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A Small Test...
Date of Scene: 03 August 2021
Location: Training Room
Synopsis: Simulation terminated, simulation terminated... Clarice wins!
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Clarice Ferguson

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The message to Clarice's phone was simple, a text that read: Training room at 13:00.

Mystique was already there, a program set that looked a lot like Bushwick. There are numerous people wandering and moving around, avoiding the area by the console of course, the one area that never changes in the room.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice is prompt - arriving a few minutes before the appointed time, dressed in light, breatheable work out clothes with a black and green design on it, and carrying a bottle of water. She nods to Mystique wordlessly, and though there's still some traces of tension in her features and form as she regards the blue-skinned woman, there's also something lighter about her now that Rahne is finally on the mend.
    Maybe it's the way she no longer glances periodically towards the Med Bay. Or perhaps it's simply that she no longer seems to have the weight of the world sitting squarely on her shoulders.
    "What's the plan, boss?" she asks simply.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Gesturing toward the discs, Mystique says, "Armor up. You have a riot to stop." Her attention remains on the screen in front of her, apparently she is writing this program entirely herself. The computer states, "Ready to scan." as indication that Clarice can receive her armor.

"You still want your daggers I assume?" Mystique asks, taking a moment to look at Clarice then back to the screen. "You should be able to handle this without injury, keep in mind that that the armor will register every hit but will /not/ be passing the damage to you. If it registers a knock out blow or knife stab, it will end the simulation."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yes, please," Clarice agrees as she sets her water bottle down near the computer console before stepping onto the disc. Her portals were starting to respond well to her calls - but she still would feel better with her knives as back-up incase her powers did falter for any reason.
    "Is there a cause for this riot worked into the scenario at all? Some sort of situation I would know about going in that I need to defuse?" she asks.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The computer runs the scanners over Clarice and immediately the tactical armor appears around her, including the helmet this time.

"It is something like a gang war, all we know is that tensions have been rising in the 500s blocks," Mystique begins. "Both 'groups' hold loyalty to one another like a gang, though the only real illegal things they are guilty of are theft for food. I didn't get too detailed. Red is one group, Blue is the other. They both want the newest block cleaned up as their territory and are willing to fight over it, and not willing to share."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice lets out a quiet groan as Mystique explains the scenario. "Really?" she asks. How does she nonlethally stop something like //this// in the middle of Bushwick? "Fine, fine. Got it. Red and blue are both unhungry, underprivileged assholes who are too desperate to share." She pulls out one of her knives - flicking it casually in her fingers - before slipping it back into its holster once more.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique turns her yellow eyes to Clarice, then walks over to test the armor, and make sure the knives are in place. "You think there is always death? You think that death is not a possibility even if Mutant?" She asks, adjusting Clarice's belt.

"This scenario is basic, but if you think for a minute there aren't twists, then you clearly don't know me. I want to see if you can handle anything that's thrown at you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I think death is always possible - for any of us. Except maybe Mister Creed." Not without something very seriously bad happening, anyways. "And when is anything straight forward with you, ma'am?" Clarice asks simply, as she endures the inspection of her armor without shifting much - her gaze fixed on Bushwick as she tries to figure out her best strategy to defuse the situation.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Stepping back, Mystique moves back to the console. "No, nothing is every straight forward with me," she states plainly. "Which is why you'll likely end up in a great deal of trouble in this scenario. Would you like back up? Choose whom the computer will run as your team?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Well. Obviously 'Mister Creed' would normally be her first choice. But for two gangs of punks in Bushwick? No. "Is there a simulcrom of yourself I can boss around?" Clarice asks. "And Lydia? What about her Golem?" She names off a couple more members of the Brotherhood she was familiar with. One who was able to absorb physical damage without harm to themselves, and one with increased speed.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique starts typing, and a moment later a version of herself appears, followed by the other Brotherhood Clarice listed. "I don't know enough about all that Lydia can do," she states. "However I will offer a version with the things I have seen her do and what I believe she can do. We've been training, but there's still a lot to learn."

Gradually Clarice's team appears just on the other side of the console, the edges of Bushwick.

