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Latest revision as of 18:57, 12 March 2020

Night In Gotham
Date of Scene: 11 March 2020
Location: Gotham City Harbor
Synopsis: Cassie flies into Gotham, helps Tim take down some dug smugglers, then they go out for burgers and talk about stuff and dating. As you do.
Cast of Characters: Cassie Sandsmark, Tim Drake

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
There's usually very few reasons to look up into the night-time Gotham sky, so few Gothamites bother. Any who do, however, might catch a glimpse of a sight more suited for Metropolis or New York: a lone figure flying through the air. Cassie Sandsmark really doesn't like Gotham, for a lot of reasons. Right now, it's the air polution that she's trying to avoid. But, night time in GOtham is the best place to find her friend: Tim Drake. AKA Robin...Red Robin...whatever. She taps the new communicator that Tim gave her, standard equipment for the new team. "Hey, Ti..." Cassie sighs and shakes ehr head; she needs to get back into the habit of code names. "Red Robin, this is Wonder Girl. Just flying over Gotham and thought I'd check in with you. Need any help?" Knowing Tim's 'work schedule', he was probably in the middle of a fight with mobsters...

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake will get the buzz, and smiles he is at the harbor, and throwing a R at one of the drug dealers he is dealing with. He grins and says "Hey yea, there is a tug that I could use someone to stop a tug trying to leave from the west end harbor." He will launch a flare over the boat "See that?"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Got it," Cassie responds. She changes direction to head for the flare, spotting the tugboat trying to make a getaway. She dives down into the dark water, angling under the boat. She plants her back and shoulders under the keel, the starts to lift the boat out of the water. The boat's occupants are freakign out, not able to see the young Demigoddess underneath.

Cassie flies the boat back to the dock, setting it down a bit roughly on the concrete. The men in the boat are firing wildly now, and Tim is able to see one of the drug dealers aiming at him. The gun goes off, and suddenly, Cassie id by his side. There's a *PTANG* of a riccochet as she blocks the bullet with her bracer. Followed by a cry of surprise at the bullet was reflected back at the shooter to knock the gun out of his hand. Cassie smiles and give Tim a wink before going to work at blocking all the bullets incoming from the gunmen on the boat.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Ok, well, now I let the lady deal with you." He grins a bit more, and just stands back watching getting an idea on Cassie's skills now.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Seriously?" Cassie souts in protest at Tim. "You used to eat a whole bowl of these guys each night without my help. Now that I'm an Amazon, you're just gonna take it easy? Do you do this with Superboy, too?" Cassie's only joking about Tim slacking, she's just working on playful banter. If there's onething that the Amazons didn't train her in, it was banter.

With a whip of her arm, Cassie sends her lasso flying at a group of gunmen. The golden rope wraps around all 4, guided by divine magic. And then...electricity charges the lasso, like the entirety of the rope became a charged taser. The gunmen cry out and drp unconscious from the shock, and Cassie flicks her wrist to return the rope to her.There's one gunman on the boat left, and Cassie is on him in the blink of an eye. she grabs and throws the man, who lands next to Red Robin, 50 feet away.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake winces a bit and will step in to zip tie them as need be. He grins and says "If he left for 8 months and was not on youtube every 30 minutes probably." He will move to find a seat making sure he aint getting shot at.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Hey! It's not like Themyscira has wi-fi..." Cassie protests. Turning to the group that Tim was focused on, She charges in, bracers blocking bullets. She grabs one, tosses him into another, knocking them both out. Another gunman gets tossed *through* a wooden crate, spilling large keys of white powder in tightly wrapped cellophane. She casually knocks away a gunshot from the last dealer, grabbing the man's gun and crushing it in her hand. He gives up pretty quickly after that. "Alright. They're all yours, Teen Wonder.""

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and will bind them call the cops, and says "Not bad not bad, little less enthusiasm than you used to show but more skill. He smiles a bit and says "Wanna go for a burger?"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Once they're out of earshot, Cassie nods to the question. "Sure. But as Wonder Girl and Red Robin? Or Cassie and Tim?" And there is a significant difference there, in Cassie's mind. "I'd have to fly back and grab some clothes, but that wouldn't take me too long. So, it's up to you."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake says, "I got some clothes you can wear, I think." He will lead her through a few roof tops and down to an alley that has his car. He will pop the trunk to look and hmms looking at her and pulls out some jeans and a shirt, "Maybe a little tight.""

