Diana Prince
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Diana Prince (Scenesys ID: 168) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Princess Diana | ||
Superalias: | Wonder Woman | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Amazon | ||
Occupation: | Ambassador | ||
Citizenship: | Island of Themyscira | ||
Residence: | New York City | ||
Education: | Privately Tutored | ||
Theme: | DC (MFC) | ||
Groups: | Avengers, Justice League | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 902 | Actual Age: | 902 |
Date of Birth | 22 March 1118 | Played By | Gal Gadot |
Height: | 6'0" | Weight: | 125 lbs |
Hair Color: | Dark Brown | Eye Color: | Brown |
Twitter: | @DianaPrince (V) | ||
Theme Song: | https://youtu.be/PY57crhsh0Q |
Character Info
Diana Prince is the Ambassador of the people of Themyscira. She's known publicly as 'Wonder Woman' by the world at-large (though she rarely refers to herself as that).
She is an old spirit, who has spent the last 100 years, mostly in hiding, but has emerged into the public as of today to help protect the world and use her gifted power set to make sure the world is a safer place.
Diana primarily resides in the city of Manhattan and her people's primary Embassy to the world is located there-in. She does not keep her identity secret as she feels she has nothing to hide. She encourages people to come to her with questions and problems and she does her best to see as many people as she possibly can.
* 1118: Diana was born approximately on 22 March 1118 A.D. on the island of Themyscira, to Zeus, the King of the Olympian Gods, and Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons. Her mother rules over the isle as a mother rules over her children, yet it was clear that Diana was favored by the Queen above all.
* 1134: At age 16 Diana finally (with the help of her aunt Antiope) convinced her mother Hippolyta to allow Diana to be trained as an Amazon Warrior under the condition that Diana would not be a full Amazon under any circumstances. She would be trained, but not brought into the full status an Amazon Warrior.
* 1500: Diana's first love interest, Thalia, is killed in a competition to prove who is the greatest Amazon Warrior. The death is an accident, caused by Diana's desire to prove herself as the greatest of the warriors on the island. This guilt is carried with her for a very long time.
* 1918: Steve Trevor's plane crashes in the waters off the coast of Themyscira. He is captured by the Amazons and brought in for questioning...
-- Enemy soldiers stormed the beaches of Themyscira on that same day, the Amazonian Warriors were forced to fight them off and for the first time generations, man clashed with Amazon. Many lives were lost on that day, and Steve Trevor was forced to face the leaders of the Themysciran Council, to answer the questions of why this all happened.
Steve explained the current state of man's world, and he pled for his safe return to it, so that he may regain his fight against the enemies of his people. It was then that Diana saw an opportunity to leave her homeland and experience what the rest of the world had to offer. She chose to take it, through much turmoil with her mother and aunts.
Diana would leave Themyscira and participate in events of World War I, fighting alongside the Allied Powers. At or near the end of the war in 1918, Diana was in Belgium, where a photograph was taken of her with Sameer, Steve Trevor, Chief, and Charlie. The war would come ot an end not long after Diana and her friends thwarted a major attack against the allied forces.
* 1919: AFter World War I, Diana did not return to Themyscira, she decided to travel the world and learn more about how the rest of man's world worked. She became an antiques dealer and restoration expert, earning enough money to help the less fortunate.
* 1940s: Diana participates in many moments within and during WWII, but she keeps her identity well protected and concealed.
* 2000s: Diana returns to Themyscira and reconnects with her mother, the Queen. Hippolyta learns of all of Diana's deeds and she finally gives her daughter the right of becoming an official Amazon Warrior by title and honor.
* 2017: Diana appears during the battle against Doomsday and aids in the fight to stop him. Its after this that she becomes known as Wonder Woman to the world and joins the Justice League.
* 2020: Diana Prince has become a public figure. She has stepped into the lime-light as a powerful superhero and is known as 'Wonder Woman'. Themyscira has also become public knowledge. The Island has an Embassy in Manhattan, and a Consulate in Metropolis. Diana still helps all of humanity, but from a more public-persona now. She commutes between Metropolis and Manhattan (where she also holds a residence), and serves at the United Nations headquarters on the east side of Manhattan.
IC Journal
Diana has a calming presence when things require it. Her soft nature and kind words can help calm individuals that may otherwise be uneasy or uncomfortable.
Diana's heart extends to all, and even the worst people can prove to her that they are deserving of another opportunity if they choose to change their actions and work toward it.
Diana is a natural leader that she has had trained in her for 900 years.
Diana naturally loves all in this world. She is a caring and kind heart who does not wish to harm anyone who is not deserving of it.
Team Mate:
Diana is a natural fit in any group. She's willing to work with others to covercome challenges of all nature.
Character Sheet
Amazon Physique:
Diana's strength and durability were gifts from Demeter. As a being whose origins are in magical clay, Diana's strength and durability are tied to Gaea herself. She draws her strength and toughness directly from Gaea, in other words. She is strong enough that she surpasses many - if not most - of her heroic fellows, whether they be man or woman and is tough enough to shrug off all but the most powerful blows.
Athena's Blessings:
Then it came time for Athena, goddess of wisdom and courage, strategy and skill, cities and civilization, to bestow her blessings upon Diana. For the Amazon Princess, Athena gave her great wisdom and great intelligence. It is because of Athena that Diana is so adept at learning new things, and that she has a passion to do so. Most importantly, it is because of Athena that Diana knows how to use what she has learned in judicious ways, for without that, what good would be the learning? Essentially this means that although Diana is from a culture that has not developed as Man's World has developed, she is quick to catch on to new concepts and ideas. She is a very fast learner.
Blessed By the Gods:
Being an Amazon comes with many advantages. Aside from the combat advantages (discussed elsewhere), Diana's been blessed by the patron deities of the Amazons. Some are powerful blessings and have their own entries, while those listed before are more minor, though no less important to her.
Aphrodite's Gift: At the creation of the Amazons, all were blessed by Aphrodite one of their patrons with great inner and outer beauty. This applies to Diana as well. This is not physical beauty, but a supernatural, almost otherworldly beauty that transcends her form, meaning that even if she were robbed of her physical beauty, her inner beauty would shine through such that most people wouldn't even care.
Immortality: To be sure, immortality has its advantage. It means Diana will never die of old age. She looks like a woman in her early prime of life, and so shall she remain, assuming she does not find her death in some fashion. The immortality of her sisters has benefited her, in that she has learned from them - and they have had thousands of years to hone their skills. Immortality means Diana has time to learn and hone whatever skills she wants - it gives her the time many people so sorely want.
Unity with Beasts: Granted to her by the goddess Artemis, Diana has a special rapport with beasts. She can understand them, and they can understand her. This is no mere "dog whisperer" type of skill and her making sure her actions come across as passive. Oh no; the animal's sounds and movements communicate to her, precisely what the animal wants, needs, or means, as plainly as if they were speaking to Diana in English, and the reverse is also true.
Blessed by Hestia: Because of Hestia's blessings, Diana has an almost supernatural empathy with those around her. She's able to read the body language and emotional states of others in such a way that she can empathise with and understand others better. She is also immune to damage from mortal based fires, and can use her lasso to control them in an extremely limited fashion.
One of the many blessings bestowed on Diana, the Amazon Princess heals much more quickly than humans or even her fellow Amazons. Lesser things, like scraps or bruises are healed nearly instantly, while the speed of healing for much more serious injuries have their healing times shortened immensely. Finally, there is an ancient Amazon ritual, allowing for a complete merging with the Earth itself. Doing such immediately heals Diana and expels any poison or disease from her body but it is incredibly taxing and only ever used a last resort.
Iron Will:
Not to be mistaken for hubris or arrogance, Diana has an unquenchable resolve. She is grounded and certain in her beliefs, and refuses to be shaken. Despite the horrors of war, the hellishness of demons, and the capriciousness of the gods, any of which might shake a lesser soul, she remains true to herself and her cause.
What many work at for their whole lives, Diana was born with. Her eyes are sharper than an eagle's, her ears sharper than any cat's. All her senses are thus affected, save touch, to be much higher than the Amazonian or human norm. She can track the source of a sound, see with perfect acuity for great distances and smell with greater detail than a human nose, though she's not capable of tracking by scent alone.
Super Speed:
Another blessing from Hermes; not only can Diana fly, but she is exceedingly quick on her feet as well. This allows her to run more quickly than non-powered individuals. She's certainly not as fast as someone like the Flash, but within Earth's atmosphere, she can move up to 15,000 kph when on the ground.
Whether in the air or on the ground, Diana is very agile and capable of amazing manoeuvres to keep her out of harm's way, or to deflect or stop an enemy's attack. She is adept at using the environment around her to help her spring around to attack or avoid an attack directed at her person. This should be considered part of her blessing from Hermes.
Since she was old enough to hold a sword, Diana has been trained in the ways of combat. She has had the good fortune to have many teachers, all of which have several thousand years experience in honing their abilities. As such, Diana is extremely skilled in a variety of methods of combat and with a wide variety of weapons. Not only this, but her Athena-bestowed gifts mean she can deduce the proper use of a weapon she has never seen before and approximate using it effectively in combat.
The Amazons may be masters in combat, but that is not the way they prefer to deal with things. Diplomacy lies at the heart of Amazon philosophy and Diana, as their ambassador to the world of men, is well-schooled in this discipline. She knows well how to get her points across with words, how to make deals and concede when she is incorrect, as well as knows the ins and outs of diplomatic meetings. All in all, she was the best choice for her people to send out.
Early in her childhood, Diana was taught the difference between wearing a crown and being a princess. She has, of course, been trained in courtly etiquette and affairs of state. She is a gracious, dignified ambassador for her people. These are the trappings and duties of her office and upbringing. What makes Diana a leader is not her position, but her ability to inspire others, and her genuine concern for those who follow her example. While she does not actively seek out positions of authority, she does not shirk her duty or her obligations, and in times of crisis, those who know her, know they can turn to her.
Eagle Armor:
The 'Eagle Armor' consists of an armoured crimson breastplate and a dark blue leather skirt, lined with gold. These are accessorized by knee-length metal boots, a brown leather harness, immensely strong vambraces and a golden tiara.
This Armor was originally forged for Antiope on the Island of Themyscira, but it is now in the hands of Diana and has been for over a hundred years. It is capable of deflecting bullets and many other incoming attacks, though it is clearly designed with agility in mind as it leaves a lot of the body still exposed in a traditional gladiatorial-style.
Lasso of Hestia:
The Lasso of Hestia is one of the signature weapons of Wonder Woman.
The lasso is virtually unbreakable, as it has managed to successfully restrain many ferocious mighty monsters throughout its storied years. The lasso has the ability of compelling whoever is in physical contact with it to tell only the truth when questioned, those who try and resist experience a hot burning pain radiate from the lasso.
The lasso itself is approximately twenty feet long, giving it sufficient range whilst not compromising the users ability to wield it sufficiently.
Sword of Athena:
The Sword of Athena is an incredibly sharp and durable weapon, showing no apparent damage after Diana's extensive use of it. It is likely also magical in nature, as are many Themysciran weapons, due to it's ability to injure otherwise invulnerable beings, like Superman and Doomsday.
It has an inscription carved in a form of Greek on the blade, which translates to English as follows: "Life is killing life all the time and so the goddess kills herself in sacrifice of her own animal"
Diana has the entire backing of her people back on her island, including the wealth that island possesses. This means that Diana has an entire army of powerful warriors to call upon for assistance should she ever require it.
Vambraces of Submission:
The 'Bracelets of Submission', also known as the "Bulletproof Bracelets", are an effectively indestructible pair of arm enclosing gauntlets. They are worn by Wonder Woman on her wrists and are able to deflect almost all incoming melee and ranged attacks. They can also be smashed against each other to create a shockwave strong enough to knock back beings as strong as Doomsday.
Much like Wonder Woman's shield, the bracers are virtually indestructible (although both show signs minor damage), capable of deflecting even a tremendously powerful and destructive thermal attack from the monster Doomsday, creating a massive wave of energy outwards. In addition to deflecting energy, the bracelets are capable of absorbing energy as well.
Warrior Shields:
Wonder Woman has two shields that she primarily enjoys to use and both have magical Amazonian properties, used during battle. The shields are used as an alternative to the Bracelets of Submission as a defensive weapon, protecting Wonder Woman from both ranged and melee attacks alike.
Much like the Bracelets of Submission, Wonder Woman's shields are virtually indestructible, her second one being capable of deflecting even tremendously powerful and destructive thermal attacks.
Diana brought with her enough valuables to the rest of the world to set her up with money. Over the past 100 years, she has only grown that wealth through her travels around the globe, dealing in antiquities of immense value. She spends a large sum of money on charities, but has enough to fall back on should she ever need it.
