Cain Marko
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Cain Marko (Scenesys ID: 635) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Cain Marko | ||
Superalias: | The Unstoppable Juggernaut | ||
Gender: | male | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Occupation: | Criminal Mercenary | ||
Citizenship: | United States Citizen. | ||
Residence: | Mobile | ||
Education: | High School. Army Training. | ||
Theme: | Marvel (VFC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 89 | Actual Age: | 89 |
Date of Birth | 24 Nov 1930 | Played By | Himself |
Height: | 9'5" | Weight: | 1900 lbs |
Hair Color: | Red | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Considered among the strongest and most powerful beings on the planet. Despite his great power he's largely pursued criminal pursuits and a grudge against his step brother, Charles Xavier and Xavier's X-Men. Though this grudge has cooled over the years, his reputation for wanton destruction and being physically unstoppable is well known and he remains a prolific figure in the superhuman and criminal world.
* 1930: Born to Kurt Marko and Unnamed Wife
* 1938 Passing of Mother. Kurt Marko raises Cain while physically and pyschologically abusing him.
* 1944 Cain is sent to Boarding School
* 1945 Cain is expelled for behavioral reasons and comes to live at Westchester with his father who has recently married widowed Sharon Xavier following an accident in Mexico resulting in Brian Xavier's death. Meets Charles Xavier.
* 1948 Kurt Marko dies in lab accident after saving Cain and Charles.
* 1950 Cain causes major car crash when trying to scare Charles while driving him to College.
* 1951 Cain begins a career as a soldier of fortune. Meets Black Tom Cassidy in a third world country's prison and befriends him.
* 1952 Cain enlists in the Korean War, is reunited with Charles Xavier. Discovers the crimson gem of Cyttorak and becomes The Juggernaut. He is buried under the collapsed mountain when shelling brings the cave down.
* 1952-2010 Juggernaut is kept in a comatose state by the power of Cyttorak following his transformation and tested in the Crimson Cosmos
* 2011 Juggernaut emerges and frees himself from the collapsed mountain and then returns to America seeking revenge on Xavier. He is defeated by the X-Men with the assistance of The Human Torch
* 2011 - Present Juggernaut begins a career as mercenary super villain, establishing a reputation for his raw power through repeated conflicts with the X-Men and other heroes over the years.
IC Journal
A simple descriptor for Juggernaut is that he is a boorish pig headed brute with the power to move mountains. Not exactly the best combo but this boils down to him largely still being the schoolyard bully he developed into as a child. His issues run deep but they manifest as a desire to prove he is so powerful nothing can hurt him anymore and to if anyone gets in his way he's no problem proving that fact to them.
Perhaps surprisingly to some, Juggernaut is not a man without honor. He keeps his promises, for better or for worse, pays favors owed to him. Shows mercy when warrented, even to the point of lending aid to pay back a favor done for him or someone close to him and he is deeply loyal to his friends and colleagues. The spark of a man who possesses sincere feelings, connections and empathy does exist within him.
Negative Traits:
Boorish, Pigheaded, Destructive, Disrespectful, Eager To Fight, at times Cruel, Frustrated, Selfish and Angry....The list of negative traits that have built up inside of Juggernaut is a long one and not worth splitting up into individual entries. Suffice to say he embodies some terrible qualities and bad habits and though not a truly evil man, does represent some of the worst thuggish qualities out there. He cannot be said to be truly evil but he does show the results of unimaginable and seemingly limitless power in the hands of someone who can't think beyond simple thuggery. At times he's at best a blue collar mercenary-hitman and at worst a petulant man child who won't think twice about his actions collapsing an entire building around you if you challenge him or spill his drink.
Single Minded:
When Juggernaut focuses on a task it is almost impossible to give him to change his mind or divert him from this task. In determination and desire he can be as mentally bullish as his callsign implies and can be difficult to deal with in terms of trying to convince him to take another path when he's already made his mind up.
Character Sheet
The Juggernaut has seemingly not aged a day since becoming empowered by Cyttorak. The cosmic effect of a power on the scale of Oblivion proved sufficient to force his aging process but the power of Cyttorak then countered in, fueled by Juggernaut's rage. Under normal circumstances he will not grow old.
Avatar of Cyttorak:
The Juggernaut is essentially the avatar of the most destructive aspect of the magical principality known as Cyttorak. As such he bears the title of the Exemplar of Physical Power. Empowered through an enchantment bestowed upon him by the Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, The Juggernaut possesses what seems to be virtually limitless brute strength and power and is considered one of the strongest and most powerful beings to walk the Earth.
Juggernaut has exhibited regenerative power. Weapons of magic origin have shown themselves capable of piercing his invulnerability though they still must contend with his natural durability. Unlike Wolverines or Hulks, this regenerative ability seems to require a certain degree of dedicated effort to trigger although it only takes a matter of seconds to complete. The scope of Juggernaut's regeneration is truly monstrous as magical weapons capable of doing enough damage to even put an eye out will find the eye recovered in a matter of seconds.
Incalculable Strength:
Juggernaut is considered a Class 100 being. However this is simply an academic phrasing at best as in truth his strength is so vast it seems virtually incalculable. He has accomplished feats such as easily ripping buildings up from their moorings, plowing through steel tensile strength said to be fifty times that of Battleship Steel as if it were nothing but dry plywood (4,250,000 psi for you eggheads), producing punches so powerful their richter scale could be measured as far away as New York despite the battle taking place in Arizona, swatting, flinging and punching objects and opponents miles away and into space and much more. It has even been implied on multiple occasions that on some levels The Juggernaut is always holding back with his true limits being himself.
Juggernaut's Superhuman Strength affords him several tricks that are commonly used by others of such power and made famous by The Hulk.
