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Latest revision as of 05:42, 19 July 2021

Death Didn't Stick.
Date of Scene: 19 July 2021
Location: Steve Rogers' Apartment
Synopsis: Jennifer stops by to find a grumpy Bucky sleeping at Steve's.
Cast of Characters: Jennifer Walters, James Barnes

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer was in Brooklyn meeting with a client when she decided that, hey, she's near Cap's place, let's pay him a visit. She hadn't seen Steve in a while and it'd be good to catch up, and maybe ask him to do more shield training, now that she's being trained by the Amazons in just about every other type of martial weapon. She sent Steve a text telling him that she'll be showing up on his doorstep soon, but he hadn't replied, so she suspects that he's probably out or otherwise occupied but you can never tell with that man.

She walks up to his apartment door, and knocks on it, taking a step back for if Steve opens the door. She's currently wearing a charcoal grey business suit with a cream colored button down blouse. Pretty standard faire if you're a lawyer in New York. In one hand is a messenger bag that holds important documents and a her laptop.

James Barnes has posed:
    "Jussa minute!" The sleepy voice that calls out from inside definitely isn't Steve's. Does she have the wrong address? It's really less than a minute before Bucky is pulling the door open even while he's still shrugging into a t-shirt. It's a plain navy blue number that matches one of the shades of blue in his plaid, flannel lounge pants.

    He's rubbing sleepily at one eye, his hairs pulled back into a tight knot at the nape of his neck, but his recent nap on the couch has little fly aways sticking to his face. Of course he's heard of Jennifer before, he doesn't live under a rock, SHIELD had files and all that, but still.

    "Huh, you're green," he obviouses, his voice still thick with sleep. "Steve's not here, he's at Janet's." But he still steps aside and holds the door open in invitation. "Sam's asleep in the bedroom."

    If she's like Stark and has no clue about the return of Bucky Barnes, then she might be a little surprised to see that the recent internet rumors were actually true.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jen scowls a bit at the sound of Bucky's voice. That certainly doesn't sound like anybody she knows. She checks the apartment number. Yup. This is Steve's. Is there something going on that Steve hasn't told her about. Unbidden images come to mind and she quickly shakes her head to clear them out. No. Do not think about that.

Then Bucky opens the door. This is not who she expected it to be and there's something about his face that's familiar.

"And you're plaid," Jennifer retorts. She nods as she's told that Steve isn't here but tilts her head curiously when it's mentioned that Sam's here. "What on earth is /Sam/ doing in Cap's apartment?" she wonders aloud. No. Do /not/ think about that. And then something just *clicks* for her. She's seen that face before in old photos that Steve has shown her about his old unit in World War Two.

"Wait. Bucky?" she asks. "I thought you were... you know. Dead. A long time ago."

James Barnes has posed:
    Why Sam's Bucky-Sitting of course! It's all the rage lately.

    He glances over is shoulder toward the bedroom and back again. He raises his voice a little like maybe Jennifer can't hear him? "Sam is sleeping in the bedroom!" You know, since he told her once what Sam was doing there and she asked again.

    "And I thought you'd be bigger... like Banner... It didn't stick," he says in regards to the 'I thought you were dead' thing. "It's James." Because he doesn't know her well enough yet. He's still standing there, door open in invitation and his eyebrows shoot up questioningly like: You comin' in or ...?

    "I'll call Steve." To let him know some green chick's here for a visit.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"What, being six and a half feet tall isn't enough for you?" Jennifer replies with a smirk. "It's the suit," she explains. "It's tailored to keep me from looking like I'm about to smash the Judge's bench into smithereens."

She nods, and sticks a hand out for Bucky to shake. "James it is, then. I'm Jennifer," she says with a smile. "It's good to meet you. I've heard allllll sorts of stories." When Bucky steps back, Jennifer steps into the apartment itself. "So what have you been up to all these years?"

James Barnes has posed:
    Bucky accepts her hand after not really responding the rest of it.

    But then she asks that perfectly innocent question. "Is that a fuckin' joke?" he shoots back with a little heat behind the words. Oh, she touched a nerve without even knowing it. It's just really hard for him to wrap his brain around someone that knows Steve NOT knowing the answer to that question.

    "Planting trees for fucking Green Peace," he adds before he turns and stalks back into the living room to settle on the couch and pick up his cell phone. "You know, they give out metal arms with big red stars on them for that now days."

    He hits the 'google assist' on his phone and says, "Call Steve." ... on speaker, the phone rings and rings and rings.

    Odd that, usually when Bucky calls, Steve answers on the first ring to ask, 'Buck, what is it? What's wrong...' or something of that nature. Because recently, when he calls, it's always Bad News.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer folds her arms and scowls at Bucky's snarkiness. "No. I haven't been to the mansion in a while and me and Steve don't talk on a daily basis, so no. Not a fucking joke."

She sighs when Bucky tries to call Steve on the phone. "Tried him already. I was in the area and wanted to warn him that I was coming over. Didn't expect anybody to actually /be/ here, though."

James Barnes has posed:
    "Seventy years with HYDRA putting my brain in a blender so they could use me as the 'Fist of HYDRA', the Winter Soldier?" Bucky spits out as he hangs up the phone. "Never heard that story?" If what he's saying is true, and why would anyone LIE about that? It's really no wonder that her question touched a nerve.

    "It's not like him to not answer." The grouse is gone from his voice and there's nothing left there but worry and a fuck load of 'BroLove'.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Oh Jesus," comes Jennifer's reply as she pinches the bridge of her nose. "Of /course/ they would do that. Now I want to punch some Nazis. Well," she admits. "More than usual." Because, really. Who /doesn't/ want to punch a Nazi on a daily basis.

"Yeah. It isn't. But I don't want to go careening off to find him just because he didn't answer his phone, either. If he was in trouble he'd contact us." Us being The Avengers.

James Barnes has posed:
    Too bad Zemo's run off to Solvokia to look for some files or something, this is about where he'd be piping up about those dirty Nazzies himself.

    "He's been sick, we just got the files on creating the anti-virus last night," Bucky murmurs, almost to himself. His pale blues are fixed on the phone as if he's considering calling again. "Maybe he's just sleeping." That's what he'll tell himself, for now, anyway. He puts the phone down and pushes himself up off the couch to head to the kitchen. "You can stick around until he calls me back if you're worried." Because Steve always calls back if there's not something to keep him from doing so.

    "Sorry." If she'd known Bucky three years ago, when Steve first brought him back... she'd know... that's progress.

    "Been a rough few months."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer looks thoughtful for a moment before nodding. "I didn't know he was sick. That changes things." She unslings her messenger bag and props it by the door for easy grabbing for when it's time for her to leave. "I'll hang around until you can get a hold of him."

She nods, "Looks like it." She looks like she's about to offer to help, but backs down, realizing that if Steve really needed her help, he would have called on her.

James Barnes has posed:
    Truth be told, whether he realizes it or not, Bucky probably invited her to stay because now he's worried and Sam's sleeping. Worried Bucky tends to translate to reckless Bucky if he's left alone.

    ...and now he even sees it in himself on some level. Progress.

    He fixes them each a drink from a bottle of bourbon in the cabinet. The extra little something he adds from a little envelope of powder doesn't get added to Jennifer's.

    In a half an hour, he's not so worried, not so tense. In an hour, Steve calls and in an hour and ten, Bucky's 'drunk' as a skunk and blaring country music from the stereo. Hell, he might have even pushed the furniture aside and danced with her in the living room if she stuck around.

    Sam... sleeps through it all.