Matthew Murdock
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Matt Murdock (Scenesys ID: 183) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Matthew Michael Murdock | ||
Superalias: | Daredevil | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Metahuman | ||
Occupation: | Lawyer/Vigilante | ||
Citizenship: | American | ||
Residence: | Hell's Kitchen, NYC | ||
Education: | BA History and Juris Doctor, Columbia University | ||
Theme: | Marvel (MFC) | ||
Groups: | Defenders | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 29 | Actual Age: | 29 |
Date of Birth | 15 Dec 1990 | Played By | Charlie Cox |
Height: | 5'11" | Weight: | 185lbs |
Hair Color: | Auburn | Eye Color: | Hazel |
Twitter: | @Avocadosatlaw | ||
Theme Song: | Imagine Dragons - "Believer" |
Character Info
Matt Murdock is a do-gooder lawyer out of Hell's Kitchen who has made a name for himself along with his partner Foggy Nelson by fighting for the little guy and taking a stand for the rights of all Americans, mutant or otherwise.
Daredevil aka "The Devil of Hell's Kitchen" is a vigilante who stalks the streets of Hell's Kitchen and the surrounding neighbourhoods taking the fight to gangsters and crooks of all kinds. Though he was active before 2018 he became known to city during the battle of New York where Youtube footage showed him battling the invaders with daring acrobatic maneuvers and nothing by a cheap black costume for protection, earning him the name Daredevil.
Only a handful of people know that Matt Murdock and Daredevil are the same person.
1990: Born in Hell's Kitchen, NYC. Abandoned by his mother, he is raised by his father Jack Murdock
2001: Pushes a man out of the way of an on-coming truck and hit by chemicals spilled from the truck. The chemicals blind him but improve his other senses and allow him to develop a special radar sense.
2002: Matt is found by Stick who trains him to hone his new senses as well as teaching him combat skills.
2005: Matt's father Jack Murdock is killed after refusing to fix a boxing match. He leaves Matt a sizable life insurance policy plus winnings he made betting on himself in the match. Matt goes after the men who killed his father and beats them all down but the man who gave the order who escapes. The others are arrested and go to jail. Turning to Stick as a new father figure, the man abandons him, leaving Matt to be raised at St. Agnes Orphanage but keeps up his training on his own.
2008: Matt is admitted to Columbia University, meets Foggy Nelson.
2010: Meets Elektra Natchios. The pair date but break up after almost a year over Matt refusing to kill the man who ordered his father's killing.
2016: Graduates Summa Cum Laude from Columbia Law and takes up an internship at Landman and Zack along with Foggy Nelson.
2017: Matt and Foggy leave Landman and Zack and start their own firm in Hell's Kitchen, wanting to help their community and fight the increasingly draconic legislation aimed at Mutants. At the same time Matt finds himself no longer able to ignore the crime in his neighbourhood and starts working as an unregistered vigilante.
2018: 2018: Matt fights in Hell's Kitchen during the Battle of New York, video of his heroics is posted online earning him the name "Daredevil" for his acrobatics and willingness to take on monsters without armour and obvious powers. He is seriously wounded however and following the battle he has a suit crafted for him that plays to his new devil motif and gathers together other street level heroes into a loose alliance dubbed the Defenders..
2020: The firm of Nelson and Murdock is known in NYC as a do-gooder law firm having won a number of high-profile tenancy cases in the wake of the Battle of New York and for their outspoken championing of Mutant rights. Daredevil is a known quantity in New York's vigilante scene and tolerated if not officially sanctioned by the NYPD.
IC Journal
Daredevil, is relentless, passionate about justice, has a wry sense of humor and above all /will not kill/. He walks a fine line between heaven and hell, breaking the law for the good of the community and using violence to do it. While he hasn't crossed the line into killing anyone who's seen him intimidate a particularly vile criminal or go to work on somebody in a fight is left with very little doubt there is a bit of the Devil in "The Devil of Hell's Kitchen".
Matt is where "Matthew Murdock Esq" and "Daredevil" meet, very few people get to see Matt like this, where his at once the passionate do-gooder lawyer, the dark avenger of Hell's Kitchen's streets, and the boy who lost his sight, his father, and has had to hide who he is from the world for most of his life. This Matt is the combination of the best and worst parts of his other personas combined with a strong need to find someone he could trust enough to see the real him rather than one of his well-used personas. So far the number of the people privy to this part of Matt's psyche can be counted on one hand, but he's hopeful that there might be more in the future.
"matthew Murdock":
The charming, well put together, do-gooder lawyer, who while blind doesn't let that stop him from zealously fighting for his client's rights against any odds. Matt is controlled, just, strong-willed, passionate about the law and his Catholic faith and loyal to his friends. That said it's not all sunshine and roses with Matt he can be unreliable, vanishing for long periods; he struggles with depression and a healthy dollop of Catholic guilt and he's a bit of a serial dater and major commitment-phobe on the relationship side of things.
Character Sheet
Gifted Intellect:
No Reed Richards, but Matt picks up concepts and information quickly and has an agile mind that helped him graduate Columbia Summa Cum Laude and become the skilled lawyer he is today.
Healing Trance:
Using a trance Stick taught him involving body control and a degree of mind of matter when it comes to the pain, Matt is able to heal twice as quickly as a normal person as long as he has roughly twelve hours to focus on nothing else.
Heightened Senses:
As a result of the accident that robbed Matt of his sight his other senses were heightened to superhuman levels:
Hearing: Matt is able to hear a heartbeat at a distance of 20ft and a whisper on the other side of a soundproof wall. This proves handy to avoid being surprised and listening in on bad guys, he can also (thankfully) filter out what sounds he processes so he's not kept awake nights and can if he wishes focus in on one sound out of the multitude to hear it with greater clarity.
Touch: Matt's sense of touch is extremely sensitive, so much so he read the impressions left by ink on a page like it were braille (pen or pencil is easiest, printed less so, laminated impossible), This extends to the rest of his body as well and to degree internally as well allowing him to sense gradients of heat on his skin down to the degree and gives him a greater control of his body. The downside is even smooth surfaces like cotton sheets can feel like sandpaper.
