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Latest revision as of 05:17, 17 August 2021

Wiser Words Never Spoken
Date of Scene: 11 August 2021
Location: Hayden Planetarium
Synopsis: Daisy and Jane talk Inhumans, futures, and SEKRITS.
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Daisy Johnson

Jane Foster has posed:
Though some special SHIELD agents get to live in Delaware, population no one, the majority of others need to live where their homes are. Jane Foster's property records are generally public record, because of the darn US, though legal movements to keep her personal residence sheltered actually might protect that. Nothing stops her work address from being accessed by thousands of people a day, and no, it's not the Triskelion. Surprise surprise, her desk there probably hasn't been touched since likely those agents with public faces hot-desk at the best of times.

The Hayden Planetarium is smack dab in the middle of the American Natural History Museum, one of those beacons of education and curiosity for young and old. The young really seem to admire giant dinosaurs, whales, and various other animals. Too cool teenagers? They want black holes. Jane wants black holes. Only one of them gets them, any question whom? Dear reader, it need not be a guess at all. The planetarium theatre isn't in use at the moment, as currently it prepares for an exhibition on the edges of space and the whole projection method needs to be updated in conjunction with the programming. Her team is barebones, wrapped up in an IT call, and therefore not where they will bother her. She can appreciate that. Such matters prove important, especially important when it involves getting a projection done right.

While people wander around in the exhibits outside, the office of yon Director Foster is occupied by no one. Neither is the theatre, but an acoustically perfect room may not be where you invite your friends for a friendly chat.

On her desk? A box of French pastries, and a takeaway container from Chinatown, a certain favourite Chinese food restaurant. She may be Worthy of things, but she's also willing to bribe Daisy to come out and have a lunch without worrying about stabbing things.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It has been a roller coaster of a last few days for Daisy. Becoming an internationally reknowned face, having SHIELD go back to becoming a legitimate force of world protection and -again- having overextended her powers, which meant injuries and the loss of the echoes that had been accompanying her in this adventure of discovering more about her newfound powers, the song of the universe.

Still, one does with what they have and so once she was released from hospital she took upon herself to visit a few friend, tie some loose ends, try to go back to a normal life. If there was such a thing as a normal life!

Having received the invite for a chat Daisy makes her way over to the Planetarium. Flying of course. Because she wants to train her powers and test her limits so there's just the subtlest of vibrations as she comes to land close to the place and makes her way in, a greeting to the guards and then up she goes! All the way to Director Foster's office. A knock on the door and the familiar silhouette of 1//3 of the Furiae visible on the other side.

"I can already smell it from this side." she announces, door still closed.

Jane Foster has posed:
Really, Jane should have checked in at the hospital. Probably did, in fact, during one of those quiet moments when Daisy was out cold.

No one has to know about the grumpy echo standing there the entire time, a vigil held in silence against the interminable calls of a world gone to smithereens beyond the pale of what most of humanity knows. Death counts are just a fact of life. Minus the fact Paris has, in some horrific way, fallen asleep and not awakening. That winged woman remains a presence in the hospital bed until her charge leaves, at which point it's not terribly polite -- honestly, it isn't! -- to be a creepy stalker back at Daisy's apartment. Plus, they have a cat. The cat may well just see her. Cats do that.

No such thing as a normal life, nothing other than one either. The normal is whatever they face now. So with that said, Daisy comes in without another Asgardian tagalong, which is probably for the better. Staring at herself in the face across the Astral void could be.. weird. Definitely weird. Best not to do that.

"It's open unless you are assistant director Vance, and then you're in the wrong place! You want the museum across town!" Fielding unwanted visitors? Not so much. Jane opens the door anyway if Daisy hesitates; otherwise she tries to sort paper, which is not a fun lunch hour activity. Like dusting fans, a necessity, though.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Cats have their ways. Specially those that turn vigilantes during the night and become Director Furry. Always putting their paws in service of the world! Or in this case the world they know, Daisy and Matt! Powerful meows he has.

"Vance?" The door opens up, Daisy stepping in with a faint grin to her expression. She looks a bit thinner, eyes just a tad sunken in and different from the usual brightness. As for clothing she is dressed in dark jeans and top. No jackets in this heat! Hand up for a wave. "... sort of sounds like a villanous name." she jokes. "But maybe it is if you want them on the other side of town, mmm?" a wink and she takes in Jane thoughtfully, her eyes clearly inspecting her. Yes, she was back, but there were still a lot of unanswered questions. Why there were TWO Janes. The 'coincidence' of she having come across none other than Blackagar Boltagon. And how she knew all about the dialect apparently. A lot more than Daisy did at this point of that language!

"What's with all the paper, Jane? Time to go digital." give it to the IT nerd to complain about paper. But then her smile warms up. "It's good to see you well. Hell of a few last weeks, hasn't it?"

