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Latest revision as of 22:05, 1 September 2021

Once Was: 1940s pt II
Date of Scene: 21 July 2021
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Logan Howlett, Diana Prince

Logan Howlett has posed:
Nazis, Car chases, Wonder Woman, oh my!

That's what Logan and Diana have had to take part of or completely annihilate within the last few hours. All of this, for the Statue of the David. Damn Logan's appreciation of history and the Nazi's tenacity to destroy everything they touch. Despite the length of the ride over, Logan manages to park that truck in some cover, that way if anybody creeps up on them the playing field is either even or the pair of the mhave the advantage.

"So let me get this straight..."

Logan grunts out as he gets out of the truck, slamming the door behind him (not because he's angry, but because he's Logan), he questions Diana. "You put on a sparkly armor suit, come from some weird Themy-whatsit, and now you're all the way in fuck-all nowhere, fightin' a fight that ain't yours?"

Logan is...slow to understand the being that is Wonder Woman.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had spent the bulk of the trip directing Logan where to turn and what was up ahead. She'd answered a few other random questions about Themyscira and her time in the mortal world, but they clearly had a lot more to cover...

Once they arrive at the rendezvous, Diana pops the door open and slides out of the battered and beaten military truck. She shuts the door and walks around the vehicle toward the back to look inside, but the statue is boxed up amongst another set of boxes that seem secured with fasteners.

At Logan, the Princess looks, her dark hair hwaving softly in the wind over her shoulders. ""It is a war for the entire world." Diana says in her smoky voice. "And... I could fire some questions back at you, you know." She tells him with a smirk then as she puts one hand on the truck for leaning support. "You were shot more times than any human could survive. Yet here you stand. Healthy and... well... filthy, but alive." She states with a held smirk for the soldier.

"Seems as though our employers chose the right two for this job..."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan followed her directions to the letter too!

He's just trying to wrap his head around an apparently new world of might and magic that Diana just opened up for him. Even as she speaks about this being a war for the entire world. "Sure, but this is just people hating each other, that's all every war has ever been about. This don't concern people who should probably be sittin' somewhere gettin' grapes fed to 'em, since you tryin' to explain to me that you're a daughter of Zeus and all that shit." Logan waves a hand, pressing it against a truck.

That's how Logan understands Gods, or godlings or demogods or whatever, just them minding their own business and not peering too deeply into the lives of 'lowly mortals'. But she came to save his ass, so maybe she's different.

She turns it around on him though. "You have your tricks, I got mine, darlin'." Logan replies with a bit of a huff. "Yeah, well, fight in the shit long enough and you start wearing it like a badge of honor." he shakes his head.

"Just for a damn statue." He shakes his head. "Never heard of a man wantin' to die just to break a piece of marble. We're doomed as a damn species if this keeps up."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana stares at Logan at the first bit of what he says but the distant sound of an airplane's engine makes her look off to the east in to the grey smog filled sky. There's no visible plane and the engine is getting quieter and not louder so she looks back toward him.

She affords him a pleased expression, a soft one, at his cynnicism but she doesn't join in on it. "I am an Amazon warrior, I have vowed my life to fighting for the benefit of those who are uanble to do so. My life is sworn to help those who are in need, of those who are suffering. /And/ as you are clearly aware of, there is a lot of suffering in this world... but it does not have to be that way. There is light inside of even the darkest heart, and I believe darkness will spread, if it is left to its own devices. Light, however, is stronger than the dark, and if we shine it... it will spread." She nods softly two times at her last few words.

Probably not his kind of Beliefs!

She glances at the statue, then looks back to him. "These types of works of art represent a symbol of Hope in our world. If we let them be destroyed then more Hope is squandered. If we reclaim them, if we protect them and show them to the world, it spreads the Hope and lights inspiration in the hearts of those who can help to fight the Darkness."

"This... is what I believe, at least." The Princess then softly adds as she stands there by the trucks' edge.

Logan Howlett has posed:
The sound of hte airplane draws Logan's attention, his fist clenching tightly. He was fully prepared for the plane to dive down and start opening fire on the pair of them. But thankfully, something is on their side, as the plane overshoots them by a mile and the sound grows distant. Logan's not even sure if the plane was theirs or the enemy's. With how some incidents in the war have gone, Logan's just learned how to never trust something for how it appears.

