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Latest revision as of 03:21, 12 August 2021

Recreation Renovation
Date of Scene: 10 August 2021
Location: Recreation Room
Synopsis: Jubilation tries to spend a few moments alone in the Recreation Room but that doesn't happen. Her vampiric nature kicks in and words are exchanged, punches thrown, threats made. So, a Tuesday.
Cast of Characters: Jubilation Lee, Rahne Sinclair, Noriko Ashida, James Proudstar, Clarice Ferguson

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    It's been a few days since the very real alien attack on Xavier's. Everyone at Xavier's is aware of what happened and many even know why it happened. One person, however, is completely wrong. But, give her a break... she's dead. At least, that's what people have been saying. Students and faculty really didn't have much of an opportunity to mourn the death of Jubilation Lee before aliens attacked. And then, once the dust settled and people were able to start cleaning up, rumors began spreading that she was, in fact, alive. Or...something.

    The recreation room is in a state of chaos. Video game cases are all over the place, as the large wooden shelf that once held them has come crashing down. The large, oak pool table has fallen, as two of the four legs have snapped off. Lights are broken. The couch is cut in two. It's just a total catastrophe...

    And there, standing in the center of it all, is Jubilation Lee. She stands with her hands on her hips, surveying the damage. She's not dressed for an evening of labor -- perhaps she just got back from an afternoon somewhere nice? No one saw her leave or come back, though... Jubes wears a plaid pleated skirt that has been re-hemmed to be even shorter than the designer originally intended, black tights, black Doc Martens, and a black t-shirt that has been cropped to hang loosely over an exposed shoulder.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne is in the doorway. She stands lightly, wearing her furry fuzzy self, and whimpers. "Oh Laird God above," she whispers, seeing the devestation. Her Beat Saber rig is trashed. The places where she watched Buffy over and over, gone forever. She ...she...can't.

The wrap around her head suggests bandaging. She leans on the door frame, she doesn't move quickly. She's fuzzy. She's not alone.

And yes, she's wearing her ever-present cross. Because it wouldn't be Rahne without that.


Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko has spent time, a lot of time, enough time for people to actually spot her there and not just checking out books...in the library and with the computers, which is just as well, because Jubes has been super boring during the day...all fatigued and stuff or something.  At least that's the symptom she wrote on some rolling whiteboard she rolls in while everyone is busy being oh so slow.

'Daytime Sleepiness/Fatigue' is squeezed in next to a thousand observations and notes that are completely unorganized, fractured, and replete with arrows.  She's wearing some shorts that could have doubled as her pajamas, a tank, and a pair of flip-flops she tucked into her shorts for the journey with the whiteboard as she juggles a handful of ruffled papers.

Now at normal speed, she weaves the whiteboard to a spot that isn't rife with debris and shuffles her papers which she looks up from to confirm that Jubes is, "Oh you're here," Jubes.  Her eyes stick to the skirt for a moment longer as if also trying to figure out if it /is/ shorter.  Looks shorter.

"This place is still a mess?"  As if it had been that much time at all.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar picks up the pool table and frowns surveying the damage. "Yeah, this is a loss as well. What do the Shi'ar have against furniture?" James sighs and tosses the table through a convenient hole in the building. It's been a solid day of dumping furnitire out of the building. Least for once the broken bed wasn't his fault.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Rahne's 'ride' back down to the mansion isn't far away, especially as she hears that name. 'Jubilee.' Clarice is walking slowly through some of the devastation, frowning faintly. She hadn't really been able to appreciate just how much damage had been done in the midst of all the chaos. "This really is worse than I expected," she murmurs, before her gaze snaps abruptly to Rahne. She's at the woman's side in an instant, looking towards Jubilee, and offering a hesitant nod to her, James, and Noriko. "Hello all," she remarks. "Glad to see you all made it through everything alright," she says slowly, almost cautiously.
    "I can blink some of this stuff away to a dump," she offers James. "Wouldn't be much trouble at all."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar shrugs at Blink. "It all has to go, doesn't matter how fast. The dumpsters arrive tomorrow." He nods, "Glad you're feeling better Carrot Top." Jim frowns at the white board and at Noriko, "You playing World of Darkness again?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    There's something repulsive about Rahne. Jubilee can't put her finger on it, but there's just something so terrible about that girl right now. Her mouth curls into a subtle look of disgust. "Rahne," she says simply before turning away so she can gag without anyone noticing. "That's an interesting piece of jewelry."