Jane Foster has posed:
"Someone with aspirations for importance that isn't in this building. I already have the AMNH breathing down my neck about replacing me with the interim, since my absence probably raises questions about my commitment here. I don't really want to ask Morse or Carter to write a letter on my behalf, and it's inappropriate for international agencies or embassies to intrude on my behalf. My fight, though at this rate, I might have to find a good lawyer." Jane doesn't sound particularly pleased about that turn of events, but work problems are work. "Know anyone?"

She rests her arm against the top of a large cabinet, and pulls a drawer to stuff another set of impressive folders back where they belong. Impressive being all of two or three pages in there.

Eowyn, her faithful dog, surely has to be linked up with Director Furry for shenanigans. Throw Throg in there, they have a proper team. Maybe Lockjaw wants to go along, when not escorting around an Inhuman king.

"Unfortunately, some of our work has to be paper filed in case of an audit, thanks to state and federal funding. We accept money from New York or Washington, they want me to have everything ready in case they drop by. I think it's happened once in the Seventies, before we were born." The chance of it being one of those once-in-a-century events seems prudent, anyway. "You never know. Some corrupted policy wonk might come in to give me a hard time as a way of jostling you guys up. It's been... odd, these past few weeks. Too quiet for me, give or take, but everything feels quiet at this point. Can't be building wormholes in a train station every day, can we? What about you?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Actually..." And Daisy lets out a laugh at that, "... I may know the best lawyer in this city and it's surroundings. And I am not biased at all." ok, maybe she is a -bit- biased. Then she lowering her tone, "And -sometimes- you can even pay him in pies." only sometimes. "Want me to put in a good word?" this last part she being serious about it!

She moves closer to where the other woman is and if she lets her Daisy rests one hand on Jane's shoulder for a greeting squeeze, a look down at the takeout food. "Ah yes, the elusive, possible audit that never comes but everyone is afraid of. That's why I keep my boots all shiny too back at SHIELD.." a roll of her eyes given. She sits down, "I am still coming to terms with all that happened.." singing to a building. Keeping it whole. " .. And what it means to our future. It's clear that we cannot stay as we have been till now. List is still out there, threatening my people. Blackagar's." she says with a grim tone, shaking her head to herself.

"I am just not going to stand idly, and instead going to seize this opportunity of being famous to actually do something."

Jane Foster has posed:
With a smile, Jane waves her hand at the array of food. "Then you might be so kind as to give him my card and see if there's anything to be done? I don't know if he practices employment law. Maybe he knows the second best lawyer or the fifth. I'm not sure my case would be particularly spectacular but HR here is rather angry about a term of absence. They held my salary in an escrow account, not that I mind. It's fair."

Some things are particularly not fair, as six months spanning eternity have proven in illustrative, scintillating detail. Daisy can damn near manhandle the brunette if she likes, and a hug is a welcome thing with only the slightest hint of a zing playing over what is not totally a normal body. Not perfectly. Tiny tells from how composed it may be apply, but let's not go causing trouble where none belongs. "Audits and reviews are truly miserable, but an essential part of an organization. If it's taxpayer money, ultimately, we need to account for that. I don't begrudge anyone. It still makes for headaches for us." Her gaze flickers, transferred sidelong to the food meaningfully. "How are you doing? You went from bunker in the booneys back to your actual career. Next thing you know, you're deputy director, and Jemma is working in a space station." Not quite that dramatic, but she knows a thing or two, irony there. "what it means to your future not to have to hide? That your lawyer boyfriend isn't going to worry about being arrested for aiding a fugitive or the octopus people not trying to ruin your life? Ours, really. List is still out there -- and I fear I need a bit more on what he's doing, since the whole involvement of him in things predates me being involved in... things. And you know how much I hate a position of ignorance. The fog of war is fatal to an analytical mind or a scientist, and how can we gossip over wontons and fat spring roll dumplings if we don't have a common point to start from? I mean, we can never speculate on if he has daddy issues without it being relevant to the conversation. I am at odds with that."

Her gaze flicks up and she laughs. "Oh, so fame is now part and parcel of what you embrace, mm? Very exciting. I can offer tips. Blackagar, not so much. I don't get the impression fame and celebrity are something he deals with often. Though you both have my bow when it comes to dealing with List, either way. Trying to wipe out a skyscraper in New York is a bit personal now, you know?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy's lips press to a firm line as Jane explains on her troubles with the law. It also makes her remember the trials they went through to recover her! And all the questions she still has. Again that scrutinizing look over her friend before she is settled and starts picking on a bit of the food for herself. And did she miss those tells on Jane's body? Maybe she is just ignoring them for the moment. Being polite! She is a guest here after all. "He can help you. I am sure of it. I will give him your contact. In fact you are due to meet him, it's something that Jemms has done before so you are lagging behind where it comes to that! Besides, meeting Director Furry too, maybe you can bring Eowyn with you when you visit." she suggests.

