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Caribbean Vacation
Date of Scene: 11 July 2021
Location: A Private Caribbean Island
Synopsis: Clarice shows Mystique her private tropical island. And Mystique shocks Clarice with an unexpected confession.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Raven Darkholme

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice has just started on her second glass of cognac - and after a sip, she lets out a quiet sigh. "I've been doing a //little// better about taking time for myself," she protests - doubtlessly to some continued prodding that she develop more of a social life, or some hobbies. The 'hobbies' thing still baffles her. "I even- here, look, I'll show you," she offers holding out a hand in invitation. No, she doesn't need Mystique to //take her hand// to blink them somewhere - but it was as good a way of asking consent as any other.
    And she's not dumb enough to use powers on //Mystique// without consent.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique was drinking coke, no alcohol. After what happened in the bar the last time she was there, she was letting alcohol take a back seat for a while. She had in fact poked Clarice again about taking more time off, and about hobbies, because that's what you do when you want someone to get it through their head.

At the offered hand, one brow lifts. She sets her glass on the bar, still staring at the hand, then finally takes it.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice keeps her glass of cognac in hand because - hell, no reason to waste good cognac, right? She allows an impish smile to appear on her features for a moment - and then she blinks the pair away, emerging on the sands of an island in the Bahamas, with the sun low on the horizon and partially hidden by clouds, as sunset approaches. Heavy stormclouds rumble with lightning and rain on the horizon, but Clarice can get them out of there again before that becomes a problem.
    Above the beach is a small shelter made of metal and tarps - the colors of it neutral browns and greens meant to hide it from view from a distance - and tucked in under a few trees, to hide it from satelite images. Once they arrive they arrive, she lets Mystique's hand drop - and takes a deep, appreciative breath in, letting it out slowly.
    "What do you think?" is all she asks.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique takes the time to turn a slow, complete circle then stares at Clarice.

"Where the fuck are we?" She asks bluntly, then let's her eyes move over to the shelter, if it could be called that. Why the hell were they on Fantasy Island? What did this have to do with hobbies?

Clearing her throat she rephrases, "I mean, what is this place, other than hot?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Hot and humid - but at least it's past the worst of the day's heat already. Whatever reaction Clarice had been expecting - that probably wasn't it, as she glances aside at Mystique, then looks out across the water with a shrug of her shoulders. "I don't know if it has a name," she admits. "It's in the Bahamas. I found it, and I decided it's mine." No, that's not how things work, and she knows that perfectly well. But since it was clear no one else was //using// the little island - it might as well be true.
    "I like it here," she adds simply, before sipping the cognac she still holds in her hand.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The clothing that Mystique had been wearing simple melts away, leaving her in her usual all cobalt state of being, nothing hanging out that shouldn't be of course. Walking to the waters edge, she lets a wave wash over her feet and smiles.

"How did you find this place?" She then asks, clearly getting a little more into it. Apparently the shock of suddenly being on a deserted island brought out her first reaction. "Sorry about that... just a surprise. I wasn't expecting sandy beaches."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Satilites," Clarice remarks simply. "When I was practicing getting places I'd never been before. I mean - I could see it. I could find it on a map. It's not like there's anything," she gestures around her, "for me to accidentally teleport into out here. This isn't the best time of year for visiting - but it's still alright, if you come on the right day."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique splashes around in the water, just ankle deep mind you, "There are trees... you ever teleport into the ocean?" She grins, then walks out of the water and over to Clarice. "Why did you decide to claim it as yours? What is the attraction of this place to you?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Oh, I came in over the ocean the first time," Clarice admits wryly - amusement on her features. She points off a little to the right. "Over there, I think? Not too far off, for such a long distance." She takes another sip then remarks, "And why not? It's- it's nice here. Quiet, peaceful. Reminds me a little bit of..." She trails off, and rather than finishing the thought, she shrugs her shoulders and says instead, "And it's empty - deserted. No one could get to me, here. It's... safe. And it's mine."
    She moves forward as well, so that her feet are in the wet sand - and slowly getting buried little by little with each subsequent lap of the waves.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Beginning to wander toward the shelter, Mystique stops and turns slightly to look at Clarice as she trails off. "What does it remind you of?" She asks bluntly. "I ask not to make you relive something, but to ensure it's what I think it is. I get the concept of alone and quiet, and it is peaceful, but I don't think alone is what you need."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice doesn't answer right away, as she continues staring out at the water - wiggling her toes so they sink a little deeper in the wet sand. In fact, it may seem like she doesn't intend to answer at all, but she does finally - quietly. "I don't remember that much about my life before the Magistrates," she remarks quietly. "But I remember the beach." And going there with her parents.
    Inside the little shelter are Clarice's supplies - a few simple changes of clothes, a swim suit, a few towels, a snorkel with goggles and fins - plus food, water, and a well stocked first aid kit. All neatly stowed away in rubber bins to protect them from the weather, and any critters on the island.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique doesn't poke around in the shelter, she merely looks it over and a quick glance inside. She starts making a few minor adjustments for the sake of stability, but beyond that it was just a 'check it out' sort of thing.

