical tapestry. It is rumored its wearer is unkillable (while they wear it). In fact Catman has had a couple of returns from a mysterious death. Whether this is from magic or Thomas' escape artistry remains to be seen. Thomas has used the cape to intimidate, promising to do very bad things to a person and place the cape on them to keep them alive and conscious. At the very least it adds to his rep and mystique.
Thomas has retractable claws which he uses to intimidate or climb. He doesn't fight with them.
Thomas has numerous contacts in the criminal world and mercenary circles to find jobs or have employers find him.
Rasputin is a young male Tiger Thomas won in a card game from a collector who had a private zoo. Rasputin accompanied Thomas on several 'jobs' and was eventually placed in a Safari Park when Thomas got caught. After several years Thomas wound up with a pile of loot and managed to buy Rasputin back. Rasputin is now a healthy example of tigerdom and devoted to Thomas. He follows simple commands from Thomas and is being accommodated in Thomas' basement and backyard for now.
Besides his default costume, Catman has versions that are for the Arctic or fireproof. He also has a stealth version that gives him some camouflage against electronic sensors.
Catwoman in particular had a strong enmity with Catman and at least once left him for dead with his misused lions. Catman for his part doesn't share this dislike and understands her point. He copied her MO and tried to outdo her and (in his view) he had the better cats. Besides Selina, Catman has some former employers done wrong or right, jealous suitors, poachers, and such. Any might show up out of the blue.
Catman never walks away from a game of bacarat, even a rigged one. He often wins regardless.
Thomas Blake was and is a womanizer. He has no problem shacking up for a one night stand. He has slept with team mates. He is honest about what he wants and what he is putting out. With his looks he has no lack of female interest. However, he can be enticed and trapped with a suitable woman. He doesn't really have a type.
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Thomas Blake has
238 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Speedy Delivery | October 21st, 2024 | Thomas drops off a package for Felicity. |
What Do the French, Call French Toast | October 30th, 2023 | No description |
Hellfire Club Halloween Gala 2023 | October 29th, 2023 | Hellfire Club celebrates Halloween |
Cats and Hawks | October 27th, 2023 | The Zen of aircraft maintenance is learned, not taught. |
Room Service | October 25th, 2023 | Breakfast at the Omni! |
Demons Playing Poker | October 24th, 2023 | Luck favored the bold and beautiful tonight, and left a pair to celebrate their shared victories! |
Housecats | October 8th, 2023 | It's a cat party when Catseye joins Kitkat and Thomas. |
Habitat for Humanity: Bushwick Edition | October 7th, 2023 | People volunteer with Habitat for Humanity to help rennovate a pair of townhomes in Bushwick for some lucky mutant families dreaming of home ownership. A man and his tiger visit the site to discourage those who might find issue with that. |
Sewing Seeds of Discord | September 10th, 2023 | Introducing -Butterfly! |
Disguises and Dolls | September 7th, 2023 | Thomas and Zinda get closer to the men slandering her good name. |
Seems Like Old Shows | August 12th, 2023 | Introducing... Butterfly! |
A Clowder of Cats | August 9th, 2023 | Catseye leaves Catman in suspense. |
Catching up at the Wick | July 28th, 2023 | Mike and Thomas run into each other and catch each other up on their projects. |
Message From a Bottle | July 23rd, 2023 | Plans are laid over breakfast. |
What Are You Working on Now | July 21st, 2023 | Thomas learns a valuable lesson, charge for photos and autographs at a Con! |