Amazon Code:
The Amazon Code is a different thing when compared to some more modern codes of behaviour. To be sure, there are things many would recognise: respect for others, for authority, for the gods. But then there are obscure rituals and rites, such as the Hiketeia - a ritual that binds the oath-taker to eternally protect another mentioned in the ritual. Such differing requirements on her person can and will, like the responsibilities she is duty-bound to perform, tear her away from others and even set her at odds with her fellows.
The gods have enemies. And because they have enemies, Diana has enemies. She is their agent in the mortal world and as such must take a stand to defend them when their enemies are ready to strike. Likewise, because Diana sees herself as a defender and protector, she must defend humanity against the mythological horrors and nasties that may seek to turn humanity into their prey. If some sort of mythological monstrosity is involved in any given incident, it will be all Diana needs to intervene, putting herself at risk to defend others.
Piercing Attacks:
While Diana is tough, and can withstand many different kinds of attacks, piercing attacks will always cut through the majority of her defences. What this means is that a piercing attack (arrows, bullets, etc.) will deal damage to her as if she was no more durable than the average human.
Diana has many responsibilities as a daughter of Themyscira, as their Ambassador to Man's World, as a daughter, and as a worshipper of the Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece. At any time these responsibilities may rear their head - enemies may try to get at her through her embassy staff, the Gods may decided to send her on a mission, she may need to represent her nation at a conference, or her mother might simply need her daughter to talk to. Some of these things can be simple, but often they cannot. All of them can and will affect Diana's life in a variety of ways when they come into play, depending upon a given situation.
Even though her armour has been truly blessed by the gods, Hephaestus always puts a weakness in the armour he makes to keep a certain level of "balance". He would say, "...it keeps them honest". This is no different with Wonder Woman's armour. The bracelets she wears are a symbol of her heritage but they also bear a secret. If removed through a magical ritual, it causes Diana to go into an uncontrolled rage. She goes into a "battle rage" that rivals the Gods, and has no control over her actions. She will go on a rampage until she is knocked out, tied down, or killed.
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Diana Prince has
444 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
In the Now | February 13th, 2025 | Katsumi gets room and board at the Themysciran Embassy, and maybe a new job too! |
Super Wonder Fun Times | January 30th, 2025 | Kara and Diana meet up to exchange updates on the latest scuttlebutt. Tea is shared, desks are lounged on, hugs are given, and it is possible that a few happies take place too. |
Gonna Rename! | January 25th, 2025 | Hearing that a rather unusual girl has just been admitted into F.E.A.S.T., Diana Prince takes it upon herself to investigate and learn more. And learn more, she surely did. |
Descent: Ambush on Coney Island | January 19th, 2025 | An attempted ambush of Spider-Man by the the Sinister Syndicate on behalf of Hammerhead goes very wrong thanks to a little help from his friends (and an Amazon Princess). |
The Piglitzer Goes to... | January 9th, 2025 | Diana and Donna are tasked with helping Lois find out if she still has the tail. |
New Yorkville | January 9th, 2025 | Lara and Jimmy meet to discuss his joining the Adventurer's Club of NYC. |
Come to Themyscira to Party | January 4th, 2025 | There is a grand party on Themyscira, and everyone was invited! who got drunk? Who got stone walled? Who got served? You'll have to read to find out. |
Running with Sisters | January 1st, 2025 | Diana and Donna have a chat at the grand arena of Themyscira. |
It Really Is a Hanukkah Movie | December 24th, 2024 | Kate and Diana talk philosophy, movies, and that's when the alert sounds off. Happy Hanukkah! |
In Blackest Day, In Brightest Night: Burn Like My Power | December 17th, 2024 | After detecting strange energy readings on the edge of Sector 2814, a response team heads on the Green Lantern Interceptor and discovers a new and ominous power... |
The Coming of Conan | December 11th, 2024 | The necromancer Kulan Gath and Conan of Cimmeria are brought forth into the present along with hundreds of skeletons and a giant necromantic construct! Thankfully, an impromptu group of heroes gets together and saves the day. Red Sonja and Conan are reunited for the fist time since the Hyborian Age |
Amazon Training: The Sword | December 5th, 2024 | The art of the sword, as performed by the Themyscirans, at the Themysciran Arts Center. Much training is had, much clanging was clanged! |
The Sunset Striders | November 30th, 2024 | Wonder Woman responds to some alien bounty hunters, who slipped in to Earth undetected. Pathfinder and Gabriel arrive on the scene to help stop the violence, before it escalates any further. |
A Meeting of Sea and Sky | November 22nd, 2024 | Diana meets Namor per his invitation for a humble meal. |
The Heads that Wear the Crown | November 16th, 2024 | Namor, Arthur and Diana meet. Don't worry, the Embassy is fine! Atlantis may not be for long. |
Krypto Currency | November 11th, 2024 | All done. |
Wonderful Womens' Wellness | November 9th, 2024 | Tigra and Wondy help out others in a shelter by handing out things and help the community. |
A Dance with a Lance | November 9th, 2024 | Diana and Jon have a heart to heaert in the JL training center. |
RoT: Recruiting the JLA | November 6th, 2024 | Steve Rogers plans a mission that requires as many of the major hero groups as he can get. He fills in Diana Prince on the need for the Justice League at it. |
Troubling News from the Moon | November 5th, 2024 | Diana brings news of greater threats Earth has yet to face. |
Introduction to Amazons 101 | November 1st, 2024 | Diana shows Mary and Monet around, and Mary has a guest house for the next few days on Paradise Island. |
New Themyscira New Problems | October 28th, 2024 | Cassie and Diana arrive on New Themyscira, to get a rundown on the status of the planet, and the colony developing there. |
The Egghead and the Amazon | October 26th, 2024 | Reed confers with Diana about a possible plan to stop Galactus! He has a few moments of truth. |
HUNGER: Moonfall | October 20th, 2024 | The Silver Surfer arrives and, as a tactic to weaken Earth, throws the moon out of its proper orbit, threatening great chaos and disruption to the Earth. Many heroes arrive at the Watchtower, fighting - and losing - in attempts to delay and distract him while they try and right the lunar calamity. In the end, the mystics are able to break through Galactus' numbing of his emotions with the help of his lost love. Also, there's a Green Lantern Trebuchet-launched Juggernaut. |
Hello Mary | October 15th, 2024 | Diana and Mary meet to share a bit of info, and a bit of tea, and a bit of insight in to one another. |
Wayne Foundation Charity Birthday | October 6th, 2024 | Many big names attend a charity event disguised as a birthday bash. It's a critical success! It's super effective! There aren't any surprise explosions, thieves, or hostage situations either! |
Putting Ancient Pieces Together | October 3rd, 2024 | Diana encounters a future friend connected to a past ghost. |
Hunger: WAKANDA UNDER SIEGE | September 28th, 2024 | Hunger comes for Earth, and Wakanda proves to be up to the challenge. Heroes assemble within the African Kingdom, to help push back the Herald of Galactus. |
RoT: Raiding The Government Lab | September 28th, 2024 | Diana Prince, Daisy Johnson, and Natasha Romanov help Steve Rogers' clandestine mission into a government lab, to retrieve data about their attempt to resurrect Dr. Erskine's Super Soldier program. |
Stabling Ypsolis | September 24th, 2024 | Diana and Cassie visit while Amy is setting Ypsolis up. Will Cassie take up eating rubies to have more minerals in her diet? |
Seeking Support - a Princess to a Friend | September 22nd, 2024 | An emotionally overwhelmed Monet goes to see Diana. And Diana explains to her that she needs balance in her life. And Monet has to start taking care of herself. |
Knight of Jacen | September 20th, 2024 | Jacen and Diana meet about him gaining some new contacts for a search for some old relic coins! |
Tales of Gemworld: An Opalious Trap | September 19th, 2024 | Amy leads a group of heroes into Nilaa to rescue Ypsilos, her beloved pegacorn. They end up at an exotics auction and run into a fight they aren't ready for: Dark Opal. |
Royal-Tea | September 17th, 2024 | Meeting with Di, Meggan and Lorna to discuss Nilaa, things take a turn, but there is still hope that an alliance will be forged to force back Opal and retake Nilaa. |
A Visit From | September 14th, 2024 | Diana and Kyle share some drinks and some chit chat in her office. |
Diana Prince's Punch Out | September 10th, 2024 | Diana and Kyle share a bit of training, and banter. |
Portaling In | September 1st, 2024 | Amethyst comes flying in to Earth reality like a trippy album cover from a 70s rock band. Much explaining is done to the Amazons, and Cassie re-introduces her to Tik Tok. |
The Real Question Is | August 24th, 2024 | Diana and Vic speak for a bit about Galactis and his role in it. |
RoT: Recruiting Diana Prince | August 22nd, 2024 | Steve Rogers reveals to Diana Prince that is still alive, and recruits her to help with a mission to gather information on the government's super soldier project. |
The Princess and the Pauper | August 21st, 2024 | Diana drops by The Laughing Magician at his behest. They talk Galactus and both wind up showing sides of themselves that most don't see. Also, his name probably isn't Bill. |
HUNGER: Man-Thing | August 18th, 2024 | The challenge was a bog witch, the reward an audience with Man-Thing. Will the information they found help? Even if it doesn't, meeting Man-Thing was an experience none will soon forget. |
Amazon Smash | August 11th, 2024 | The Amazons put on another training sessions for would-be gladiators! Some quips are made, some punches are exchanged, some bruises are endured, and some gnarly injuries sustained! Monet shines as an Amazon pupil, while Kate Bishop comes in swinging for the top spot in the trainee pool! Audra and Talia impress the Amazons with their fortitude, while Caleb gets a lot of encouragement, and an assurance they are not being mean to him for being a boy. Honest! |
Injustice For All: A Great Disturbance In The Force | August 11th, 2024 | Felix Faust and the Injustice League seek to try and greatly amplify their mystical might at the Gotham Museum of History by returning to an old trick. The Justice League and their allies come out of the woodwork to stop them. |
The Ultimate Nullifier | August 4th, 2024 | The Justice League holds a presentation of the incoming Galactus, and the fate of Tamaran. |
Jon Phones Home | August 3rd, 2024 | Jon phones home and finally has the peace of knowing his parents are aware that he's alive and loved but maybe he should have hung up sooner? Magic always has a price - only time will tell if it'll be bigger than a boy seeing too much at one time. |
HUNGER: Blackest Nights - Tamaran: It's Technically Vegan | July 28th, 2024 | The heroes reach Tamaran just ahead of Galactus, who comes to claim it in the place oF Okaara after renewing Terrax's service. As the planet errupts in chaos, the Tamaraneans fight of the Citadelians to reclaim their starports and attempt evacuation, and the heroes do what they can to save as many souls as possible. Diana manages to briefly pinkie-lasso the big guy, and reveals a weak point: the obscure device known as the Ultimate Nullifier. |
A Super Time | July 22nd, 2024 | Diana and Jon have a chat about his situation in this reality, versus his desire to get home, or at least message his parents back in his home reality. Diana sets him up with contacts in the Mystic Arts in hopes of magical means to accomplish these goals. |
Sister/Sister | July 18th, 2024 | Diana comes to make sure Donna hasn't died of boredom at her desk. They share coffee, a hug, and the passing of the 'hat of relaxation'. Spoiler alert: It's a cardboard drink holder. |
HUNGER: Blackest Nights - Vega: Hunger vs Greed | July 14th, 2024 | Morg and Terrax fight, and the heroes work together to bring down the Executioner. To the shock of no one, Terrax turns on them. To the shock of maybe some, the reason is Galactus' arrival on the planet. He offers Terrax his original deal, as he does every Herald, exchanging his world for service. But Big Purple is still hungry, and sets his sight on the other planet in the system that you've heard of. |
Return to Paradise | July 12th, 2024 | Diana receives a visitor from the distant past. |
HUNGER: BLACKEST NIGHTS - Vega: Lawless Space | July 7th, 2024 | The Milano travels to Okaara, as does Hal Jordan. Quill asks to be taken to their leader, and surprisingly, it works. On the planet, they meet the Warlord Tyros, formerly Terrax, a Herald of Galactus. He denies his role in the murder of the Green Lantern Corps in time for a different guy with a space axe to show up. At least one of them did it. Hal also finds out why the GLs are actually banned from the Vega system. |
