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Latest revision as of 18:53, 12 March 2020

Along came a Scorpion
Date of Scene: 12 March 2020
Location: Washington Square Park
Synopsis: An assassin and a vigilante meet in a park... to talk future.
Cast of Characters: Samuel Morgan, Kate Bishop

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Washington Square Park, mid afternoon, broad daylight. Visitors admire the scenery while students hurry through on the way to the next lecture, often on the other side of the square. It's a sea of humanity, or at least, a rolling tide of it. Gaps open up between the people often enough, gaps where someone might be able to see a certain visitor move from spot to spot as if in stop-motion. Now on Garibaldi Plaza, then surrounded by people, next seen by the dog run, surrounded by tourists and finally, eventually, standing out in the open by Holley Monument. The park is peaceful there, practically deserted...

    The message following the request to meet up had instructed Kate to come to the park and, most importantly, to come alone. To meet whom? It would, apparently, be obvious.

    And obvious it is... Sam stands by the Holley Monument with his hands behind his back, admiring the scenery, wearing a black and purple Hawkeye branded knit cap.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate is a bit unsure, because well it could be a trap after all. Still she comes alone and is wearing her civilian clothes now. She is wearing wearing her purple hawkeye sunglasses.

Well it is obvious, if somewhat amusing to Kate. She shakes herh ead lightly and makes her way closer to the Holley Monument stepping up just out of arms reach and studying it quietly for a moment. "What did his old white guy do for the world to get a monument. I mean he looks mildly important but isn't a dead president."

She at least thinks she is funny.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Nothing much. Just gave the United States the means to produce the steel that built all these buildings around here. You know, barely worth remembering." Sam replies with an amused deadpan. "The Stark of his day. We remember lest we forget..."

    Without another word, he motions over to the benches and walks over there, taking a seat first. It's a sign of trust, placing himself at a disadvantage, although he does take a moment to scan the roof tops for any movement he's not expecting. "Didn't think you'd show. Certainly not by yourself."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"Huh." says Kate thoughtfully looking around at the skyline of the city that looms over this nice green space in the middle of the city there. "Well okay. I wonder if Stark will end up with a small bust in a small park in a big city someday."

She starts to follow towards the benches now. "I'm pretty sure he will probably just create a second Mount Rushmore and just plop it down next to the first Mount Rushmore." when you sit the teenager moves to sit but really she hops up to sit on the back of the bench, feet on the seat. "Why not. I mean... you somehow hacked my phone.. well at least you did.. maybe someone else did too.. which is a bit freaky but you seem to be my age. Should I have borrowed the Hulk?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Depends. If he wins this bid, he'll get a statue at a minimum. Officially at any rate. I suspect he won't be happy until he has his name inscribed on the face of the moon." The teenager just looks out over the park, leaning back on the bench with his hands clearly visible. "Mount Starkmore... probably a safe bet."

    Down to brass tacks. Sam let Kate make the opening gambit, makes the conversation easier. "There were two hackers. I'm one, the other... need not concern you. Suffice to say that it was impulsive on their part, I suspect it won't happen again. But the point raised was valid. You took an unnecessary risk. In a way, you're lucky it was me that got there first." As for the Hulk... Sam smiles broadly, looking over his shoulder up at Kate. "Let's not bother Doctor Banner. I'm sure he has more important things to do. Plenty of crises around the planet that don't need to be complicated by an incident in the city. I'm sure you have questions for me."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"I am pretty sure if I was the reason the Hulk rampaged through Manhattan I would be yelled at a lot." she muses and then sighs. "Fine one of two hackers. I'll note no one told me that my phone could just be hacked when I didn't do anything like click a link or open an email or nothing."

She isn't being obstinate just bemused sort of and then she sighs. "Anyhow sure yeah... why did you send me a message to reach out if I wanted security help when the impulsive hacker just told me to keep the phone off. Also I expect you know who I am.. are you looking to charge for the help or something?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    An eyebrow raises. Okay... "Let's start with the basics. I appreciate that you want to make a difference. And I appreciate that you have a unique skill, even a unique set of skills that brought you to the attention of your mentor. I even appreciate that you want to learn by doing. It's a good way to learn. That's what your mentor told me recently, in Genosha. You can ask him about that." Sam isn't giving his identity away, but at the same time he needs to leave enough hints that Kate can work it out. Clint is going to kick his ass for this.

    "Some things though, you need to be taught. Security is one thing you don't just pick up by doing. Failing to protect yourself can have dire consequences. Case in point, I know of five different ways to intrude on a locked phone that don't even include using ... my own unique talents. The message history on your burner phone was enough to let me figure out who you are. Granted, I'm skilled, but there are others like me. You need to learn how to stay safe, not just physically, but electronically. Or people around you will die."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Clint might kick his ass for this, or he may just be pleased Kate has people also looking out for her wellbeing. He is still probably a little shocked that she is in High School to be honest. "Genosha huh..." she eyes Sam now a bit different and then settles in to listen to the rest.

"Okay.. well I'll have to have words with him about Genosha...and about the burner phone. He is the one who gave me the stupid thing so he could message or call me and vice versa..." also she has come to the conclusion that she needs to also invest some money in a seriously more secure 'burner' starkphone too.

"That said, I'm all ears." she points up towards her head vaguely.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "That would throw off your aim."


