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Latest revision as of 22:05, 1 September 2021

Once Was: 1940s Europe
Date of Scene: 15 July 2021
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Logan Howlett, Diana Prince

Logan Howlett has posed:
1940's Europe.

The Nazi's had made an even worse reputation for themselves by destroying old works of art, typically by raiding national museums and stealing the priceless art pieces, tossing it in a hole somewhere to later be burned, torn apart, destroyed with extreme prejudice. Thankfully, the Allies sent multiple operatives to recover these artifacts to prevent their destruction.

An operative known only as 'Logan' was on one such assignment. His mission was to recover the David, a work crafted by one Michelangelo between 1501 and 1504 AD. However, Logan had sent a distress call to the Allies, detailing that he was surrounded by Nazis, and escape without damaging the Statue of the David was impossible. Whoever they sent would need to move fast...

Scouts have already heard rapid gunfire on Logan's position, though confirmed that Logan was still alive.

Who wil come to save the day?

Diana Prince has posed:
Another World War, and Diana had only just begun to feel comfortable in the mortal world when it began. Of course there were signs of it, ruminations of the march of war. By thte time it broke out, she was fully immersed in her job as an antiques dealer. She and Etta CAndy were making names for themselves as art restorers and able to make it out of dangerous places with threatend works of art.

Let alone their uncanny ability to recover items thought to the black market....

So when the call was sent to their office, it made it through the network of contacts until it reached Diana, and she reacted quickly.

There's no invisible jets here, there's no flight power at all in fact, Diana uses standard methods of travel, until she's within reasonable range and then she sets out on her own to reach places quickly... she's still fast, inhumanly so....

She navigates the terrain in her armor, running, leaping and trying to stick to cover, as she zeroes in on the location that was supplied to her!

Logan Howlett has posed:
There is no accounting for Diana's incredible speed. Under any circumstances, she could reach most places in mere seconds, and now is not the same. It doesn't take long for gunfire to reach her ears, which should allow her to hone in on Logan's position. What she finds? It's....difficult to explain.

Logan was surrounded, but he was in front of acave mouth just as he had mentioned in his report back for reinforcements. Assumably, the David remains in the cave while Logan fights off Nazis. Bullets rip through his body, but they don't stop him, they don't slow him down. His hands have just finished a deadly twist, snapping the neck of the most recent Nazi soldier to try to kill him.

He was surrounded by bodies.

"Come on....." He clenches his fists, claws made out of bone and the length of his forearm emerge from his fist in a trio on each hand. "I'M RIGHT HERE!" and with a feral roar, Logan charges forward. While the Nazis were many, Logan is currently holding his own, claws rending flesh as if it were butter to a knife. But the Nazis have firepower, and Logan can only withstand so much pain before even he must take a moment to recover.

"Dammit..." bullets are pushed out of his flesh, the ones without an exit wound, anyways. "Where's my damned reinforcements?!" He curses to himself.

Diana Prince has posed:
It's only a mere matter of moments after Logan utters that question that the odds seem to be growing more in favor of the enemy troopers who can only seem to do so much against this foe, but can still somewhat keep him down with their firepower overwhelming him.

The battlefield is scarred and getting bloody, and as the troops move in on him, there comes screams from the back of their ranks!

Something is happening and it causes the soldiers of the Nazi army to turn their heads away from Logan, as one of their Infantry vehicles is completely overturned sending a wave of Nazi soldiers screaming as they're launched in to the air and thrown across the landscape!

Through the flying wave of soldiers, a single figure appears in the smoky filled sky, leaping between the men as she soars over the heads of the ones closing in on Logan's location!

The female figure lands before the man with the Bone claws, her eyes upon himk, with a strange golden glowing rope in her hands, her body encased in a set of armor that looks like its straight out of a Greek Gladiator story book...

Her eyes are on Logan, her stare is intense, the Nazi soldiers all looking confused behind the tall woman before their commander shouts and their guns are raised...

Diana looks away from Logan then, to the soldiers and she spins around to face them, her armored boots spreading apart as she takes a ready stance, and what comes next... is a sea of soldiers being wrapped in that golden glowing rope and taken off of their feet! One after another, sometimes two or more at a time!

Diana has thrust herself in amongst the Nazis and is taking them apart like a tornado through a field of unprepared people!

Is this Logan's backup? Does it matter?!

Logan Howlett has posed:
Now that right there is a sight you don't see everyday.