"I will be maintaining a watch on the program, and may changes things up to challenge you, but for the most part I want to see what you do."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well. I'm used to working with her Bushwick," Clarice remarks simply - to explain the choice. If any explination is needed at all. "Can we all have restraints?" she requests - waiting for Mystique's response before she continues.
    She turns to face her assembled, simulated team, ordering simply, "We're in Bushwick - so we're using non-lethal force only. Take them down and restrain them is possible. We're here to stop the violence - we're not here to make new enemies today." Gesturing her group forward, she moves towards the simulated city.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique types a few things and each of the team has zip ties show up on their belts, as does Clarice. "Anything else?" She then asks, before reaching over to begin the simulation at the outer edges of the space it is running in, giving the computer time to 'spin up' as it were.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "No, I think we're good," Clarice replies as she starts moving forward with the team, cautiously making their way towards the sounds of trouble. The closer they get, the more stealthily the young mutant moves - taught by years with the Magistrates, and years trying to keep up with Victor Creed.
    She'll pause a block or so from the trouble, quietly order her speedster around to flank from another position, and for Lydia to take to the air to try to get them a vantage point. "Give me a good landmark I can use to drop is in on the action," she murmurs quietly to 'Lydia' through the simmulated comms.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The minute Clarice starts moving, the team engages, moving as they would if they were real and at that same moment, Clarice no longer sees the console or Mystique standing at it, behind her is just more of Bushwick.

The streets feel real, smell real, even sound real. Cars in the distance, people talking as they walk, even the shouting of mother's after their children. Some are mutants, some are inhumans, not that the average eye can tell the difference.

As Clarice and her group walk just a little further she comes upon the tension Mystique was referring to. One one side of the street stands a group of about ten mutants, armed with melee weapons, knives, clubs, etc. The same is true on the other side of the street, though they seem a little more agitated. Both sides are screaming back and forth at each other about the block Mystique mentioned.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice takes a brief moment to observe, before speaking quietly to her team. She orders everyone to take up flanking positions - with Lydia lifting herself up onto a roof overlooking the combat. The mutant who can absorb physical assaults? She keeps him with her, as the pair step through a portal, entering between the two opposing gangs.
    "Gentlemen," she greets them in a concilitory tone. "May I remind you that families live in this neighborhood? Can you please let us know what the trouble is so was can find a suitable solution?" She gaves flicks between both teams - before coming to rest on the more agitated group. Let them speak first - perhaps it will calm them some.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
There is no way to tell who is who, who is red or blue in this case, but the minute Clarice speaks the shouting stops and both sides go to whispering to each other.

"This doesn't concern you Blink," one on the left calls out. "We can handle our own shit here, remember? That's the point of all this...." he gestures toward the run down buildings.

From the other side, "Just like you to bitch Wyatt, someone else comes around to offer help and you crawl up your own ass."

"Listen, I don't need your mouth Jax, we don't need the Watch getting involved in our shit."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Jax, how about we give Wyatt a second to say his piece," Clarice offers in a calm voice, seemingly unaffected by the bickering between the two groups. "Look, //gentlemen,// you know who I am. You know who I represent. And you know I won't stand for violence on these streets. So let's see what we can do about this misunderstanding before things happen that we all regret. Yeah? Wyatt, can you please tell what it is that you want?" she asks.
    Though she seems relaxed, and keeps her tone as calming as she can manage - she is nonetheless ready to teleport out on a moment's notice. She keeps her eyes on Wyatt for the moment, trust her 'wingman' to keep his eyes on the others that surround them.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Wyatt looks right at Blink, "What I want? You do leave so we can get on with our business. We don't need you to do everything for us, we're more than capable." He holds up his hand and a bit if lightning crackles around it. "So go back where you came from and leave us alone."

Jax looks over to Clarice, "So, did I let him say his piece? Cause I don't care if you stay or go. He's not going to tell you what this is about, so I will. You see that block," he points down the block from them, a block that looks as if it's had some recent work done on it. "It's on the edge of both our territories, and we both want it."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well. You both can't have it, and we're not having a fight. Wyatt, if you think I'm going to walk away so you can you stab and electrocute yourselves on Bushwick's streets, you obviously don't know me well enough, yet," Clarice says simply. "So either we find a way to split it, and define a concrete boundary, or we treat it like some sort of neutral territory."
    "Like the Romulan Neutral Zone," the mutant at Clarice's back volunteers. Apparently the computer knows that that particular member of the Brotherhood is a Trekkie.
    Clarice shoots him a brief, uncomprehending look. "...sure. Like the Romulan Neutral Zone. Unless one of you has another, //reasonable// and //fair// suggestion to make.'

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Wyatt throws his arms up, "Fine... neutral territory, go away now." Then he turns to say something to one of his people, and the whole group starts to walk away.

