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Latest revision as of 13:52, 23 July 2021

The return of Vaguey McNotell Pants
Date of Scene: 22 July 2021
Location: Level 4 - Recreation - The Roost
Synopsis: Rose returns after a few months doing maybe possibly Not Good Things
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Rose Wilson

Conner Kent has posed:
Thursdays are an odd day to see Conner at the Roost. Usually he stays in New York the weekdays unless there is a mission or emergency. Fridays and Saturdays he will come to hang out, train or watch movies in Tim's private theatre (when he manages to convince some of the workaholics to do it with him).

But the summer semester is slow going at the ESU and social live at the campus is an all record low due too many students going to spend time with his families. Conner should have done the same, but Kal, Kara, Jon and Lois are all involved in the usual weird stuff and hard to pin down. This makes Conner a bored half-Kryptonian.

Fortunately for the world this is not as dangerous as it was a few years ago, when Bart and Conner would do something truly dumb when bored and Tim and the others would scramble to do some damage control. Hey, it was fun!

Instead he came here to check some files, work on some reports and, yes, try to see if one of his friends is up to do 'something'. Anything.

Rose Wilson has posed:



Is Rose a smoker now or.. Nope. Gotham air at its finest.


It has been a couple months since Rose has been to the Outsiders Humble Abode, surprisingly she still walks in rather easily whereas most other places would have had her locked out, locked down, and maybe a little price on her head. Good thing she has /some/ good apples left in her barrel.

If she recalls correctly this place is usually rather droll on Thursdays, empty, and she can warm back into the walls without much ado, but walking into the Rec Room proves her wrong when her single eye darts towards movement and Conner is zeroed in on.

Le-sigh. "Conner."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner is sprawled on a couch, typing on a tablet, vaguely aware someone just got in the base through secret entrance 87 or something. Seriously, he has super-senses and he is 100% sure he doesn't know half the ways in or out the place. But he is in a roll, so instead of checking, he keeps typing until he hears her voice.

What? Rose! Conner jumps to his feet, the tablet falls down. But he catches it halfway the ground. Almost oops, but he is fast. "Rose! You are back!" he grins, giving the white-haired a brief once-over. Probably checking for bullet holes. "How are you? You look... good."

Rose Wilson has posed:

Rose seems immobile for the first few heartbeats, assessing Conners reaction and movements, as well as his well being (shh!), pausing on his smile and rapid tech-saving movement. Yep. Perfectly normal. Who is she kidding anyway? He's a super Super, and she should very well know better where he is concerned.

A wrinkle of her nose as she sniffs in a non-chalant inhale and snaps to, a hand sweeping back some new longer curtain-like bangs, except the snaggled and singed ends let it be known they were placed there by a close call of some sort. Fruitless though, shorter parts fall back over that unpatched pale blue gaze that narrows with her own smile in return. A learned process, Rose should be the alien sometimes!

"I'm still breathing. I'm here. No peg-leg to match, yet. So the looks," A lift of hand to make a so-so motion. "Almost good enough." Morbid humor and yet it seems to return the spark to her gaze that comes with comraderie.

To prove that part at least her jeans bear large enough tatters to show glimpses of flesh beneath, even the pocket fabric upon thighs, topped by a studded belt that is slung low on her hips. Halter top sags off one shoulder, littered with bedazzled 'bullet holes' to glisten dots of openings in the tattered fabric. The only thing worn and seemingly polished or whole are the heavy soled boots, the duffel bag held in her hand now dropping beside them to be slid to the side non-chalantly.

"Miss anything?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner fails to notice the singed hair until, well, she makes it a bit obvious. He worries, you see. But otherwise, she seems fine. More than fine, which is Rose for you. He turns off the tablet and shrugs at her question. "Well, I think you would have had fun fighting zombie cyborg pirates in Madripoor." Disclaimer: they were not pirates, and maybe not zombies.

"Also, we followed a lead to Mexico and got in a big fight with the local crimelord, the Troika mercs and N.O.W.H.E.R.E. and about a thousand thugs," beat, "it was fun except for the part this robot guy called H.A.R.M. hit me with a truckton of missiles." He lost jacket number six and cellphone number three (of the year).

"So, yeah," he concludes. "You missed all the fun. But... I can get us pizza. Well, with robochef Ahab help."

Rose Wilson has posed:

"Yeah..." A few moments more of a beat, but the pulse of every step she takes closer can be measured, even with the rattle of extensions from the belt tap over covered holsters. "So same shit different day?" She says with a wink... Blink? Something while posterior seats onto the back of the couch, her back to Conner as she slides up and then back to crash land in an opposite seating position on the couch, legs kicked over the back rest nd casually crossed.

