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Latest revision as of 12:37, 7 July 2021

New Eyes for Dyani
Date of Scene: 05 July 2021
Location: Library
Synopsis: Clarice and Hank meet to talk about fixing Dyani's vision problem - so she can read more easily.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Henry McCoy

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice lets herself into the school after arranging her meeting with Hank, her feet moving with purpose towards the library down the hall. It doesn't seem to turn any heads - she was a common enough sight on the grounds of the school. She pushes the library doors open abruptly, and seems about to let it close hard - when she remembers that she is, in fact, in a library - and catches the door to close it more gently. She's just not //used// to library. She glances around at the shelves lined with books - a faint frown crossing her features that she quickly tries to force away. Not seeing Hank in immediate evidence - she starts towards a table, pulling out a chair and settling in to wait.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry was there, albeit on the second floor. He had been perusing various books, picking up a few for some reading on his research. Upon hearing Clarice enter, he smiles - the benefits of supernatural senses. He moves over to the railing, offering a wave. "Be right down, Clarice." He says in a bit of a whisper. Just like any other library, that whisper seems to carry much further. The magic of the bookshelves!

Making his way down the spiral staircase, he heads over to where Clarice had taken up. The books have been set down, the man pulling out a chair for himself. "How are you today?" A smile and nod, genuine friendliness in his tone. "How can I help you today?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice blinks in surprise, tilting her head back to peer up at Hank. Ah... //there// he is. She flashes him a brief smile, then settles in to simply wait.
    Once he's joined her, she offers a shrug of her shoulders before adding, "Well. Nursing a bit of a hangover, but whose fault is that?"
    Lorna and Mystique's fault, point in fact. But why get petty about it?
    "Not as bad as it was, though. I, umm, I wanted to talk to you about Dyani actually. She has trouble seeing," she states without preamble. "And I was wondering if there was anyone who could... I don't know. Figure out a way to fix that."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Settling in on his chair, he thinks a bit. "Lots of water, Clarice." He chuckles. "And knowing when to stop drinking helps as well." A wink to her. Not like he runs into that normally - crazy metabolism! He taps his claw on the book before him, hrming a bit. "Well if her eyes are compound... I can see why it might be something causing her trouble."

"I think I could work on something to help her with her day to day vision?" He decides. "If she's up to work with me? I would need to do some studies with her, to better understand her vision challenges.?

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah, well, I was hoping enough whiskey would make me forget any of that ever happened," Clarice mutters, then adds, "Just- don't ask. You really don't want to know.
    She's happy to switch back to the subject at hand as she says, "That's the problem exactly. She says - since she 'cocooned' - her eyes changed, and now she can't read. She uses her bees to look at things like text, and cellphone screens, and the like. I'm sure she'd be happy to cooperate if it'll mean being able to focus on things again." She flashes Hank a smile - glad he was so ready to jump on the challenge. "Wasn't really sure who else to ask about the problem, really..."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A wide smile crosses Henry's face. "Whiskey fixes some things, but not all things. At least it was not tequila." A tap to his nose. "I will never ask, but I am always about to offer an ear if you need to talk." The Beast assures.