Jax rolls her eyes, then looks back to Blink, "Oh look, he thinks that'll work... I'm telling you Wyatt, you're a complete moron! She's not leaving until it's resolved!"

The other group just keeps walking, slowly, away, Wyatt flexing his hand over and over as he walks away.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Muttering under her breath Clarice asks, "I mean, no one would really know if I teleported just one asshole into orbit, right boss?" But no. Even though Wyatt very much seems like he's the problem here, Clarice is not going to send the annoying, simulated-man into deep space. Instead she calls, "Wyatt, man, you can come back here and have a conversation - or I can blink you back here to have a conversation. And please don't make me define the word 'conversation.' I think we all understand it, yeah?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Wyatt spins to face Clarice, "Who the fuck says you have that right?! Part of the big, bad Brotherhood, makes you think you have the right to touch me with your powers?! You do, and I promise you nothing will stop every member of my group from hunting down every innocent and start using their powers on unwilling people, you catch my drift bitch?!"

Jax actually takes a step back, seems Blink discovered Wyatt's one and only button and pushed it, hard. "Uh... Wyatt, we already talked about this shit man... we don't do that."

"Fuck her! Fuck you!" Wyatt replies, but he's still standing there in yelling range, so he's there.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "All I'm looking for is a conversation, not a fight, Wyatt," Clarice answers the face of his rage. "Now, we can talk here. Or we can go find somewhere more comfortable. All I want to do here is be a neutral third party to the discussion. If you don't trust me, or the Brotherhood - I can bring in someone else. Someone from Hope House, someone from the X-Men - someone you're both happy with. Yeah?"
    She looks between Jax and Wyatt. "So - shall we talk here? Or maybe over a drink at Saints and Sinners? Me, the both of you, and an open bar, yeah?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Wyatt shakes his head, "You still don't get it bitch. I don't /want/ to talk to you or X-Men or anyone else. They don't control me, they aren't my keepers, you aren't my keeper. I'm free in Mutant Town right? Okay, so I'm freely choosing to tell you to shove it, and I'm walking away."

Jax passes the bat she was holding to the man standing by her, then starts walking toward Blink. "He's got a superiority thing that runs through him Blink, thinking himself the best and baddest and strongest." When she is close enough to not have to yell, but still be heard she says more quietly, "I'll make a deal with you Blink, you challenge him for leadership of the Blue, beat his ass down, order the group to back off and give us the block, and I'll tell you his weakness."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice gives Jax a disapproving look. "Well, no wonder he doesn't trust anyone," Clarice remarks in a dry voice. "No deal there."
    Turning back to the man she brought with her, Clarice mimes activating her comms, and raises her voice enough for it to carry. "Alright, team. Looks like we don't have a resolution here We're going to have to increase patrols in the new neighborhoods, and on any other shared boundaries until a resolution has been reached."
    Looking between Jax, and the retreating Wyatt she calls, "The Watch will not hesitate to stop and restrain anyone committing violence on Bushwick's streets."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Jax shrugs, "We won't start it, but we will finish it. We were willing to call is a shared territory, until that fucker attacked my little brother... now, now that block is ours and we'll wait for him to move and ensure he doesn't hurt anyone ever again."

The woman turns, makes a gestures with her hand that gets nods from the others in her group, then they also start to walk away.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Mystique," Clarice adds into her comm more quietly. "See if you infiltrate Wyatt's group and learn what makes them tick. What levers we can pull, here."
    Her gaze flicks back to Jax before she calls after the woman, "Jax, hold up. Tell me what happened to your brother, huh?" she asks. Perhaps that's the thorn that needs to be pulled somehow.
    What? She read the lion and the mouse story as one of her reading assignments.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The computer version of Mystique breaks off from the group to disappear into an alley. It's likely she won't be seen again in her true form, at least not until she's done with the task.

Jax pauses for a moment, looking to Clarice, "Why? I get it, you want to help Bushwick, you've been doing that, but you don't have to deal with everything that happens here. The bastard attacked my brother while he was working at the 7-11, just because he's my brother and a human. That's Wyatt's thing, if he doesn't get what he wants, he attacks the people you care about instead of you. No one's been able to challenge him and win, and trust me people have tried."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice lets out an annoyed huff of air. Going after the weak, instead of your actual target? That's cowardice right there. "Is your brother alright?" she asks simply. It's a simulation - so her concern is muted. But damn if the simulations weren't remarkably real. It was easy to almost forget, at times.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Jax looks back toward her people for a moment, then she looks back to Clarice, "No, he'll never walk again."

