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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2021/08/17 |Location=Jubilee and Noriko's Room |Synopsis=Jubilation and Noriko settle in to watch a movie and end up watching a vampire flick. Nor...")
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Latest revision as of 00:38, 19 August 2021

Date of Scene: 17 August 2021
Location: Jubilee and Noriko's Room
Synopsis: Jubilation and Noriko settle in to watch a movie and end up watching a vampire flick. Noriko is distracted by her latest find in her investigative obsession with figuring out what Jubes' deal is...a magazine quiz called,
Cast of Characters: Jubilation Lee, Noriko Ashida

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    The Mansion has seen better days, but much of the destruction has been repaired and things are on the mend. Much of the staff are still missing, but students are holding out hope. Jubilee spent some time doing R.A. stuff -- notably slipping an invitation under ever door to a candlelight vigil for those still missing -- before declaring her duties officially completed. There's a movie on tonight and Jubilee wants to see it. Or, perhaps more accurately, wants to not see it.

    "Nori!" she calls out as soon as she comes into the room. Jubilee grins to herself and slides into a seated position on her bed. She tosses a package of Twizzlers she picked up for Nori and turns the TV on with a press of the remote.

    "Nori! Movie! It's on the TV so it starts when it wants!"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko is...well, the bathroom door is cracked in that very moment when Jubilation comes into the room.  She doesn't answer at first.  She's too busy with her feet kicked up to, sitting on top of the closed toilet, oddly propped with a magazine in her lap.  The cover is bent back, but if one could see it, they'd see it is something called Night Tales' "Teen Wolf" edition.  It might just be a teen magazine spoof done by a serious conspiracy rag about things that go bump in the night.  Clearly this edition was done so they could let the world know that they can laugh at themselves and aren't all on the verge of being institutionalized.

"Huh?" then a half moment later, "Oh shit!"  She forgot.  "One second!"  Noriko quickly finishes her mascara, little bit of eyeliner, and lips, just a special shiny chapstick that she has found stands up to the indoors better than gloss and doesn't feel like 'whale fat.'  But it isn't something Nori wears all the time.  These things would be gone in two seconds flat.  They are a waste of time...save for one person.

The speedster rolls up the mag and sticks it into the back pocket of her jeans.  Then she spritzes some perfume and takes a very very very quick step through it, swiping up a single thornless periwinkle colored rose and then suddenly appearing in the Twizzlers' place next to Jubilation.  "This is for you," Nori says as she brings the flower up into view, rotating it between her fingers as she grins warmly.

"Did it want to start yet?"  A twizzler is now in her mouth.  Noriko is...well, fast processing.  It's almost like she wants to experience things in parallel.  Linear existence is just so...slow.  She shifts and with a flick of her fingers the uncomfortable magazine flutters out of her back pocket to the corner of the bed to be forgotten.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "It's...just about to..." Jubilee replies slowly, staring up at Nori. Coming back to your room and seeing something unexpected is practically an Xavier's past time. It still doesn't prepare Jubilee for the sight of Noriko Ashida in makeup holding a rose for her. For Xavier's this is pretty tame. "Oh..." is her only reply. She reaches out and takes it carefully. She too rotates it between her fingers, staring at it curiously. "Nori..." Jubilation looks up and smiles at the speedster.

    "You...You look so beautiful..." Her words are breathless and, for once, it's not because she doesn't need to breathe anymore. "What's the occasion?" She smiles a big toothy smile and rotates the rose in her fingers again. Wow.

    It's a simple flower and some makeup, but they both seem to strike a chord with Jubilation. Nori putting on makeup and getting her a rose? These are unprecedented times.

    The television channel cuts from commercial to the Tuesday evening movie, a teen vampire drama bloodfest of some sort. As soon as the title appears, Jubilee laughs a little. She can't help it. Watching a vampire movie was a silent code betwen them. It meant 'I want to not watch a movie' The jig is up.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko shrugs, smiling conspicuously as she all but beams at Jubilation.  "Watching a movie," she says as if brushing it off, but she doesn't contain the little twinkle in her eye when she scoots over one inch, then another in near stop motion like some ninja stalker cat just looking to get comfy...and ninja.

