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Latest revision as of 07:03, 31 July 2021

Is There Life On Mars
Date of Scene: 30 July 2021
Location: Observation Deck - Watchtower
Synopsis: Terry interviews J'onn- among the terrible O'Neil jokes, a useful idea is floated.
Cast of Characters: J'onn J'onzz, Terry O'Neil

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Taking people who needed to breath oxygen to the Watchtower involved the shuttle, which J'onn obviously arranged. A pick up location was decided for Terry to meet it at, and J'onn rode along to greet Terry in person when the doors opened.

As promised he is wearing his Martian Manhunter uniform, he has told Terry he would wear it and he is. Clearly he was used to it as clothing, but the young man had seemed quite interested in seeing him in it, he obliged.

"The flight from earth to the Watchtower only takes a short time," he offers once he steps out and offers a nod to Terry. "You are welcome to take pictures along the way."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry is over the moon, figuratively speaking. Landing an interview with J'onn /and/ going to the Watchtower? He is a bundle of barely-contained excitement trying very, very hard to keep everything wrapped up in a veneer of professionalism. It mostly works- or would work, were he not in the presence of a telepath.

The fact that he is in his human guise and therefore has absolutely no telepathic shielding in this form doesn't help. "I can't wait- I've never been to the Watchtower!" he says, that easy smile flashing. He glances at the manhunter and in his mind he immediately goes through potential photographs to accompany the inteview. As far as his personal tastes go, he thinks J'onn looks absolutely dashing in the uniform- but his professional side also knows that the public would expect images of him in that attire. He cuts an impressive figure, and he plans on finding the best angles to make his subject have the gravitas he deserves. Just like his interview with Lady Sif- although that had been a bit more of a challenge, because she was so tall and he was... vertically challenged. Every good angle he could think of made her look even taller than she was, and he wasn't quite sure Attack Of The Fifty Foot Woman was what they were going for.

"I really appreciate this," he says, widening his smile at J'onn and stepping into the shuttle after him, camera at the ready.

"I've been to space a few times, but I've never really had time to... you know, appreciate it. Most of the time it seems there's always someone trying to take over the world. Or over the weekend when the Shi'ar arrived Not Entirely In Peace." He chuckles.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Stepping back into the shuttle, J'onn nods to the pilot who closes the door behind him. Only once Terry and he have settled into seats and fastened belts does the shuttle move.

"Yes, the Shi'ar," he muses out loud as he gets comfortable, adjusting the cape a little, but he switches topics back to the matter at hand. "I have long been a part of this world, but never truly considered that someone might want to 'interview' me. I am honored to assist you with your job, and hope this helps in some way toward advancing your career."

A quick glance out the window tells him where they are, though he really didn't need to look. He could just phase and be there already, but he wanted to offer Terry the whole 'show'.

"I assume you have a serious of questions in mind?" He then says as he looks back. "I have only a few specific things I will not speak of, but if those subjects come up, I will inform you. As for the pictures I know that you require, I will leave that entirely up to you, the how, where, poses, etc."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Memories are triggered when the shuttle begins to move. The last time he was on a shuttle like this, it was with the Titans, and they were trying to stop the Warzoon. They were lost for three months and given up for dead. There are snippets, snatches of memory here and there of what those three momths were like - Terry and the crew traveling through strange (very strange) planets inside a pocket universe, meeting new civilizations. And Troia punching people.

"And I never thought I'd be the one to interview you. I always figured Lois would have the pleasure..." and he smiles, "but until she gets bombarded by some strange radiation and develops powers of her own, she can't be everywhere. Now, yes... I expect you to tell me when I've touched upon something you don't wish to discuss. My curiosity will lead me where it does, and you must close the door in its face if it gets the better of me..." he looks down at the camera. It is truly a fine piece of equipment, and one he is always terrified of breaking in the course of everything that happens to him while in the midst of his Planet-duties.

"I've always wanted to know you better... I mean, I've always wanted to know more about you. And so do a lot of people." He looks slightly nervous at the slip. Although he is close to moving into his twenties, he still has that energetic abandon that some consider the purview of callow adolescence, and others who spend too much time paging through dictionaries and sniffing wine might call "élan." It's very likely that it is more a part of his personality than a feature of his youth, and might always appear to have some of the kid in him, even when grey starts touching the red hair.

He glances out of the window and brings the camera to bear, snapping a few shots of the interior of the shuttle, and then the Watchtower itself when it rears into view.