She was done, already walking away to her own group.

Wyatt's group was no longer in sight.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm sorry," Clarice replies, and as Jax walks away, she speaks quietly into her comms once more. "Jax's brother was attacked and will never walk again. She blames Wyatt's crew. Find out if they were actually behind it or not - if you can," she asks. That achieved, she calls her team back together, to continue a patrol on the edges between the two groups - as she understands it, at least. For the moment - things were at a stalemate.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The real Mystique pauses the simulation, this is made obvious when everything and everyone stops moving. She steps through the image and into Clarice's line of sight, "Would you like to move forward and hear the other me's report, or wait it out and see what happens? Do you have any questions thus far?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I don't mind moving it foward - assuming the patrol remains uneventful," Clarice agrees easily. She smirks with some amusement as she adds, "I'm glad I brought you around on this one. Though - it's a bit odd casually ordering you around, boss." She'd already decided that she was dealing with 'Mystique' and 'boss' here, to keep the simulcrom separate from her boss.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique grins broadly, "I can be just another soldier when I need to be, but it's so much nicer to program one instead." She turns and starts to walk back. "Alright, I will move the time exactly one hour, which is all the more time any of me needs to get information."

She disappeared back through the images that are the edge of Bushwick leaving Clarice alone with her team. The sky moves, the suns position changing, and then the simulation begins again.

"Wyatt was responsible," comes the simulated Mystique's report almost immediately. "He didn't just send someone to do it, he did it himself and he's boasting about it... he's also boasting about heading after Robert, because he's important to you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Great, the guy is //just an asshole.// Well, it made life easier. "Got all of that on tape?" Clarice asks, keeping her voice low as she walks, seemingly on a normal patrol with her crew. "If you stay with him, we plan an ambush for when he's more vulnerable, and drop him off with the police."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
"Of course I recorded it," simulation-Mystique states. "I'm still recording. They have no idea I'm here, it's been amusing."

The rest of the team have remained near Clarice, waiting for the report and for the next orders to come their way. They look bored, but that's nothing new really. Anything between action and at home equals boredom.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Never doubted you for a moment," Clarice replies. "Can you get him on his own?" she asks simply. She'd rather not have to take on the man's entire gang - not if she doesn't have to. "Where are you located right now?" she asks, her own posture relaxed but ready, as her gaze continually scans her surroundings for signs of any trouble.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
And now the advanced nature of the Brotherhood cell phones come into play. Ask and ye shall receive, Clarice's phone beeps and a map comes up with a marker pinged on it.

"No way to get him alone," Simustique replies. "He's got people all around him, I mean I /could/ just walk in there and challenge him, but they're celebrating what they see as a victory against you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Classy of them. How many are we talking?" Clarice asks as she studies the map with a thoughtful look on her features. "What can you tell us about their current location?"
    She lets out a thoughtful sound before adding, "We could wait them out - ply them with plenty of liquor." Shouldn't be too hard to get extra liquor into them. Hell, Mystique could probably just announce she's going on a liquor run - and they'd probably take it in stride.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The description of the building Simustique gives is a two story, brownstone that has seen better days. The first floor has mostly young ganger types, the wanna-be's or hanger-ons that hope by being there can be taken care of and become a part of it all. The second floor has three bedrooms, all of which are in use as party central, the doors open. In total there are about twenty people in and out, as some have moved out to the backyard and the bbq is being fired up.

"Some aren't drinking, but most are, but it's just beer, would take a while to get em..." she goes silent then and remains that way for what seems like forever, but really is only about three minutes. "Sorry, they were getting interest in me, so I french kissed one into a closet and knocked him out."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "As you do," Clarice agrees in a dryly amused tone. Honestly, she's enjoying this. Even the simulated threat to a simulated Robert doesn't bother her in the least. "Would it be feasible for you to step out to bring in a few bottles of something stronger? Whiskey, maybe? Vodka? I mean - if they're going to celebrate - they should //celebrate//.
    "Otherwise, I think we should wait until some of them start to turn in for the night. Doesn't sound like they plan on taking any action tonight." And she doesn't see any need to face them until they have the opportunity to get the drop on them.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
For a few moments there is silence again, no reply made, this time it takes a good five minutes before Simustique speaks again, much more quietly than before. "They're getting ready to move now," she states. "Someone said they saw Robert heading toward Hope House, so they're moving to intercept, coming out the back and headed to trucks."

