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Latest revision as of 02:22, 22 July 2021

Terry Provides Dinner
Date of Scene: 21 July 2021
Location: Leo's Dojo
Synopsis: A teacher/student relationship is cemented over Italian dinner and dessert.
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Leonardo

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The heat is unbeliable today. Even this late in the afternoon, it's up in the high eighties with a humidity of sixty-four percent. Only a maniac would consider physical exertion in this weather.

Which is why a dojo is totally the most rational place for Terry to go, right? To be frank, it was just him doing the rounds and checking in with the guys. And, in a way, to return a gesture, as evidenced by the container held under his arm.

He's in his human shape today- an athletic teenager with a distinctive mop of red hair, dressed in his 'At Work' clothes from The Planet: slacks, shoes and a button-up shirt. Admittedly, the button-up shirt was three buttons undone and the sleeves were rolled up to the elbows on account of the heat.

"Leo?" he calls out on his way to the dojo, "Permission to visit?" he says, by way of heralding his arrival.

Leonardo has posed:
In the 1980s and 1990s malls were the climate controlled bastions of capatlist freedom for families, couples and individuals of all ages... but especially for adelescents like the three testudinate teenagers raised by Master Splinter. Even abandoned as it is the abandoned mall is less hot than outside simply because there is so much space above the stone floor for heat to rise.

Inside the dojo claimed by the blue masked leader of the chelonian quartet it is quiet. There is no visible sign of Terry's young master initially as the journalist steps into the entryway...

... and then Leo drops from the open rafters, landing with barely any sound close enough to Terry that he doesn't have to stretch his arm at all to touch a single finger to the exposed elbow as he says, "You think you need permission to come in to the space I'm going to be training you in?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Not having his cat ears on, Terry is /very/ easy to ambush. When Leonardo drops down, he gives a start and almost sends the container flying up in the air-

Almost, but he is fast enough to catch it before a catastrophe occurs. The redhead lets out a little nervous laugh and brings the container close to his body, to verify that its contents didn't spill, and then exhales.

"Whew! Well... mom always told me it was respectful to knock before you come into someone's room- mostly because she didn't want me to catch her practicing her dance steps, I suspect... but childhood lessons have a tendency of sticking." He grins, looking a little wilted from the heat outside, but starting to perk up a little, being in a cooler environment. "That was impressive. I've never seen anyone move that quietly without them having a tail and ears attached... or a bat-shaped cowl." He brightens visibly. "... wait. You mean you've thought it over and you /are/ going to train me?"

Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo straightens up from his landing and nods. He laughts slightly and says, "Wait, it wasn't decided the other day," sounding serious and then, obviously 'doing a Mikey' says, "No take backs!" having momentairally striked a relaxed and 'party-dude' pose before returning to a more expected demeanor, but still smiling, and says, "Yeah, I seriously had pretty much decided. I'm still going to talk to Splinter but more for advice on doing the teaching rather than advice on deciding to do the teaching."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh that is awesome!" And for a moment it looks like Terry is going to pull a Mikey too and hug Leo, but the realization that he has a container in his hand stops him, and spares Leonardo.

"Oh! Right- I wanted to thank you for the meal the other day, so I decided I'd return the favor and make something for you! I asked my mom for advice... not giving her specifics, but she suggested I cook something Irish. So I tried some Irish shortbread..." he opens the container. And that's not what is in there. "... but it came out absolutely awful, so instead I made you a batch of my mom's friend's award-winning Tiramisu. That, I know how to make."

He rubs the back of his neck and chuckles a little, "My mom looked at the shortbread and said I have brought shame to the entire O'Neil clan and that I should expect to be haunted by my great-great-greats until I rectify the shame."

Leonardo has posed:
Having noticed the aborted hug, Leonardo reaches out and takes the container before Terry is even aware he was doing so. In what seem sto be a single smooth motion he has taken the container, crouched down and set it on the floor and stands. As he does so he says, "Just because I'm not naturally the hugger that my little brother you don't have to not give me a hug, Terry."

That said, after he's fully stood up he's giving Terry a look that seems to read as 'so what do you plan to do about this?'

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The redhead ahs and nods, "Well, that's good to know- I happen to be a hugger."

He steps forward with arms wide open to give the leader a hug. This is when he realizes that he's never hugged someone with a carapace before- Mikey might be a hugger, but most of the time they either spent busy in mischief upon others, or on each other. The last time, they both walked away completely covered in flour and honey from a booby-trap gone horribly wrong. Raphael never got to know what type of fate Mikey had concocted for him... but Terry and Michelangelo certainly did. He never did find out how Michelangelo managed to clean himself before returning to his brothers.

So he decides to go for the hug, with the hands resting on the carapace at the back, because that seems to be the best way to accomplish it- going for a hug around the neck is something you do when you want to headbutt someone, and a hug around the waist is a different kid. He smells of coffee- the result of being the designated Coffee Boy for Lois Lane and that radioactive tar she bews in god-knows-what alchemical laboratory, although the scent is /much/ less overwhelming than when he was nothing more than a creature of dough and honey and smelled like the Pillsbury Doughboy had exploded all over him.

Leonardo has posed:
Not being a hugger but knowing how to accept them, Leo leans into it and smacks Terry on the back... man hug style. The plastron is not as firm as it would be on a natural turtle making it feel more like pressing against a kevlar vest with stiff plates in it than a truly hardened breastplate.

After the hug ends, Leonardo indicates the container as he picks it up as smootly as he'd previously set it down as he asks, "So, what'd you bring over?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Stepping back after the hug, Terry grins. He rubs a hand across a cheek that is slightly red and looks down at the container. "Well... dinner and dessert, really. I'm not one to brag, but while I may suck at shortbreads, I /know/ I kick ass at Penne All'Arrabiata. If you've never had it before, it's a bit on the spicy side with garlic and peppers... do you like garlic?"

