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Latest revision as of 07:03, 31 July 2021

Nothing Like The Beach
Date of Scene: 30 July 2021
Location: 5D - Gwen's Greenwich Loft
Synopsis: Eddie and Gwen head down to Virginia to a beach house belonging to a college buddy
Cast of Characters: Eddie Brock, Gwen Stacy

Eddie Brock has posed:
Late July means summer weather, and Gwen not having to deal with classes. After a few recent incidents including an attack by The Lizard on ESU, Eddie is more than ready to get out of town for a few days.

The pair hop on the HyperLoop heading south, then transfer over to a commuter train that deposits them on the Virginia coast. Departing the train, Eddie grabs their bags, having packed light himself, just a single tote. "Eric lives over on the coast. Haven't seen the place before except for pictures. Looks beautiful though. Little hill overlook the beach. Had a nice deck to enjoy the view, and a pool," Eddie says.

He grabs Gwen's bag, glancing about to get his bearings. "I told him we could walk from here. About a fifteen minute trip," Eddie says while he figures out the right direction, motioning towards it and then looking to Gwen to see if she's ready to start on the short trek.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
For all the fuss that Eddie had ran into when finding Gwen with that wound from the Lizard attack what's true is that a short few days later she was as good as new. It's true what they say about those young people having the health of a horse. If the horse was a radioactive spider-bitten superhero.

Maybe it was all just a lot of blood and no 'bite'.

It also meant she was ready for the trip, and travelling light was the name of the game for Gwen. Just a backpack with some essentials, including her own Ghost Spider suit along with a larger carry bag. One never knows when trouble will come looking after all! Besides, what were the odds that Eddie would go look into her bag just like that. Not many.

"I have always been of the opinion that having a pool so close to the beach is wasted...." she notes. "It's like .., getting spoiled and start questioning on why go to the beach when you have the pool right at your doorstep.." she grinning.

As Eddie is trying to figure out the best direction she points, "It's that way.." blasted spatial awareness! Always knowing directions. She lifts her phone with a chuckle, turning the screen to Eddie, "Google told me."

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie Brock grins over at Gwen as she points out the direction. He reaches over, taking the younger woman's hand and lacing fingers with her as they start walking through the sleepy, seaside town. "You can't get the ocean to work like a hot tub though," Eddie comments with a glance over to the pretty blond. "Hey, I'd settle for either option being available," he concedes.

There are little thrift stores, antique places, ice cream shops and restaurants. The small town probably makes a fair amount of income from tourists during warm weather like this, though it doesn't seem particularly crowded.

"So Eric and I were on the same club rugby team in college," he tells Gwen. "He's an engineer, sweet gig that lets him work remotely most of the time, only heads info the office a few days each month," Eddie says as they leave the town and walk down a road towards the ocean which can be seen ahead. A row of nice-looking beach houses sit on the hill above the beach, a bit of saw grass in a wave and then what looks like soft, white sands the rest of the way to the water. "Ah... any stories he tells, are surely made up," Eddie says with a quick glance to Gwen to see if she buys that.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Well, I will try not to complain too much." Gwen then finally concedes, letting out a laugh as if she had just heard herself. Complaining about having a pool to close to the beach! She keeps an easy step while making her way through, hand laced with Eddie's and she looking about the place, "Not a lot of people around." she notes. "Thought we'd be on the high season." curious! But she shrugs it off. It might pick up soon.

"He's living the dream then. He should come more often to his own beach house though!" She points to a particular ice cream shop as they are making their way through, sharp eye appearing to have noticed something. "When we settle in and come into town that's the ice cream shop we will go to." no other!

"Nothing seems made up on what I am just seeing .." She points out, blue eyes twinkling with excitement at the beach and closeness to the sea.

"Thanks for having thought of this place for us to go." She leans up to place a kiss on the man's chin with a gentle smile.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie relinquishes his hold on Gwen's hand, but only so he can slide that arm about her waist. "Already have your mind set on a flavor? Blueberry with some chocolate topping? Or cookie dough with sprinkles?" he asks with a smile and a glance back to the ice cream shop.

They reach the small driveway and walk over to the two story structure. Eddie raps on the door once they reach it, and it opens just a short time after revealing Eric.

Eric looks like he's in late thirties, of an age with Eddie. Dark hair, and much like Eddie the years haven't robbed the man of a solid-looking rugby physique. "Hey you made it," he says warmly, eyes going first to Eddie before turning to take in Gwen as Eddie motions to her. "Yep, was a nice walk out from town. Eric, this is Gwen. Big-brained college student who is just delusional enough to put up with me," he says, smiling towards Gwen.