Moving away from the shelter, having no intentions of invading Clarice's privacy, she goes back to stick her feet in the water again. "Then this is a wonderful place Clarice," she finally says, wiggling her toes. "A memory well worth having."

Standing there, watching the waves as the sun moves to set, the cobalt mutant is silent for a time. It was peaceful, but it wasn't reality. "Clarice, may I ask you something a bit personal?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Didn't you just?" Clarice asks in a dry tone. She lets out a sigh before adding, "Yeah, sure... Raven. Shoot." There was a moment of hesitation before using Mystique's given name - it still felt strange to her, using it. She keeps her eyes on the horizon, rather than on the woman beside her - a little cognac still remaining in the glass in her hand.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
With her eyes still watching the horizon, admiring the colors of the sunsetting, Mystique shakes her head, "I apologize then. I didn't realize it was personal rather than just something you didn't think I wanted to hear."

Folding her arms lightly across her chest, she follows a bird across the sky but endeavors not to look directly at Clarice. "Why do you bother to spend time with me? I mean other than the obvious, Brotherhood related stuff?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Whatever question Clarice had been expecting - this hadn't been it. Her posture had been tense in preparation for a dig into her rather painful past, and when that doesn't happen, she turns her head to stare at Mystique in surprise for a moment.
    "Well... why wouldn't I?" she asks in puzzlement. And then a moment later, with a little hestiation in her tone, she adds, "You... care about me, so... I mean, it's not like there's a lot of people who care about me in this world."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique slowly turns her head to look at Clarice. "I can give you the list of reasons if you would like." She replies with a soft snort. "Let's start with the most obvious, I'm constantly telling you what to do, despite it not being Brotherhood business. That is really the only time you have to listen to me. We'll move next to the fact that I never share anything with you, and yet I'm constantly poking at you to share things with me. And let's end on the fact that everyone and their pet hamster has warned you to stay away from me, and they're probably right."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "They all think you're taking advantage of me. That I'm too broken and naive to see I'm being manipulated," Clarice remarks, before letting her gaze go back out to the view. She's silent a moment before adding, "Of course, I think they're forgetting the fact that Mister Creed would tear out your spine if he thought you were harming me. So it's not just my judgement I'm relying on, here."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A slight nod is offered before her eyes go back to the sky. "They're right to offer those warnings, it's what I used to do, it's what I did to Rogue. I don't know if Victor would rip my spine out, but he'd likely have a 'talk' with me if I tried anything like that with you. I wouldn't, have no desire to do so, I'm rather fond of you and... you were right."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well - maybe not your spine," Clarice conceeds. "But he'd get me clear of trouble if he thought you were doing me any harm. And I know they have their reasons for viewing you as they do." She lifts her glass - finishing off the cognac at last, before giving Mystique a curious look. "What am I right about?
    "I mean - other than the fact that I am, in fact, generally right about stuff," she adds with a wry smile.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A half smile touches Mystique's lips and she turns her head to so her amber eyes can settle on the younger mutant. "Last night at the fund raiser, I had a choice. I could of ripped that son of a bitch a new one, or as I told Lydia, attempt to remove his heart through his penis, or I could choose to not be violent in the way that he expected and wanted, and merely detain him. Before you, there would have been only one choice, one reaction, one answer."