Diana begins her explanation, and she has Logan's (now relaxed) full attention. "An Amazon, huh?" Logan questions her, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck as if he were...well, extremely confused as to what she's talking about. "If that were true, then why does the sun go down, huh? Why is there such a thing as night at all. See, what I've learned is, that if the light's shinin' bright, there's somethin' on the other side of it that's as nasty as it is warm to the touch." Wolverine makes his counterpoint, most certainly not quite believing in Diana's mentality.

At least not yet.

Looking to the Statue, Logan grunts. "Hnnh. Don't get me wrong, I'm gettin' this because I believe in the goodness o' good people who got this stolen from 'em...But sometimes, people are just shitty." Logan offers to Diana, the result of coming from two completely different lives.

Diana Prince has posed:
The response from the gruff man accompanying her on this mission gets a smile from the Princess which makes her look away from him again and then back to him a moment later. "Not everyone is pure evil or pure good. The spectrum of humanity comes in many forms, Mister Logan." She tells him then.

Her eyes go away again toward the covered place they'd parked in for pickup from their rendezvous. she takes a few steps away from the truck to look back out at the road, her armored form certainly looking out of place in this world, no questions asked.

She looks back at him then. "You fight for the good though, clearly so. Which means you are spreading the light, whether you like to admit it or not." She tells him, clearlya ssuming he's a bit of a curmudgen!

Diana's half leather wrapped ahdns go to her armored hips and she stands there waiting for their contacts to arrive. "Hopefully they show up soon, there might be patrols on this road...."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Nobody is pure anythin', darlin'." Logan tells her then, scoffing his agreement as he looks for their backup. It was...mysterious that they were taking so long, but maybe they just assumed that it would take longer for Diana and Logan to clean house the way they did. "And just call me Logan, I don't need the 'mister' or rank bein' pulled on me." He tells her as he crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the truck.

"I fight for the right team -now-, but I didn't used to fight for any team, sometimes not even the right one. I'm the best there is at what I do, and what I do isn't very nice." He growls the words out. "I ain't a good person, Diana. I'm just tryin' to repair what I've managed to break."

He looks then to the road. "They shoulda been here by now." he grunts, before he looks at Diana.

'So, how are ya able to be throwin' trucks around like lightweights. Can all you Amazons do that or are you just by your lonesome self when it comes to doin' that?"

Diana Prince has posed:
When he confirms what she'd been feeling about their contacts, Diana lets her expression shift in to one of concern. "We should wait a little longer, and if they don't show up I can go and scout where they should be coming from. I'm quite fast when I wish to be." She says as she looks back toward himand steps back to where he is. She leans back against the truck then and crosses her armored boots over one another at the ankle, her own armored forearms going over her stomach.

"I was blessed by the Goddesses of Olympus with strength, agility, endurance and ... well, you probably would not believe it any more than the rest of what I have told you. My sisters on the island I come from are also strong, and well trained warriors, but they have somewhat lower ceilings than I was graced with."

She spares a glance out at the raod, then back over to him to her right. "I am very thankful for what I have in life. It is another reason I try to use it how I can, where I can. But I have to choose my uses wisely. Being here, for instance, is a risk, as I do not wish to become a known element in this world. It would raise too many questions, it would cause too many issues for people that I do not wish to bring burden on to."

She spares a small smile toward him. "I imagine we can relate in that at least, to some degree."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Alright, sounds fine by me." Logan just shrugs. He's seen Diana in action and he's flat out not nearly as fast as she is. Best that the more powerful of the two take on the scouting mission, though Logan seems noticeably unhappy about being stuck in one place for too long. "Now I -know- you're bullshittin' me."

Logan was a grouch, wasn't he? Who knows though, maybe he's just charming to Diana if she's still talking to him. "You got born on what, an island of all sisters -- speakin' of, the hell happens to the boys of the bunch? Do none of ya give birth?" Logan speaks from someone who is faced with something radically different than what he understands.

"And -now- you're tellin' me that someone thought you were so special that gods decided to give ya what, blessin's for bein' a decent person?" Logan shakes his head.