Some have No Style | July 20th, 2023 | Thomas Blake invites Phoebe to a pre-gala lunch to follow up on the assassination attempt thwarted by Superboy (Jon Kent) and Scout (Gabby Kinney). her civilian friend Lindsay comes along for lunch. Nothing goes as expected. |
Another Bar, Another Round | July 12th, 2023 | Zinda and Thomas go on a bar crawl and discover a bootlegger problem, along with a mystery. |
Feeders, Keepers | July 5th, 2023 | Catman meets... Batseye! |
What I Meant to Say... | June 22nd, 2023 | Thomas finds a repair tech for Fluffy. |
Biscuits and Bad Guys | June 7th, 2023 | Blake and Blake together again! |
Cat's Paw | May 12th, 2023 | Catman and Catseye and lots of cat-itude, |
The Pink Panther Move | May 12th, 2023 | Thomas gives Megan a taste of theme crimnality and pays the price. |
Cats, Mutant and Otherwise | May 4th, 2023 | Marie brings Sharon by to meet a fellow cat or two. |
Angry Faeries | April 21st, 2023 | Megan and Thomas make up and immediately begin plotting. |
A Rock and a Hard Place | April 6th, 2023 | Blows are struck, plans are laid. Someone sleeps on the couch. |
Cat and Fox | March 30th, 2023 | The calls in a fox er... a fix for his legal problems. |
My Wicked Wicked Life | March 29th, 2023 | Things look bleak for Blake and he hopes for a win from Gwynn. |
Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Cats of War!!! | March 22nd, 2023 | The Dapper Men run afoul of Joan and are not quite as dapper now. |
That Touch of CLass | March 22nd, 2023 | Joan gets kidnapped. No surprise. |
Men Who Love Kitties | March 8th, 2023 | The lady meets the tiger. |
Mr. Green! Mr. Green! | March 7th, 2023 | Thomas calls Mike for help with an unruly demon. What Thomas forgot is who Mike is piloting at the moment. The demon is behaving now. |
A Meeting in the Cards | March 6th, 2023 | Just like that, Tarot makes friends with another cat! |
meanwhile at the Hide Out | March 2nd, 2023 | Deal is Struck |
Seeking out Familiarity | February 20th, 2023 | While seeking out some of his usual comforts, Mike-in-Bruce comes across Thomas at the Wick. There's some explaining to do. Sometimes being a creature of habit is helpful. |
Some Like it Hot | February 19th, 2023 | Megan tries her hand at home improvement! |
Trouble in Trixietown | February 2nd, 2023 | Another spell gone wrong as the young sorceress attempts t9 discern more info on a cursed helmet. |
The Count of Monte Cristo: A Scaled Response | January 29th, 2023 | Thomas comes by the Shaw Studios Beach Retreat to pick Megan up from vocal training for her movie role. There they run into several key figures of the movie's production process. And it turns out at least one of them is a (TV) Catman fan. |
Two Cool Cats | January 21st, 2023 | Two cat lovers meet |
Receiving a Message Via Fox | January 17th, 2023 | No description |
Black Cat and the One-Eyed Jack | January 3rd, 2023 | Felicia and Thomas run into each other after a long while at a poker game in the HFC. Stakes are high but a surprising turn of luck sends both of them home with winnings and some rapport. |
A Bone to Pick! | December 23rd, 2022 | Artemis and Thomas are attacked by familiar sport themed villains! |
Comparing Notes and Claws | December 4th, 2022 | Art touches base with Thomas after her mom goes missing. Plans are discussed. |
Outfoxed | November 15th, 2022 | Thomas and Saeko oblige a fox. |
Staten Island Faerie | November 11th, 2022 | Thomas explains to Pixie he is a cat that likes the water. Tigers do too. |
The Hawk and the Lion | November 6th, 2022 | Zinda tries to help Thomas through a dark period on a sunny day. |
That's Show Business! - Holiday Hope Release Party | November 4th, 2022 | Another successful release party is had for the Holiday Hope fundraiser. There is an interesting turnout to their guest list. Chimps, Tigers, and 10 year olds, Oh my! |