Shockwaves: By clapping his hands together, Juggernaut has been shown to produce a cone of force of similar intensity and capability as wielded by Hulk on occasion.
Earthquakes: Merely stomping the ground once collapsed an entire valley onto an armed force. Similar feats may be accomplished wherein localized earthquakes can be caused by simply stomping or striking the ground.
Leaping: Although he has not demonstrated super leaping on the scale of the Hulk he has proven capable of leaping high enough to strike a being as large as The Stranger without much effort and thus can clear considerable distance with a jump.
The Juggernaut is virtually indestructible with the enchantment empowering him rendering him immune to what seems to be any form of physical harm. He has withstood the force of collapsing mountains, buildings , discharges of energy capable of cracking the armor of a Celestial and repeated blows from the strongest beings known to exist. The invulnerability offered by the power of Cyttorak has also protected him from disintegration beams and attempts to remove him from existence via reality warping or oblivion itself. He is even virtually immovable, even when still, against force on par with what some of the strongest to exist can bring to bear though sufficient force, cosmic level power and blows that catch him off guard have been shown capable of knocking him around and even stunning him.
Far from a mere sliding glacier, the Juggernaut's running speed has been observed at reaching 600 mph though it is a gradual build up over an extended distance. At such speeds he requires an immense amount of room to slow himself down to a stop essentially becoming a run away freight train.
Whoa unto the opponent who believes Juggernaut is not a capable combatant. He is an expert brawler, even setting aside that, has received formal military training and is quite capable of applying this to the fact that he's one of the physically strongest beings in existence. More of a striker then a grappler, it can appear that he is just relying on raw brute strength to see him through but he is an expert at applying said strength and is not easy to out manuever and can hold his own against most trained combatants.
Much of Cain's resources are the result of years and years of mercenary work. He's been at this game longer then almost anyone else and is well versed and experienced in the realm of both the underworld and the muscle for hire. He knows how to hear about the latest jobs. Where to go to get new jobs. Who gives out the best jobs. Who isn't trust worthy and who is.
Military Training:
Having been sent away to a military academy and also fighting in the armed forces before he became the Juggernaut, Cain Marko has formal military training. This largely translates to him having effective basic training skill levels, is capable of using most firearms, is aware of standard survialist techniques and other similar and related things. Naturally as The Juggernaut such skills are less applicable or utilized in the day to day but it bears mentioning and has cropped up during periods when his power was reduced or removed all together.
Fashioned from metal within Cyttorak own dimension is Juggernaut's armor and helm and skull cap. The armor itself renders Cain, not immune to, but /very/ difficult to effect magically. The magic resistance is innate and it causes Juggernaut to be less vulnerable to spells of certain intensity though spell casters such as Selene or Doctor Strange would be able to effect him with sufficient power put behind it. Juggernaut can summon the armor to him with but a thought and it arrives with a blast of red energy enveloping him and visibly transforming him. This is usually even accompanied by an enlarging of his physical form as well though this is largely cosmetic.
Being one of the more known super criminals on the planet, other criminals of lesser or equal power to him likely hold some degree of respect, either out of fear or begrudgingly, for the giant. Charles Xavier, though Cain has a huge grudge for him, is family and his dislike of him has cooled over recent years to smoldering unresolved issues. Additional exploits have created unusual in roads with others in the super powered community. Lastly, Cyttorak himself is a 'contact' of sorts as he has a vested interest in his avatar for obvious reasons.
Successful missions and contracts have afforded Juggernaut resources to live as he pleases and go where he wishes. Obviously these assets are found and frozen if he's experiencing a stay in a supervillain prison or program such as the Thunderbolts but he's not without his financial security or contacts with those who have wealth and are all to willing to pamper the giant in exchange for his services or the reputation of having him around.
Helm and Skullcap:
The armor is bonded to his helm by magical means and can be pulled loose however to wholesale yank it off without weakening the seals first would require strength on par with the likes of Rhino or Thing. Greater then him have a chance of knocking it clean off and even destroying it with powerful enough attacks as has been accomplished by Nimrod, Thor, Hulk and Captain Universe. The seals can also be weakened by magical attacks or repeated strikes and assaults of sufficient strength enabling individuals weaker then Colossus level to have an opportunity to remove it. Juggernaut's helmet and skull cap provide him immunity to psionic attacks which is one of his few true vulnerabilities. When donned as such he simply cannot be affected although some flukes have occurred.
Typically beneath the helm is a skullcap, scrapped together by pieces of metal that the armor was fashioned from. The skull cap serves as a fail safe in case the helm is ever removed and has the same functionality of the helm. But is much easier removed as it is held by straps that can be cut loose.
The Juggernaut is one of the most powerful beings in the superhuman community but it is as a result of the whim and favor of the mysterious principality known as Cyttorak, and specifically his aspect of destruction which has much in common with a demon lord. Cyttorak has expectations of his avatar as the activity of The Juggernaut is his method of exerting influence upon the world.
The Juggernaut has proven vulnerable to magic spells of sufficient strength. With his armor on the power to affect him must be on the scale of what can be summoned by Doctor Strange or manipulated by the Hammer of Thor. Without the armor on, Juggernaut still has monstrous resistance to magical energy that is greater then that of a human but can be impacted by sufficient spell casting efforts.
Juggernaut is no more or less vulnerable to telepathic powers and related abilities as anyone else and for this reason he wears his helmet and skullcap. Without it he can be an open target.
His mind and nervous system have both been shown to be slightly vulnerable to attacks that bypass needing to deal with his outward physical toughness. High intensity sounds and effects that deal with his ability to think clearly or that can jam his neural impulses can have an effect though his endurance levels would grant high pain tolerance in such circumstances.
When captured a technological advancement known as a 'stasis pod' has been capable of imprisoning him despite his vast power. Getting him into one is another issue all together but once in and activated he has been shown to have been secure and held.
