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Another Present
Date of Scene: 19 August 2021
Location: Clarice Ferguson's Quarters
Synopsis: Clarice surprises her sister with a piano - and a credit card. What could possibly go wrong?
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Raven Darkholme

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice had left earlier in the day, while Cynthia was hard at work at her desk, calling out simply, "I'll be back in a few hours!"
    And she's true to her word. It's almost three hours later when there's the faint sound of one of Clarice's portals from her bedroom - and a short time later, the bedroom door opens, showing her looking exactly as when she left - casually dressed in jeans and a blouse with those 'cold shoulder' cut-outs, with her ever-present boots on her feet. She makes her way over to her own desk - sitting on top of it and reaching for the 'Lumberjanes' paperback trade book she'd left their earlier.
    "Let me know when you're ready for a break," she remarks casually.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Unlike most teenagers, Cynthia actually liked school work. Before the attack she had always loved going to school, seeing friends, even if she had to dye her hair and wear those uncomfortable contacts, but more importantly she realized that school was the only way to get anywhere in the world. If she wanted to do anything, she needed an education so she always poured herself into it. Because of this devotion, she often lost track of time. Eight high school classes, six require constant work, and yes she never complained.

When Clarice had announced she was leaving, she got a way and a quick, "Alright." but Cynthia's nose was already in the books and computer. In her mind, it was maybe ten minutes later that Clarice spoke again, so she literally jumped.

"Wait, didn't you just leave?" Cytnhia asks, looking around for the first time in hours. "Whoa.... that's messed up."

Setting the book she was reading by the computer, she stood up and stretched. "I should take one now before my butt grows attached to the chair."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You haven't moved this whole time?" Clarice asks - her brow furrowing. "I can't do that." She used to do that. She used to be drugged, though.
    "So. Before you get annoyed with me - I just want to say... it was free," she remarks mysteriously, setting down the comic she'd been considering reading as she instead beckons her sister towards the bedroom she'd just emerged from. She nods towards the large object she'd managed to place at the foot of her bed without so much as a thump - she was pretty happy with the teleport job she'd managed. In the middle of Clarice's room now sits an upright piano in a natural wood color, with a matching bench pushed up underneath it.
    "I know you said you wanted to save for an electric one that records and stuff but in the meantime..."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia crosses the room to enter her sisters bedroom, the one room she doesn't go in unless invited. She's big on privacy for others, even if she isn't used to having any of her own.

The minute she sees the piano her eyes go wide as she exclaims, "What did you do?!" Then more calmly, "Free? Who gives away a free piano?"

Despite the complaints, she immediately heads over to open the tray over the keys. "I wonder if teleporting a piano will cause it to lose tune."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "...I don't know," Clarice muses to the second question. "But I could get the guy up here if we need to. I mean, he's looking forward to coming up to the asteroid. Between the fact that he gets to visit outer space, and the fact that I promised him an annual free round-trip travel via-portal deal... He's agreed to keep this thing in tune," she remarks. "Leo. His name's Leo.
    "Anyways. Apparently there's this website in America, yeah? Called Craigslist, and people post things they want to sell, or give away. And pianos - they're big, and expensive to move. So a lot of older pianos - it's too much of a hastle to try to //sell// them, so people just give them away to anyone willing to haul it. Which... obviously isn't a problem for either of us," she remarks with a broad grin. "So Leo went to see a few free pianos with me - and he said this one was in the best shape. It's not a //great// piano. But it's a piano."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia slowly pulls the bench out and sits down, almost touching the keys before looking to Clarice. "So some guy named Leo gets a free ride? He a human?" She doesn't really care, but she's curious.