Sorry if I'm Late | November 4th, 2022 | Why Thomas is late to the party. |
This is Your Brain on Cream... | October 21st, 2022 | Don't drink and fly. |
Tiger burning bright | October 20th, 2022 | No description |
Seems Like Old Tymes | October 19th, 2022 | The First Blake Convention ends on a high note. |
Harboring Good Intent | October 11th, 2022 | Ok stop me if you've heard this one before. A Catman, a tiger, another tiger, a rockstar, and a model run into each other in the middle of the street... |
Seems Like Old Times | October 10th, 2022 | Thomas has a (decent) proposal for Saeko. |
Pixies and Cream | October 10th, 2022 | This is your brain. This your brain on cream! |
What the Cat Dragged in.. | October 5th, 2022 | A battered looking Thomas slips in late at night. Megan takes care of him. |
Operation: Extraction | October 1st, 2022 | Atrid, Thomas and Jade team up to rescue Artemis from the League of Assassins. WARNING: contains mild to moderate Graphic Violence. |
A Meeting One Night | September 26th, 2022 | Artemis will be SAVED! |
Old Acquaintances are Not Forgot! | September 25th, 2022 | Artemis sees Thomas and gets some unlooked for help. |
Last Pick When the Angels Choose Sides | September 22nd, 2022 | Money is raised for Captain Cold and the Tigress. |
A stroke 'O Bad Luck | September 17th, 2022 | Megan's powers continue to go out of control and Padraigh is called in to help her. Featuring undead fiends, coffee and beer. |
Hellfire Tasks | September 14th, 2022 | No description |
Faeries and Spirits | September 14th, 2022 | Megan has a problem and Thomas tells her to help herself. |
After a Loooong Night | September 13th, 2022 | A long night segues into an uncertain day. |
Concerning Pixies | September 11th, 2022 | Megan has a Mission! |
A Fix Comes Calling | September 11th, 2022 | Hail, hail gang's all here! |
Gabby's Moving Day | September 10th, 2022 | It's a Kinney Convention |
Fixing a Faerie | September 9th, 2022 | Megan recovers after her last battle with Thomas' help. |
Sometimes backtracking hurts | September 8th, 2022 | And sometimes retracing those pathways can lead to some entertaining enjoyment. |
Wakey Wakey Eggs and Where the Hell Am I | September 6th, 2022 | Gabby and Thomas catch up. Gabby gets a guest room. |
Pixie Returns! Good thing! | September 5th, 2022 | More on the care and feeding of faeries/fairies? |
Another Pool Party | September 5th, 2022 | Poolside fun and some soul baring. |
Couple Time | September 4th, 2022 | Thomas plans a good deed that may get him killed. |
Eye of the Tiger | September 4th, 2022 | A sparring match devolves into flying lessons. |
Still got that Fighting Spirit! | September 3rd, 2022 | Trouble brews between three cats in the park and one 'ordinary guy'. New revelations are realized. |
Entourage | September 2nd, 2022 | The gang makes plans for a big but takes naps first! |
Neverending Journey | September 1st, 2022 | Thomas and Megan finish the last leg of their African safari trip, and after a short adventure they relax at the falls. |
=The Plains of Africa Part 1 | August 31st, 2022 | The trip through Africa is off to a rough start. |
Alley cats | August 28th, 2022 | Artemis confronts a former enemy about her past and learns more about her mother. |
15 Fears: Threads of the Soul | August 27th, 2022 | The leadership of the JLD confront Pixie about the influence of the Mother of Puppets on her soul. A confrontation ensues and with the only casualty being Thomas' car, it seems that the young mutant is back to her usual fae self. |
The Request | August 21st, 2022 | When Mike was asked to wear Boots to Thomas's place, he had no idea what he'd be asked to do. Gabby is amused. And looks older |
Icecream and Rainbows! | August 20th, 2022 | Megan meets Thomas for some skating in the park and they discuss the outcome of her recent mission. |