Staring at him up side down she glances away at the final thought of N.O.W.H.E.R.E., letting out a half laugh that only comes out as a huff. "You think they would learn it takes a team-of-tankton by now." *tsk* "Lazy. That's why they lose."

Drumming fingers over her abdomen she is in a moment of thought and then nods, a decision made. "Taco pizza and I'll bite."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Hey, I had never been in Madripoor," admits Conner, losing his smile for a few seconds. "And I didn't know Gamorra Island existed. That is from where the zombie cyborg pirates came, by the way." He uffs, "bad places, someone should do something about them." Lets call it a long-term project, though. At least he didn't go running to try to punch Kaizen Gamorra. He would have, back when he met Rose.

"Taco pizza it is," he takes a couple steps towards the kitchen, then he realizes he can command Ahab with the tablet without leaving the room. Lets try that. "What about you? Did you do anything fun? Has been Batman giving you work or something?"

Rose Wilson has posed:

"Madripoor isn't a place for many, and the citizens tend to not like that level of attention." Rose gestures to Conner. "Though the Zomborg Pirates definitely are along Madripoor's line of /fun/." Rose's head tilts and rolls back just enough to capture the up-ended view of him more fully. "People try all the time, some things are best to let go, so long as they let you." Her voice lowers a bit at the end of that statement before she rolls her head around to gain a monkey's view of the Rec Room.

One leg in that crossed position bounces when he asks her about her 'fun', bare shoulder rises and falls in a shrug. "Interesting enough, fighting fire with fire sometimes ends in a Big Bang and a need for some new flame retardent gear." At least the payout was decent enough, though the mention of that stays muted.

Conner Kent has posed:
Uh, that was vague. Some things never change. And although Conner has no idea how to 'fix' Madripoor, he will keep the place in mind for the years to come. The brief visit to Lowtown after a brief stay in a Hightown hotel made him really want to break some things.

He grunts in vague disapproval. Then types some commands for the robocook in his tablet. Taco pizza.

"Anyway. We have now MUCH more intel on N.O.W.H.E.R.E." he states. "Places, people, names. As soon as the bats get the plans hammered down, we are going to hit them hard. You gonna stay for the fireworks?"

Rose Wilson has posed:

Vague is one of Rose's many hyphenated middle names. Sometimes it's to keep her super seekrit squirrel, and others its to keep people safe from said squirrel. It bites. Has rabies. Who knows what else.

Again, the mention of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. and Rose's bouncing leg stills, her sigh exhasperated as she is suddenly in motion, a pinwheel kick of legs and a pivot of her bent torso and she is seated upright, staring squarely at Conner. Typical, he gets a hold of a topic and does not release, and THAT topic is a touchy one.

Propping elbows on knees now, her look upon Conner is a cool, calmed, and assessing one. "Is this intel shareable?" A glance to tablet, then Conner. "I digest carbs better while chewing on the next 'exercise'."

Is that a yes? Maybe.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Oh sure," replies Conner, leaning back, "if Tim let your passcodes in place you can read the action reports. "If not... well, ask him for new ones. He should be here at the bat-hour today. Hrm... tomorrow for sure. Folks always come here on Fridays even if we don't have a mission." Beat, "or give him a call? You are still in speaking terms with him, right? No bad... stuff." He hesitates. Unsafe ground here. "Anyway. Great to see you. Pizza should be ready," he stands up.

Rose Wilson has posed:

"Yeah... I'll be sure to check, and if I /have/ to ask, I will when I see him. If you see him first I won't hold it against you to ask for me." A brandished toothy smile Conner's way and Rose's eye rolls.

Rocking to a stand herself, she heads for the pool table, using fingertips to knock a cue loose from the holder against the wall, spinning it martially while her other hand picks up the chalk and smudges the tip. "I think I will bust some balls before I eat."

Vaguey McNotell Pants is annoyed. Watch the balls, Conner! Very unsafe.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner hahs. "I'll get the pizza," and eat it, if she spends too much time in the pool table. Annoyance is noted. But what is annoying her now... a mystery for Conner. Well, that is also typical Rose.

"Are you staying here or in your hideout?" Not that they are too far, but well, he is curious. If she not here tomorrow, they are all going to ask HIM about the visit. Those who check the logs of comings and goings and those that have too sharp senses.

She can answer even if he is not in the room; Conner can hear very well when he cares to listen. And he will return with the pizza in a couple minutes.