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Meanwhile, after the show...
Date of Scene: 10 March 2020
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Satana meets Zee after a show, and ends up with an invitation to stay at Shadowcrest!
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Satana Hellstrom

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
It's been an entertaining show so far. Card tricks, some mild hypnotism, and illusions. Stuff that those in the business will know. And there's always that hint of the burlesque that Zatanna has in her shows, with the fishnets and corset. And currently, she's being locked up in a straight jacket. "You know, my dad always told me I was crazy to follow in his footsteps, I guess this proves it!" Her assistant makes sure the chains and such are secure and Zatanna yeeps as she's lifted upside down off of her feet.

"But I never expected magic to sweep me off of my feet!" As she's lifted over the water tank and prepares to be lowered, the raven-haired woman moves within the restraints. "I should've worn the waterproof-mascara!" It's the next to the last thing she says before she is dipped...

Those with enhanced senses may hear the softly muttered, "Ethaerb retawrednu."

She's dunked into the tank, and she moves and fights as the seconds tick away, when it passes one minute, than two, the assistant starts to look concerened. Zatanna's movements slow and seem to stop..." And the curtain drops over the tank. Paramedics are rushing the stage to see what happened, and they pull out the bundle... just to find out that it's only a bundle of clothes!

That's when one of the paramedics pulls away her uniform to reveal Zatanna in her 'sexy nurse' outfit. "It's okay folks, I'm right here!"

Applause roars out as Zatanna takes her curtain call and heads backstage. Slipping into her dressing room, she moves behind a divider to start to change, setting her wet clothes up on the edge of the divider to dry out as she hums to herself while grabbing for a robe and towel.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana has been trying to use the GPS feature (with some magical tinkering) on a stolen cell phone to locate whoever it was that summoned her to Earth. It leads her to Gotham and this particular magic show, which she is just about to call a dead end. At least until the final act.

It's not like Satana's hearing is supernatural or anything, but just before the raven-haired magician goes into the tank the succubus *feels* the magic flow. Could it be?

Then the show is over and the audience is steadily herded out of the theater. It doesn't take much for someone of Satana's charms to work her way backstage and find the magician's dressing room. Walking right in, the redhead begins talking almost immediately.

"I was beginning to wonder when you were gonna pull out the *real* stuff." she begins. Wearing skin-tight black leather, Satana looks like she could be in a show of her own... in an adult entertainment establishment. Once inside behind the closed door, she cocks a hip and turns to look at the woman behind the screen.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The voice startles her, but to Zatanna's credit, she's not immediately casting wards. The raven-haired magician arches a brow as she comes from behind the paper wall, her body covered with a silken robe with cherry blossom designs and a terry-cloth towel in her hair. "I usually have an autograph session thirty minutes after the show." she offers coyly when she approaches her dressing table.

"I can feel the magic on you, so there's no reason to hide it. And I do have John Constantine on speed-dial." Not that she'd ever use that threat //directly// unless this is meant to be trouble. Not that Satana doesn't dress the part. "How may I help you?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana glances around the room, finding the arm of a plush chair to perch upon. "Constantine? Okay, so you *are* a professional in the arts." The redhaired half-demon squints, then, as if trying to stare through the stage magician. Then she stares down at the smart phone. She shakes it. Vigorously. Then she squints at Zee once more.

"So. You didn't summon me, I take it? Not even using the 'girl of my dreams' moniker? You'd be surprised how many of THOSE are out there. Horny kids who stumble across some dusty old book or relic and think they can summon a succubus with a little pig's blood..." Satana frowns, then slips the phone into her jacket. "Let's start with introductions, then. I'm Satana Hellstrom, and as you already guessed I'm from, shall we say, out of town."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Girl of my dreams. That stings. Zatanna winces visibly, but she's shaking it off with a vigorous move of the towel in her hair. "Nope, last time I tried to play magical blind date, I was sixteen and I didn't know better." Zatanna offers as she glances at the phone with a lift of her brow and then the introduction is made and Zatanna is immediately rifling through the index in her mind, bringing up her information quickly. "So someone summoned you but didn't bother to set a binding circle so that you would have a direct point to go to? Amateur hour much. Sounds like someone needed a date to prom and thought you'd impress his friends." she offers lightly.

"Do you need help getting home, then? I know a couple of others in the field that you're in..." Demons, she means, "That won't have to banish you like Johnnie would." The accidental slip there says tons - she is closer to the Laughing Magician than most. "I'm Zatanna Zatara. And you are from very much out of town. What's your business here, then? You said you were summoned, but they didn't even leave you a text?" she asks, as she lifts her hand in gentle request for the phone.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana shrugs at the question, the jacket slipping from her bare shoulders to show just how 'efficient' the halter top really is. "How the hell should I know? I wasn't exactly looking over their shoulder, y'know? But it could just as easily have gotten screwed up at my end. I have some unfriendly acquaintances in 'low places' who sometimes take great pleasure in complicating my life."