Logan keeps his attention on multiple things at once, but occasionally he keeps his eyes on the road. "You have gifts, darlin'. Only thing I got is a talent for killing." He tells her. "You have the ability to save lives. My job is to end 'em. Far as I know, I can't even die...tried just about everythin' under the sun, so to me? This is just torture." He gruffs. Helps that he's pretty much alone 24/7 since most everyone important to him is now dead or is actively trying to kill him.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana looks inside of the truck and spots a long trench coat. She grabs on to it by its sleeve and starts to pull it out of the back of the truck while Logan speaks. "There are no births on Themyscira, no." She idly says as she lets the jacket unfurl in front of her whilst she holds on to it by the collar. "My mother sculpted me out of clay and I was brought to life by Zeus. He did it because he felt love for my mother, I have told myself anyway... I am sure ther ewere a plethora of reasons though."

She spares a glance to Logan as she starts to slip the trench coat on to her arms and pulls it up to her shoulders, not because she's cold but because she's planning the scoutting mission and if she needs to blend in it'll help... somewhat.

Once she has the jacket sorted over her body she holds on to the lapels in front of her chest and stares at him. "Logan." She says. "You have been given a gift. You can help people, with that power, those ... claws... You have the spirit of a hero inside of you, if you simply can step in to it and tell yourself that you're here for a reason as much as I am. I may have had insight in to the origins of where and why I am here, but you are not that different. You have a gift too. You are already using it for good, but I think you should start letting yourself feel as though you have the worth that you've earned."

She reaches her hands up then behind her back to pull her hair out of the long coat and drape it down the back. "Should I go and Scout?" She asks him then. "I feel it is time..."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan gives Diana a single glance as she seems to be putting on a long trench coat. Tilting his head at her, he shakes his head. "Dunno why you're botherin' with wearing that for. Think they'll find it strange enough that a lady is movin' across the battlefield." Logan seems to disapprove of this strategy. "If there's anythin' I know about Zeus, that guy don't love nobody but himself. Just ask half o' Greece." Oof, Zeus burn. Though realizing he's just insulted her 'father', Logan huffs.

"Hnnh." He shakes his head.

"Listen, lady.." Logan starts, but instead he just listens to Diana as she tells him about his 'gift' and that he's using it for good. "Listen, we come from two completely different worlds. I ain't a damn hero." Logan seems deaf to her symbolism and reasoning. "Go ahead and Scout, I'll protect the statue, unless a bomb gets dropped on me." He keeps his arms crossed, his eyes and ears on his surroundings.

Potentially, their backup is dead.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana shows a smirk to Logan as he questions her costume and then leans back in to the truck to pull out a canvas bag that she opens and draws a gas mask from. She holds it up then and waggles it around before she slings the bag over her shoulders and stuffs the mask back inside it. "Improvise." She tells him with a little grin, though the coat is still open and her armor and lasso are still poking out from within it, for now anyway.

"I don't defend Zeus and his choices. They were his to make for his time." Diana states back to Logan then as she tilts her head slightly while looking upon him. "We all have our time to make the choices we wish to make. I for one intend to make choices I believe will benefit the world as best as I can. I think I see the same thing in you too." She then straightens her head again and nods once as she starst to walk for the exit. "I will return as soon as I am able to."

She tells him then, backing up a couple of steps. "I will bring backup and make sure the road back out is clear."

"Try to lay low and be patient, we will get out of this yet still." She pays him a soft smile and then turns to exit out of the cover he'd parked their truck within. Within moments of that she'll be gone, launching herself up in to the air and leaping over the building to start her run.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan watches as Diana seems to be preparing to run off on him to scout ahead. A part of him feels that -he- should be the one that was scouting ahead for the reinforcements, because for now, he's on his own. Though as Diana refuses to defend the choices of Zeus, Logan just grunts at her. She believes he's a good person, or at least somebody trying to be, and Logan vehemently disagrees.

But, it's not his call.

She just takes off as he rushes off into the air. "Like that won't draw attention." Logan huffs to himself. Though as he waits there, seconds becoming minutes and minutes becoming...well, plenty of minutes, Logan's nose picks up something. Was it movement? Potentially. Either way, Logan clenches his fist and those bone claws come tearing out of his hand. He was ready for a fight as he moved behind the truck, ready for combat.