"Jemma in space?" She lets out a laugh. "Somehow I -can- picture that. She'd love it I think. A new experience, something different to learn about." and then another laugh at the suggestion of being Deputy Director, she shaking her head. "I am not the leader type." even if she was just trying to create a new team of superheroes! But that's details! Though it was Fury sanctioned, clearly someone believed in her capabilities.

"List was behind the attack at Afterlife. It was an Inhuman outpost here on earth, led by my mother, Jiaying." she explains. "Apparently there is another outpost in the moon too. Regardless, List sent his jets to capture and kill various of our people while we were there. Director Gonzales was killed, and many were captured. You saw some during the attack at the tower. They had been mind controlled to help. Hydra tactics."

"As for not having to hide? We are going to create a team." She says, "Powered people in SHIELD to deal with powered threats. AND to help other mutants and Inhumans that may be hunter or persecuted. I feel that ..., it's something I have to do." she says, "Like it was my purpose." a laugh, "I discovered a lot about myself when I lived in Afterlife, and met my mother. It was eye opening."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Anything involving mind control bothers me not a little, considering that we've got so little we can use against it. All I can do is hope never to run into that. I feel terrible for anyone they captured. I don't know how they can face the world knowing what they did, even if it wasn't their fault. Someone who has no control over their actions can hardly be held responsible, can they?" The great ethical conundrum of the twenty-first century where powers are involved is more in Matt's wheelhouse to deal with rather than her own, at least on a surface level. A girl with a pretty pair of wings and a mandate from a grumpy, tricky old bastard lacking the gentleman designator certainly isn't someone she can readily deal with. "Afterlife I remember you telling me about. Were all the victims from there, then, or were any of them lunar? I can't believe I'm actually saying lunar residents may pose an additional conundrum in this exercise, but if Jemma can learn to deal with magic then I can say 'lunar residents' and wonder about extraterritorial agreements, or if we treat the Moon like Antarctica. Ask your boyfriend sometime about how that goes."

Let's just brush that further reason to stick the pair of them in a room together while Daisy sneaks off to get firecracker chicken and a bottle of Fireball. She would be entitled.

"How long did you live in... Afterlife. That's going to take me a moment to get used to," she adds with a fond tone, for all that it sounds ridiculous. Daisy's scrutiny shall go unnoticed, but not her failure to pounce on the food. Picking at it is another matter. "I promise, it's safe to eat. I sent out Sarai to pick it up personally, just so you don't have to worry about it getting cold or bike couriers lost in traffic. I needed her out of my hair, anyway." What lovely brown hair it is. "List has been the source of misery for a while then, which means he is more than overdue to stand trial. Any idea on his last whereabouts or are we back to searching for needles in an eight billion straw haystack?" Her fingertips dance across the box and she pulls out one of the wrapped egg rolls, transferring it to a paper plate reserved for such notions. "You're creating a team for this? Good. Someone needs to."

Her gaze shifts slightly to the picture of her, Jemma, and Daisy framed in a digital photograph frame on the desk. It's not the only photo; there are several. "People deserve not to live in fear. Nor be used as weapons against civilians, or us, or frankly anyone. Let them go about their lives, and not be someone else's tool any more than we already are. Perfect independence isn't real, of course, but we can get close. How can I help, if I can?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy handwobbles, thoughtful. "It's old school mind control. The kind you spend ages in a room getting your mind conditioned to do something." she explains, "And yes, you are right. Which is why those we captured are being brought to New Afterlife to again go back to having a life. If living in a secluded outpost is a life. But that's something for another time I feel.." clearly she seems to have divided feelings about -that-.

"None were lunar." She then answers, "Hydra does not know about that outpost, thankfully. But there were also others not just from Afterlife." she then chuckling as Jane starts talking about how one should address lunar residents.

"I didn't live there long enough. Just a few weeks. It was when I lost my powers, during that Saudi Arabia mission. It did sort of change my life ..., for the better too. Something that List destroyed, but we captured one of his cronies, who may lead us to where he is. So we have something to work on."

"Oh hey, I remember this photo.." She reaches to look it over while still chewing with a mouthful. It takes a certain kind of skill to talk and do it with so much food in mouth. But that's just how Daisy rolls. ".. It seems like it was a lifetime ago, doesn't it?" she tells the other, looking up at Jane, then a nod at those last words. "That's what we should fight for. We should -all- be able to live in peace, without the need to hide, without the need of fear."

Her eyes then go down to that wrist where Mjolnir is, then back up to Jane's eyes, "What happened to you, Jane? You are now suddenly back up, you met the Inhuman King. You -can- talk his dialect, which is something I am still trying to grasp even after his continued tries on teaching me. What did that bracer do to you?" direct to the point! But then again they are friends.

Jane Foster has posed:
"Ages of conditioning doesn't make up for the fact their essential rights were violated. I cannot help but feel awful for them." Truly, Jane can't. It's a heavy topic over firecracker chicken and delicious noodles in a soupy, brothy sauce that may be a bit more autumn than summer, but a girl has to like that. "Secluded outposts have their charms, I guess. But when you are as much a part of the world as we are, how is it at all comfortable to live like that? Could you?"