"... ah!" is all he can say. The Titan Tower is a wonderful piece of architecture, but the Watchtower is something he wasn't quite prepared for, suspended in the void like an iridiescent gem. He's been inside spaceships, and the Shi'ar fleet was impressive, but there's something special about the watchtower. For a moment, he seems to forget himself and leans close to the glass, looking out with his green eyes wide open, suddenly ten years old all over again.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Obviously it's a view he's seen before, many times before, but that doesn't stop J'onn from once again looking out the window as the Watchtower comes into view. He couldn't quite put his finger on what it was about Terry that he liked, he was certain an eager and energetic young man, but there was something else there that garnered the Martian's attention. He always kept his telepathy in check, never deliberately poking into people's minds and doing his best to block the stronger thoughts that are often a result of strong emotions. Still, there were times he picked things up from Terry, but politeness always shoved it aside.

"I think you may be one of the only people who has ever shown an interest in getting to know me Terry," he admits plainly, looks back to the young man. "I realize people are curious, and would like to satisfy that by knowing about me, but actually knowing me? No, that is not something many have voiced before. Aside from Doctor Pym and his ants, I cannot say that I have many friends beyond the Justice League."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry adjusts his tie- of course he is wearing a tie. One does not, Lois said, wear Jeans and T-Shirt to conduct an interview at the Watchtower! He hasn't gone as far as wearing a jacket, but it is nevertheless a sensible combo of a grey long-sleeved shirt, black vest and black slacks, with the obligatory tie. He doesn't usually wear ties, and he might have almost strangled himself twice while trying to perfect a Windsor knot. He knows that clip-on ties are a thing, but it seemed like cheating. In hindsight, now he understands why people cheat. He glances over at J'onn and tugs at his tie again, unconscious that he's doing so. "It may just be that you are... well, imposing. You have a very measured bearing, like King T'Challa. A lot of people feel they can't measure up to that- and don't understand that they don't have to." He smiles a little, his cheeks reddening just a little. "I have to admit that if it hadn't been for a year of lived experiences, I probably would have been too awed to approach you at the pizzeria."

He leans forward a little, with a conspiratorial tone, "This will put things a little in perspective... I met Diana in person for the first time almost a year ago, when she came to see Troia at the tower. She handed me her cloak... and I fainted." The sharing of that anecdote makes him blush even more, and he sits back. "I've managed not to since, but Troia is never going to let me live it down. I'm pretty sure I would have fainted if it had been you back then. You guys- Superman, Diana... you loom larger-than-life for people at street level. And I know you don't purport to be gods..." he pauses. And then smiles, "Well, even though Diana is technically a demi-goddess. But- I know you don't pretend to expect that veneration, but nevertheless there is an element of that. And that might be what makes some people stand in so much awe that they don't think they could have a chance to know you."

He rubs the back of his head, and smiles, "Which is a big loss for them. But I hope I can help a little in that..." and getting to know him better, of course. J'onn's confession makes something inside him stir, another memory, and he finds himself confessing: "I didn't have many friends myself, growing up. Only my cousin April. I didn't quite fit in at school... so I know a version of how that goes."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn offers a soft smile and nod, his eyes softening though it might not be obvious given his alien appearance. One would have to know his face well enough to note the change, but still, it's there.

"You explained that quite well," he comments. "I believe it to be the truth of the situation, then of course you add that I am alien to this world, and people tend to avoid me. I am not insulted by this avoidance, I understand what leads to it and why they do it, but it is an issue in my life all the same."

The shuttle moves into landing position, smoothing gliding into the tower before settling down in the docking bay. Once it has stopped moving, J'onn unfastens his seatbelt and stands, moving to press the button and open the door that will permit them both to actually enter the tower.

"I promise, for as long as I live, I will never tease nor mention that you fainted over Diana's cloak," he then offers with a smile. "I am often held in awe by the Amazon myself, though perhaps not quite to level, however it might make a wonderful practical joke to play on her sometime."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
He was now on the moon- literally, while figuratively being over it. The redhead takes a breath as he steps onto the landing strip and looks around, his eyes opening wide again as if he were some sort of human camera, trying to take everything in. "Isn't that just like humans? For thousands of years we ask ourselves 'are we alone in the universe?' and when the answer to it lands in front of us, we suddenly remember we left a roast in the oven." He glances at the martian, thinking- who would want to draw away?

"If... you do pull that prank on Diana, I want a video of it, just to see her face," he grins, falling into step with J'onn as they move away from the landing dock. "She... Di... is something. So is her sister, Troia. But I pretend I'm not in awe with her because I know that irks her a little," he grins. "Really, when you think about the other Titans, with Nightwing being /the/ first Robin, and Vic being a tech genius, and - well. If I think too much about it, I start feeling imposter syndrome, since my only reason for being there is that my dad just happened to be the Cheshire Cat who, for some reason, ended up in New York."