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Cain Marko has
189 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Deadites at Dawn | March 23rd, 2025 | A group of unlikely heroes are caught between the legion of the Deadites and the Necronomicon Ex Mortis and have to drive it back into Hell with all the gore that is involved. Warning: Scene contains mutilation, murder, and excessive amounts of blood and gore. |
Spring is in the Air - A Q's Qegger Event! | March 22nd, 2025 | The Qegger was enjoyed by all! Cain met his celebrity crush! Rogue and Doreen enjoyed s'mores! Jubilee was remembered! |
How to Apologize | March 17th, 2025 | Apology -not- accepted. |
-- UNSTOPPABLE! | March 16th, 2025 | Lorna brings a pair of heavyweight personalities together to talk about the benefits of sanctioned violence. |
Central Park Meandering | March 8th, 2025 | Getting between a Juggernaut and his Hot Dogs |
Who's the Boss: Starring Cain Marko | March 4th, 2025 | Rogue and Cain have a chat about recent events in the Juggernaut's life, and the politics of the various Mutant factions. |
Family Ties | March 2nd, 2025 | Cain is offered shelter at the Xavier School following run-ins with the Acolytes. |
Griping and Complaining: It's The Juggernaut Way | February 16th, 2025 | It's a surprise 'family meet up' as several members of the X-men run into Cain and Cliff in Mutant Town. |
Rumble In Th--Little Italy! | February 11th, 2025 | Well it's not like he -meant- to kill 'im... |
Messing With The Wrong One | February 1st, 2025 | One Acolyte messes around a little too much with Cain and 'finds out'. |
Knuckle Dustin' | January 28th, 2025 | Vito has an unexpected encounter in Mutant Town! |
Mojo Mecha-Strocities! | January 19th, 2025 | Mojo kidnaps a poor bunch of schmucks and everyone has to suffer. Especially Longshot. ESPECIALLY Longshot |
HUNGER: War of the Heralds | January 13th, 2025 | The heroes gather. Two Heralds die (and one gets his ass bit by a super-dog). Galactus revokes the Surfer's powers and empowers Morg, who seems more dangerous than ever. The heroes retreat, but the Invisible Woman and Hal Jordan leads an infiltration into the Worldship. |
Mutant Night at Underground Fight Club | January 7th, 2025 | The Underground Fight Ring has been infultrated by the Acolytes of Magneto! Openly! Investigation reveals many more Acolytes at hand, a single fight is interupted by an accidental fire and a more major confrontation is avoided! For now? |
No Pain No Gain | January 2nd, 2025 | A New friendship writ in the stars or by the broken pieces of Robotman's body? You the viewer can decide! |
Making 'Friends' | December 31st, 2024 | Unlikely as it seems, Cortez and the Juggernaut have come to an understanding. There is a potential of allyship if Things Go Well. |
Brooklyn Bash | December 26th, 2024 | Cortez and gang try to steal something, and Mandy and Cliff try to stop him. Still, Cortez is Cortez, and brought along the Juggernaut, so nobody gets what they want. Except maybe Juggernaut. |
A Dash Of Good(Bad) Luck | December 17th, 2024 | Seasons Greatings and Faux Pas' a plenty as Longshot and Robotman invade The Bar WIth No Name! |
The Club and its Notorious Visitors | December 4th, 2024 | A mystery blonde woman and three other people enter a bar then discover there's a birthday. |
IT's All For A Good Cause | November 27th, 2024 | You never know who you might run into at a charity event! |
We Are One World Concert | November 26th, 2024 | Everyone joins in on the Dazzler concert |
Picking Up Where We Left Off | November 24th, 2024 | No description |
Picking Up Ingredients for Turtle Soup | November 17th, 2024 | The Purple Dragons got into it with the -wrong ones- tonight. |
Whelp - Time To Move Shop | November 10th, 2024 | Mutant Fight Club has weathered many an unusual event. And then there's The Ghost Rider... |
Jugesis | November 6th, 2024 | Cain and Evan swap stories about Mary Jane's unrivaled reputation in Olympic Curling. |
The Gentle-Manly Art of Throwing Hands | November 3rd, 2024 | A simple night of watching fights in Mutant Town becomes...very much not that. |
A Not Very Spooky Halloween | November 1st, 2024 | It's Halloweenat The Bar With No Name! Who will turn up for this costumed event!? |
When Silence Shatters | October 26th, 2024 | On her way back to nurse her wounds from fighting ninjas, Gwen gets a bank alarm on the Spider-Comm and diverts to find Shocker committing a pre-dawn robbery. Pathfinder is thankfully nearby to help, because Juggernaut is also right around the corner. It's a mess! After the dust settles, Ghost-Spider and Pathfinder exchange numbers and promise to meet up again. |
HUNGER: Moonfall | October 20th, 2024 | The Silver Surfer arrives and, as a tactic to weaken Earth, throws the moon out of its proper orbit, threatening great chaos and disruption to the Earth. Many heroes arrive at the Watchtower, fighting - and losing - in attempts to delay and distract him while they try and right the lunar calamity. In the end, the mystics are able to break through Galactus' numbing of his emotions with the help of his lost love. Also, there's a Green Lantern Trebuchet-launched Juggernaut. |
Cheers! | October 18th, 2024 | Cain and Floyd meet and have a few remarks about villainy today over drinks. |
A Matter Of Perpsective | October 12th, 2024 | Cain and Aislin encounter each other after meeting briefly in Central Park and Juggernaut-Approved Wisdom and Information is dispensed! |
