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Latest revision as of 05:55, 3 August 2021

Date of Scene: 19 July 2021
Location: Jubilee and Noriko's Room
Synopsis: Jubilee reacts to having her party sleighted.
Cast of Characters: Noriko Ashida, Jubilation Lee

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Running," is the only thing on the note Noriko left for Jubilation after dinner.  Going on a run in the evening is pretty standard for the girl, but on a super full stomach?  Even Nori likes to indulge in pythonic digestion, usually saving one of her little cat naps for right after dinner.  So, in departure of the norm, the note appeared on the bed.

This run?  Has been at least an hour.

The door creeeeeeeaks open as Nori peers through, winces at her failure of basic stealth skills a child could cultivate.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    She said she would leave and come back with candy for the impromptu Halloween party but she never did. She didn't bother going to dinner, either. Instead, Jubilation Lee sits on the carpeted floor of their room. She's still in her 'Sexy Howard Hughes' costume, though the Kleenex box shoes have been thrown out. Sprawled out on the floor in front of her is a printed map of Japan. Seriously, printed. There's also a large, printed map of Tokyo. A team of brightly colored Sharpie markers -- pink, purple, red, blue, green -- have been arranged in a line and some of Tokyo's key locations have been noted with large X's. "Fucking BITCH!" Jubes growls under her breath before bringing the purple market up to her mouth. She angrily bites down on the cap and pulls the rest of the marker free. Another angry X gets scribbled on the map of Tokyo. Jubes seems to be angry -- angrier than anyone might've seen her in a while -- while also trying to make Japan preparations. No sense letting her emotions get in the way of her plans.

    "It's July and this isn't reaalllly a Halloween party..." Her voice sounds really... doofy, as though she's angrily mocking someone.

    The creeking door draws Jubilee's attention, just briefly, before she returns the tip of the marker to the map. Scribble scribble.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
No sense in letting her plans get in the way of her emotions it seems either.  Noriko blinks rapidly when Jubilee's anger rampages through the creeeeeak.  She watches the markers dash across the map for another half a moment before she pushes all the way into the room.

The speedster is still in her makeshift costume.  "I got you some food," she mumbles as she carries the sack over and flops down gracelessly next to Jubes.  "That girl is an idiot," she says darkly because she can't remember the word for fool and nor does she care.

Nori takes a sip of the Jubes' soda and then offers it to her as she gazes down at the maps.  It's still practically full.

"So Tokyo is out then?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Heh, yeah right..." is Jubilee's sarcastic response to the thought that Noriko brought /her/ food. That'd be the day! She still stares at the map, drawing little X's in different spots around Tokyo. The sound of the bag shuffling as Noriko sits draws Jubilation's attention, though. She stares at it. "...You really did?" she says softly, sounding very much like she doesn't believe it. Blink blink. It's just a bag of food that is, undoubtedly, bad for her... but Nori got it for her instead of the other way around. It's just food, right? Suddenly, the marker goes flying and Jubilee's arms swing around to draw Noriko in for a tight hug.

    When she finally lets go, Jubilee gestures at the X's spread around the map of Tokyo. "Tokyo is still on. I'm just marking up locations to visit. There's a lot of places," she explains. When Noriko Ashida is your travel companion, phone-based maps are not worth relying on.

    Jubilation reaches out to open the bag of food so she can peer inside. "I'm going to kick her ass," she adds matter-of-factly.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko lets the sarcasm roll right off of her.  In fact, it only makes the whole thing more satisfying.  She says nothing.  She shrugs.  It might be an actual meal, from an actual restaurant, like adults do.  Never mind that is, naturally, absolutely horrible for Jubilee.  Noriko has no concept of curbing calories, or calories in general beyond MORE to LIVE.  She definitely ordered the worst/BEST thing on the menu.  Basically it's a bunch of appetizers and desserts.  One or two things you can ask for 'fully loaded,' because is there really any other kind of food?

And...in another sack...a pineapple.

Noriko has no idea why Jubes is throwing the marker yet.  Maybe she's angry.  Maybe Nori forgot to hold the crazy peppers.  Oh no, she didn't, she remembers.  In that fraction of a moment, Noriko has to wait for the world to catch up with her.  As soon as she's plucked the marker out of the air, HUG!  Noriko blinks and smiles as she hugs back.  Apparently distractions like flying markers are good for getting the drop on her.