Not That Kind of Cat House | August 17th, 2022 | Not That kind of Cathouse= A tip to Africa is discussed. |
Happy Harbor: Beach Day | August 15th, 2022 | Happ Harbor High School and friends go to the beach...and don't get attacked! |
Let Sleeping Fairies Lie! | August 15th, 2022 | Thomas learns more of the demons plaguing Gabby and Megan, but can he help them? |
Oops You did it Again | August 15th, 2022 | Some answers and many questions remain about Pixie. |
Urban Legends: A Dead Man's Hollow | August 14th, 2022 | =When investigating the sudden frosting of Dead Man's Hollow hiking trail in Bristol, Gotham, a rag-tag group of magicians, mutants, and an assassin find that there's something darker and more sinister behind the riverbend. |
Nightmares in Lalaland | August 14th, 2022 | Megan goes to see Thomas after suffering a nightmare. Something doesn't seem right.. |
Who Are You and What Did You Do with Pixie | August 14th, 2022 | Welsh is spoken. Secrets shared and Raphael invoked. |
Adulting | August 11th, 2022 | Megan and Thomas go to dinner and met Mike and haters. |
Out for a bit | August 10th, 2022 | And the Chimp and the Cat chat |
Spacial Oddities at the Curio | August 10th, 2022 | A bit if random conversation at The Curio turns into exposition as Michael and Zatanna hear Phoebe's latest theory on the unicorns and their captor. Michael gets a little background into why Phoebe looks so tired and can no longer speak. Poor Thomas Blake misses out on the exposition thanks to a phone call!! |
You Don't Know What I Did This Summer! | August 7th, 2022 | Thomas in jail. It happens. |
Meet the Family! | August 7th, 2022 | Zinda comes to meet Thomas' pride bearing fooooood! |
Visiting Old Friends | August 4th, 2022 | Gabby goes to visit Thomas. Runs into Megan and Mike as well. It's almost like old times. |
Misshapen Identities | August 3rd, 2022 | Delores gets three steaks! Then Thomas and Michael take them from her (to be fair, they did order them). The men are upset about the quality of the writers on their show. Delores is thoroughly bamboosled. Also: |
Taking a Page from... | July 31st, 2022 | When a trio of amature ghost hunters disappear after accidentally crossing a threshold Event Horizon created by an odd, magical, book that brought out a swamp hag and a Mirkwood spider. While Jim Gordon has the steel nerves to flick a car-sized spider and find out that the creature was constructed of paper, and Thomas Blake finds his knife slices through a paper witch, the group including Balm (Phoebe Beacon) and Michael Hannigan rescue the three teenagers and return them to the library. Balm makes sure to return Jim's lighter. Pixie gets a mini-primer in opening gates with Latin and Phoebe realizes that context-switching between modes of communication may cause problems. |
Ice cream, Sunshine and Rainbows! | July 28th, 2022 | Megan and Thomas have their first official date. |
Drinks in Hellfire | July 24th, 2022 | Blake and Blake talk about a Blake |
Leave a Whisper | July 24th, 2022 | Mike goes looking for the Screaming Whisper that wandered off during lunch. Catman finds it. He's not that happy. |
Housewarming at Blake House | July 23rd, 2022 | Breakfast is served! |
What's a Nice Girl Like You Part 2 | July 22nd, 2022 | Talking, canoodling and ICE CREAM! |
Cats and Pixies and Phantasms | July 21st, 2022 | You can't expect to fight a demon and come out of it with a whole skin! |
Sniffing for trouble | July 20th, 2022 | Megan and Thomas confront a frost hound! |
Family Meeting | July 20th, 2022 | Zinda and Thomas talk family history and catch up. |
Strange Relations | July 17th, 2022 | What do you do with a drunken Catman is answered. |
Housewarming | July 14th, 2022 | Beroe tries to meet Rasputin. Rasputin tries to eat Beroe. |
Theme of the Crime: Party on!...responsibly | July 13th, 2022 | Costumes are worn, money is exchanged, and a hat is shredded |
