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Latest revision as of 17:58, 13 August 2021

A Trick of the Tale of Two
Date of Scene: 12 August 2021
Location: Oblivion Bar
Synopsis: Foxy lady seduces demon chick. Film at 11.
Cast of Characters: Satana Hellstrom, Saeko

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
It began with a text message. Even if Saeko doesn't have a phone. (Technomancy is great that way.) "Found myself in Oblivion. (The bar.) Care to join me? --Satana"

Then Satana waited in the bar, flirting with the denizens, getting the stink-eye from one of the bouncers when she sipped a customer a bit too obviously. Finally she just waited by the door, watching every new arrival, looking for food for later on, outside the place, or for Saeko to arrive.

If Saeko arrives...

Saeko has posed:
A little beep, a little twitch, Saeko gives a little exhale as she rolls over from her lounged position in her suite.

Sure she was a divine spirit that could be summoned by mystical means, but that didn't mean she wasn't enjoying a few of the fun inventions and aspects of the mortal plane. Like smartphones, bubble baths and room service!

One message later and the fox doesn't bother sending a response.

Instead, moments later, she was simply there, her form appearing moments later and announced by a lazy hand against Satana's back.

Her ears and tails were gone, but the beauty of the kitsune in human guise was hardly deminished.

Wrapped in a pair of figure-hugging black leather pants and a white button-up blouse supported by an under-bust corset.

"Not the usual way I am summoned, but I was curious..."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana greets Saeko upon seeing her with an effusive hug. The kind of hug that makes more than a few people stop what they're doing to watch. It's not so much 'naughty' as it is 'so intimate that both might as well be inside Satana's tight leathers'. It's the kind of hug that doesn't have any 'bad touch' yet would still make most people it is applied to come away from it feeling vaguely dirty.

"I'm happy you came!" she enthuses, smiling a broad smile of greeting at the fox spirit. "Ever since that little adventure with my daddy's cult, I've been wanting to see you again." She holds up both her hands in a mock defensive gesture. "No, not 'that way' ... unless you want to. I'm just fascinated by you! It's not often I meet spirits I don't know much about!"

She holds up her own smart phone, one which any having magical senses lying about (which is most people in the joint) would sense an outpouring of magic from, and grins. "I like to merge the degraded magic of the mortal sphere with the real thing. You get some very cool things that way. Remind me to show you my MP3 player that plays live Mozart concerts from Down Below."

Peering around she gestures to a pair of poet chairs next to a nice low table. "Shall we?" she asks, starting off in that direction, showing off her assymetric wrap with its daring lacing and its decoration in a variety of animal/demonic skulls and skull-shaped beads. Seemingly unable to help herself she walks with that counterpoint sway of hip and shoulder, oozing sensuality.

And passing her arm along random passers-by in greeting or ... invitation?

At the chairs she waits for Saeko to seat herself before doing the same.

"So, I'm Satana, which you already know, but I figured let's start from the beginning and just ... learn. Oh, and what will you be having? It's all on me tonight since I pestered you out here."

Saeko has posed:
Contemplating the damnation of Mozart would have to wait, as the hug breaks and Saeko is lead to the chairs there's a soft laugh on her lips and a shrug of her shoulders.

"It was...quite a night. I haven't indulged in the energy of a mortal like that in...well, it was an age and a world away."

Lounging back, the fox spirit arches her spine just enough that it might cross the border into feline and then chuckles lightly. "Surprise me," her hand waves to the offer of the drink, a little smirk to her lips.

"And what is it you wish to learn Satana?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Well, darling Saeko, I actually went back to my realm in Hell--I'm queen of a region, you understand, because of Daddy's influence--and spent a lot of time looking into my library. So I know you're a 'Kitsune'." She massacres the pronunciation. "And I know that you're some kind of trickster spirit. But, you know, we're so tied up with our War against Heaven down there that ... we don't have an awful lot of information about your kind. That ..."

She visibly flushes as she talks.

"... soul drain of yours. I've never seen anything like it. It was ... beautiful. So delicate. So aetherial. It almost made me want to join in ... as the donor!"

She winks broadly. "I mean I'm not stupid, so I won't, but wow was I tempted! And temptation is supposed to be MY gig. So ... I figured you're good for a thesis or something and decided to go straight to the source for the down-low. Obviously I don't want to know your dark secrets. Well, OK, I do, but I know you're not going to share those with me. But ... aside from trickster stuff ... what's your angle? Is it something we could double-team on maybe? 'Cause there's a whole class of people that you'd wow that would think I'm just kinda OK and vice versa, so ... working together we could get a whole lot of people in our grips."