The map on Clarice's phone zooms in to show the road right by the brownstone, and the red dot that is Simustique is moving with them. For a moment dot remains in place, then is starts to move along the road at the speed of a vehicle in motion.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Alright. We're moving to intercept," Clarice replies to her comm - then speaks outloud to the 'room' at large, "Boss - do I just tell you that I would text Robert a heads up...?" she asks. After all, she would hate to type something into her phone and accidentally text something worrying to //actual// Robert. "You know, 'Act casual but stay alert. Mutant thugs targetting you because of me. Sorry. We're moving to intercept,' sort of thing."
    She continues watching the data on the phone, trying to get a good feel for the most likely route the pair would take towards Robert and Hope House, while she tries to plan a good location for an ambush. She picks a location with relatively little traffic - and with alleyways on either side of the street, then opens a portal leading into one of them. "Everyone through. Lydia, you're with me. Both of you," she indicates her speedster and nigh-invulnerable man, "I'll portal you to the other side."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique answers in the room, "Noted, and imaginary text sent. My programming of him is likely wrong, but I really don't give a damn. I'm still not fond of the man, so care very little if I portray him accurately."

The team does as instructed, even as Simustique says, "Only five." But nothing more.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    That gets a bark of laughter from Clarice, who is trying - she's really trying - to take this seriously. That made it so much harder, though. "Noted, boss," she states with a broad grin.
    "Wyatt's amongst the five?" she asks for confirmation - waiting for whatever non-verbal, auditory cue they no doubt had prearranged as a 'yes' (or a no).
    "Everyone waits for my signal," she adds in a quiet voice, as she continues tracking the group with her app. With the five on her team - and the five men approaching - it should be one-on-one. Easy odds, so she has to wonder what Mystique has up her sleeve.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A single cough, means yes. Could have been something more mysterious, but there's no reason for that. One cough for yes, a sneeze for no, and Clarice gets that one cough.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Alright. Everyone ready? Wyatt's mine. He'll be making a long-drop," Clarice remarks simply. She'll catch him before he splats, though. "We'll pick our targets when they come into view. Watch for Mystique's sign," so that none of them target her by mistake. "Non-lethal force only. Everyone understands?" Everything is delivered in quite tones as they wait, Clarice's gaze still on her phone as she makes sure their targets remain on course towards them.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The team nods, though there is talk of wanting to hurt something, non-lethal is acceptable for now.

The program continues to run as normal time movement, every minute is a minute, and the trucks are moving in on the last known location of Robert. Simustique can't really say anything more, at least not until the trucks stop. As the five start to climb out of the truck, Clarice can see that it is several blocks from the location Robert texted from. They were going in on foot, which allowed Simstique to say, "Two more."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Alright. Seven total. Pick your targets. Alack," it's short for 'Alacrity.' Which, fine. There's worse names out there. "Disarm them if you can."
    Clarice waits for them to step into view, a serious frown on her features. The moment they're between their positions - she'll move, her first target being Wyatt. She hurls a javelin towards him, propelling him up to just beneath the ceiling of the training room. She's timed this fall before, so she begins a silent count in her head. One onethousand, two onethousand, three onethousand...
    Without waiting, she's hurl a second bolt charged for a much shorter fall - a mere 15 feet to hopefully knock the wind out of him.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
There is no ceiling, there is the sky open, just barely night with a few clouds but no rain. Clarice's guess of where the ceiling might be however is another matter, and that is about where Wyatt reappears. In that same moment, the remainder of the team moves for non-lethal combat. Simustique is right there among then, so what Clarice sees is likely amusing as hell. She is walking with them, then suddenly she is herself and kicking two in the head in a spinning flip that moves her out of their midst and allows the rest of the team to move in.

Wyatt has no idea what is happening to him, so he starts screaming like a frightened girl, and then is dawns on him and lightning shoots out in every direction from his body toward the ground, even as his own people if he has to, but his primary target is Blink.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You are so annoying!" Clarice remarks in frustration. She blinks out - taking Lydia with her, since the woman was beside her. She reappears about 15 feet away, at which point she opens a portal directly in front of Wyatt. He falls through - to emerge at street level, shooting upwards with all the momentum he'd gained falling. He falls up - hangs weightless for a fraction of a second, and then falls back down to the cement, landing on his back with a thud.
    Without moving any closer to him, Clarice opens a portal in front of her foot - so she can kick the guy in the head. "AND STAY DOWN. Asshole."
    She turns to roar in a commanding voice, "Submit //now// and you'll be allowed to leave! Fight us, and you can join Wyatt in police custody."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Wyatt doesn't need to move to send another wave of lightning out from his body along the ground. Sure, that all hurt like a mother, but instinct kicked in when he landed and the lightning just shot out in every direction from him. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty feet from where he lays, reaching his own people, rest of the team, and Clarice and Lydia unless Clarice acts.

