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Latest revision as of 05:19, 2 August 2021

Way Too Early
Date of Scene: 01 August 2021
Location: Hot Joe Coffee
Synopsis: Coffee, snacks, and piggy backs!
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Cain Marko

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney it had been a bit since Gabby had chatted with Cain about anything, and after the night she'd had, getting out seemed a great idea. Plus she wanted to make sure he was getting along with Thomas and the other ragtag members of their not-quite-a-group group. A table in the corner had been claimed by her, one side chairs, the other a booth seat that she felt would work rather well for Cain. There's an array of drinks in front of her--some empty, some not quite yet empty, as she sits slumped in her chair practically laying on the table. One hand is on the nearest half-drunk mug of something dark and frothy that likely had just as much sugar as caffiene.

Cain Marko has posed:
The bell jingles as Cain enters, the enormous mystical mercenary as eye-catching as ever. He scans the room looking for Gabby, then makes his way over to the table once he spots her. Sliding into the booth seat carefully, he calls a server over and places an order. Then he focuses on the tiny mutant. "Gabby. You look rough." He reaches out, and ruffles the hair of the de-energized feral. "You feeling okay?" He didn't think that the regenerating types tended to get tired like that. Maybe he's wrong.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lifts her head at the jingle to flash a smile toward Cain in greeting. The ruffle earns a little noise from her, and she reaches up to fix her hair with a tug or two after. Before she can speak though she yawns, wide and open, then takes another sip of her drink. "You know the worst thing about healing powers? This works for like five minutes then it's done. Same for alcohol. Though that doesn't taste as good anyway and I don't usually bother." Another smile is offered, a little more genuine this time as she makes herself sit up straighter. "Had a long couple days. A friend died and her girlfriend swears she didn't and kept waking me up to prove it. So I ended up staying up to see if something was going on."

