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Interview with the Vampire
Date of Scene: 07 June 2021
Location: The Beekman Hotel
Synopsis: Lydia interviews Blake to get the behind the scenes on what being a vampire is like. Things go well!
Cast of Characters: Lydia Dietrich, Blake Riviere

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
The Beekman hotel is an ancient building by New York standards. Built 1883, it's one of the few buildings that hadn't been demolished in order to pave way to shinier, taller skyscrapers. The interior reflects its age, walls decorated with art spanning three different centuries, the floor of the lobby is filled with plush and decadent chairs and couches, some of which are arranged so that people can have private conversations. Additionally there's a bar and restaurant off to the side should anybody wish to have a bit of food or drink.

This is where Lydia has asked Blake to join her. Its neutral territory, lavish setting and history is sure to please the vampire. She's currently waiting in the lobby, dressed nicely in a light green colored skirt, and a cream blouse, both light enough for the summer heat. She struggles to retain her composure, though. The thought of actually interviewing a real live (so to speak) vampire has got her excited.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Historical and charming, built not -too- long after she'd set foot in America for the first time. Well, relatively speaking anyway. Blake arrived, her form once more wrapped in black and red that played off her pale skin, but where last time it had been a designer gown this time she'd simply gone for a black skirt, a red blouse beneath an unzipped slim jacket and, of course, a ribbon tying her hair back behind her.

Every step was confidence personified as she made her way smoothly through the space, homing in on the would-be interviewer and offering a light smile.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia returns Blake's smile with one of her own. "Blake," she says extending a hand for a shake. "I'm glad that you agreed to this. I'm looking forward to our conversation." Once introductions are done with she takes a step back and gestures to the lobby. "We can find a cozy corner to talk. Do you drink? Uh. Alcohol," she quickly amends. "I'm going to grab myself something from the bar. I can get you something while I'm at it."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Lydia," Blake greets, the handshake returned. Her touch wasn't corpse cold, indeed it seemed human enough. Another mystery of myth perhaps? Either way the vampire nods, a little chuckle at the question given. "Certainly, something sweet preferably. If you do not mind..."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods, and disappears to the bar to get their drinks. When she returns she guides Blake to a private little corner of the hotel, setting their drinks down on the little table between them. An Old-Fashioned for Blake, and a Manhattan for Lydia. She sets her purse in her lap and rummages around in it pulling out a journal and a pen for her to take notes.

"Okay. So," she begins, flipping through the book until she gets to a blank page. "When I left you were talking about some of your history. You grew up in France back in the..." she squinches her nose trying to recall the details, "16th century? How did you come to be a vampire?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
Not starting with the small questions first! Blake actually gives a little soft chuckle at the question, her drink is risen to her lips, a moment to consider how best to answer before she continues.

"My name wasn't Blake back then, a different name and a different life. I was born into what one would consider a noble house, but with war being what it was in those times and the English being who they were none could ever be certain of longevity. I was sent, as was common at the time, to marry someone I had never met and strengthen an alliance. Games of politics and intrigue often meant daughters were bargining chips..."

"My journey had me travelling for so long, I was a year older by the time I met my husband, and within a month he was marched to war to leave me in charge of his estate. A task I turned out to be quite good at. Especially while making other think many of my ideas were their advice. It was the best way to have men of that time let you lead, by having them fooled into believing your success is theirs. Almost a year later, I disappeared from that estate, vanished into history. I'm told everything from romantic rumors of eloping with a lover to the devil himself taking me to hell to be his bride persisted for quite some time."

Her smile wavers just a moment, a sigh on her lips. "I had been taken by the one who made me a vampire."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods along and scribbles down some notes as Blake talks about her history. "Mmm," she says when Blake explains her success. "Yeah, I can see that. Especially for that time. Sometimes you still have to do that kind of thing in this day and age depending on what kind of career you're in."

She pauses to take a sip of her drink and when she puts it down she cocks her head curiously. "So why did sire take you? Was it eloping with a lover, or being taken to hell?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
A frown remains on her lips, a small shiver up her spine that actually manages to bring goosebumps to her pale flesh before she speaks again. "It was both, in some ways. The one who turned me? He was a monster, in many ways. He took me because I was beautiful, intelligent and 'had a spark'...and when he made me a vampire I was under his thrall. A 'bride' with no real mind of my own, a distortion of myself shaped by his whims."