THe vehicle being overturned and launched gets a raised brow from Logan, accompanied by a mouthing 'holy fuck' from the resident Canadian, though he remains behind cover for a moment, he eventually emerges ready to fight, cutting down a Nazy soldier as he began to move twoards him -- likely trying to flee and just having some shit luck -- he stands his grown again, growling like some wild beast before the woman lands beside him.

He looks upon her, blue eyes staring into blue eyes. Logan has no clue if she's friend or foe, considering she isn't wearing the standard uniform or even the standard equipment of a soldier, but before he can even refuse or complain, bullets are hailing on them again! So, he gives her a nod, before he leaps forwards with her, using enhanced physical abilities to project him forward.

Not nearly on the level of power as Wonder Woman, he matches her efficiency. She may be the tornado, but he's the grasscutter. Claws tear apart men before they even know what happened, feet are used to kick helmets off of heads that claws don't remove for them, hands rip apart guns before the enemy's very eyes.

Almost within moments, half the battalion sent for Logan is annihilated by the combined efforts of Wonder Woman and the Wolverine.

Diana Prince has posed:
Where Logan is killing without regard, Diana is only immobilizing or disabling the soldiers. She's tearing weapons from their hands and smashing the guns in to pieces between dropping them to the ground in wild displays of speed and agility, launching herself from the ground up in to the air to fling soldiers in tot he trees, or drop to the earth and use her long armored legs to drop a swath of the soldiers before they can fire upon her, or Logan.

Of course, there is so many, and Logan's insistence to jump in to the fray means Diana can't rightly protect him from being shot, and she's seen this. She's seen it, but there's nothing she can do.

She keeps going, she keeps fighting, up to the point that she hears the Germans shouting to pull back, to flee back toward their caravan of trucks and vehicles.

There is a thick layer of smoke across the muddy road and as the remaining soldiers on their feet are falling back, Diana's bracers come up to deflect blasts from their rifles!

Sparks fly as she sweeps her arms around and steps in front of Logan to block a number of shots from hitting the man. He'll see the sparks showering around both of their bodies as the raven haired woman deflects the shots from hitting their targets.

Finallys he drops her armored forearms down to her sides, her fists clenching the leather that is wrapped around her palms and she watches them retreat. She turns then to finally face Logan. He matches the description she was given...

"They will come back..." She says, her eyes dropping over him, seeing... injuries he has sustained. "We need to go, you need medical attention." She nods to the cargo truck that had the statue boxed up that they were both here to rescue. "Come on, we will drive that." She says in her thick accented voicn, moving to help him to the truck because she believes he likely needs the help....

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan couldn't help but be amazed.

He's seen people do some crazy shit, but Diana? That's -crazy shit-. He's never seen a woman throwing men by the dozens into trees or taking scores of men down before they can even react to her movement. Even her deflecting bullets is something to be impressed by! But soon enough, the Nazi's retreat, fleeing for their lives on foot, since their vehicles were completely demolished by Diana. Logan, still in a bit of a rage, picks up what looks to be a steel pipe that fell out of the transporter that Diana decided to capsize and he lobs it towards the fleeing Nazi's!

He strikes one on the head with the throw as he roars at them, the pant isn't from exhaustion, its from the emotional toll he just went through. But as he straightens up, claws begin to sheathe themselves back into the flesh of his arms. He had bullet holes in his uniform but...oddly enough? No bullets actually embedded in his person, not like how Diana has seen injuries of the like. Logan turns his eyes to Diana, looking her up and down.

"Thanks for the hand but....The hell did you come out of? The Renaissance?" He questions with not even the slightest bit of humor to him. Its a serious question. Sure, he thought Captain America dressed funny, but this was....new. Must be a weird-ass new division.

"I don't need medical attention, -you- need medical attention more than me." and that's saying something. Truck pointed to, he nods. "You got it, I'll drive." he feels hands and arms around him and he seems to almost resist her grasp. "Listen lady, I'm fine. Not a scratch. Now come on, before they come back with twice the fucking numbers." Logan had mastered the english language beautifully.

He'll move into the driver's seat to get going along the path, unless Diana tries to stop him.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is quick to remove her hands from the man when he doesn't appear to be suffering from his injuries to the point where he'd need her help. This is, unusual, to say the least. "Fair enough." She says softly before she glances over her shoulders again in to the fog of war as the German soldiers can be heard shouting in the dense fog, with vehicle engines rumbling away.