The remainder of his group was prepared to call it quits, that was obvious before they were shocked by their own leader and forced to the ground. Simustique jumped into the back of the truck, yanking one of the other team with her, letting the tires of the trunk absorb the shock.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice really dislikes this guy. With Lydia so close by her side - and the pair already some distance from the action, getting the both of them out of the way of the blast of lightning is no problem. The team's speedster she trusts to get clear - or to track the trajectory of Clarice's javelins and grab hold of one of their targets.
    And there are several targets. She summons javelins as quickly as she can - a bit of strain after her recent inability to use her powers - and she hurls them towards not her own team - but towards Wyatt, trying to catch as many of them as she can and teleport them, along with her and Lydia, atop a nearby building.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The roof is lovely this time of simulation, leaving Wyatt laying there on the ground, with Mystique and Kinetic in the back of the truck. The minute the lightning stops, Simustique leaps from the back of the truck and uses the zip ties to bind Wyatt in a way that if he tries lightning again, he'll get himself.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    With Wyatt contained, Clarice turns towards his people, a stern look on her features. "Wyatt's way of doing things is not acceptable. If any of that shit continues - the Watch will deal with it. Now, whoever's in charge of your group will meet with Jax for a good-faith conversation about how to keep the peace around here. And a neutral third party will be present to help facilitate the conversation. //Am I clear//?" Clarice asks in a cool, disapproving tone. Only once she had a reply, would she get her team out of there - and blink Wyatt away to the police station to be dealt with.
    "Well. That was kind of fun, actually," she remarks in a cheery tone. Never mind that she left 5 people stranded on a rooftop.
    "What happened to the sixth guy, boss?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The simulation comes to and end in that moment, and Mystique walks forward. "He saw what was going doing and ran. There were only five in the truck, including myself, then two who had been watching Robert to know his location. One joined, the other ran."

She lays her hand on Clarice's shoulder, "If it had been the real me, I would have gone after him and left you in charge of the rest, but since you were in charge already, the computer kept me as a team player."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "And virtual-Robert escapes unscathed?" Clarice asks - a faint frown coloring her features for a moment. If they took down Wyatt - but Robert got harmed anyways - then the scenario is not a win, in her mind.
    "Please tell me Wyatt is entirely fictional. What an //ass//. I wamt to punchin right in the fact," she complains with good humor, seeming completely at ease with Mystique's hand on her shoulder.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique chuckles, slipping her arm around Clarice's shoulders. "Robert was unhurt, he had already gone into the building. As for Wyatt, he was a real person, but he isn't any more, but that was actually years and years ago, so no worries. Do you think it was a win? Was there anything else you could have done?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I mean, I could have been more proactive, but I think we have to give more peaceful solutions a try," Clarice remarks with a shrug of her shoulders. "And I wouldn't say I'd know how much of a win it was - or it wasn't - until I followed through to see if we'd achieved an improvement in levels of violence following Wyatt's removal from power. Robert is alright. My team is alright. None of Wyatt's men were seriously injured - I'd call that reasonably successful, as far as non-lethal peace-keeping goes." She tilts her head slightly to one side, watching Mystique before she asks, "But what do you think?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique had been keeping a neutral expression through this, listening to Clarice explain what she would do next and then a smile spreads across her face.

"I think you did a fan-fucking-tastic job. Even as a simulation, I could see you were involved, you were in the moment and ready to do what needed to be done, and that's why you're going with me to the Watchtower."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice allows herself a smile, relief flashing across her features before she remarks, "I wanted to fucking punch you last night, you know." That said she announces, "I'm thirsty," before heading towards her waterbottle. "And I should get showered and changed!"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Watching Clarice walk to get her water, the bottle left where she set it, Mystique shrugs, "Of course you did, but last night, you weren't in the game." She walks over to the console and enters a command, then Clarice's armor disappears. "Go get ready, I have a few things to check then I'll be ready to go."