The vampiress pauses, a beat seemingly taken as much for herself as to gauge have Lydia was processing the story. "This is...not something I speak of often, you must understand. To make another vampire...there is ritual to it. To make someone so bound as I was? It is a cruel and very deliberate choice."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia's lips pull down into a sympathetic frown. "That sounds horrible," she says "Monstrous. I take it that kind of thing doesn't happen very often?" Softer, "God I /hope/ that it doesn't happen very often." She considers asking about the time Blake spent with that vampire but decides that the details are probably better left to the imagination. Shaking her head to clear away the thought she asks, "How did you manage to break free?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
Does it happen often? That's a question Blake doesn't answer, but she does look down to her drink, as if pondering questions that the answers might only be found in the liquid. "Very slowly," she offers softly. "I was a bride, a monster...for too long. Eventually his hold slipped."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia's pen stills as she watches Blake, catching the emotions that run through her. "When did you finally break free?" she asks softly.

Blake Riviere has posed:

A smile, even if it was very faint, there were parts to this memory that ended better than it began. "I killed him, he underestimated me, with so very many centuries between us. I drank him dry and became my own person once more. His strength, his blood, became mine."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia pauses to assess her own reaction to this news. It's one thing to read about it in a fictional romance novel, yet it's another to hear it out loud as a lived experience. She's finding that she's strangely okay with this. Blake's sire, after all, was a monster in every sense of the word.

She nods slowly. "Good," she concludes. "We don't need somebody like that running around." She leans back in her chair and considers her next question. "When you said you drained him dry, you took his strength. Is that metaphorical or literal?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
Blake's story isn't exactly the stuff of a romance novel, at the very least not her origins. But she nods in agreement, a little tilt of her head at the question of her power. "Perhaps both, but it is also very literally. I am...far strong than a vampire of my age alone should be."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Neat." The word escapes her before Lydia can catch it. She blushes at this little bit of unprofessionalism and clears her throat. "I take it from your age that you move around from time to time to hide your immortality. Is that getting harder to do in the modern age when things technology has made things more interconnected?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Just so," Blake nods, a gesture to herself. "A different name, a simple story, sometimes I spend time with the face of another, but it does get trickier. Then again, the world is stranger these days. Mutants and aliens...Is a vampire so scary anymore? Perhaps one day things will be open, but that will hardly make them problem-free."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Yeah," breathes Lydia. "Tell me about it. Compared to me, a vampire would seem downright normal. Still, I understand the caution, but the public perception of what vampires are have shifted away from the monstrous to the romantic, so I think you'd have a better time coming out than, say, 60 years ago."

She flips back a page, reviewing her notes before asking her next question. "So how do you make a new vampire? Most common lore is that you drain the person dry and then give them your blood. But you mentioned that there was a ritual involved?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
"In truth, there are more than one species of vampire. For some it is as infectious as a bite, for others it is as you say. For me? It is..." she trails off, a soft laugh given, "I have created only one vampire, only once...and I had initially thought it something I would never do."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia's eyebrows raise in curiosity. "Oh? Tell me about that. Was it an 'eloping with a lover' kind of situation?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
This one? It brings a smile, a stark difference to her own story and a little tilt of her head. "It was...It is a long story. A comrade, who would become a lover over time. It was...when I returned to France, centuries later. In 1942. I met her there..."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"1942? That was right in the middle of the war," Lyida says with a bit of surprise. "Did that have to do with the decision to turn her?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
A nod, finally Blake takes another sip of her drink, smiling at Lydia and leaning down, resting her elbow on the table and her hand on her palm. "I'm sure you have an idea of what France was like then, what evil came to it. I joined the French resistance, met her there."

A little lift of her free hand, the vampiress lazily points a digit at Lydia. "She was like you, special, more than human. "

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lyida looks up from her note taking, surprised. "She was a mutant?" she asks. "I mean... I don't really consider myself 'more than human'. I'm human but with a little bit extra." She doesn't, however, deny that she's special. She recognizes that her situation is rather unique even amongst the mutant crowd. "So what happened?

Blake Riviere has posed:
"We grew close, working together. She was interesting, a little serious even for me. But...we parted ways when the allies pushed on. We would only reconnect with each other at the end of the war."