    When Noriko wheels that whiteboard in, Jubilee smiles with amusement. "Nori..." she sings softly. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes... I feel like I haven't seen you in..." Jubilee walks over and moves behind the speedster. Both arms come around Nori and pull her in for a hug from behind. Her nails have been painted black. "Well, it's been too long," she says before leaning in and softly kissing the girl's neck in full view of, well, everyone.

    Without even moving from this position, Jubilee's eyes lift to stare at Clarice as she enters. With her body pressed against Nori's, the speedster would no doubt feel the subtle vibration of a growl. "...Oh, you mean, like stealing them?" Jubes wonders aloud, dismissing Clarice's offer to blink away their things. "What are you doing without an escort?" Any subtlety for her dislike of this woman has been abandoned. Another kiss is placed against Nori's neck.

    James, for the moment, has not been addressed. Noticed? Absolutely. But, Jubilation is biding her time.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Carrot top is not feeling better. She looks like crap, she's leaning on the wall. She looks at Clarice and offers a hand, hopefully to lean on Blink's shoulder. "Ah be not much use," she mumbles as she hopefully looks around a little. "Oh no, not the roomba..." She always loved chasing the roomba in wolf form. Barking at it. It was fun!

The little thing is in a corner, all busted up and sad.

poor guy.

Then she looks at Jubilee, and her face falls. "Wha?" she asks, disappointment on her features and in her heart. "Ah always wear thes," she says, looking at her only jewelry ever.

She blinks at the kiss to Nori, then gives Noriko the wave that she had hoped to give in better circumstances. "Jubes, why you bein weird?"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
The speedster either does not notice Jubes kissing her neck pressed up against her back all she-is-mine! or she's just preoccupied or she's ignoring it.  There's a tiny rapid shiver that passes off as a little blurry vibration around her edges, like an optical illusion unless someone knows what they're looking for and why...or they are pressed up against her like they're going to climb into a horse costume together.  The one brief recognition forms when Noriko's face flashes to a red and then rapidly fades.

"World of Darkness?  What's that?"  Clearly she's not doing that if she doesn't know what the hell it is.  "How do you get exercise?  If I were you I'd never get off my ass," she comments on the side to Clarice.

"Hey Rahne....what's...going on.  Are you stuck?"  Yeah.  She just asked it.  To say Noriko's had some screws loose since the whole Jubes going missing and dying thing would be...accurate.  The speedster hasn't even helped with the cleanup effort.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice is quick to offer Rahne her arm, supporting the other woman with concern and warmth, as she flashes the red-head wolf-like girl a smile. "I am escorted," Clarice answers Jubilee calmly. "See? Though - I will admit, I didn't exactly have an 'escort' last time. But you'll have to forgive me. I was busy evacuating the students to safety in the face of an alien invasion. I clear forgot to get my hallpass first.
    "If you don't want my help disposing of the broken things, though, that's fine, Jubilee. I can let you take care of all of that." She keeps her voice calm and relaxed, though she does lean in to whisper something to the shorter woman beside her. "How does she smell to you...?" After all - Dyani had been in quite a tizzy, insisting that Jubilee 'smelled wrong' to her bees.
    Towards Noriko she adds casually, "I have at least an hour's worth of combat training every day, because really it wouldn't do at all to get out of shape."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar nods, and manages a sad smile, "Alas poor Roomba, we knew him well." He picks up the plucky little robot who drew enemy fire as student evacuated and hurls it discus like into a pile of discarded electronics in the yard. James hears the growl, he hears alot, there even somethigs he doesn't hear. He frowns regarding jubes concerned somethings off, the fluttering background of Noriko's heart drowns out the silence. He smiles at the kiss and shakes his head, not his clown, not his rodeo.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "I'm not acting weird, Rahne. I'm just talking, right?" Jubes replies with a smile. Back to Clarice. "I don't see an Xavier's student or faculty member," Jubilee answers sweetly. "All I see are a pair of known associates of that Brotherhood of Murderers. Sorry, Rahne, but you made a choice." Jubilee shrugs her shoulders and continues the assault.