In the middle of the hug, Noriko surreptitiously deposits the marker back down in front of Jubes.  When Jubes lets go, Noriko leans back over to plant a little kiss on her cheek and pulls out the mozzarella sticks when Jubes opens the bag...which came from another restaurant than one of the desserts.  They might have all come from places they've gone together that clearly Noriko frantically snatched out of her memory.

"Oh, good.  It'd be hard to get my brother if Tokyo were off the list," Noriko teases as her eyes sweep straight to where she last remembers living.

"Did you know she's a teleporter?"  Because this is important information for someone looking to do some asskicking.  "Well I'm at your disposal."  For asskicking?  Really?  "I think she's been doing lines with the koolaid guy."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "I don't give a shit what she can do," Jubilee replies firmly. Scribble scribble. Her mind has been made up, teleporter or not. Clarice's culpability in past events is debatable, surely, but Jubilee has attached the blame. Or, some of it, at least. "I can take care of her myself -- a fair fight. She just better hope that they have a nice hospital up on that fucking asteroid," she adds. Jubilee is really laying the profanity on pretty thick -- very unlike her.

    Jubilee's attention goes back to the food bags. She plucks one of the mozzarella sticks and takes a bite. "Jeez," she begins, her mouth full of food. "...It's like you're trying to fatten me up, Noriko Ashida." The next bite gets dipped in the marinara sauce before going into Jubilee's mouth.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Nori opens her mouth to let Jubes know she knows she doesn't care, but then thinks better of it.  Jubes used the word shit and fuck and Nori happens to understand the Jubes joy to Jubes profanity ratio.  The science points to KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT NORI!  It's just some things work faster than others.

"I don't envy her."

"I'm sorry I haven't been very good at the planning.  I just...it's hard for me to think of things to go see."  Maybe because she's never seen them herself.  "And do.  This looks like a lot though," she says with admiration, knowing she'll be carting them around to every single one.

"Heh.  Is that possible?" given Jubilee's gymnastic expressiveness, no doubt.  "...Jubes, how are you going to get that girl into a fair fight?  She probably won't even fight you."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilation takes the rest of the mozzarella stick in a single bite. It's juuuuust slightly too much food for a single bite, but that doesn't stop her from trying it, nor does it stop her from trying to continue talking with it in there. "Mfuhg foiugbdf fofferr herehr fa fianrif fiiuhhfft," Jubilee tries, fighting against the mozarella stick she stubbornly tries to eat while talking. FINE, Universe. FINE. Chew chew chew. Swallow.

    "I'm going to /offer/ her a fair fight. If she doesn't take it, then..."

    Jubilee shrugs. "Then she'll get an unfair one," she adds simply. Another X is scribbled down on the map of Tokyo. From the look of it, they will have a very eventful trip. "I'm not going to let her get you," Jubilee adds. She opens her mouth, as if to explain that thought, but then doesn't. And then... well, she does. "...I'm not stupid, Nori. I know you don't always like it here... I mean, obviously you ran away once." She looks away, cut by her own words. It's a sensitive subject for young Jubilee -- the day that Noriko Ashida abandoned her. She came back, yes, but... well, the whole thing sucked.

    "I'm never going to let anything happen to you. Never."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Oh," Noriko says as Jubilee pretty much spells it out for her.  With no expansion on what such fights may look like, what might be involved, all that 'how,' Noriko doesn't press.  "I know you aren't stupid."  But it takes Noriko much longer than she'll ever admit to put two and two together as she hides her confusion at Jubilee's words about her being got.

"What?" the speedster still expresses, never seeing it coming.  'Damnit,' she curses mentally when the word escapes while she was too busy training the confusion in her expression away.  All efforts to hide anything are dropped completely.

"I want to stay here, with you."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "And, honestly, she should be more worried about me..." Jubilee looks back to the map -- it's more of an effort to break eye contact than any sudden desire to continue drawing X's. Apparently there's more that's bothering her. "...I know they're saying that the Brotherhood has turned over a new leaf or whatever, but I don't buy it. How could they let them on school grounds? They straight up /murdered/ that guy that day..." Washington, DC. Scribble scribble.

