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Latest revision as of 12:37, 7 July 2021

Working Dinner
Date of Scene: 06 July 2021
Location: O'Shughnessy's Restaurant
Synopsis: Sisters catch up over dinner, and a new job is on the horizon.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Rien D'Arqueness

Gabby Kinney has posed:
In an effort to both pass on a message, and get to spend some quality time with one of her sisters, Gabby invited Rien out to dinner. Her treat! Not that she really thought her older sister couldn't afford it but it was nice to get to do something for someone else. And she actually had some money of her own that she'd earned. It would be a treat for her to be able to do this as well. The place she'd picked was right off the list of 'Top Ten Places to Visit' from some travel guide. Which may, in retrospect, not be a great idea, but the food smelled good at least as far as she could tell. A table was claimed and she sits staring at what was dubbed an 'authentic shepherds pie' with all the burnt edges one would expect of mashed potatoes ontop of meat and peas and gravy. It's poked at carefully with her fork to let some of the steam out.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
As she comes through the door, Rien looks around the room, searching for her sister. Spotting Gabby, she heads over to her younger sister's table, pulling out a chair and sitting down. "Hi Gabby, it's been a little while. How have you been?"

She picks up a menu and looks it over, then shrugs and orders a shepherds pie as well, with a soda to drink. "So is this just a friendly meeting, or do you need me for something specific?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney sits up straighter when Rien comes over flashing her a broad grin. "Hey, Rien!" The greeting is cheery, and she assures, "Dinner's on me tonight! I got some good money house sitting for someone I know." There's a hesitation to outright call him a friend given the circumstances, but he did at least trust her abilities. Sitting back in her seat she can only shrug a little. "Bit of both? I wanted to check in with you anyway since it had been awhile. I'm doing well. But, see, Laura and I--She's another sister--She's got this friend that she works with who has apparently been having some issues of the demonic variety. It's a bit out of my area of expertise even if I do know a little about them," she admits with a helpless shrug. "So Laura asked me if I knew anyone, and, well." Her hands spread open gesturing across the table at Rien. "If you're up for it anyway."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien chuckles, "I've been training to deal with demonic problems since I was 5, little sister. I'd be happy to help." She gives Gabby a look, "Another sister? Logan's has been keeping busy, hasn't he? Or is this another clone sister? It's hard to keep track sometimes." She sits back in her chair and crosses her legs.

"But despite business, it's always nice to see you. And who can say no when their sister asks them out for a meal? It's nice to spend a little time doing things that don't involve things with fangs or the word 'ichor'. So before business, tell me a little about how you've been doing? Anything exciting going on at that school of yours?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney actually seems to relax at the response with a grin. A small shrug is given, and she reaches for her fork to stab into the dish in front of her testingly. She still wasn't certain it wouldn't crawl off the plate. But it DID smell better now that it had a few moments to cool. "I know, but I don't want to just expect anyone to do what they were taught to do. I mean, what if you decided you didn't want to do that anymore? Not my place to pressure you into it." A soft 'hmm' is given at mention of Laura along with a nod. "The first clone actually. I'm a clone of her, technically, but we're only a bit apart in age so 'sister' is simplest." A crinkle of her nose comes. "Rather not think about dad getting busy, ew." A little bite is scooped up onto her fork to take a testing taste before she answers about herself. "Not a lot. I'm going into my Junior year which is the year right before the last in highschool. I don't really feel like I'm getting to practice what I *want* to learn enough, but it is giving me a chance to be with others my age. Oh!" She lights up a bit to quickly add, "I've got a roommate now! Ellie! She's great. Bit grumpy and quiet but a softie underneath it all."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien shakes her head, "Some of us don't get the choice, unfortunately. I have a recurring date I need to keep, so demons are my future. I don't mind that much, it needs doing and it helps people." A little grin graces her lips, "Plus, a lot of the time it's kind of fun. That's probably the Logan side of me talking, however. He does seem to enjoy himself when he gets into a fight." Her order is brought to the table and she sips at the soda, also leaving the entree to cool a little.

"Ok, so Laura's the first clone, then you and your sisters, got it. I look forward to meeting her soon then." She breaks the crust of the pie with her fork then lays it on the edge of her plate. "What is it you're interested in learning, then? If you're not getting it from your school, maybe I can help, I've got a fair amount of info stored up here." She taps her temple. "Be happy to teach you some stuff if I can. And it's good to have some friends, never underestimate their value. I go through life alone a lot of the time, and honestly, it kind of sucks. Be nice to have some people to share problems with, you know? So if you have some people, like this Ellie, that you can confide in, you make sure to hold on to that."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney smiles warmly at the offer as well as the advice given. She can only nod about friends with apparent agreement. "I was lucky. I had my sisters when I grew up. Laura was alone. She's a lot more like Logan in personality... maybe even a bit more socially awkward. But she's trying! She's trying to change." A solemn nod is given as she defends Laura's faults even as she explains them. There was more than enough reason to be the way she was, and Gabby could have easily turned out that way too had their situations been similar. "I like having friends. I don't want to be alone. I can be, but I don't want to be, and it's nice to have people I can help too if they need it. And... Yeah, I kind of like fighting too sometimes," she adds quieter as if it were a bit of a secret. "But I want to be a hero. Someone that fights for good, like Captain America. Like lots of people who don't get the same recognition. So I guess what I want to learn is things that can help that out in the future."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien takes a forkful of her dinner and tries it, considering as she swallows, "Not bad. You never know with a spot like this, but looks like they do ok." She turns her attention back to Gabby, "Well, if you want to be a hero, you're going to be doing a lot of fighting, and you'll need to learn how to do it without killing or maiming people too much. For us, that requires a bit of work, because, well..." She holds her hand below the level of the table, but between her and Gabby so the younger girl can see it, and extends her claws. Unlike Logan's, there is no metal there, but they do glow with enchantment.