Her lasso is wrapped around her own body, over her shoulders criss crossing around them and around her waist, so having him ask her questions is going to make her answer truthfully, even though she likely would otherwise normally too... not that he is aware of any of this.

"Themyscira." Diana replies about where she came from. "An island not far from Greece." She states, her leather wrapped hands starting to pull the lasso off of her form as she coils it up again and lets him lead on to the truck.

"You are sure you are okay?" She asks in that heavily accented English she's speaking in. "You have... power." She notes, seeing one of his wounds heal through the torn clothing he's wearing. "Impressive." She mutters as she attaches the golden rope to her hip once more.

As they near the truck, Diana pulls the cover down over the back and closes the tail gate before she follows him toward the cabin to get in to the passenger side doorway.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Sometimes, you gotta trust the extremely grouchy soldier to be able to handle himself. Diana wasn't the only one to know that time was of the essence. Logan could -smell- them, as stated by his audible sniffing....and he could hear them. "We don't have a lot of time, hope you're ability to throw fucking cars in the air is still available, we might need it." Logan calls to Diana, even as he tries to turn the engine.

It revs to life...and struggles. "Come on...come on..." He tries once again...then a third...then he kicks the truck hard while he's turning it and the engine roars to life. "There we go." As soon as Diana gets in the passenger, Logan guns it, heading for the closest Allied F.O.B...or hell, a place to lie low. "Themy-what-now?" the confusion was visible on Logan's face before he looks back to the road. "Did I take chemicals from one of those damn bullets?" Only thing he could reasonably attribute to what he was seeing and hearing.

The 'ping-ping' sound of metal striking floor is heard as a particularly deep bullet was pushed out of his body, muscle and flesh knitting itself together until no evidence of the wound remained. "Just peachy." Logan replies. "Power? Hell, its a damn curse is what it is, but it has its moments." Logan shrugs as he drives. "I'm Logan." He introduces. No last name, no nothing. "The boys and girls just call me 'Lucky'." He adds.

"You have anything else in your bag of tricks? Because we're gonna have company in a minute, bub."

Diana Prince has posed:
There's no question that Diana's appearance stands out in this war. It's partly why she doesn't engage in the war openly, because she knows her presence would reach around the world if she appeared in a situation that allowed it. Instead she makes these targeted mini-strikes, like here and now, with this odd man behind the wheel.

In the passenger seat now, Diana is looking out the window to her right when the engine revs up and she hears the bullet fall out of Logan's body. She looks back over at him and then down at the bullet as it rolls around between their seats. At his question of Themy-what, she looks back up at him. "It is a long story." She says in her naturally husky voice. Her eyes go forward out of the dirty windows of the truck toward the road. She lifts her right hand up to brace herself on the open window beside her by clutching the doorframe.

She looks over at Logan again and then in to his review mirror to what is behind them.

"I do." She says about her bag of tricks. "But we will need them to get closer and... bunched up together, if possible."

She turns then and puts her left knee up on her seat and reaches up tot he roof of the truck and starts to punch a hole in the roof, then proceeds to tear it open like it's made out of paper... rather than cold metal....

She's unique, and he can likely see that quite readily now beside him in the cabin...

Logan Howlett has posed:
Yeah, It'd be really really REALLY odd if there was a chick who showed up like she was straight out of 300 with the almost USA colored armor at every confrontation. Odds are, she would start a global panic, and people would stop looking at weapons, they would begin trying to make -people- like her.

Like Logan, even, that's why he only busts out the claws when he needs too. Other times, he uses Tommy guns like everyone else. It'd get REALLY bad if he ended up getting experimented on. But it doesn't take long for the Nazi's to begin to catch up to them. "Hnnh...damn." He shakes his head. "Gonna need you to take-" Before Logan can even finish, she's ripping a hole in the ceiling of the car and his eyes slightly raise. "What. The." A bullet pings off of the windshield. "Fuck!" He calls out.

"Make it quick!" Logan calls out to Diana as she rips through the ceiling, his eyes shifting to the rear view mirror. "Jesus Christ."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's hands pull the roof apart like it is just nothing at all to her. She hears his words of confused encouragement and she stands fully up in the cabin of their truck and starts to go through the hole she'd created.

Up and out of the truck she goes, where she was, she no longer is!

Up and outside of the cabin, she kneels down to speak back to him. "Keep the truck straight and slow down a little!" She calls to him over the sounds of the chaos around them.

Slow down?!