Looking back to the piano, she touches middle C lightly. "Yep, that's middle C alright." She's a loss for what to say, and she's not certain how to say thank you other than spring from the bench and hug Clarice, so that's what she does.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "He's a human," Clarice confirms. "I mean - if I'd looked hard enough I probably could have found a mutant piano tuner but... I didn't see any in Bushwick." So she shrugged and moved on.
    Clarice smiles and hugs her sister back as she adds, "Of course, I'm just being selfish. I'm going to get free entertainment out of this deal," she teases.
    Suuuuuure. That was her motivation. Uh-huh.
    "I just wish the same trick would work for other instruments but- no. Unless they're in need of repair? All the other instruments we'll have to pay for. Oh, and they left a bunch of sheet music inside the bench of the piano, too." She hesitates briefly over the term 'sheet music,' like she'd had to struggle for a moment to remember it.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The hug remains, perhaps longer than really needed, but Cynthia really enjoyed hugging her sister... HER SISTER. Finally though she does let go and smiles at Clarice.

"Sure, free entertainment, that's why you did it," she snorts, then her eyes light up again. "Sheet music?!"

To the bench! She pops it open to start looking through it. "Where did you want to put this? I mean we can leave it in your room but that'd get real weird, me sneaking in to play when you weren't looking... find you in bed, play anyway." She grins ear to ear, "Hey! The Entertaininer!"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's up to you where we put it. The living room or your room, obviously, make the most sense," Clarice remarks easily. "Just, you know, leave your door cracked sometimes when you're playing so I can listen better - if it's in your room. Deal?"
    She follows her sister closer to the piano, to look curiously at the sheet music. She picks one up at random to study the strange lines with dots and and sticks placed intricately on them. "Leo was trying to explain that the different lines and spaces mean different buttons," yes, buttons, "on the piano, and the different shapes mean how long you press it for. ...that's about all I know, though. This is even //more// gibberish to me than- well, than words."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Sitting herself on the bench, Cynthia places the music for The Entertainer on the stand.

"He wasn't wrong," she says, pointing to the first indicators at the beginning of the line. "This tells me the tempo of the song, the notes," she points to a dot with a stick. "indicate which key to press. This one," she points. "is middle C, which is this key." And she taps middle C again.

"Honestly, learning to read the music is harder than just listening to a song and playing it, but I'm told not everyone can do that."

She smiles up at Clarice, "I think the main room, since it is a really large room and has so little in it, makes sense to put it there. Then you'll have to start listening to songs and making requests for me to play."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "That's fine by me," Clarice agrees. For the moment, though, she settles onto the end of her bed - smiling happily to see her sister so pleased. "If you ever do decide to get that electric one, of course, we could always find a new home for this one... I mean. It's whatever you want to do with it. It's yours now."
    She blinks as she adds, "Oh. I had- I went and did something else for you, too," she remarks - pulling out a credit card with Cynthia's name on it - and leaning forward so she can set it on the 'arm' of the piano. "$100 a month'll be deposited from my account for you to use on... I don't know. Sheet music, video games, gifts for your friends... Whatever you want. Or save it all up, if you rather. Just so long as you keep focusing on school, yeah?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia was just about to play The Entertainer when there was a credit card sitting there in eye sight. She blinks a few times, before picking it up and looking at it.

"Uh... I'm not legal to sign my name for this kind of thing," she says, thinking that's how it worked. She didn't know about the whole 'consent on a card' thing, that really it was all on Clarice. "I don't really need money you know, I haven't had it like... ever."

She studies the card a moment before setting it back on the arm of the piano, "School is the most important thing there is, nothing could distract me from that... well, maybe if you or Pete were in trouble... but that'd be about it."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "If I'm ever in trouble, Mister Creed, and Mystique, and Lorna will make sure I get clear of it," Clarice answers reassuringly. "We have each other's backs, after all. And like I said - if you don't want to spend the money, that's fine. But it'll desposit in the account anyways, and it'll be fully in your name when you turn 18. For now, though, I have access to it as well. I just... I want you to be able to get some things, like new sheet music, or whatever, without feeling like you need to ask permission everytime you need something."
    She leans back onto her hands, relaxed and smiling as she lets her head fall back, her gaze resting idly on the ceiling above her.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Again she looks at the card. Her mother used to hand her money before school, and at the end of the week, was this really any different? In some ways it was, but the over all big picture, not really all that different, so Cynthia picks the card up and slides it into her pocket.

