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Latest revision as of 05:29, 14 July 2021

Date of Scene: 11 July 2021
Location: Manhattan, offices of Fisher and Assoc.
Synopsis: Silk runs into the Dead Fed, everything goes better than expected.
Cast of Characters: Elvis Odell, Cindy Moon

Elvis Odell has posed:
    It's been a relatively quiet night in New York, primarily on account of the rain. Crime tends to be a fair weather sort've endeavor for whatever reason, so Manhattan in the rain is a relatively quiet neighborhood all things considered. It should be anyway, save for the droning of a high speed drill that cuts right through that insulated triple pane glass they clad big office buildings. If anyone was left inside for the weekend they'd be hearing it for floors, but with the security desk on the first floor noticably empty? Well nobody is complaining, nor hitting any alarms.

    A trio of heavily armed men crowd around a safe in the corner office, watching the drill clamped onto a heavy floor safe work for a moment before dispersing to sweep the floor with ultra bright flashlights. One of the black clad burglars moving behind the secretaries desk, before dropping a belt fed machinegun on a bipod ontop. Serious guys on a serious job then, hitting a lawyer's safe is never a good sign right?

    Down on the street a jet black Porsche screeches to a halt, before it's occupant clambers out and retrieves a rifle and a navy blue "FBI" windbreaker from the trunk. They spend a moment trying all the glass doors, before the -crack- of a shotgun blast rings out and they rush inside towards the elevators.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy has been walking along underneath a silk created poncho, hurrying to get to the nearest subway stop so she can get home. It was a busy day at the Daily Bugle and she worked a lot of overtime. Not that she was getting paid much to begin with but every little bit helps. She passes by the other side of the street when the Porche comes to a stop and the person in the FBI windbreaker grab a shotgun and force their way into the building.

"Uh, oh. That looks like trouble."

Cindy quickly looks around and ducks behind an alleyway for some privacy. She quickly takes her bag and spins a pouch for it to anchor it to the overhang of the building, outside of reach for anybody to get. Then she quickly spins herself her costume and like that, Cindy is gone and now Silk is on the scene!

"Please don't let anybody get shot, please don't let anybody get shot," she chants to herself as she leaps across the street. When she gets there, she hears the whine of the high speed drill and she can only imagine what that is. It's coming from up a couple of flights of stairs, so she decides to take the outside route, crawling up the wall until she gets to the window where she can see the men trying to drill open the safe.

Elvis Odell has posed:
    The brute watching the elevator gives a shout, and the other two immediately snap their gaze towards the elevator. One plucking a radio covered in additional circuit boards and tangles of wires free, before flipping the switch to fill the airwaves with white noise. Bad guy #2 moves towards the fire escape, stepping beside it to cover that door and also some sort of sightline on the elevator exit. It's a killbox for sure.

    The elevator comes to a halt, and the moment the doors open the shooting begins. A rush of automatic gunfire poured directly into the elevator, and well it only takes a few seconds to dump goodness knows how much gunfire downrange. Then comes the pause, as the smoke alarms begin to blare and the emergency lightning comes up. "Think I got'em, I saw rounds conn-"

    As far as last words go, they're pretty weak really. He never really has a chance to even register alarm, as a figure steps through the smoke and pours a pair of shotgun blasts over his machinegun and into his head and neck. Then comes a pivot, swinging that shotgun around to cover #2. "FBI! Drop the gun or I drop you!"Comes in something approaching an inhuman growl, barely recognizable as English.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Silk peers in upside down from the window and sees all the goons move to intercept the FBI agent. When the one comes to cover the fire escape she quickly opens the window, catching the guy by surprise and with her superior strength, grabs the guys gun, tossing it over her shoulder and webbing it to the opposite wall so a random passer buy won't get a free gun. "Oops!" she says. "Butterfingers. My bad!"

She then flips, and enters through the window feet first to catch the guy in his chest. "Looks like there wont' be any escape for you!" She winces. She really has to work on the snappy patter for sure. Spider-Man has got her beat in that department. The guy goes down with an audible "Oof!" and webbing shoots out her fingers and secures him to the floor. "Just stay there, all right?"

Elvis Odell has posed:
    The Fed is a blur of navy blue and gold lettering, rushing towards the sound of the drill. All but casually leaping over a desk, before lowering her shoulder and plowing through a heavy office door. #3 is sent sprawling on his back, and though he does loose a burst of gunfire it finds only the ceiling above. Another shotgun blast rips that rifle apart just forward of the magazine, before she can close the rest of the distance and deliver a single clean buttstroke to the guy's face that puts him out cold.

    Slowly Elvis lifts a gloved hand to flip down that hood, before turning to fix her gaze on Silk. The Feds are a pretty diverse group these days of course, but nobody expects the bone white of a skull. "Good work, kid. Make sure yours doesn't have a back up gun, these guys are bad news."Nevermind the truly important question, like how those sunglasses stay perched over her eye sockets of course. "Spider Woman, I presume?"