Smell: Matt can smell concentrations of things as little as 30 parts per million, meaning he can do tricks like tell what someone ate three days ago, or the last time someone showered. As well he can identify people by their smell after as little as five minutes in the same room with them and can track them from a distance of 50 feet.
Taste: Matt's sense of taste is strong enough that he can pick out individual ingredients in what he eats and tell you where they came from (as long as he has experience of both the ingredient and location). This is helpful when trying to avoid being poisoned but makes Matt an extremely picky eater as he's fully aware of every bit of kitchen dirt picked up in dives with a D health rating.
Indomitable Will:
Matt is called 'The Man Without Fear' but that's not true, he feels fear, he's just born with a good deal of grit which he's honed to adamantine proportions. Matt is able to resist fear both natural and imposed by outside forces, is able to resist (some) telepathic scans, and fight mind control such as employed by the Purple Man.
Lie Detection:
Matt can tell if a person is lying by the sound of their voice and heartbeat, the temperature changes in their body and the smell of the sweat and stress hormones. While extremely accurate it can be beat, either electronically through things like pacemakers, or through body control. Also, aliens and mutants with major changes to how their bodies function are a mystery to him until he gets used to their tells.
Peak Athelete:
A result of his accident and relentless training Matt has peak human strength and endurance and has a degree of superhuman reflexes and agility as a result of his powers.
Matt's physique is partly due to years of relentless training and in part due to his abilities. Matt has peak levels of human strength and endurance for a man of his size and weight which his senses especially his internal senses help utilize to their maximum effect. Additionally his radar sense and superior senses give him excellent reflexes as well as a sense of equilibrium roughly equal to Spider-man's making him very hard to surprise or knock off balance.
Radar Sense:
When Matt lost his sight he gained a new sense, a sort of tactile radar that gives him a 360 degree sense of his surroundings down to the millimeter. This sense extends out 75 yards (blocked by walls and other obstructions) without concentration and can be pushed to 100 yards with focus on Matt's part.
Matt's training with Stick included acrobatics which Matt has honed through further practice. Thanks to his near perfect balance and radar sense Matt is capable of amazing feats of precision aerobatics which he applies to jumping around rooftops and his nightly battles with crime on the streets of Hell's Kitchen.
Daniel Day Lewis eat your heart out. As a result of living a double life for nearly two decades Matt is a consummate method actor, slipping fully into the role of Matt Murdock or Daredevil as the situation demands. His performances for each are nuanced, covering not just changes in voice and posture, but subtle and often involuntary movements. He accomplishes this by slipping fully into the mindset of the 'character' to the point that they're almost different people in his head. Which he knows is more than a little crazy.
Honing his technique through law school, trials and depositions and helped by his powers Matt is a master of tripping people up with their own words and getting to the truth be it on the witness stand or in his office. On the streets as Daredevil he uses these same skills to question snitches and criminals. Though those latter also get a good dose of intimidation to go along with the clever word games, and as a last resort Matt was trained by Stick to get information out of people through pain.
He's no Jessica Jones but Matt has learned to become a competent investigator both as a lawyer and as Daredevil. He can put together clues and knows what evidence to gather, as well as having learned a few social engineering techniques to get info and how to tail someone without being seen.
Matt is fluent in English and Spanish and speaks conversational Greek as well as having a Catholic lawyers grasp of Latin.
Matt is one of the best attorneys in New York, even if he doesn't get paid like it. He's got a Juris Doctor from Columbia Law with a focus on US Constitutional Law, and has passed the bar exams for both New York and Delaware (he's licensed to practice law in Federal Court and New Jersey as well) and an impressive list of victories in court. Some of his success in the courtroom is due to judicious use of his abilities but that only gets you so far, the rest is brilliance when it comes to application of the law and his skills as an orator helping him make a case to the jury. In all Matt is the total package when it comes to being a lawyer.
Master Martial Artist:
Stick's training in the martial arts was comprehensive combining many different fighting styles into one brutal package. Matt has taken those skills added to them with techniques learned from various opponents as well as friends like Elektra Natchios and Danny Rand and his powers to craft an acrobatic fighting style of his own that has proven to be effective against all but the most skilled foes in hand to hand combat.
In addition to hand to hand fighting Matt is skilled with staves, swords, knives, throwing blades, bows, and of course fighting sticks which he's mastered. Combined with his powers, Matt is able to throw his sticks with precision and plot out ricochets that would rival Cap's work with his shield. In all Matt is a very dangerous foe with weapons or without.
Matt has a dabbler's proficiency at playing the piano. He knows a few songs by heart and he's reasonably good but he's never put in the time and effort to make it more than hobby or party trick.
With superior body control and childhood training that included ninjutsu Matt can move quietly when he wants to make himself very hard to see. Not quite at the level of Batman and his crew but he can do the disappearing trick when there's a suitable distraction and get the drop on bad guys from the shadows with little difficulty.
Matt is the owner of a loft apartment with roof access in his home neighbourhood of Hell's Kitchen that nobody wanted due to an annoying billboard across the street. It serves as his residence, a bit of financial security, and his Devil Cave(?) all in one.
Matt and Daredevil have a number of contacts in the city of New York and elsewhere, including friendly cops, news reporters, snitches, other superheroes, fellow lawyers, former clients who owe him a favour and of course the priest at his local perish who has hidden witnesses for him in the past.
Additionally if he wanted to, Matt could likely track down Stick or Elektra to help him but those are nuclear options due to the damage likely to be done by either of them coming back into his life.
Matt's father left him with a sizable insurance payout when he died, along with the money he won betting on his fight. Most of that went to Matt's schooling, but through loans and scholarships he managed to hold on to enough to buy his apartment in Hell's Kitchen and have about 50k in savings he can draw on in emergencies, though there's not a lot of money coming in to replace it.