Saeko has posed:
Gently leaning forwards, Saeko gives a little chuckle at the butchered punctuation of her species and lazily lifts one hand to brace against her cheek.

"Well, we have always enjoyed an air of mystery...and benevolence takes more forms than most can think."

Satana's little confession has the vixen smirking and her own cheeks reddening. "Come now... flattery could give me ideas..."

She shifts lightly at the question of her 'angle' a light expression of puzzlement crossing her fair features.

"I am a divine messenger for Inari, that much is true. A carrier of blessings and punishments alike to those who need them. But what I did that night?"

She exhales a breath, a little shiver through her form at the memory brings pause to her lips before she reopens half-lidded eyes to meet Satana's gaze. "It was something I indulged in as a...younger kitsune, before I was a Tenko. A temptation is a punishment they seek oh-so-willingly...Not that I have to tell you that, of course."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"The flattery is intended to give you ideas," Satana says with a wink. "I mean I do that seduction thing to eat, sure, but it's also a lot of fun. I don't have to eat to enjoy it. So you carry blessings. AND punishments. For this Inari person I just heard of and will have to check out in my library in another late night session."

She pauses a moment as the drinks are delivered and sniffs hers dubiously. "Never quite get the sulphur smell right," she says, "but it's close enough." She takes a sip, then continues, as Saeko takes her drink.

A top shelf whiskey. Neat. Someone overheard that Satana was paying and is having petty revenge apparently.

"So, ... where do the souls go when you eat them? I mean the parts that don't sustain you. Mine go screaming to my domain in Hell. Well nine of ten do. I have to tithe to Daddy." She rolls her eyes. "Ever feel that you're just a tool in someone else's plan?"

Saeko has posed:
"It's a little different for us," Saeko muses, lifting that drink to her lips and giving a soft giggle at the taste. Perhaps she could guess at the 'revenge' or thought that Satana was intending to test the myths regarding kitsune and alcohol.

Either way, Saeko chews her bottom lip before continuing. "It isn't the soul itself...just the essence of their living. A 'life force' of sorts."

A little giggle, she leans up towards Satana. "I pass them on to their destination...just a little 'pre-tasted'..."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"I pass them on too. After digestion. They're not very happy about that, and they arrive there ... depleted." Satana smirks. "And of course their destination is preordained if they fall to my wiles. The one they worship upstairs is a real stickler about that and ..." She shrugs. "... well, I'm good at making people break his rules."

She pauses a moment and thinks.

"Most people would think I'm not very nice. Because I'm not. I mean HELL-O! demon? Look it up! I'm only half-blood, as my goody-two-shoes brother keeps reminding me, and so I don't have to live by how the infernal half of me demands, but he's just jealous because Daddy picked me over him."

She sips her drink again, inhaling the brimstone deeply.

"Funny thing is I'm not fond of Daddy any more either. I thought he was interested in me, but he's not. I'm just a tool to him, so I've gone solo. To make sure I don't get banished to Hell this time around, I only eat the wicked anyway." She, too, leans forward to Saeko, close enough for her breath to tickle Saeko's whiskers with each plosive. "Two reasons. Nobody cares about the wicked, so nobody goes hunting for me. And the wicked taste best anyway. They have a little bitter streak to them like the best beers or teas or coffees." And closer. "Wickedness attracts me."

She lets that hang, her red irises standing out from her black sclera as she stares deeply into Saeko's eyes.

"But so does the exotic," she murmurs. "Intrigues me. Tantalyzes. Makes me wonder...if it's mutual."

And then she's back, lounging in her seat, one leg carelessly thrown up on the table, the other slung over the arm of the chair.

"What about you? What things do you like to do when you're not on the clock?"

Her lips are pressed together as if suppressing a grin.

Saeko has posed:
"I suppose that is different between the two of us," Saeko muses as she sips her drink, a little giggle from the woman. "I get quite a lot of satisfaction for my role..."

She grins, her own irises carrying a faint glow of that blue light so much like that she'd pulled from her victims. "But then, I've found quite a bit in this mortal world to be satisfying in quite a few ways too..."

Almost in mirror of Satana, the disguised kitsune leans back into her own seat before she lifts her own arms in a lazy stretch. "But what do I do in my free time? Simply experience...Until a kitsune is summoned and tasked? We can go a mortal lifetime of doing what we wish..."