"I tend to work on most of the gizmos and needs of our folks around here - I helped Noriko with some better shoes, that wouldn't disintigrate upon her running." A chuckle. "Dr. Richards had perfected some interesting materials to work with. I might pull in Kitty on this, as she knows software well - this might need to be a joint effort between the hardware and software to interpret the images and conform them into one consolidated view."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Nope. No. Definitely not. //Never// talking about it." And hopefully Lorna feels the same. Clarice leans foreward - pinching the bridge of her nose for the moment, then letting out a heavy sigh. Yeah, probably Lorna will never bring it up. ...probably.
    "You think this is a programming problem?" she asks with some befuddlement. "Well. I'm sure you guys'd know better than me. I'm just- I don't tend to think my way out of problems, you know? But this isn't the sort of probably I can just //blink// away. But if there's anything I can do to help... Anything you guys need, anyone you want to consult with, whatever... I'll help however I can."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The subject of whatever caused the drinking is left behind, Henry not wanting to press. "I think that part of the issue will need to be something that software handles." He explains. "And it is appreciated. I am sure we'll sort out what's needed - if we need anything outside, I will be certain to ask you." A smile. "You're welcome to sit in on things if you like? Tests and such?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I mean - sure. I'd like to see how it all works out," Clarice agrees. "But I don't want to slow you guys down. As long as Dyani's comfortable with it all, if you guys need to run some tests and I'm not around, you should just go ahead and do it. She's lost five years schooling already. She's- ... I'm sure she's going to have a hard time catching up, so the sooner we can fix her vision trouble..."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A nod. "I think she's quite bright, and will catch on quickly. We'll get her vision squared away, to take away another obstacle from her life." Henry smiles. "And you won't be slowing anyone down, I assure you. Unless you plan on destroying the equipment or unplugging things..." The man teases. "She's had a rough start, I intend to see that she has a bright future."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Good," Clarice says firmly. "And no - I don't plan on breaking things. I do plan on keeping an eye on her, though. I want her to- I want her to have every opportunity, and I want to make sure she's adjusting well after everything that's happened, and all the change she's been through. So... I'll be checking in, but if you think she's having trouble, you can reach out to me anytime."
    She gives a shrug of her shoulders before she adds, "Apparently I'm part of her 'hive.' So I got to look out for her."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A smile. "It's good to see you take someone under your care, Clarice." Hank offers over. "You know, as I do, that here she'll get every opportunity." The man taps the book he'd set down. "She asked if I was hive the first time I met her. I told her that she was the only one who could make that decision. I am hoping no one uses that definition to nefarious ends, though. I would hate to think of someone taking advantage of her trust."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Just the thought of that makes Clarice's expression go flat for a moment. "Anyone who takes advantage of her answers to me," she points out bluntly - before letting out a sigh, and softening her expression. "She's a good kid - but I do worry that she may be too trusting. And at the same time... She wants to be part of the fight. Like the X-Men, or the Brotherhood. I just don't want her making that choice prematurely."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"I assure you, you will not be the only one who will be rectifying any transgressions against her trust in that fashion, Clarice." Henry offers over, seriously. "We'll work with her, make sure she understands - I am sure she is aware that there are bad people out there, after her problems with Hydra." A shake of Henry's head. "And she will be offered all the choices a young woman should have. If she wishes to fight, or live a calmer life."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice nods her understanding - and her apprectiation. She even flashes Hank a wider smile for a moment. "Well, I really don't care which she chooses. It's her life, and there are plenty of ways to help the cause. If that's what she wants to do. I just- ...I want to make sure she has the time to heal, before she really makes a decision. You know?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
A gentle laugh from the Beast. "I assure you, no one will rush her into fighting for the cause. It's not what the school is about. We don't generally roll out training for the X-Men as part of the curriculum." A wink to her. "She'll know of both sides, I am sure - now that we are on speaking and cooperating terms. She will have her own time to form opinions and make choices."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I know you won't. That's why she's here, not with the Brotherhood like- like I was." Clarice gives a shrug of her shoulders as she adds, "Besides, our situations were different. She's younger - and they had her for much less time. She belongs here, and I know you guys will take good care of her."
    And she's going to make sure of it.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a pause, the man regarding her. "Life changes us all, Clarice. I had my stint with the Brotherhood for a bit." He admits, running claws through his hair. "Every step carries us to where we need to be. Sometimes it is dark, sometimes it is light." A smile. "We take care of all our students and friends, you included."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I don't regret where I am," Clarice responds immediately. "I don't- I mean, my past is painful. I wish things hadn't gone that way. But I don't regret where I am. And... well, I appreciate that. But the Brotherhood looks after its own. And that's my home." There's no doubt in her voice. The Brotherhood saved her - and she would do anything for them.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A nod. "I wasn't suggesting you should or you do." Henry smiles to her. "I am well aware of how we all stand together, even if we are seperate teams. There is no question of loyalty on either side."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "No," Clarice agrees. "I suppose there isn't. And you guys know, well... I've got your back, if ever you need. As long as it's for the cause of making the world safer for our kind... I'll do anything I can. Everytime, without hesitation." She speaks firmly, and with conviction. Clarice can be a bit of a fanatic at times.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Another tap of his claws on the book. "Likewise, Clarice." Henry mentions, eyes on hers. "So... new eyes for Dyani. I think I've got some researching to do on compound eyes and the way they relay information to the brain."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "New eyes for Dyani," Clarice confirms. She pushes herself to her feet as she adds, "I appreciate it, Doctor McCoy, really. And - well. Like I said, anyway I can help, I will." She offers one of her broad smiles. "But I shouldn't waste more of your time. I'm sure you've got a lot of things to take care of."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A grin. "Always glad to help, Clarice. I'll let you know once we've made progress, deal?" He offers over a hand to shake, friendly and warm. "You take care, and get some more water in you. No need to suffer a hangover.:"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Deal," Clarice agrees, clapping her hand into his far larger mitt. "And I will. It's a lot better than it was earlier, anyways." She gives a nod of her head. "Goodluck," she urges the man, before starting towards the door.
    Hopefully he can figure it out - and Dyani will be able to catch up on her reading ability. After all, she knows first hand what a slog that can be.