Maimings and Loan | July 3rd, 2024 | Disguised in X-Men uniforms, the Brotherhood of Mutants kidnap a Maggia asset who may know the secret of the Purifiers's new technology. But Wonder Woman takes a pound of flesh in the form of Toad's capture! |
A Forest Patrol | June 26th, 2024 | Diana and Mercy spend a bit of time exploring the outer edges of the Enchanted Forest. Mercy gets to stretch her hunting legs. |
HUNGER: BLACKEST NIGHTS - Cold Case | June 23rd, 2024 | The Guardians transport members of the Titans et al to Knowhere to hunt for clues. They find several: a Tamaranean named Karras, on the run, a bartender with stories of a T-named conqueror, and ultimately, a gun dealer who speaks of Warlord Tyros of Okaara, his coup over the Vega system, and his... lost axe? It's a start. |
Wonder Streaming | June 22nd, 2024 | Diana and Cassie watch crap on Netflix. |
The Space Question | June 20th, 2024 | Diana and the Question have a bit of a spar, and a bit of a chat on the Moon. |
Injustice For All: The Hunt Resumes | June 18th, 2024 | The Justice League's scouting mission to the Savage Land finds what it is looking for -- after a few false starts -- and the Injustice League's latest base of operations is revealed. |
Justice for Arts | June 14th, 2024 | Diana and Kyle meet for their first at-length conversation at the Arts Center. |
Themysciran Mercy | June 8th, 2024 | Diana welcomes Mercy to the island of Themyscira, and introduces her to the paradise found within. |
Darkness in Gotham | June 5th, 2024 | Diana comes to visit Bruce after he, indirectly, invites her. Seeking information on the vampiric plague in Gotham. While what she tells him isn't the best news, it renews his stubborn intention to find a cure despite all indications that it's not possible. While pointing out he has a plan, or six, in place should she be right. A line is being drawn in the sand and Batman is clearly at the edge. |
Invading Di's Office | June 1st, 2024 | The three Amazons make serious plans. Dollywood here we come! |
Injustice For All: All Along The Watchtower | May 28th, 2024 | The Watchtower comes under attack as the Calculator's schemes are revealed and the war with the Injustice League continues to escalate. |
A Portal Beyond | May 19th, 2024 | A portal to Mars is discovered and a powerful Quantum Terraforming engine begins to change the surface of the red planet! |
Red Reign: Queen of Blood, Princess of Truth | May 15th, 2024 | Diana decides to check out the chaos going on in Gotham for herself. She comes to blows with Mary Seward and her vampires...When the fight's done, Mary comes out the other end, more resolute than ever. Good for her, bad for everyone else. |
Injustice For All: The Defector | May 11th, 2024 | The Justice League and their allies are drawn to an isolated and deserted airfield by an anonymous member of the Injustice League claiming to want to turn himself in. But is it all just a trap? |
You Didn't Think This Would Be Easy, Did You | May 10th, 2024 | Monet starts her training, and the first thing she learns is that that Diana and Philippus are bullies. Donna and Cassie have the bruises to prove it! |
Diana Doom Dining | May 3rd, 2024 | Princess Diana and Doctor Doom perform diplomatic outreach over dinner at Castle Doom. +20 Diplomatic Victory Points. |
Lanterns and Lassos | April 24th, 2024 | Diana and Arisia hold a conversation with regard to the Atlantic Starport situation. |
HUNGER: The New Colossus, Part II | April 21st, 2024 | An international military force descends upon the Atlantic Starport, deploying international super-teams and yet-unseen weaponry and equipment in evidence of rapid development and research. Diplomacy is attempted by one side, ignored by the other. Things blow up. Lorna Dane rages in defiance, and is saved by Pietro as his sister's lost treasure is turned against them. Against overwhelming numbers, Diana orders evacuation, but the enemy seems intent upon stopping the alien refugees. Arisia helps ferry them to the moon, at personal cost. Natasha sees to the safety of SHIELD personnel caught in the middle of an organizational struggle. Doom and Clea stand against a stolen arcane horror, that casts doubt to the sanity of their opponents. And J'onn J'ozz searches the minds of the attackers, sees the odd rift between these specialized forces and the US military proper, and encourages that disharmony. In the end, the refugees are saved, but a grim titan is left standing sentinel over the Atlantic Starport. |
Injustice For All: Imma Gonna Make A Monkey Out Of You | April 20th, 2024 | The Justice League and their allies pursue the Injustice League to Gorilla City and face down the trap that Grodd has prepared for them... |
Lunar Colony | April 17th, 2024 | The first public gathering upon the Lunar Colony of Earth's first base upon the surface of the Moon! Drinks are had, speeches are made, and Lobo suggests a topless bar be added to the construction plans! |
Seeking Tradition | April 7th, 2024 | Sofia visits Diana in the Themysciran Embassy. Wine is shared and an offer is made. |
HUNGER Sidequest: SHIELD Rotunda Rumble | April 5th, 2024 | Chaos at the Starport as SHIELD agents rush to stop... SHIELD agents from sabotaging the station and stealing some of its formidable technology. In the chaos, the rogue agents use the same strange magic-tech from previous incusrions against the Triskelion and Avengers mansion, bypassing the Starport's wards by smuggling in short range portal devices. Amazon security responds, a gun battle is fought int the rotunda, ultimately brought to a close as Diana Prince makes it back from her previous Justice League mission to (mostly) save the day. Now, nearly all of the SHIELD presence at the port find themselves detained while the Amazons decide who they can trust. |
Injustice For All: The Assault On The Legion Of Doom | March 30th, 2024 | The Justice League and their allies finally track down the Injustice League's base. But their dogged foes might still have some tricks up their sleeves... |
Friday Night Chaos | March 30th, 2024 | Quentin throws a Kegger and becomes absolutely infamous with the student body when Wonder Woman and Mistress Zatara show up. |
HUNGER: Power Behind Power | March 22nd, 2024 | Diana and Hal discuss the strange 'Light of Creation' that the Guardians seem intent on keeping secret. Diana is given homework. |
Injustice For All: The Assault On Belle Reve | March 12th, 2024 | The Justice League and their allies confront the Injustice League to try and prevent a mass breakout at Belle Reve. |
HUNGER: Pirates! The Trojan Horse | March 8th, 2024 | The Trojan Horse is boarded by space pirates, who are unfortunate to find that it contains Greeks. And Kryptonians, Akiar, Assassins, Space Knights and Green Lanterns. It's a bad day to be a pirate -- though as it turns out, these pirates are not a part of the eyepatch brigade after all. |
Bad News From Far Away | March 2nd, 2024 | Diana and Hal discuss the recent revelations around the alien refugee crisis and even more disconcerting news from the depths of space. |
Uninvited Coyote Invasion | March 1st, 2024 | Diana and mercy have a late night visit for tea and gossip! |
HUNGER: The Banished | February 23rd, 2024 | An alien convoy of immigrants in need of asylum arrive at the Atlantic Starport. Much fire is suppressed, and Ant-Man ends up looking like a Ghostbuster covered in Marshmallow. |
HUNGER: Emissaries | February 17th, 2024 | Diana, Donna, and Jean bring news of the Green Lantern Massacre to the Guardians of the Universe on Oa. |
i defteri irioki epochi | February 13th, 2024 | Queen Antiope of Themyscira returns from the dead inexplicably. She journeys back home to find her niece Diana can fly and thousands of new Amazons live on the island, including one called Troia and another called Aikaterine. The Lasso of Hestia confirms she is who she believes she is. The Queen has returned. |
HUNGER: The Blackest Night | February 10th, 2024 | A delegation from the Justice League and their affiliates discover the scene of a Green Lantern massacre in the Crab Nebula. Who is responsible? And what will they tell the Green Lantern Corps? |
Uh oh | February 8th, 2024 | Wade W. Wilson comes to the Themysciran Embassy to hug the Justice League. |
Next Level Budo | February 5th, 2024 | Superwoman turns to allies the Amazons for ideas on how to fight the Hegemony. Diana Prince delivers. |
Clash and Slash | February 3rd, 2024 | A bit of training and conversation takes place at the Themysciran Arts Center. It is a Sunny day. |
Injustice For All: Isn't It Amazo | January 28th, 2024 | The Justice League and it's allies faces down Professor Ivo's Amazo android as the Injustice League tries to lure the white hats into a trap. |
Wonder Marvel | January 23rd, 2024 | Diana and Carol catch up on the sandy beaches of Themyscira. |
Diana's Date Night: Hello New Friend! | January 18th, 2024 | Diana has a ice cream date with a young man, and his little sister makes an appearance. |
WWII Veterans Victory Dance and Exhibit | January 12th, 2024 | Damian Wayne hosts a party for WW2 Veteran Awareness. Bucky, Steve and Diana are the true stars of the show! |
Injustice For All: A Shadow Falls | January 10th, 2024 | The Hall of Justice finds itself invaded by the Heart of Darkness. Whispering shadows try to corrupt both the Leaguers on site, along with their allies and visitors. |
Don't I Know You | January 7th, 2024 | Diana reminds Logan of a history he had forgotten, and hints at helping him uncover even more lost memories. |
Is it the start of something.. | January 2nd, 2024 | Drugs are off the street, but no closer to answers about art. For Diana at least. For another, information a plenty was had. |
PotatoCakeageddon | December 27th, 2023 | Diana comes to the defense of corporate America despite their horrible transgressions! |
Injustice for All: A Very Green Christmas | December 20th, 2023 | The Justice League and their allies look to thwart the latest scheme of the Injustice League before they can interfere with the world's financial system, doing untold damage. |
Welcome to the Hall | December 12th, 2023 | Diana gets a chance to meet Molly and Singularity at a Holiday event in the Hall of Justice! |
Themyscira: On What Wings Dare he Aspire | December 3rd, 2023 | The Amazons investigate what has been spooking the (flying) horses, and find out that it's a flying metal horse responsible. There's something very wrong with the automaton, but fortunately it doesn't explode. There are questions to answer, and it's possible a trip to visit Hephaestus may be the only way to get answers! |
The Thor Abides | November 27th, 2023 | Diana realizes she can get phat lewt by scamming Thor into getting a Youtube channel and then stealing all the moneys. |
Mmmm Food | November 18th, 2023 | Mercy visits the Themysciran Embassy for a dinner and conversation with Diana. |
A Quest for Cassie | November 13th, 2023 | Diana recruits Cassie to do some pre-Holidays cheer for local hospitals. No Santa Clause outfit necessary, yet. |
Shadow Puppets Brighten Hearts | November 9th, 2023 | Wonder Woman tangles with a shadow T Rex, but it was all a show put on by Richard Swift for one sad little girl. |
Injustice For All: The Heist | November 4th, 2023 | The Justice League and their allies are alerted to an attempted robbery at the American Museum of Natural History by the Injustice League. And an old foe just might be the target. |
We Come For Pieces | November 3rd, 2023 | The Cow Friends arrive and deliver an ultimatum to the Heroes of Earth and the Agents of SHIELD> They also take Xiomara's recipe for tuna on toast from her memories. |
For Gaia's Sake | October 30th, 2023 | Jinx and Donna arrive mysteriously in Themyscira, where they're are greeted by Diana and told by Menalippe that they're going to have to go straight back into the Enchanted Forest. |
Themy-Scare-Ya | October 23rd, 2023 | We did the mash. We did the monster mash. |
Injustice For All: Release the Kraken | October 18th, 2023 | The Justice League and their allies rush to the defense of New York's Port when it comes under attack by the Injustice League and their mythological sea monster... |
The Arts of Food | October 14th, 2023 | Mark, Donna, Diana and Phoebe meet at the Themysciran arts center and share news, outrage about scholarship, souvlaki and honey cakes. |
Tsunami! | October 10th, 2023 | A tsunami strikes Cozumel and other parts of Mexico and Central America. The Justice League teleports heroes down to conduct rescue operations. |
Metal Feathers | October 5th, 2023 | Cliffhanger ending. |
Wonderful Days in New York City | October 2nd, 2023 | Miles gets into a sticky situation and Diana makes the save. Spider-Man nerds out but at least Diana was entertained. |
Bad Traffic in NYC Harbor | September 25th, 2023 | Some Mafiosi try to smuggle humans... but their cargo is liberated! |
Interview with a Billy | September 19th, 2023 | Diana meets Billy Kaplan for an interview for his NYU courses. It gets a bit dramatic as Billy starts to open up to her about some of his own internall fears for himself. |
Even Old New York | September 14th, 2023 | A strange event takes place in Times Square. |