Central Park Seasonal Supervision | October 11th, 2024 | Several random paths cross while Doreen is helping Central Park squirrels prepare for colder seasons. |
Cthulhu-U | October 8th, 2024 | The Justice League Dark goes to Miskatonic University to come face to face with a booze demon, and various eldritch grouches that tell the young'uns to get off their lawn where eternal slumber awaits. |
It's a Little Crowded Tonight | October 4th, 2024 | Caleb is headed for the Laughing Magician to give Meggan a present for her birthday, but comes across an old enemy setting up a trap. Cain and Meggan come to help, and Caleb gets caught in the crossfire. |
Getting Back To Old Habits | October 4th, 2024 | Juggernaut attempts to get back into the mercenary and super villain game once again to start working on rebuilding his rep in the aftermath of the cults efforts with him, and the heroic Shazam arrives to attempt to put a stop to him with---a strongly worded lecture! |
Through A Mirror Darkly: Resistance Is Futile | October 1st, 2024 | Cable and allies put up a last defense of Madripoor, rescuing more civilians but ultimately being driven out by Stryfe and the MLF. Juggernaut makes another appearance and teaches Holocaust who the most dangerous man around really is. |
The Once and Future Juggernaut - Epilogue | September 26th, 2024 | A return to Thailand to answer one critical question: Is Juggernaut Okay? Weeellll---- |
... I Did Rule A Planet Once... | September 24th, 2024 | Lorna treats the Juggernaut to a dinosaur steak after his brush with cultic enslavement. While attempting to lay the foundations for a proper relationship beyond Employer/Employed, she floats the idea of exploring ways to protect him from future incidents. |
Hat in Hare in Hand | September 20th, 2024 | No description |
The Open Door: Mine and Mine | September 15th, 2024 | A group works with Lucifer, and launches a battle with the horrible demon Hifazodhon in Bryant Park. Finale to 'The Open Door' plot. |
Cain and Able | September 15th, 2024 | No description |
The Open Door: Demonic Interview | September 8th, 2024 | Ducky and the JLD group interview the demon 'Sima' about her boss that has summoned slugs into New York and Gotham. |
You Got a Friend in Me. | September 7th, 2024 | John lures Cain to the bar to chat about his Luci problem. Overall it's a good catch-up between an unlikely pair of friends. And his name probably isn't Buck. |
Mayhem, Demons and Destruction | September 6th, 2024 | The Justice League Dark goes to confront a demonic samurai seeking conflict and slaughter, and by working together and fighting, they manage to send him back to the depths from which he spawned! |
Blobageddon: Truckula's Revenge | September 5th, 2024 | Trucks, man. Big trucks. Named after monsters. There's a heart to heart too. But mostly trucks. |
No Quid Pro Quo. | September 2nd, 2024 | John decides it's time to talk to Caleb about, well, a lot of stuff. It doesn't go well even with Mike's more gentle approach. Cain might be getting himself a few mil at the end of it. At least John's House knows when enough is enough - she's not fond of scorch marks on her hard wood flooring. |
Back at the Bar... | September 2nd, 2024 | And his name wasn't Brian... |
HUNGER: Asia | August 31st, 2024 | The Justice League Dark travels to Asia to see what might be happening there. What they find isn't overly illuminating outside of showing them that cultists are stupid, but some more stupid than others. Mary had a good meal and shared a little soul with Satana. Juggernaught clapped his way into a win. Caleb might be feeling the waters rising a little too high and Rick managed pretty well for a man that's not even fifty yet while John starts to believe that maybe they are a team. |
The Once and Future Juggernaut Part III | August 28th, 2024 | It's an all out assault on The Temple of Cyttorak as the forces of The Justice League Dark, The X-Men and The Brotherhood converge in order to prevent the power of The Juggernaut from being unleashed in a disaster of truly biblical proportions! |
A Monster To Fight A Monster | August 25th, 2024 | With his unique talents and resources, Constantine is able to track down The Juggernaut in an effort to recruit one monster to help fight another. As his usual luck would have it...he might have stumbled across a Juggernaut witha teensy bit of world domination on his mind, coupled with bipolar behavio. Possibly a slight problem. |
Through A Mirror Darkly: A Sinister Wind In Madripoor | August 24th, 2024 | Cable and his team attempt to rescue a number of mutant hostages on Madripoor from the Mutant Liberation Front. Things get more complicated when both Sinister's Marauders and the Juggernaut make an appearance creating a four-way fight. |
The Once and Future Juggernaut Part II | August 14th, 2024 | The Brotherhood and the x-Men are forced together over their mutual wayward associate-frenemy-family as The Juggernaut's boiling rage brings him to assault a secret installation where the artifact he requires is being kept and studied. |
I've been workin' on the railroad... | August 12th, 2024 | No description |
There Goes The Neighborhood | August 9th, 2024 | While investigating the attack on Madripoor Talia and Sam Guthrie encounter Juggernaut, making an appearence inbetween his other endeavours, in order to retrieve an item from a safehouse in the Lowtown ruins. |