Dropping by | July 12th, 2022 | Mike swings by Thomas's place after he gets back to the states. There's a tiger in the house. |
Running Lines ... not that way, for a tv show! | July 9th, 2022 | Scene Test goes over well, Beroe gets some pointers |
The Influencer | July 7th, 2022 | Lights! Camera! Squeeeeeeal!! |
Theme of the Crime: The Caper | July 5th, 2022 | Catman and Music Master swing by the Children's Hospital to see how Thad is doing |
Theme of the Crime: Make a Wish Edition | July 1st, 2022 | A Make a Wish kid finds a hero in the oddest of places |
Taking AIM | June 28th, 2022 | Catman, Saeko, and The Question make a deal. |
House Warming | June 24th, 2022 | Thomas and Saeko deal with the most relentless of foes. No spoilers. |
Super Model -the Best kind of Super!! | June 22nd, 2022 | Catman finds an Aurora in a Dark Alley. |
Breaking Ties | June 20th, 2022 | A demon knife owned by Thomas Blake meets its end through Zatanna's magic. |
Shots in the Black | June 17th, 2022 | No description |
(Hardly) Working Stiffs | June 15th, 2022 | Vanessa gets reacquainted with Thomas in her own special way. Thomas beat up some guy. Warning, it gets a little salty. |
Felidae Magic | June 7th, 2022 | Zatanna meets one of Catman at the Central Park Zoo despite knowing that Batman would likely object to it. He presents the magician with an interesting problem. |
Junkyard Dawgs | June 4th, 2022 | Strangeness at the Junkyard. Villains talking it out after a brief scuffle. Totally confusing. |
That Old Cat Magic | June 4th, 2022 | Sorceress and Cat meet. He seeks help with a demon problem. |
Hellfire Club Inner Circle - May 2022 Meeting | June 1st, 2022 | Susan Richards is introduced as the White Queen, to indifference, interest, and infuriation. |
City Sundown | May 26th, 2022 | Ambushers discover the grave secret of the Guardians of the Big Belly Burger! |
The Assassin and the Cat | May 22nd, 2022 | Endangered lions are saved by villains. |
Curiosity and the Cat | May 8th, 2022 | Nuggies are consumed. Favors are promised. Assistance is gained. |
What's a Nice girl like You -doing in a Place Like This | May 5th, 2022 | Pixie gets a makeover. |
Saeko in the Lion's Den | May 4th, 2022 | No description |
Got a Date With a Faerie | April 30th, 2022 | The first training session with Catman, a Fae and a Phantasm -surprises galore. |
The Blakes are Multiplying | April 27th, 2022 | Blake and Blake: no one's pawns. |
Playing Cat and Mouse | April 26th, 2022 | Thomas meets the Foot. Things are worked out. |
Shades of Gray | April 25th, 2022 | Thomas and Mike meet the Shade. Networking is done over cognac. |
A Nice Day In The Park | April 24th, 2022 | Megan, Mike, and Thomas run into each other at the park. Megan leaves a bit of a souvenir for Thomas. Mike does damage control |
The Cat, the Fox, the Wolf and Burgers! | April 22nd, 2022 | Burgers are had and Thomas finally has a lead on the missing Mutant girl. |
Hellfire Club Inner Circle - April 2022 Meeting | April 17th, 2022 | Martinique Wyngarde is promoted to Black Bishop and challenges are rendered at Court |
Shopping Therapy | April 16th, 2022 | No description |
Outfoxing the Cat | April 15th, 2022 | No description |
Catman - Pawn or Pauper | April 15th, 2022 | Catman becomes the latest Black Pawn |
Coffee Beans and Sympathy | April 13th, 2022 | A reunion, a step back, and being called on B.S. |
Cat on a Cold Tin Fence | April 10th, 2022 | Crystal Frost fences some ice to a cool cat. |
The Rockstar and the Carpenter (and the Cat) | April 10th, 2022 | A friend of Thomas' drops in from beyond the wall of sleep. Guest starring Mike the Raven! |
Getting The Memo | April 10th, 2022 | Wade's not home. Mike has Thomas and Terry over for some drinks, conversation, a movie,... |
Missed Connections | April 9th, 2022 | A new potential friendship was struck up! |