"These are not tools to knock people out with, they do bad things to flesh. You'll need to work on knowing what to use your claws on and learn ways to incapacitate opponents without permanently damaging them. I'd be happy to work with you if you like, I've worked out a number of techniques because demons often possess people, and you don't want to kill someone whose only crime is being used." The claws retract and the small wounds close up as she returns to eating.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney stares wide eyed at the glowing claw that is on display. She'd seen them only once before when she'd first met Rien in that alley where Alchemax was attempting to retreive her again. Now she gets to see them up close, and she sinks down into her seat a little bit to just stare with unabashed awe. "I want glowy claws," she whispers. "That's so cool." Shaking the thought from her head she sits up straight again grinning once more. "Yeah, I've been learning that. Never have killed anyone but I know how. I use weapons a lot, too, other than the ones built-in."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Shaking her head with a chuckle, Rien explains, "I'm afraid it's a rather long, drawn out process. Clan D'Arqueness enchanted them because of my duty, I needed something that can penetrate the hides and magical protections of demons and their ilk. It's not the sort of thing you just whip out whenever you want to, it was done over a number of months by multiple practitioners. Generally, your claws should do the job just fine as it is. And if you've been training with weapons, all the better. You can use various blunt weapons to take people down without killing them. Sais and tonfa are good, they're handy for blocking, disarming and striking."

Taking a sip of her soda, she continues, "We might be able to do a basic enchantment in a reasonable amount of time, nothing too complex, but maybe making them unbreakable or something like that." She grins at her sister, "And we can make it a little glowy if you like."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lifts her hand to look at the back of her fist a moment. She doesn't pop the claw out, at least not at first, as she considers it. "I think something that runs in the family is 'we all have lots of time'," she points out with a warm grin. Then she lowers her hand to the tabletop to hide among the plates. A flex of fingers, and her single bone claw pops out. "Laura and Logan's are all metal coated but this is all I've got. Just the one on each hand. But," she adds quickly as it withdraws again so she can clasp her hands together. "Even if it was just glowy for show that'd still be cool! I wouldn't need glowsticks in the dark then!" FOr when she needed them at all.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Nodding with a laugh, she agrees, "Well, that much seems to be true, we do seem to stick around. Not that you're really old enough to have to worry about that yet, but I take your point." She examines Gabby's claw, "Interesting. Seems like you've got more of a stabbing weapon then a slashing one. I suppose I could see it if you were being designed as an assassin, sneak up behind, cover the mouth, stab through to the heart, move on. Quick and less messy. I can see why you've looked into other weapons though, with that type of claw you'd have a harder time not badly injuring someone."

At the mention of glowsticks she nods with a smile and adds, "You can even pick your color, that kind of enchantment is simple. Just a simple light spell engraved into the claws, that shouldn't take too long at all."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances down to her hands again. But this time she picks up her fork to start shoveling in a few bites of her dinner as if she'd just recalled it was there. Better to eat it before it gets too cold. "Mmhmm. Yeah, I think that's something Logan and Laura don't quite get. Or... maybe just never thought of much. Mine don't slice. I thought of filing them down but that'd take waaay too long. And I don't think they'd let me use the shop tools to do it." Bone dust was a bit hard to deal with. The mention of color has her gasp softly, "I'll think of a color!" So many to choose from!

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien nods, "Let me know and we'll get something done. As for filing... they'll just grow back out anyway, so that's not really an option. Honestly, your healing along makes you able to do a lot of hero things, I mean, there's hero's out there that have no powers and still do ok, so work on your skills and keep the healing as backup and you'll be able to do fine. And you have the claws as backup for if you ever do need to hurt something." She also takes a moment to eat some more, then asks, "So when do you want me to meet Laura and find out what kind of problem she's dealing with?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches down to rummage in her pocket a moment. A single napkin is pulled out which has a doodle on it that Laura had made the other night as a rough reference for what they were dealing with. "I'll let her know you're up for it, and we can get together with her friend that's having the issue. She said they killed it once before already, but it came back bigger. I figure that means it's probably feeding off something to regain power, or something, right?" Though she'd been to Limbo and helped out with a few demonic issues she didn't know everything about them. The napkin is handed over. "That's what Laura said it looked like if that helps give any details though she has more info and better sketches, she said. If you want I can give you her phone number, too. Just to cut out the middleman as it were."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Taking the napkin, Rien takes a look at the drawing. Honestly, drawn on a napkin it could probably be about anything. She nods to Gabby's questions about it coming back, "Yes, usually if they come back bigger after you kill them, they have something powering them. I'll definitely want as much detail as she can give me, it's always best to know what you're dealing with before going into a fight when demons are involved, they have very varying powers." She tucks the napkin into a pouch on her belt.

"Well, I don't want to cut you out of things if you want to be involved, but being able to call her wouldn't be a bad thing, the sooner I can get information, the sooner I can start research and preparation to deal with the thing."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney takes a sip of her drink, something dark and fizzy, while nodding knowingly. It was nice that she got that small tidbit right at least. Nothing wrong with learning more about potential enemies after all. "It's okay. You should have her info anyway, we are sisters after all. Got to stick together, right?" She grins broadly and lifts her phone to fire off a text so that the numbers can be sent over. "We'll work on it of course."