As if to punctuate her words as her arms fall, she offers a little wink. "It makes for quite a story or two."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Most of my kind can't do what they wish. They're beholden to someone else. If not, they've got people clawing for their position and have to defend it tooth and nail. I just have to walk that fine line between being Daddy's little girl and not caring what Daddy wants and doing my own thing. It's ... sort of like living a life with the mortals, only I get to be mean when I want."

Broad grin.

"Oh, and I have a cult I'm taking away from Daddy one coven at a time. That's a load of fun too. All the gatherings. The worship. They all love me and despair."

She pauses, perusing the other again. "You feel like being executive of a devil-worshipping cult? Lots of adoration. Voluntary feeding. And the best part is, they're the worst people you can imagine. They'll do ANYTHING to make themselves wealthy, or powerful, or to get their sick fantasies fulfilled."

Satana shivers. With pleasure.

"Their souls are oh so tasty! And they'll throw themselves at your feet to be drained because they think it gives them an edge in the afterlife. So you can chow down all you like and you're punishing the wicked."

Saeko has posed:
"I am not a devil," Saeko points out, a finger lifted to punctuate her point before it's lazily brought to her lips and then trailed down to her chin and further while she continues to speak. "I am a kitsune, a Tenko of Inari older than most have know, a divine being of a different heaven. The Amatsu-Kami are simply a little more...open to experience than those of the heaven you war with."

A smirk, her finger drifts from her form to lazily trace the rim of her drinking glass, a little shift in her seat and a tilt of her head punctuating an exaggerate expression of ponderance one might swear they could see her more fox-like features even though they were hidden away by her power.

"But I am...not opposed to a little cooperation in dealing out punishment to those who need it, and it is still a protection of others to ensure their wickedness does not touch another. Rules are rules for a Tenko, but we are creative beings."

Another sip finally taken as that burn flows down her throat, the vixen grins lightly. "I'd be happy to 'offer assistance' if summoned. That is the role of a kitsune, whatever her station."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"And if merely invited ... ?" Satana tilts her head a little with a little pursing of her lips. "Say to some entertainments. Intimate entertainments." Beat. "Or group, I mean I'm not one to judge." Or entice? "Would those be welcome as well?"

The eyes ignite bright orange-red in their black surroundings, the pupils now shining like oxygenated coals.

"Because I still do find you exciting in a non-professional capacity. I'm a member of a rather exclusive club called Hellfire." She giggles, covering her mouth. "Naturally," she adds. "They have facilities for ... entertainments ranging from simple rooms to rather sophisticated equipment."

And back to the predatory lean forward, leg swept off the table as the eyes, fixed on Saeko, close in for a better vantage point. Pointedly they observe everything. Bottom to top. Languidly. Before settling on those faintly glowing blue eyes.

"Would invitation to that be off the table? Or do you only visit for work?"

Saeko has posed:
"Hellfire," she repeats, a little chuckle on her own lips as the vixen listens to the conspiratory 'whisper' that was really more of a close discussion. "How very fitting..."

That predatory lean had almost certainly made men and woman both melt in the past, Saeko herself was no stranger to its use, but she seemed happy enough to match it. Not 'weakened' by it, but clearly amused or inspired by it and all the promise of mischief and experience it might entail.

"Well now Satana, I did say I was curious after all. And curiousity is a fire best stoked by something new and interesting."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
And now the kiss. Paired with the cupped cheek. Tender. Enticing. Inviting.


There's a reason why succubi are so feared: their technique almost guarantees the loss of any but the most stalwart of souls. And Satana, although exceptionally young, and only half of that breed, was taught by the best of the best, and was a quick study.

And naturally she tries, very briefly, almost as a tease if her eyes' glistening is to be interpreted, to 'taste' of the kitsune's alien essence, futile as that action is.

"Well then," she murmurs after breaking contact, and after the short bridge of mingled saliva that briefly forms between the pair pops, "I'll be sure to invite you there. Soon." The eyes fire up brighter. "We'll have to talk first, though, about limits. I have none."

She pulls back just a bit. Just enough to bring more than her face into Saeko's field of view.


Saeko has posed:
Unexpected? Maybe. Enticing? Definately.

A youthful Senko fox might be left a blushing mess, but Saeko? She was of sterner, more experienced stuff. An insatiably beautiful Tenko of over a thousand years.