    "Are you still evacuating students?" she asks sweetly. It's more of a statement, as if to say, who cares? Jubilation shrugs her shoulders and acquiesces. "But, hey, stay. As my guest." The word guest receives emphasis, as if establishing that pecking order is necessary to her or something. Vampires, even those who don't know they are, are weirdly concerned with power dynamics.

    Clarice's comment about her combat training earns a roll of Jubilation's eyes. "She was insulting your physical appearance," she explains with no end of amusement. Jubilee leans in and plants another slow, soft kiss on Noriko's neck. As she does, her eyes lift to watch James Proudstar. She winks at him before dragging her lips against the speedster's skin again.

    Suddenly, Jubilation squints and looks over at the whispering Clarice and Rahne. "Do not smell me," she commands. There's a long moment -- a stare down -- before she relaxes. "Is that what you do up on that asteroid all day? Smell each other's assholes?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
James tossing her friend into the trash makes Rahne wince. She sighs, and lets Roomba go. But she actually thinks a little prayer for its electronic soul, and makes the sign of the cross on her chest.

Which is SO going to help her relationship with Jubilee right now.

"Cracked skull," Rahne says to Noriko. She looks really kinda tired, even in half-wolf form which adds to not only strength, but also to balance. Likely she'd be in a wheelchair otherwise. "Some ...trauma," she adds. She offers no reasons.

She was about to give both Nori and Jubes her blessings, when she was called a name. She pauses, she blinks. She bites her lower lip, and sighs. "If ye dinnae want me around, Jubes, ye only got tae say so." She almost, almost lifted her chin in pride. But it got caught up in her everpresent depression, and she looks away.

Quiet. Easily hurt. Standard Rahne.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Oh.  That sucks."  Noriko nods as if this were an every day occurrence.  It isn't of course.  The speedster doesn't ask for any details.  She's one to keep her own trauma to herself and has developed the skill to swiftly shove things under the rug over the years.

"Thanks...I thought that someone said something but...I thought that was ages ago."  No Noriko.  "I would have visited but I don't really," trust portals? "Not sure my powers would be...so great up on an asteroid.

Keep telling yourself this is just a symptom, this is just a symptom, as Jubes goes to town.  Noriko seems to all but ignore her attached creature's attentions save for gulping at the slow, soft kiss.  So distracted, she loses track of her innate feel for how fast she is and lets her observations ground her perception.

"...I think she just doesn't want to be sniffed," Noriko treads carefully, slipping out the words quickly before anyone can respond and LITERALLY between Jubes and the world.  Or at least half of it.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "She was injured, unconscious, and brought to the nearest mutant-friendly medical facility. She did not 'make a choice,' you pig-headed, short-sighted psycho," Clarice shoots back, some rancor finally managing to leak into her tone. She'll take abuse all day, but hell if she'll let Rahne suffer for it.
    "If you want to start hurling insults at anyone who dares associate with me, you're going to have to include Lorna, Hank, Summers, and the Professor as well. So good luck with //that//," she adds, completely ignoring Jubilee's offer to make her her 'guest.'
    Clarice's attention goes back to Rahne almost immediately, anger melting away to be replaced by concern. "Hey," she says gently, "Rahne, don't pay her any attention. You're a good soul with a kind heart - anyone who's paid any attention to you at all has the good sense to recognize that." She smiles encouragingly at the girl beside her. "Yeah?"