    "I think they're here to manipulate us. I mean, think about it..." Jubes looks up, staring at Noriko. "...A lot of us came here as victims. I was flat-out /hunted/ for fuck sake!" More profanity. Totally unlike her. "...They want us to believe in all this anti-mutant bigotry. There's a lot of it, yeah, but it's not as widespread as they want us to think. They're trying to radicalize us."

    "I'm not stupid," Jubilee repeats. "So I don't get the best grades or whatever, but I'm not stupid. I can't understand why they're even allowed here. Fuck around with the X-Men, fine, but why are they allowed at the school? There's just a bunch of impressionable kids, you know?"

    She's just barely one herself. It might also be the only time Jubilation has actually acknowledged the open secret among the older kids. The X-Men.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Probably.  Maybe they're just trying to figure out what the Brotherhood is up to," Noriko hopes with a sigh.  "That chick told me to talk to Scott."  Noriko makes a face and reaches for one of the bags, leeeeeaning and falling into Jubes' lap.  She twists so her head is in the girl's lap as she pulls the sack closer for inspection.

Nori's eyes twitch back to Jubes at the mention of the X-Men.  "So let's do something about it."  She pulls out some twizzlers and a rope is now half devoured.

"...what if some of the kids do get radicalized?  How are we going to look out for them?"  Worry lines her forehead as she looks up to Jubilation.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee reaches down and begins raking her fingers through Noriko's hair, gently pulling it back as though there was enough to tie into a ponytail. She sighs and shrugs her shoulders. "What /can/ we do?" she wonders aloud. She falls silent and really considers that. What can they do if the Brotherhood has been given permission to be at the school, provided they're being escorted. Still, it seems like at least Clarice has been wandering the mansion unescorted if yesterday's Halloween party was any indicator.

    "...I wonder if we can make it so they're not allowed in the dorms..." Jubes wonders, her gaze going long as she brainstorms. "I mean, I /am/ the R.A., right? What's power good for if I can't let it go to my head a little?"

    Suddenly, Jubilee rolls her eyes at her own stupidity. "Oh, duh!" she exclaims. "It's so obvious. We just... We don't let them alone with anyone. They want to tell some kid about how great the Brotherhood is, well... we'll be there to interrupt and remind them about all those years of being total chodes!"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Are they allowed in the dorms?"  Nori knows nothing about the school rules except for those that are shouted at her before she takes off.  Like, no running in the school.  Apparently it is dangerous or something.

"You should put up a sign that says something like no 'hoods allowed."  Yeah that one definitely came out before Nori thought about it and she's too busy munching on her twizzlers to realize anything, her brain hop skipping along.

"Sure, but...I meant what if they /do/ radicalize someone.  There are a lot of kids in /our/ grade who are 18, 19, whatever.  And they're all idiots!"  Apparently this is a catch-all term.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "I don't know if they're allowed..." Jubes admits. She frowns. It really is something she should know. She'll need to talk to Jean about this. Jubilation gives Noriko's forehead a gentle tap with her index finger and shakes her head. "No, no, it can't be 'no hoods allowed.' It needs to be something like 'Xavier's Students and Faculty Only -- No Exceptions.' It does the same thing but they can't whine about being targeted or whatever," Jubes explains.

    "I don't really think there's anything we /can/ do. That seems like something Jean can deal with -- she's a telepath, I mean. I think we just need to make sure no one /gets/ radicalized. I mean, I don't know about you, but I don't want to have to..." Her voice trails off. There's no reason to even continue the thought. They both know what might have to happen if some of their classmates change sides.

    She takes a deep breath and summons a smile. In an effort to change the subject, Jubes pushes the bag of junk food away. "I'm going to need to fit into whatever outfit I wear when I kick that girl's ass," she points out. "Plus, you know, look good for /you/." She manages a grin.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"And dogs.  Dogs are allowed.  Yeah.  That's smart.  I can get the supplies," Noriko offers, though Jubes would know Noriko would never jump the gun.  She'll wait on Jubilation's signal.  She's the only one Nori waits for.

"Sure we can.  We could infiltrate them, mount a rescue, tell Jean," Noriko shoots off without really thinking.  "We'll just deal with it if something happens," she says with a solemn resolve.