What reason, indeed? The question has laid dormant for almost a year now, afraid to touch it. Things are fine as they are, with this new life. Why upset everything by trying to prod deeper? He ended up with the Titans because his desire to find out the truth ended up tossing him in their midst. What if trying to look deeper took him away?

"You said you've been here for some time... is one of the allowed questions how much time is 'quite some'?" he asks, smiling.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
The walk from the docking bay to the observation deck involved at least one elevator ride, but J'onn remained attentive to Terry as they walked and the young man talked. Without meaning to, the thoughts drifted at the martian and where batted away like bubbles, he didn't want to know his private thinking, that was his own and no one elses.

"Those of us like Diana, Troia, Superman, myself... we all face that awe on a daily basis, so yes I can understand why Troia would not want to face it from a fellow Titan." He offers, and then the elevator doors open and the observation deck stretches out before them.

"The length of time I have been on earth has a bit of a hitch to it," he explains, heading first toward the spread of snakes and drinks he had laid out for Terry. A collection of earth fair, chips and dips, cheese, fancy crackers, little bits of thin sliced meats, just finger foods. For beverages he choose coffee, tea, iced tea, and a couple of brands of soda.

"You see, I came to earth quite a long time ago, but I was not... myself until more recently. Which time would you prefer to know about?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The young reporter eyes the viands with delight, "This is wonderful, you shouldn't have gone through so much trouble-" he says with eager politeness, but he does not shy away from the snacks- once his host has grabbed something for himself. It is when he turns his attention to the view that he pauses, with an iced tea in his hand half-forgotten.

"It's so strange," he says, confiding in J'onn while looking at the blue world above them, "Every time I See it... really see it, not in magazines but live like this, I feel like there's a little something at the back of my throat. Like I want to cry, and I don't know why." He glances back at the Martian and smiles a little self-consciously, "It must be some sort of primate response. Maybe..."

He tears himself away from the view to focus his attention back on the manhunter, and he takes a sip of his tea. Momentarily, he muses that J'onn would look both striking and handsome while framed against the view of the Earth- and it would make for a good encapsulation of the interview- perhaps.

"A certain King I know once said that the best way to go about it was to Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop. We don't have to go quite that far, but if you are comfortable talking about the first time-"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Cheese, crackers, little bits of meat, these are the things J'onn places on a place, and then some tea in a cup with honey. Simple really, but strangely he was a simple man. With his choices made, he moves then to the chairs near by and settles himself into one, the plate getting set on a small table in front of it.

"I honestly do not recall much of my first arrival," he admits. "As I said, I was not myself, but it was in the year 1220, if my memory serves." For a moment he stirs the honey into the tea, watching the swirls of the liquid in the cup as he thinks back to something he rarely, if ever, talks about. "The time between then and the forming of the Justice League are snippets, pictures, random emotions and fleeting moments. I recall very little of it, I can only say that I am grateful no one was hurt during that time because of me."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry nods, "I can imagine. I wasn't myself before I was born, either." Realizing how incredibly stupid that just sounded, he needs to elaborate: "I mean, there is a part of me that was alive before then- the Cheshire Cat, my father. When he stopped existing and I was born, I became him. But I am also myself, so I wasn't quite myself back then, and my memories of then are also not complete."

He sits himself down, facing J'onn as is customary in interviews, his plate set next to the martian's on the table while he savors his iced tea.

"And the second time, you you were yourself...?" The twelve hundreds. That means J'onn was on Earth at least three hundred years before Terry's immortal half, the Cheshire Cat, had been born along with the rest of Wonderland. That much he knows. Questions race like horses in his mind, and he has to rein them back, let his host set the tempo.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
With the tea properly stirred forever, because honey doesn't always want to cooperate, J'onn sit back in the chair with the cup in hand. "I remained here the entire time," he explains. "I merely do not recall much of what happened while I was here. I became myself with the help of a doctor, in the 1940s, which is when I met Superman and helped to form the Justice League."

He pauses there, uncertain in his mind if he should mentioned any more about that time. It really wasn't something he liked talking about and yet, there were still reasons for talking about it.

"I very rarely talk about what brought me to earth in the first place," he finally says, resting the tea on the arm of the chair. "Many have asked in my time here, and few have gotten the answer. I am attempting to decide if I should share the reasons or not, the full reasons. The most obvious is that the cure to the disease that plagues the Green Martians of Mars lies in human beings, the other reasons... are more personal."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry stays silent for a few seconds, and even in his human form there is a spark in his eyes that shows his curiosity. Cats are the riddle-masters of the universe: lead them to an enigma, and they will paw and claw at it until it surrenders to their satisfaction, or they are killed, which is a truth so universal that it sparked a whole set of misquoted sayings.