    Clearly not devoid of a sense of humor, Sam goes quiet for a moment, clearly thinking. "If you intend on doing this, seriously doing this, then you are going to make enemies. I happen to know just how far some people will go, and how much expertise they can bring to bear. You will have to start getting more careful. The burner phone is an example. Never leave it switched on when you're out scouting. Remove the battery, like the other hacker said, and check periodically. Never check in an easily predictable pattern. Never go straight home after a scouting mission, always go via some public place, or a shop you don't go to frequently. Remember faces, watch angles, check reflections."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"If I was all ears I probably would have already learned how to operate with that sense of balance setup somehow..." still she settles in to listen to the security advice.

"You're pretty..." is the word experienced... it probably is.. but she says "cynical for a kid." okay maybe she can't help the sass. "I do some of that stuff actually so maybe I am not a lost cause. but this is good advice thank you."

Not a complete brat.

"Seriously though are you immortal and not actually a teenager or are just paranoid and young?"

Then again maybe not.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I used to kill people. Professionally." Sam is looking out over the park as he says it, eyes fixed on something a thousand yards away. For a moment his hands twitch, but they settle down quickly enough. "I was an assassin for a group that has an interest in destabilising the world. Killed my first victim when I was eight. Forgive me for being cynical." He figured she might as well hear it from him, considering it's going to come up in any talk she's going to have with Hawkeye. And there's no profit in it for him... another sign of trust.

    "I'm looking for a way to do some good in the world. If helping you not getting killed in your first six months as a vigilante is going to improve the world, then I'll start with that. I suspect you have more questions for me now."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Well okay she wasn't really expecting that when she was being sassy, not at all.

""I.. huh.." she pauses and sort of chews on it there. "Sorry to hear that. I have no way to really relate to thatat all but it sounds like it was probably really hard and a horrible way to grow up." that is at least authentic and not snarky.

"I imagine it may be considered by some to be making the world better. I mean... I am pretty sure the people who I've stuck with arrows would disagree. So what do you do that you know Hawkeye and were in Genosha these days... hopefully not still assasinating?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "They took my weapons off me." For a moment it's as if Sam regrets that most of all, but he rallies soon enough. He can't sound like a total psychopath here...

    "Your mentor will confirm it if you describe me, but we work for the same people. Obviously, that's not common knowledge. Now my life is in your hands." No pressure then... "These days... I keep up with my course work for MIT, try to find meaning, try to make a future. It's my last chance for one, so I want to make it a good one."

    He stretches his legs out, leaning back more comfortably. "I can teach you field craft, I can teach you hand to hand combat. What I'm looking for in return is a chance."

Kate Bishop has posed:
She considers Sam very carefully for a very long moment. Yeah she was definitely listening to all that. Nodding when he admits he is putting himself in danger.

"I'll have to verify this stuff with Hawkeye of course before trusting a stranger. I figure that is fine field crafting." she smiles a little lopsided. "Two questions. One, how are you enrolled at MIT when you are what.. fifteen?" pause "Two, are you going to flounce off if I end up handing you your ass in hand to hand or are you a good sparring partner?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    A smile now, a genuine one. Oh, this one learns quickly. Sam looks over his shoulder again, looking for all the world like a teenager having a chat with a friend in the park. There's no tension, nothing to give away that he's a marked teen in the middle of a public space. "If you can beat me in hand to hand, I'll be two things. Impressed, and happy. It means there's still room to improve. In that case, you can teach me. As for the school, I'd prefer it if you didn't ask that question. There's a price on my head. If you know, others might find out from you, and then hundreds of innocents are at risk. A secret you don't know is a secret you cannot betray. Always compartmentalize."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"Well I'm not going to assume I can hand you your ass in hand to hand sparring, it isn't on the outside of possibility. That said I am pretty cocky about doing it with a bow or maybe a blade." yeah she isn't being all serious about it though just enjoying the turn in the conversation now"

"As for the school thing I imagine I'll be making enough enemies and having enough secrets without adding to it or putting even more people in danger at this rate, so fair nuff."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I do so love a quick study." Sam mentions as he stands and stretches for a moment. It's slightly exaggerated, but it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he doesn't have any weapons on him. He came alone, and unarmed. Either he's a fool, or supremely confident. "If you are as good as your mentor, then I wouldn't dream of trying to best you with a bow. A handgun, a rifle, a combat knife... sure. Any time."

    "I take it we have a deal?" He turns half way, so he can keep watching the park. "You have my number now, by the way. It's under 'Scorpio', my old moniker."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"You're on." she notes to the comment about other weapons. She does carry a sword and two mockingbird batons in her official gear rig based on the social media selfie with Thor and the others the other day.

"Sure, once I clear you are trustworthy with Hawkeye we have a deal." she smirks a bit. "I'll be in touch Scorpio."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I go by Techno, these days. Doesn't have the same sting to it, but..." Yup. He had to go there.

    Sam smiles at the mention of a potential deal. He's pretty sure what Clint is going to say. Pretty sure he's going to get into at least a little bit of trouble. But hey... what's life without risk? "If you don't mind, I'll hang around here for another ten minutes after you leave. Precaution, I'm sure you understand."

Kate Bishop has posed:
She slides to her feet nimbly there ending up standing and then nodding to Samuel "That seems fair.. I mean paranoid but fair. I'll take your word it is necessary though since you are the expert here." she gives a glance around the park.

"Till next time Techno" she makes a little boom bwop noise like a rave then waves and heads out from the park.