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Latest revision as of 05:35, 24 July 2021

A Wild Bando Appears!
Date of Scene: 22 July 2021
Location: Queens
Synopsis: Bando goes looking for his first superhero operation. It's a good thing Ghost Spider was also in the area.
Cast of Characters: Bando George, Gwen Stacy

Bando George has posed:
    This was it. He was going to do this. Ms. Marvel said anyone could be in her group. He just...has to figure out how to do this. Step one, costume. Where do you get that anyway? He had a bright green full body spandex suit that was used for a class video project last year. That could cover his face and show off his amazing...well, less than impressive physique. But there needs more...um, personality. Belt. You gotta have a belt. He fastened a backpacking utility belt around his waist. It's black with red trim. Not the most fashionable, but he's colorblind, and doesn't have a clue how bad the clash is. It lets him hold the essentials. Adderal, Monster energy drinks (those ones that have 350mg of caffeine), a leatherman (never leave home without it), and his mom's expired pepper spray. It's still missing something...A symbol! Yes. A symbol. He has that covered, he took a black sharpie and drew a three point star with a circle around it right on his chest. That looks cool. Hmm, will Mercedes sue him for this?

    And that's what is on the streets of Queens tonight. The lights shine around, and he wanders along the street the way any other civilian would. And gets odd looks from a greater number of people than he usually does. He waves, though they can't see his friendly smile behind the mask of green. "Hi, how ya doin'?" he asks casually to several people. Where are the criminals? How do you find a criminal anyway?

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Superhero suits. They are a whole category of their own. Janet Van Dyne knows it well, and so does Gwen. It was no coincidence that Gwen had asked Janet to craft her own suit, the blonde spidery one having always had an eye for marketing and selling the superhero popularity the best she could. It was no wonder she had become so popular where she came from... In this world though? Not so much, but she was also a different woman now. A mesh of this Gwen with another Gwen and having gone through a lot more than her younger self had...

Still, no one can deny the style that her white and black outfit has, all the way to the pink rims in a few places, the hood. Does Spiderman even stand a chance? Not according to Twitter! But now all thoughts of fashion had been put aside for it was time to patrol.

As for finding trouble? Don't tell anyone this but the Spiders do cheat. That danger sense of theirs ... It tingles just as Gwen is swinging up between two high buildings. Not too far from where she is. And coincidental enough it's close to Bando's position too. She doesn't know exactly what she is getting into just yet but that's danger sense for you. It warns but never tells you what's up!

Bando George has posed:
    Bando gives another wave, this time to a trio of guys who look like they are the ones who he should be stopping. He doesn't seem to have the bias of stereotype though, for better and for worse. This time though it's for worse.

    "Cameron!" A voice calls out across the street. "You a dead man!" The three that Bando just passed turn to look at five on the other side, and all eight suddenly pull guns. What's the offense? Likely something that isn't going to be discussed in a civil manner. It's hard to say who shoots first, but bullets start whizzing back and forth immediately.
    Bando jumps, diving to cover behind a mailbox. Wait, he's the hero, what does he do? "Crap! Which ones are the bad guys?"

    The trio retreat into the nearby apartment building, shooting off the door lock to gain access. This doesn't seem to deter their pursuers who quickly cross the street with halted traffic, drivers taking cover in their cars.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Shots ringing. That calls Gwen's attention, having her dive down towards the area, a flip through the air as she comes to land right after the various gangers have gone into the building. There is a frown under the mask, a look to the building. This is an inhabited building. Which means there will be danger to those living in..

So she needs to move fast and--

A pause when she spots Bando hiding behind a mailbox. That's ..., quite the outfit. "Was that drawn with a sharpie?" give it to Gwen to see EVERYTHING about someone's outfit. But she recognizes it for what it is, some vigilante suit? "What are you doing hiding over there?" She questions.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando's covered face looks in Gwen's direction. "Uh..." he seems at a loss for a moment. "Not getting shot? I didn't know that was going to happen! They surprised me! And..." he looks down at his sharpie symbol. "Maybe?" he answers, and it doesn't take seeing his face to hear his embarrassment.
    He scrambles back to his feet, and clears his throat. "We have to help them!" he declares. Which 'them' is he talking about?

Gwen Stacy has posed:
There is a moment of consideration for Bando when he says they have to help them. Is this just a kid trying to do good? Someone with powers? Whoever he is he is also new at this. She can see it in both the suit and demeanor. So she nods back at the teen. "I will." she announces. "You .., stay out here. Cover their retreat if any comes out.." oh, she'd make sure they didn't come out.