It is a particular challenge to Terry, because this man fascinates him so much, in many different ways, the scope of which is easily readable at times when his eyes or a toss of the head betrays him. Fascination makes the desire to know all that more powerful.

But he is not ruthless like a cat- he is also human. "I have heard that, like Diana, you have ways of looking into people. You could look into me and decide for yourself whether I'm trustworthy enough to do so..." the redhead smiles a little, "Even if you do tell me, nothing you don't want to share will ever see print."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
A single sip of the tea is taken before J'onn replies simply. "You are more than trustworthy Terry, I do not have to touch your mind to know that. There is both an innocence and worldliness to you, curiosity to be certain, and still you are complex layers that would take even the most skilled psychologist years to traverse. Diana is correct however. I am a telepath."

For now the plate of food remains sitting on the little table, his mind is busy sorting through what to say, what not to say, what would be too much. The tea is enough, it is soothing and gives him something to focus on when needed.

"I think it best to say this much... all Martians are telepaths, as well as telekinetic, it is an innate part of who and what we are. But there is a disease of the mind and body on Mars, one that has killed many and broken that part of our nature. This disease only effects those who use their abilities, and then the manner in which is kills them..." he stops there, for one brief moment his eyes flash a little wider then return to normal. "... I watched my wife and child die to this disease, and it quite literally broke my mind. That is why I came to earth. Although I am immune to the disease, by design, I still carry it in my blood, but for a time I lost sight of myself and what I needed to do."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry takes a slow breath and remains quiet for a few seconds. The contours of the riddle become clearer- the loss, and the realization that, as carrier of the disease, he could not remain in his homeworld, so he came to this one.. A painful answer. After a few more seconds of silence to process this- or process the /idea/ of it, because that kind of trauma is something you can only guess at unless you yourself have experienced it- he leans forward and places a hand on J'onn's wrist. "I'm sorry." Tragedy and loss seem to be part of the metier. Just among the Titans themselves there were a fair share of members who were heirs to loss.

Terry has a very vivid imagination, and although he doesn't know what it must be like to be incredibly long-lived and yet still relatively isolated as J'onn admitted to being earlier, he can still imagine. The horror of the loss only makes it more poignant. He mentally makes up his mind that he will find a way to lessen that isolation, somehow. If he is able.

Goodness knows sometimes his plans tend to go off the rails. "Thank you for trusting me with that," he says quietly.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn offers him a deep smile and a slight bow of the head as a nod. "I have kept the information for so long, it is second nature to merely not speak of it, but there is no shame in this information, nothing that needs be concealed away. It is merely..." he pauses a moment, the right word found before he continues. "... painful, to talk about."

Finally he remembers that there is meat and cheese, and when you place them on crackers it makes tiny sandwiches, which he has come to enjoy. He takes a moment to munch on one, debating in his own mind once again what it was about this young man that he liked so much. He knew eventually it would reveal itself, in time all things did.

"You can choose from that what you wish to add to your article," he then says, once the bite he took is washed down with a sip of tea. "It should probably be common knowledge that I am searching for a cure for my people. I have heard that there are some place on Mars now where the disease is not as prevalent, but it still remains and will until a cure is found. I am no scientists however, nor would I seek to shove the issues of my people over onto the scientists here unless they were truly interested, and so thus far, the cure remains out of reach."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
In Terry's mind, the gyroscope spins. Perspective changes. The thread of the story reveals itself- the one he needs to pull at in order to do the most good, he muses. "I think that needs to be front and center in the story, because it could bring the most attention and the highest chance of attracting someone who could help." He constructs his own little sandwich, musing and pulling at that thread in his mind.

And then another part of the pattern reveals itself. One that, when he steps back, gives him a little pause.

He glances at the distinctive profile, the green skin, and says, "But suppose it attracts the other type of attention as well? An enemy of yours or the league, knowing that the disease is carried in your blood but you are immune to it. What if they captured you and sampled the disease, altered it in some way so that a mutation would affect you? Is that possible?" he asks, brow furrowing thoughtfully. "Because if it is possible, that's something we have to consider. If my article put you at some risk..."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
This line of thinking brings a pause to J'onn, his expression going thoughtful. Numerous times he had milled over the problems of the disease of making it known, and all the possible repercussions of it, but he had never once thought of a risk to himself. To those of the Justice League, to humans, to the planet, yes... himself, no.