Reaching over she very lightly lays her hand on Clarice's shoulder, "You were right that violence is what they see, all they see, and why they fear us. You were right that by reacting without violence, we add no fuel to their fires of hatred."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Surprise registers on Clarice's features - followed quickly be a broad smile, and a nod of confirmation. "Yeah, well, it was Lorna who pounded that through //my// skull," she points out wryly. "But it's just how it is. We have to stand up to the hate without fueling it. ...even when we want to punch their teeth in." She rolls her eyes. "You know - that asshole I transported to the hospital after he got shot? He filed //assault// charges against me."
    It would be so much easier if she could just go //kill// him.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique looks back to the horizon because instantly she is angry and though her face doesn't show it, her eyes might. "Him I'd kill. Now that there are no witnesses, no cameras, I'd kill him... and I should. No one would know it was linked to you, or to what happened." She lets her breath out slowly. "Some of them /do/ deserve to die Clarice, but it can't be in the open and obvious, it has to be assassin style and you know, that's what I am."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's what I was taught to be," Clarice agrees simply - before giving a shrug of her shoulders. "I don't think it'd be a good move to act against him right now, though. The files charges against a member of the Brotherhood - and then dies? It doesn't take much to connect those dots. I doubt the charges'll stick - and I'm a citizen of Genosha, not the United States."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique snorts, arms folding lightly across her chest. "Then I'll just have to get it taken care of another way." Her entire body changes, her skin shifting like kinetic sand into the form of a well build young man, hair slicked back, wearing a three piece suit. "I've had enough schooling," he says, even the voice is different, deep and masculine. "I know the law, thus I know which ones that Mystique woman has broken." He wiggles his brows at Clarice. "I'll have the charges thrown out in no time."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I think that's a better plan," Clarice confirms - flashing Mystique a smile. "This guy... he's just an annoyance. Now, if he winds up dead //after// the court cases are all taken care of... Then who's gonna care?" she asks - before returning her attention to the water. Her gaze tracks a seabird as it dives towards the water, in pursuit of fish.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The man looks ridiculous standing there on the beach in a suit, water washing over his snazzy, sensible shoes. He must of realized just how insane it looked because after another moment, his skin shifts and rolls from head to toe and the cobalt mutant is one again standing beside Clarice on the beach.

"You do realize that accidents happen," she comments with a mischievous grin. "He could die in a horrible accident, that would be investigated and end up being just that. Again, I am trained for that sort of thing."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah, well - my hits never looked like accidents," Clarice admits. "It tends to be pretty noticeable when people've been cut cleanly in half. Or have had their head, or heart removed." Nope. It's more like a bright, fluorescent sign that reads 'Blink Was Here.' "I suppose that could be seen as a detriment..."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique shrugs slightly, "I certainly don't see it as one. It would take someone having seen you do it, or having seen bodies after you've done it, for it to be a true detriment. You may not be the most stealthy in how you kill, but we could change that if you'd like. I could train you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    There's no immediate answer to that offer as Clarice keeps her gaze out on the water, her expression distant, and difficult to read. The waves lap on the shore, thunder rumbles in the distance, a few birds cry from their roosts on the island... but finally she remarks quietly, "No. I mean, that's most of what I learned my whole life. you know? I feel like... If I'm going to learn new skills, they should be //new// skills. You know? I don't have to be what they made me. Or at least... that's not all I have to be."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique pats Clarice on the back, "That was the right answer my friend." She offers a smile, then looks back out at the darkening night sky. "Other's may think your naive, but I know the truth. You're clever, calculating, tactical and have a temper as big as mine. You may just be my first best friend."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice smiles with wry amusement as she's patted on the back - taking the casual contact without any sign that it bothered her, despite how tetchy she can be about being touched, at times. What Mystique says next, though, catches her completely offguard. Mentor and mentee, sure. That was something she'd grown used to - even appreciated, but- "...best friend?" she repeats in surprise.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Turning her amber eyes to look directly at Clarice, Mystique offers a brief nod. "I guess that's what it's called when you trust someone to the levels that I trust you. When you know you can rely on someone and they will aid you, and that you would move mountains for them because they are important to you." She shrugs slightly. "I've not had many friends in my life Clarice, in fact I've not had any. I've has associates, allies, Erik, a category entirely it's own, and... employees? Whatever it is that people are in the BRotherhood that I tell what to do. But friends? No, never."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "...oh," Clarice replies. She looks, very much, like she's not sure what to do with that information - her expression uncertain, perhaps even confused. Finally she offers quietly, "You know I haven't had that many friends, either. I mean, there's Lorna, of course. And... well. Whatever the hell is going on with Nicolai. We've... mostly patched things up, but he still doesn't understand-" She lets out a huff of frustrated air. "He still doesn't understand. He doesn't seem to be trying to understand."
    She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly before she adds, "And Mister Creed, of course. And Dyani, now. Though - those aren't really friendships, I think."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique considers, "Nicolai might be, Victor most certainly is, Lorna maybe, though I don't think that's so much friendship as it is you worshipping her royalty." She grins at that, attempting to indicate she's mostly joking. "I'm aware that you haven't had many friendships either, but don't let that worry you. You're under no obligation to give a damn about it all."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Hey!" Clarice protests with a laugh. "Lorna is my Queen, //and// my friend. And Victor is //family//." That's slowly growing easier and easier for her to say without embarrassment. "I... well. I care about you, of course. A lot. But I'd been thinking of you more as a mentor, than as... anything else. Which, I mean, it's not that I don't think of you as a-" she starts to trail off, perhaps realizing she's babbling a bit.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Another light pat to Clarice's back and Mystique nods, "Mentor is fine Clarice, as I said, don't agonize over it, forget I said it."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice shakes her head in response. "No," she offers quietly. "That'd be just as awful, I think, as if- if Mister Creed had scoffed at me when I said he was like my father." And that is just about one of the most horrible things she could imagine happening. "I just didn't expect it, is all," she explains. "And like I said, you're important to me. I- I wouldn't want to hurt you like that."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Her shoulders lift in a shrug, "It wouldn't hurt Clarice, it's what I've come to expect really."