"I saw it and...I don't know.  I just wanted to get it for you," the too cool for school (but not really) girl says, still unable to hide her smiling.  The sudden cut to a vampire flick has Noriko look sidelong to Jubilation.

"You had this ready didn't you."  Smirk.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee's attention is fixated on the petals of the rose, transfixed. "Wow..." she whispers. "I don't know what to say." She presses the rose against her nose and closes her eyes happily.

    "Sweet and spicy...Meadow honey, with.... fruity notes. A hint of raspberry and nectarine...." Jubilee opens her eyes and shrugs. That's a very powerful sense of smell all of a sudden. Has she always had that?

    "Thank you, Nori," she whispers before leaning in to give the speedster an affectionate peck. "I love it."

    Jubilation leaaaaaans and carefully places the rose on her bedside table. Very, very carefully. When she returns, Jubes bends her legs to the side and curls up against Nori's shoulder. "I didn't!" she softly protests. "It's on TV. I don't make the schedule... Though, it seems right on schedule, doesn't it?" She glances up at Nori and returns the smirk.

    The movie in question is a pretty standard teenage horror movie about a vampire or something. It's the movie that has been made and remade a million times. Nothing remarkable. It's no big surprise that it's on cable.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Nori doesn't talk about it, but it took a long time for her to get that rose here without it falling apart.  It isn't the first one.  There were casualties of transit, but this was the one that was meant to get here.  The petals are velvety, fragrant, and of course, insanely fresh.  There is a soft coolness to the petals.

"...You can smell all of that?"  Clearly impressed, but Noriko Noriko briefly panics inside at what she might have run through on the way home, but that all flies out of her mind at Jubilation's thanks and kiss.  She watches Jubilation lean and then reaches out to snake her arm around her, giving her a come-back tug even though she hasn't even been gone.  Jubilation finds a waiting arm around her when she returns to Nori, who is already lounging again.

"Yeah...right on schedule," Nori says with a playful amount of open suspicion, grinning all the while.  "Have we ever actually watched one of these past fifteen minutes?"  She's being very, very generous.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Yeah," Jubilee answers simply. "It's, like, how a rose smells." She shrugs and plants another quick peck against Noriko's cheek. She curls against the speedster and just can't contain her smile. Nori got READY with makeup and everything. She got her a ROSE. Occasionally Jubes might feel self-conscious about a perceived imbalance in their affections for each other, but it's just because there are simply going to be things Jubilee will never know. She'll never know the many roses that died of dysentery while on the Oregon Trail.

    Jubilee reaches up to take Noriko's hand -- the one going around her shoulder -- and tugs gently on it so they're even closer. "Fifteen minutes..." Jubilee wonders before shaking her head. "There's no way we've ever lasted fifteen minutes..." She gives Noriko a playful nudge.

    Maybe they'll have better luck this time.

    It's a cable TV movie, so there are going to be interruptions. Now at the first commercial break (it came quick), the movie takes a backseat to advertisements for cellphone plans for seniors. Up to this point, the film has introduced its main character, Sheila, a mousy, awkward teenage girl who got stuffed into a locker and stuck in the school after hours. Once she finally emerged and left to walk home, she was attacked by a twitchy group of vampires. Cue the commercial break.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
It's true that Noriko is essentially living many days over other people's single day.  So many moments over their's.  And it's also true that Noriko has been worrying about tonight and her makeup and way too many things for way too "long" leading up to tonight.  For whatever reason, as soon as she decided she would do it, nothing was going to be right.  The magazine had been a ready distraction to try and pass time that got away from her.  But yes...there's no way Noriko would ever /let/ Jubilee know about all of those dead flowers.  She wanted it to be perfect.  And that is how Noriko is.  She puts mounds of effort into simple moments and sometime holding onto one simple obsessive thought like "I'm going to look sexy for my girlfriend" kind of consumes her to the point of inadequacy...like only getting so far as...makeup and a rose.  She might need practice at this.

"Well, we made it fifteen minutes into...what's that one called?"  No.  They turned it on late.  They cheated.  "I don't remember," because she never saw the title.  "I guess it doesn't count."  As the movie starts up, Noriko just happily sits in one place.  But when the commercial break comes on for a throwback mentos commercial, "That still exists?" Noriko asks of the TV gods in the air...of course.  "Pooor Sheila.  Got attacked by the crackhead vamps."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "It was called 'They Ate Everybody.' How did that end?" Jubilee questions with a squint. "Oh yeah! You broke the clasp on my bra."

