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Latest revision as of 20:24, 17 August 2021

Welcome Home Daisy
Date of Scene: 17 August 2021
Location: 6C - Matt Murdock
Synopsis: Daisy is home at last, she and Matt talk cake, Secret Warriors and secrets.
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Daisy Johnson

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The word was out, SHIELD was back in the government's good books, no more hiding, and no more SHIELD task force snooping around looking for any SHIELD agents that might come to visit their 'recommended' law firm. It was a pretty damn good day.

So good in fact Matt had reached out to a client for a bit of baking, and so waiting for Daisy along with Matt and Boxer was a cake that had: 'Congratulations on Not Being a Criminal' on it. Mrs. Gonzales had chuckled when he told her the message he wanted on it, but had happily done it as asked.

The cake wasn't the only surprise though, Matt had dressed for the occasion, losing the usual suit and tie and replacing it with a Quake t-shirt that Foggy had seen being sold in Times' Square. Matt couldn't see what was printed on it but he'd been told it was one of the shots from the coverage of the Park Avenue Incident with Daisy flying in the air. He figured she'd get a kick out of it.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The transition from the Playground to the Triskelion had gone smoothly. Well. Sort of. Smoothly after all the trouble they went through clearing their names in the first place. But once it was done? It was but a matter of formality. At least Talbot had vacated most of the offices somewhat quickly, or at least partially. But they knew they hadn't heard the last of him and his mustache.

Daisy steps into the elevator right as Mrs. Rosenberg comes out of the shadows to get in too. Was she lurking? What was going on? But might be she was just going up to her floor too. And of course that it means Daisy gets some intense stares out of the woman. Intimidating even! "Hello?" which is replied by a mumbled Hello. But no further conversation. Once out Daisy makes way to the door, wandering in while still looking over her shoulder. "Mrs. Rosenberg could shoot me with her eyes.." she mutters. Door gets closed behind her and she drops the backpack on the floor before letting out a classic.

"Honey, I am home."

Eyes then look about and spot Matt with that ..., shirt. She squints her eyes to recognize it and ... "That's me, isn't it?" she lets out a chuckle, for a moment unsure on how to react. Fame isn't exactly something she is that used to!

"There's shirts already?"

Matthew Murdock has posed:
A warm smile crosses Matt's lips as Daisy steps through the door. "Hey good timing, dinner's almost ready."

As for the shirt, he nods. "Just the bootleg ones they sell in Time's Square, Foggy found this one after a client meeting," he nods to two more folded up by the cake. "He got you one and hoped you'd sign the other" Matt rolls his eyes. "Don't feel you have to, he should get used go disappointment."

Speaking of getting used to things, he ask, "Hope I didn't do too much here, I guess all of this is a bit of an adjustment."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Ahhh, ulterior motives." Daisy laughs at the tale on how Foggy bought those shirts, and the hope he gets that autograph. "But fine, I can sign one up. He will have the first. Might be it's worth some money too?" she sounds amused, wandering across the room to reach Matt, steps a touch lazy. "I see you kept the house from blowing up on my absence. Good." she leans over to place a kiss on the man's lips, resting her hands up on his shoulders and relaxing against him.

Of course that she spots the cake from the corner of her eye while doing that and chuckles quietly, "I had a good lawyer who stayed by my side to ensure I didn't turn into a criminal, mm?"

"I have missed you." She whispers intimately, cheek resting on his shoulder.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Might be worth something but I think Foggy's just a fan, you're the first superhero he's met in real life you know?" Matt says with a wry grin before returning the kiss and wrapping his arms around her waist, feeling her song through where they press against each other. "I think it was mostly you and your friends being sneaky, but if you'd been caught you can bet your ass I'd have been there to defend you," he promises. "And yeah, mostly just kept Boxer from wrecking the place," he says before he presses another kiss to Daisy's lips. "I missed you too. I'm so glad you're back."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You mean besides the one he has met for years?" Is Daisy teasing? Or maybe just that little poke that one day he will have to let Foggy in on the secret he carries. Before he finds out by himself which .., might be a lot worse.

Daisy lets out a soft exhale, her own song pouring out from her soothingly, mingling with Matt's own senses and vibrations. At the mention of Boxer she looks over Matt's shoulder to the cat, who is sneakily close to the cake. "Damn, he has grown..." no longer the small kitty of yore! But now growing into a real boxer. Mean right hook? Maybe!

"And stay off the cake, Boxer. You are still a criminal." She tells him.

"But I will be honest. I have *no* idea on how to handle all this fame just yet. It's all sort of .." she gestures vaguely with her hands. Bigger than her? Maybe that's what she means. But she then shrugs. "Jane was poking at me and calling me Mayor Daisy. So you know it's serious." she shakes her head a bit to herself.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Chuckling, Matt says, "Yeah, except for that one," he says. "I think I'm finally ready to tell him and Karen, but we can talk about that later," Matt says before smiling about Boxer. "Yeah, he's a cat now, but still up to the same mischief," he grabs a little catnip stuffed toy and tosses it past Boxer and onto the couch, Boxer follows diving on the toy and wrestling with it, back paws kicking rapidly. "He's been good company though."

"I bet," Matt says of her new found fame. "I was a little surprised when I heard, but if there's anything I can do to help, let me know," a beat. "Mayor Johnson."

He grins. "Really should meet this Jane friend of yours sometime. She sounds like fun."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Oh?" That was a bit surprising, that Matt decided to tell them. But Daisy offers a small nod at him, not inquiring further. They would have time for it later indeed. And with Boxer starting to wrestle with the toy she comments. "I see you have been teaching him some moves, mmm?" amusement on her tone.