Gwen doesn't really wait to see if Bando does what she says or not, already running in towards the entrance to move after the thugs. Another shot rings inside which makes her curse inwardly, ballerina shoes carrying her swiftly across the room.

Of course that being told to stay put never really does work on young heroes, does it?

Bando George has posed:
    No it doesn't. Bando hesitates with the command. After all, he knows who that is. He looks around at the stopped traffic as she disappears into the building. He looks up at the balcony of the third floor as the shots ring out up the stairs, one of the gang members is viewable from the first floor lobby area. "Look out, company!" he calls out, turning his gun to fire down at her in standard erratic gang fashion.

    Bando teleports, landing on the balcony with accuracy. Well, almost. He trips a little, and steadies himself on the railing. Why is he blue now? His outfit, shoes, and all the accessories he brought with him are not completely solid true blue. The window has a window unit AC in it. That's not supposed to be there, he's supposed to just be able to climb in through an open window! He casts his teleport on the unit, and it reappears on the balcony, looking...well, as it should. "One for two, I'll take it," he says. He stumbles through the open window, causing shouts from inside as he surprises a poor unsuspecting family. "Sorry, just here to help!" he calls out, falling on the houseplant that was near the window. Soil goes everywhere.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"You guys ..." Gwen is running now, weaving out of the way of a stray bullet, " .. shouldn't had.." she jumps, one foot hitting the railing and propelling herself up, "... brought your domestic problems here.." the jump brings her past the thug that was shooting at her, turning to land upside down on the ceiling and then launch herself down to the man, going for a leg sweep and then a web wrapping around the gun on his hand. That one won't be shooting for a while!

She just about finishes putting the man unconscious before another shot rings out from his friends, she jumping out of the way and out of sight for now. But as long as they have their attention on her they won't be going for any of the people in the building! "Come and get me!" she calls out.

Inside the apartment there's a shriek from one of the kids in the family that watches Bando fall on the houseplant. "You are not Spiderman!" is the kid disappointed? His mother brings him back and shhhhs him. "Don't call attention to us. They are just outside.." and indeed there's a shot that rings right outside the doorway...

Bando George has posed:
    Bando looks at the pair of whose home he's invaded. "Um," he says, "No, I'm here to help, though." The command from the mother tends to get an obedient teen to listen, though. He looks at the door, hearing the shot, and looks at them, realizing the severity of the situation. He breathes hard, pumping himself up, and he gets to his feet. "What're you doin' Bando?" he mutters to himself. He holds a finger to his mask. A few more shots ring out, and he gets an idea of where the shooters are. He shakes out his hands, walking quietly to the door. The sound of a magazing being released is heard. At least one of them is reloading. The door swings open wide, and he comes face to face with one of the initial three, their attention having been on the five that are now entangle with Gwen. "Stop shooting, there's kids here!" he declares. Not a witty one-liner, but...well, it's true. He grabs the surprised gangster by the collar and belt, and flngs him at the second. Wait...where's number three?

Gwen Stacy has posed:
The shots unloaded by the men upstairs to strike one of the gangers that were on their way up to intercept, the man falling with a shout of pain with a bullet on his leg. Of course that moments later he gets wrapped around a nice web cocoon, courtesy of Ghost Spider. It has the blessing of both bringing him out of sight so he can't get shot further and also disable him from retaliating. Medical care? He'd need to wait for the paramedics to arrive.

The sound of fighting downstairs continues to be heard, now having turned into hand to hand instead of shots, the illusive Ghost Spider moving fast, here and there the sound of someone falling heard...

When Bando tosses the first thug against the other it has the merit of having them both drop their weapons. But there's a third one. And now that there are superheroes in the mix? He just wants to get out of this alive! And no way he is going back to prison.. So that third guy bumrushes Bando to get him out of the doorway, spotting the mother and the kid and pointing a gun at them. "I am not going back!" he shouts, "Get me out of here!" he tells Bando while threatening the family with his gun. As for the mother and the kid? They cower on the floor, afraid..

Bando George has posed:
    Bando goes flying forward as the third man slams into him from behind. Oh, there he is. He stumbles onto the floor in the hallway at the top of the stairs, turning as the third man issues his threat. Whoa! Gun at the innocent family!
    This part? Bando's got this part. The gun quite directly vanishes, sucked into nothingness with a *pop*.
    "Hey, no pointing guns at kids! What's wrong with you, man?" he orders, the gun appearing in his own hand. Why is it encased in ice!? He was hoping to have a weapon, but, he has a gun encased in ice instead. "Crap." One of the two that had been knocked to the ground take advantage of Bando's distraction, and a fist clobbers him in the ear, sending him tumbling part way down the staircase, and the ice-encased pistol bouncing down and sliding to a halt against the wall on the landing below.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"What the ..." The gun disappearing from the thug's hand makes him look at his hand and then back at Bando with a perplexed expression. But while that guy is looking at his hand the one that just cheapshot Bando speaks up. "Nice magic trick, kid." he cracks his knuckles, starting to move after Bando...