The redhead sniffs at the thought of needing help to get home. "Actually, sending me home is pretty easy. And I'm not some first-time noob who doesn't know the way. Believe it or not I was born here... or at least in Massachusetts. But somebody went to some amount of trouble to bring me here, so I'm naturally curious."

Satana smiles, then, and it's a charming one. "Not for the reasons you might think, though. I like to keep track of people who can do that sort of stuff, as much as anything. I'm trying to jimmy a cell phone to work as a locator, but I think it's busted."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I'm pretty sure you weren't born here, Satana. Or if you were, at least half of you wasn't." Zatanna points out. She's already doing some gentle scrying, the tea that she poured earlier no longer for her to sip but to give her a quick and dirty scry of the demoness.

Wait. "So basically, you had the cosmic equivelant of a butt-dial and you have no idea who sent for you and why?" she asks curiously, glancing at herself in the mirror in thought before she looks back to Satana,"

"Since I don't have my books with me, humor me. Why do most people summon you, when you are summoned?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana settles back a bit, casually shrugging out of the leather jacket to drape it over the back of the chair. When she moves there's almost a natural air about her, like a porn star posing in a photo shoot. One leg crosses over the other, the tight leather almost creaking.

"Cosmic butt-dial? I think that's as good an explanation as any, given that no one has stepped up to claim me." the redhead replies. "As for why most people summon me? Well since I'm half-succubus you can check off the -obvious- reason first. But it's usually because there's something dirty, unpleasant, or difficult that they want done and they're too lazy to do it themselves."

She smiles wryly and tilts her head, then. "Also, your hair looks fine for a woman who's just been dunked. Really like the fishnets-look, too. If I wasn't so fond of leather, I'd consider it myself."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Hmm." Zatanna holds up a leg, still currently bear since she hasn't had a chance to dress yet. "Hairdryers are great for dealing with wet hair." she teases lightly as she moves to push herself back to her feet. "The summoning didn't come with any instructions? Name? No clues at all?" She asks as she steps behind the privacy screen, and her robe is hung up as she reaches for her street clothes.

"When you're usually summoned, do you only stay until the task is completed, or if you need to leave, could you do so of your own volition?" she thinks to ask. "I know you said you /could/ go home. But have you tried yet? Not that I mind the company. Just making sure someone didn't give you the magic whammy this time with the butt-dial." As she speaks, she works on pulling on her undergarments and pants.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana's gaze wanders along the exposed leg, and her attention follows the magician as Zee steps behind the screen again. Brows lift appreciatively, but she keeps her comments to herself.

"I received absolutely zilch as far as information or instructions go. One minute I was minding my own business, then the next I was being pulled through a gateway." She shifts, uncrossing her legs and rising from her perch on the arm of the chair. "But like I said, it's not the first time I've had people tamper with my summonings and pull me to unintended places. So in a lot of respects, I wasn't surprised to just land naked in some alley."

The redhead saunters closer to the screen, keeping her back towards it without trying to peek over the top. "I honestly hadn't checked for residual geas or anything, but I know if *I* waas the one futzing with it I would've locked out the recipient." Satana turns, then, peering over the screen just enough to meet Zee's face. "Would you mind taking a closer look at me? Mystically speaking, of course."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
By the time Satana decides to peek, Zatanna's dressed. And it's downight conservative. The sweater she wears teases her curves, but gives noting away as she looks up at the redhead demoness. "I can do that. I just can't be too long, I have a date later." she says with a coy tone as she pulls her hair back into a ponytail.

Nodding finally, the brunette mage moves from behind the screen, and gestures to the couch. "Take a seat. No need to put you on the floor in a holding circle. I'm not quite that barbaric." With that, she moves to settle into the chair, pulling her legs beneath her to settle into the lotus position. "What are you wanting to know, so I know what to go digging for?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana tilts her head with a playful smile at the mention of a date later. "Lucky you." she replies, watching as the raven-haired magician steps around the screen. "So is Mister Rogers buying you a late dinner tonight?"

Following the gesture towards the couch, the redhead saunters over and settles. "I appreciate that. And I'm sure the janitorial staff will thank you later for not painting runes in blood, either." Her tone and mannerisms are like they were discussing cupcake recipes.