And again, Mayor Johnson. She answers with a rotund, "No Mayor Johnson anymore. I swear, it's almost as bad as Tremors." really! She even shudders briefly before running her hands through her hair. "Besides, I will be busy enough handling the formation of the secret warriors. It's time to stop hiding."

A nod when Matt then speaks of Jane, "And indeed, I spoke about that last time I was with her. Now that we are all out it's time to actually do a meet-up. Jemma, Jane. You know, the Furiae. They should get to meet you more properly. And I -do- know Jane is looking for some legal help about some matters due to she having been gone for a while. People considered her dead as she was missing for long months so..."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
His senses informing Matt of Boxer's antics, Matt grins, "Maybe a couple, we got up to a lot of training sessions with the wand toys while you were gone," he says of the cat. "He was good company."

"Right, so you're saying I should call you mayor Tremors?" he asks with a perfectly innocent smile on his face, just like the sort of smile he used when he was being a smart ass at St. Agnes. Some things it seems never changes.

"What's the Secret Warriors? If I'm allowed to know about it that is," it did have secret right in the name.

"And sure I can help her. Was she declared dead?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"That's it. I am hacking your lawyer site and change all your fees for pies again. Hope you like strawberry..." Daisy mutters about being called Mayor Tremors. Ugh, that almost makes her shiver! A combo breaker if there ever was one.. "But I see you have *also* been upping your quip game. I will have to make sure to keep up. Boxer's mischief must be rubbing off on you as well." a shake of her head. Shame!

"As for the secret warriors, mostly a group that we are forming of SHIELD agents. Those with powers, focused in helping Inhumans and mutants. To make sure what happened in Afterlife never really happens again." a small frown on her features. But it passes quickly, she moving to the couch and continuing to peer at the cake. "Who made this? Was it Mrs. Gonzales?" she can recognize the handywork!

"And I am not sure. She wasn't declared dead by SHIELD, but she was gone for over six months. And with us having been clandestine for the last few months too it didn't help in us making the bureaucracy go forward. She will know the details better."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt laughs, "I'm not sure it's hacking since I gave you the password that one time," he reasons. Who else was he going to turn to when things on the site were messed up? "And well you'll get your game back in shape you've been a way for awhile," he says witha grin.

"Yeah, it's chocolate, like the one for Foggy's birthday last year," he says before he nods about the secret warriors. "Sounds like a good idea, your people could use some more people ready to fight for them," he says. "If you guys need any help with that, I'm willing to pitch in."

"And I can definitely help Jane and the rest of your friends get their lives back together, they won't even have to pay me in pie."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Hey, I am the expert here ... If I say it's hacking..." That's not how things are, Daisy! "It was just me doing some uh .., social engineering to snatch the password out of you." a wink towards Matt before she finally can't really take it anymore and begins to cut up some slices on the cake. She is hungry! But she gets Matt a plate first. "Here you go.."

And then she is eating her slice, voraciously. "Yea, this is still very much in the early stages. I wanted to ask you about it though because .., it involves being with SHIELD in a more direct manner. So far it's mostly Agents that I have lined up for it. Those with powers, but still..."

She laughs when Matt says her friends dont have to pay, having her comment, "Don't say that too loud or they might just flood you with legal problems. You have no idea how much some people's lives were unsettled with all this that heppened. The disavow, the return. It messed a lot up.." a touch of frustration on her voice.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Gotcha, you've moved in with me as part of some elaborate hack," Matt says with a grin as he takes his plate and digs in. "Mrs. Gonzales has not lost her touch," he says after savouring that first bite.

Setting down his fork Matt considers things a moment. "At this point, I think I need to trust SHIELD and if that means working with them directly while in the suit, then I'm going to be okay with that, but it does mean telling Foggy and Karen first, they'll never forgive me if a whole agency knew before they did." Which means he's going to hae to get on that soon.

"I'll keep it on the down low for the people that really need them help," he says lightly before reaching over to give Daisy's hand a squeeze. "I bet, and I'll be happy to help how I can, Foggy too, he thinks you and the rest of SHIELD are the real heroes, doing things within the law to help people, unlike certain vigilantes in the neighbourhood."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I knew you'd get there sooner or later.." Yes, clearly all an elaborate hack. The plot is exposed! But she is laughing and then eating more of the cake, producing some kind of incoherent words out of her mouth, because she tried to agree while with her mouth full. But one can suppose Daisy means she is liking the cake a lot too!

The talk about SHIELD does have her sober in a touch and she nods her head understandingly. "Well, you may get a whole new host of enemies. But our support too." it's not all good things when joining SHIELD! "But might be you can even have a place in the secret warriors, mmm?" she giving him a nudge with her elbow.

"And ..., well. Not sure I'd call us on being on the right side of the law all the time." They are a superspy organization after all! She chuckles. "Not sure if Foggy would be glad if he saw *all* we do."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Good huh?" Matt says with a smile about the cake, "Mrs. Gonzales really went all out on it." The cake was moist and chocolatey but without being over sweet. Just the right balance.

"Let me think it over a bit longer, but I'd at least like to help the Secret Warriors sometimes, I want to help keep your people safe," he says. "They've been good to me."

"He's looking at SHIELD through rose coloured glasses right now, maybe so am I, but you guys do good work, and as for enemies? They're already my enemies because they're /your/ enemies, Daisy. They pick a fight with you and your people, they pick a fight with me."