Cindy Moon has posed:
Silk blinks in surprise. Of all the things she expected to see, a skeleton in an FBI windbreaker was /not/ one of them. "Woah," she says. "Looks like you could use to eat more. Look at you! You're all skin and bones! Well. Bones anyway." She rises from her crouch and strides towards the ... woman? The skeleton has a woman's voice but she doesn't want to assume. Holding out a friendly hand she says, "Silk, actually. Spider-Woman is the one in red." She tilts her head. "What do I call you?" She wants to make a Skeletor joke, but thinks that might be a good way to get shot.

Elvis Odell has posed:
    "You have any idea how hard it is to find good Cuban Resturaunt up here?"She offers casually, before accepting the hand for a firm shake. Through that leather glove it certainly feels like a regular hand, but who knows right? "A pleasure Silk, I'm Special Agent Elvis O'dell. Everyone just calls me the Dead Fed however, because they're fantastically creative."Casually stepping away to turn back towards the guy she laid out on the floor, and producing a pair of cuffs. "Unplug the drill for me please, and use a light touch? We want to leave as much for the evidence technicians as we can, might be prints on the cord. You never know.."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"I'm particular to Korean," Silk says. "There's this one place off of 7th Avenue. You should check it out." Her eyes crinkle in delight, and you can hear amusement in her voice, "Dead Fed? I love it." She nods, and is more than happy to help the Feds. At least she /hopes/ this is a real Federal officer otherwise she's aiding and abetting.

She walks up to the drill and looks it over. "If we want to leave it for the evidence technicians, shouldn't we just leave it in?"

Elvis Odell has posed:
    "Don't know whats in the safe, but I'd rather we limited the property damage as much as possible."Click-click-click, and cuffed. "Could be undeveloped film, could have an anti-tamper mechanism, could be biological, could have a fucking curse. These guys wanted it open, so we leave it closed."Slowly she rolls upright, before sliding a gloved hand through her hair. Oh yeah, not skeletal anymore though her suit's still shot full of holes which is yaknow actually sort of a low key rad look.

    Young and, a fairly unhealthy sort've pale but otherwise apparently human enough. "Korean's not bad though, I've just been craving a good Frita from a hole in the wall since before I died."And a pause as she bows her head in to get a cigarette lit up with a soft sigh. "This your beat, Silk?"

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Neat trick," Silk says, giving the FBI agent a once over now that she's flesh and blood again. She turns back to the safe and carefully extracts the drill, setting it on the ground beside her. "Do you even eat?" she asks. "Being dead and all?"

Elvis Odell has posed:
    "When I feel like it, which I do often enough."Carefully producing her cellphone, which is predictably shot full of holes and instead opting for a nearby desk phone. "It's better than wandering around with my guts spilling out, makes having a reasonable discussion with the local 5-0 kind of difficult. It's no problem either way for me, but I'd rather not get shot in the head again. She half turns away as the phone connects it seems, offering a business card over towards Silk as she casually reads off the address of the place.

    The card at least looks legit, "New York Field office department of Meta-human crime" no less.

Cindy Moon has posed:
"I'd imagine getting shot in the head would ruin anybody's day," Silk says, taking the card. "You know I, uh, don't have any pockets." She says. Looking at it she quirks an eye. "Meta-human crime? These guys were meta-human? They seemed pretty human to me."

Elvis Odell has posed:
    "The guy they work for is an eight foot tall hyper intelligent Rat, goes by "Rat King" maybe you've heard of him?"Glancing back towards Cindy as she hangs up the phone. "I know he's been looking for whomever is representing his wife, theres a divorce going through and she's in hiding because the guy is a giant fucking rat criminal."Theres a little shrug at that, taking another slow drag of that cigarette. "Hopefully these guys will turn stool pigeon, and we can get his bail revoked."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Oooooh. Rat King. Right." Silk nods, as if she knows what the agent is talking about, but she does. She'll have to put word out on the Spider-Com to look out for this guy. She looks over to the criminals who have been handcuffed, and the one guy who's been webbed to the floor, all of whom have remained fairly quiet throughout this. "I dunno," she says doubtfully. "They don't seem very smart."

Elvis Odell has posed:
    "If you're violent enough, sometimes you can get away without being terribly clever."Glancing towards the window as sirens begin to approach. "Keep my card, pockets or not though. You get jammed up with the locals, give me a ring and I'll vouch for you alright? You best skip though, unless you wanna deal with Barney Fife and his friends when they put the doughnuts down and get up here."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Riiiight," Silk says uncertainly. "I think I prefer clever over violent." She shakes her head and goes over to the window. "Well. It was nice working with you!" she says, and with a thwip of a spider line she's gone.