"I'd really like to know who summoned me and why, but that's probably a longer dig since it's been a few days." she begins. "I'll settle for knowing whether there are any residual charms or effects either binding or hampering my spirit on this plane."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Not that you need to know, but it's a first date, and I've been trying too hard, so I'm trying to be a little more relaxed." The mental image of Zatanna sticking out her tongue is implied. Of course she'd sass a succubus. Settled in finally, Zatanna sets her hands to the side and lifts them, elbows bent. "As much as I'm sure you'd like me to frisk you, we can do that without too much touching."

Closing her eyes, Zatanna starts to speak a soft incantation to start the sweep over Satana and seek out anything that may be unnatural about her. Not everything she does needs to have her speak backwards, it just helps her concentrate.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana actually pouts at the lack of frisking, hips wiggling just a little. "Now you're teasing me." she quips back with a soft smile. Nostrils flare when Zee starts speaking the incantation, the half-demon's breathing quickening.

There's a lot about Satana that's not natural, but Zee doesn't find anything that seems like it doesn't belong. Her spirit is healty and unbound, freshened up with some newly-acquired energy shortly after her arrival. It does seem like there's a virtual meter running, however.

The succubus needs energy to remain on this plane.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I knew those breasts couldn't be real." That's said with a teasing smirk as Zatanna continues her magical checkup and then suddenly she freezes. The smile's gone, and suddenly, her hand goes up and a single word comes out of her mouth.

"Draw!" And while it may sound like Draw, the actual incantation is made when suddenly wards spring to life between her and the succubus.

"You fed. Recently." This is not something she had expected, and her usually full pout is pulled into a thin line. "Someone forgot to feed their succubus before turning her lose. Or just didn't know better."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana chuckles softly at the comment about her breasts, arching her back a little for effect. Then all humor fades when Zee raises the ward. The redhead draws a breath and lets out a soft sigh. "You really didn't need to do that." she offers.

"And yes, I fed on some stupid gang-bangers shortly after my arrival. I would've had to kill them either way, and it seemed liks a waste." She pauses, folding arms over her bosom with a wrinkling of her nose. "I was naked in an alley, remember? Feeding is a necessary side-effect of me being here, but it's not something I do casually or even lightly."

"It doesn't work on women, either, so you're safe with me."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna doesn't exactly dismiss the ward, but she's got her guard up now, the young woman considering Satanna. And her wariness remains as she sighs. "Other than the appetite suggesting that you're still a little peckish, and I don't feel a trapped soul on you, so I'm going to take your word for it." Because she doesn't want to go through the business of trying to force the truth from Satana. Plus she gets the feeling that the Succubus may enjoy that.

"You're in good shape, all things considered. I don't have any charms, incantations, binders. You should be come and go as you please. Other than giving you no purpose, you seem to be clean." And for a moment, a brief moment, Zee considers putting a binder on Satanna, her eyes shifting in thought.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana isn't psychic, but this isn't exactly her first rodeo either. The redhead leans forward a bit, resting both hands on her knees with elbows turned outward in a nice 'cheesecake' pose. She smiles, tilting her head. "And now you're wondering what to do with me, aren't you?" she replies almost casually.

"I'd love to play cards with you sometime. I could tell you weren't exactly thrilled to discover that I'd fed, y'know. Didn't even need magic for that." Satana wiggles her hips. "So the real question is what you're going to do with me. I'm a terrible maid and I hate doing laundry."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Living with me is not an option. Not until you earn my trust. If you can go a month without killing, we'll revisit the idea." Zatanna is firm on this idea. "If Constantine even caught a sniff that I was considering this, he'd flay me... and not in the fun way." She cuts off Santana before she can make the comment. "So here's the deal. I put a restriction on you. You kill, you go home. Don't pass go, don't collect 200 dollars." she says, her eyes firmly meeting the demonesses and ignoring the playful undulations of her body.

"Considering that I was just used as a one-night stand recently is not helping your case here." comes the sour tone, arms folding across her midsection. "That's the deal. You accept it, or I send you out into the street."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana shrugs at the conditions, but she nods as well. "I can do that." she replies casually, before Zee finishes. As the terms are more clearly defined, the redhead's gaze narrows just a touch. Then she nods again, more slowly this time.

"Tell you what. You can put a geas on me if you want, but with my -nature- it'll be a messy, and likely expensive, process. But I'll give you my word in a binding oath, if you want. Pinky-swear, spit on palms, or whatever." Perhaps Satana can't help herself, but she undulates as she sits up more properly.

"For the record I don't -need- to kill in order to feed. I just take little sips and it takes me a bit longer, is all. That work for you?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Don't you dare read anything than what it is into it." Zatanna knows what works best here. Waving her hand to dismiss the ward, the young mage rises to her feet and crosses the floor to stand in front of the succubus. "Your word is your bond. Speak it." she says quietly, forcefully.