Eric offers his hand. "Nice to meet you Gwen. I don't know how you put up with this guy, but hey, if the result is you coming to visit with him, I won't complain," he laughs. After he motions for them to come inside. "So, pitcher of margaritas and then a tour of the place?" he offers.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Cookie dough..." Gwen replies with a brief nod, "Definitely cookie dough." it's settled! She makes her way up the driveway alongside Eddie, taking stock of the place itself with a faint grin, then over towards the entrance, brushing one free hand through her blond hair. "Hey.." Gwen says with a raise of her hand to wave at Eric when the door is open. "That's me. Not so sure about the big brain though!"

"Eddie has told me a few things about you." a beat, "All good things of course." a brow up at Eddie as if to dare him to contest her words, then she reaching to shake the man's hand. "Good to meet you as well." then a laugh.

"Ah, I see you must have your stories about Eddie too, mmm?" she stretches and starts taking out her backpack, "Margaritas do sound good, what do you say Eddie?"

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie glances from Gwen to Eric. "Wait, you thought those were -good- things?" he asks his girlfriend, drawing a laugh from Eric. The other man replies, "I was going to say, now that doesn't sound like the guy that I knew."

A nod is given by Eddie as he says, "Margaritas are perfect. Where are you putting us, I can drop off our bags there," he offers, looking to Gwen to see if she wants him to take her backpack to the room.

Eric waves them forward, starting for the kitchen. "Upstairs, down the hall and last room on the right," he says. The beach house itself is nicely decorated. The furniture is of good quality, a few nice paintings hang on the wall. Earth tones with a few deeper greens and blues dominate the color scheme. Eric goes to get some ice from the freezer and then pulls out a blender to begin mixing. "How do you take yours Gwen? Frozen or not, and salt or no salt?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Well, you two should get your stories straight!" Gwen replies almost as if in surrender before letting out another laugh and shaking her head a bit to herself. She paces over to the large windows that give a view of the beach. "It *is* a beautiful place though. That much Eddie told me. And he clearly wasn't hyping up the place too much at all." clearly she appears to be liking it!

"I will go upstairs with you." Not the type to have other people carry her bags. Besides, Ghost Spider outfit.

That last question makes her consider momentarily, looking over her shoulder while starting to walk up the stairs, "Lets go with the traditional. Frozen and salty." and with that she is going up along with Eddie.

"This was a great idea, Edward." She tells him.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eric gives a thumbs up. "And not frozen with salt for Boozie McBoozalot," he says, flashing a grin over at Eddie. Eddie laughs and then nods in agreement with Gwen, letting her precede him up the stairs. There might be a tiny spank of her bottom on the way up.

The guest bedroom has a queen size bed so plenty of room, and a window looking out over the beach and ocean. There's a little jetty off to the left, protecting a channel that goes inland. Leaving this section of the beach fairly isolated. There's no one on visible on it except a few hundred meters off to the right.

Eddie looks out the window too. "Wow, even better than the pictures made it seem," he agrees. He stows his bag, not bothering to unpack it, and then moves over to Gwen. Eddie wraps his arms around her if she lets him, gently lifting her off the ground until her face is on a level with his as he presses a kiss to her lips. "Mmm. Glad we came," he murmurs after the kiss breaks.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen moves to stow her bag away as well, not yet opening it either, stepping over to the window to first open it and then stick her head out to look one way, then the other. She lets out a laugh. "Can't see anyone around here almost." a wave then offered to those she finds with her eyes. But with them being a few hundred meters away? Good luck in getting seen. "Your friend sounds nice." she then finally says, head back inside the window, feeling the large arm going around her.

"I wasn't sure if he was going to be here or not." She then admits. Did she think it'd be only the two of them? Maybe something was lost in translation for her! Still, she doesn't seem to mind, grinning up at Eddie (Or is it down now that she is being picked off the ground?). The kiss is returned and when they break the kiss she places another on the tip of his nose.

"Me too." She says, "We will have some fun I am sure."

Eddie Brock has posed:
"Yeah, he's a pretty good guy," Eddie says of his college friend. "Well, mostly. I mean... he's -alright-," Eddie says with a dramatic note in his voice at the end, but grinning for the joke of it. "Our rugby team was kind of a rowdy group, but mostly good fun. One or two jerks in it who caused some trouble at times. But mostly? Was a really good group of guys," he says.

He sets Gwen down and sighs. "I haven't kept in touch with them very well. So I'm glad he was able to make it out here this weekend." She might suspect he let a lot of his connections to people from his past drop when his journalism career came crashing down.

Eddie gives Gwen's bottom a tiny spank. "Want to get into your bathing suit and after the tour we can hit the beach?" he suggests.