    Jubilee is easy to please. Makeup and a rose means that Noriko is making an effort and that's all she really needs. "Mm, they always make it seem like all you need to do to solve your problems in life is to just eat one of those candies," Jubilation points out. "...I wish it really worked that way." For a brief moment, ever so brief, she looks forlorn. There's a lot on that mind.

    Jubilee reaches across Noriko and pulls a Twizzler from the bag. She twirls it around between her two fingers and holds it out for Nori to take. She's holding it just like Nori held the rose. "Somehow I bet you'd rather one of these," she teases with a grin before settling back into Nori's shoulder and bringing the Twizzler up to the speedster's mouth.

    For the movie, Jubilee is only halfway paying attention. Some mousy girl gets attacked by.... Wait, what did Nori say? Crackheads? Jubilation turns her head and stares at Noriko, squinting a little as she experiences a little deja vu. She turns back towards the TV screen and tries to settle back in. "Yeah... Crackheads..." she mutters.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Oh yeah.  I broke your clasp and then everybody was snacked on."  Noriko has no idea but what else is going to happen in a vampire movie?  Broken clasps.  That's what.  And the mind goes full circle, already.  "Yeaaah," she says as she reminisces.

"Tell that to Alice.  You never know if something will make you too big, too small, or just crazy...Maybe you just have to eat more candies," she says with all the wisdom of someone who recently tried to eat the death of her girlfriend away.  "For things to get better.  I ate a metric shit ton of food and here you are."  She leans a little harder in a faux nudge and kisses the side of Jubilee's forehead.

As the Twizzler is held out, Noriko turns her head just slightly to take it like a dancer on the precipice of a tango, freezing with a toothy grin as she holds the Twizzler between her teeth.  "Over what?" she asks about the what she would rather have comment with a smile.  CHOMP CHOMP.

As the movie rolls, Noriko can't help but notice how Jubilation only seems half there and certainly isn't half all over her.  She looks to the side and arches an eyebrow at the mutter.  The magazine is out in her lap, legs crossed at her ankles as she twiddles with a pen in her hand, wiggling it back and forth in a scary lack of blur.  Anyone can blur a pen between their fingers.  Nori just makes it look like a smaller object between her fingers till it pulsing back into blurry view with a flutter like she's following some kind of innate rhythm of the eternally restless.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee smiles sideways at Noriko. The thought of her being brought back to life through the magic of her girlfriend's tendency to binge makes Jubilation quite happy. "Well, thanks for doing that," she replies with a smirk before waggling the Twizzler out for Noriko.

    "Over nothing," Jubilee replies with a laugh. Her face lights up as Noriko finishes off her tango with a Twizzler subbing in for a rose. Life is good. Jubilation turns back towards the television screen and uses the top row of her teeth to bite down on a smile that just won't go away.

    As the movie continues, a plot begins to emerge. Sheila gets back home and falls ill, unknowingly wakes as a vampire. Each scene seems to capture more and more of Jubilee's attention. Each scene captivates her more than the one that preceded it. It's a by-the-numbers vampire movie, so all the classic scenes are there: Sheila violently vomits up the first real food she ate. She starts acting more aggressive against the bullies at her school. Suddenly she has the confidence to bed the captain of the football team. There's even a scene where she's compelled to feed on one of her neighbor's pets.

    Jubilation is so captivated by it all that she doesn't yet notice that Nori's writing something in some magazine or something.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
It took a lot of food.  Like.  Rogue made trips.  But it worked.  Jubilation is...not alive but talking and walking and way more fun to party with than Bernie.  TAKE THAT WONDERLAND!

"Oh," Noriko just laughs a little at herself when her fishing for variety or extracurricular implications turns up dry.  Maybe she's not in the mood, Noriko tells herself.  Maybe she's just enjoying /this/ mood.  Maybe she doesn't care.  We've made it way further than 15 minutes and for some reason Jubes just, clearly likes this movie, so Noriko just sloooowly starts to work on her quiz.