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar clears his throat. "Hank made a choice. Rahne was in dire straights. And she is one of us." James doesn't growl but his drops down to octaves he rarely embraces. Somewhere nearby a glacier shifts uneasily. "Both of you, knock it off. We can get back to this petty bullshit when the current crisis is past. The enemies are outside this building."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Kidnapping, then?" Jubilee questions, her eyebrows rising. "Is there no depth that you won't stoop to?" She shrugs her shoulders and releases Noriko from her grasp. Jubilation's fingers drag against the speedster's skin until the very last moment, reluctant.

    "Rahne, of course we want you around," Jubes replies, the hostility fading. "...This is your home, even if you fell in with a bad crowd." She shakes her head gently, but that's just about as much of this thread as she's willing to pull. James gets a quizzical look, as if to say 'what the hell are you talking about?'

    "There are enemies /inside/ the building," she corrects. An arm is extended, index finger pointed right at Clarice. "This finger is not pointed at you, Rahne," she adds with a roll of her eyes. Might as well just say it, because it's bound to be be a _thing_.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne, staying back and allowing people to do what they want, sighs. She looks up at Clarice and James, then turns her gaze to Jubilee.

"Will always love ye, Jubes," she whispers. Then she sighs. "Jus...tired. Ah should nae be walkin around so much."

She looks to the door, then to...Noriko.

The look she gives Nori is powerful and worried. "Ye should visit. Ah cannae get around somuch right nao."

Then she whispers something about going to Clarice, hoping for a portal. Because walking to her bed right now is about the same as a marathon.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"I'd need to test electrical fields with teleportation.  I don't know," Noriko starts uneasily on visiting the asteroid.  "I'll t-"

Noriko doesn't hear anything after Clarice calls Jubes a short-sighted psycho, among other adjectives.  She's not used to things feeling slow but going by faster, but that's exactly what happens, for her anyways.  The delay in Nori's reaction may not be caught by anyone else physically, especially since Noriko isn't prone to getting into scraps.  Who would pick a fight with a speedster?

But something primal in the girl just snaps and her fist connects with Clarice's nose.  "No-one-calls-my-girlfriend-a-psycho-you-bitch."  The words slice out so quickly and cleanly, eyes narrowed.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "//Dr. McCoy// made the choice to take her there, and he supervised her initial care. That's not kidnapping, you idiot," Clarice shoots back.
    Which no doubt only exacerbates what's about to happen. "Sure, Rahne. We'll head ba-"
    She never finishes the thought as she's rocked back by the force of the blow, her nose crunching and blood starting to pour from the injury. Her grip around Rahne tighten instinctively, and with Rahne so unsteady, this is almost certainly going to result in both of them falling backwards onto their rumps.
    "The actual fuck?!" she shouts back. "I helped defend you in that fight!" She shoots at Noriko furiously. "I protected the students! I'm not an enemy here!"
    And, in point of fact, while she does summon one of her javelin's to free hand - she doesn't throw it. "...Rahne, are you alright?" she asks more softly, with concern.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne is trying not to fall down. She clamps her teeth, grabbing at her head as the person holding her up wobbles. She has her eyes closed, her head throbbing...and without hesitation she falls into a portal that can be seen to have a hospital bed on the other side. Hands on the other end grab her, pull her through...and she's gone. Not a word. No blame, simply an emergency response for an invalid.

Then she's gone.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko doesn't even move when Clarice summons her javelin.  "So stop calling someone who is going through shit a psycho and maybe ask why.  Just because we both agree kids shouldn't die to alien attacks does not mean I want to sing Kumbaya around a fucking campfire with you, and I don't have to."  Noriko notices Rahne struggling and makes to lunge forward to help soften the landing, but is thwarted by a blur of a certain someone suddenly in her way.  Still, she just talks around/over.  "The organization you are associated with has done horrible things and those don't go away overnight.  Fact.  Glossing over them is not turning over a new leaf and will not earn you any friends or respect here.  Acknowledging them, listening, talking to people and finding out why.  And /changing/ or maybe pulling your head out of your ass and looking around...  Listening.  That's turning over a new leaf.  All you do is prance around saying how things have changed, but you don't give a shit why.  I think we're allowed to be skeptical for a few more fucking years.  And I think it's smart too.  And if you don't, then you're too dumb for me to rely on you and too pollyanna to do shit about this world in any lasting way.  Either way, I'm still waiting to see some reason I should not fucking hit some more sense into you, since words go right through you."  Is Noriko really talking about something recent?  What?  The speedster gives no real context for her impassioned tirade.