Nelson and Murdock:
Matt is an equity partner in the firm of Nelson and Murdock, which while sounding impressive mostly means Matt has owns half the firm's debt and gets second dibs on the pie and chickens their clients often pay them with. Or at least until recently, a couple of big wins has put Nelson and Murdock on the map and there is hope that they might someday see a day when they're in the black. However the gig does come with an office, and enough money to keep Matt in beer and take out thai food.
The Defenders:
Matt is the leader... or perhaps head cat herder of the Defenders a loose alliance of street level heroes in New York City. There's no fancy mansion, cool jets or even a membership card, but when the chips are down Matt can (usually) count on some of the Defenders to show up and help.
The Suit:
Made by Melvin Potter following Loki's attack on New York, Daredevil's suit combines high tech fabrics with ceramic plates to keep Matt safe from the knives, punches, and bullets sent his way. The suit's not perfect though, a knife put in the right spot or powerful enough bullet or one at close enough range will get through and leave Matt bloody, but it's better than the black workout gear and hockey pads getup he started with!
Matt's main weapon of choice are his billy clubs, a pair of custom made batons that can be combined into a short staff, linked by high tensile cord to become nunchaku, or deploy a grapple hook for swinging from buildings. Matt keeps two sets of them at his apartment beyond that he needs to go to Melvin Potter for a new one.
Beyond the clubs he's got himself a set of tonfa, a few throwing blades and a genuine katana he took off one of his opponents.
Despite all his super-senses Matt is still blind and while his radar sense gives him the shape of his surroundings it gives him no idea of colours, text or faces, and anything on a screen is unreadable. This is mostly expected in his day to day life as a blindman but becomes more of a problem as Daredevil, where he's pretending to be sighted and has to find excuses for not being able to perceive these things. Also if his radar sense and other senses are disrupted, or if something is coming at him from outside of their range, he does not have sight to fall back on as a backup.
Matt might own an apartment and a bit of cash on hand, but between Nelson and Murdock and his student loans he's also carrying six figures in debt which can be with the right financial moves used to leverage him and close the firm.
Double Life:
Matt keeps a sharp divide between his civilian and masked lives, so much so that some of those closest to him aren't aware that Daredevil and Matt Murdock are the same person or that Matt has supernatural senses. He does this to protect them from his enemies, to keep off a laboratory slab and keep out of prison. More than that if his double life and powers were revealed to the public he'd be disbarred and a lot of his cases past and present would be called into question and put his clients through the hell of the judicial process all over again. It's safe to say, Matt keeps the matter of his identity a /very/ close secret.
Matt makes enemies all over the place. As Matt Murdock, lawyer, Matt has pissed off a lot of people with his work, including some of the city's biggest slum lords and one Wilson Fisk, as well as various criminals who had their schemes exposed by Nelson and Murdock while defending one of their clients. On the other side of the mask Daredevil has a long list of enemies from muggers to mob bosses, vigilantes and a few cops who don't approve of him taking the law into his hands. In all it's very dangerous to be Matt Murdock or Daredevil and Matt works very hard to see his friends don't end up hurt in the crossfire, though they seem to end up there anyhow.
Mental Issues:
Call it Catholic guilt or major depression, but Matt spends a lot of time focused inward second guessing himself and his life. While this sometimes helps him make the right decisions it can mire him indecision or cause him to enter a downwards spiral of self-doubt. He's also got a bit of a martyr complex, if there's a way for Matt Murdock to take the weight of the world onto his shoulders in a given situation odds are he's going to take it.
Sense Disruption:
Matt's senses are a powerful asset but they can also be a weakness. Applying ultrasonic frequencies or strong chemicals can mess with Matt's hearing and or sense of smell, and deep water can mess with his radar sense. Additionally head trauma like a concussion can also disable Matt's if severe enough.
Thou Shalt Not Kill:
Matt is many things and a killer is not one of them. Oh. Matt has thought about it with some of his enemies but in the end, it's not his place to be judge, jury, and executioner, he leaves questions of life and death in the hands of God and the courts. If Matt should kill either by losing control or by accident, it would cause a major crisis of faith and may be enough to get him to give up the vigilante life all together.
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Matthew Murdock has
188 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Feeling a Little Crowded | January 16th, 2025 | No description |
Trouble Magnet | December 23rd, 2024 | No description |
O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum | December 19th, 2024 | No description |
Ninjas Beneath the City | November 24th, 2024 | Daredevil tracks a young ninja through the sewers and meets Leo, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. |
Sins of the Heart | November 3rd, 2024 | No description |
Who would sue a model citizen | October 20th, 2024 | Gwen Stacy gets sued for not honoring a modeling contract that the OTHER Gwen Stacy signed before she died... four years ago. Not knowing what to do, she goes to visit Matt Murdock for advice. |
Descent: The Hunter's Prey | September 14th, 2024 | A trap laid by Hammerhead and Kraven to get rid of Spider-Man once and for all is thwarted by his quick-to-respond allies, and after being presumed dead, Felicia resurfaces with murderous intent. |
What are we doing | August 11th, 2024 | Matt and Elektra debate their roles in each others lives. The answer, as always, is up in the air. |
