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Latest revision as of 03:22, 12 August 2021

Happy Birthday Dr. Richards
Date of Scene: 10 August 2021
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: What's in the box?
Cast of Characters: Reed Richards, Susan Richards

Reed Richards has posed:
The Sheep's meadow has been turned into a fair ground fir the day. Lined with barkers and vendors, games and attractions, non-stop action, shows animals fireworks too! And in the middle of it all the birthday boy walks hand in hand with his lady love. "They really did a fabulous job, didn't they? So, many people coming together, it's a testament to what we've built."

Susan Richards has posed:
     Susan smiles, not even dressing down in her 'civvies' for the day as she ambles through the grounds with her husband, hand-in-hand. She's in the iconic blue jumpsuit, loud and proud. "It's nice to be able to offer a chance for the community to enjoy the day as well," she agrees. "Sometimes, being a hero is just offering that little bit of hope, and joy."

     Leaning over, she kisses Reed tenderly, reaching up with her free hand to turn his face towards her. Her eyes gleam as she looks up at him, and she smiles warmly. "Happy birthday, Reed. I'm glad we're growing old together."

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards blushes faintly and returns the kiss, stretching his arms about her torso in the kind of embrace that is his specialty. "I am amazed by you every day Mrs. Fantastic, you bring hope and joy to so many. I couldnt do this with anyone else." Reed smiles his eyes focused on you. In the background a hub-bub is brewing, people talking, congregating. Sonething has materialuzed in the center of yhe fair grounds.

Susan Richards has posed:
     "I couldn't do it without you, either," Susan replies, a faint hint of rose coloring her cheeks in turn. She looks about to kiss her husband again, when the hubbub nearby catches her attention. Turning about in Reed's embrace, she takes up a visual scan of the area, too many years spent on high alert coming to the fore in the moment. "What the...?"

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards stretches his neck gaining altitude to durvey the area, a frown on his lip, "If this is another of Victor's birthday surprises... "

     SIn the distance an odd shape coalesces and fades in and out ubfulating in the way higher dimensional objects on this plane or fractal structures, this has piqued Reed's interest, "oh my."

Susan Richards has posed:
     Susan frowned, narrowing her eyes as she peers at the oddly shimmering, undulating shape as it phases in and out of existence. "Let's get innocents away from there," she murmurs, shaking her head. "Damn it, can't we just have a normal birthday celebration for you for once?" But she is already disengaging from Reed's embrace, immediately going to work and gently encouraging celebrants to move away from the odd object. She does her best to keep a smile on her face and offer reassurances, particularly to the very young, but brooks no opposition in her objective.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards stretches to amplify his voices spreadingbhis form to capture the attention of as many as possible. FantastiCorp personnel arrive cordoning off the area withon 100' of the multidimensional structure. "Everyone, please step back to a safe distance, there is free ice cream availanle atthe opposite end of the meadow. Please, clear this area." Once the space is empty Reed settles in to study the structure. "Fascinating, definitely not Victor, in fact I think this is beyond anyone I know in this quadrant."

Susan Richards has posed:
     "Do we have anything in the lab that can get a good scan of this object?" Susan muses, keeping a safe distance. Circling it slowly, she gets a look at it from all angles. "Well, one thing, it certainly doesn't seem to be attacking anyone. I wonder if it's sentient?"

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards smiles and leans away from the object, stretching towards home his hands, arms and fingers elongating to. cover the distance retreiving some equipment even as the ever faithful hovers into the space augmenting the readouts of our costumes huds with his own cameras and sensors.

Susan Richards has posed:
     "I'm not sure if it's alive or no," Susan murmurs, glancing between Reed, the mysterious phasing object, and her own readouts. "But at least the area it's occupying seems stable enough. Are you picking up on anything in the area that could have created a rift like this?" Oddly enough, as she's speaking to Reed, the floating object seems to pulse rhythmically. Not quite breathing, not quite a heartbeat, but an 'off' sort of rhythm. Too, there was an odd sort of thrumming, low and soft, yet non-threatening.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards frowns, considering results, "You're right not alive but almost. It's a pattern... a code." Reed gasps, "Sue, it's a puzzle, like a puzzle box but more complicated than anything I've ever seen."

Susan Richards has posed:
     "Well, whatever it is, we can't leave it here," Susan states, looking around at the many celebrants still present in the area. "Is there a way we can move it safely to the lab and study it from there?" She raises her hands, preparing to create a forcefield, but glances to Reed for confirmation.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards nods, "You make an excellent point, my love." He takes a few more readings and engages a remote drone summoning two large transport drones and an air barge to place the item on, "Given it's size and complexity it best be stored in the Southern annex" An innocuous phrase used to refer to the FF's antartic base where only the most dangerous projects are kept. Reed sends you a 3D projection of a shape to use to pick up the object and guide it onto the barge with the automatons assistance.

Susan Richards has posed:
     Susan nods, studying the 3D projection for a moment, and using it to form her forcefield around the mysterious 'puzzle box'. Slowly, carefully, it is guided onto the barge, without so much as a bump or twitch. For as long as it takes her to move the odd object, she is holding her breath, only letting it out in a slow sigh when she is finally able to release her forcefields. "Southern annex it is."

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards slips his arm around Sue's waist carrying her onto the Air Barge and plugging in the course for the Antartic. The craft rises silently turning towards the sea. Majedtically rising over the park as the sunsets and the fireworks start. Reed snags two pieces of cake on their way out.