Which involves occasional mumbling, "sex driive...of three hunky men.."  check.  "I guess."  Noriko makes a face.  "Wha?  Allergic to garlic parmesan pasta...rashes..."  She flips to the other side of the magazine quiz as if that must have more sane questions that break out of the unevenly applied teenage schtick.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    When the movie gives way to another commercial break, the spell it casts upon Jubilation Lee releases her. A line of confusion appears across her forehead as she finally notices Noriko's magazine. "What are you doing?" she asks. There are a few different things these words might mean:

    1. Oh, that looks interesting.

    2. What is that?

    3. Are you /seriously/ reading a magazine?

    Anyone playing along at home who guessed number three would be correct. Jubilee raises her eyebrows and sits up straight. She crosses her arms across her chest and waits for Nori to explain this.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
What is behind option number three?  Nothing good folks!  Nothing good.  While Jubilation was enthralled by the movie, Noriko became enthralled with the quiz and so she doesn't notice when Jubilee has stopped watching.  That there is a commercial break.  None of this.

"...salty farts?"  Some of the questions seem more serious or on theme.  Some just make Nori wonder...like there might be an ad off of Old Spice tears...that is, tears that smell like Old Spice.  Bc if your boyfriend's tears smell like the Old World, you're screwed.

Noriko, sensing time might have passed more quickly than she meant for it to, lifts her eyes to rest on Jubilation.  "Hey.  Is the movie done already?"  Then...realization.  "I'm just trying to see if you fit any of these supernatural things on this quiz.  The quiz is supposed to be legit even though it's...how to tell if your boyfriend is a..." she can't say it.  Monster.  Yep.  That's the title of it.  Noriko looks rather unsure of this now.  "I thought...you know, vampire movies are for stuff and you didn't seem interested in stuff so...-I-was-filling-it-in-when-you-got-back," she admits as if were something to confess and wait for impact.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee's face sours immediately. Her eye squints as its matching cheek rises. There's a lot being thrown at her right now. On one hand, Nori thinks she might be something supernatural. On the other hand, she's also questioning her overactive teenage libido. "Nori..I will not have you slander my good name." Jubilee starts, her voice somewhat stern and serious. "I am always interested. In stuff."

    A smile creeps onto her face. "Fine," she says sweetly. "I guess if you're so into magazines now, maybe you're the one who's not interested in stuff." She turns to look at the TV again, teeth biting down on another smile. And then, as her final act in all of this, Jubilation reaches up and quickly pulls the neck of her shirt down to expose her shoulder and bra strap.

    Wait. Something was said. Something important. Jubilee turns her head in Noriko's direction. "Wait..."

    "You think I'm your /boyfriend/?" she manages before a laugh takes over.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"I-"  Noriko almost interrupts Jubilation.  "Oh."  She smiles with Jubilation.  The young vampire has Noriko wrapped around her pinky.  All ups and downs of the conversation, Noriko parses at face value wholeheartedly.  "What?  Nooooo.  Of course I'm interested in stuff!"

FLING!  The magazine flutters across the room and smacks against the wall, dropping with all of the drama of a fly.  Noriko sighs when Jubilation turns to the TV, wondering if she read things wrong when finally she gets that little dip of the girl's shirt.  It makes her smile.

A smile that brightens a little when Jubilation starts laughing.  "Yep."  She blur rolls to grab the magazine and blur rolls back.  "And what do you know..." she murmurs and she regrets having to lift her gaze to look around for the pen she misplaced.  "This quiz totally confirms you're my boyfriend.  It's just that kind of quality...You try finding a quality quiz aimed at girls who go out with girls and monsters...cross-section just doesn't exist."  Because it's always aimed at guys who like girls who go out with girls and monsters.  Naturally.

"It'd be all about your cup size."  Noriko doesn't actually continue the quiz, just furtively steals mischievous sparkly-eyed glances the whole time to Jubilation over the top of it...it's not unlike what she's done in some classes during quizzes.  This?  This is her quiz-face.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "It does not!" say she's Nori's boyfriend, that is. Jubilee grins and shakes her head rapidly, her ponytail flapping girlishly. She's putting on a little bit of a show. A ritual of dating, of sorts.

    "Fine. I'll bite," Jubilee says with a smirk. Under these circumstances, perhaps it's not the best choice of words. She lowers her guard and curls up against Nori's shoulder again. With her arm now draped across the speedster's lap, Jubilation smiles up at her and rests her head in the crook of her neck.