The Once and Future Juggernaut Part I | August 5th, 2024 | When an idol to Cyttorak is discovered in the mountains of Canada, great effort is made to spirit it away to the care of WAND for safe keeping. Unfortunantely, The Juggernaut, increasingly unrestrained and chaotic, has his sights set on what he believes is his and a greater danger is soon revealed. |
Jumping Juggernauts | July 31st, 2024 | Cain and Talia talk about the nature and pains of revenge, magic, and fighting things out of ones depth. |
Tagging Marco | July 21st, 2024 | Something's not right with Juggernaut. Domino takes it upon herself to try and get through to the guy, merc to merc. A less than desirable outcome results. |
The Art of the Rage Father | July 20th, 2024 | The Cult of the Rage Father enlists a Champion for unknown purposes. Well who are we kidding. He's called 'The Rage Father' and Juggernaut's involved. It aint good. |
In The Shadow of Death Valley | July 4th, 2024 | An identity crisis leads to some quick cash courtesy of SHIELD! |
Charge of the Light Brigade ver 2.0 | June 28th, 2024 | It's a true battle of the under dogs as a trio of heroic super heroines stand against a rampaging Juggernaut bent on opening a new fault line up in Los Angeles! But is all as clear cut as it seems on the surface?? |
Where the Savage Things Are | June 22nd, 2024 | A mixed group of heroes, Brothermood members, and others go to rescue a group of dinosaurs from a laboratory run by the whelps of the High Evolutionary. Everyone runs out riding cybernetic dinosaurs. For a time, all is awesome. |
Brother Mine | June 20th, 2024 | Two loving stepbrothers catch up after a long time apart. |
Mutants and Master Molds - Form and Functionalism | June 20th, 2024 | A group of heroes goes to investigate a large Sentinel driven fusion (or fission, whichever) reactor near Madripoor. They destroy it and as a side-note EMP Madripoor. Also sidenote that Juggernaut is probably not the best use of the ball end of the fastball special. |
Stegrons and SHIELDs | June 17th, 2024 | Intrepid space hero Captain Marvel, the Unstoppable Juggernaut, and (poor) Peter Parker suffering bad allergies ready for a teamup with the Saurian Stegron to rescue his Dinosaurian brethren! |
Raid Reunion | June 13th, 2024 | The Queen of Blood strikes up a conversation with a familiar face from the raid on the Friends of Humanity. Only for another to show up...and another...and another. |
Take a bite out of...Ok I'm out of vampire puns | June 11th, 2024 | Call a meeting they said. It'll be easy they said. Well THEY never had to deal with JLD members... |
The Never Ending Argument | June 10th, 2024 | A beauty and two beasts meet over deli sandwiches, but only one of them isn't a red head. |
The Hunter And The Hunted | June 10th, 2024 | Spider-Man finds himself hunted. Fortunately he has friends. Juggernaut and the Thing clash. And all of Central Park literally shakes. |
Just A Light Workout | June 7th, 2024 | A chance encounter leads to workout discussions and Pop-Tarts. What's with the Brotherhood and Pop-Tarts?! |
Business Dealings in Lowtown | June 7th, 2024 | Doll gets a potentail 'in with The Brotherhood and also future work from The Juggernaut - but will she take it? |
An Offer You Can't, But Should, Refuse. | June 5th, 2024 | Heavy hitter business dealings in The Bar With No Name. |
After action pancakes | June 2nd, 2024 | Stop me if you've heard this one. A Juggernaut and a Toad walk into a bar. The Toad is lamenting being left out of action while the Juggernaut humors him. When all of a sudden, the Boss walks in and over hears the Toad complaining. I don't remember the punchline, but it involves a Pop-tart. |
Removing A Threat to Mutant Kind | May 31st, 2024 | The strike team assaults the Friend of Humanity's secret stolen Brainiac factory, taking out the guards and two working Sentinels before the entire location is blown to kingdom come. |
S.O.M. Save our Morph | May 27th, 2024 | Morph calls in for assistance. Monet and Patty answer. The Juggernaut makes an appearance, changes his allegiances after a heartfelt plead from Monet. Spoiler: The Warehouse doesn't Survive. |
Shake and Bake | May 26th, 2024 | Shake Shack shakes spilled on your new oversized custom tailored fit? Harassed by arrogant rich jocks? Never fear! Piotr, Eve and Caleb to the rescue! |
Gathering Resources | May 23rd, 2024 | Two mercs target the same tech for a heist for different reasons. Is this a new criminal partnership in the making? Time will tell! |
Portents of Peril: Something Wicked | May 18th, 2024 | Corben calls a meeting to discuss an encroaching darkness in the Otherworld. Getting out is the easy part, it's the getting in that can be a little hard. |
Mutant Presidents | May 15th, 2024 | X Presidents get clobbered by the heroes defending the capital but Jason stays one step ahead. |
The Best Defense - Dark Magic Masters Unite | May 9th, 2024 | The foul fiends Baron Mordo and Kulan Gath are stopped as they attempt to summon their masters, Dread Dormammu and Shuma-Gorath to this plane of existence.. While they also fight one another. |
Raven's Nest Grand Opening | May 1st, 2024 | Juggernaut and Loki walk into a bar. It's still standing when they leave - that's a story to tell the grandkids. Corben's left uneasy when Sara mentions needing to speak with him about 'something else'. ...and why the hell is High Society Jan hanging out in a hole in the wall in the Bronx? All in all, a good start for The Raven's Nest. |