A pause, she looks back at Lydia. "Her gifts were killing her, burning out her body."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods in understanding. "And turning her would save her, I take it?" She takes a sip of her Manhattan, "I've always wondered what happens to a mutant's power if they ever got turned into a vampire. Do they keep them? Does the vampirism kind of overwrite it?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
"For her? Her power remained. It still taxes her body, but she heals as long as she remembers to feed." Blake trails off, a little chuckle offered and she gestures to Lydia. "I couldn't give you a certain answer however, perhaps it depends on the vampire or the mutant."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods, and scribbles some notes down. Leaning forward curiously she asks, "Speaking of which, how often do you have to feed? Daily? Or does it depend on how old you are, where the feedings become less frequent as the older you get?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
A soft laugh from Blake's lips, the vampiress lifts a hand free of her glass to rest on her cheek. "How often do you?" she jests lightly before shrugging. "It is usually about as often as a human being, although one feeding would likely be the equivlent of a day's worth of meals. Sometimes more, if the blood is...special. Some can be more sustaining, or less."

Another sip of her drink now, as talk of age has her waving a hand. "Many vampire can go long periods without blood, centuries even, in a sort of stasis. To go without blood completely doesn't destroy some older, or stronger vampire. But it is...awful. It eventually renders one in a frozen living death. Reversible, but...imagine being stuck exactly at the point where you starve to death."

She shudders, leaning back in her seat. "Personally, I usually feed several times a week at least."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia shudders as well. "That sounds /horrible/." She looks thoughtful and scribbles something down in her notebook, "But that /does/ give me an idea..." she mutters to herself. She writes furiously for a few moments as she sketches out a quick story idea while it's still fresh in her head, before turning back to Blake.

"The people that you feed from. Are they mostly, ah, donors? Voluntary? I don't know what you'd call them."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Both," Blake laughs softly, a smile on her painted lips as she puts the glass aside. "I would call them both of those things. It's possible to meet people who would eagerly offer themselves to feed on, and the experience is...enjoyable. But still, often I have a preference for finding a willing partner the way anyone might."

She grins, leaning forwards lightly. "It is a seduction after all, and the effects of the bite often leave them thinking they had a more traditionally 'good' night."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods and her cheeks flushes as she admits, "I've always wondered what it would be like feed a vampire." Her eyes shift guiltily, "For research." She clears her throat and continues, "Are your donors aware of what's going on afterwards? The way you worded it sounds like there's some kind of mind whammy that happens that muddles things up."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"It's like...the mind completes things and fills in the gap," Blake smiles, tilting her head to the side. "If they were knowing of a vampire bite, they'll remember the fangs. If they were expecting something else and wake up in the glow and exhausted...well."

She shrugs, with a smirk she straightens up, folding her arms under her bust. "And you're that curious? Wanting to see for yourself?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods shyly. It took a lot to admit that to an /actual vampire/. "I write supernatural fiction... /romantic/ supernatural fiction. It's something I've thought about a lot. That and what it would be like to actually be a vampire." She shakes her head and holds up a hand. "I'm not going to ask you to do that. I'm happy being human and who I am, but you have to wonder, you know?"

"But yeah," she says with a blush. "If it's safe it'd be something I want to try."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Is it safe? Not always. There are many out there who are willing to drain someone dry and leave them wasted, there are many reasons vampires are considered monsters after all. You must be careful who you would make such a request of." As far as talking about being a vampire goes, the dark-haired woman exhales a breath and leans back. "In truth? It is life like any other. Full of wonder and sadness at times. Old as I am, my life is better for what I have become. I went through horror, but...I am something far more than a scared daughter of struggling aristocrats now."

A smile, she lets that deep redness drift back into her eyes to punctuate her statement, ever one for the dramatic. "So much more."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia giggles and nods. "I know what you mean. My mother is... overbearing. I never really got to do anything that interested /me/ until I became a mutant. That was something outside of her control, although she certainly tried." She looks up with a grin, "It showed me that I didn't have to live under her thumb, that I could be my own person. Some people would consider this" she waves a hand through her glowing green ectoplasm, "a curse, but for me it was a blessing."

She shrugs, "I know it's not really the same thing, but I think I've got the idea." She looks thoughtful for a moment before going back to her questions. "How's your relationship with the sun? And silver?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
A little nod, Blake considers for a moment and smiles. It was close enough. Tilting her head to the side, Blake simply lets the other woman talk her way through before the next question makes her laugh softly and gesture to herself. "I am more fortunate than some," she offers, a soft giggle on her lips. "I am a fan of silver, it is no more harmful to me than it would be to a normal human. Sunlight does not burn me, but at times it can be...irritating without adjustment. Having eyes that can see perfectly in the dark can make the brightest sunlight quite uncomfortable."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods. "That makes sense. I take it that there /are/ vampires out there who have problems with sunlight and silver. How many other vampires do you know? Do you have, like an organization or hierarchy?" She shakes her head, "If not do you stake out territories so you don't step on each other's toes?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
"I do not," Blake answers perhaps a little too bluntly, but there's a pause that follows. "Some do, certain...breeds of vampire that are more numerous are more territorial, but in the end it is often power that makes 'class'. Might making right." Eyes having shifted back to blue, the vampiress smiles lightly. "I am beholden to no other vampire, never again. And I have the strength that I have. Other vampires do not seek to trouble me and I go where I please, but I also do not seek to build empires and kingdoms of my own."