The teen kneels down to open the container, which has two sets of tupperware containers with colorful pasta, "and for dessert, Tiramisu all'Agatha- which is my mom's name. She adapted her recipe from her best friend, and added a little bit of Bailey's to the recipe." He looks up at Leo from his kneeling position and grins. "Just a little, for flavor. You won't get drunk off it."

He pauses and smirks, "Not /anymore/, at least. The first time mom tried it, she kind of overdid it. But she's got the proportions down now."

Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo leads Terry back to an area with a table that has five chairs positioned around it. As only one chair isn't dusty Leo brushes at the seat with his free hand as he sets the container down on the tabletop.

"Sounds Italian," Leonardo says before asking, "Is that penne like the pasta?" after which he nods about the boozy desert adding, "I'm sure it'll be fine."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"It is! Mom's best friend is also the receptionist at the detective agency, and she's Italian- rather, her parents are. She's saving up to start her own catering business and you wouldn't believe the things she can make. I'm slowly learning from her."

Cutlery is produced from the container as well, and Terry sits down. "So... I intend to be a good student... but I've never done this before. I mean, this type of training. Over at the tower, it's been drills, and with Harley it's been..." he chuckles, "Well, you can imagine what kind of training Harley would run. For all intents and purposes you should consider me as a newborn babe in the matters of etiquette and protocol, but I'm ready to learn and eager to please."

He opens the tupperware containers and brings out small plates from a bottom compartment of the large container, and serves up the spaghetti, "As you will be training me, this makes you my Sensei, right?"

Leonardo has posed:
"I imagine Harley's training is more dodging and murder avoidance than anything else, right?" Leo theorizes. He takes the other dust-free chair and says, "Pretty much, yeah, although I've got to admit I never expected to have students so early in my life and I expect my brothers to really latch on to this and have a lot of fun at my expense." He doesn't sound like this will be a problem for him however, he actually sounds like he's looking forward to the possiblity. "I didn't expect to be teaching you how to hold your cup or which fork goes with which course of your meal. Although, proper dojo etiquette will be needed to be observed of course."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry smiles, "Being an only child, I can only imagine. I always wanted brothers and sisters, but my mom said that she had her hands full with just me. In hindsight, I guess I can see her point. Harley's training was... well, her survival training circuit consisted in having me find a way to outrun her hyenahs, and the other one was me being chased by her Roller Derby crew. Enlightening, if bruising!"

He slides the served plate over to Leonardo and then serves himself, sitting down to eat. "Dojo etiquette- yes, I'll need a primer for it. I didn't take part in the Martial Arts club in highschool, I was on the swimming team."

Leonardo has posed:
"I can't say how it would be 'outside' but my dojo rules are pretty simple. Bow to the mat before mounting it, bow to your master at the start and end of the session, listen to instructions and strive to improve. Also, when sparing or actually fighting don't look away from your opponent, it creates an opening." And yes, this creates an oddity, how would you stay fully mobile if you can't look away from your opponent. Maybe its an intentional point of confusion.

Taking the plate and utincils Leo's face lights up with excitement as he says, "It is a noodle dish! I thought I recognized the name of the pasta."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry mouths the rules, and nods quietly. "That's easy enough that even I can follow them!" He bites into his food and watches Leonardo as he eats, to see how the turtle likes the food. "You did! It's an italian word that means 'quills'... apparently when they were created, someone took a look at this type of pasta and said 'Huh, this looks like the nib of a quill pen! Let's call it that!' - and so now we are eating quills, even though very few people can even tell you what a quill pen's nib looks like."

He pauses with the fork halfway up to his mouth, and adopts a slight sheepish look. "I guess I should warn you- I'm a bit of a book slash history nerd, and I tend to be full of useless trivia and stuff like that. I'll try to keep it down to one useless factoid per session."

Leonardo has posed:
"I'm a student of history also, although you likely had more books to read than I did," Leo admits both his interest and the limitations imposed upon him due to the circumstances of his birth, development and life as a whole. He then says, "Just don't try to insult me with facts about Japan, its culture and history or the history of the weapons I'll be teaching you," with a quick, "Alright?" asked with a smile before taking another bite of the dinner which he comments on with a satisfied mmmm.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Oh, you can borrow any of my books if you want! The only other person I know in my circle who's into history is Troia... and she's no fun because she's from Themyscira and she can go 'ACTUALLY, Queen Hippolyta didn't have a fling with Theseus and I know that for sure because she's my mom-'" the redhead brightens visibly at Leo's appreciation of his meal.

"I'll glady learn anything about Japan. I admit it's not something I have studied much, but I'm sure you should be able to fill any gaps I have easily!"

Leonardo has posed:
After finishing a serving of the pasta and its garlicy red sauce Leo indicates a desire to serve some of the tiramisu for himself and his student. After getting an agreeable nod from Terry he does so sliding one to the redhead and keeping one for himself.

"Its crazy that there are literal gods walking the world. I'm half expecting to hear word that Hachiman or Sun Wukong has arrived any day now," Leo says before taking a bite of the dessert. After it he says, "Tell your mother this is delicious. Also, we need to discuss your exercise routine."

With that, Leo segues into discussing exercises, suggesting a mixture of high and low impact training methods that also cover the range of both aerobic and anaerobic exercises, some of which Terry is likely familiar with and some not. If asked, he hops up and demonstrates... critiquing also if Terry attempts them himself so as to enhance the work and reduce possible risk of injury.