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Latest revision as of 13:05, 19 July 2021

Dollhouse: Learning Kree
Date of Scene: 17 July 2021
Location: Cafeteria - Playground
Synopsis: Bobbi tells the King who she was in the framework and what she did, and like Jia, is still accepted. Then she asks a favor - to learn the Kree language so she can better understand her Inhuman ability. A deal is struck.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Blackagar Boltagon

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    It hadn't been long since Bobbi had talked to Jiaying about her experiences in the framework that she knew what she needed to do next. She needed to talk to the king. He wasn't at the Inhuman encampment, but instead staying at The Playground, so she ride back to Delaware and sent a message through to let one of the junior agents inform him.

    Entering the cafeteria Bobbi makes herself a nice strong coffee and then takes a seat on a couch, hoping Blackagar won't be too long or that she kept him waiting. Still, it was convenient to have the king of the Inhumans so close at hand.

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackagar had not consistently just sat around the Playground. He had frequented out to the Inhuman encampment and then generally travelled the world as well as he saw fit. There was a necessity for him to continue to evaluate what he is looking at in terms of this world. To consider just the course of action to take. But he had made certain to keep one of these 'cell phones' so they could reach out to him if he was needed. But it was a good coincidence that he was at the Playground when Bobbi had sought to sit with him.

The Midnight King's arrival to the lounge comes shortly after Bobbi gets herself a seat on the couch. Entering he looks and offers a smile with a polite nod. Walking to the fridge, he retrieves a bottle of water before going and sitting on the couch opposite of Bobbi. Pulling the writing slate he carries, he begins to jot on it. ~It is good to see you all returned.~

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi nods her head to Blackagar and smiles, a tight smile, and says, "It's a huge relief to be out of that hell." She swallows a moment. The effects of her time there are not done messing with her head yet. She lifts a hand and says, "I've been chatting with Jiaying and I need to get some things off of my chest first. She's all too willing to forgive and forget because in the framework I went through terrigenesis. Properly. But it's going to take me a long time to forgive and forget myself what I did in there."

    She frowns, "In the framework, I worked for HYDRA. I killed Jiaying and I rounded up Inhumans for The Doctor." She doesn't elaborate who The Doctor was.. she's trying to forget that herself, "I knew full well what he would do to them. Torture and experimentation. I destroyed Inhuman society in that virtual world."

    She takes a long sip of the coffee. "The framework knew nothing about the moon base though. You weren't in that virtual world. If you had been.... well it would have gone very differently." She sighs, "I hope you still want to talk to me, knowing that I did all that to our people."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackagar sits and listens to Bobbi as she speaks, his blue eyes considering her patiently while she explains. What he has heard, or learned, of the events that these people have gone through is unspoken. It isn't needed in fact. Instead he slowly reaches to his lap and begins to write. It takes him some time but he does it with careful consideration of his words.

~Are you looking for absolution for something you did outside of your control?~ That is the first sentence he puts there for her to read. The rest continues below that. ~Tell me what is the difference between this virtual world and a dream that someone has?~ He tilts his head looking at the woman, the patience clear in his expression as he sips his own water letting Bobbi read.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi shakes her head, "No... no this is something I've learnt about myself that I need to work through. There are things in that world that were out of my control, and things that were in my control. It was so very very real. And yes you could just say it's like a dream. But it was a dream where I had real choices and consequences to make. I could have died in there."

    She frowns, "Things I had no control over? John Garrett, HYDRA, he's dead here in the real world. He trained me as an agent in the virtual world. That man.. he really messed with my life perspective. What I had no control over, indoctrination. They messed with my brain and in the end tested their work by making me kill Lance, my partner."

    A change, she is wearing a wedding ring on her ring finger. Twisted golden circle with a stone set smoothly in to it. When she mentions Lance she touches it. "But after that, after I had nothing left to live for.. it was all work. I did what I was told and I didn't even care who I hurt or how they suffered. In short.. I know I am capable of horror. But I also know how I got there. I got there by being isolated."

    "If.. you're okay with me still after knowing all that, I need a favour."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Once more Blackagar sits quietly in thought before he responds. ~Admitting to the knowledge that we are all, each of us, capable of horror is the only true line we have against committing those atrocities.~ He considers Bobbi still, the tales she shares, the pain that is reflected in it. But slowly he nods his head in ascent. ~You have said nothing that makes me believe you are anything less than when I first came here and met you. Even if it was but a short time.~

It remains, the patience, the compassion. ~What is it you have to ask?~

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi chuckles almost nervously at his acceptance of her. Like she isn't so sure she'd be so accepting of herself. She compared her actions to that of Reina, someone Blackagar never got to meet. She died at the hands of HYDRA but also predicted Bobbi's path to darkness as Sky Commander Morse.

    "Well. I went through terrigenesis in the framework. I learnt something about the process. When I got an Inhuman ability, I thought it was because I had effectively taken it from Jacob. And that may have been true, but I didn't get terrigenesis. In the framework, when it happened, I experienced this moment of warmth."

    "And now that I'm out of the framework... well when I touched an Inhuman before I'd get nausea and see strange scribbles and symbols. I have pages and pages of them in my notes. I have been decoding them, ... but now. Now I see an alien language. I don't know it, but I recognise it as Kree. The same language that's on the diviners."