Before he can reply to her she's gone though, having stood up and presumably moved down the back of the truck over the cargo roof.

The Princess stands on said roof, looking behind them to the German vehicles speeding after them and watching them pointing up at her. Their gunment raise their weapons and begin to fire on her! She raises her bracer covered forearms up and deflects the bullets, one after the other, waiting for Logan to slow down the vehicle...

When he does, is when it comes. He'll be able to feel it in the air pressure, and see it in the rear view mirror to his left. A massive wall of golden energy erupts from the top of their truck and spreads out toward the convoy of enemies behind them! The wall of kinetic energy rolls across the terrain, kicking up a wall of rolling dirt and flora as it tears across the land and sends all of the vehicles purusing them backward, cascading and tumbling back the way they'd come from!

The air pressure shifts and Logan's ears might even 'pop' from the change as the kinetic power dissipates, leaving little more than smoke and confusiong in their wake now...

Logan Howlett has posed:

That's the word that leaves Logan's mouth as Diana seems more than capable of blocking bullets with her bracers. "You out of your fucking mind, darlin'?!" Logan calls to her at the demand to slow down so she can get closer to the rain of bullets that's coming her way with a tremendous vengeance.

He has no idea what her plan is, but whatever it is, she better do it fast! Logan pulls a side arm and blind fires behind him while using the side mirror as sight. The shot kills one of the assisting Nazi gunners immediately, his body going limp as blood drips from his forehead.

Then she does it.

She unleashes some kind of energy or explosive burst, making Logan's ears pop and ring as their pursuers immediately are forced to give up chase as their vehicles are completely destroyed! Logan shakes his head after the wince before he calls through the roof. "What the hell was that?!" Logan shouts, but managing to keep his attention on the road.

Who was this woman?!

Diana Prince has posed:
It is only a few moments after the convoy of German vehicles is dispatched that Diana comes gliding back in through the hole she'd put in the roof of the truck. She drops back in to the cabin and pulls the roof closed as best as she can again before she falls back in to the passenger seat, her dark hair wild around her otherwise bare shoulders.

She looks over to Logan then, an expression of calm, but energized, upon her visage toward him. "My name is Diana, I am the Princess of Themyscira and the daughter of Queen Hippolyta. I was brought to life by the Greek God of Zeus. I have been blessed by the Goddesses of Olympus and I am on this world to help protect the best of humanity. Be that its people, or its..." She glances to the back of the truck and then back to him. "Art." She simply ends her sentence.

She draws in a breath then and adjusts the lasso so that it is laying on her lap so that she may sit more easily in the cabin's passenger seat. Her eyes go forward to the road ahead of them and she nods once. "You may go fast again." She states, her hand going to the doorframe once more.

"They won't be pursuing us again. Not soon anyway." She adds with a heavy exhale. "Thank you for protecting the art on this truck, by the way. I will make sure to inform your commanders that you deserve accolades for your efforts." She glances to him again and affords him a soft smile.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan continued to drive the vehicle, though his gaze suddenly shifts to the seat beside him as Diana finally drops down from the open space, his claws made of bone had come out of the space between his knuckles, long and sharp, but they quickly sheathe themselves back in his skin. The break/tear in his flesh is easily and quickly sealed by his healing factor. No scars exist despite the continuous emergence of his claws. He just shakes his head when she closes the hatch back over them.

"Funny, I was starting to like the draft." Logan grunts, shaking his head. Her eyes on him, but his eyes mostly on the road, despite occasionally finding her own. "That's...." Logan narrows his eyes. "Complete and total bullshit." Logan was in disbelief. "You're telling me the Greek Gods are real shit? Not the weird writings of a guy on olden-day drugs?" Logan shakes his head. "It makes sense, sure, but that's just crazy."

Seriously, Logan thought -his- origin was crazy...in that he has no idea what his origin actually is. His brain has been passed around so much between organizations and operatives that he's lucky to even remember the name 'Logan'. "Don't need to tell me twice." Logan begins to outright floor it, pushing the truck to limits this model probably hasn't seen before...and hopefully he won't kill the engine, but he's not even going to risk it.

"Agh." Logan waves off Diana's assurance that he'll be rewarded. "I'm just tryin' to do a good thing for good people. Guess I'm a fan of history." he shakes his head. "Don't need a medal to do that darlin', I'd do it again without you." Logan informs her. Whether she approves or not is up to her.

"Are you even part of a unit or are you just a helpin' hand?"