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Wait...you just *happen* to be carrying girl's clothes in your car?" Cassie asks with a smirk. She knows it's probably just some spare clothing for Tim. But, Cassie and Tim are the same height, so they fit better over her costume than she was expecting them too. Now appropriately attiered, Cassie waits, looking away, until Tim is ready to go. "So," she asks as they get inside the car to drive off. "Did I pass the audition?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "You have improved a bit and use your strength with a interesting technique." He will drive a bit, and says "So what are you planning on doing with free time since your back?" He will park near a big belly burger.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Well...mostly doig hero things with you and Conner and Bart," Cassie answers as they drive. "But, I'm not sure how much free time I'll have. I'm working as Diana's assistant at the Embassy. Then classes at Columbia will be starting up in September. But, how about you? What's Tim Drake doing with his spare time in the daylight? Since you're busy busting drug smugglers at night." She smiles at Tim, bright and cheerful.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and leads Cassie to the burger place when they part. "Working R&D for Wayne tech, thinking about some more college classes, thought about taking some with Conner for a bit of fun.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Of course," Cassie says with a smile. Once inside, she slides into a booth, hands fidgiting a bit on the surface of the table. "Soooo....I mean...you're doing R&D, the night stuff, classes with Conner..." Part of Cassie's brain yells at her to just ask the question,,, "Probably makes it hard for...seeing someone, right? But...are you dating anyone, Tim?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake shakes his head a bit and says "Na not right now, was seeing Steph for a while, but we decided to just be friends." He looks her over and says "You?" He will pull out his phone to order their food.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie laughs and shakes her head. "I just spent 8 months on an island populated exclusively by women." She arches and eyebrow and smirks. "And no, I didn't go native. So no, haven't had time to find a guy, yet. And...I guess I'm still getting used to...being...this." She blushes and indicates her body. "Guys weren't exactly lining up to date me before," she says with a shrug. "I don't really know how to deal with relationships, I guess."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and says "You have always been hot and dateable Cassie, you just did not want to admit it." He give her a smile "Wanted to tell you, you looked really well when you came in, but did not want to embaress you in front of bart.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Bart?" Cassie giggles. "Bart wouldn't notice. He's all....ping-ping-ping-ping-ping..." She moved her finger in random directions, simulating a pinbll bouncing around. She quiets down and smiles. "I mean...I don't think I was really 'hot' back then. I mean, I didn't think that you guys really noticed me like that. Definately not the way I noticed Conner." She pauses, blushing as red as her costume. "And you," she quietly adds. "I...never thought you guys would be interested in me."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "I thought you were attractive, but then you add smart and brave, you were very hot." He offers her and leans over to kiss her cheek.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie blushes deeper at the kiss, suddenly getting a shy posture with slightly hunched shoulder. "I wish you would have told me back then," she says with a little smile. "I thought you were pretty hot too. I mean...Conner's got the physical hot. You...you had a real confident aura around you. Like you could do anything. You were kind of a bad-ass, to be honest." She looks back at Tim, smiling shyly. "So yeah, I kinda thought you were hot too."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake will grins at her "Was?" He teases a bit and soon their food is brought over to their table. He will add "And Conner, the physical hot? You aint seen me with my shirt off recently." He teases back a bit more.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie smirks at the humblebrag. "Is that an offer, Tim?" she asks in a teasing voice. While she'd never seen him shirtless, she had seen him in tshirts before and knew that for the life he lead, he had to be in terrific shape. With the food served, Cassie takes a huge bite out of her Triple Bacon Belly Buster Burger, and makes sounds of bliss as she chews. "Oh. My God...or Zeus. Whoever." She sighs and tkes another bite. "Another thing I really missed on the island. I mean, fresh roased beef and lamb is great, but it was all a little bland by the time I left. And forget Ambrosia, *this* is my kind of sustenance."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit and says "You would think ya dad could have made you a belly burger on a cloud or something." He jokes a bit and says "It is good to have ya back Cass, really." He will tell her. So, what you planning for tonight?"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"I don't know," Cassie says after another bite. "I'll probably stay out for another couple hours or so. Then had back to the Embassy to get some sleep. There's a sparring session around dawn. Then I need to go update my wardrobe so that I look a little bit professional as Diana's assistant, at least. Beyond that, I've got no ideas. Why?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Well, I aint really got anything I needed to do for the rest of the night, I thought we could find something to do. Good to have you around more."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Maybe a movie?" Cassie suggests. Another big bite of her burger is taken and chewed on as she contemplates. "Although...to be completely honest...nighttime in GOtham isn't exactly my idea of a fun, realxing time to catch up with a friend." Pause. "Or a date..." Is that what this is? Cassie sounds unsure about it.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake hmms, and says "Well not yet, but if you would like to to be one I think that could be arranged, but might get you to fly us somewhere instead of hanging out here.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Well, let's just call it hanging out for now. A real date...yeah, I think I'd like that. But, maybe wait a little on that? I'm still getting my feet under me again, here. And, I don't know if I'm going to be able to commit to the whole dating thing." She smiles, a little nervously. "As for tonight, we can go to my turf. I can fly you to New York. Or, metropolis is closer to Gotham, so that would be a quick flight."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "New york sound pretty good, I know my way around there pretty well." He will continue to eat a bit and says "If you want I can help you a bit with the shopping, had to learn proper business wear for my work, pretty sure, it is at least some of the same basic stuff.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie blinks in mid-bite. A guy that actually wants to go clothes shopping? She finishes the bite, then smiles. "Okay, sure. As long as you don't mind. I mean, I can bring you back to Gotham tonight, then pick you up tomorrow if you're free? I'll finish my sparring and talk to Diana about getting an advance on my paycheck or a small stipend to start off with."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Your my friend hon, of course I would come with you. I want the best for you be it shopping, heroing, work or what ever. " He eats a bit more, and says "Besides I know what you pick out for a disguise." He jokes