The family takes that momentary distraction to retreat back and out of sight, making that thug who had pointed the gun to move inside the house, most likely to pursue. He's going to get out of here one way or another, no matter if he needs an hostage! Of course that he could also had noticed that there are no more shots being done their way. In fact it's pretty much quiet downstairs... What happened?

The two remaining ones walk closer to Bando, smiling wickedly. "Shouldn't had gotten yourself into our matters, kid. Now we gonna hurt ya..." the other adding, "... bad..."

Inside there's a shout. From the kid, then something crashing, a surprised sound from the thug and then he comes flying out the doorway and against a wall, falling to the ground unconscious.

Ghost Spider steps out. How did she get there?!

Bando George has posed:
    Ow. Stairs hurt. Ow. Bando grabs teh railing, pulling himself painfully to his feet half way down the staircase. So many bruises from that alone, he can already feel it. "Hey," he says, holding his hand up in defense, "I was just tryin' to keep people from gettin' hurt. You guys, too," he says, backing down the stairs. "Just don't want anyone hurt." Including himself. He reaches his belt, and pulls out the pepper spray. This should help! He thrusts it forward, and...even the pepper spray is blue! It still acts as it should, though perhaps not as potent as when it was inside its expiration date.

    From below, a bullet whizzes significantly too close to Bando's face, and he learns all about what tremors are. His vision blurs, his body shakes from the instinctive knowledge that he very truly was almost shot in the head. He pops out of existence, and back in again behind the two that he pepper sprayed, disoriented and terrified. He pushes against the wall, his back shoving both of them forward, and down the steps they go.

    And down he goes, dropping involuntarily to a near fetal position. He tries to get up, his legs are shaking.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Ghost Spider casts a look towards Bando and the two thugs right as her danger sense flares off. Not that she can react in time no matter how quick those spider-y reflexes are. They are too far. But the two guys? When they are falling they get webbed from behind and then tossed against a wall mightily. Unconscious. But at least no broken necks from falling down the stairs!

The final one that shot? He is dragging himself away on the floor below but another web keeps him in place to wait for the cops to arrive. Danger seems to subside and Gwen lets out a brief exhale, some tension leaving her shoulders. It's when she casts a look at Bando. He should had gotten up by now but .... Yea, the shakes..

She approaches slowly, dropping to a knee next to the young man and resting one reassuring hand on his shoulder. "It's ok." she whispers.

"They have all been taken down."

Bando George has posed:
    He fights it, his arms giving back their will to him before his legs, and forces himself up. Is he scared? Yeah, but at the moment, he's more frustrated at his legs refusal to obey. "I can't get up," he grits out. "Why can't I get up?" His leg sloppily moves to one side as he tries to command it, looking down the stairs at his handiwork, vision starting to come back into focus.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen keeps one hand on the boy's shoulder even as he tries to get up. Those hands are felt going around him to help him stay up. "Close brushes with death.." she knew all about it, even if her talents did make it seem easy for her. But it wasn't always like that before. And she still remembers how she felt when she had her best friend killed. It felt like a lifetime ago...

Gwen shakes her head to herself, dismissing those memories and looking down at the floor before focusing back on the young man. Not that she appears to be that old. But if anything she has more experience. That much is noticeable. "You need to relax. And look.." she gestures to the doorway where the kid and mother are at now, looking at them. "... they are fine."

The kid makes a timid wave at them.

Bando George has posed:
    At the moment, Bando is very glad no one can see his face gone through that mask. Pop! His colors suddenly return to normal, the clashing ensemble's glorious tragic appearance returning. He manages to stand back to his feet. "All in a day's work," he says, trying to sound heroic. But he knows as well as that mother surely knows...he almost got them killed by engaging the fight. They would have been fine if he hadn't gone through that door. He glances back at Ghost Spider. "So...now what?" he says. "Phone! I should have brought my phone to call the cops!" He smacks himself in the head in retribution.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Now we leave." Ghost Spider replies, a look back to mother and kid and giving them a thumbs up. "Go back in, and close the door. Don't worry about this, I am just glad you are all fine." she tells them. A reassuring tone to her even if the voice under the mask appears young too. As for blaming Bando for it? There seems to be nothing on her tone or mannerisms. She knows how hard it is being a new hero.