Witches Duel | September 6th, 2023 | Two wicked witches duel over rights to a name. Heroes stop them before everyone in the area is made into chickens. And the names don't sound remotely like one another! |
Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice | August 31st, 2023 | Diana gets to meet Cir-El outside of the Hall of Justice. She gets to learn a bit more about a young woman displaced from her own time and world, while offering the help of the JLA and Themyscira. |
Relief Belief | August 20th, 2023 | Sometimes Hope is Help too. |
Rogues Gone Wild: Postscript | August 8th, 2023 | The Justice League and allies pursue Grodd and the Rogues to Africa. And while they do not come across them, another surprise awaits... |
Talk to the Wall | August 3rd, 2023 | Diana confronts Amanda Waller about the Suicide Squad. Different philosophies are shared and a compromise of sorts found. |
Cowboy and Indian | August 1st, 2023 | Jacen got a surprise visit from Wonder Woman. |
UN: Shi'ar Treaty Signing Ceremony & Reception | July 22nd, 2023 | The Shi'ar formalize peace with Earth, and no one is assassinated. Some back channel diplomacy provides information about the war, while unfortunate strains of human xenophobia show through. |
Ororo Goes to the Themysciran Embassy | July 15th, 2023 | Ending old scene from previous player. |
Garden Plans | July 10th, 2023 | Diana comes to visit Xavier's Mansion, and is warmly welcomed by Ororo. |
Emergency turned deadly | July 8th, 2023 | A routine emergency call turns out to be anything but routine. |
Rogues Gone Wild: The Best of the Rest | July 2nd, 2023 | Lexcorp is the latest target of the Rogues criminal rampage, but like the previous efforts, it too is destined to fail. But it increasingly seems likely that some greater plan is in the works... |
Tea is for Tiara | June 29th, 2023 | Diana and Ivy have a nice tea break as they discus happier future options. |
Kandor: The Future of Krypton | June 25th, 2023 | A meeting of minds to discuss the future of Krypton when a future Kryptonian drops in unannounced. |
Kandor: Seeking Aid | June 23rd, 2023 | Alura approaches Diana about aid for New Krypton |
Save me, Harley! | June 23rd, 2023 | Diana interrogates Wade and learns the deep dark secrets of the Suicide Squad. |
Resonants: Epilogue | June 16th, 2023 | Finally that bastard Higgins retires! |
SUICIDE SQUAD: Atlantic City baby! | June 9th, 2023 | Another Typical Suicide Squad Success |
Kandor: Superbrainiacman | June 4th, 2023 | A significant portion of Earth's mightiest heroes mount a rescue mission to save Superman from Brainiac. For some of them, they faced more than they bargained for. For Brainiac, he missed the most important part when he cloned Superman - heart. |
Savage Lands: The Brood CHARGE | May 27th, 2023 | The heroes in the Savage Lands join forces to push back a massive Brood King invasion force that attempted to storm the Lemurian Castle lands. SHIELD, Justice League, Avengers, and more combined forces to see to it the King of the Brood was felled. |
This Might Bother People | May 24th, 2023 | Diana and Cassie are forced to do something they don't want to ever have to do. The nature of war is as diseased, and cruel, as the Brood itself. |
Welcome to the Arts | May 18th, 2023 | Wonder Woman meets a couple of potential fans at the Themysciran Arts Center. |
When Stegosaurus and Savages Snarl | May 13th, 2023 | A herd of Stegosauruses are saved from the Brood by Kanga Riding Amazons and Mutants coming to the rescue! Dino-Gore is everywhere! |
The Hellfire Club is the happening place on a Tuesday | May 3rd, 2023 | A delayed meeting by Amazonians brings them into the cross-fire of a meeting of mutants. And did the Black King just ask Wonder Woman out to dinner? |
Welcome to the Themysciran New York Library! | April 24th, 2023 | Diana and Terry speak of his new job at the Themysciran Library. They also touch on wedding plans for Terry and Gar! |
Brooding Beasts | April 19th, 2023 | The infected creatures of the Savage Lands cause a frenzied stampede that engulfs a village of innocents. Wonder Woman, and the Amazons, call to arms the protectors of the Savage Lands from the X-Men and the Justice League. |
The Brood: Savage Consultations | April 12th, 2023 | Diana arrives in the Savage Land with a contingent of Amazons. She is met by a council of the local tribes. While the Fall People remain eager allies, there is hesistancy in the others to work with these outsiders. Queen Leanne's arrival presents Diana with both an ally and peer, and together, they gather significant support to help clear the Brood from the Aerian homeland. A young priestess sent by the Sun People remains a detractor, however, speaking of fiery wrath in the name of a local deity named 'Garokk.' Probably just crazy, right?! Everything ends with a big party, and the Amazons are soon invited to the land of fairy tale dinosaur knights. |
With Tales Unbidden | April 12th, 2023 | Thor and Diana speak on the Starport Battle. |
Planetary Defense Briefing: The Brood | April 6th, 2023 | Members of various super hero teams combine for one all out blowout cage match in the Watchtower. They discuss the Brood invasion, the Shi'ar that loved them, and how the various supers should react to it all. Act now, and catch it on Pay Per View for only 49.99! |
The New Vice President | April 3rd, 2023 | A new Vice President is announced and he makes waves reorganising the way Superheroes operate under the law with proposed new legislation. |
You Can't Hide Your Birthday Forever, Cat | March 28th, 2023 | It started as a birthday party and ended in a proposal. Nothing ever goes quite as you expect it around here! |
HYDRA and the Fall of New York | March 26th, 2023 | HYDRA attacks New York City with giant teleporting super sentinel robots. The heroes are ready and they respond in kind. |
Discordants: The Finale Part Deux! | March 24th, 2023 | The attack on the starport is defeated by Malekith's death, though not without price. |
Discordants: The Finale! | March 17th, 2023 | The heroes confront Malekith and start up a butt-whupping! |
Godfellas: The Entellening | March 9th, 2023 | Alex tells Diana and Kora about Ares stuff |
Discordants: The Reprisal | March 4th, 2023 | The USS Eisenhower battle group comes under attack and several ships are damaged, some heavily. But the heroes save the day. |
Paid in Exposure | February 25th, 2023 | Cassie treats Diana for once. Nevermind that she's being used for sponsorship clicks! Otherwise, a cute and totally innocent day at the spa. She swears. |
Discordants: The Ritual | February 18th, 2023 | The heroes were successful in cutting off the ritual before it could complete. Though there are some loose ends. The Svartalf prisoners must be seen to. The civilians must be returned home. And what happened to the Black Widow? |
The Liberation of Pete Ross | February 18th, 2023 | A brave group of heroes goes in search of Pete Ross and finds in their way the biggest HYDRA military base any of them has ever seen. |
Catching Up with Shayera | February 12th, 2023 | Diana and Shayera meet up to discuss Shay's return to Earth, return to the Justice League and what to expect. |
Justice League: Moon Mystery | February 5th, 2023 | The Justice League respond to Astronauts who discover a hidden facility on the Moon. It is a grotesque affair within, and there's a lot of good targets for smashing! |
And So You're Back | January 28th, 2023 | Carol returns from space to catch up with the lovely Princess of Themyscira! |
Catching Up with the Moon | January 25th, 2023 | T'Chala and Diana meet to discuss the Lunar Colony and their people's work with the last stages of the Starport. |
Isalia drops in | January 22nd, 2023 | A new (old?) Amazon basically drops out of the sky. Introductions are made. |
Patron of the Arts | January 14th, 2023 | Jinx wants to scope out Donna's photography exhibit so she can steal the goods later. She takes Harley because why not combine two good things in one. It goes badly for Jinx, however, as she realises she's walked in to a den of Titans and Wonder Woman. Eventually one of the Titan's who knows her face walks in and the shirt hits the fan. Captured, Jinx gives the best reason she can why she shouldn't be sent back to jail... HIVE. |
Justice League: The Watchtower | January 13th, 2023 | The Justice League meets in the Watchtower to discuss current topics, and events. Much seriousness takes place, and a paper football might make an appearance. |
WWII: We Have A War To Fight | January 9th, 2023 | No description |
State of Alarm | January 8th, 2023 | A historic moment. The villains plot is almost entirely uncovered and the heroes are ahead of the curve. The POTUS brought together as many of the biggest heroic names he could muster to take on this challenge before HYDRA has a chance to attack. |
Amazon Training: Shield Wall | January 6th, 2023 | A test of endurance, a test of willpower, Diana almost seems to be enjoying this. The trainees who sign-up for it may or may not be tooo! |
Have a Happy Happy Harley | January 3rd, 2023 | Diana and Harley exchange gifts, and login information for Onlyfans. Booty shorts make an appearance too. Is Diana a good influence on Harley Quinn? Or is Harley Quinn a bad influence on Diana? |
Ravencroft Released | January 1st, 2023 | An escape from Ravencroft both fails and goes according to plan while heroes round up escpaed patients from Ravencroft |
SAVING SYMKARIA: Dawn in Aniana | December 30th, 2022 | The Avengers assemble to prevent all-out war! |
Christmas Gifts OKAY | December 29th, 2022 | Diana and Cassie share Christmas gifts of the non-scarves and mittens variety! |
Marvel Calling | December 28th, 2022 | Diana and Carol exchange gifts and talk about what 2023 will bring. |
A Falling Brick | December 19th, 2022 | Brick crashes on planet Earth, makes contact with Wonder Woman and impresses her with his great language skills and amphibious diplomacy. |
bezhgam vo Themyscira! | December 9th, 2022 | Alura is welcomed to Themyscira by Donna, Diana, Hippolyta and Monet. She seems more concerned with the revelations about showers and horses than those about superpowers. |
Conspiracy and Amazon Home Security | December 6th, 2022 | Pete Ross makes a break through, figuring out who high up in the US Government is HYDRA and the proof to lock them away for good. If only he wasn't abruptly teleported out of his home at that very moment before he could unmask the villain. Teleporting in, some HYDRA goons there to clean up the scene run in to the wraith of the Amazons. |
Random Coffee | November 30th, 2022 | THE GOBBLER GETS HIS REVENGE!!! Okay, not really. Diana, and Hercules meet up to use their wits, and intimidation factor, to get the evilist of holiday villains to submit to them! |
Info for the League | November 20th, 2022 | Superman fills in the other leaders of the League about Pete Ross' information. Computers will be hacked and Amazons will guard. |
Order Borne of Darkness - Cosmic Carnage Under the Sea | November 20th, 2022 | Intrepid heroes dive into the depths of the sea, and fight an ancient guardian protecting something most precious. An artifact that can bend reality. It is stolen from them and taken to deepest, darkest space. Now the heroes shall have to track down members.. Of the Black Order. |
Discordants: Return to the Starport | November 19th, 2022 | An attack on the Starport by Malekith's forces ends with the destruction of the Artifacts, Mjolnir's return, and Zatanna's fall. |
Themyscirans: The 700 | November 18th, 2022 | The 700 are introduced to Themyscira in a wide variety of ways, including a bit of dance and drink at the new club dedicated just to that! Talk of space is had, talk of music takes place, dance moves are explored, and something something 'i just kissed a girl' and apparently people liked it! |
Disaster on Space LeX 17 | November 13th, 2022 | The crew of Space LeX 17 are saved thanks to Four Amazons, Burning Man, and Jean. The strange cargo that caused the catastrophe has been quelled. The shuttle itself is going to need some TLC from the ground crew. |
New Yorkers For Children Gala | November 6th, 2022 | The charity gala goes off without a hitch. Or well...until the end of course! |
Themyscirans: New Souls | November 3rd, 2022 | The Themyscirans gather at the Well of Souls to greet the first arrival of a contingent of new Amazons, more women arrive in one day than have been seen in over a thousand years from the Wellspring, and yet more are set to come... |
More Trick Than Treat | October 31st, 2022 | An attack by Executioner is a trap for the Avengers. Amora the Enchantress uses Norn stones to turn them into ten year olds who have to fight their way across town to retrieve a cure. |
The Midnight Carnival | October 22nd, 2022 | Some Titans and friends go to visit the Midnight Carnival. For those who enter the red tent, the finale is distinctly on the spooky side. |
Themysciran Embassy Dinner | October 16th, 2022 | Diana invites a few people over for dinner and drinks, and chit chat! |
Shi'ar: Ex Amicitia Pax | October 12th, 2022 | T'Challa lays down the law to the Shi'ar, PG is Very Mad, Diana and Donna try to diplomacize... and Tabitha rocks her spacejail couture. Although some political agreement is reached, it seems unlikely Deathbird will abide them. Emma hatches a plan for telepathic questioning, even as Oracle has already failed at the task. And Commander Shrivan will need a vacation. |