"That is an interesting point," he finally muses aloud, one brow lifting very slightly. "I have of course considered the risks, just as you just have, but I did not consider the risk to myself. I can say no, the disease cannot be altered to effect me. It was specifically designed to ensure I was not effected, that I would witness the destruction of my people."

He had not intended to share that, but it was too late, he had said it. Saying it causes his back to stiffen slightly and he adjusts himself in the chair. "It could however likely be altered to harm humans, despite their lack of telepathy. Perhaps we need to find a way to word the request for aid from the scientific community without revealing all the details?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
THe problem shifts- now it's not the reporter brain that is in the driver seat, but the Titan. He scoots his chair closer to J'onn and leans forward, thinking, hands clasped before him, arms on his knees. "Definitely. Maybe not mention that part in the article at all- I can ask instead about Martial customs, about what our fiction writers got right -which is bound to be a much smaller sphere than what they got wrong- and things of that sort. The disease..." he ponders, looking out into the void where his homeworld is suspended.

"NO doubt you have brilliant minds in the League. It wouldn't hurt to expand... Doctor Pym's daughter, Nadia, happens to be brilliant in a mad scientist sort of way, and Caitlin..." he glances back at J'onn, "Caitlin is disctreet and measured. I think you would get along with her. Perhaps she can be part of the team looking into it- or would know from her contacts."

He strokes his chin with one hand, losing himself in the alternatives. "We could also do a follow-up article that does mention the disease. However, we do not disclose that it is /in/ you, but that you have a sample of it, somewhere safe and not on Earth. Any volunteer who steps forward would have to agree to hold Diana's lasso as a litmus test, that way we can filter out any ill intention or sleeper agents or..."

He pauses for a second, and then looks into J'onn's eyes with an embarrassed, self-conscious grin.

"I just got carried away and rattled off, didn't I?"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn sits there with an amused smile on his face, listening to the way Terry's mind worked, sorted through everything one step at a time, and yet all of it at the same time. It was impressive, and entertaining at the same time.

"You did, but I would not call it rattling. Everything you said was quite useful," he comments with a soft chuckle. "Albeit, in a rambled manner. How you wish to proceed with this is up to you, the article you want to write is what matters. My people are alive, the disease has existed this long and they have lived with it, coming to accept they they can no longer use the powers of their mind. A little longer will not change that, so the steps you think best to take are how we will proceed."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The redhead freezes for a second while making a decision, and then chooses which branch of the garden of forking paths he should take.

"I think it's best to work with some caution on that front. For your safety and the safety of others. We should discuss the idea with the Leagu---" he trails off, and his fair skin pales a little more, if that were possible. The thought of him talking to any set of assembled members of the league regarding a Very Important Topic was... a little overwhelming. "I mean, you probably want to bring up the idea. That way, if it goes forward, everybody will be in the same space shuttle."

He relaxes a little. "So while I think up a quick set of lighter-fare questions for the first article, do you want to take care of the photos?" he gestures to his camera, and then he remembers something. "... Also, I think I may have got Aquaman beat. I think I have come up with an accent you might not be familiar enough with to imitate!"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn is just so impressed by this young man, he could never find the right words to express it, but the smile and nod may be indication of it. He was a quick thinker, even if he second guessed himself constantly. "No, if I bring this up the League, I think I would like you there for it," he says softly. "You are the first I have trusted with this information, not even Superman knows, so if I am going to do this, I would very much appreciate your support."

Setting the tea cup down, he stands up to smooth out the cape. He never understood the cape really, but it was part of the uniform, so it remained a part of what he wore. "Where would you like to take the photos, also, what accent are you thinking?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
It's a good thing that Terry has his back turned to J'onn at that moment as they both stand up, because his dumbfounded expression would have been hilarious. When he does turn back to J'onn, he has had a moment to gather himself and his eyes have a curious expression on them. Not even Superman knows? Gulp. "You can count on me. Unless I get shoved up another white hole, I'll be here."

The question of the pictures distracts him for a second, and he gestures, "Over here... I'd like to get some of you with the planet as the background..." And don't think about how good that uniform looks on him, right? Taking a few steps back, he crouches with the camera to look for an angle, "--- how about... Themysciran?"

It's a long shot. After all, J'onn might have picked it up by osmosis from working with Di, but you never know!