"What do you do for the Brotherhood?" She then asks out of the blue, and starts playing The Entertainer... she's getting in one song before moving it into the main room.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm in charge of the patrols in the Bushwick neighborhood of New York. It's a mutant community. I coordinate members of the Brotherhood, the X-Men, and the locals to work together to patrol the streets and help limit crime. I also go on missions when necessary to rescue mutants or eliminate threats to mutants and their communities. And I've been trying to bridge the gap between the Brotherhood, and the X-Men, to build a stronger alliance where we can work together to achieve common goals," Clarice explains calmly.
    "And if Magneto needs to make any appearances, I travel with him - both as transportation, and as a member of the Royal Guard and Brotherhood's leadership. And I work with Mystique. She's been training me in leadership - with an eye at giving me more responsibilities here, and I share my opinions with her on any issues we might be facing, so we can find the best solutions." Clarice gives a shrug of her shoulders as she concludes with, "Things like that. Somehow it always seems to keep me busy."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The song continues, a lively little ragtime number, and then comes to an end before Cynthia speaks. She has heard her sister, the answer almost sounded rehearsed, and perhaps it was.

"So... Mystique runs the Brotherhood, and Magento is just... there?" She asks, trying to figure out where the King of Kings fell into the whole picture. "And since Mystique runs it and she's teaching you, that makes you what, second in command?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Magneto and Mystique work together - they have a trust, and respect for one another. He trusts her to run the Brotherhood, and brings things to his attention as needed, or to get his feedbak and advice. And sometimes I participate as well in these discussions, if it's called for," Clarice answers. "Everyone here answers to Magneto if he chooses to impose his will upon us - but he wouldn't challenge or contradict Mystique with out a very good reason."
    She's silent for a moment before adding, "He isn't seen very often, though. He mostly stays in his Inner Sanctum or his quarters. And yeah - I'm second to Mystique." Which is still weird to her, to be honest.
    "That was beautiful," she adds.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia wrinkles her nose a little, "I can tell it's been a while, the tempo was a little off, but I love that song. It's so upbeat and happy, makes you want to throw on a dress from the 20s and dance around." She giggles at the thought of that, then closes the piano lid.

"So my big sister is uber important to the Brotherhood," she then says as she stands, grinning ear to ear. "Does that mean I can get away with stuff?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Mystique runs a pretty tight ship," Clarice replies in a dry voice. "It means we can manage a few extra... perks. Priviledges. Things like asking Magneto to pull out a wall for us, and knowing without a moment's hesitation that he'd be happy to do so for me. But any misbehavior that threatens the safety and tranquility of the Asteroid won't be tolerated, same with anything that threatens the cause," she explains simply. "So just be careful how you push the boundries. Taking over the lounge for a loud party with your friends one night? Fine. Damaging property and wandering into restricted areas? Not fine."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia stares at Clarice for a moment. "Why would I damage property?" She asks plainly. "I'm talking shop lifting and maybe stealing some alcohol here... what sort of misconduct are you thinking?" She looks all serious, and manages to hold it for a second longer before laughing and sitting down by her sister on the bed.

"I wanna live in the world you're in where 'getting away with stuff' results in room destruction."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Not a telepath, you know. I don't know what sort of trouble you cause," Clarice answers. She's silent a moment before adding, "There's no drinking age here on the Asteroid, really. But if you get out of hand, I'll tell the staff not to serve you anything alcoholic," she says seriously. And they'll listen to her. "And honestly - there's not shoplifting on the Asteroid. Everything here is free. So - goodluck with your shoplifting plans," she remarks in a dry voice.
    She frowns slightly before she adds, "You have your creditcard to buy things with. I'd rather you did that. We want to contribute to society, and prove to the world that mutants are a valuable part of the community. Not criminals. I am Mystique's second, and your actions will reflect on me, and on the Brotherhood. Alright?" She meets Cynthia's gaze solemnly as she tries to guage her sister's reaction.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia awwwws all sad looking, even does this large pouty bottom lip, but she can't keep it up cause she's in a good mood and starts giggling.