Atlantic Starport: Tending to Business Matters | October 10th, 2022 | T'Challa, Diana, and Arthur discuss recent events at the Starport. They are not in agreement about everything, but some common ground is eventually found. Mostly. |
Justice League: Eating the Everglades | October 6th, 2022 | The Justice League does battle with more World Eater Hearts, this time coming across a veritable trove of them, along with two mysterious young people in a pizza van. Much grossness takes place, and crab dinners are enjoyed afterward. Diana also has to buy Cassie a new pair of shoes. |
Proof of Adultness | October 3rd, 2022 | Aunty Diana gets an update. |
We in the backyard doing backyard things | September 27th, 2022 | Diana lets Clint win at a game of CAT, shooting arrows. DC & Marvel are different breeds. |
A Themysciran Visit to Wakanda | September 20th, 2022 | The Amazons visit Wakanda, and King T'Challa shares plans with them that will change the world. |
Resonants: Tis Better to Ask Permission | September 18th, 2022 | Thor and Diana speak of the Starport and using it for the relics. |
Grail and the quest for the Embassy | September 15th, 2022 | Grail knocks on the Amazon's front door a bit too hard. Diana responds, everyone leaves with all limbs attached. |
Retrieving The Lost | September 8th, 2022 | Cassie and Diana travel to Cairo to retrieve the lost World Eater Heart from the besieged city of Siwa! They meet Napi, an old demi-God Native American, and the last living member of the 'Wonder Men' from Diana's past. |
Tinder, Sparks, Hot Hot Time | September 6th, 2022 | Diana and Felicia show up to a burning building to rescue everyone they can before the building collapses from the damage. Real Heroines. |
The Chryss Opens | August 28th, 2022 | Sprite's custom car built by Mercy is delivered and it's a pair made for each other! |
Welcome to Paradise | August 25th, 2022 | The visitors to the island arrive via the Jet and are given a honored reception! |
Kora the Explora | August 24th, 2022 | Diana, Donna, and Caitlin approach Kora to tell her that she gets to reenact 'Coming to America' but as a Themysciran! - This is set 2 months ago ICly. |
A Gift of Duty | August 19th, 2022 | Diana springs a new gift on CAssie, a very unusual kind of gift. A project, one that might be the most 'grown up' gift Cassie has ever received! |
The Breakup (pt 1): Denial and Bargaining | August 16th, 2022 | Lois rescues Janet from wallowing in her own despair, and makes the socialite go out and tend to herself. THE SQUAD rolls in hard, and a (very) pregnant Peggy and a (annoyingly perfect) Diana show up to help. End result? Peggy and Dan are getting an all-expense paid trip to Themyscira, and their child-to-be a free passport from the Amazons. |
Resonants: A Brief Moment of Reflection | August 15th, 2022 | Thor and Donna drop in to share two words with Diana and Kora. An unholy alliance ensues with great plans for the overthrow of the dictator known as Wonder Woman. |
Trip to Tartarus | August 15th, 2022 | Our Odyssey is finished. The heroes go down to Tartarus where they fight the wicked witch Circe. She calls forth tricks, taunts, torments, and traumas of ages past. But our heroes rally. The ship that sailed from Ithaca round to Tartarus has returned home. Not with riches but with memories and legends. But with a new enemy in the future. But this journey, this story.. Has ended. |
Unicorn Hunt I: Central Park | August 6th, 2022 | Heroes gather to hunt the first unicorn released by Tabitha Smith in Central Park, NYC. Laconian, the Wood Guardian, is returned home, and has given Phoebe the names of his compatriates in bondage -- Epirote the Ice Mist and Achaean, the Firebound. Superboy did not get gored; Red Sonja (Mary Jane Watson) got to wrestle down a fantastic beast, Wonder Woman lassoed a Unicorn, while Hope Summers and Rose Wilson provided cover fire with tranq darts while wrestling with the local greenery after an initial stone-cold reception. |
Kanga Court | July 29th, 2022 | A Kanga Court is held at the Themysciran Arts Center ARena. This is the training of new Kanga Riders who were interested in experiencing a little more Themysciran culture! Who knows, maybe they'll become totally Pro Kanga Riders some day! |
Embassy Invite | July 27th, 2022 | Diana welcomes Mercy to the Themysciran Embassy for some chatting, and a tour, and maybe some Kithotaur cooking afterward. |
This one day at Band...er... at the Embassy | July 23rd, 2022 | Colborn visits the Embassy and meets Diana. Social interactions ensue. |
Diana Does Not Know Cars | July 20th, 2022 | Diana has a bit of car trouble, and finds a nice garage to get it looked at! Mercy even offers brownies! |
Along the Seas of Sweet Aegea | July 13th, 2022 | The heroes chart a course to fair Aegea. Where they find a Cyclops has taken roost upon it. Fists lead to diplomacy as the heroes must ready themselves for a journey to Tartarus, Hades Realm, to stop an ancient witch from being freed from the depths. |
Fourth of July in NYC | July 5th, 2022 | Tony Stark announces his committment to bring Stark Industries carbon neutral by 2030. It is pointed out just how many places already are. |
The Diplomatic Approach | June 28th, 2022 | Gladys and Madison are invited to the Themysciran Embassy, where they meet with Donna, Caitlin, and Diana to talk about Madison's involvement with the Titans. Gladys reluctantly gives her approval of Madison's future as a super hero. |
Justice League: The World Eaters | June 25th, 2022 | The Justice League meets to discuss the Eater Hearts recovered from the two major battles where they were discovered from. |
Odyssey to Ithaca | June 23rd, 2022 | A gathering happens on ancient Ithaca. Old items are found. Memories are shared over dinner. And the first step along a trail remembering an Odyssey.. Are taken. |
Knock Knock Knocking On Old Age's Door | June 23rd, 2022 | Diana visits Cassie the morning after her 21st birthday to check in, and give her the special birthday gifts! |
No Hiding Place | June 17th, 2022 | Donna returns to New York after taking a few days away to consider the revelation that she's not who she thought she was. She brings ice cream to Diana, to prove there are no hard feelings. |
Themyscirans: Wings of Fury | June 12th, 2022 | Diana, and the Themyscirans do battle with an ancient World Eater brought back to life by mysterious powerful 'Hearts'. |
Catching Up the Cat | June 11th, 2022 | Diana and Terry catchup with some nice back and forth banter in the Arts Center courtyard! |
The Last Titan: Last No More | June 8th, 2022 | The Titans present evidence to Troia that she isn't actually real. She takes it quite well, all things considered. |
Thor Or Less | June 6th, 2022 | Diana and Thor speak on the subject of inter-dimensional visitors, and Starports. |
Rocky Montage Music | May 31st, 2022 | Diana continues to help Morgan develop his skills as a super hero! |
Morgan Brings Another Demigod To Meet Diana | May 25th, 2022 | Morgan brings his new friend Clover to the Themysciran Embassy to meet Diana. Clover shares some secrets about her powers. |
The Last Titan: A visit from mom. | May 24th, 2022 | Caitlin and Diana bring Hippolyta to meet Troia, who clearly is not the woman that Donna is. She does however promise to do whatever is in her power to help the three of them, even if she does not believe that getting their version of Troia back is even a thing. |
How About This | May 23rd, 2022 | Arthur and Diana discuss golden statues, Donna Troy, and Long John Silvers. |
How could Monitor Duty get any worse | May 16th, 2022 | Wally, Booster, and Diana try their best to make Power Girl just a little less grumpy. Maybe it worked, maybe it didn't. (It did not, for those who cannot handle the suspense.) |
We Come in Peace: For Real This Time! | May 12th, 2022 | Chancellor Araki arrives at the Atlantic Starport, escorted by the Imperial Guard. While the Shi'ar diplomat meets with the leaders of various heroic teams, his escort engages in cultural exchange, learning about Earth food, customs, and engaging in a bit of psychic repartee. They even get a group photo for the history books, courtesy of one Peter Parker. |
Barn Storming | May 9th, 2022 | Diana visits Carol at her family homestead. They find the biplane in the barn and share some drinks. |
A Simple Weapons Transfer Was Not in the Cards | May 8th, 2022 | The Royal Flush Gang targets the same weapons shipment as the Green Arrow. When his friends show up, the Gang boogies out, but the Green Arrow wins the pot. |
Themyscira: The Truth About Donna | May 1st, 2022 | Caitlin and Diana fly to Themyscira for an emergency meeting with Megala and Hippolyta. Their objective: to learn the truth about Donna's origins, once and for all. |
Wonder Moon | April 30th, 2022 | Diana gives Morgan a tour of the Mooooooon Base |
Witchcraft | April 27th, 2022 | Terry has a talk with Diana, where some important things are confirmed. Also, Raven will probably kill him. |
Strength Comes From Within | April 26th, 2022 | Morgan and Belinda get themselves in to a pickle. Wonder Woman arrives to help them out of it! |
Bots and Bracelets | April 23rd, 2022 | Ted demonstrates his talent for making friends. Spaceport gets new recruits. |
Starry SHIELD | April 18th, 2022 | Fitz stops by the Themysciran Embassy to talk about the Starport project, in relation to SHIELD's involvement. |
Baguettes and Blastin' Part Deux | April 17th, 2022 | In the French town where she became Wonder Woman, Diana and Cassie have cafe creme and croissants, and Cassie learns to channel her emotions and perform the long-admired AEGIS BRACER BLAST TECHNIQUE. She only kinda blows herself up in the process! |
Who Borked Donna Troy | April 13th, 2022 | Terry attempts to teach Troia Clue. Diana tries to lasso her. Neither attempt goes well. |
Starport Tour | April 10th, 2022 | A social gathering and party atmosphere is part of the night for the Starport's first guests! |
Hello Hyperion! | April 5th, 2022 | Hyperion is met by some of the JL to help welcome him to the Hall of Justice, and the League itself! |
Those To Whom the Future Belongs | April 3rd, 2022 | Thor has a small gathering to celebrate the visit of several Asgardian youths. And, of course, Diana tries to ruin it all. |
From Earth to the Stars | March 30th, 2022 | Diana invites many members from an assortment of super teams to meet in the Hall of Justice to discuss Earth's first starports, and the plans there-in. |
Big Gay Ice Cream for Diana! | March 26th, 2022 | Di, Donna and Cassie go to the Big Gay Ice Cream shop to celebrate a Wonderbirthday with books, lockets, selfies and salty pimps! |
Diana's Birthday Present | March 22nd, 2022 | Morgan helps Diana celebrate her birthday, and maybe Diana is going to hook him up on a blind date? With a...with a jet? |
Wonder Boy Gets His Wonder Ass Kicked | March 21st, 2022 | Morgan gets a little beat down but it was worth it just to get to see Diana in action in all her glory! |
Sorcerer's World: The Invasion of Latveria | March 14th, 2022 | Faust and his allies have invaded Latveria. And while the Justice League and their allies have come to it's defense defeating Faust's allies, the mad mage himself slips free to begin the final ritual... |
ZOOM! POW! BIRTHDAY TIME! | March 14th, 2022 | A birthday party is held! Presents were given! Hugs were given, too! All was well. |
Absent Sisters Redux: Retcon Edition. | March 11th, 2022 | Donna seeks out Diana at her secret treehouse to discuss the revelation that there are other Amazons, and to talk about how small secrets aren't important and prophecies are basically nonsense best ignored. |
What Are We Doing Here | March 7th, 2022 | Cassie tries to learn kewl powers but FAILS. To be continued! |
You Can Never Go Home, Until You Can | March 5th, 2022 | Carol returns to a childhood home she doesn't remember clearly. Thor, Diana and Donna visit and help her explore. |
Sorcerer's World: The Ritual | March 4th, 2022 | Felix Faust's ambitions to reorder the Universe have been thwarted. But for the residents of Latveria they will have to come to terms that a new reality has been imposed on their unfortunate nation. |
Space Port: Surveying the Progress | February 24th, 2022 | Diana and Arthur discuss the future of the space port, and then the princess reveals her true colors. |
Attacking the Amazons | February 14th, 2022 | Cheetah attempts to ambush Wonder Woman. The first blood is drawn as Cheetah's anger leads to her being outmaneuvered and defeated. But the Cheetah got away to try for her revenge another day as her bloodlust will only grow deeper.. |
Heroes Assemble Anniversary: The Watchers | February 5th, 2022 | The two year anniversary of Heroes Assemble Mush sees Uatu the Watcher showing three of his colleagues various moments from the last two years of Earth's history. |
Training in the Arena! | February 3rd, 2022 | Diana sees Morgan get his ass kicked by a training dummy. |
Tempus Volat: In Xanadu ... | January 31st, 2022 | The Avengers travel through space and then through time. |
Sorcerer's World: The Mephisto Gambit | January 31st, 2022 | Has Doom shown his true colors at last? A second trip to Hell is not quite so productive as the first amd the League may have just made a very dangerous enemy... |
Absent Sisters | January 30th, 2022 | (NOTE:THIS SCENE HAS BEEN PARTIALLY RETCONNED! See Here for the replacement scene.)