"OW.  Your head is hard."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar narrows his eyes at Jubilee as she pulls away from Nori, something is wrong. Course fighting your dead brother. twice, can throw anyone off their game and then the attack comes from Nori. James moves to protect Rahne, shifting focus from Jubilee. "What the actual fuck? Godammit, all of you, stand down. What's gotten into you? The Shi'ar are still in orbit (maybe) and this isn't over (I think). We're coming apart at the seams. James shields Rahne. Then steps between the two. "You don't need to like each other. If you can't get along don't be around each other."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "And you didn't say it was 'petty bullshit' when you told me that you would have my back in a fight with..../this/!" Jubes fires back at James. The vampiric instincts that have taken hold of Jubilee doesn't even see Clarice as a person anymore. She's a this. She raises her eyebrows at James Proudstar, eager to see how he'd respond to this apparent challenge.

    Jubilation's attention is drawn when Clarice calls her an idiot. "You don't even fucking know me!" Jubilee shouts back, now angry. What's that sparkle in her mouth? Are those fangs? No, that had to be an illusion. A trick of the light. No fangs. She keeps it together. Keeps the beast at bay. While alive, the real Jubilation Lee thought about fighting Clarice many times, but that was fantasy. With fists, not fangs. And that's just the kind of thing teenage girls fantasize about sometimes. She wasn't really going to do anything. But, those same feelings passed through a vampire brain? They are not so benign anymore.

    A terrible, predatory instinct surges inside Jubilation...this newfound hostility, territoriality, and power...Wants nothing more than to snap Clarice's neck. Watch her expire. But... Somewhere, deep down, the real Jubilation Lee -- the one who only fantasizes about a teenage fist fight with Clarice... the one who would do anything for her friends... the one who never wants to hurt anyone... the one who loves everyone, but one person most of all -- that 'real' Jubilation Lee fights against that terrible urge. Love wins.

    Anyone who was on the fence about Jubilee being 'off' would likely be pushed over the edge by this: her body suddenly goes out of focus like she's being observed with motion blur, and appears between Noriko and Clarice. The javelin sets her off. She's fast but not faster than a speedster...

    "Clarice," she commands. Her tone is strong, almost impossibly so, and without any of the usual teenage affectations. She stares at the other mutant. No blinks. No breathing. Nothing. "Put that away. This is not a threat, this is a bargain. Put that away and you walk out of here, I walk out of here. You get to go back to your Den of Murderers and be with Rahne. I go back to the Dorms and be with Nori. That's how this will go. I recommend you agree to the bargain."

    After a few moments of staring, Jubilee's eyes shift to regard James. "I was here first," she mutters. Typical child, even if she's a vampire.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice pushes herself to her feet, her gaze going towards the portal through which Rahne has exited, even as it blinks closed. The javeline stays in her hand as she takes a step back from Jubilee, and Noriko, her gaze flicking between them cautiously. "I have no intention of attacking a resident of this school," she says in a cool, angry voice. "But I will defend myself."
    Her attention shifts Noriko as she adds, "I'm willing to engage in reasonable discussions. I'm not willing to be derided and insulted time and again. And you should turn on the fucking news. Mystique turned herself over to Wonder Woman for questioning under the Lasso of Hestia to prove the truth of her words and her intentions. And then she willingly allowed herself to be taken into custody to face the consequences of her crimes."
    She looks to James as she adds, "I trust you'll report this incident to the Professor. He knows where to reach Rahne and I for our own statements if he wishes. I strongly recommend something be done about her," she nods her head towards Jubilee. "Dyani insists she smelled like 'death' to her bees."
    Her gaze flicks between all three as she opens a purple hued portal behind herself - something she tries never to do while inside the school itself. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to check on Rahne - and //I// have a Brotherhood to run."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Does Noriko clarify that she wasn't attacking Rahne?  No."Oh my god.  Shut the fuck up.  Shut up.  That's not the point.  You aren't listening.  I don't give a fuck if something happened in the news."  Noriko doesn't exactly surf the web...often, what with those gauntlets and propensity to not mix with electronics and it's not something she mentions either.  Ignorant?  Absolutely.  "I care about what happened to me.  To my friends.  To my girlfriend and that mutant that was /shot/.  Every one counts.  This isn't a scale that can be balanced out.  Take some fucking responsibility for fuck's sake...Did I say you were attacking the school?  No.  I did not.  Don't put words in mouths.  Stop talking at people and start talking with them."  Noriko could take some of that advice herself, but clearly, she does not.