Mystique looks back at the now set sun, into the darkness out over the waters. "I'm not a very likable person, I keep secrets, I've been manipulative, but not any more, but it wouldn't hurt. I don't let things like that effect me any more."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well. It's one thing to be rebuffed by someone you can't care about - it's something else to be rebuffed by someone you //do// care about," Clarice insists. She's silent a moment before adding, "Like I said - you caught me off guard. I just- I hadn't thought of our relationship as friendship before." She wiggles her toes in the sand before adding, "You know... This is //my// place. Where I can be safe, where I can be alone. ...I haven't taken someone here before."
    And that's saying something. Isn't it? She's just not entirely sure what, herself.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique lifts a brow, slowly turning to look at Clarice again. She has no idea about that, that she was the first to see this place. That meant something alright, but had it been friendship or showing your mentor how you've grown, seeking approval? She wasn't sure,b ut either way, she appreciated it.

"Then I'm honored Clarice," she says softly. "That you would show me this place, something personal and important to you. Thank you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice doesn't respond at first, still looking out at the water. The thunder rumbles again - closer this time. The wind is slowly picking up in speed, whipping Clarice's hair around her face for a moment, before she looks back to Mystique once more. There's something hesitant, and uncertain on her features before she pulls a foot free of the sand to step in closer - and if Mystique doesn't move back from her, she wraps her in a wordless hug.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
It is surprising, but accepted. Mystique not only allowed Clarice into her space for the hug, but she returns it. She also says nothing, she couldn't express how long it had been since she was hugged anyway, she'd lost track of that amount of time, instead she will remain silent and merely hug the younger mutant.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    When Clarice finally pulls away, she shifts in place, her gaze going to the approaching storm and watching lightning shoot across the sky. "I suppose we should head back before that hits," she remarks. "It's the storm season right now. The weather's better in the spring. But, I mean - if you want to come back sometime..." She shrugs her shoulders. "The snorkeling's amazing."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique steps back as well, looking to the storm clouds. "Normally I wouldn't mind standing in the rain, but something tells me that's more of a 'fuck you up' kind of tropical storm, so we should probably go."

Amber eyes shift to Clarice, "But snorkeling sounds like fun, so we should totally do that some time."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We'll just need to grab another set of gear," Clarice suggests. "I only have the one." She steps into the water - washing off the worse of the sand stuck to her feet, before the pair blink out in a flash of purple energy to reappear in the bar - an empty cognac glass still in Clarice's hand. "Is it possible to be a friend and a mentor?" she muses quietly, as she reaches for her bottle, for a refill.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Appearing in the bar, in the spot she had been standing before, Mystique picks up her glass of coke, "Yes, that's possible Clarice. I have a set of gear, so when we decide to go, I'll just bring it along."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "That'll depend on the weather," Clarice remarks, and seems to consider the matter settled, as she drops back into her seat, for another sip of cognac.
    Mystique is her 'best friend.' Damn. Ain't that a kick in the head?