"Already called them.." she taps at her mask and adds, "Got some handy tech for it.." or well, Peter does, she is just loaning it! But she has done her own share of mods to it.

"So, what do you call yourself?" She asks, starting to make her way down the stairs, provided that Bando is well enough to walk.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando smiles, not that they can see it, more of a grimace. He steps over to the door, waves again awkwardly, and closes them inside their apartment. "I can come back later to help you put your AC back in," he offers, and then the knob clicks shut. A second later the bolt is thrown on the other side. He sighs. He turns around and while still shakey, he starts to head down the stairs, stepping around the unconscious gang bangers. "Sorry, excuse me," he offers politely. "Um, I'm..." he doesn't answer. "I guess I haven't gotten that far yet," he admits. "You're Ghost Spider, right? You got a really cool costume," he compliments. "Thought you'd be taller, though."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"So it was you that broke the AC..." Clearly Gwen had taken that same route somehow. Maybe she had gone through a window on a lower floor to go up to that third one. If anything she looks real fast. Not teleport-fast though!

The gangbangers on the ground don't really answer back to Bando when he goes with his 'excuse mes'. One does throw out a groan. But that's pretty much it. Most are unconscious or simply waiting their fate in the hands of the police.

"I am." This about being Ghost Spider, then a brow arching. Taller?! "... and with fireballs from my eyes and lightnin' out my arse..?" there's a pause and then she finally adds. "I heard that from a movie.." she sounds amused under that mask. And young.

"But so, no name yet? But you *do* have some kind of power, don't you? No way you could had gotten up there as fast as you did otherwise."

Bando George has posed:
    "Hey, that's from Braveheart!" Bando announces as they reach the front door of the building, already distracted. "That movie is SO good. But don't tell my mom, she doesn't want us watching stuff that violent." No doubt this scene is far outside of her acceptable parameters.
    "I didn't break it, I jus tmoved it," he defends himself. "I should probably go back and get it put back in the window though," he comments. "Um, maybe later, if we gotta get out of here before the police show up." He's even sensitive to the collateral damage, which of course is more than can be said for most heroes.

    "Yeah yeah, I have a power, of course!" he tells her. "I can teleport things. I think it's like a quantum thing," he suggests, sounding not completely convinced that he's correct. Of course, that doesn't account completely for his color changing uniform.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Ghost Spider replies in that low-tone of someone who just got into a conspiracy. To hide the fact Bando sees violent movies. What a shock! Teens watching those movies... They reach the front door of the building, Gwen putting her head out, looking up and down the street. The sound of sirens is heard in the distance, getting closer.

"Alright, still safe. Come on." She offers one hand for the young man to take if he wants. And if he does she will swing up and away onto the rooftops, gaining speed and altitude fast.

"What about your uh .., color change? A consequence?" she slides closer to a rooftop before dropping atop it, nimbly, letting Bando go safely.

Bando George has posed:
    There's a momentary hesitation. A girl offering him her hand!? No Bando, it's not like that, you dork! He takes it, not sure what to-

    Up they go! His other hand comes around to grab her wrist, having not entirely expected the sudden vault into the air. "Oh wow oh wow oh wow!" he repeats rapidly, and he lands mostly solidly on his feet. "That was...only the coolest thing I've ever done. Can I get one of those?" he asks. Wait, was he asked a question. "What'd you say again? Sorry, my powers kinda take a lot of focus." As if this was just a safe space, he reaches up, pulling the zipper down on the back of the green outfit, and zips down far enough for him to pull it off his head, his hair mildly sweaty from the action a moment ago. Yep, showed his face without a second thought about it. He pulls one of the monster drinks from his utility belt. "Gotta have one of these," he says, reaching to pull the tab, not even thinking about the fact that he was just bounced down stairs, in a fist fight, and swung up onto a rooftop carrying said carbonated drink.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"One of what..?" There's a momentary confusion and then Gwen laughs out, showing the webshooter. "It's not exactly a safe thing to use for anyone other than me.." which is true. She had made them specifically for her specifications and powers. Anyone else trying it? They better have some fantastic balance. "Glad you liked it though." one hand rests upon a hip, casual, she continuing to watch Bando. As the mask comes off though...

*Well, he is younger than I thought*

"How long have you known you had these powers?" She then asks before repeating the one she had made earlier. Bando's focus indeed appears to be all over the place! "And I asked earlier what is it with your color change? Part of your powers too?"

She takes a subtle step away from Bando. She knows what might happen when that drink gets opened up. She doesn't want to be in the area of effect. Nope.