"I'm not going to do anything to ruin your reputation, or the Brotherhoods... but I'm not part of the Brotherhood," she says with a smile. "I'm just a wild teenager, and who said anything about shop lifting on the asteroid? Maybe I'll visit Bushwick, or go to Gotham? I'm allowed to do that, aren't I? I mean, I don't have to stay here all the time, or is that what you want me to do?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "No, you don't have to stay here all the time," Clarice answers. "I want you to see the world, and have fun. No shoplifting in Bushwick, though. The only businesses there are small businesses - for the most part. Mutant owned businesses." And they can't afford the losses.
    "And even if you're not a member it'll reflect on me, which reflects on the Brotherhood. So just... a little forethought. Yeah? Please," she encourages her sister.
    She frowns slightly as she adds, "If you're going to be spending a lot of time in America we might want to look into getting an official visa of some kind..." As Lorna's guard, she'd been able to get a diplomatic visa. Perhaps she could bring Cynthia in on that?

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia hmmms softly then says, "I wouldn't steal from Mutants, so Bushwick is safe from that. I do want to visit there though, because it's the only other place I know of where mutants are actually safe."

Standing up, she walks over to the piano to test how heavy it is. It's about what she thought, but thankfully it's on wheels so she starts pushing it toward the door.

"I'll just stay here," she finally comments. "Easier that way for now. I don't want to get you in trouble, and I don't want to end up in some American jail. I have Genosian ID though, does that help?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well. Bushwick is a target, unfortunately, because of its high mutant population. But we try to keep it safe with the patrols," Clarice remarks with a sigh. "Do you need my help?" she asks - rising to her feet to help guide the piano into place.
    "I should be able to get you a diplomatic visa, actually - since you're my family, and I'm Lorna's guard. It'll just take a little time for the paperwork to go through." She flashes her sister an encouraging smile.
    "I won't be able to do the same for Pete, though. If he's allowed to leave Genosha and the Asteroid at all..."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Guiding the piano into the main room, Cynthia finds a wall to put it by then goes to collect the bench. Stand up piano's like walls, but not right up against them, there are a few inches of space.

"Pete won't want to go any where else," she comments, putting the bench to the piano. "And if he does, well he has a Genosian ID, we can try to get him a passport or something, but I honestly don't think he'll want to yet."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well. I'd like to bring him to a used instrument shop //somewhere//," Clarice remarks. "Just to help him get a guitar. But only if he and Kelly agree, of course." Clarice answers - getting the other end of the bench so they can carry it together. With all the sheet music tucked away inside it, it's pretty heavy and awkward.
    "I'd like to meet him properly, soon. We could invite him up for dinner in the cafeteria... Or a picnic in the garden. Whichever."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A little more adjustment, and Cynthia sits down to the piano again.

"Oh, well if I go, and you got, he'll go." She comments, then starts playing Open Arms by Journey, she even sings this time. She needs some training, but she's not bad.

In the middle of the song she just stops singing to say, "He'll go anywhere I go, and he doesn't need ID for that, I mean we went to London, right?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Not for a little jaunt, no," Clarice agrees. "But I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving him to his own devices in a foreign country without a legal visa," she admits. "I mean - I'd be responsible for him, yeah? So..." She gives a shrug of her shoulders. It was one thing if it was your own sister, but just some other kid?
    "Your voice is nice," she adds quietly. "I don't think I have any music in me. You must have gotten all the talent."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia smirks and stops playing to look at Clarice.

"I'll get you never tried, you just assume it because your embarrassed over the idea of even trying," she states, maybe a little too smart for her own good.

"Pete won't stay places alone anyway, so you don't have to worry about that. You can get, if he does go some place other than Genosha or here, he'll be glued to me, which I'm used to, so it's alright."