In the aftermath of Hippolyta's revelation that Diana had a twin sister, Troia finds her sister to console her, remind her that their mother is the one who will really be hurting, and talk over the next steps. Diana outrageously complains about secrets being kept, which is pretty rich all things considered, and compounds her sins by calling Troia 'Shorty'. |
Dark in the Woods pt 2 | January 30th, 2022 | Cassie and Diana take on the plague rot that escaped in the Themysciran Enchanted Forest! |
Princess in the Old Town | January 28th, 2022 | Emma meets Diana and Morgan in Chinatown. Talks are made of plans for heroes down the line. |
Train with Wonder Woman | January 28th, 2022 | A wild group of combat enthusiasts get a chance to train with the Amazons at the Themysciran Arts Center! Madness ensues! |
We Don't Talk About Bana, No No No | January 23rd, 2022 | So, did your mother ever tell you about that time that long-estranged aunt stole ONE of her favorite spoons and was never heard from again? Well, it's like that, except much, much worse. |
Jetway to Safety! | January 21st, 2022 | Diana, Morgan, and the Invisible Jet take down a would be kidnapper! Wonder Boy is revealed to the public for the first time. |
An Informal Get-Together For Friends & Allies at the Themysciran Embassy | January 20th, 2022 | There is a mid month party held at the Themysciran Embassy, celebrating the new year to come. People mingle and some mystery is spied at. |
Sharing More Than a Salute | January 18th, 2022 | T'Challa visits Themyscira to meet with Diana, Troia and Hippolyta and discuss mutual plans of opening up to the world... and building spaceports. |
Games Birds Play II: Electric Boogaloo | January 17th, 2022 | Bird games are played. Cursing happens in the languages of two planets. And the honor of Team Bird is upheld. Barely. |
Appointment with Perfection | January 13th, 2022 | Monet goes to the Amazons to request to be trained and meets a Princess. |
Drunk Kid is Drunk | January 8th, 2022 | Morgans gets into a stash of vodka on his dead mother's birthday. An understanding Diana has a talk with the teen. |
Sorcerer's World: Into the Flames of Hell | January 7th, 2022 | The Justice League and their allies, with the help of Victor von Doom assault the gates of Hell itself, seeking the Candle of Neron to attempt to level the playing field with Felix Faust and stop his mad schemes before they are realized. |
Sorcerer's World: The Search For Dr. Fate Pt. II | January 7th, 2022 | Finding themselves caught in the middle of a war between ultimate evils, the Justice League finds that the have been lead astray once more by Faust's machinations and that the search for Dr. Fate will continue. |
Last Day of Winter Break | January 2nd, 2022 | Pantheon and Morgan deal with a disturbance on the Upper East Side. Pantheon delivers a broken Morgan to the Embassy. And then those two bastards sat around eating ice cream while Morgan was in a hospital bed! |
Chillin' at the Embassy | January 1st, 2022 | Diana teaches Morgan some of the philosophies of battle while they enjoy some homemade cake! |
Advanced Training | December 30th, 2021 | Diana steps up the intensity of Morgan's physical training, putting the young demigod through a brutal gauntlet that ends in the difficult challenge of battling Wonder Woman herself! |
The First Inaugural Atlantean Embassy Gala | December 28th, 2021 | Atlantis makes a sweeping return to the world stage with an offer to become the de facto homeland of all mutantkind. Brows furrow. |
There's Something About Caitlin | December 27th, 2021 | Jon comes to warn Donna and Diana of an impending Angelic invasion -- and that Caitlin may be up to her neck in it. |
In Pursuit of the Perfect Gift | December 24th, 2021 | Eros and Alexander have a meeting, Diana arbitrates, and Morgan questions the world he's known. |
Morgan Makes Omelets for Diana and Him | December 23rd, 2021 | Omelets are made and eaten. Diana cracks Morgan's shell to put him at ease about a difficult situation. |
Sorcerer's World: An Unlikely Ally | December 19th, 2021 | The Justice League is offered assistance from an unlikely source and given two paths to consider in seeking to put an end to the threat posed by Felix Faust; gather power and confrong the mad mage directly before he can enact his ritual. Or seek out Dr. Fate, the real Dr. Fate, and hope that he is enough to turn the tide. |
Freddy Freeman and Morgan Finn hang out at Happy Harbor High just before the start of Winter Break. | December 18th, 2021 | Diana and Donna show up at Happy Harbor and Make Morgan and Freddy's day! |
A Jet of Wonder | December 15th, 2021 | Diana and Morgan take the Invisible Jet mk2 out for a spin in air and space! |
Morgan Visits Diana's Office | December 13th, 2021 | Diana, Cassie, and Morgan eat ice cream and banter. There are few better companions to ice than banter! |
Hello To You | December 7th, 2021 | Alexander and Morgan join Diana for a bit of social chatter in her office. Ice cream is had. A fight likely broke out at some point off-camera too. |
Official Recognition | December 5th, 2021 | The inaugural offical meeting of the Justice League Dark goes off with only the faintest of hitches including: a talking cat, BATMAN, and condiments and glitter. Seems that they're getting off on the right foot when it comes to weirdness. |
Training Montage Music | December 5th, 2021 | Diana starts her training with the young Morgan at the Themysciran Arena in Manhattan. |
Hall of Tours | December 3rd, 2021 | Diana takes the young Morgan on a tour of the Hall of Justice. |
A Starry Favor | December 2nd, 2021 | Diana finds Arthur in the monitor room, READING a BOOK. She confronts him about her plans for a future project, and he comes up with a clever plan! |
Metropolisn't: Tick To...ick Tock. | December 1st, 2021 | The repair man comes to Titans Tower to repair man comes to Titans Tower to repair man comes tower to repair the clock. Or break time. Man. |
Sorcerer's World: The Hand of Fate | November 29th, 2021 | The League has been betrayed from within and what was a bad situation is even worse. Just how close is Faust from realizing his schemes? Days? Weeks? And where is the real Dr. Fate in the League's hour of need? |
Diana Prince Does A Welfare Check On Morgan | November 28th, 2021 | Diana came by the dorm to check on Morgan. Things we're...about as messy as one might expect a teenager's dorm room to be. But Morgan scored an invitation to dinner! |
A Spar From Above | November 27th, 2021 | Diana and Angela take a tour of the Themy Arts Center. A spar breaks out in the sandy sandy arena! |
The Expy Meets The Original | November 23rd, 2021 | Wonder Woman fights a monster, and Angela wonders if she's the original or the clone. |
But Neither Of Us Need A Plane To Fly | November 23rd, 2021 | Wonder Woman probably gets that a lot. |
Welcome to the Moon | November 15th, 2021 | Diana starts her tour of the Solar System for one Lara Croft. |
Genoshan Embassy Winter Ball | November 12th, 2021 | Genosha is ready for international negotiations, the Winter Ball continued into the night with Random Acts of Chaos unique Heavy Metal stylings, right through the protests outside by human rights groups. |
Statues Can Bend | November 10th, 2021 | The fateful encounter of a statue and an Archivist. |
Sorcerer's World - Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold | November 10th, 2021 | After months of laying low, Felix Faust and his allies emerge seeking to pre-emptively eliminate the Justice League as a threat to his plans. While he brings a few pretty big -- literally! -- surprises to the table the League and their allies prove up to the task. But Faust is closer then ever to bringing his dream of a Sorcerer's World to fruition. |
Scour From Existence | November 9th, 2021 | The Justice League discovered that what appeared to be a suburban nightmare hidden beyond the distortion in the Mojave crater was actually a hidden AIM facility transformed in the wake of a one-man raid by a mysterious, Scrabble-faced assailant. The team confronted the modified Adaptoid unit maintaining the environment and destroyed it, clearing the way to rescue the scientists trapped within. |
Hello You! | November 7th, 2021 | Diana and Cassie have a quick meet up in the Embassy dining room. Diana invites Cassie to the Justice League as a reward to her hard work and dedication to HERO STUFF! |
JUSTICE LEAGUE: Meet-Up | November 5th, 2021 | John, Zatanna, Phoebe, and Jessica Cruz meet with J'onn and Diana about the formation of Justice League Dark. |
Exploring Whispers of Wonderland | October 29th, 2021 | Diana introduces Lara to the warehouse in the Themysciran ARts Center that is loaded with historical goodies. |
Naturally Historic | October 25th, 2021 | Diana meets Lara at a fund raising party at the Natural History Museum. |
Monitoring Justice | October 23rd, 2021 | Diana and T'Challa discuss a number of topics pending, including more about both of their homelands opening up their borders more. |
Rooftops and Rubys | October 20th, 2021 | Hello, Ruby, I am Diana! A tour of the Embassy is given to a drop-in visitor! |
JUSTICE LEAGUE: The World Eaters | October 19th, 2021 | The Justice League is called to action at the behest of a Cruise Liner in danger of being devoured by a very strange ocean creature! Watch out for tentacles! |
Should auld acquaintance have forgot | October 15th, 2021 | A bank robbery is foiled by Wonder Woman and the Shadow. Only one of the two recognizes the other. |
The Birthday Party | September 28th, 2021 | Everyone shows up to celebrate Bruce Wayne turning 43. Beware strangers bearing gifts in salmon pantsuits. |
Cultural Flexing on Themyscira | September 27th, 2021 | Diana, Caitlin and Donna torment Terry and Gar on Themyscira. Terry torments Gar, too. Gar flees. |
The Problem With China | September 26th, 2021 | Diplomacy will be offered by the Justice League and SHIELD in an attempt to get China to treat their mutants better. Meanwhile, the Brotherhood and new allies will go in to get the children out safely. |
Change is Coming | September 20th, 2021 | T'Challa and Diana discuss developments that will impact both of their homelands, with Pepper and Tony involved in the conversation. Some plans are made. |
Themyscira: Traditions Are Made To Be Broken | September 7th, 2021 | Donna tells more of her experiences in Tartarus to Diana and Hippolyta, and the family tries to figure out what in Hades Hekate was up to. |
Dark in the Woods | September 4th, 2021 | Cassie and Diana investigate rumors of an outbreak of an undead plague that may be threatening the Enchanted Forest of Themyscira. They also explore Diana's childhood tree house. |
Price of admission | September 2nd, 2021 | Lucifer visits Diana with a gift. |
Themyscira: It's Raining Men | August 28th, 2021 | Caitlin and Donna report to the council on Themyscira, where a war of words breaks out and shift in ancient political balances take place. |
Wonder Quinn | August 19th, 2021 | Harley and Diana meet in a park for a catch up and friendly banter! Maybe some bounty hunting deals are settled too... |
In Erebos: The Gates of Doom | August 13th, 2021 | The Titans in Tartarus reach the top of the stairs just minutes ahead of the army of undead centaurs, but fortunately Diana has already sent word home to be on the alert, and brought extra Titans as reinforcements. The army of Themyscira and the Titans join together in an epic battle for the defense of Paradise Island, and a law that has stood for two thousand years is set aside - for the first time since the rise of Rome, men step foot on Themysciran soil, in recognition of the service they have done the Amazons. |
God of War | August 12th, 2021 | No description |
In Erebos: Outside Looking In | August 12th, 2021 | Kate and Cassie take not-Pandora's box to Diana for safekeeping, and to discuss the Titans who've managed YET AGAIN to get trapped in some crazy dimension. It is decided that a trip to Themyscira is in order. More importantly, Ferdinand is catering the journey. |
Mystique goes under the Lasso of Truth | August 8th, 2021 | The truth shall set you free, unless of course you are Raven Darkholme admitting all the wrongs you've done... in which case, Diana Prince and Donna Troy take you to jail.... justice will be served. |
Shi'ar: Our House | August 8th, 2021 | The Justice League fights off the enemy fleet and back onto the Watchtower. While several members drive the cruiser T'Korr from Earth orbit, its sister-ships engage in a destructive battle with Carol Danvers and Maxima, one ending up completely destroyed as the later's own warship rejoins the fight. On the Watchtower, Diana (and Jumpa) fight off several members of the guard and ultimately captures Magique, the illusion-caster who had been giving them so much trouble. And Karen gets her payback against Xenith, leading her away from the moon and closer to the sun, tiring her opponent as she grows stronger herself, until she can deliver a final blow. One by one, the remaining Imperial Guard begin to surrender, only for Ambassador Shakari to deliver a final threat by hologram. Factionalism and fracture seems to split the Shi'ar, as a Galaxy away, another struggle nears its own conclusion. |
