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This is Why I Don't Have Kids
Date of Scene: 27 February 2020
Location: Roof
Synopsis: Kate calls Clint after a rough night of heroing and the two Hawkeyes talk names, history and why they do what they do. In all it's pretty inspiring.
Cast of Characters: Clint Barton, Kate Bishop

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint had gotten the call late last night from the other Hawkeye, something to do with a lot of dead bodies and all sorts of trouble. He wasn't too sure of the details, it was late, but he got that Kate was okay at least and set a meet ant 313 Sherwood Ave in Brooklyn, on the roof, like all good vigilantes do.

Does he neglect to mention he lives there? Yep. Of course. They're still in the getting to know you phase of things and it's not exactly time to throw Kate his house key and let her raid the fridge, but then he didn't expect to make her his sort of protoge either so it was best not to assume anything at this point.

At the appointed time, Clint is waiting on the roof, this time out of his costume, wearing a leather jacket, jeans and a knit cap with an H on the front, he's got his bow handy but it's leaned up against one of the rusted out AC units, it doesn't seem like he expects trouble to be following behind Kate when she arrives.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Well Kate definitely appreciated the cops being called to the whole warehouse murder and arson scene so she didn't have to try to find a public phone or use her own trackable phone. I mean this definitely wasn't the call she had intended to make with that burner phone though but still she was grateful for the assist.

The next evening she arrives when the meeting time was to happen. She is in her gear because she has no idea where she is going or what kind of stuff a mentor figure in the superhero world does or expects. She takes the fire escape which makes some noise, because she isn't batclan or anything, as she heads up to thhe roof. Finally she pulls herself up and over the edge of the roof into view.

Which is when her phone blips and she pulls it out to glare at it. "You mispelled Budget you hack!" clearly frustrated but she doesn't respond right now just stuffing her phone back in a pocket angrily.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint looks up when Kate climbs the last few rungs of the fire escape ladder to the roof, "Hey glad you could-" he's cut off by the bing.

He raises his brow as she yells at her phone and asks, "Do I want to know?" which of course he does, but that's what people say.

"And what happened last night? That sounded a little more intense than C-List armoured truck robberies," he says. "You sure you're okay?"

Kate Bishop has posed:
"Sorry ... Harley Quinn tweeted about her redemption tour and how she is becoming a hero.. and I just had to respond and we got in on it on twitter..." she just kicks a bit of roof debris hard, managing to bounce it right off the AC unit with a clang before just sitting on a vent with a huff.

Yeah she is in a mood all right.

"I got some intel on some arms dealers in Brooklyn so I thought I would go bust them up... turn them over to the cops.. Bratvia.. but .. wow was I not the onlyy one who heard about them evidently... it was.. awful."

Clint Barton has posed:
"Oh wait, that psycho from the Truthseekers podcast?" Clint asks brows raising again before he turns his head at the kicked stone, it flies well clear of him though so it's all good.

Clint finds himself his own vent to sit on and pulls up and crosses his legs. "They slaughtered them huh?" Clint asks Kate. "First time seeing something like that?" he asks looking less curious and more sympathetic than he did a moment ago.

"And how'd this go from slaughtering bratva to a Twitter beef?" he asks, the curiosity coming back into his expression again without diminishing the sympathy.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate frowns, I mean she really wants to act like it didn't disturb the hell out of her but she can't. It was hella disturbing. There is a big difference between random criminals robbing and even shooting at people and... wow what she saw.

"Yeah Harley Quinn.. the insane girlfriend of the Joker from Gotham." she pauses puffing breath. "Harley Quinn and some teenager I didn't recognize killed like nine russian mobsters.... Quinn used a giant mallet and just crushed some heads... but the kid my age she was using knives I think. Has them concealed in her boots and also I think in her gloves. There was a lot of blood but she was just cutting people to pieces."

She reaches up to remove her glasses and rubs her face. "There was a crazy amount of blood like some horror movie and they did it for some ammo .. knife girl.. and a rocket launcher in Harley's case."