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn moves over by the large windows, adjusting the cape again, honestly it was a bother to him. Glancing out at the planet below, his head cants slightly. He enjoyed the view, that was obvious, but there was something more to it. Earth wasn't his home, and yet it was. It was a place he called home for now and would defend no matter the cost, but as he stood there looking at the earth for the thousandth time, he realized that the cost might be too much, and his own life might have more value than his brain placed on it. In his blood was the only salvation for his people. He needed to remember that it was more than Earth's population he was fighting for.

"Her accent is quite unique," he says with a perfect Themysciran accent. "I have heard her speaking it many times." He looks back to Terry now, his deep thoughts passing. "I am not good as posing, how would you like me to stand?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry laughs, "I figured the chances were slim that I'd trip you up. But maybe someday I'll come up with one!" He pauses and looks up at J'onn, and ponders. Then, setting the camera down, he stands up and walks over to him, pondering for a few seconds. He glances at the cape- a classic part of the attire, yet something only a few people could truly pull off.

"Well... for composition, the standard pose smoeone might ask you to strike would be..." he gestures, "Standing tall and proud, arms crossed over the chest..." a broad chest, at that. He pauses for a second and he instantly feels mortified when he realizes he was staring, but then he focuss on the professional problem at hand. "But that would reinforce the image we want to soften instead."

He takes a few steps back and seems to consider the issue. "I know it isn't your practice to smile often... do you think you might want to give it a go?"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Used to being stared at, though not for the same reasons, J'onn thinks nothing of it. He watches Terry for a moment, then stands himself up to his full height and folds his arms across his chest. The pose honestly fits him, the image the world sees him as, strong, resolute, determined, green. It feels odd to him however, as it's merely an act.

"This is more of a Superman pose," he comments bluntly. "All we need now is for me to look off into the distance and adjust the curl on my forehead." Yes, he totally said that and he meant it. He slides his arms down slightly, not quite to tight across his chest, a more relaxed stance and then he smiles, rather broadly. "Ever want to smack the curl of his forehead? It might be a fun game to play sometimes, see if you can make it move. I am one-hundred percent circle that even that curl is super and cannot be moved."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The laugh that comes out of Terry comes completely by surprise. The joke is something he never imagined J'onn telling, and then the mental image of the Martian Manhunter smacking Superman's forehead in the face of an immovable curl. What /does/ the Man of Steel use to keep that hair in place? Maybe Kara knows. Maybe Vidal Sassoon is actually from Krypton as well and has an extra-strength formula? Things worth considering.

He takes the picture then, just as J'onn is finished telling the joke and his smile is still there. Looking at the camera, he seems satisfied with the angle- the smiling Martian, the Earth behind him. He walks over to him to show him the screen. "What do you think? I like it. You have a good smile," the redhead says, looking back at the image on the screen. It's easier than looking at J'onn directly after a compliment. He finds himself admiring his arms without really thinking about it.

"I'm not going to say the thing people say on Earth, though. There's this whole bunch of unpleasant people who tell women 'you should smile more, you look prettier-' I think everybody has the right to do whatever they want with their mouths without anyone else telling them what to do."

He glances back up at J'onn, "Alright. I've thought of a set of questions that should be quick, if you're game... the first article can be a Ten with Terry, which is something I do for quick interviews, and we save the big stuff for the second article after the League has convened... so I guess the first thing I'd ask for the Ten..."

He strokes his chin, "Okay. Do you have a favorite place on this planet? If so- why do you like it ?"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn looks over the picture, studying it, oddly he actually likes it. Normally he's not very fond of his image being captured, but Terry did a good job. "I have been on this planet a long time," he comments. "I think that is the best picture I have seen in a long time, unless you go back to the days of black and white." He gives Terry a light pat on the back, "Good job, thank you."

Moving back to his chair, he settles back comfortably for a sip of tea, then offers a nod. "My favorite place. That is a hard thing to decide. I will admit it took me time to adjust to how green some of the places on Earth are, but if I had to pick a place, it would be any vast garden of trees and flowers, natural places, even those made among the sky scrapers like Central Park. As for why, simply put, they are beautiful. It amazes me how beautiful this planet is."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry grins a the compliment and walks back to sit down with J'onn. He had originally booked a photographer for the shoot, but Gary had somehow managed to get the bookings mixed up and by the time pickup came around, the photographer was halfway down to Gotham. Of course. Gary.

"I can imagine... Mars is a very different place. Of course, back in the day, fiction writers had all sorts of crazy ideas about what Mars actually looked like and what life there was like." He grins and scratches his chin, "Have you tried your hand at gardening yourself?" he pauses, and glances at J'onn's hand. Then back up at his face. "I will spare you the obvious joke. Mostly because I suspect you would airlock me..."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn laughs, an all out, no holds barred, laugh. That joke totally just tickled his funny bone and he couldn't stop himself. Holding up his hand he wiggles his thumb at Terry for a moment, while still laughing, then finally gets a hold of himself.