Noriko rescues the bag of junk food and pulls it back toward her with a begging look like Jubilation took away her favorite blanket.  "That's true.  But you know I'll always eat your leftovers."  Nori nuzzles into Jubilation's stomach a moment in a spurious blurry display of affection.

"You already look good for me," Noriko smiles dreamily.  "What outfit are you going to wear?  Got any ideas?  Asskicking outfit," she muses the last bit to herself.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Mmm, and dogs," Jubes agrees easily, nodding her head up and down. "Very smart."

    Jubilation's obvious attempt to fish for compliments works, but it draws a demonstrative roll of the mutant's eyes, as if to say 'suuuuure' in response to Noriko's praise. "I think the best outfit would be one that looks entirely not-at-all suited for asskicking. Like, as if kicking her ass was the furthest thing from my mind. You know, something that says I have better things to do. Something hot." Her eyes travel to the closet -- that's stupid -- before gazing across the various mounds of clothes on the floor. "I mean, if I'm the last thing she sees before getting knocked out, I could at least look hot." Misplaced priorities.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Cats can sneak in, but we don't put that on the sign," Noriko adds, obviously already in a better mood than she was a few minutes ago.

"Your bathrobe."  Noriko immediately realizes how absurd that is and subsequently what part of her brain it came from.   There's a flash of red across her face.  And then another wave of red a few moments later.  Misplaced priorities indeed.

"Well it'd be distracting," Nori tries to recover lamely as if already expecting a look from Jubes.  She keeps her eyes shut tight and stuffs another twizzler into her mouth for a childish moment before she opens her eyes again with a sheepish look.

"Just make sure you can still move around.  It's not worth it if it gets in the way of kicking her ass."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Cats don't obey signs, Nori," Jubes points out, shaking her head with a slight smile. She too is in a better mood.

    "My bathrobe?" Jubes questions, her eyebrows rising to match her tone. "No way! She's already seen me in /that/ -- Sexy Howard Hughes, you know." A mischievous smile forms. "Besides, I think we both know I can still move around in my bathrobe." Her fingertips keep raking through the other girl's hair, though they linger near her ear.

    "I was thinking something I might wear /out/, you know... Something totally and utterly impractical. And then /BAM!/ -- I go totally sickhouse on her ass," Jubes exclaims.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"That's why we don't put it on the sign.  They'll come in anyways," Noriko smirks playfully as she delivers her unplanned retort, but immediately relaxes back, placated and easily kept in one place by the contact.  "What?!  Oh yeah.  Good point.  The real scandal is she saw you in your tissue boxes, brand name even."

Further comments on movement and bathrobes gives rise to another obvious flash of red.  There are just some things even speedsters can't escape.  Noriko takes a deep breath, or three, it's hard to tell.

"You should wear what you feel sexiest in.  I'm kind of biased.  You could be in a trash bag and I'd be drooling," she confesses in all seriousness.  "Is this how people end up learning how to fight in high heels?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee smiles and looks away for a moment. A happy embarrassment briefly takes over before she rediscovers her confidence. "That doesn't mean anything -- I mean, have you /seen/ me in that trash bag?" she fires back with a grin. She lets the moment linger briefly before she sighs softly. Jubilee falls backwards so she's lying on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Her hands rise and start to rake through her own hair now. "You know, I'm not going to be able to fight her at school. I'm the R.A. now. Responsible," Jubes adds with a sigh. After staring up at the ceiling for a few moments, Jubes closes her mouth and lets a scream ring out from inside her throat. "I hate my life!" Typical teen.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"If you fight her, you might not be an RA anymore," Nori points out with about as much enthusiasm as a wet blanket she knows it is.  "Regardless of where it happens.  Unless no one finds out, somehow."

"I could trip her for you?  And...I haven't seen you in that trash bag.  I'm sure my face would melt off."  Noriko twists and crawls up to be next to Jubes.  "You know I'm not going anywhere right?  I mean, unless they kick me out.  I don't know what I could do around here for them to keep me but, I'll do whatever it is they want," she insists.

"So.  Japan."  Noriko sighs.  It's a change of conversation but it doesn't seem like a welcome one.  "It's not really all that friendly for mutants and I have no idea what might happen when we get there..."