There is more bothering her.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint crosses his arms and frowns, "Great like we don't have our own problems, we've got to inherit ones from Gotham." he says at the confirmation. Then he listens, face growing more and more horrified by the minute.

"Okay, got to ask again, Hawkeye, are you okay? Like really, really, okay?" he asks her, as he gets up from his vent and then crouches down next to hers. "Cuz the heads with mallets thing and the knives? That'd mess up a lot of the Avengers if they saw it, so it's cool if you're messed up about it, you wouldn't be the first."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"I... " she thinks about it "I got no idea... I panicked though... I didn't try to stop them from taking the rocket launcher or ammo .. I just grabbed the mafia guys I'd knocked out and dragged them out of the warehouse because knife girl was pouring out vodka and lighting the place on fire..."

Yeah okay she sounds ashamed she didn't just shoot the psychopaths and hope for the best.

I mean she was a little out of the the armored car job league.

"The girl with the knives...she got shot a lot but she was just digging bullets out of her chest while she set about to burn the place."

Or a lot out of her league there for mission 3.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint drops back on his butt beside Kate's vent, leaning on his hands, he lets out a low whistle at the bit about the one digging bullets out of her own flesh.

"Yikes, that's never a good sign," he says. "Honestly, though not sure what more you could have done there besides burn up with the others," he says. "If she was picking out bullets, then arrows wouldn't be any different. Sounds like you did the best you could and at least saved a couple of the scumbags they were going to kill."

"Scary when they're a hell of a lot tougher than us, huh?"

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate shifts and pulls her legs up onto the vent she is sitting on and hugs her knees to her chest, staring off into space. Out over the city skyline. "Yeah...I figured she just got lucky and wasn't shot but then she was digging around with her knife and just popping out bullets and... I don't know if she was healing or not but she didn't same to care about being shot at all."

She breaths in a deep slow breath and lets it out then looks sidelong to you. She looks so young when she stares at you and asks. "How do you do it.. I mean... ice giants... they could just step on you.. how did you.. do you do it?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint makes a face about the bullets being popped out with a knife. "Definitely got to have some sort of healing for that, or pain resistance," he says trying to focus on the dry details rather than conjuring pictures in his mind. "Especially if they didn't care if they got shot."

Then comes the question and Clint looks over, looking not too much older in this light, not yet thirty, but weathered some in the eyes by his experiences. "Honest answer?" he asks her, "First time, I just did it, Nat slammed my head into something and I woke up in the middle of the battle for the city, people were in trouble, so I just, did it. I just saved them and tried not think about what would happened if I screwed up again," he says. The first time being letting Loki get the drop on him in the first place. "After that?" he considers screwing up his face in consideration. "You, basically. The people we save, I just think about everything you and the other people I've helped stay alive are doing and all the living that's getting done now because I stepped up." He looks over at her, a smile on his face. "Not going to lie, it's pretty addictive, and seeing you step up too?" a beat. "Pretty amazing actually. If you knew me at your age, I wouldn't think I'd inspire anything more than a few townie girls to stay up past curfew," he says with a shake of his head. "Anyhow, it's scary as hell, everytime, but end of the day? Totally worth it."

Kate Bishop has posed:
To be fair Clint is what, 11 years older than Kate. Has he ever asked or realized she is a High School Sophmore? So yeah he honestly seems ancient to her but she isn't in any state to rib him about that right now. That will have to be saved for some other time when her sass is more topped off.

She listens though intently when he talks about how he does it. "Wait... so Black Widow slammed your head into something and you woke up and just.. fought to save everyone?" that seems like one hell of a story and distracts Kate for a long moment.

The rest though also sinks in and she looks back over the city thoughful now. "Okay I think I get it... the other two outings went much better and ... being a hero is pretty addictive. I think it might be the endorphins.. or adrenaline or something. Like .. not running high but hero high." she is mostly kinda kidding. Trying to find some of the humor in the moment despite how serious the moment is. I mean he opened the door with the townie comment.