Another Day in Mutant Town | April 29th, 2024 | A badly damaged bar in Mutant Town turns into a one stop shop for an unlikely group of people who end up talking and very nearly but not quite get to trading punches. |
DOOM: Reclaiming the American Dream | April 27th, 2024 | Dissenting voices and allies of convenience converge on Ellis Island while Doctor Doom seeks to abscond with the National Museum of Immigration. Proclaiming that it will be safely returned when the United States shows it's responsible enough for it, Doctor Doom steals the Museum! The arrival of Victorious, the Herald of Doom, reveals that an ill-programmed Doombot was responsible and assures Doctor Doom's full cooperation in retrieving the misplaced landmark. |
Cleaning Up Another Persons Mess | April 26th, 2024 | IN the aftermath of the Sentinel attack on Mutant Town, two very different people, linked by magic, survey the clean up effort. |
Logan & Wade Do America | April 26th, 2024 | The first stop on the Deadpool & Wolverine Press Tour! With a few SPECIAL GUESTS! |
Mutants and Master Molds: The First Wave | April 24th, 2024 | The Sentinels send out their first production line to rampage through Bushwick. A combined group of the Brotherhood and members of Xavier's fight them off. |
A meeting of mutants | April 13th, 2024 | AJ met a surprise guest, while waiting to meet Patty and Bishop. |
Hot Dog Break! | April 9th, 2024 | Sunny and Mark stop for hot dogs and get visited by Cain - who seems to know who they are, even if they don't know the same. But hey! Free meals! Woo! |
Just Another Day At Work | April 7th, 2024 | A New Challenger Appears! Black Adam places a quarter on the arcade cabinet and enters the fray to test his combo skills against Cain! |
A Smashin' Business Proposal | April 5th, 2024 | Many faces are seen, punches are thrown and a violent but potentially lucrative business opportunity begins. |
Nothing Is Free | April 1st, 2024 | Calling the Juggernaut to Genosha to discuss the details of his continued retainer on behalf of the Brotherhood leads to words of wisdom from Cain Marko. |
My Kinda Town | March 30th, 2024 | Apparently fanboying stops The Juggernaut! |
Returning To Genosha | March 28th, 2024 | Cain shows up in Genosha to repay a debt from when he and the exec he was bodyguarding were rescued at sea. |
In Pursuit of Culinary Perfection | March 25th, 2024 | The elusive gourmet sandwich food truck is tracked down and soon descended upon by hungry hungry people. Mike and Juggy catch up, Steve does his best pizza delivery man impression, and Cindy watches in awe. |
Heroes Assemble 4th Anniversary: The Watchers | February 24th, 2024 | For the four year anniversary of Heroes Assemble Mush, Uatu the Watcher again hosts some of his colleagues to share what he has witnessed over the last two years of events on a small blue planet called Earth. |
Heist, Uninterrupted | February 19th, 2024 | Kiden Nixon slips into a museum that's been breached 'accidentally' by the Juggernaut. Slipping through in No Time, Kiden's able to retrieve something that will get her paid when she delivers it to her short-term partner. |
Stroll, Interrupted | February 17th, 2024 | The Juggernaut is out for a stroll. Attitudes flare up, a grenade blows up in an armored car, a police officer briefly becomes part of the NYC timeline, and the Juggernaut escapes. Heroes are left to do what heroes do best. |
She Is Not A Crook | February 11th, 2024 | Cain Marko offers an opportunity to earn some cash. Kiden accepts. |
How to properly smash a party | February 6th, 2024 | Cain gets hired by Elektra for a job in LA that has need of his particular set of skills. The vault doesn't survive. Nor does Stankos's daughter supposed engagement. |
What's a Place Like This Doing in a Person Like You | February 4th, 2024 | An evening of bored takes a serious turn after a text is received. Kiden meets Cain Marko! |
You'll Never Believe The Size Of The One I Caught | February 2nd, 2024 | Kiana arrives at the ship sunk by Green Goblin, and rescues the crew, the Roxxon executive, and saves Juggernaut from a long walk along the sea bottom back to land. |
Juggernaut v Green Goblin | January 30th, 2024 | Juggernaut is hired to protect a Roxxon exec that Green Goblin is out to kill in revenge. They face off when Goblin finds them aboard a ship off the African coast. |
Step On It, Louie! | January 28th, 2024 | Bank robbers run afoul of a number of heroes as they to flee. Juggernaut makes off with half the loot. |
Christmas Charity Interruptions | December 12th, 2023 | Damian was invited to speak at a charity event when the Victims of the Bat showed up! Just to get Smooshed by a group of heroes that were in attendance, or fashionably later! |
Milky Milky Moo | November 14th, 2023 | The four meet up at a milkshake shop. They chat and then move on. |
Reavers: Assault on Cooterman's Creek | October 15th, 2023 | This is it! Nettie leads a mixed-team attack on the Reaver's base in Australia. The Reavers are stopped, Gateway is freed and the contract of Joshua is voided. |
Mugs and Jugs | September 25th, 2023 | A mutant lioness and non-mutant juggernaught cross pathes at a bar, have some drinks and talk together. |
Delivering the Message | September 24th, 2023 | Cain invites Mark to Starbucks and proceeds to cream him in the name of fatherly love.
