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Latest revision as of 05:35, 24 July 2021

Nothing Stops the Juggern... Where the Hell is He
Date of Scene: 23 July 2021
Location: The Griffin
Synopsis: Thomas decides to treat Gabby. He's not going soft! You're going soft!
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Gabby Kinney

Thomas Blake has posed:
Yard work is done for the day. Thomas gave the ladies on the street a few kicks. The only major obstacle to his finishing the yard is an obstinate old stump that is going whether it likes it or not. But not today. As night begins to fall Thomas has a bottle of Pellegrino in hand, his shirt off, and is going over numerous reports and writing notes on them. In one hand he absently works a butterfly knife in a blur of smooth motion. Flickflickflickflickflickflickflick.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Given the apparent introduction of Thomas and Cain thanks to Gabby's horrible, horrible influence, she decides to stop by to see how it went. A little knock come on the door before she scoots inside with a little bag slung over her shoulder. "Hey Tomcat! You dece--" She pauses, eyes narrowing, to stare at him a moment. Maybe it was the knife. Maybe it was the lack of shirt. A single deep breath is taken, held a moment, then let out. "Okay. You got abs. Nice."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake stops flicking.

He regards Gabby with a raised eyebrow. Then decides to put his shirt on... no wait, all sweaty. Eh screw it.

"You little perv. Leave something on me. I might catch a cold. You want me to put a shirt on?"

"I left a message and a call back number for a burner phone. It... checks out. Cain Marko, the Unstoppable One. He's interested?" Then he roll backward to his feet and lets Gabby experience those abs firsthand as he hugs her with an uncharacteristic display of affection.

"You are a good girl," he says. He gives her a pat on the back. The knife was made to vanish.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I'm just looking! I'm a healthy teenager y'know," Gabby quips back though she gives a little flippant gesture at him. "Besides you don't know what I was imagining. Might have been cat ears and a jingle bell for all you know." She's teasing, surely, though about what it's hard to tell. The topic of Cain and his burner phone earns a quick nod. "Thought that may have been him. I mean there's only so many huge redheads by the name of 'Cain' that seem to know a good amount of mutants, but I wasn't sure. He seemed interested in going after Alchemax so figured an intro would be good." Then there's the hug, and she clucks her tongue a moment. Doesn't stop her from returning the hug though. She was a hugger. "I try!"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is not a hugger. There's always a feeling it could go from a hug to hand to hand combat without pause. But he tries. Even the Joker isn't... wait bad example. Even Magneto isn't a jerk all the time.

"Did you pass that money we cleaned up? You get half. Oh this stuff? Working on a plan for our friends at AlcheMax. I have given it a fair amount of thought. No superheroes are going to do anything that will hurt AlcheMax really. So we bad guys need to. They give us a bad name... as hard as that is to believe."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives a good solid squeeze unaffected by his apparent tension. She could stab but what would be the point? He hadn't done anything to tick her off. Yet. She does relent after a moment though, hopping back down onto her feet properly since she'd been raised up on her tippy toes to get a proper hug. "I *DO* want to be a hero when I grow up, but..." She hesitates there with a little crinkle of her nose. "I want to do some actual good and sometimes that means not waiting around for someone to give the OK to do it. I get that."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake regards Gabby seriously, despite looking downward a little. He is not good with words, or feelings.

"Well you're going to be a villain to some. If you want justice... you have to break laws. because the law doesn't give a damn about justice. It's just there to keep society sort of workable. I'm not going to lie to you Gabby... your elders, your dad will probably not want you to hang with me. I'm a bad man. But I'm a good friend."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney considers this a few moments thoughtfully. She's serious about it though unlike how she usually is. There's no flippant remarks or joking quips. No, she was being quite serious about this. Finally she shrugs. "My sisters weren't exactly 'good guys' themselves, though it wasn't their choice either for the most part. And I'm well aware of the reputation my 'dad' has with his own history. Sometimes, you just need someone to see *you* and not what everyone thinks of you," she reasons. Then with a grin she adds, "Besides, maybe I'll be a good influence on you."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake says, "If that helps you sleep nights, more power to you. I think this is about as good as I get."