Eternal Sunshine of the Amoral Mind | April 3rd, 2022 | Thomas gets a welcome rest from Saeko and readies for the coming battle. |
Return to the Griffin | March 14th, 2022 | Thomas and Saeko meet again |
Two paths diverged in a large terminal | March 12th, 2022 | Nick runs into a concerned Thomas at the airport. They talk. Now Nick is concerned |
Playing Hot and Cold | November 16th, 2021 | A simple dart game on the walls turns into things being discovered which have been hidden. |
A trip back to the Griffon | November 2nd, 2021 | Mairin gets a glimpse of the lion inside the man. |
Tigers and Farewells | October 31st, 2021 | Thomas prepares for a trip. Gabby is a big help. |
Behind the Scenes of Theme of the Crime | October 28th, 2021 | It's not a fieldtrip without a near mauling |
Coming of Age | October 25th, 2021 | Rave gets the last word. |
Quiet Night at the Gym | October 20th, 2021 | Catman meets Quiet. Surprisingly no one gets killed. |
Back to the tiger's den. | October 20th, 2021 | Mairin got a lesson in how to relax from Saeko and Thomas. But will she actually do it?? |
The Devil You Know and Love | October 19th, 2021 | A rare and precious quiet moment between friends. |
Could This BE More Awkward | October 18th, 2021 | No description |
Home Sweet Hell | October 18th, 2021 | Mairin makes a deal with the devil, or her boyfriend at least. |
Technology, Robots, Magic, Demons... all we need is a gorilla for the Trifeca! | October 16th, 2021 | A contest of strength and speed Catman vs. Mairin and the winner: Mairin!! |
Fun Times at the Bolero | October 14th, 2021 | Nick, Thomas, and Felicia are grumpy in different ways |
=Playing for High Steaks | October 14th, 2021 | Saeko gets a present from Thomas |
No Business Like Show Business | October 11th, 2021 | Thomas meets Demona. Mairin is repulsed by Thomas. |
=On the Fandom of Villainy | October 8th, 2021 | Kind of hard to tell if this was a win for good or evil. Some bad folks all around. Anyway Mairin has a job! |
Never Sound Retreat! | October 3rd, 2021 | A victory over AlcheMax is celebrated with pancakes. |
Quiet on the set! | October 1st, 2021 | Things don't always run smoothly at a film studio |
Moths to the Flame | September 29th, 2021 | Thomas and Blake discuss dating vampires over drinks. |
Dark Business | September 28th, 2021 | Catman and Anarky begin investigating Park Row and a lost sister. |
The World Needs More Hot Tubs! | September 27th, 2021 | Thomas and Gabby get some healing from Sakeo. Mike gains a new fan. |
Outfoxing a Tiger (Continued) | September 26th, 2021 | Saeko meets Rasputin! |
Outfoxing a Tiger. | September 25th, 2021 | Corporations and greed make strange allies. |
Raving Loony | September 24th, 2021 | Dinah blocks Thomas at a price of her own stability. Rave gets a lesson about the heroic and villainous life. And learns what hard liquor tastes like. |
Murder Paws | September 23rd, 2021 | The gang meet Rasputin. No fatalities. |
For Science: The first 'component'. | September 22nd, 2021 | Doctor Octopus kidnaps Absolute Zero as a first step towards realizing his project. Tetsuya is forced to choose between a rescue of her, or his hostages. |
Satana and the Blakes | September 19th, 2021 | Vampires, demons, bikers, and a feral human, having some drinks. |
On the Side of the Ahgels | September 14th, 2021 | A cunning plan is devised to restore Simon's fortunes. |
You Oughta be in Pictures! | September 14th, 2021 | The Show Must Go On! It does, after a fashion. |
Hey... is This Feelings | September 12th, 2021 | We ask what price, the love of a demon? Or a human? |
School Days | September 11th, 2021 | Thomas meets another Kinney! |
My Wick-ed Ways | September 8th, 2021 | Saeko: Relationship Counselor! |
Holy Casting Call Gray Ghost! | September 7th, 2021 | Catman signs the Gray ghost to play the part of comissioner in his new project and the two share a heart to heart. |