    "What does it say I am?" Jubilee asks innocently before placing a quick kiss on Noriko's neck. "And what does it say about my cup size?" Another smirk and upward glance.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"It so does.  This section here was specifically designed to root out boyfriends posing as girlfriends and it speaks to your cup size.  If you're a werewolf.  And you're my boyfriend, your pectorals may tighten and become more attractive.  You know...if you had manboobs, before."  Noriko lowers the quiz to dip her chin as if she's squinting over a pair of glasses.  "Check," she makes a mark.

"It says you could be like...three different things and one of them is a Leprechaun Jubes.  It doesn't matter."  Noriko shrugs.  "I mean this thing is written by like people who are Flat Earthers as an extra hobby on the side so..."  Toss! of the magazine.  This one a little one as if Noriko just let it tumble out of her hands, hit the wall, and somehow slide into that abyss of a crack that swallows everything up unforgivingly.

"I'm the final judge on your cup size and I say perfect...absolutely perfect..."  Noriko wisely resists the strong urge to tack on 'as my boyfriend' or something to that effect.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee looks down at herself. "Yeah, they're pretty good," she replies with a smirk, agreeing with Noriko's assessment. Jubes shuffles behind Nori and wraps her arms around her, linking across her collar bone.

    Jubilee's gaze lifts to watch the television for the first sign of the commercial break coming to an end. She places gentle pecks against Nori's neck and then presses against her from behind. Jubilee reaches for another Twizzler and brings it up to Noriko's mouth. As of this moment, Jubilation has consumed exactly zero of them.

    "Why are you taking that quiz, Nori?" she wonders gently. More kisses to her neck. "...I'm fine. Maybe we shouldn't question it..." Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. "Right?"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Perfect," Noriko corrects without remorse and without hesitation as she shifts to make room for Jubilation.  As she reclines back against Jubes, Noriko reaches to idly though affectionately rest her hand against the girl's leg.

The movie is back on, and maybe it's because of all this quiz business and interrogation about it, but for once, Noriko's actually watching!  And not just for sex!  She mindlessly munches on the new incoming Twizzler like a little woodchipper.

"Why aren't you eating any Twizzlers?"  Noriko knows the answer, or could guess it most certainly.  She knows the last food Jubes ate, 'real' food, made her throw up.  And most importantly, she knows that Jubes knows she knows too.

"Okay yeah you're probably right.  I mean.  I can get you cattle if you need it.  Won't be old and stringy like you know who."  Poor poor Sergeant.  "I make enough to pay for them if you need them."  She says it casually, as if she's already thought it all through, and of course she has.  What else is she going to do with all of her waking moments.  There are so many of them.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Huh?" Jubilee's attention is briefly drawn to the Twizzlers. "Oh, um, I'm not hungry." For Twizzlers. The truth is that it's been a few days since the horse and she's getting hungry again. Her skin is just a little paler than it was last week. Her hair is not quite as soft. It was a very slow transition and certainly not something anyone would notice unless they haven't seen her over the past week.

    "I mean, I'm not some /monster/," Jubes adds with a laugh. Another reason that quiz is unnecessary. "I mean, who knows, maybe reincarnation is another perk of being a mutant. How would I have even known?" It's honestly not a bad point. She places another soft kiss on Nori's neck, though her attention remains on the television.

    "Cattle?" Jubilee questions. "Like... living cows? Gross!" She moistens her lips nervously. She said the right word -- gross! -- but secretly she's actually on board with this. It would mean nothing (or no one) would have to die.

    Jubilee leans in and presses her mouth against Nori's neck to deliver another kiss, though this one is interrupted by the movie. On the screen, Shiela bites down on her boyfriend's neck and begins drinking his blood. With her own mouth open and pressed against Noriko's neck, Jubes stares at the television. She blinks her eyes a couple of times and then scootscootscoots away from Noriko, moving to the other side of the bed suddenly.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko knows.  They've discussed Jubilation's lack of eating, and it still doesn't sit well with Nori.  She's been desperately trying to figure out what Jubilation is, because what if she eats the wrong thing?  What if she never really finds the right thing?  These worries and so many more have run rampant through the speedster's thoughts when they haven't been completely distracted by...well, Jubilation.