He looks at his paperwork on the floor. "I'm giving AlcheMax a lot of thought. I think it is a moral imperative to hurt them and take their money. They came by it legally, not honestly. I may be a crook but I work for my money. Except my winnings at cards. That not so much... hey you want to hit the Hellfire Club with me? I can play cards, you can dress up. Meet some people. I need a shower and some better clothes. I feel like playing some baccarat tonight."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches up to scratch her cheek with a single fingernail considering the offer. Her head tips from one side to the other at the offer. "Eeeh. I'd have to go home and nab one of my dresses. I haven't been to the Hellfire Club since Julian and I broke up. He loved it there. Well, he loved seeing Emma Frost mostly, but he paid me decent attention when he did bring me there on a date. Can't fault him for a crush." A wry grin is given as she glances Thomas up and down a time or two. "You got a membership? I don't think they'd let me in past a room or two. Never was there unless it was some special event."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake says, "The Blakes were members there for generations. Yes I'm a member and... I wouldn't let you in certain rooms. Why go home? Borrow something from Satana. Pretty sure she won't mind and all her stuff is a couple sizes too small. You can probably find something. And she'd appreciate you ratting on me if I cheat on her. C'mon. I never saw you wearing girl clothes."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Satana's clothes are..." Gabby pauses a moment, then lifts her hands to her chest with a cupping motion that is held out a few inches away from her chest. "Look, I can stuff, but there's only so much I can get away with before it's obvious it's a pair of socks. The Givenchy fits me well and the Prada is usually fit for girls a bit smaller. I dunno about her stuff." She gives a small shrug in response though. "I mean if this is gonna be a thing I'll bring some of the dresses I've got over to store here. They aren't doing me much good where they're at. But... I guess I can try something of hers," she reasons glancing off to the room that Satana had dragged her to the last time she needed a change of clothes. Which just ended up being an oversized shirt thankfully.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake nods and heads to the shower. Things are evidently decided.

He showers quickly, considers shaving... nah. A little product in the hair like Satana taught him.

"Hey," he yells. "Are you decent out there because I want to come out and grab a suit and shirt? I mean I'm going to Hell but I want to avoid the especially how spots they reserve for pervs and people who spoil books, movies and joke. Hellooooo?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"BEAUTY TAKES TIME!" Gabby hollers right back. Though she had at least managed to dig something out. Boots had been replaced by heels which gave her just a SMIDGE of height, and she'd found what was... Honestly probably a long skirt with a slit up the side that she was wearing like a tube-top dress with a belt around the waist to give it more form. It worked well enough given her height and the lack of necessary cleavage. Some lipstick had been swiped, khol eyeliner added, and she was currently piling her hair atop her head in a twisted coil. It's all held in place with a rather long hairpin that could probably stab someone in a pinch. "I'm good enough I guess."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake comes out in a towel, walking carefully lest he really comes out. He grabs a suit from his wardrobe quickly, umber and a black shirtand scoots back in the bathroom. Women. He barely glances at Gabby.

When he again exits, he is presentable. He fishes around in some drawers: watch, bracelet, large fang on a chain and secures his knives in several places.

"Oh. You look nice. Let me just leave a note for Satana. You can have one of the rooms I never rented. Yeah they'll let you pass for 18. I mean girls never cause problems."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"If that's what they think, they don't know girls very well," Gabby shoots back with a wry grin of amusement. "Yeah, you do that. I'll be waiting out in the livingroom." Not that she didn't want to hang around but she also didn't need to be seeing him get dressed any. An eyebrow lifts at mention of an unused room though. "Wait, at the club or here or...?" Never hurt to ask for details. "I know they had rooms but never... Hm. Well, I guess Julian was only a legacy member. He hadn't hit twenty-one yet," she reasons as her head tips back to stare thoughtfully at the ceiling. There wasn't much to look at but a smudge of what may have once been a demon that got swatted and bounced.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake adjusts his jacket. "Ready. I'm glad I'm a guy. And I meant a room here. I'll give you one. You come by every time you get bloodied anyway. It must be weird to not feel pain and just heal from anything. I mean I'd take it. As it is... I have the cloth that shaman gave me. It works so far. Not sure how exactly. Let me take a closer look." He looks at Gabby's face. then he pointedly unbuttons is shirt to reveal his own scars. That is, the really big ones. The little fine ones are all over if the lighting is good.

"The evening is on me."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tips her head up when he comes over to examine her face. There's no attempt to hide her scars at least. She wasn't ashamed of them. "Yeah, sometimes I don't know I'm healing I just feel really tired then oops, my spleen is hanging out. These are here to stay though." A gesture is given to her face again indicating what he'd just looked at. "Got these before my healing factor kicked in. Captain Mooney decided he wanted a way to 'tell us apart' and gave us all scars when I was younger. And you're darn right it's on you," she shoots back as if that wasn't even a question. "I'm getting a mocktail and some of those yummy shrimp things they pass around." There's a pause before she adds, "The room... That'd be good, yeah. Thanks."