A Kingdom for a Kitsune | September 4th, 2021 | No description |
Sometimes You Just Don't Want To Cook | September 2nd, 2021 | In a crowded room, Mike, Helmut, and Thomas have a toast to a hero they can all agree to toasting. Many drinks were had. |
Hellfire Club End of Summer Pool Party | August 22nd, 2021 | There was a pool party! Everyone had a time. |
Happy Clone Day! | August 20th, 2021 | Gabby has a birthday party with a range of guests that may sometimes be at odds with one another. It goes surprisingly well. |
Strange Visitor from Another Plane | August 18th, 2021 | Thomas determines what the love of a kitsune is worth. |
The Devil Made Me Do It The First Time | August 17th, 2021 | Anarky continues his war against Hady. Catman does what Lions do. |
Lions and Foxes and Demons oh My! | August 16th, 2021 | Satana takes a shower. Pan Takes Liberty. Saeko takes offense. Cheeseburgers are made. |
So many Questions | August 15th, 2021 | Nick and Thomas are seeing some warning signs at the casting call for an up and coming TV Series... |
Dollhouse | August 12th, 2021 | The Ragdoll shows up! And off! |
Drinking can be Cathartic | August 10th, 2021 | Thomas makes Mike several offers he can't refuse |
Playing with Pan's Flute | August 9th, 2021 | Pan is sent on his way to torment Shazam for the privilege of touching Satana *that* *way*. |
Settling Up | August 8th, 2021 | Wade Shaw settles the account with Catman |
Bikers, Booze, and Blasting Music | August 7th, 2021 | Leg 2 of the concert tour has gone by without a demon in sig- Wait. Ghost Rider showed up? Crap. |
Hell-evator | August 4th, 2021 | A Hit on Catman and Joan is Foiled! Messily. Gabby Goes Full Kabuki! |
Caught with Your Pants Down | July 28th, 2021 | When did Catman become the girl here? |
The Interview | July 27th, 2021 | June has a job. Thomas has someone to make burger runs and kill people. |
=The Morning After Afternoon | July 27th, 2021 | Satana sees how the Catman do with a furry. Introductions are made all around. Satana buys illusion lessons with an incubus. Cookery by imp is plotted. |
The Reluctant Hero | July 26th, 2021 | Thomas and Terry foil a robbery! Then they get bored... |
Nothing Stops the Juggern... Where the Hell is He | July 23rd, 2021 | Thomas decides to treat Gabby. He's not going soft! You're going soft! |
The Long Dark Sipping of the Soul | July 17th, 2021 | Satana and Thomas get audited! |
Red X and the Catman | July 14th, 2021 | Catman has to make sure Red X is who he says he is. |
Half of Six | July 14th, 2021 | Clean up after an incident, and a bit of a spat. |
Zoom Zoom zoom | July 12th, 2021 | Satana and Thomas have Mike for dinner. OVER. They have him OVER for dinner. |
Owl and the Pussycat | July 11th, 2021 | No description |
Preaching in the Park | July 9th, 2021 | An anti-mutant protest takes a deadly turn |
Together, They Fight Crime! | July 5th, 2021 | Terry finds a new definition for fighting crime, and the plot to catch a ghost begins. But first- breakfast! |
DANGER Nick Drago, DANGER | June 29th, 2021 | Catman and Satana come by to warn Nick about Gentleman Ghost and offer their services |
Spirit of Rock and Roll | June 28th, 2021 | It turns out Rock is the (she) Devil's music! Satana sends the Gentleman Ghost packing. |
Hungover in a Cat House | June 19th, 2021 | No fatalities. One cobra released into the wild, several zoo animals startled. It's looove. |
This is how the Catman do. --ZeFrank | June 14th, 2021 | The Catman do get sipped from and attacked. And loving it. |
It's Not a Cathouse! | June 6th, 2021 | Gabby gets honey, Thomas gets cats. Lots of cats. |
Cats and Kitsune | June 2nd, 2021 | No description |
My Lunch With Gabby | May 16th, 2021 | Thomas has a house sitter, or is she a home invader? |