"Well I need to rule it out.  Some of these have some serious food allergies.  Also some of them have really cool abilities," so clearly they need to know.  NEED to.  "I'm not sure the answer is just going to fall into our laps.  We need to use process of elimination."

"Yeeeeah.  Or whatever is most appetizing," Noriko is quick to come back with.  She shivers a little at latest kiss and then melts back against Jubes, just lazily watching the movie.  "Oh he's going to get it."  Her laughter peppers the soundscape of blood pumping loudly over the movie and soundtrack of symphonic shock, violins shrieking to a halt just as she can feel Jubilation scrambling away from her.

Nori's neck tenses from her head turned, eyes already on Jubilation, brow furrowed with concern and heart rate spiking in turn. "Jubes?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Someone familiar with Jubilee's face would no doubt know that she's either crying or about to. No tears come, but the muscles in her face are broadcasting it.

    "I....it's nothing," she replies quietly. "The movie is scary, that's all." Jubilee shuffles back to Noriko, walking across the mattress on her knees. She once again finds her place behind Nori, this time sitting with both legs spread out to either side. She pulls Nori to lean back against her and sighs softly.

    Jubilation stares at the television screen, her face stuck in a thousand yard stare. This is going to be a lot harder than she thought.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko takes in every little detail.  It's something she's accustomed to doing, looking at moments like slowly unrolling photographs.  Nori snaps back into time with Jubilation and reaches for her when the girl makes her way back over.  She's pulled back just as she follows her own impulse to do so and lets Jubilation do the rest of the work, closing the inch or two gap between them.

"If you don't want to watch it we don't have to," Noriko offers, though she's been watching on the tail end of the feature.  "Hmm?"  Thump thump.  Thump thump.  Thump thump.  Her blood is faster and more rich than a baby's...WHAT?  Yes.  Nori's arteries have their own whispering beat.  Incessant, wild, decadent.

Upon realizing she might not have Jubilation's attention, Noriko rubs at Jubilation's leg.  She bites her lower lip.  "You there?"  She can tell something is going on.  She's usually the one who slips into her own little world, so it's quite jarring to be on the outside of Jubilation's, knocking at the door to see if anyone's home.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee blinks her eyes. Get it together, girl. Get it together. She lets out an unnecessary, steadying breath. She tries to watch the movie, to see the action, hear the sounds, but she's distracted. The twitch of Noriko's neck just can't be ignored. How could it be? It's just there, dancing lasciviously in front of her. Calling her. Beckoning. Flirting. Jubilee's mouth hangs open, her tongue sliding out to moisten her lips. The speedster's comforting words are ignored.

    "I'm...I'm just going to..." she mutters, rationalizing whatever she's about to do. Have a taste. It'll be fine. Nori doesn't need all that blood. It'd be honestly a little selfish to keep it all. Just one drop. Just one swallow. It never has to happen again -- just this one time. Never again. Only a little. Truly.

    Jubilee's arms wrap around Noriko and hold her close. Both legs cross in front of the speedster, as well. Jubes releases whatever air was trapped in her lungs, blowing a cool stream of it against Nori's neck. Jubilee's mouth lowers, opens, and hovers there near Nori's neck and that flirtatious artery. Just... just a taste. Nothing more. Nori won't mind. It's the one thing she won't eat herself, so Jubilee might as well, right?

    Suddenly, Jubilee pulls Nori onto the bed and flips over so she's straddling the speedster, pressing her arms down onto the mattress. She immediately begins kissing her neck, nipping at it, sucking on it. She's fighting a battle against herself and, so far, it's a stalemate.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko's head cocks to the side.  Just going to...?  The speedster waits for action to fill in the blanks or words.  She's used to such build ups of anticipation.  "Oh.  Hey," she says with a grin as Jubilation encases her in limbs.  "That tickles," she says with a bubble of soft laughter quickly encouraged further when she is suddenly maneuvered.

"I could get used to this," Nori says through lazily lidded eyes, heart thumping hard, blood sliding along just below the nearly porcelain surface.  The speedster presses back urgently.  It's all Nori can really do unless she wants to overpower Jubes.  It's unclear whether anyone in their right mind or no one in their right mind would put up a fight.


TV goes dark.  Their poor neighbors.