Shi'ar: We Come in Peace, Part II | July 28th, 2021 | Diplomacy breaks down over the value of life, and the Justicue League comes to blows with the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. The battle sprawls across the moon and space, almost threatening to destroy the former as Kryptonians and Strontians trade mountain-cracking blows. In the end, Superman calls a retreat, and with the aid of the Brotherhood, the Justice League regroups on Asteroid M rather than seeing the Watchtower or the whole moon destroyed. Now both sides lick their wounds, the Leage looking to reclaim their home and drive off these invaders, while the Shi'ar begin their hunt for the Phoenix. |
Once Was: 1940s pt II | July 21st, 2021 | No description |
Shi'ar: We Come in Peace, Part I | July 19th, 2021 | The Shi'ar arrive around Earth, announcing their hunt for the world-destroying Phoenix, and are met by its many heroes, who draw some firm boundaries around their beloved homeworld. Tense diplomacy ensues, while the Guardians of the Galaxy arrive bearing their own Shi'ar refugee, Lilandra. Ultimately, Superman and the Shi'ar ambassador agree to a formal meeting on the moon, while Terry O'Neil communicates with Rocket to teleport his passenger off the Milano and past the Shi'ar blockade to Earth. |
Once Was: 1940s Europe | July 15th, 2021 | No description |
Arena Smash | July 8th, 2021 | Carol and Jennifer get a first hand look at Amazon warrior training, while Jenn gets to really dig in and smack sword and shields with CASSIE! SMASH! It's possible that fancy armor is being smithed for the two Avengers too. |
Mamma Mia, Here I Go Again | July 5th, 2021 | No description |
Amazon Same-Day Delivery | July 3rd, 2021 | Spidey meets up with the Amazon princess for a very special update. |
Not Even a Fair Fight | June 26th, 2021 | Wonderwoman helps Cliff fight off a totally unmatched Beureau of Normalcy task force trying to abduct him and is routed. Under her lasso, one of her officers gets Cliff some incriminating evidence against them. |
A Tale of Trevors | June 18th, 2021 | Donna tells Diana that she got married. Diana, that is. Diana didn't know this before. That's doppelplots for you. Then they go for Korean food. |
Before the Opening | June 10th, 2021 | Diana has heroic helpers at the ARts center who are helping set the place up for the big opening. Cliff Steel has volunteered to be one of these helpers and thusly they share a bit of social interaction together while setting up. |
Embassy Visit | June 2nd, 2021 | Diana and Jennifer take a little walk around the Themysciran Embassy and discuss current events and possible things to come. |
The Art of the Lasso | June 1st, 2021 | Donna does lasso training at the Themysciran Arts Center. Cassie turns this fact into a ploy to convince Diana to agree to embark on a noble quest for Big Gay Ice Creams. |
Themysciran Arts | May 26th, 2021 | The Themysciran Arts Center debuts its offerings to the public. The Center will be a bastion of immersing the public of the mortal world in all things related to paradise island. Caitlin Fairchild is welcomed in to the Amazon ranks, and a squirrel eats a hot dog that is bigger than its own body. |
A Unique Meeting | May 24th, 2021 | The Princess of Themyscira meets the King of Khandaq. A lovely chat is had, pleasantries are exchanged. |
Sorcerer's World - The Dark Side of the Moon | May 16th, 2021 | Felix Faust and his allies manage to successfully draw forth Eclipso, the one time Spirit of Vengeance from Dr. Bruce Gordon and lay waste to the Gotham Observatory. But their victory is not without cost as the Demon Rath is badly injured and banished. Perhaps for good? And what is the fate of Jason Blood, corrupted by Eclipso and unleashed as the Demon Etrigan? What is Felix Faust's ultimate end? Far too many questions and too few answers. |
Bane's Wondering | May 16th, 2021 | No description |
Wonder Phoenix | May 16th, 2021 | Diana goes to Xavier's School to meet with Jean and about some mutant children she needs help finding guardianship for. It's the first time that Wonder Woman has been to Xavier's too, so she is curious to get the full experience. |
(Don't) Act Your Age | May 1st, 2021 | Cassie and Diana get ready for a night out before finals week, exchanging fashion and life advice, respectively. |
SUPER MATCH GAME RETURNS! | May 1st, 2021 | Joker and Superboy play Super Match Game with Nick Drago, Hank Pym, Diana Prince, Pantheon, Shazam and Powergirl. With Emma Frost as hostess. Stay tuned to find out who wins! |
The Last Night | April 22nd, 2021 | On the last night of the Themysciran vacation, the two sisters find time alone together to talk. |
Of Ancient Gods and Androids | April 18th, 2021 | Diana comes over to the Avenger's mansion for a visit, and meets Jennifer there. They have tea and talk about everything from ancient Japanese gods, to Themyscira to AI rights. |
Themyscira: The Wonder Cave | April 10th, 2021 | Diana takes Cassie to a special location on Themyscira where items from Diana's century of adventures have come to rest in a vault / museum of Wonder Woman's heroic exploits. |
Blue Wonder | April 3rd, 2021 | No description |
Paintball for Charity | March 27th, 2021 | Diane and Hellboy play paintball against a huge crowd for a child's birthday. The child 'wins.' |
A Wonderful Birthday | March 26th, 2021 | The Amazons and Titans celebrate Diana's birthday on Themyscira, and it becomes a double celebration when Caitlin returns succesfully from her quest, an Amazon. |
To Be an Amazon | March 21st, 2021 | It is time, at last. Diana and Donna accompany Caitlin to the edge of the Enchanted Forest of Themyscira, to see her off on a journey of self-discovery from which she will return a true Amazon. |
Amazonian Play time on the Beach | March 17th, 2021 | Diana and Kara chat while walking along the beach of Themyscira. |
Themysciran Vacation: The Second Day | March 14th, 2021 | Where the visitors to Themyscira learn that a traditional Themysciran breakfast involves swords and hammers, but not plankton. |
Hanging Out in the Hall | March 7th, 2021 | Pizza and advice are shared in the Hall of Justice |
A Thorn In The Side | March 6th, 2021 | Felix Faust might very well have added another ally to his ranks, but again he finds himself driven away by the Justice League and their allies. More and more eyes are turning towards him and he is accumulating enemies as quickly as allies. Soon he may have nowhere left to run. Or will he manage to bring his hidden goals to fruition and at last gain his revenge on those that have humiliated him so often before... |
Themyscira Vacation: Welcome to the Island | March 5th, 2021 | The ladies of the Titans ride the Invisible Plane to Themyscira, paradise home of the Amazons. They are met by Diana and Hippolyta, mount beasts, and ride on to the great city where feasting and celebration awaits! |
Themyscirans Reunited | March 4th, 2021 | In the aftermath of BadCassie's capture and Diana's recovery, Cassie declares it's vacation time. Diana agrees. Donna fails to disagree succesfully. |
Healing Diana | February 28th, 2021 | Cassie, Caitlin, Donna and Toni accompany Phoebe to Diana's bedside to see if Phoebe's healing magic can wake Diana from her coma. |
Bad Cassie: Finale | February 26th, 2021 | The Titans confront Cassie's extradimensional doppleganger in Cambodia. A prisoner exchange is attempted, with treachery on... both sides? Mooks are routed, or destroyed, depending on their degree of human-ness. The Silent Armor reacts violently to Raven's presence, launching a (very 1-sided) vendetta, but is met by Donna Troy. Terry spirits Helena Sandsmark to safety, among assorted hijinx. Toni shows her heroism, but learns the risks, with a timely save from Viv. And finally, as Diana Prince returns, healed from her injuries and with her true sidekick at her side, Raven is able to cleave the armor from its wearer, where it is bound, hammered down by Caitlin's strength, and ultimately banished. Bassie (the BAD Cassie) ends up bound and subdued, and bound for imprisonment in her own universe's Themyscira. |
Genoshan Dinner Parties | February 19th, 2021 | No description |
Sweet Dreams are Made of This | February 1st, 2021 | The Themysciran royal family shares a dream. Even one who's dead. |
Bad Cassie, Part II | January 29th, 2021 | Caitlin and Donna rush to investigate the Invisible Jet's distress call, and locate an unconscious Diana. Cassie is discovered tied up in the trunk of her car. After verifying her identity, they scramble to take Diana for treatment, locate Helena Sandsmark, and gather whatever they need to fight her Silent Armor-powered doppleganger. |
Bad Cassie, Part I | January 28th, 2021 | Cassie's double gets the better of her, and lures Diana into an ambush. The Invisible Jet saves the day, but leaves Diana seriously injured and the real Cassie locked in the trunk of her car! |
The Pride of Antiquity | January 24th, 2021 | Terry takes Evan to have a consultation with the Amazons. |
The Jar, The Bell, and The Wheel | January 20th, 2021 | Felix Faust manages to acquire the Jar, the Bell and Wheel, summoning the Demons Three. While the heroes managed to deal with the demonic invasion of the Gotham Museum of History, the wizard and his new followers make their escape. |
The Other Diana | January 13th, 2021 | Donna tells Diana and Cassie that there is no evil Diana Doppelganger - but DoppelCassie remains on the table. As does the bobble-head Cassie doll. |
The Symkarian Job | January 12th, 2021 | A tense political situation boils over thanks to the manipulations of T.O. Morrow, but what did the mad scientist want with terabytes of astrological data? The Pythian Comet continues here! |
Doppleganger: A Darker Giganta | January 9th, 2021 | Dark Doris Zuel of the ZZGU dimension is defeated, along with her zoo of horrible creatures. |
Another You: Phrygian Gates | January 8th, 2021 | Diana speaks to Terry about the cost of revenge. |
Another You: The Truth About Garfield Logan | January 6th, 2021 | Vorpal and Wonder Woman learn the truth of what happened to Gar...from Evil Gar. Vorpal seeks revenge in a shocking way. |
Snakes In The Grass | January 4th, 2021 | Vorpal runs to the Embassy in search of solace, and finds help. |
The Glory That Was Greece, And The Grandeur That Was Rome | December 30th, 2020 | We're not saying that Cassie Sandsmark is responsible for the unexpected animation of statues... but we're also not totally denying it. |
Titans Holiday Party - The Wintering | December 23rd, 2020 | The Titans Holiday party, where there was much merryment, good cheer.... and glitter. And drunk raccoons. |
Wayne Foundation Charity New Years Eve | December 22nd, 2020 | A lovely time was had by all, and a Happy New Year |
ZZGU: Themyscira | December 21st, 2020 | A new name, a new home, a new future. The fallen Kara Zor-El of another Earth has been granted the mercy of the Amazons. Zosime will learn to be a new person, one better suited to her name, one that honors the House of El instead of desecrates it. Themyscira on another world learns that the future of their entire world is in their hands. |
The Arts of Themyscira | December 16th, 2020 | Diana kicks Donna's ass! (other things happen too, but they're not relevant). |
(SoS) Something This Way Crumbles | December 15th, 2020 | A slumbering giant rises and a rag tag group of mystics react to stop it and discover something much more invasive. |
Amazons Reunited | December 4th, 2020 | Fresh off the spaceship, Donna seeks out her Amazon sisters and eventually finds them discussing failed romances. Much hugging ensues. |
The Dating Game | December 3rd, 2020 | Diana and Cassie meet in an ice cream shop to talk about their dates from the previous evenings. |
An Inside Straight Flush | December 2nd, 2020 | The Royal Flush Gang is apprehended and no doubt headed for prolonged incarceration. But was it really nothing more then a robbery gone wrong? |
What Exactly Is A Knickerbocker | November 27th, 2020 | Diana and T'Challa take in another basketball game. Diana goes viral with her halftime dunking skills! |
Gotham Tourists and Yummy Food | November 21st, 2020 | Doreen met Diana and Harley.. and Juggernaut. And they all met each other if they didn't already know each other! Ray ate a burger and kinda-sorta met everyone else too! It was a nice night in Gotham and Doreen got to eat dinner at the Iceberg Lounge... and sneak food to Tippy-Toe! |
Dinner Party | November 18th, 2020 | Late night after an Embassy Gala, Diana and Cassie enjoy sweet treats and girl talk, and Wonder Girl hears melancholy story of her mentor's long lost loves. |
The AMAZing A.I.M. Robbery | November 13th, 2020 | When a coup within an A.I.M. cell goes wrong, the Justice League must stop the mad scientists from destroying Queensland Park! But the mad Professor Ivo has a parting gift for his old colleagues; the super android AMAZO! Can the Justice League defeat an opponent able to duplicate their own powers, weapons, and skills? And what is Ivo's master plan? |
BEHOLD! My League Stuff! | November 10th, 2020 | Koriand'r comes to visit the Justice League and Zatanna is super mean to her. |
Demon Heart Part 3 | November 3rd, 2020 | The Blue Beetle is down but never out. |
Shine: Ashy Aftermath | October 28th, 2020 | Diana Prince (Wonder Woman), Stephanie Brown (Spoiler) and Bart Allen (Impulse) investigate the burnt-out shell of the Beacon household in Gotham, and investigation is interrupted by FINN ADDAMS of the Gotham Gate newspaper -- a rumourmill trying to go legit.