Patching Things Up | July 18th, 2024 | Elektra turns up to Matt's and gets him stitched up after their encounter with the Serpents. |
One Night at Murdock Clinic | June 24th, 2024 | No description |
The Bowels of Hell's Kitchen | June 4th, 2024 | Matt and Elektra uncover a deeper conspiracy in which the Black Serpents have connections in multiple areas of the government and law enforcement. They manage to escape with a cop who is on the group's payroll. What information will he offer them? Will the Serpents find out where they've taken him? |
A Hideout in Hell's Kitchen | May 29th, 2024 | Matt and Elektra investigate a hideout supposedly belonging to the Serpents and find some interesting 'evidence.' They also find over a couple dozen men with automatic rifles, but manage to escape into a hidden tunnel. What will they find?? |
Cleanup Lower West Side | May 27th, 2024 | No description |
Syndicates and Surprises | May 22nd, 2024 | While on a stakeout, Matt is visited by an old friend who is on the same trail. They decide to work together to investigate the Black Serpents Syndicate. |
Unconventional Job Interview | May 19th, 2024 | Chinese takeout is had, information about Ruth's abilities is obtained, and a warning is given. |
Can't Do Law On An Empty Stomach | May 13th, 2024 | Matt meets Ruth, who is looking for another job. He gets the idea that she has an insight into things that could be very useful to his endeavors and might be able to save some lives. There may be a job for her yet! |
Alias Investigations Explodes | April 21st, 2024 | Jessica's home and office is attacked by Russian mobsters! Luke and Daredevil rush in to aid her before the merc team can finish their job! |
A Warning and a Dare | April 12th, 2024 | No description |
HUNGER: Non-Baryonic Shuffle | March 22nd, 2024 | The Defenders travel to the Negative Zone in search of the people providing anti-matter weapons to criminals! In the process, they destroy a moon. Take that, Justice League. |
The Broken, The Beaten, and the Damned | March 9th, 2024 | Batgirl calls for aid, in breaking up a weapons trafficking deal in the depths of a forgotten New York subway station. Green Goblin makes an appearance, and makes off with a mysterious piece of technology, while the heroes mostly save the day, save for a few bumps and bruises. McDonalds for everyone! |
HUNGER: Dealing in the Dirt | February 24th, 2024 | Quake, Batgirl, and Daredevil find themselves drawn to what seems like a routine arms deal between criminals and turns out to be something far stranger. |
Traffic Infringement Notice Patrol | February 7th, 2024 | What do you do when the police impound your time machine? Why, you go to Nelson & Murdock of course! |
Zoot Suit Riot | January 10th, 2024 | Daisy thinks she's so cool. |
Rooftop Shenanigans With Sniper Rifle | November 28th, 2023 | Quiet is tracking some critters and Matt offers to help, so long as she doesn't shoot at him. |
Don't Shoot the Messenger | November 8th, 2023 | Matt is looking for Skye but instead meets Monica who drills him for information. |
Hand in Hand | October 25th, 2023 | The Hand start to be all Handsy. |
Chinese food and self doubt | October 10th, 2023 | Matt and Daisy have chinese takeout and talk about their lives. |
Midgard Has Stupid Laws | September 22nd, 2023 | Matt Murdock is a good lawyer after all! Thanks to Daisy's recommendation, he was hired by Sif. He was able to get the case against Sif dismissed. |
September In Central Park | September 13th, 2023 | Some random conversation in the park goes on. |
Burning Tiger Returns | September 3rd, 2023 | The arsonist Burning Tiger strikes again. Aurora, Red Arrow and Daredevil rescue the office workers from the burning building. |
When Its Time To Relax One Beer Stands Clear | August 16th, 2023 | After dealing with a Triad drug dealer, Daisy and Matt discuss the Triad's latest moves, and the events at Phoenix Towers. |
Hot Summer Days | July 29th, 2023 | Jessica and Dinah both stop by Matt's apartment to seek a little legal help and advice. |
After The Tainted Chocolate | July 15th, 2023 | After the attack at the candy convention, Karen is frazzled while Daisy sees to her and Matt gets his injuries bandaged before coming home. |
The Colonel's Revenge: A Sweet Beginning | July 7th, 2023 | No description |
Smells Like: Trouble in the Subway | June 27th, 2023 | Batman, Daredevil, Fleece and Kai.
Not the latest superband, but definitely a performance seven thugs and Kevin Noh will not soon forget. |
I Hear Meatball Sub Day Is The Best | June 17th, 2023 | Matt goes to the Triskelion to meet Daisy for lunch, but when she's delayed, talks with Mary Jane Watson instead. There might be embarrassing Daisy stories told. |
Phoenix Towers: Meeting the New Landlord | June 1st, 2023 | Oliver returns to newly purchased Phoenix Towers to meet with the residents and their lawyer, Matt Murdock. Oliver lays out his plans for improving the place. |
The Eyes of The Beholder | May 29th, 2023 | Emma Frost has a care break down and runs into Matt Murdock at a late night diner. |
When A Friend Calls | May 22nd, 2023 | Daisy and Matt help out Karen when her apartment gets flooded. |
Secrets of the Ooze, Part I | May 16th, 2023 | Daredevil, Mona Lisa, Sundance, Kai and Sally Pride thwart a mob meeting with the Utroms. Pizzaface is born when a mob boss is dowsed with mutagen while eating pizza, and they found out that the utroms appear to be trying to acquire earth-made trucks for some reason. |
A Blind Man, a Chimpanzee, and a SHIELD Agent Walk Into A Bar | April 30th, 2023 | People gather at Josie's Bar to watch the basketball playoffs. When Bullseye feels slighted, things turn murderous. |
Central Park In Springtime | April 23rd, 2023 | A nice spring day brings people out into Central Park. There are talking mice women and telepathic space dogs to go with archers and agents and acrobats (oh my!). |
Who's representing who | April 14th, 2023 | When it comes to demons, contracts and deals are everything and sometimes you need a lawyer. Matt Murdock was the right man at the right time, allowing Daimon to find a way to send the demon beast Maeloc back to hell for some needed downtime. Hells Kitchen is safe again from the slowly ramping feed needs of an underborn. |
