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Latest revision as of 19:06, 12 March 2020

No One Died, Yet
Date of Scene: 10 March 2020
Location: East Village
Synopsis: The Avengers Play was a thing, and Rose didn't shoot anyone. But she's sad that the good guys won.
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Rose Wilson

Conner Kent has posed:
At the end they got to the play in time. Rose with her gun. Conner with his leather jacket. Well, both of them had leather jackets. They were definitely not the best dressed couple in the theater. But in their defense, they weren't the worst. Plenty of young people is drawn to the Avengers, even if the tickets are very expensive compared with the usual movie tickets.

Because... Avengers.

Conner won't admit to be impressed with the Avengers. After all their team was a year old when they formed. The kids also made a big splash. In part for being around just as the League and the Titans disbanded. But mostly because they were so young, they alarmed many of the powers that be.

But that is a different story.

This is an Avengers story and it was great. Conner is grinning most of the play. Obviously having a good time, and cheering with everyone else when Loki finally gets his due beating.

Rose Wilson has posed:
If it's a good time. Or not. Well, Rose doesn't do anything to show that she's having a good time, or not. In fact, through most of it she has kept a sort of neutral expression on her face, although she's been watching the entire thing.

Never once does her attention waver from things, although she does seem to be very disappointed that Loki loses in the end. Even if she knew the actual outcome of things before they went.

Conner Kent has posed:
"C'mon, the guy was a jerk," states Conner when he sees Rose's expression. "If he had pulled on you half the crap he pulled on Thor you would have murdered him five times in a row."

Or tried to. Conner has seen Rose's stabbing ability. It is quite possible she can murder a guy five times. "It was good, even if the Avengers are not really my favorite super team."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose glances over at him at that, her expression flat, "It doesn't matter if I'd have killed him for that shit...Why do the good guys always win?"

Yeah, good guy, why do you guys always win? No irony at all in this entire conversatoin. Rose raises a hand up, sliding her fingers slowly through her hair before she shrugs, "Ad far as super hero teams go they're alright. I guess. Old, kind of lame. But alright I guess."

Conner Kent has posed:
"In a play? In the movies?" Conner rolls his eyes, standing up, "it is what the people want. People like honor, generosity, courage, loyalty. They like to think that the virtuous people always win because they deserve to win."

If Rose is still sitting down on her place, he offers her a hand to stand. "Actually. Most folks aren't that virtuous. And when they are, they don't always win. So this is a nice break from a grey-er, less clear world."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"The world is very clear." No it isn't. "People want the good guys to win, the virtuous ones, because they've been told that is what they want. But do they really //want// it?" Rose shakes her head, pushing herself to her feet, hand moving to slap down on his offered one.

"The bad guys aren't pure evil, either." Maybe she's counting herself among that number.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner looks at Rose, smirking. "Sure, they want strong protectors, heroes. That way they don't need to save themselves, hmm?" He might be playing devil advocate here. "Oh sure. Everyone is the hero of their own story. And maybe Loki is not as bad as portrayed. And maybe Cap cheats are card games. But this is a play. Also, Loki attacked New York and hurt a lot of people for no good reason, so he deserved a beating."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"He had a good reason." Rose points out with a shake of her head, "Just because you don't feel that it was a good reason doesn't mean that he didn't feel it was a good reason."

Rose shrugs her shoulders, starting to move down the line of chairs towards the aisle, "No one is the hero of their own story, that's why they keep waiting on Iron Man, Captain America...Superman to just...fall out of the sky and save them."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Nah. There is no reason good enough to hurt so many people that had done no harm to him," replies Conner. "Loki might think he had a good reason, but no one else does." He snickers to Rose complain most people wait for heroes to save them. He doesn't really disagree. "And you? Are you waiting for a hero to save you?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
"What do I need saving from?" Rose counters, coming to a stop, her arms crossing over her chest as she watches him, her head tilting just a fraction to the side. "But no. I'm not waiting for a hero to come and save me. I //am// capable of saving my self, and I don't have anything that I need to be saved from. Why do you want to save people who don't care about you?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"Bad life decisions?" Offers Conner. Then he laughs. "Because... damn, I really can't explain it. I just feel it. It is like duty... because I do care about them. And I even care for you, despite how hard you make it."

He walks past her, then turns. "C'mon, lets get some food. The play was long and you missed lunch, didn't you?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
"How can you care about people you don't know? They've never done anything for you, and for the most part...you'll never even meet them." Rose follows after him, the corner of her mouth twisting upwards just a fraction. The suggestion of food has her shoulders lift upwards in the faintest of shrugs, then she starts to follow after him once more.

Conner Kent has posed:
"I don't know," replies Conner, shrugging back. "I don't understand why you don't. Most people feel empathy for their fellows. Maybe not a lot, but they don't want to hurt anyone. Loki just didn't care. That is not normal. If you can't feel it, then you might have a problem too, Rosie. But I think you do, I think you would also jump to help if you saw a child in danger."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Why would I?" Rose counters, waiting until they are outside before she comes to a stop, a frown sliding across her lips as she stares at him, "You think I have a problem?"

Rose stares at him, that frown remaining before she shakes her head, "I think you guys have a problem. Always putting yourself in danger for people that don't give a damn about you. That wouldn't come to your rescue."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Yeah, well," Conner reaches with a hand to her chin. "Maybe you will come to our rescue if we need rescuing, hmm?" He pulls back quickly, offering the girl a lopsided smirk. "You better than the Avengers," he adds. "Come, lets get some food. Burgers or..."

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Burgers are fine." Rose replies after a moment, then she turns to start heading in the direction of a burger place that she knows about. She doesn't say anything about coming to their rescue, or not, but she does agree, "Better than the Avengers."