The question counts for something. She munches on the end of the eggroll, happy to listen if any lunar residents were caught up in HYDRA plans. It sounded like it; fortunately, none are, and that accommodates a sigh. Her fingers curl slightly and spread out, almost kneading biscuits like a cat. No, just the sheer rapture of a good eggroll. Not even a sublime one. Damn tasty alone will do.

The smile returns, warm as ever. "Lifetimes ago, and here we are still. Jemma's a senior agent, which still blows my mind only a little. She deserves it, given how hard she worked. I don't want to ever tkae that away from her. But it's good to see that talent gets rewarded, and we need her more than ever. You, too, isn't it time to bask in the joy that is saving others?" Her finger wiggles. "It's a far cry from sitting idle in an office, pushing paper around. I am not saving lives so much as trying to inspire them here. You actually stopped devastation."

Yes, an Inhuman king. She is not choking on an eggroll, not really. <<Persistent, are we?>> The crook of her forefinger to her ring finger forms a circle, then gripped into a light fist with her thumb poised just so. "I have a very important question about that, actually. Why hasn't anyone in the organization provided the man with a tablet or some kind of digital translator? I can buy one for $200 at Costco and Stark Tech sells far better versions. You can't tell me we do not have something that could replace chalk and slate, or whatever lovely underwater pencils that were popular in the Forties."

So, that's out of the way and she dances her fingers in short order. "The bracelet didn't do anything except let me smash Peggy out of that pod, and now I apparently occupy it with no visible proof." It's complicated. "You realize I read Latin fluently and I speak and read Wakandan Xhosa, which is practically an effort unto itself? Sign isn't that hard. It has very little in common with ASL, but I had rudiments of that. Mom insisted I learn it when she was picking up a different wing in the hospital growing up, and some of that carried over. I didn't have much else to do with the Hayden and the Playground closed to me, and the Inhuman king was probably relieved to have someone willing to learn. He is a good teacher and patient when I was getting nuances completely messed up. It feels a lot more like something structured on, say, German. It gets complicated fast. We had to work out healthcare terms for insurance since I was talking about it, and he was having a moment trying to figure out what on earth a deductible was. Or why we had fees for use, which caused a lot of interesting terms to pop up. None very nice." American health care, right?

"I try signing while I talk for reinforcement. As long as we aren't getting overly technical in certain directions, I can manage well, or I'm actually speaking nonsense and he is humouring me. But we actually do converse with one another."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I couldn't.." Daisy admits with a small shake of her head. It had proven to be a source of long discussions with her mother. Turns out Daisy had inherited the stubborness from her mother's side. Which made for some interesting discussions... But they both had their set beliefs. "Even if I can understand why some people chose to do so. By necessity mostly, but also because of a lack of trust. From both sides." she says, "Something that I would like to change." quite the task though!

Daisy takes a few moments in actually savoring the food now, chewing quietly and listening. A grin then given to Jane. "Don't sell yourself short. I still remember that disco truck of doom. It was a feat that you were an instrumental part of, and we saved Metropolis." she points out. Another eggroll in. But then a laugh comes out at why Blackagar doesn't have a tablet. "It was the first thing I offered, actually..." a shake of her head, "His 'words' were, I am not going to use your primitive technology to communicate." a beat, "He can be a bit stingy with how he communicates."

As Jane then proceeds on explaining on how she learned Daisy watches her through slightly narrowed eyes. Something is amiss! But hey, it's not like she knows a lot about languages. "Well, to me it is being complicated. But Bobbi always says I should had learned more languages to be a good spy. I never really focused on those. Maybe you should help me on the sign language.." she suggests.

"But so, you talk a lot with him, mmm?" Oh yes, a very suggestive tone now on her voice. She is amused. "You do realize that when we picked up your signal you were *hovering* over the Thames, right? Was he carrying you or what was going on?" yes, she is persistent!

Jane Foster has posed:
Long discussions, and long entanglements. There cannot be both in life, it would seem. Jane smiles wanly at Daisy when she expresses her choice of where to live, and she clasps her hands over the desktop rather than piling into those delicious noodles for the moment. "I can understand. There will always be hermits and those happiest in isolation instead of the noise and bustle of a city. I know enough scientists and thinkers like that. They thrive best where they can work without interruption and believe me, I feel that particular call sometimes. Light pollution is obviously a problem."

Her thumb trails in a wavering line and she draws a fork, skating up. "The disco truck of doom was amazing. I wish it were possible to do something like that again, in my darkest heart of hearts. Chief Carter for some reason seconded me to WAND and SWORD, just in case, though I assume Jemma hasn't migrated that way. I'm not sure where they prefer her to live within the organization, but then that's not my cup of coffee to worry about, is it?"