Phoenix Towers: The New Owner | April 2nd, 2023 | Oliver and Emiko show up at Phoenix Towers to complete the sale of the slum residential building. Interest in the proceedings is shown by the neighborhood. |
Drinking With The Devil | April 1st, 2023 | People gather at Josie's for a Saturday of drinking, eating, and the Final Four. Pool is played. Pockets are picked. |
Boxer's New Bed | March 22nd, 2023 | Daredevil makes a good cat bed. Daisy makes food without burning it, with the help of her sister's recipe. |
Rainy Nights and Memories | March 8th, 2023 | Daisy and Matt reminisce about their time at the orphanage. |
I Liked The Red And Blue Costume | March 7th, 2023 | Kaine is swinging through Hell's Kitchen and encounters Daredevil watching out over the area. Kaine's troubled thoughts about use of violence against bad guys leads to a conversation. |
A Little Fat Tuesday Music Please | February 22nd, 2023 | After an attack on SHIELD, Daisy needs to unwind. Matt takes her out to a Mardi Gras party. |
The Hand in the Hospital | February 16th, 2023 | The Hand attack a hospital going after a witness to an assassination. Daredevil is joined by civilian Caleb Dykstra in getting the man to safety, while Magik and Mary Jane Watson spot the disturbances and clear the ground floor. |
Let's Do The Time Warp Again | February 3rd, 2023 | Matt and Daisy go to a Rocky Horror Picture showing, only to have an old hacker friend of Daisy's try to make contact via a kiosk advertisement. |
Some Late Night Russian Comfort Food | January 21st, 2023 | Casually crossing paths in a Russian resturant/bathhouse. |
New Years Eve in Hell's Kitchen | January 10th, 2023 | Kora meets Daisy's partner Matt Murdock on the roof top of Josie's bar in Hell's Kitchen on New Years Eve where the sisters put on an Inhuman fireworks show for the locals. |
One Christmas Day | December 28th, 2022 | On Christmas Day, Matt returns after his run in with the Punisher, and Daisy helps mend his bullet graze. |
Punisher vs Daredevil | December 25th, 2022 | Punisher and Daredevil square off when Frank tries to gun down an underworld figure. |
It's Beginning To Feel A Lot Like Christmas | December 8th, 2022 | A festive restaurant in the ski lodge is a perfect setting for a holiday getaway. |
Skiing for SHIELD | November 25th, 2022 | At the resort, Matt and Daisy go skiing. She has to contend with more blind jokes. |
Put Your Hand In And Take Your Foot Out And Shake It All About | November 16th, 2022 | The Hand make another attempt on Daredevil's life, but the ambush is foiled as The Shadow, Cecily Winters, Artemis Crock, The Punisher and even some rival Foot ninjas intervene. |
Daisy Johnson's Secret Mission | November 15th, 2022 | Daisy gets sent on a mission unlike any she has partaken for SHIELD before. |
Forms In Triplicate | November 7th, 2022 | Jessica Jones comes by to pick up some legal papers from Matt. Boxer doesn't attack her. |
A Day In November That Is Always Cold | November 4th, 2022 | Daisy tracks down Matt on the anniversary of his father's death. |
All Hallows Eve | October 31st, 2022 | Matt is doing some healing after the Black Sky ambush, while Daisy plans for giving out candy to trick or treaters. |
The Black Sky | October 23rd, 2022 | The HAND declares war on the Defenders. The opening shots are fired with their greatest weapon - Black Sky. He comes close to killing them all; but in the end the Defenders.. won? did they though? it's hard to say in the moment whether this was a victory or not. |
A Time To Heal | October 15th, 2022 | Daredevil comes home from a fight and falls down the stairs. Daisy is there to help him and not be too upset at the beating he took. |
Secret Warriors: Trouble in Actual China Town | October 9th, 2022 | The Secret Warriors answer a mysterious kree signal in China, finding a very confused and terrified Kora and a device they recover. |
Happy Harbor Fall Festival | October 7th, 2022 | The 2022 Happy Harbor Fall Festival goes off without a hitch! |
Autumn In Central Park | October 7th, 2022 | An Autumn day in Central Park sees graffiti, a crashing skateboard, and Matt never does get to enjoy his PSL and bagel. |
The Kotta Kaze | September 25th, 2022 | The Defenders attempt the sneaky sneak on to a Hand yacht only to stumble in to a full on head of the Hand nest. A battle breaks out and secret abilities are revealed. So is the face of the man in charge. That won't blow back on them at all, nope, not one bit... |
Near Misses | September 23rd, 2022 | In 2012, a chance at a connection was missed as Skye and Matt's timing didn't work out when she left the orphanage and he was in college. |
All That Glitters Is Not Gold | September 15th, 2022 | Gunmen attack a jewelry store, only to find the customers include Dick Grayson, Oliver Queen, Monet and Meggan Constantine. Plus the Punisher staking out the place, and Daredevil near by. |
Morning Doesn't Mean Getting Up | September 10th, 2022 | Daisy and Matt have a quiet talk on a lazy Saturday morning. |
Fancy Bumping Into You | August 29th, 2022 | Daisy and Matt engineer bumping into Jan and Veira after they had helped at a Defender's fight. |
Defenders: What An Antique | August 14th, 2022 | A deal goes down with an antiques dealer while some people catch up. No one is singed this time! |
Burning Tiger Burns | August 4th, 2022 | Quake and Daredevil respond to another case of arson committed by Burning Tiger. They get the people out of the building but are not able to chase him down. |
The One At The Chinese Restaurant | July 17th, 2022 | It's a small world after all when Clint bumps into Daisy and Matt Murdock at a Hell's Kitchen Chinese restaurant |
Wear Your Best Suit | July 12th, 2022 | The Defenders get information on the Tracksuit Mafia only to have a warehouse burned down to cover up the evidence. They have help from Dancer, Lazarus and a tiny knife weilding dragon? In the end, everything is lost...or is it? |
Subway Social | June 30th, 2022 | A subway car, an Avenger with fruit, a mage with a dog, a blind man with a briefcase, a disguised CEO and a ninja recruit pickpocket. Things get interesting when an old woman pulls a gun. |
Happy Hour Hooplah | June 21st, 2022 | Matt and Luke talking arson and pets during Happy Hour. |
Tiger Tiger Burning Bright | June 13th, 2022 | An arsonist calling himself Bright Tiger strikes again in Hell's Kitchen. Daredevil and Wraith reach him but he sets off his incendiary bombs and gets away as they save the apartment building's residents. |