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Yeah," Cassie says with a slight frown. "I mean...I don't know how I'm going to manage that. Diana...kind of wants me more public. The American girl who earned the right to become an Amazon. I mean, I agree with her in principle; it shows how the ways of Themyscira can be adopted by anyone, builds a link between our nations. But...I don't know how I'm going to be able to do that and keep 'Wonder Girl' and 'Cassie Sandsmark' seperate." She smirks and eyes Tim. "No, I'm not going back to the black wig, either."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and says "well here is the question, do you want to keep them seperate? I mean I have to after all, and probably would anyways, but you have the choice. How do you feel about being just you?"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Go public?" Cassie thinks about that as she slowly chews on another bite."I don't know. I mean, I have my mom to think about. But, there are threats to me from Olympus that already know my identity, and I can't keep her safe from those. And, what about the whole social life? Wouldn't people start to get suspicious of Tim Drake if he were out in public with Cassie 'Wonder Girl' Sandsmark? I don't want to put any of my friends through that." She sighs. "I'm not saying no to the idea, but I'm not saying yes, either. I have to think about it, becasue going public is going to affect a lot of things in my life."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake smirks a bitt and says "You think Tim Drake aint got a chance with a superhero?" He asks and grins a bit more, and says "Been thinking a bit about that type of thing, thinking about starting to publicly collect superhero stuff as Tim.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie gives Tim a smirk as well. "You know that reporters aren't stupid. Tim Drake hangs around Wonder Girl in public too much, and they start noticing the guy with the black hair that's about the same height that's on her team. And if Tim Drake is getting examined like that, then people start looking into who he also spends time with, matching up public appearances..." She sighs. "I mean, I'm not saying a social life would be impossible, just that there would be concerns to figure out."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Thats part of why am considering the super hero collecting, make Tim Drake seem like a fan boy, and from there, I be seen around people like Diana, Garfield, Kori who ever and just be fan boying out

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Okay," Cassie says with a smile. "You're the expert on secret identities. You've been rocking one longer than I have. I defer to your experience." She reaches over and gives Tim's hand a pat. "But, the date stuff should wait for a while. Like I said, I have a lot to get coordinated first. And, you need to establish your new fanboy role, as well. Sound like a plan?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Well, we can try the date thing when your ready if I have the fan boy or not, but you know dating or not I am there to help you in any way I can right?"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie nods. "The same goes for me, Tim. Even if we try the dating thing and it doesn't work out, I'll always be there for you." She finishes off her burger and wipes her hands clean with a anpkin. "Okay. Go ahead and pay and let's catch a flight to Manhattan on Air Cassie." She couldn't help but smile; sure, there was uncertanty and confusion in her life now as she was relocating back home, but it also looked like the future was going to be awesome.