Her slender smile curves with a deeper inflection, but Daisy makes such a good impersonation of the situation that she breaks out into laughter. "Oh! Is that how it is? I suppose he was afraid your superior hacking skills into his primitive technology would have had something to do with it? The man uses a phone, for goodness sake. He has no reason to complain."

Or he uses the device because it brainwashed him just like everyone else. HYDRA has nothing on a microchip and cat gifs!

"I can show you what I know, though some of it is arguably two parts failure or clapping together suffixes until we reach the right understanding. Though when it comes to defined degrees, you realize we both need him to tell us if we're sounding like chickens bawking or two-year-olds babbling." Her hands drop gracefully enough back to her desk, and she leans a little. "I met him on a bridge? I mean, we did float up a bit for a better view, but that was more convenience. He took me up there as it was more convenient at the moment."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"That is not the problem. The problem is living like so due to fear and not out of a genuine choice or liking for that kind of living. That is where I want to change things." Daisy clarifies while picking on an eggroll that was eyeing her weirdly. Into her mouth you go! "Our people deserves better, but then again we can say the same of almost everyone." the eggroll is finally devoured and she looks at Jane with a faint smile. "I can see you living in a nice beachfront house, a bit secluded. You were never someone to look for the fame that your work has brought you."

With the subject then going to SHIELD matters she grins, "It can still happen. The disco truck is in the Trisk after all, and we are moving in soon so..." Daisy shrugs, "But if you are saying something similar, mmmm. I am not the brain to ask about that. But Wand and Sword? Those are the places where the crazy is more likely to happen."

"Well, as for Blackagar, I will save the hacking for when I actually go up there. I hear they have moon princesses up there and so..." A bit of an eyeroll and she leaning in to whisper. "Royals..." followed by a shake of her head.

Thouogh as Jane further explains on how they met she mmms, "I didn't know Blackagar could make people levitate." and it's genuine too! She doesn't exactly know how far the Inhuman King's powers go. "But it wasn't just floating though, I believe it was travelling along the Thames." her shoulders rise up in a shrug. "What's true is that your return is still wrapped around much mystery. We know you were reliving and accompanying countless deaths all over the world, that must have taken a toll. Changed you somehow." some of her worry showing. "And even if on the outside you seem just -fine- you know that your friends will know otherwise, won't you?" specially Daisy and Jemma.

Jane Foster has posed:
"Any decisions made from fear rarely tend to be the best ones, agreed. Ticking the boxes for security and a roof over your head is survival, not living fully." The lines appearing on Jane's brow erase any sense of playfulness while she picks through the Chinese food on the desk. Noodles are a luxury, a privilege for those who can walk out the door or call up delivery. "Not to disparage their achievements in the least. I am sure -- well, without being there -- they do their best with the resources they have. But you said, without a choice and being backed into a corner, it may not be the lifestyle they want. What changes are you contemplating, and how long-term is this? Am I going to learn Mayor Daisy rescued a heap of people? Because that is so your story, it wouldn't even make me blink."

She doesn't say anything about being swept up in the 'our people,' though somehow that brings a warm glow in the sad story for those deprived of a home or a place to make their own decisions. She doesn't interrupt more on that, poking about with her chopsticks and finally going for a fork to separate a reasonable portion instead half of the noodles in Manhattan for her share.

"Are you considering becoming a moon princess somehow? I thought you needed a wand and buns for that." She doesn't match the eyeroll, though she arches her brows at the whispered confessions. "I'm surprised those royals aren't more interested in what is going on with your mother and Afterlife. Those beyond Blackagar, at least. He seems to be concerned with them. It sounds even more complicated than our geopolitics, Asgard or Superman not included. Kryptonians give another layer, don't they?"

Because Kryptonians always do, no fault of their own. It's something about being in the middle of it all that causes trouble.

The brunette pushes her hair back, a futile gesture as it's too long to remain corralled at her neck without some kind of elastic. Naturally she lacks them. "We were getting a look at a few spots. Was it before the British Museum or after?" A puzzled look passes over her face, followed by something a tad irked more than anything. Not with Daisy, as her explanation probably lends. "Time is still fuzzy in spots for me. Probably a side effect. He actually carried me, for what it's worth. He can levitate himself. Is that an important distinction?" Is it? Another mystery, not one she's particularly interested in digging up.