Content Warning: Extensive Violence, Medical Gore |
Malls are REAL | September 23rd, 2023 | No description |
Gone Billy Gone | September 21st, 2023 | Young Avengers HQ is breached, and Juggernaut is accidentally summoned. But who are the mysterious attackers and what did they want? Only time will tell. |
Unstoppable in the Park | September 10th, 2023 | Pleasantries and threats exchanged, and possibly a fight set up for the future. |
Typical Subway Experience | August 13th, 2023 | Cain and Mary Jane happen to cross paths at a subway station. |
Juggernaut And Ego | July 17th, 2023 | Cain meets M in late night Westchester. |
Doing A Thing | June 19th, 2023 | Cain and Gabby go and get pizza. |
Being Respectful | May 22nd, 2023 | Cain meets Karen at a Starbucks. He's very respectful. |
Justice League Dark: The Pool Party | April 29th, 2023 | A Mixer in a Hotel Pool. So fancy. |
Do I Know you | April 19th, 2023 | Cain meets somebody in the park and realizes they look familiar. |
Only Mostly Dead | March 25th, 2023 | Gabby catches up with Cain after an absence from faking her death. |
So A wolf walks into a tea bar... | March 25th, 2023 | A Wolf walks into a tea bar, and there's conversation, motor parts, and ships passing in the night. |
Whiskey in the Drawer | March 24th, 2023 | Cain has a late night drink with Jessica |
A Very Hellfire Club Mardi Gras | March 22nd, 2023 | Many beads were earned, and a good time was had by all. And the winner of the dinner with Sebastian neither wants the prize, nor does the prize want him. Maybe next year. |
A Little R&R | March 18th, 2023 | Zinda abducts Cain, but not in a bad way! |
A Night of Stuff | March 1st, 2023 | Batgirl finds the Juggernaut roaming the streets of Gotham City. She tells him to behave! |
Cheetah's Bar Crawl | February 27th, 2023 | Hiring Juggernaut |
You Want to Go Where People Know That People Are All THe Same | February 26th, 2023 | A bunch of weirdoes meet at a bar. Nobody dies. |
Cheetah plans to play Tiger Queen and Rob a Zoo. | February 17th, 2023 | Cheetah and Saberooth leave the zoo with four large pets. Totally not fleeing juggernaut. |
Can't Stop, Won't Stop | January 29th, 2023 | Ms. Marvel springs into action after springing into earlier action and discovers fighting Juggernaut is just as exhausting as saving people from an apartment fire. And also that one cheese steak doesn't provide enough energy to Stop the Juggernaut. |
Justice League Dark: Yuletide | January 1st, 2023 | = The Justice League Dark is alerted to a large dark energy growing in the North of France during Yuletide. Gabby Kinney, Talia al Ghul, Cain Marko, Robbie Reyes and Patience Alperen respond to Nettie's request -- and then fight a Grave Titan |
Santa's Timelost Village | December 23rd, 2022 | Megan and Harper crack the mystery, Grant shoots Santa, Franklin bonds with his son, Cain becomes legend, and Karolina sparkles. Just your average Hallmark Holiday Special. |
No Honor Among Thieves | December 22nd, 2022 | Juggernaut finds out the crew got shorted by the fence and heads off to settle matters. |
Out of School Grounds | December 10th, 2022 | Gabby and Logan head out to pick up coffee for the school. They run into Cain and a bit of tension occurs. Gabby plays interference. |
Be still my beating Art | November 26th, 2022 | An art exhibit on the waterfront is attended by a Juggernaut, Saeko, Karolina and Harper. Though they come for different reasons, all four end up having to protect civilians trying to absorb some culture and street vendor food, from a trio of artifical objects that rise from the nearby river. The huge hunks of scrap are melded together cars, machines and objects discarded into the river of varying stages of rust and deay, but now bound together by cables, wires and red LEDs lights. Juggernaut commits massive physical damage to the floating artificial junkpiles while Saeko and karolina help evacuate civilians and both shield them from shrapnel and prevent the artificial entities from advancing further. A mess is made but the four survive and succeed in destroying the threat. The question remains why these things are following this travelling exhibit. Electricity vampires? Haunted objects? And why were those hotdogs so irresistable!? |
Magical wildlife in the Park | October 29th, 2022 | Cain and Saeko meet, chat, and talk about how offerings work. |
Round Two | October 14th, 2022 | Juggernaut vs. Shazam and an abandoned factory suffers till Pixie brings the fight to a halt. |
That's a BIG Mark | October 13th, 2022 | June tries to mug the Juggernaut. It's naut a good idea. |
Better Latte than Never | September 26th, 2022 | What started as a terrible Tuesday ended up being an awful Monday with mistaken days, mixed identities, and ACME-brand fire supression systems -- but everyone got their Pumpkin Spice Lattes! ... OR DID THEY? |
Desperately Seeking Coffee | September 26th, 2022 | Gabby and Cain meet up for coffee to catch up. Pastries are had. |
Another Pool Party | September 5th, 2022 | Poolside fun and some soul baring. |
Entourage | September 2nd, 2022 | The gang makes plans for a big but takes naps first! |
Drinks away! No, err, bombs away! | August 4th, 2022 | What just happened? |
Another Rule of Fight Club | July 13th, 2022 | An old fashioned networking affair happens as Cheyenne confirms his desire to crossover to the Brotherhood side of things. |
A tag-team so nice they had to do it twice! | July 7th, 2022 | Teamed up once again, Juggernaut and Killer Frost are sent to 'deal' with a former AIM scientist cooperating with SHIELD but in doing so, catch the attention of a certain solar powered caped hero. No, the other one. The other one. |
Hulk smashes, without the capitals. | June 25th, 2022 | A smashing summer's day in Montauk. |
It's Gloatin' Time | June 18th, 2022 | Unable to pass on a chance to brag and gloat, Cain has Gabby meet up at the Bar With No Name. A new friend is possibly made and the bragging begins. |
Jacob Visits Buster | June 17th, 2022 | Cain Marko learns he needs to work on his reputation. |
A Meeting with the Juggernaut | June 15th, 2022 | Mystique speaks with the Juggernaut about recent activities in Bushwick and Bane's presence among the mutants, |
Ancient Roman Secrets | June 14th, 2022 | Hercules seeks dairy-based and finds a Juggernaut-sized test of Mights! |
=Going with the flow, in Mutant Town. | June 12th, 2022 | Bane commits the city's biggest party foul. |