"So you could say I inspire you?" okay yeah she has a bit of her groove back.

Clint Barton has posed:
Shh, Clint is young at heart. Knowing he's 11 years older than anyone not taking afternoon naps and into 'Paw Patrol' is going to be traumatic!

Speaking of traumatic? "Sort of, before that Loki did some sort of mind whammy on me and well.." his eyes go distant. "Anyhow, it was bad. But Nat saved me and then I saved you, so I guess, that makes Nat your grandhero? I dunno, I suck at genealogy," he deadpans trying to deflect from the larger topic. "And yeah, it was a big battle to save the city, I wasn't going to say, nah, Nat, Cap, Tony, I'mma gonna sit this one out, have fun storming the castle."

A bit of a smirk there before he nods to Kate. "You would have done the same," he says. "Just probably with more commentary."

"Right?" he says of the hero high thing. "Yeah, but it gets deeper than just a rush when you see the results, it's basically the best thing I've ever done."

Clint rolls his eyes, "Radical interpretation of the text there junior," he tells her picking up one of the pebbles on the roof and flicking it at her with just enough force to be annoying. "But yeah, guess having you running around is," he holds his fingers about an inch apart, "Little," he narrows them to about half, "Little, inspiring."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Okay well no Old Man Hawkeye jokes yet.


"What would Black Widow say if I told her you called her my grandhero?" sass. It is deflecting from the larger topic though for sure. "Also.. well at that point I might have just been stepped on. I hadn't really stepped it up from self defense and camp archery to today." that was what, two years ago "and I mean I was 14 and in junior high..." and there it is, bullseye.

"I believe you on the hero rush." better than high, don't do drugs kids. She bats at the flying pebble then picks up one of her own after it pinks off her and flicks hers back at you after aiming a moment. "Awesome. Now I just need to find a Hulk and a Thor and we can be hte Teen Avengers and inspire all of you..." pause "Kid Avengers... nmmm Young Avengers..."

Clint Barton has posed:
"Tell her and find out," Clint says happy for them tacking away from painful memories of Asgardians past. Though suddenly he blinks, "Wait, you're sixteen?" he asks her, turning her way again and sizing her up. "Okay I am officially threatened now," he says of her skills. "Crap. I had no idea, guess the costume adds a couple of years, plus you know what you're doing, which sort of rules out most sixteen year olds in my book." Yeah, it surprised him and he's rambling. He gets back on track. "So, if I told you to go back to school and hold off on heroing until you can legally buy a beer you'd tell me to go stuff myself or whatever right?"

"God, I hope there's not more Hulks, Bruce is a great guy, but the 'Other Guy'," he makes a face. "Baby Thors though? Definite possibility with how the ladies look at him."

"Young Avengers," he says. "Kid Avengers sounds like you'd show up in the quinjet power wheels."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate makes a snrk noise "Wait.. you hunted me down with all your spy and avenger stuff and you don't know who I am or how old I am?" she just sort of had figured it was a given that Hawkeye knew everything about her. Giving him a lot more credit evidently.

"Uh.. yeah .. I mean cat out of the bag. I'm in High School. Thank you though for the compliment." amusement. "Also I am still in school... so I mean sure I'll keep going to school and I am not hanging up the heroing for five years.. gawd." yeah five years until she can buy booze.

It is just painful.

"So yeah.. keep me in trick arrows and I'll just do my best to not be crushed by any frost giants... and you are right.. Young Avengers for sure."

"I want to meet the Avengers sometime... " yup bring your kid to work day.... I mean

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint laughs, "Nah, I didn't go the spy route, just asked around arrow shops and kept an eye on the news. "Got there eventually, but I dunno, felt wrong to dig too deep into who you were before I actually sat down and got to know you, which I would have done since our last chat, but things have been crazy," he says. It sounds like the both of them have that in common, crazy lives.