Just Beer Josie | June 10th, 2022 | Matt gets a beer after a day in court, and runs into Maya and her friend Ella. Blind meets deaf/mute, yet communication doesn't seem to be a problem. |
Happy birthday, Tony Stark! | May 29th, 2022 | Just another Tony Stark birthday party? |
Is it Top Gun time | May 15th, 2022 | Matt and Daisy go to Brighton Beach for some well-deserved rest. There's a shark in the water. |
Defenders Turmoil: A Quiet Lunch | May 14th, 2022 | Luke, Danny and Matt meet so Matt can go over rental contracts for a friend of Luke's. |
A proposition | May 9th, 2022 | Elektra comes to Matt with a surprising proposition. |
A Night In Hell's Kitchen | May 8th, 2022 | Someone sends some goons to kidnap Natasha Cranston. Hells Kitchen was the wrong place to try it though. She kept her identity secret, while Daredevil had some demons of his own dredged up tonight. |
Is That An After Church Drink | May 1st, 2022 | April, Luke, Matt, and a bunch of Jamies all hang out at Luke's Bar! It's a good ol' time down where everbody knows ur name! |
A Familiar Smell | April 21st, 2022 | Daisy returns from the Moon, while Jessica comes by to speak of meeting the son of the devil. A bit more exciting than Matt going through his old things. |
Immigration Blues | March 7th, 2022 | Viola Fiore turns to Nelson and Murdock for help getting a green card for one of the workers at her party planning business. |
Everyone's Going to the Moon | January 23rd, 2022 | Matt and Daisy explore Attilan and discover the spirits they thought were lost might not be as lost as they thought. |
Daisy's cunning plan | January 5th, 2022 | Where the plan is just telling Matt the truth on what's really going on with the Manhattan evacuation and feeding him food (and other things). It's extremely effective! |
Impromptu Dinner | December 20th, 2021 | Impromptu Christmas Dinner with the Furiae and Matthew Murdock! |
Bourbon dinner and 084s | November 24th, 2021 | Matt comes home early for dinner and comes upon a Daisy dealing with the aftermath of the latest 084 mission she was in. At least there's bourbon! |
A Law Unto Themselves | November 7th, 2021 | Matt and Meg catch up on work. |
Speak Friend and kick ass | October 6th, 2021 | Daredevil and Quake take on a Friends of Humanity base following a SHIELD lead. What they discover there brings back memories from the past.. |
Where We Go | September 15th, 2021 | Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name and they're always glad you came (to spend money). |
Suit up, Warriors | August 26th, 2021 | An Inhuman on the loose in Madeira Island brings the Secret Warriors together for the first time to handle the crisis. Inferno awaits them but in the end they win the day! But now they need to figure out what was affecting him. |
Director Furry vs Eowyn | August 20th, 2021 | Jane visits Daisy and Matt at their home and brings Eowyn to meet Director Furry. |
Welcome Home Daisy | August 17th, 2021 | Daisy is home at last, she and Matt talk cake, Secret Warriors and secrets. |
So You're a Hero Now | August 1st, 2021 | Matt is taken to the Playground to see Daisy after The Incident. They talk about what happened, pudding vs Jello and their future. |
New Afterlife | July 29th, 2021 | Matt and Daisy go to New Afterlife to visit Bakshi and List's victims and how they are recovering. |
FLASHBACK: After The Dark | July 14th, 2021 | FLASHBACK: Jess goes to check on Matt after his first taste of Cloak and Dagger's powers. Along the way she's exposed to the seductive powers of Director Furry. |
Carry a big stick | June 26th, 2021 | Colleen confronts Bakuto, trying to find out who Black Sky is. She once again fails to get any truly valuable intelligence from him, but does make good on her threats to shut down all the drug manufacturing sites she has found over the past 5 months. She sends the information to the DEA and FBI, no doubt enraging Gao. |
Framework: You're Going Where | June 20th, 2021 | Daisy and Matt catch up after a some crazy weeks for the both of them and share some much needed time together. |
Legal Consultation | June 19th, 2021 | Bruce Banner stops to discuss his legal situation with lawyer Matt Murdock, given the change of status of SHIELD |
Daredevil's Mirror Darkly | May 19th, 2021 | The Defenders fend off against Matt's doppelganger. |
It's Been too Long | May 10th, 2021 | Daisy drops in for a much needed reunion. |
New Suit... New Plan | April 21st, 2021 | Elektra drops in on Matt while he tests his new suit. They come up with a plan to deal with Matt's doppleganger. |
Bandaging Up | April 17th, 2021 | When Agent May is ambushed by HYDRA operatives, it's the Night Nurse who has to patch her up later. Any hope of anonymity for either of them, however, is dashed when Matt Murdock shows up. That's one way to make new friends. |
Fancy Meeting You Here... | April 5th, 2021 | Daisy and Matt meet up in secret at a certain vet's office |
Going Dark. Again. | March 27th, 2021 | SHIELD was going dark. It meant it was time for farewells. But if anything Matt and Daisy were used to this life. |
Questioning the Scorpion | March 24th, 2021 | Matt comes for a visit with questions about Black Sky and DoppelMatt. Elektra doesn't open much about it, but at least she says she will help in capturing the doppelganger. That's a good thing, right? |
Another You: The Face of the Enemy | March 20th, 2021 | Matt and Daisy go to SHIELD to discover who their mystery guest was. When it's revealed to be a Doppleganger plans are put in motion to find him. |
Been a While... | March 14th, 2021 | No description |
Another You: A Little Bit of B&E | March 11th, 2021 | Matt and Daisy do a little breaking and entering to get a look at their mystery guest. Matt is troubled by people's reactions to Daredevil. |
Afterlife Aftermath | March 9th, 2021 | Daisy and Matt return home from Afterlife to discuss Daisy's new assignment and find out that someone has been in their place while they've been away. |
Afterlife: Old Name, New Face | March 7th, 2021 | The finale of the Afterlife plot. Negotiations between Gonzales and Jiaying are going well until Dr. List's Quinjets attack with the intention of capturing Inhumans, bringing an old enemy with it: Gayle Trushot. SHIELD joins with Inhumans to stop the threat and while many lives are saved Afterlife is no more. |