She knew a trick or two, and it seemed she was happy to play in the little contest.

A spirit, not a mortal soul, whatever energy Satana might get would have to be volunteered rather than taken and none was given tonight.

Instead her mouth comes away with a smirk as the kiss is broken and limits are spoken, her arms crossed under her bust.

"Well...I have yet to find mine..."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Well, then, let us explore them together," Satana says with an even more predatory grin. "If we find that the limits can't be reached at Hellfire, perhaps I can bring you home and introduce you to the whole family."

She licks her lips, closing her eyes as she tastes again the sensations of the prelude.

"My little realm has more access to ... limit testers," she adds, eyes half-lidded.

She draws further back now, not as languid as before, still locking her eyes on Saeko.

"I'm glad we had this little chat. Now would you care to have a dance with me? I have this urge to fire up a few souls for collection on the way out." The teeth baring is predatory. "And with you as a partner, I can make the Son Himself willing to give up his soul."

Satana stands, extending a hand, flicking her head briefly to the dance floor.

Saeko has posed:
"I suppose if anyone was going to outplay a fox in leading someone astray, it would be a demon-spawned succubus," Saeko answers with a little laugh and a sweeps her eyes that drift from clearly inhuman back to the guise of normalcy. Who would ever know that she was a kitsune in disguise bar those she wished.

Those like Satana, whom she does indeed take the hand of and allow to pull her to her feet with a giggle at her words. "Perhaps, but I'd hate to think you were merely inviting me to this meeting to help you find a meal..."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Not a meal. Dessert. The main course will be feeling you moving against me."

Taking Saeko into her arms, with the same level of intimacy as the previous hug, Satana makes a few arm gestures out of sight of the fox. A portal opens, causing three bouncers to come to life, ready with counterspells ... only to relax--grudgingly--as the portal proves to be purely visual.

A bare-chested man in leather pants lounges, slumped, on a stool, surrounded by demons: on keyboard, on drums, and on guitar. He looks up after a moment and says--moans, really--"Oh, no, not again!?"

Satana chuckles against Saeko's ear. "Yes, James, again. You know the one. My favourite."

The moan is one of a long suffering soul. Then the music starts.

A brief organ riff. Then the vocals...

    You know that it would be untrue
    You know that I would be a liar
    If I was to say to you
    Girl, we couldn't get much higher

    Come on, baby, light my fire
    Come on, baby, light my fire
    Try to set the night on fire

(OOC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rj405bbDsoY)

And to that tune, Satana ... doesn't merely sway, but actively slithers, with Saeko, lost in the music, in the feeling of the fox spirit against her, and in that fire that's been ignited in her and working its way to her surface.

Saeko has posed:
Apparently Saeko could find some humor in the play on words with the song, and the apparent summoning of the musician who delivers it. Odds are, she hadn't really been dwelling on earth during the particular decade that the music had been at the height of its popularity...and it had only been recently that she'd expanded her 'rules' and thus ventured further than the land where Shinto religion flourished.

Still, whatever else might be on her mind, it's easily pushed aside as she's taken into those arms and moved to the music. Of course, there was a certain natural grace about Saeko, an enthralling deftness of movement that was the very much natural to a Tenko, but Satana seemed to be born for this. Saeko wasn't just moving, she truely was being 'moved' by the other woman, a natural harmony of movement created in attempt to try and match that way that Satana seemed to make it all seem so natural.

To just lose herself...

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Lose herself to the music.

Lose herself to the spirit she's with.

Lose herself to the flames within crackling along every synapse, filling her very soul.

And like the immortal Kurosawa's Rashomon, perspective and reality changes depending upon whom you ask. For Satana herself marvelled at the motions of the woman and spirit beneath her roaming hands. Pressing against her hip and thigh and chest. Nuzzled against when not being nibbled upon, nibbled by, or simply kissing. Their simple, unpracticed grace, obviously unrehearsed, yet driving Satana to new heights as she draws upon her formidable training in the bowels of Hell to match, and finding the pairing to ascend to an aetherial something so much beyond the sum of the parts.

Jim Morrison croons. The song is, by modern standards short. Yet in Santana's senses it goes on forever as she feels and smells and hears and tastes the fox she's with and is left with a hunger for something she has never experienced and never likely will.

A hunger that will be filled by dead husks in alleyways as she tempts the wicked into her arms for their final joy before eternal damnation.

But that can wait.

She has a fox to hold and cherish first.