"Unless you count actually watching grass grow, no I have not tried gardening." He pauses for a sip before adding, "I do not need an airlock, I would merely phase you through the wall."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
With a wide grin, he says "Note to self: wear space suit next time," and he winks. Then he catches himself- he was rather pleased that he got the Martian to laugh like that. Leaning back on his chair, he asks "You have a very collected, calm demeanor," except when he's laughing. Suddenly Terry realizes that he enjoys the idea of being able to pierce that, "Is it a cultural trait, or a personal one? As you can imagine, those of us who aren't familiar with Martian society always wonder things like that, having no other point of comparison."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn decides another cracker with cheese is required to recover from his moment of laughter, not that he's ashamed or embarrassed, it was actually very funny, it was just unusual for him.

"I believe it is a little of both," he answers, once the cracker has been conquered. "My people are generally more reserved, but not so much as I. After spending so many years in a state I barely remember, lost in my own insanity really, and I finally found myself, I realize just how different I am from humans."

There is a pause here as he thinks of how best to put what he's trying to explain. "As I am certain many are aware, I can change how I look. I can appear human, and when I am being human, I am accepted for how I look as a human. However, when I am..." he gestures to himself. "... green, I do not fit in to the thinking of most humans. I maintain being reserved because I am comfortable with it, and I am less intimidating this way."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I see. I know I'm not exactly a sample of the average guy down the street anymore-" if he ever was is highly in question, anyways, "but I like it when you're green." He blinks, tugs at his tie again and clears his throat. Now it was his turn to grab a cheese cracker to recover.

When he has taken a bite from it and swallowed, he asks his next question- "You've sampled some of Earth's society and culture in your time here. Are there any thinkers, or people in general, that you admire from Earth's hitory to the present?" He pauses, and raises a finger as he gives a mischievous grin, "Aside from your colleagues, that is. I'm interested in knowing if any of the flowers in the mental garden of Earth has managed to catch your attention as much as the literal flowers have."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn glances toward the window for a moment, then looks back to Terry. "Thank you for that. I felt after hundreds of years pretending to be something I am not, that maybe it was time to be myself. I admit, I do not know if the world is truly ready for it or not, but I could not hold back the desire to be myself any longer."

"The great thinkers and creators," he replies. "Einstein, Newton, Curie, Tesla, Darwin... if we look to the now, to the current day, I admire Steven Hawkings, Neil deGrassi Tyson, Elon Musk, forward thinkers seeking to change the world for the better. I read a great deal, and there are many more, but those are a few that come to mind."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I like that. We can add a little list of your top five books- so think about the ones you'd recommend to the readers," Terry grins, "In fact, at some point for a future article, maybe you would pen something about some of the philosophies or history of Mars. In lieu of an Embassy like Themyscira, Asgard and Atlantis have, you could have a little bit of cultural representation..."

He finishes his cracker and smiles encouragingly, "Take heart, we're near the end of the gauntlet, only two more questions left. Before you came to Earth... what was your profession, back in Mars? Was it comparable to any profession on Earth?"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
A soft hmmm as J'onn things about the books. He's read thousands over the years, he could make a list longer than he is tall, but to cut that down to a few. "It will take a little time to reduce the list, but I believe I can make one of Earth books I would suggest people read."

Setting the tea cup on the table, he settles back then, one brow lifting. "I was a member of the Mar's protectorate force, a Manhunter. That is where the name comes from. I served the people in the same capacity as a police officer here on earth." It the reply offered regarding that part of the question. "As for putting to pen some of the philosophies and history of Mars, there are a few things I could write, but they would be from several hundred years ago. Current events, I am afraid I know nothing about. I cannot return, and it is not an easy thing to get messages to and from Mars."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry nods, and for a moment seems to hesitate before opening his mouth. In his mind he is weighing the importance of asking a question versus the harm it could do. It could let J'onn dwell on something sad and thus invite melancholy- but on the other hand, it would strengthen 'the hook'. Readers would wonder why is it that the Martian Manhunter can't return to Mars, and therefore would be more likely to pick up the next article, where the half-truth about the disease and the general plea for help would be publicized.

Looking at it in this fashion, asking the question would do more good in the long term. He just needs the question to be general enough to give leeway to J'onn.

"Finally... What is it that you miss the most about Mars?"