Her fingers pinch her brow and she offers that pained smile. It's not a smile. "Daisy, I'm still not sure how we got from Christmas to August. I was supervising junior astronomers and then everything fell apart. Jemma of all people doesn't mess with others, not without several shots. You know how often I'm waking up in the middle of the night thinking about another me lying in a frozen chamber? What if she wakes up and is me? What if I'm not me? What if it's a decoy? What if that's a trick? I'm telling you, when I looked, nothing was there. I crawled in there, and nothing was there but me. Obviously we have some bigger problems when it comes to the Triskelion and HYDRA, so I've tried to bury my thoughts in that direction, but it's still the weirdest transition. After waking up, finding the world moved on without you, is really quite humbling. And incredibly weird. I'm lucky to even have my job. I tell you I gave up on my lease? I've got a new place, which isn't in the database. The Dakota. You know, the John Lennon building."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Mayor Daisy...?!" Daisy lets out a laugh at that and shakes her head, "No such thing. I mean, I want to be an inspiration, and I suppose some people look at me like that after all the exposure during the skyscraper incident. Though I certainly prefer that to being hunted like a criminal like we were before..." a shrug. "But as for changes, it's more a coming out to the light, let people know the Inhumans exist, and that we are here to help, not to conquer or anything of the sort. A close relation to SHIELD will help hence the idea of the powered group I mentioned."

"The secret warriors."

"It's both to help *us* but also to help the world. And so far? Well, I have garnered the support of a few Agents to it."

"As for moon princessing, I don't think so. Wouldn't that imply marrying into the royal family? And I already got a beau that I live with so not in my future! Which is a shame, the Moon will lose a great princess." she jokes, taking some more noodles into the bottomless pit that is her stomach.

"Oh, he carried you did he?" See? Gossip Girl Daisy is back, she leaning in with a raised brow. But there's amusement there, perhaps trying to bring some levity to the situation. She knows these kind of questions aren't easy, specially with Jane's memory as fuzzy as it may be.

"Well, whatever happened you know we will be there for you, right? No matter what. Even if we may not have the answers. Though you should come meditate with me sometime, I learned a few techniques when learning with Master Fu. Who knows? Maybe it can help.."

"And yea, I know the Dakota. Uh, didn't know you had left that place in Happy Harbor. It was a nice area." She still remembers visiting!

Jane Foster has posed:
"Too many memories there right now. All mine, but suppose I'm an interloper." The idea more than a little unnerving. Her stomach in flips isn't comfortable to feel as a vibration, is it? Apologies, Quakest darling. "Everything is in flux. It made sense for a fresh start. Technically I might still have both. The Dakota is an investment if nothing else. More room, too, and a much shorter commute."

That's how she justifies it. The unease crawls from some vestigial place, the same scream in the night that propels children or lost souls to ask, am I real?

Mayor Daisy, totally a thing. "Maybe it needs more work to be a better title, councillor Daisy?" The faint hint of a tease woudl be there, but Jane is still too much locked up in things more serious. "After the 'skyscraper incident.' Just what level of exposure are you being paid in?" She can be just as much of a concerned friend, though gossip is more on Darcy's paygrade than her own. Never believe how fast news travels with one Ms. Lewis!

"I have to wonder, do the Inhumans want to come out into the world or have there been other reasons to stay hidden? If it wasn't their choice, was there any inciting incident that forced it or something else that might contribute to staying out of sight? Other than wanting privacy." She purses her lips. "I suppose being upfront about supporting them as another unreasonably maligned group makes a difference, a wider part of civil and racial rights. We saw what happened with Brainiac last year and how that impacted the anti-mutant fervor." Darkness clouds her expression for a moment, distaste grown into something more. "The prevalence of hate groups deeply disturbs me. It's awful to see they hve an audience to literally call for every sort of crime, and pen their dark thoughts across the Internet."

She doesn't smile. The weight of that is just too great. "I hate to liken the situation to domestic violence or other forms of hate or violence. But being forced to hide because your very existence offends another person violates everything I know to be right. Not only because you are my friend and represent their plight, either." Jane shakes her head, going quiet again for Daisy to continue.

Bit hard to miss that when she waves her hand, encouraging more details. That, and the mouthful of noodles makes it rather hard to talk.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I walked right into that one, didn't I?" About the exposure comment! A faint smile then cropping up to her expression. One without too much mirth considering the topics they are broaching now. "But every time I think on politicians now I can only think on corruption, considering how corrupt some higher-ups were with Hydra. And they still may be." a sigh, "I am not naive enough to think their threat is gone, or that we have *won*. Whatever that may mean."

As the talk returns to the Inhumans themselves she nods, "They do not trust humanity. At least the ones here on earth. Jiaying, my mother, has lived for ..., I don't know how long. Perhaps a few hundred years? She hasn't told me exactly, but she has been around enough to see how our people were treated. And while I won't say that their method wasn't working till a while back what's true is that the world is changing. Staying hidden isn't really a possibility anymore, unless they do like their cousins and go up to the moon. But isn't that doing the same they have been doing for ages now?"

"The same way with mutants, and what happened with Bushwick. We can't stay silent and hiding anymore, for that is simply to let that vocal minority win. If we want to change things we need to be out there fighting for our rights and make ourselves heard. Running away won't solve any problems."

Daisy does have quite the faith in humanity!