At Clarice's words to James though, Noriko spits out her reaction quickly, fuming, unlike a fraction of a moment ago when she was calm.  "The faculty and staff know.  Everyone knows.  Butt the fuck out if you know what's good for you.  It's a fucking medical condition and it's being investigated so fuck off already to your pebble."  Then she asides to James, "Just take me to the headmistress if you want," and shrugs.  "She needs to see her anyways," Noriko mentions with her thumb out to Jubes.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar nods motions for them to lead the way, "I'm not sure Jean's available, we can see if Charles, Scott or Hank are around."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "You consider being called a murderer an insult? That's what you are," Jubilee fires back. "If you think you're not, tell that to all the families you destroyed." All the little girls you put into foster homes, she thinks, somewhere deep down. She doesn't dare say it.

    Jubilation's stance remains firm, positioned between Noriko and Clarice. She doesn't move, doesn't budge, doesn't lunge. That javelin going into Nori's body is her only concern. She stares without interruption until the mutant goes through her portal. Once gone, Jubes turns her head towards Noriko. "What do you mean?" she asks. "Medical condition?" Her eyes shift to James -- a survival instinct. She's not sure what side of the fence he's on.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I am a murderer. I kill bad people. I killed the people who captured, tortured, and enslaved Dyani and others like her, and I'll do it again when I'm needed," Clarice states simply in a cool, calm voice.
    A cool, calm, rather nasally muffled voice as blood drips from her nose onto her clothes, and the floor.
    "It's a good thing I don't believe either of you make that bar. But if //whatever you are// causes harm to the students here..." That could change. She glares at Jubilee, nods to James, and utterly ignores Noriko - before stepping back through the portal behind her. It blinks out instantly.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Dr. McCoy already saw her and he said she needs to see Jean," Noriko says. "And her health is none of anyone's fucking business, by law, so fuck off would you?" she says in a generally casually irritated fashion...for Nori at least.  She seems to be spiking up and down with her emotions from sentence to sentence, but it isn't anything out of the ordinary for anyone who has drawn Noriko's negative attention before.  Deserved or not.

"I just mean that we don't know what's going on with you, so people should butt out.  It's not their business.  The school is handling it the way they see fit."  And Clarice is gone.  "Yeah...well I try not to kill /anyone/," she grouses to herself, though both of the others surely hear her.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar waits, watching the two of you, "I'm sure Charles has Jean's full confidence."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Try not to kill anyone on your way back to your asteroid," Jubilee adds as her parting words. With a toss of her hair, she turns and begins storming towards the door for the recreation room. "I'm going, but only because I want to," Jubilation adds, raising her voice so all can hear.

    She doesn't wait, she doesn't listen, she's just gone. The old fashioned way.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Yeah, I'm sure he does, but that's not who she was instructed to go see, and Jean is the headmistress and he isn't.  I'm not going to be a party to going against Dr. McCoy, and it's not like I can't get punished or lectured later when the headmistress is available."  Noriko lifts her hand in the direction of Clarice's now gone portal.  "I just punched her right in front of you.  If I was trying to get away with it, I could have," Noriko says plainly to James.

"So you can go to Charles.  I'm going to go look for the headmistress," Noriko says with a shrug as if this weren't a negotiation and goes out behind Jubilation.