Cain Marko has posed:
The redheaded man raises a brow at the petite brawler. "You're too young for booze anyway, kid." His own order, several extra large coffees, soon arrives at the table. He doesn't bother waiting for them to cool off at all and just drinks immedietly. "Friends friend died, huh? Sorry to hear that. Happens in this line of work." Well. Not to him. He wasn't sure if it was even possible for him TO die. "And it could be worse, about the drink. At least you feel something for a few minutes." That was kind of frustrating at times, the way he simply can't get drink. He could chug gallons of pure alcohol and nothing. "So I take it no mysterious ressurections then."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Doesn't mean I haven't tried it. But yeah it's not worth it anyway," Gabby attests with a shrug at mention of the alcohol. Though she had been allowed a pint by Logan once after a rough time, while he observed, so it was kind of a moment for them. A breif, rare one. "Some of the other kids used to dare me to steal Logan's stash so they could get drunk. Not a great idea in retrospect but I was trying to fit in... Meh. She was 18. Supposedly died of unknown heart failure." Another pause as she tips back her coffee to down the rest, nudging the cup away after. Another cup is reached for instead. "No, no something *is* going on. Body is missing from the morgue and there were signs someone had been there." Her hand lifts to tap the side of her nose. "I just don't have the same senses the rest of my relatives do so it's not helping me figure it out."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain Marko crumples the now empty cup in his hand. He's not the best at giving advince to kids. So 'don't get drunk' is probably all she's going to get out of him right now. "Kids do stupid stuff. That's what being a kid is all about. So, kid died of something that didn't leave any marks and then disappeared from a morgue? Probably some bullshit going on there, yeah. Tricks and shit. Just pound whoever you don't like and get it over with. Some people." He shakes his head, then peers at her. "You might be lucky, not havin those. This city smells bad enough without them."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney manages a smile at that particular suggestion along with a nod. "It'll get sorted but I kind of felt I owed it to her to stay up and keep an eye out. I mean. Least I could do, y'know?" Here she shrugs faintly glancing down to her coffee cup trying not to think too much about it. She'd done enough of that all last night. "Yeah, I probably am lucky. Anyway, I didn't intend to be moping all over you. Just wanted to see how you were doing with Thomas and all of them. They said you'd met up with them."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain grunts a little. "Going fine. I've worked with groups before. We'll see how things pan out in the end." He gulps at another drink, then studies her face. "So, how long you been with these guys anyway, kid?" He doesn't know any of the others very well. But he does know that sometimes people take advantage of people. And Gabby seemed young and... not naive, but not as wordly as she could be. She invited a stranger to eat the first time they met, after all.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney shrugs faintly at the question. "Not long as a group, really. This is mostly Thomas' thing for the most part, but I've know him a couple of years. We both have dealings with Alchemax on different fronts." Her hand lifts the coffee cup to swirl it around a few times mixing up the mostly melted whipped cream into it further. It wasn't quite a wine tasting gesture though if she were older it might seem that way. "We met around Christmas time. He was trying to hide from some of their security guys in a mall, and I recognized them. Ended up pretending to be his kid so we could get away. No one was looking for a father and daughter after all." A vague grin comes as she adds, "This is why he calls me 'Hermione' sometimes because that was the name thought up on the spot. He's asked me for help with a few things since then, like watching the house while he was dealing with some stuff elsewhere. Paid me good for it."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain Marko listens quietly while she reminsisces, and then glances over at the server. He motions them his way and puts in an order. Some overpriced snacks of various sorts. Cookies and sandwiches and shit. "Hmm. You don't look like a Hermione to me. Maybe a Veronica." He shifts around in his seat. "Not sure a kid like you should get involved with this sort of thing... though I suppose housesitting is pretty safe. So, do yo not hang out with your...dads, other group then?" He reaches over, and casually tweaks her nose. Why? Who knows.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney crinkles her nose at the unexpected tweak. Momentarily her eyes go cross-eyed before she breaks into another grin. "Yes and no. At first, yeah. I've been through a lot with a lot of that team, but not in an official capacity. Like I was there and involved and it worked great for awhile. Then the ones in charge started going 'hey wait, she's how old?' and it was like none of that mattered." A slight wave is given as if dismissing any arguments that might crop up. "I know by my age I am a kid, and I appreciate getting the chance to just BE a kid, but that's not going to take away any of what I went through or was trained to do. For awhile everyone seemed to understand that. Then some stuff happened that was... Kinda dark, I admit." Her face scrunches again though she continues, "And suddenly they got all protective of me. By protective I mean 'cut out of everything I had been involved in' which was kind of a kick in the nuts. Figuratively. Logan doesn't really pay me much mind unless I chase him down now and then. Laura's off with her own group. Which I was invited to join and kind of am? But again they have Laura, too."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain leans forward lightly on the table. Enough to make it creak a little but not enough to break it. He thinks about all of that, his brow furrowed in thought. "Hmm... no idea who Laura is." It's not like he knows every superhero by name. Or even every mutant. He's fought a lot of them. And might not even have ever run into Laura. "Sorr you got cut out. Can't say I totally disapprove of that. But I suppose being a normal kid isn't something you were given the option of. Though at least you're still a cute kid, right?" He smiles over at her. "Like I've said before. When you deal with that whole Alchemax thing, feel free to give me a call. Normally I charge a pretty big fee for that sort of thing. But in this case, I like you. So."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"One of my sisters. The others are dead, other than Bellona but she's not a mutant so she's off doing..." Gabby pauses with a thoughtful look. "Probably what she was trained to do. She has a bad temper." Again she grins at the compliments which probably doesn't help with not looking cute. Not that she's trying. "I know a lot of what you guys do isn't above board. Thomas is keeping me out of most of it. That's okay. I don't kill people or anything even though I know HOW to so... Just trying not to fall into the same thing everyone wanted me to be. Promised one of my sisters I'd try not to." With a huffed sigh she tips back her coffee finishing it off. "Glad to hear everything is going good though. I didn't want to introduce you to people you might not get along with. And vice versus I guess. We are planning on hitting Alchemax soon once things get settled a bit so I'll let you know. For now." A little side to side roll of her neck comes. "I might have to try grabbing a nap to make up for last night."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain Marko shrugs a shoulder. "Some people punch other people in the face cause they want to take over the world. Some do it to stop people from takin over the world. I do it cause I got paid enough. Maybe it's not as aboveboard as fightin crime, but I don't see no problem with using what I got to make a livin, you know? I'd punch for the 'good guys' just as easily as the 'bad guys'. Just one side usually doesn't hire mercs." He pauses for a moment. "No Hydra though. Even I got standards. These Alchemax guys sound like assholes too." He drains off his next coffee, and then the snacks are there. He picks up a sandwich, then pushes the plate of them partly towards the Honey Badger. "Nap probably doesn't hurt. You want me to walk you back to Thomas's place?" He grins a little. "Or carry you back? Then you could nap on the way."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches out to snag one of the sandwiches at the offer to tuck into it with a bite or two. The offer of walking her to Thomas' place earns an eager nod... along with the carrying part. Even if she hadn't meant to. But her eyes widen a bit and she stares up at him with a suddenly very, very interested. "Hell yeah! I wanna be tall for a bit!" Being short means being tall good.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain Marko snorts a little at that response. Well, it was positive anyway. "Tall is good. Even if it can get inconvenient at times. I can't exactly blend into a crowd, for instance." He calls the server over again, getting a to-go bag for the various snacks. Then he scoops it up with one hand, and raises to his feet. Bending down, he scoops her up with the other, and hands her the bag. Soon after, he's existing the front door and on the street. "So what do you got planned for tonight? More ghost hunting?"