Jane Foster has posed:
"You did. More details, about that and the warriors and everything else." Because Chinese food rightly requires two hands, Jane intends to use both of hers to avoid a messy desk. It may not be her desk for too long, if the fuss goes on, but she will keep it that way. "Have you been courted by the press or something else?" The nibble of her spring roll demands noshing out, but she has such manners that she really won't bend to the possibility of snarfing everything at once.

She wants to. Really, the stuff here is imaginative and tasty. How does Daisy not eat the Dragon in Hell's Kitchen out of existence? Such trials!

"You're saying you will potentially live for centuries." Ding! Fact going off in the astrophysicist's mind. Or perhaps that was something more explicitly tied to Jiaying, but this bears a concerned look for them. "Going to the Moon is another place to run. Like communities that left Europe ending up in North America, then migrating on to Australia or elsewhere when they wanted space. Eventually you go /to/ space. I suppose after that, the choices are really a great deal more limited by resources and time." Two factors of significant importance to how far misanthropes or persecuted people can run, isn't it?

"Silence rarely helps. The whole concept of the silent majority has only hurt us time and time again. What is it you want? To be in the open about who and what you are? For others to be? I don't know that fits /secret/ warriors, nor being a spy, but greater contradictions have existed."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Oh, no no. That's not my inhuman power." Daisy clarifies about living a few hundred years, "Mine is the vibrations and the song. Jiaying's is immortality." something is left unsaid there, her jaw tightening a touch in tension. Perhaps it's something a bit different from just immortality. But Daisy isn't sharing more about that. And somehow it doesn't feel as if she is at all jealous of that power.

"I am already in the open on who I am. The press sort of took care of it. But beyond that I want to *show* that we can be here to help, that our people can live together with the humans. That is perhaps one of the main objectives. The others? There are still a lot of our kind that are being pursued. Inhumans, Mutants." she gestures with one hand, "Hunted for being different. It has happened over and over again during the history of our planet. This group is also to help those people, to find and guide them to safety. Or protect them."

As for being spies? She lifts her shoulders. "It doesn't exactly fit the concept of being a spy, no. But it came down from Fury. He felt it was time for such a group, and I agree."

Jane Foster has posed:
"You have all earned different powers genetically, like mutants, is that right? And tell me to go on my merry way if you don't want the questions, Daisy. Your life, your privacy. I promise to honour that unless we have to give you a transfusion and your genetic makeup then gets some of mine." Presumably she has DNA. RNA. Things that still bleed. Jane doesn't seem to want to push Daisy on the topic of her mother or power, though she gently taps her chopsticks together to clear off a stray sliver of carrot. Back you go into the abyss.

"How do you work together on that? Are you going to rescue mutants and Inhumans in bad situations or open doors for them? Undermine those who are working to harm them without them being affected? I can see a few ways you might operate, though you probably have already determined ways of doing that. I'm still interested. It's more than personal at this point. Two Inhumans came to my aid when I had no reason to expect either of them, and that ... very rude person who decided to drop a building is still out there."

She has unfinished business with him. "Stopping him from hurting your friends is going to be hard."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Yes, somewhat. But they are triggered by terrigen crystals which are the devices that make our transformation happen. From what I understand this was the Kree's doing, a long time back. Though I do not know the reason for them to have done so. What I know is that more and more are starting to appear, my Mother has said so, it is perhaps the most number she has seen of our people starting to be transformed. But .., she is a believer of prophecies. She thinks there's a reason for each of us to have the powers we have."

Daisy seems somewhat on the fence about that still. "I have .., seen a lot of things that make me question whether it might or not true. I mean, almost as if some higher entity was looking at us?" she shakes her head a bit, "But maybe there's something there.."

Yet at the other questions she nods. "Help those in bad situations to start, and as a follow-up to open doors for them. There are many ways to do it, of course. And indeed I have thought of a few ways, like an Inhuman network to connect people, to let us know. But it's still in the early stages."

Then a nod. "You mean List. He is the one responsible for the mindwipes. For .., everything. At least these experiments on the Inhumans. And if you wish to help I will certainly accept it." a grin, "And you won't even need to wear a cape."

Jane Foster has posed:
"The Kree being the aliens from another part of the galaxy than the Shi'ar or the Kryptonians? We need a better database. People who might answer fundamental questions and unfortunately have a habit of trying to erase us." The astrophysicist really coudl complain loudly about such things, but she doesn't, her expression long since come to turns with strange creatures from beyond. Thor started it.

"Higher entities looking out for you may be real, though that could also be a troubling thing. I mean, if it's the /royals/ you're talking about, one of them is right there. If you mean some maker god of the Kree, if they have gods, then that might be particularly daunting." Or the goddess in the room who refuses to come out and play, even if there might be an echo hiding around a certain Inhuman while she lies in a hospital bed.

"Providence and divinely ordained things go with some faiths, though I have trouble believing there is a higher power singularly orchestrating things. Maybe we have seen too many god-like powers lately. Though after the Grail..." Jane shakes her head, and smiles faintly. "You could be onto something if it's simply a time when they are emerging with powers or from hiding. It seems like many races are doing that. A network is a good idea to have, by the way. Something like that would be welcome. So what help can I give you, if you need it?"

