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Latest revision as of 17:58, 13 August 2021

Mopey Milkshakes
Date of Scene: 12 August 2021
Location: Mootant Town Milkshakes
Synopsis: Clarice is mopey and awkward, until conversation's turn to easier topics - like Mystique's incarceration.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Henry McCoy

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice has found herself a seat in the back corner of the milkshake venus - her favorite chocolate peanut butter brownie shake sitting in front of her. She pokes at it with a frown, her brow wrinkled together with whatever thoughts plague her mind.
    They're not deep thoughts. They're the frustrating, repetitive time that storm destructively through someone's mind in a repetitive cycle that's hard to break - even through the power of milkshake.
    It's a shame, because it's a //really good// milk shake, and it's starting to go a bit soupy.

Henry McCoy has posed:
It was a long day. It had been a long few weeks. Henry was a bit sluggish - needing some energy and comfort. Milkshakes could help with either of those requirements. So he found his way to the best milkshake place he could, Mootant Town Milkshakes!

Stepping in, he paused a moment as he spotted Clarice. A move to the counter to order a peanut butter cookie dough milkshake - then he's moving to where she's seated. "Hey there. Mind some company?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'd welcome it," Clarice answers, offering the man a smile. It isn't as bright as most of her smiles, however, and doesn't quite reach her eyes.
    "Did you manage to get together with Mystique- sorry, with Raven, for that dinner?" Yes, she still have trouble with the change in names, and she's had more time to practice it than Hank has.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Sliding in on the other side of the booth, he nods. "Yes, we met up at Harry's." Henry comments, smirking. "Are you keeping track of her? Or me?" He teases, good-naturedly. A moment as he studies her expression, the man canting his head to the side. "Is something troubling you, Clarice?"

Of course, he takes a sip from his shake - those make almost everything better, after all.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You think I //could// keep track of her - if she didn't want me to?" Clarice asks. She pokes at her shake again, pulling up another spoonful to nibble at without much gusto.
    "Nothing- that important, I just- Well." What do you even call it? "I got in a fight with Rahne I mean- it's not a fight, really. But she's- I upset her."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A wry grin. "I am sure there are ways, for the ultra-determined." He murmurs. "But I am sure she is wily enough to evade all of them." A chuckle. "And I am fairly easy to keep tabs on." Another sip from his straw. He listens, nodding after.

"Upsetting one's... paramour is always a rough spot. No one wants to be that person." He says, quietly. "May I ask as to what happened, exactly?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice isn't sure how to answer that question, and so she allows a silence to draw out for a few moments as she stirs at the top of her shake. "I don't know," she says uneasily. "I mean, I do, but-" How does she explain it? "She found out something about me that she had trouble accepting. So she left."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's an ah from Henry. "I am guessing it was about... some of your past?" He murmurs, shrugging. "I believe Rahne will sort through her feelings - the best we can do is give her time to sort it out, right?" He suggests. "So... time and space given, right?" Henry offers over a slight smile.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice opens her mouth, as if she's about to say more - but then she shoves some of her smoothie into her mouth instead.
    Do you want to drive everyone away, Clarice?
    "Yeah," she agrees quietly. "That's the plan. I just hope- I don't know. Maybe it will change things between us. No way to know for sure until- Well, until."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A tap of a claw to the milkshake glass. "What's on your mind then? Words formed, then were stowed away." Henry comments. "And yes, maybe it will change things. Maybe not. If it is true, then it will only serve to help her understand you in the long run." A slight nod. "Sharing something so ... difficult for you to mention to her, shows your trust for her."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I didn't want to lie to her," Clarice admits. "I- Lydia felt I'd lied to her, and mislead her, about the same thing - she she stormed off. So I thought - if I was more forthcoming..." But she shakes her head, and lets out a humorless snort of air. "But I got the same result. Maybe it's better just to-" Hide it away.
    "Anyways. I'm sure I'll be fine - in a bit." She forces another bite of her milkshake, no sense letting it go to waste.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Taps the glass again. "You did the right thing, in being honest. Rahne is a good person, she will realize that." He assures, confident. Optimism is Henry's superpower! He spoons a bit of his own shake into his mouth, savoring the flavor. "Lydia? Have I met her?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I think you would know if you had? She's- she glows green. She's surrounded by ectoplasm, you see. She's an author - and she created Bushwick's golem." The thing has presience worked into its spells - so maybe that's why it wanders by the window at just that moment, with a 'free Mystique' mural still painted on its back as it plods past. That, at least, earns a smile from Clarice.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry snaps his fingers. "I recall her, yes." He says, with a smile. A glance out the window and a deep laugh from Henry. "How appropriate." A shake of his head. "I am sure t-shirts will start appearing around Bushwick." He comments, looking back to Clarice.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Of the Golem - or of Mystique?" Clarice replies with some amusement. "I mean - she's been seen about some already. So people are starting to talk about the fact that she's free. Plenty more don't believe it, of course, and understandably. I've been asked many times, myself, if it's true." She seems more at ease now that the topic has shifted away from what she told Rahne that had so upset her. She wasn't prepared to have that conversation with anyone else, anytime soon.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He's not going to steer back to the previous subject - no need for discomfort. "It's... a lot for people to take in. They think she's some how unfettered or completely free." A sour look at that, from Henry. "I suspect she'll face a lot of angry faces, unfortunately."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yes, they don't understand," Clarice agrees. "I offered to teleport the implant away. She forbade it." She stabs at her shake as if it's somehow responsible for the troubles facing Mystique - before taking another bite. "It's a level of precision, though, that I haven't quite mastered yet. Though - speaking of, have you had any time to think of plants for that practice device?" Clarice asks. "The one I spoke of before? It's alright if you've been too busy..."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Another ahah from the blue man. "I have, yes. I've got some ideas - but I've not had a chance to fabricate anything yet. As you said, busy times and all that's going on." Henry offers over, sheepishly apologetic. "I will work on it soon, yes?" Another sip from the shake.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "There's no real rush. But it'll be a handy tool when it's finished. I'm glad you've had the time to at least think of some plans - that's more than I could manage, anyways," Clarice offers - giving the man a brief smile. "I just- I want as many options as possible in a fight. I mean, it would a particularly useful trick against another teleporter." Teleporters can be so frustratingly difficult to stop or contain.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a nod from Henry, the man offering a smile. "It is a good way to neutralize many enemies - especially those who are more armored or sturdy." He admits, with a chuckle. "Won't work on everyone, but it will be a good thing to try."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It is," Clarice agrees. "And would be a good way to bring down an ally if... I don't know. //If//. If mind control. If alien parasite. If."
    Because who ever knows what will happen in this weird life they lead.
    She picks up her shake as she adds, "Anyways - thanks for the company, Hank. It- it helped. I should be getting back to the Asteroid though, yeah?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
The big man finishes his shake with a grin. "So many ifs. All we can do is prepare the best we can." He nods. "Always a pleasure, Clarice. Keep safe, yes?" He offers a wave.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I try to," Clarice agrees. "You too, Hank." She claps a hand briefly on Hank's shoulder - and then steps outside, only to disappear in a flash of purple energy.