Bando George has posed:
    KPSHSSHHHHSHHH!" The drink explodes everywhere, causing Bando to wince, and then quickly tilt his head forward, lips clamping over the top and slurping loudly to try to preserve as much of the drinks as he can. This is for several seconds as he tries to drink as much as possible as it runs around his hand and down the can onto the rooftop. "Wow, guess I shoulda thought about that," he laughs. wiping his chin on his sleeve. "Oh, colors, right, um, it just kinda happens sometimes. Things don't always teleport quite the same when they reach their destination. I dunno if you saw the gun, but it ended up encased in ice. Why?" He shrugs. "I have absolutely no idea." He slurps the drink again, chugging some of it down. "Oh man, I needed that." Of course the caffeine doesn't immediately affect him, but the placebo affect is still a thing.

    "I've had them a few years, been working on getting better at them so I could do this stuff. Then I met Ms. Marvel yesterday. Like...THE Ms. Marvel, from Jersey City. And I was like, 'what am I waiting for?' You gotta start some time, right?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
There's something to be said about that danger sense mingled with Gwen's innate spatial awareness. It helps dodging bullets as well as it does stray, exploding drinks! No wonder she keeps that white suit so pristine and nice all the time. Besides, if she didn't she wouldn't hear the end of it from Janet since she did design the suit.

So indeed she dodges, tsking and shaking her head briefly with amusement at Bando's antics. The answer does make her ponder on it though, "That sounds a touch dangerous .., if you try to teleport a person.." she notes. Though she isn't exactly sure on how *that* works for him. The talk about Ms. Marvel does make her chuckle, "Finding inspiration out of Ms. Marvel eh? I get it actually, I really do. We all have our role models. But it's also important NOT to die though, and it was close today." she tells the young man.

Tone gains a bit more of a somber note, "People die if we are not ready."

Bando George has posed:
    "Oh, no no no," Bando's brown eyes go wide. "I would never try to teleport a person. I mean, I can do it for myself, It doesn't seem to change me ever. I wouldn't want to risk it with someone else. Like, what if it had been a person cased in ice?" he rationalizes. "They might freeze to death, or suffocate, or like break apart because they are frozen. Though I'm not sure if that's just a movie thing, I feel like you wouldn't really break into pieces in real life," he sidenotes, distracting himself.

    He gives out a sigh. "I know, I shouldn't have opened that door. That lady, she even asked me not to, and I was too busy thinking about how I could probably handle it," which he clearly couldn't, "That I didn't think that they might get dragged in. I figured...I figured they'd just leave them alone because they weren't part of the fight. I mean, why would you point a gun at some mom and her little boy? Who /does/ that?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"They wouldn't. The human body is surprisingly hardy, a lot more than people give it credit for. It might break, but just not shatter into a million pieces like in the movies." Gwen, the genetics nerd comes to the fore as she explains that, almost like a teacher to a class, her finger even lifted up in the air. A nod follows when Bando refocuses back on the trouble they just went through.

"Someone desperate for a way out." She then points out, "People don't always take the most logic actions in the heat of the moment. And panic can make us do a *lot*. Even things we would not consider if we were in our normal mind."

"The important thing is that you should get training if you want to be doing this."

Bando George has posed:
    Bando looks at his feet a moment, "Yeah," he says in agreement. "I thought about that. But it's like, where do you go sign up for classes on how to be a superhero? Don't see that advertised online so much." He pause. "Actually, I did see it online, but it looked like a scam."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Ugh ..., I already know I am going to regret this..." Gwen reaches up with one hand to place it on her forehead, shaking her head a bit to herself. She is in silence for a moment but then she proposes. "Look. I can give you a few pointers. Maybe meet in a couple of days, just get me a phone number and I will call you." she suggests.

"And try to keep out of heroics in the meantime." She says in a more firm manner. The kind of manner that most teens usually ignore or filter out.

Bando George has posed:
    It worked! The puppy dog routine worked! That is... Bando is so surprised! His smile looks a little too much like he had actually been hoping for the offer.

    "Yeah yeah! Oh wow, this is so cool. You're the coolest! Maybe you can help me get better ideas for a costume, too, because between you and me, you probably have the coolest costume of any hero alive," he tells her. Nothing like a little extra flattery. "And a name. And...not dying or getting other people killed. I should have said that first. I don't mean it to be last, it doesn't mean I'm thinking of the other things first-it just means that I figured that as an obvious part of what we are doing-so I didn't bother to mention it but then I thought it'd sound like I'm just about whether I look cool and that's not it I'm completely really wanting to help other people it's not about me." Is he done?

    He takes another drink of his energy drink. "Oh, phone number, right." He rattles it off a little faster than he probably should.