Afterlife: A Meeting of Minds | March 6th, 2021 | Gonzales and Jia sit down with their number #2's to discuss how SHIELD and Afterlife might work together. They don't see eye to eye, but a common enemy returns in force against them both. HYDRA is back (did they ever really go away?). |
Afterlife: No secrets between biochems | March 3rd, 2021 | Daisy spills the beans about Bobbi's condition to Jemma. Because spies don't keep secrets. |
Afterlife: Aftershock | March 2nd, 2021 | After the meeting with Jiaying Daisy finds support with Matt. They talk about what they will do next and the worth of keeping secrets. |
The Afterlife Finally Takes the Old Lady | March 2nd, 2021 | Peggy stops in at Afterlife to see if she can help with the situation and is met by Gonzales, May, Bobbi, and Elena. The ladies give her a good debrief if just how bad the situation is. Still more skeletons in the SHIELD closet, it seems. |
Afterlife: Updating Commander Gonzales | March 1st, 2021 | Gonzales is caught up on the mission status and a plan is hatched to smother Afterlife with friendship and love and M&Ms. |
Afterlife: SHIELD Arrives | February 23rd, 2021 | SHIELD finally arrives at Afterlife, and they aren't immediately attacked. That's progress! But the situation is tense. |
Afterlife: In the Dark | February 22nd, 2021 | Locked away with an Inhuman with an uncontrolled gift Bobbi discovers more about her own. Matt and Daisy go looking for Bobbi and find her just before the cavalry arrives. |
Cloak and Dagger meets the Defenders | February 19th, 2021 | Cloak and Dagger take up an invite to meet The Defenders at Luke's Bar. Matt gets a taste of the dark. Alliances are made. Missions are combined. Cloak is now the team taxi. |
Afterlife: The Agent in Agent Morse | February 18th, 2021 | Bobbi stays on mission and goes hunting for Afterlife's power supply. She finds it, Gordon finds her. She kicks his butt and is put in the time out for bad behaviour. |
Afterlife: Family Dinner | February 15th, 2021 | Daisy, Jiaying and Matt have dinner and it goes as awkward as expected. |
The Bazaar - Pier 20 | February 8th, 2021 | The Defenders and the Avengers team up with Cloak and Dagger to take down a human trafficking ring! |
Afterlife: Shangri-La by any other name | February 6th, 2021 | Bobbi admits there's aspects of Afterlife she actually likes, if only it weren't for the brewing anti-human sentiments underlying the fabric of their society. Hey, look at that, dinner time! |
Back-Scene: Post Roxxon Investigation | February 3rd, 2021 | Jess goes to furiously to Matt, sharing her thoughts that Elektra had set her up in the Roxxon investigation. |
Another You: A Visitor from the Other Side | February 2nd, 2021 | The Dopplematt comes to Elektra with a deal and some other suggestions. |
Afterlife: The Good Doctor and The Good Lawyer | January 28th, 2021 | Matt fabricates a way to visit Mark at his clinic in Afterlife where they talk and find points in common. Lash comes in unexpectedly with a child who's sick. Matt realizes it's time for the Matt thing to do and reveals his secret to them. Lash is less growly and Mark becomes more of a friend. |
Afterlife: A Little Quiet Time | January 26th, 2021 | Matt and Daisy talk about her training with Jaiying and Daisy shares the Song of the Universe with him. |
Afterlife: Doubts | January 25th, 2021 | Doubts arise in Daisy about this place when Matt tells her what they have found at Afterlife. They plan what to do next and Bobbi comes along bearing gifts in the form of bacon and they talk more about the mission and themselves. |
Afterlife: The weakest link | January 24th, 2021 | Matt and Bobbi discuss what they've found out about Afterlife. A dark premonition threatens to end the peaceful life of the village. |
Afterlife: Unexpected Encounters | January 23rd, 2021 | Matt comes across Reina during his return from looking around Afterlife. She has answers about what is to come, but are those the ones he wants to hear? |
Afterlife: Night Moves | January 21st, 2021 | Matt explores Afterlife during the night and finds out things are not all as they seem. |
Consulting An Expert (follow up to | January 18th, 2021 | After being visited by a demon, Jessica has her world view rattled a bit, and she seeks Matt for his expertise in all things religious. |
Afterlife: The Reunion | January 14th, 2021 | Matt, Daisy and Bobbi arrange with Jiaying to meet them at Harry's Bar so they can go to Afterlife. Secrets are shared, trust is weakened but then Jiaying appears to whisk them all to Afterlife. Daisy sees her mother for the first time and it goes as awkwardly as one can imagine. |
10:20 to Boston | January 10th, 2021 | The hand had two goals. Steal something important to them.. and kill an Iron Fist who had arrived from another version of Earth. Despite Daredevil, Elektra, and Colleen close on their tails, they had the advantage of a plan and surprise. Nobu was recognised, but the Doppel Fist and the cargo were mission successful for The Hand. |
Back to the Roots | January 8th, 2021 | Daisy and Matt go on a nostalgia trip back at St. Agnes and come across one of their nemesis. Sister Maggie! She does seem to have soft spot for Matt though .. |
Spying On The Re-up | January 4th, 2021 | Quiver gets an assist from Daredevil while gathering information on heroin dealers in New Lots. |
Up at the rooftop noone can hear you quake. | January 3rd, 2021 | Daisy returns home after her saudi arabia adventures. Powers are gone but she finds hope with Matt and they plan on what to do next. Afterlife? Sounds like the plan. |
Sniffing Out A Shadowcat | October 5th, 2020 | No description |
Devil ya don't know | October 3rd, 2020 | Hope for the future, starts today. |
Beowulf meets Grendel | September 22nd, 2020 | A meeting from a lawyer and a man that wishes to save the city. Is everything on the up and up? |
Phone Decrypting with a twist of the past | September 22nd, 2020 | Matt shares about the mysterious new benefactor of Hell's Kitchen while Daisy talks about a new lead for her mother. New challenges are waiting for them in the future. |