"So, I guess since we're finding out all the things tonight, what's your name?" he ask sher. "I mean other than Hawkingbird," he says with a grin. "If you don't know mine, I'm going to be a little offended."

Another laugh from the (not much!) elder archer. "Oy with all the demands," he says. "Yeah, I can keep the arrows going, work out what you need with you, also, want to work in some training time? You've got game, but there's always room for more practice." Also it would help with not being crushed by frost giants or stabbed by murderers with healing factors. He smiles then, "And we'll see about getting you in to meet the team, still got to track down Tony to talk about Ironheart, get on the same page about you guys."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"I mean.. yes it is cheating and all but I'm still surprised that I surprised you with that." she looks pleased as she stares out to the city. "Though part of me is tempted to make you go all super spy on who I am." She doesn't honestly sound worried about Hawkeye finding out though.

"I definitely want to work out how to use those trick arrows effectively.. some of them are just crazy wild and I am sure I haven't thought of the wierd applications for them all yet." she grins "And also yes please lessons with Hawkeye. It is .. what constant practice and always being able to improve. I have this feeling if I don't ...well a ice giant will step on me."

Finally though she lifts the 'sunglasses' and tucks them up on top of her head and extends her hand. "My name is Kate Bishop, pleased to meet you Clint Barton." yeah I mean it isn't like his identity is a deep state secret and she isn't just a fan, she is a fan whose dad owns one of the largest publishing empires in the world. That last name is damned famous.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint shrugs about the surprise. "I'm the least spy-y spy I know," he says, before reaching into his pocket for his phone. "Unfortunately most time the super-spy route is as exciting as calling my friend at SHIELD who's good with computers," and earthquakes, but he doesn't mention that last part.

"Sure, we can do that, some of them are pretty obvious the others?" he says frowning about his trick arrows, "More spur of the moment. I mean I made the boomerang arrow just for fun but then there was an AIM guy with some big backpack laser weapon and boom, suddenly it seemed genius," he gives Kate a grin. "Didn't tell the team the arrow did the bending, let them think it was me."

"And yeah, really want to help you avoid being stepped on, or shot, or stabbed and all the other things I can help with," he says though there's an acceptance in that statement too that some of those things may happen.

Clint takes the offered hand and gives it a firm pump with his own, before pieces come together, the name the costly gear. "Wait. Like Bishop Publishing Bishop?" he asks her.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Yeah the expensive gear, like the fact her outfit is some sort of expensive armorweave material that is likely bullet resistent if not proof. She withdraws her hand and nods "Yeah Like.. Derek Bishops daughter. Do not tell my father. He would utterly flip his shit if he knew I was spending his money and endangering my life as a superhero..."

Honestly though she seems immensely cat ate the canary pleased about it.

"Also that is pretty clever with the boomerang arrow... and yeah secret totes safe with me. I wannt to be able to steal it sometime and claim I am just that good too." thinking about it. "Also... who has a backpack laser.. was it like stupid big generator and an over the shoulder laser canon like some bad Terminator movie thing?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Yeah the kit did trigger rich kid vibes, but he didn't think she was Derek /freaking/ Bishop's daughter. "Secret's safe with me," he says before he laughs at her. "Yeah, yeah, that's part of the fun of it right? Doing all of this heroing /and/ doing it behind your dad's back?" Not that he would have done differently, if his dad was rich, and y'know not dead.

"Totally steal it, we can say it's some secret technique, keep 'em all guessing," he says. "Big generator, big thick cord out the back to the gun, so put the arrow through the cord and then, no more lazer, just a big heavy backpack."

He chuckles and stands and offers Kate a hand up. "So, it's not all just psychos with knives and healing factors, sometimes it's idiots like Shocker and guys with laser backpacks." And some days you find out you inspired someone which is in of itself inspiring. "Wanna go get some pizza?" he asks. "You can buy there Miss Moneybags."