She looks back to the piano and starts playing Mary Had A Little Lamb. "You sing."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I, uhh... There wasn't a lot of music, in the Pens," Clarice explains quietly. So no, she'd never tried. She bites her lip at the song Cynthia's plays, a puzzled look on her features as she tries to dredge up ancient memories she'd tried for so many years to forget, to protect herself. The tune is so familiar... "I don't remember the words," she admits. She hasn't heard the song ince before Cynthia was born, after all.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia stops playing for a moment, realizing then she really doesn't know much about Clarice, but she's not planning on asking either. Every thing Clarice talks about the Pens, whatever those were, she seems to get quiet and nervous, and that's clear indication she doesn't like talking about it.

"Okay, the words are really easy. Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow, and everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go. It followed her to school one day, which was against the rules. It made the children laugh and play to see a lamb in school."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It does sound familiar," Clarice admits before adding, "You'll sing it with me?"
    When she does sing - it's awkwardly, and uncertainly - and honestly, it isn't good. She struggles to find the right notes, though the rhythm she seems to have less trouble with. Years and years of gymnastic and combat training have helped her with that much, at least.
    And when they do stop singing she remarks simply, "I told you. I just haven't got the talent, it's alright. I like listening to you."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia sings with her, seeming to enjoy it no matter how bad Clarice thinks she is. It might be that her sister has no talent, or it could be that she's so self conscious and afraid to try, that it makes her bad, either way Cynthia laughs and hugs Clarice at the end.

"You did just fine! You just need to relax," she offers as she steps back. "It's not always about sounding good or being the best, sometimes it's just about enjoying singing with your little sister and anyone who wants to comment about your singing can take a one way trip to a pocket for exactly 45 seconds."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice leans into the hug, wrapping her arm around her sister, and letting out a quiet laugh. "Maybe," she agrees. "I just- I always feel more comfortable doing the things I'm good at. I know how to fight. I'm not bad at dancing. I'm becoming a better leader..." But once she goes out of her comfort zone? She's lost. Utterly baffled, in fact.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia nudges her sister with her hip.

"You can't learn new things, or explore your other possible abilities, if you stay only doing the things you know you're good at. Sometimes, you have to step out of your comfort zone, or you'll end up hiding in there alone while everyone else goes on the adventure called life." She tilts her head. "You know who said that? Mom."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "What was she trying to get you to do?" Clarice asks - giving her sister a small, amused smile.
    "And I'll have you know - I do step out of my comfort zone sometimes! I- my relationship with Rahne, that's new. Learning to read is- it's been hard. And being a little more open to people about lack of an education is too, too." She shrugs her shoulders, then leans over to give Cynthia a little nudge in return. "I'm slow to change. But I get there in the end, you know."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia grins, "She was trying to get me to agree to try out for track. I don't know why, I was already doing gymnastics, and in the chess club, but she wanted me to learn to run for long periods of time and I just wasn't interested. So she laid that line on me, and... I tried out for basketball instead. Obviously I didn't make the team, I'm too short, but I tried and that made her happy."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'll book us a corner of the training room - and we can have a gymnastics competition, just we two," Clarice suggests, grinning broadly at her sister. "But... I should get my own 'homework' done - Lydia insists I should read a little every night. She can be suuuuuch a pain," she complains with a smile.
    "When you're ready for another break we'll head down to the cafeteria for dinner?" she suggests.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Now Cynthia smirks, "Read every night, oh no... not that. How could she?" She says all of this dead pan.

"Clare, you should be reading every spare moment you got, but yes... I still have two classes worse of home work and then we'll go have dinner."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Reading is hard! And I have math homework too, you know. And- word problems are just unfair. Completely unfair." Combining two things she's awful at? It shouldn't be legal.
    Picking up her comic book, she plops down on their new couch as she adds, "If I get too hungry before you're done - I'll just toss things at your head. So hurry up."
    She flashes her sister a broad smile, before letting her gaze fall to the cover of her book, and lapsing into silence.