He keeps his glance on J'onn, paying close attention.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Most of the time J'onn can maintain a neutral expression, concealing emotions, almost stoic in how he looks. It is another part of keeping himself less intimidating for humans who see him.

At the mention of what he misses about Mars however, he let's the sadness show in his eyes. "Everything Terry," he replies softly. "I miss everything. I say how beautiful Earth is, but it is still foreign to me. I miss the night skies, the vast planes, the stars as they appear." He shifts his eyes to Terry. "I miss my people, speaking my native language... these are things I will likely never see or do again, but I accept this for my people, for my planet. If I could give you one specific thing I would, but the truth is broader than that."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Something catches at the back of his throat, and he finds that words suddenly are very difficult in the face of such a naked admission. He lets the answer hang in the silence between them like a dewdrop in a cobweb, brilliant and hard to ignore, but always at the verge of collapse.

To himself he promises that he will do his best to go through with the plan. Who knows? Maybe a wunderkind will step forth with a miracle cure... or maybe the cure might take decades. Or longer. He might be old and grey, or asleep in some mausoleum before years and years of study have borne fruit and maybe, just maybe the disease can be finally cured. He will take some comfort in the possibility that he did what he could to bring that about.

Terry is a hugger. His first impulse, one that can be read on his body and face, is to hug people in discomfort or pain. It happens before he is fully aware of it, the way his body moves forward. Suddenly, and even to his own surprise, he's moving to hug J'onn. How can one gesture even provide any comfort for a loss so vast that you can't put words around it? Maybe he should have thought things through! It's part of his impulsive nature that sometimesgets him in way over his head- just ask Troia.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn was not expecting a hug, how could he? Most people tend to avoid touching him, but quite suddenly there was a Terry hugging him. As with all things however, the Martian maintains his demeanor in light of it, in fact... he accepts it. One arm wraps around the young man in return, accepting the comfort offered. more so because it is literally the first hug the green man has received regarding the loss of... everything.

"Thank you, Terry," he offers quietly, moving his arm back so the young man can move away when he chooses.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry eventually steps back, rubbing the back of his neck. His fair skin is flushed, but he is glad that the gesture was welcomed instead of rejecting it. All too late he realizes that he didn't know if such a gesture would have been seen differently in Mars... but, on the other hand, J'onn has been here long enough to understand how the hairless apes in this world behave at times.

"... I think that's a good final question for the interview. You promise you will call me when it's time to talk to the League, yes? As long as I'm conscious and in this dimension, I'm yours to call on."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn offers a smile and a nod, "I will contact you. The situation with the Shi'ar takes priority right now, but when that has passed I will see about arranging a meeting with the League."

He stands up now, offering his hand to shake, another Earth custom he has come to use. "If you have any other questions, that may come to mind later, feel free to call and ask them."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry shakes J'onn's hand and nods, returning the smile, "I will. Take a little time to think about the list of books. We have a little time because, as you said, the Shi'ar affair takes precedent, and I have to report on it. And I don't want /that/ to overshadow your interview... trust me." He sighs, "My first big article, the one I had worked on for three months, about the Titans coming back together, hit the stands exactly the day that Brainiac invaded. I don't think anybody read it."

He tilts his head and glances at J'onn for a second, and then he says, "If at any point you are free one of these weekends... would you like to come visit me in New York? My cousin April would love to meet you- and you haven't really lived until you've had mom's Tiramisu."

Harley might be there, too. He briefly wonders if J'onn knows about the strange story of how Harley ended up living with April and trying to walk the straight and narrow.

"You never know, you might make some more new friends," he grins at J'onn as he gathers his things, ready to head back to the shuttle.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
An invitation to meet new people, J'onn was always interested in that. "Once this situation has passed, I will do that. I would like to meet your cousin, and find out what tiramisu is."

He had no idea who April was, or what Harley was up to, honestly he'd been wrapped up in his own mission the past few months, but it was time to get his head back in the game.

Walking Terry to the shuttle, he again offers his hand. "The pilot will see you back to the same place we picked you up, I am afraid I must remain here. It is my watch time now."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry shakes J'onn's hand again and smiles, "I feel the pain. It's my turn on monitor duty at the Tower when I get back. Take care of yourself, J'onn. It might not be easy being green, but you're golden as far as I'm concerned." After all, terrible jokes are a dime a dozen. Terryble ones, even more so. He steps into the shuttle, and then he turns around as the doors start to close, because he has to fire off one more horrible jke.

"You know... my great aunt used to own a mortuary and thought glass caskets would catch on someday." And just before the doors close, he shrugs "Remains to be seen."

Can J'onn phase him into outer space from the shuttle, he wonders...