And the minute that Satanna opens her mouth, Zatanna cups her cheeks and kisses her fully - open mouth, to take Satanna's breath as her oath to her.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana rises once the ward is dismissed, her expression still (or perpetually) playful. But just as she's about to actually speak her oath her cheeks are cupped and she is kissing the magician.

Stubborn to the last, the succubus deepens the kiss and savors it for several long, hot breaths. Arms drape over Zee's shoulders, and with lips still touching she whispers her oath. <I swear upon pain of banishment that I will not kill. This oath is binding and held by Zatanna Zatara.>

Lips part only then, the redhead giving Zee's nose a light brush as well. "Whoever it was that used you was an idiot." she murmurs.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Dropping her hands to Satana's shoulders, Zatanna is almost lost in the succubus' kiss. Almost. But her anger is still there from her earlier burn, and her palms flatten on Satana's collars to push herself back once the binding's in place. She gives several soft breaths and reaches up with her hand to brush her hair back over her ear.

"It happened. I have to learn to move on. And read those things better." she murmurs, shaking her head and avoiding wiping her mouth - she knows she has to hold it a bit to make sure the spell takes full power. "You can stay at the manor. If you break it's rules. If you try to steal, I will turn you into the most curveaous slug ever. Got it?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana's eyes brighten at the threat and she smiles sardonically, settling into a supermodel swimsuit pose. "Careful, sorceress. Just remember that this slug has a little power of her own..." she replies. But there's that familiar, teasing mischief in her expression as well.

"I won't deign to comment about the suggestion that I'd steal from *you*, but you have my oath on killing." She pauses, then. "But if your manor has rules, are they like posted on the fridge or something?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Just keep underestimating me." Zatanna teases with a light chuckle. Now that the deal seems to be struck. "If you steal from Shadowcrest, it won't be /my/ magic you have to contend with." even Zatanna isn't sure how powerful her family home is, but she knows she's super-charged on her home turf, as it were.

"If you need clothes, I'll refer you to a friend of mine. She can get you set up. She's a little flirty, don't read too much into it." she says, as she scribbles down a number.

Handing it to Satanna, she comments. "Tell Bea I sent you. She'll take care of you."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana tilts her head and looks at the number, licking her lips absently. "Yeah? What's wrong with what I'm wearing? I mean that's pretty rich coming from someone who wears fishnets and a corset for a stage show." The smile returns, then, and Satana stuffs the phone number into her halter top for safe-keeping.

"Shadowcrest, hmm? Now you've got me curious, but even though I didn't -swear- to it I'll behave." Because she IS curious. "I'll assume, then, that you've got a guest room for me and staff with, like, anti-demon bug spray or something."

Satana reaches for her jacket, then, fishing out the cell phone. "I'll give Bea a call and we'll see what we can come up with." There's a brief pause, and for a moment she almost seems serious. Almost. "Thanks for giving me a place to crash, Zatanna."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I can put you up in a hotel if you'd rather?" Zatanna responds, before she sets her hands on her hips. "And you said it yourself, you took your clothes from some guys. I'm sure you'd rather have some of your own." she points out.

"Don't taunt happy fun house. It does the chores, cooking and cleaning itself. Piss it off, though, and it will kick you out and you'll never find it again." she says, resolute in her tone. Finally, she sighs. "Now. I have a date to get ready for. Do you need anything else?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana slips the jacket on, folding arms over her ample chest. "A hotel? Honey, believe me when I say I've lived a lot worse. Crashing in a guest room in some mystical manor sounds like fun, actually." She looks down at the stolen leathers, then admits. "I altered them to fit, but they -will- get a bit funky after a while."

When the subject of the date returns, the redhead turns her attention back to her new hostess. "Hmm. Your hair looks lovely, the sweater flatters your figure, and I'm not sure how your makeup survived the dunking. Have fun, and call if you're going to be out past eleven." Wink. "Seriously, though, I'll give your friend Bea a call in the morning. And I won't be any trouble!"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Aww, thanks." Zatanna says with a laugh. "If it goes well, I may not come home at all." she starts to say, then tempers herself. "No. I won't rush this time." she manages. She doesn't want to get hurt again, that's clear on her face as she moves to collect her handbag. "Now go get something to eat that isn't soul related, and rest up. Bea's a handful."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana chuckles softly, moving smoothly towards the door as well. "Hey, don't try to justify your morality to me, Miss Zatanna. I'm a succubus, remember? You've got nothing to prove over here." Seeming much more relaxed, now, she adds. "Stay out as late as you want, do what you want. Just have fun and relax." Satana pauses, then adds. "And if you get hurt again, you could always just sic me on 'em..."