A Round of Lethal Protecting | May 23rd, 2022 | When Juggernaut id deposited Earth-Side after an unwanted adventure in the Crimson Cosmos, his confusion and disorientation require the intervention of Venom The Lethal Protector and She Hulk: Attorney at Law to keep things from getting too far out of hand. |
FIGHT NIGHT!:Gotham's Lucha Underground | May 15th, 2022 | lots of commotion and a fight to the draw between 2 of the heaviest hitters around. |
Juggs, Thugs, and HotDugs | April 29th, 2022 | Rien, Gabby and Cain run into one another around the hotdog vendor. After some mild catching up and hotdogs galore they part on good terms. |
Rumble Fest: The Smashfest Begins! | April 15th, 2022 | Repeat business is good and when AIM comes calling again, Juggernaut is more then willing to take on the job as it involves a throwdown with The Hulk. However, his quest for bragging rights may unleash something new, unexpected, darker and more cunning then what the world is prepared for. |
Looking for Drinks in All the WRONG Places | April 7th, 2022 | A bunch of weirdos invade the Bar With No Name! |
Hashtag OpenToWork | March 30th, 2022 | A casual night of drinking results in a job offer for The Juggernaut. It pays to be in high demand. |
Bar with No Name | March 22nd, 2022 | A bunch of villains walk into a bar. There's no joke here. |
Catching a Convoy Part II | March 19th, 2022 | An ageless warrior, an unstoppable force of destruction, the champion of truth, justice and a better tomorrow. Surely they can come to an agreement! No..they really didn't. |
Spending Those Giftcards | March 13th, 2022 | Gabby runs into Rave and Cain. And Logan! Somehow it ends peacefully without punchings. |
opping Corks | March 8th, 2022 | Drinks were had, Villainy happened (offscreen), and nobody died (that we know of)! |
Clubbin' The Fight | March 8th, 2022 | Need to hire the avatar of a force of pure destruction - send Zealot! |
Catching A Convoy | March 2nd, 2022 | A smashed military convoy, a stolen tech-tech gun and villains escaping! With Plastic Man and Rocket out of commission and Superman busy playing clean up and damage control..will Juggernaut and Killer Frost escape? (Probably not!) Stay tuned for Part II! |
Circuses and Peanuts | February 21st, 2022 | No description |
New Rules of Fight Club | February 17th, 2022 | Cain and Stella meet and decide to make some new rules for FIght Club: Swindle everyone with rigged matches and get paid! |
Crystalline Valentine | February 12th, 2022 | Bad intel leads Juggernaut to attempting to make a bank withdrawal that Hyperion isn't to pleased with. The two decide to have a nice talk about it. |
Refugee Wrangling | January 31st, 2022 | Lorna, Clarice, Creed and Juggernaut have a chat over how to handle the human refugees from New York. No one seems to agree on much. |
Throwing Down | January 28th, 2022 | They all just wanted to take the subway. |
Hot time, cold town | January 22nd, 2022 | Cain Marko just wants to get to an appointment on time, but gets interrupted by some toughs in a Gotham Refugee camp. Alexis Carr is on hand to play at being a 'bat-girl'. It's nice to make friends! |
Asterioid Boreds | December 17th, 2021 | Cain and Lorna meet, then Lorna goes to sleep. |
Movie Time | November 21st, 2021 | Cain and Rogue see a movie. |
Rumble in the Alleys | October 24th, 2021 | Rogue meets Juggernaut in the shady sides of town. He recruits her to go find some fights to blow off steam. |
Corporate Espionage | October 17th, 2021 | Cain robs a tech firm, fights some law enforcement, then temporarily takes Emma Frost hostage. It all works out though. |
Drinks on the Asteroid | September 21st, 2021 | Drinks and conversation on the asteroid. |
1000 Faces: Party Like it's 1999 | September 9th, 2021 | The crowd at the Laughing Magician share their little slices of life, hope, love, heart and soul. Maybe just enough to tip the scales in favor of the world lasting past Friday night. |
1000 Faces FINALE: Threnody | September 7th, 2021 | The Demogorge comes to devour the gods of death and those who would raise a last defense from Earth against him. But will they succeed in convincing Atum not to levy his judgment in a reckoning of the dead? Pray your shades have something nice to say... |
Brotherhood Networking. | September 4th, 2021 | Lorna and Clarice speak with Cain about a protection racket. |
Happy Clone Day! | August 20th, 2021 | Gabby has a birthday party with a range of guests that may sometimes be at odds with one another. It goes surprisingly well. |
Bikers, Booze, and Blasting Music | August 7th, 2021 | Leg 2 of the concert tour has gone by without a demon in sig- Wait. Ghost Rider showed up? Crap. |
Way Too Early | August 1st, 2021 | Coffee, snacks, and piggy backs! |
That's not a Juggalo! | July 23rd, 2021 | Gabby runs into Cain. Shwarma is had and potential plotting begun. |
Ramen for all, Big and Small | July 16th, 2021 | A Mouse meets a Mountain. |
Skeet Surfin' U.S.A. | June 4th, 2021 | No description |
Special Delivery | January 23rd, 2021 | Tabitha deliverys a package to Cain. |
Park Outing | December 21st, 2020 | 4448= Juggernaut Meets Pixie Then Walks Her Home |
Gotham Tourists and Yummy Food | November 21st, 2020 | Doreen met Diana and Harley.. and Juggernaut. And they all met each other if they didn't already know each other! Ray ate a burger and kinda-sorta met everyone else too! It was a nice night in Gotham and Doreen got to eat dinner at the Iceberg Lounge... and sneak food to Tippy-Toe! |
Burger Big Bang | October 24th, 2020 | The Juggernaut picks a fight with Power Girl then leaves. |
Temper Tantrum | September 27th, 2020 | The Juggernaut decides he doesn't want to beat up a kid and leaves. |
Bothering a mountain | August 31st, 2020 | Cain and Shuri work out details on an interesting experiment. |
Nothing Stops... the Juggernaut! | August 3rd, 2020 | It's a tie! And a trip to urgent care. |
Mutant Town Aint So Bad | June 9th, 2020 | The Juggernaut likes art. Who knew? |
Minding The Stores: The Attack | May 13th, 2020 | Juggernaut and mercenaries raid an Avengers storage facility, but are turned back by Natasha, Pietro, Thor and She-Hulk. |
An Unstoppable Outing | May 1st, 2020 | Juggernaut picks the wrong time to try to rob an armored truck. Facing off against an Amazon, a Ghost Rider, and an occultist proves to be something the Juggernaut didn't plan for and so he gives them one rather nasty round of applause and chooses to rob another day. |
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Group Memberships
Cain Marko has been listed in 1 groups.