A pause, she actually gives a soft 'hmmpf' of amusement. "Perhaps I will have to ask some of the other vampires how they see me. Maybe I am a curiousity, or simply a case of 'leave and let live'."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods. "That makes a certain kind of sense, when there's a bunch of different kinds of vampires roaming around out there." She taps her pen on her lips as she muses, "Usually in these kinds of novels there's only one type of vampire, and it's pretty hit or miss if there's a vampire 'society.' Sometimes there is, sometimes there isn't."

She leans back in her chair, pouring over her notes. "I think that's all the questions that I've got." She looks up to meet Blake's eyes. "Do you have any questions for me? It's only fair. You've been very helpful."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Perhaps I am simply an 'outcast' sort," Blake muses aloud, a shrug of her shoulders and a little smile she exhales and leans forwards, perhaps trying to read the other woman as much as the notes written. "Well then, tell me, what do you think of all you have learned so far? You've had a glimpse of my life, of what I am. What is your measure of it all?"

A little laugh, she does make to reach for her glass once more. "Perhaps next time, when you have had time to mull over these notes and I am seeking 'donation', you might wish for further study."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia looks thoughtful at the question, and folds her notebook back into her purse. "I think you would make for a very relatable protagonist in one of my books," she says. "A powerful vampire, proud and aloof, with enough humanity to be relatable, but still alien enough to be mysterious." She takes a sip of her Manhattan, and leans back into her chair. "The only thing missing is a lovestruck mortal to warm your heart in a torrid romance," she says with a grin.

"Seriously. It's been an honor talking to you and I thank you at the bottom of my heart that you agreed to this." She blinks at the offer, and starts to blush again and says, "I ... I think I may have to take you up on that offer."

Blake Riviere has posed:
She laughs softly at that summery, a little shift of her fingers around her glass, the vampiress nods. "Ah, perhaps you should start with when I first met Ariah in France...although the truth may not be as exciting as how you write it."

She shifts, but its a different kind that's brought about by the blush. Almost predatory even. There's just a certain edge to that smile, a little light to her eyes as she speaks.

"Well, I'm enjoying things so far, no sense not doing so again..."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia echoes Blake's laughter, "The truth is typically either not as exciting as fiction or more exciting, depending on the truth." She considers her vampire companion for a moment, fingertips tapping on the edge of her glass. "Do you mind if I wrote a novel loosely based on you, and I mean loosely. There are things about your past that I find compelling, and would like to use them in a novel. Of course, I would only do that with your consent, and I'll be sure to let you read the drafts for your approval before they'd go to my editor."

"I'd like that," she replies. Her cheeks flush as she admits, "Having a friend that is a vampire is, well, something of a dream come true.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"As long as I get to read it first," the vampiress muses, offering another smile with her accented tones. "After all, it has been a long time since I'd told my story to anyone. I am curious to see what becomes of it. In a word as strange and wonderful as this, perhaps it will seem tame, but I'm glad it gives you such excitement."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Of course," Lydia says. "Like I said, you'll get the first, rough draft and have final veto power over what gets written." She shrugs with a grin, "A good novelist can make even the most mundane thing seem exciting. If you want I can give you a copy of one of my published novels?"

Blake Riviere has posed:
A lift of her brow and a quirk of her lips. "I think I would like that," she speaks, finally moving to stand and looking down at Lydia before leaning down to meet her gaze, a deliberate move of measured flirtation she'd almost certainly used before to top it off. "I'm sure I would enjoy a little taste."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
There's a twinkle in Lydia's eye as she reaches back down into her purse and pulls out a book called 'Cat's Cradle.' One of her own. A grin plays at the edge of her lips as she hands it over. "I always come prepared," she says. "And a word of warning. The sex is quite spicy." She takes a quick gulp of the rest of her Manhattan and stands. "It was a pleasure talking with you, Blake. I can't wait to meet again."