A Phone Message, Not Voicemail | September 9th, 2020 | Claire and Matt touch base over a lot of things -- a new kitten, exhaustion, worry about Jess. Elektra. Mysterious cellphones. |
Field Test | September 1st, 2020 | Daisy and Matt try out Daisy's new suit. |
Matt. In 6C. (A Moment in History) | August 26th, 2020 | Claire meets that nice lawyer boy, Matt who lives in 6C. By dragging him out of an alleyway bleeding violently and stitching his unconscious body up on her couch. It's a bonding moment. |
A Funny thing Happened on My Way Through Hell's Kitchen | August 23rd, 2020 | Matt and Daisy discuss Matt's meeting with Bobbi Morse and a plan is made. |
Team Stick: Stay out of our business | August 22nd, 2020 | Two stick fighters meet in an alley, the four ninjas who also met there didn't leave conscious. |
Team Stick: Tres Case de Batuta | August 22nd, 2020 | The Hand attempts to discourage Team Stick by means of death, but only galvanised their resolve. |
Falling Sky | August 18th, 2020 | The sky is falling but Matthew is able to pick up the pieces. For now. |
Clothes Make the Hero | July 24th, 2020 | Matt takes Daisy to get her own super suit. |
Mojo's Arcade Legend: Proving Grounds | July 1st, 2020 | Teamwork makes the dreamwork. ARAM, Proving Grounds! |
The Kitten of Hell's Kitchen | June 23rd, 2020 | Matt and Daisy get a cat and talk about the path their lives have taken. |
Black Sky: Raid in Chinatown | June 9th, 2020 | The Defenders plus Kitty Pryde raid the Hand in New York's Chinatown and find a trap waiting for them. |
The first Oni Jar, JFK Airport | May 26th, 2020 | Three way battle in JFK, the contents of the oni jar escaped. |
Jessica Comes A-Knocking (on the door) | May 22nd, 2020 | Jess drops in on Daisy and Matt. Coffee and opinions are shared and it is determined that Daisy is not a call girl. |
Nazi huntin' | May 20th, 2020 | Team SHIELD SCIENCE gets together to save the day again while hunting for those nefarious nazis that had stolen Quake's powers. With Daredevil as a featured guest. |
Pie and Robberies | May 19th, 2020 | Matt and Daisy share some pie on the rooftop and talk about Nazis. Isn't hero life romantic? |
Meet and Greet | May 1st, 2020 | The Defenders welcome Black Canary to the team. |
Sometimes it be That Way | April 30th, 2020 | The Defenders meet at Luke's |
Dinner by neon lights. | April 27th, 2020 | Matt does dinner. And he doesn't burn it too. Plans are made for them to meet their mutual friends, and a certain tailor. |
Roxxon Over Drinks | April 21st, 2020 | Jessica and Danny meet to discuss the next step of the Roxxon engagement. Thor stops by, and Matt joins in the end. Jessica was never drunk. You were drunk! |
Meet the Parent! | April 18th, 2020 | Daisy takes Matt to meet her dad. Best. Day. Ever. |
Drinks are on me! | April 9th, 2020 | Tremors and Matt go for a drink a couple of nights after the Defenders and her took down a weapon trafficker in Hell's Kitchen. And of course that it can' be just drinks so two drug dealing bikers get some well deserved beating up. |
Hell's Weapons | April 8th, 2020 | An assault on weapon dealers down in Hell's Kitchen where Daisy finds some unexpected aid! Luke will need new clothes. Danny finally got his high five. Matthew shall pay for spreading the Tremors rumor. |
Updates | April 3rd, 2020 | Matt and Elektra talk about the Hand and their future. Turns out ninjas are the easier thing to plan for. |
Reunions and Goodbyes | March 31st, 2020 | In 2010, Elektra plans a surprise for Matt and finds his darkness has limits. The two part ways for the next ten years. |
Reunion Time | March 25th, 2020 | Matt and Sky-- we mean Daisy finally meet after two years. And this time in the present! Because there are ninjas, ledgers and craziness abound. |
Do you box | March 22nd, 2020 | A boxing match. Street rules. A lot is revealed between them. |
Hand and Fist | March 22nd, 2020 | Matt, Elektra, Danny and Jess meet to discuss the Hand, their plans, training, Tae-Bo and mystical Chinese whiskey. |
Where it All Began | March 20th, 2020 | Matt and Elektra meet in 2010 changing their lives forever. There's banter, a little light auto theft, a police chase, it goes about how you'd expect. |
Just when things are getting on track.. | March 18th, 2020 | The end to their training. A celebration that ends with Skye going with SHIELD back to her old life. A farewell that may just be temporary. |
Blindfolds | March 16th, 2020 | A game is played while they train Skye's newfound powers. |
The Fuck Was That Matt | March 15th, 2020 | Jessica reprimends Matt for getting her trapped into a date with Dick Grayson. |
Cue Eye of the Tiger song. | March 11th, 2020 | Combat training ensues, with mixed results! |
Restore Chi | March 11th, 2020 | Matt Murdock informs Danny Rand of the Black Sky. A plan is formed. |
The More things Change... | March 8th, 2020 | Matt and Skye meet in After the Battle of NY, much has changed for the both of them, but Skye most of all. |
Alias Investigations: Marketing Works! | March 6th, 2020 | Jessica made a gamble by snarking someone on twitter and turning it into a marketing ad, somehow that earned her a shot to work a case for Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne's ward. Good thing Matt Murdock stopped by to season everything with a generous helping of awkward. |
A trip through memory lane. | March 5th, 2020 | Three years ago both Matthew and Skye were on the verge of changing their lives forever. |
Mission success! Or was it.. | March 3rd, 2020 | Success! At the price of old vulnerabilities being pried open on each of them. |
Its just a party infiltration, what can go wrong | February 27th, 2020 | Turns out a lot of things can go wrong. And just enough that go right. |
The Curious Case of Dan Hastings | February 23rd, 2020 | Dan Hastings pays a call on Matt Murdock to help out a certain Multiple Man. |
The warehouse and the Hand | February 23rd, 2020 | Daredevil and Elektra explore a warehouse, infiltrate it and retrieve a Hand artifact. But they still have more questions than answers now. |
Of All the Lawfirms in all the Towns of the World... | February 20th, 2020 | Elektra comes to Matt for help. It goes about as well as you'd think. |
Hell's Kitchen by Night | February 18th, 2020 | Daredevil meets a Widow on the streets of Hell's Kitchen. |
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