    "I need to learn the language so that I can understand what my ability is telling me. I am finally starting to get a grasp on it. You must know the language, right? Someone must have a dictionary or language guide for it in Inhuman society..."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Instinctively, Blackagar's hands fly into motion, signing something towards Bobbi in quick movements that it takes him a moment to realize what he is doing. Normally he would apologize, but instead, he picks up his tablet and writes on it. ~This is a dangerous path to consider. Very dangerous.~ The emphasis on the word is made with hands following the words, an strong empathic press along with it.

~To learn of the Kree is to learn of our enemy. This is akin to reading the works of your mortal enemy. Yes, you may learn of them. But at what price?~ Blue eyes are passioned now, serious. He has not said no but there is definitely a long litergy of warning coming.

~If you seek to understand this, there are some among the Inhumans on Attilan who know the ancient languages. But this is not knowledge that I would permit you to keep unto yourself.~

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi nods her head a moment, "I'm sorry I only know American sign language..." She smiles as he switches back to the tablet, then looks concerned as he writes about the Kree language. "... why are they are enemy. Didn't they create us? Forgive me I'm not exactly up on all the Inhuman lore and history. I got a very abridged education on it all before Afterlife was attacked by HYDRA."

    She twists her lips a moment and asks, "So what is it you're suggesting? I can learn it but others must learn it with me? or, that I am not allowed to learn it..." She glances over to the director's office, "Is this about that echo of Daisy's that attacked me, calling me the destroyer of Inhumans? I think I'm done destroying Inhumans now."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
~Legends are sometimes lost over time. Or altered.~ Blackagar writes, he pauses, sets the tablet aside and switches to American Sign. It is somewhat easier for longer thoughts. ~The truth is likely somewhere outside of this. But there are those among our people that say we were created by the Kree to be a weapon. However, one of the first of us saw a future where we would destroy the Kree. The Kree then sought to destroy us all, to wipe us out, but we defeated them and they fled. Again, this is only legend.~

The King looks at Bobbi carefully then, ~We live in fear of conflict with the Kree, not because we fear the losing, but it is the fear of inevitability. One day, we will face them again. That day grows nearer and nearer.~

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    She nods her head, "Well. It's a good thing you're working with SHIELD now. And SWORD. Because we specialise in saving the planet from alien invaders." She grins a moment and sips her coffee. "But this is all the more reason for the language to be better understood. If they do turn up, they won't be able to hide their actions in plain sight in written word."

    "So you tell me, since I may have to go to some pretty obscure places otherwise to learn that language.. will you help me. I'm willing to accept some terms and conditions if they're reasonable."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
There is silence for a few long moments before Blackagar nods slowly, ~I will speak with a scholar on Attilan and have him come to Earth to meet with you at regular intervals to help you translate. But the condition is, these translations need to be shared completely with him, and also with myself.~

He considers Bobbi for a few moments longer, ~You will tell no one how you are learning the language. I will not have any know that someone from Attilan, other than myself, is coming to Earth. If any ask, you will tell them that I am teaching you directly. Agreed?~

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi raises an eyebrow. There's obviously curious politics at work here. People in Attilan might not like it. She's not being invited to go there either. That makes sense, she's only truly just became one of them in the last few days. Only now is she willing to learn and work on her ability.

    Her chin lifts slightly and she nods her head, "I may have to teach you a bunch of biochemistry in the process." Not that she'd mind that, it is her doctorate after all. "We can do it in two phases. I can interact with an Inhuman, see what my ability shows me, write it down.. then sit down with the scholar and translate it with you there."

    "We both learn Kree and we learn just what my ability is about. Jiaying had Jacob trying to help Inhumans who had abilities that were out of control. But I also realised she intended to use Jacob to take abilities away from those that broke her laws.. well.. presumably your laws. I would like to know if any of that is truly possible."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
~I would be curious of that as well,~ Blackagar considers thoughtfully. ~The idea of taking away from Inhumans their birthright is one that is troubling. It may be a necessity, but one that I would not wish to undertake. These are the burdens of leadership however. The balance of freedom against that of security and safety.~ If he could sigh, he would.

~I believe this arrangement will be sufficient. When you are ready to begin, I will travel to the city and make the arrangements at that time.~ Pausing, the King considers for a moment then adds, ~You may not like what you find when you dig. And you must be prepared for this.~

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi nods her head, "I... yeah. I guess every ability comes with a drawback. Daisy almost broke every bone in her body. You can't make a noise. And here I thought it was nausea and obsession that would do me in. But no, it's tapping in to the minds of aliens responsible for our existence."

    She raises an eyebrow. "I'm buying some land up state New York. It's private and there I hope to meditate on my ability, learn how to use it. Learn what it's for. And ultimately, I hope, help people with it."

    She glowers a touch, "I know all those people are alive in the real world, but I have memories of killing them or sending them to be tortured. The least I can do is try to become an abiltiy-doctor."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
~Every Inhuman has a purpose for our people, never forget that.~ Blackagar says to Bobbi with a reassuring smile. ~Even if it is one you do not understand, there is a purpose there.~ Lifting his water to take a drink, he adds with motions in his hands, ~And do not hide your struggles. As you said, you did not experience Terrigenesis like many others. And none of you. Daisy, or May, or yourself had the support that you should have. Do not strive to be an expert, strive to learn.~

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi nods kindly at his words and then offers her hand, "Then we have a deal. And a way forward. I really am ready to learn more about my ability now. I wasn't before. But now. Things changed. SHIELD is my life, so is Lance, but so is being an Inhuman and I am just at the beginning of that journey."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Reaching out, Blackagar gently takes Bobbi's hand and shakes it firmly in the human tradition. The smile he offers is compassionate still but he seems to approve of her resolution by the way he nods. ~Then you finally understand. The journey begins.~