Afterwards, Diana meets up with Phoebe Beacon and provides a little peace of mind for the young healer. It is now known that Bernie Frank, a known arsonist, was not investigate or charged with the fire in the Narrows in Gotham that killed Phoebe's adoptive father, but he has admitted to the crime, and purposefully went after Caroline Beacon and Phoebe Beacon, the Outsider known as Balm -- and even their dog, Scout! With Caroline Beacon in the ICU and in isolation, there is now a challenge two ways -- keeping Phoebe from being labeled a homeless teen and lost to the system in Gotham, and finding a way to get her to her mom! |
Trolls in Oklahoma | October 23rd, 2020 | Trolls attack a small town, and the group who comes to help is capable of the task. Grisly remains are found, and a girl with an axe. |
Wondersong! | October 22nd, 2020 | Singing ensues! Cassie channels her non-canonical past self and Diana asserts her right to fun. Also she knows Eminem and no one got thrown through a window. The end. |
Demon's Heart | October 19th, 2020 | Exposition Followed by Robot Attack! |
Spooktacular Justice Party | October 19th, 2020 | The Justice League Halloween party! |
Park Time | October 14th, 2020 | Wonder Woman meets the Blue Beetle. |
Hey, ARTHUR! | October 8th, 2020 | Arthur is throwing pencils into the ceiling and watching basketball. Diana questions him on his life choices. |
The Return Of the Pumpkin Spice | October 3rd, 2020 | October means a certain coffee treat is back for sale. |
Flashback: A Less Formal Theymsciran Greeting | September 28th, 2020 | This one time, at bandcamp... |
Hello! | September 24th, 2020 | Diana and Namor meet in a dramatic scenario! There's lightning, there's fire, there's drunk people on a boat! It's a great time, the CGI was fantastic too. :P |
It Returned To The Deep: Fish & Ships | September 19th, 2020 | Spoiler and Orphan hop in Batsub and accompany Wonder Woman and Aquaman into the briny deep to recover the artifact knocked away from Cheetah during an illicit auction |
London Bridge is falling down | September 13th, 2020 | The Justice League, with some unexpected help, repel a rampaging dragon tourist from space. Zero stars! |
I Have Spoken, and I Shall Speak No More | September 12th, 2020 | Queen Hippolyta takes Diana, Kate and Cassie to consult with the Oracle of Themyscira. Strange words are spoken and the meaning is as obscure as any Oracle might wish, but one thing is clear: the missing Titans are alive. |
Amazon Aftermath | September 7th, 2020 | Kate brings word of the Titans (and Donna's!) fate to her sisters. Diana suggests teamwork and various resources for a search, Cassie angsts. Also, a fetch quest is born, and the heroes must seek debris from fallen Warzoon ships! |
Thesmophoria | September 2nd, 2020 | Diana makes an important announcement at a public event at the Embassy, and villains remarkably manage to somehow not show up. |
1-800 Dial Diana | August 31st, 2020 | Diana and Phoebe have a catch up and get to share a bit of back and forth. |
They finally meet again! | August 23rd, 2020 | Diana and Oliver meet again after years and talk of what they have been doing, family, and what the future will bring. |
War of the Worlds Finale | August 21st, 2020 | Earth's defenders draw away the Warzoon and finally confront General Zod. They drive the rogue Kryptonian away, but at what cost for the House of El? |
Watchtower Unveiling | August 17th, 2020 | A crowd of dignitaries, journalists, and superheroes gather at the Justice League's moon base to celebrate the inauguration of the Watchtower. |
Flashback: Cassie in WONDERland. | August 14th, 2020 | 2019: Just after learning she is Zeus' daughter, Cassie and Helen Sandsmark are taken to Themysicra by Diana. She meets with Queen Hippolyta and a pair of ex-Titans, Troia and Caitlin, who seem to be in residence. Cassie accepts the queen's offer to train and her mother reluctantly agrees - for now. |
Fly Me to the Moon | August 10th, 2020 | Pho leads to plans, improvements, and friendly behaviour. |
Moonshot | August 6th, 2020 | Superman and Wonder Woman, with assistance from Supergirl, establish the beginnings of a base on the lunar surface. |
Bam! Zoom! Straight to the Moon! | August 5th, 2020 | Three particular members of the Justice League of America discuss plans to revitalize that team, along with ideas for a shiny new HQ. |
Sister Talk | July 31st, 2020 | Donna and Diana get together over photographs and tea to discuss heroism, history and Cassie. |
Memory: Themysciran Healing VII | July 26th, 2020 | Donna and Diana take Caitlin to a 'dive bar' on Themyscira. Caitlin tries wine for the first time and decides she doesn't hate it, and the two younger women talk more about the path of their lives-- the past, and the future. |
Amazons Assemble! | July 23rd, 2020 | An assortment of Amazons descend on the embassy to plot the downfall of America. Not really. Actually they just take Diana out to a cool new Asian-Latin fusion place, but a Themysciran can dream... |
Just A Little Patience | July 14th, 2020 | Diana Prince and Wanda catch up after Brainiac's assault |
Memory: Themyscirans in America | July 14th, 2020 | Retro scene. It's 2011 in New York at the gallery where Diana Prince works as an expert in ancient Greek artifacts. Suddenly: Wild TROIA appeared! |
Memory: Themysciran Healing V | July 12th, 2020 | Caitlin is watching over a injured Donna; Diana offers some reassurances. |
Memory: Themysciran Healing III | July 7th, 2020 | The further Retro-Adventures of Caitlin, Diana and Donna on Themyscira. Caitlin finds herself bullied by the sisters into trading her bruiser's ways for the finer arts of Amazonian combat. |
Some Like It Hot, Some Like It Heroic | July 1st, 2020 | On the ideals of protection and defense. |
Meeting of the Mindsets | June 30th, 2020 | Spider-Man meets up with two powerful female warriors to touch base on the Kulan Gath problem. |
After the Embassy's Opening | June 23rd, 2020 | Thor and Diana reflect on the embassy party. |
Things To Learn | June 14th, 2020 | Kara approaches Diana about learning some new skills. |
Hall of Hobos | June 11th, 2020 | Arthur gets fast food and breaks into the Hall of Justice to find out where the Justice League is. Diana shows up to find out why a hobo just broke into the Hall of Justice, and then tells Arthur he smells (in so many words). It is a good time. |
Asgardians on Midgard | June 6th, 2020 | The Asgardians throw a party for their embassy opening! |
Memory: Themysciran Healing. | June 3rd, 2020 | Flasback: Donna brings Caitlin to Themyscira to meet Diana and Queen Hippolyta, and to help her heal from her injuries after fighting Doomsday. |
The Buoyant: Post Party | May 29th, 2020 | A few hangers-on enjoy a late night drink aboard Tony's yacht after the official festitivies conclude. |
War of Worlds Pt 1 | May 26th, 2020 | Mongul's Warworld entered Sol at the far reaches of the solar system and a force of Earth's Mightest Heroes flew out to Jupiter to face him. The massive weapon on the plantoid station was destroyed, but at great cost to the heroes. General Zod, the Kryptonian warlord responsible for the first Alien Alliance that attacked Earth, revealed himself as the driving figure behind the invsaion. With Superman in their clutches, Power Girl lost in Warworld, and Thor unconscious, the heroes rush back to Earth to ready the planets defenses.
The War of Worlds has begun. |
What do you want | May 25th, 2020 | Arthur and Kal and Diana talk about the League. |
One step closer to Justice | May 16th, 2020 | Kal calls upon Diana, Bruce, and Hal to meet him on the Embassy roof and discuss the future of the Justice League. |
The Hunger: Breakout | May 8th, 2020 | The Avengers and their allies stage a daring rescue of Tony Stark from an AIM facility deep beneath New York! |
All The Wonders That They Do | May 4th, 2020 | The interview finally goes down. Terry manages not to faint this time. |
Royal Pounding | May 3rd, 2020 | Spider-Man gets splatted by Rhino, Wonder Woman gets involved, and they both get pizza. |
The After-After Party | April 29th, 2020 | PG walks in on the tail end of something adorable, but delivers her gift all the same: A fantastic tale for Thor to hear on his birthday. A joke hammer plays a role somewhere. |
sThorytime | April 27th, 2020 | It is a lovely little after party at the Themysciran Embassy. Let your soul glo. |
It's a Log! | April 24th, 2020 | Alexander and Patsy warn Diana of troublesome affairs with Hades and Dionysis. Alexander also tells Diana how wonderful she is! |
Shoot them with the pointy end. | April 20th, 2020 | Diana whines about her sad love life. Lame. |
Happy Birthday, Avengers! | April 20th, 2020 | The Avengers gather in their back yard for Thor and Scott's birthday celebrations. |
Troia Reporting In, or: I Wasn't Allowed to Tell Anyone, and YOU Get an Embassy | April 15th, 2020 | Donna reports to Diana at the Themysciran embassy, only a couple of days later than intended. Raven attends, purely to torment Donna in front of her sister. |
Do you Know What We Did Last Evening | April 12th, 2020 | Titans + Rooftop = Unexepected Happenings. Amazons, Empaths and Aliens, oh my! |
Restoration | April 6th, 2020 | Driver reboots with a new sleeve, makes a friend. |
Restless stop | April 6th, 2020 | Radiological monsters slayed, with some casualties. |
Mac's Appointedededment | March 30th, 2020 | Diana interviews America Chavez, and sees a lot of potential in her to be a powerful young hero. She invites her to stay and hopefully train toward becoming a public force to be reckoned with, and have a home at the Embassy too! |
Froot Steeend | March 27th, 2020 | Jan Brady goes to get her favorite fruit from the fruit stand, only to bump into Marsha Brady who is arriving to get the SAME FRUIT. Let's see what happens next! |
Phoebe In Wonder-land | March 26th, 2020 | Phobe Comes To The Themysciran Embassy And Talks Training With Cassie And Diana |
An Asgardian Angel in Midgard's Court | March 25th, 2020 | Angela arrives on Earth. She's not happy. And she ruins Heidi's day. But Diana and Naomi help make it better! |
Amazon Wisdom | March 23rd, 2020 | Cassie talks with Diana about a big decision |
Wonderful World | March 20th, 2020 | No description |
BEHOLD! MY STUFF! | March 17th, 2020 | Diana shows up to hassle Alex and he has to put up with her nosing around and being a butt. But he's super nice to her and gives her some water. |
The end of the world | March 12th, 2020 | No description |
Hello Cassie! | March 9th, 2020 | Diana and Cassie reunite in the Themysciran Embassy. |
A Night On Watch, Avenger's Style | March 5th, 2020 | Watch duty is sometimes lonesome. But sometimes, your whole team is there with you. |
Mystique's Escape(Rescue) | March 5th, 2020 | Hydra and Weapon Plus have an encounter on the boarder and Mystique escape when Diana, Carol and Agent Venom all come to the engagement. |
Thrown Hands | February 29th, 2020 | Diana visits Tony to discuss his presidential bid. Fast food is eaten, hands are thrown, and a computer quotes the Simpsons. |
When in Rome... or Themysciran.. | February 27th, 2020 | Harley Quinn comes to see Diana Prince, hoping for a miracle.. which comes in the form of a Golden Lasso. |
Basketball Diplomacy | February 26th, 2020 | The New York Knicks defeated the Charlotte Hornets 117-98. And Diana and T'Challa agreed to hang out again, because it's fun. |
Clark the Visitor | February 25th, 2020 | Diana and Superman talk about his future and whats to come! |
Ancient Reunion, Grecian style! | February 23rd, 2020 | No description |
Lil' Nephew Babeh | February 22nd, 2020 | Alexander comes to talk to his super cool aunt who's really cool and he's totally smitten by her because she's so cool and he's got the best aunt ever. She's an Amazon Princess aunt who has a sword and stabs monsters with it! He's really lucky to have her as his aunt and he knows it and shows it and stuff. |
E Pluribus Unum: Surprise Announcement | February 20th, 2020 | All the lovely people gather for Tony Stark's small announcement. |
The Mysterious Red Hood | February 17th, 2020 | Red Hood attempts to take over a small Gotham gang, but Wonder Woman, Kitty Pryde, Kaida Connolly, and Deadpool arrive to put the gang down instead. |
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Diana Prince has
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Entertainment Credits
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Diana Prince has been credited in
1 shows.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
The Match Game | May 21st, 2020 | This is a game that involves a panel of celebrity guests who are given a fill in the blank sentence. Two contestants compete to try and get the most matches to the celebrity responses for a cash prize! |
Diana Prince has been credited in
0 albums.
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Diana Prince has authored
0 books.
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Group Memberships
Diana Prince has been listed in 3 groups.