No expectation of anything there, her terms and tone are gentle and open. She means it.

"It's not just List, by the way. A very old, hard to hurt Inhuman with an opinion about curtailing your rights to exist where you are without him having a say in it was behind a lot of this. He allied with HYDRA because he could. I'm telling you this because you are one of his people. I also told Mr. Boltagon because he's also got a vested interest. I don't know that SHIELD has twigged to it, but that might not be appropriate yet to bring up considering that it is an internal matter too. Politics."

The sigh says everything. "I don't like politics, but we don't get a choice. It is absolutely that. So give yourself a few days to chat with the Midnight King and figure out the best way to go about it? It's more his problem and yours than it is, say, Brand's."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No, not the Royals." Daisy shakes her head with quite the certainty about it. "He's not Kree. In fact ..., I think there's some animosity there with them and the Kree, but I have yet to actually talk with Blackagar again about it to figure out what's going on exactly. There's much we still do not know, and I am not even sure if Blackagar himself does." she letting out a brief sigh before snatching the last piece of the noodles that was on her portion.

When Jane speaks of that other Inhuman it has Daisy frown briefly. She wasn't sure about having read about that one on the reports. "Are you talking about Gayle? I believe May killed her but ..., no. It's someone else." it meant she would have to go look at the reports again. A nod, "I will look into this." some worry creasing her brows.

"As for help, of everyone I know you are the one that knows more about the stars, and you also have Blackagar's ear. Perhaps we can start by looking into this mystery of the Kree? One way to help the Inhumans is to understand them. And we need to figure out more about where they come from. And learning more about the Kree should be a priority."

Jane Foster has posed:
"The royals aren't Kree, no. Not that I know of." An amendment there comes down. "I thought you meant the mysterious benefactor or presence making things better, whatever you want to call it." Jane's summary correction definitely follows Daisy's own take. "Last thing I'm doing is threatening to say space aliens are related to a spacefaring people hiding on Earth. He shared a little bit of their history, that they withdrew from society around World War I. Presumably on the basis of not wanting to be drawn in, or seeing something possibly terrible on the horizon they could not endure. I don't know if the great leap forward in technology would make their position untenable or it was something more along the lines of having conflict possibly engulfing them." She shakes her head, at a loss where too little branches together. "A century in hiding. Not that they were known about much beforehand, since no history I read ever said 'An ancient kingdom of magical people exists here on this map.' Unless they claim to be the descendants of Prester John or some old story."

Prester John is not applicable here but he deserves a neat reference! He's cool.

She brushes her fingers around the takeaway containers, folding up the ones they aren't eating so the food stays warm and can go home with whomever. "No. It wasn't her. Let's make this easy, you call Blackagar or do your voodoo to invite him wherever you both feel comfortable. I can try to draw you a picture of who. Blackagar seemed to know him and wasn't especially happy, if you can try to gauge his responses. He's a bit tough to parse compared to others." Astrophysicists really aren't empaths, anymore than hackers are psychological experts. Social hacking and mental sciences are different!

She smiles, anyway. "Don't go inviting trouble prematurely. I got the impression this was an in-house issue. Granted, had that guy tried to bring the building down any more than he had, I would've opened a black hole under him. Maybe not so helpful, but I'm willing to argue the point."

She smiles a little at learning more. "So you're saying hit some books and go ask questions. I can do that. Thor at least should know /something/. If he doesn't, then I'll start shaking up the other parts of the tree. Because that ended so well last time."

Draugr, you are a bastard.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"My voodoo?" That makes Daisy's expression turn to one of amusement, "But yes, I will call him soon." she assures the other Furiae, slowly getting up to her feet and stretching her limbs up slowly. "But you know me, if there's anything I do *is* inviting trouble prematurely." story of her life, really.

"A black hole under him?" She then asks, head canting to the side. "You can do that?" she is a touch confused for a moment there, watching Jane even as she nods about talking with Thor. "That *would* help. Asgardians have travelled around, they may know more on this."

A glance around. "Now, do you have anywhere we can sneak off to take a nap in this place?" because what do you do after lunch? Napping!

Jane Foster has posed:
"Everything you do is voodoo. I have it on good authority you have primitive technology to send messages that offends someone." That poor phone! Jane gestures to her couch. "You can nap right there if you need to, of course. I promise it's still my authority exercised about who enters, and if you give me a little time to stuff this all into the fridge?"

The story of their lives: premature trouble indeed.

Shuffling some food around isn't hard with the small fridge just outside her office, though she carries the takeout containers in a stack. "I can create very small ones on the principles of building a bridge, yes. Warping the projection field would create a larger one, Do I want to do it? No, it's an absolutely bad idea, to the point of being ludicrously dangerous. But if I had to, theoretically I could. Containment would be the issue."