Still Not Ready for Backrubs | April 24th, 2021 | Catman and Canary meet face to face. Without masks. |
The Dumpling Curse Continues | April 22nd, 2021 | Joan tries her luck again with having a nice uninterrupted meal of dumplings. You can guess how that turned out. |
Afterword | March 28th, 2021 | Dinah and Thomas meet after their capture. Making plans and enjoying junk food. |
The Cat That Dated the Canary | March 17th, 2021 | Not the worst first date ever. |
Working Late | March 14th, 2021 | Joan works late. So does Catman. |
Seeking Equipment - FOR SCIENCE! | March 13th, 2021 | Weird and Interesting meeting. |
Cats and Canaries | March 12th, 2021 | Catman goes to meet a contact and ends up meeting Black Canary! |
Delivery for a Lab | March 5th, 2021 | Escape to Steak House - Accomplished. |
Working Stiffs | February 28th, 2021 | The beginning of a beautiful friendship. |
Rooftop prowling | November 22nd, 2020 | The city would like chinese, please. |
Cats and bats and Omelettes Oh My! | July 21st, 2020 | Thomas meets a fellow predator. Vampirella might still consider him prey. |
Night at the Wick | July 9th, 2020 | Blake & Blake meet, share drinks, words and beat down some assassins. |
A Little Slice of... Heaven | July 1st, 2020 | Satana and Thomas actually get some work done! |
The Brain and the Bad Men. | June 15th, 2020 | A deal is struck and mozzarella sticks ordered. |
The Cat and the Shootist | June 14th, 2020 | No description |
Houseguests | June 13th, 2020 | Deals are struck, eggs are made. |
Who Ya Gonna Call | June 11th, 2020 | Plans are made, pizza is ordered! |
Recruiting Help | June 8th, 2020 | Satana contacts Thomas, and ends up with a lease agreement. |
Mutants, Beer and Ribs | June 4th, 2020 | Alliances are made. |
The Devil You Know | May 27th, 2020 | A Happy Dangerous Reunion |
Lions and Cheetahs and Dives! Oh My! | May 22nd, 2020 | Two supervillains walk into a bar and have a couple friendly drinks! |
Foiling a downtown robbery. | May 22nd, 2020 | Spider-Man, Feather, Wolf Spider and Thomas Blake encounter and talk down Black Adam from murdering a bunch of criminals. |
This Little Badger Went to Market. | May 19th, 2020 | Cat Meets Badger. Be afraid. |
Following The Cat To Their Home | May 19th, 2020 | Thomas Blake is rudely awoken by his phone. His morning takes an even stranger turn after hanging up. |
The Cat and the Cassandra | March 27th, 2020 | Our mismatched pair get away. |
Punch Buggy | March 27th, 2020 | Thomas runs into a semi-rampaging Knockout. Offers of fun and whatever an omelette is are extended. |
=Lions and Demons and Capes, Oh MY | March 25th, 2020 | Possibly... omelettes. |
Who Can Resist Those Penguins | March 23rd, 2020 | Hellcat and Catman meet at the zoo when Patsy is hired to check out who's trespassing. Nero is a mean lion. Some zookeeper is destined to be kicked around. |
Yeah - Lots of space in this mall! | March 19th, 2020 | Twu Luv! (Or the other word that begins with |
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Thomas Blake has
238 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
We Should Have Known | April 1st, 2021 | It's Time! Rejoice! |
Entertainment Credits
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Thomas Blake has been credited in
1 shows.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Theme of the Crime | December 6th, 2021 | Theme of the Crime is a fictionalized cable series about theme criminals in Gotham, but it is not set in Gotham and except for Catman, the villains are more AU versions. (i.e.. Instead of Poison Ivy, they have a group called the Ivy League) |
Thomas Blake has been credited in
0 albums.
Title | Release Date | Artist |
No music submitted yet. |
Thomas Blake has authored
0 books.
Title | Release Date | Synopsis |
No books submitted yet. |
Group Memberships
Thomas Blake has been listed in 0 groups.