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Latest revision as of 22:06, 1 September 2021

Pester Away!
Date of Scene: 27 June 2021
Location: Level 1 - Medbay - The Roost
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Gabby Kinney

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    When Phoebe, the Outsider codenamed Balm, wasn't working out or practicing or sleeping or on missions -- she could most often be found doing research in the medbay. Today's research? Watching knife extraction surgeries and taking recovery notes. The younger outsider was taking copious notes as she listens to the lecture online, a pair of blue-light filtering glasses perched on her nose as she purses her lips.

    It is also known that she keeps a candy drawer in the medlab. Just in case.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was new, to say the least, and brought in on recommendation of her older sister Laura. Of course they did look a bit alike but there was enough of an obvious height difference as well as the scars that made them easy to differentiate. That, and the fact that Gabby was fond of wearing rather bright and colorful t-shirts with absurd designs. Like kaiju kitties stomping over a city block as was her current preference. It was oversized and almost worn like a dress over her leggings with a pair of combat boots to finish it off. Her hair is kept out of her face by a pair of pink and yellow barrettes. Curious, and more than a bit bored, she had been exploring the Roost to get used to the layout. It led her here where she comes upon Balm and pauses to watch behind her shoulder the videos that the girl was watching as well. Finally she chimes in, "Get a lot of stabbings here, then?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Good afternoon Gabby." Phoebe gives a smile, looking over her shoulder to the younger stabbity girl, eyebrows rising. "Yeah, I get stabbed more often than I get shot, so it's more personal eperience speaking here." she replies. "But, my mentor doesn't have healing powers, and I don't want to rely on mine entirely -- just in case. So it's good for me to keep up on the mundane methods as well." she explains, turning her chair a moment as she eyeballs the younger girl.

    "... I'm digging the shirt."

    Phoebe herself is dressed shabbily. Worn, plain green T-shirt and a pair of jeans that the knees have been patched with colorful paisley cloth. "What brings you down to the labs?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins proudly at the compliment to the shirt. Grasping the ends she tugs it out to give a full display of the picture. "Thanks! I've got a similar poster in my room I share with Ellie, she just giggles over it quietly." Straightening once again at the question for her being here she can only offer a shrug. "I was bored so I thought I'd explore a bit. It's always good to know the layout of a place, after all. You never know when you might have to find your way somewhere with the lights off, or your vision messed up. Or other things." She pauses again only to add, "It's a habit I guess." With that said she gestures to the video that Phoebe had been watching. "If you need you could pratice on me. I can't feel pain so it won't bother me, and I heal after awhile so there's no real threat." An odd, if morbid, suggestion. But potentially a helpful one. She was trying to be helpful!

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "It's a pretty good image. I might have to get one. It'll break up the gray in my room." she compliments Gabby with a nod, and Phoebe gives a smile. "Not a bad idea. I know my way around the Roost pretty well at this point. I've pretty much lived here for almost seven months now." she explains, and leans forward "Just have to be very quiet with the comings and goings; Red Robin sees everything." she comments half-jokingly, and then she turns back to the video.

    "I, incidentally, have had practice on myself. Never know when those of us who still feel pain are going to need to power through something like judging if a knife wound is going to bleed out." she replies conversationally, "but thank you for the offer. I'm far more curious about why you don't feel pain. What about hunger?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tugs a chair over so she can sink down into it and pull her legs up to sit indian style. Grasping her ankles she just sits that way perfectly comfortable in spite of it being not the proper way to sit in such a chair. "Oh, that's because of the experiments that were ran on me." Lifting a hand she jabs a finger at her head. "They put something in our heads that shut off our ability to feel pain in an effort to make us more efficient. My sisters didn't have a healing factor, though, and we hid the fact I had one." Her head tilts to the side as she tries to think of how best to describe it. "I mean, I feel hungry. I can feel temperatures. So hot, cold, stuff like that. It's like there's a limit to it though? Like..." Her hand lifts making a sloping slice through the air. "I guess once it reaches a certain level it just... there's nothing? I can't feel when I get stabbed for instance other than the pressure of impact."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... that is both curious and absolutely terrifying." Phoebe replies to Gabby, turning her chair to face the younger clone -- sister? of Laura. She leans forward, her fingers pressing to her own chin in thought. "There is probably a point where the item activates and it halts the feeling of pain for convenience's sake. I do know of one girl who cannot feel pain -- but she can't feel hot or cold either, or hunger pangs. Her nervous system just doesn't send information." she replies, and then she reaches over and pulls open her snack drawer.

    From the drawer she pulls out a bag of colorful fruit-flavored gummy sharks. It appears these are the all-natural version; the colors are muted reds, greens and violets and oranges. She holds the bag open to Gabby.


Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah I know there's a naturally occuring instance of such a thing, we looked into it when I first went to the school," Gabby explains with a grin. "Just in case they'd somehow managed to trigger it in us. Wasn't the case though... Oh gummies!" That was, apparently, a yes as the easily distracted teen reaches out to snag a few. "Thanks!" They're popped into her mouth to chew on while she nods. She's careful to try and not talk with her mouth full but doesn't count as pushing it into one cheek so it puffs out like a chipmunk 'a full mouth', and so speaks again. "Myeah, that would make sense. Like there's a trigger that sets it off or something. I do have to be careful though because of it. I can't tell how injured I am and even though I heal it does take some time depending on the level of damage."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Certainly. The orange ones taste a little carrot-y as a head's up." Phoebe replies with a smile as she leans back.

    "I have been working on cultivating such a skill mentally. My healing is magical, but it still hurts like the dickens." she explains quietly to Gabby. "Probably a reaction to the amount of endorphins released at once, and the type of reactors they stimulate--" she trails off a moment, giving a soft 'hm' sound.

    "So, since you're here, are they bringing you onto the team officially?" she asks, reaching and grabbing a notebook, and a sheet of various stickers.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney narrows her eyes suspiciously at the mention of carrot flavor. In gummies? An adult trick, clearly, to make you eat your veggies. Either way it was sweetish so she finishes chewing the mouthfull to swallow. "Thanks. Interesting flavors, but candy is candy," she reasons with a shrug. "I mean Mexicans put chili powder on some of their sweets according to a friend of mine." Julio did find the weirdest candies. Reaching up she runs a hand through the back of her hair straightening it out a little. "I think I'm just an 'ally' right now or something. I don't quite get why it seems people don't trust me in groups after all I've been through. I guess adults can be weird that way. Even if they did the same things at my age, somehow it's different now."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "It's just for the orange color. They're orange flavored; there's no artificial or animal-sourced dyes in those gummies. That's why the red's kinda dull." Phoebe explains, and she opens the notebook.

    "Well, if you've had access to the labs, then you might be treated here for something. I should start a file on you." she explains, "... for my benefit, of course. I keep notes on the others as well. Codified, no names used, hand written." she explains, showing a shelf with several spiral-bound notebooks. Some of them are a bit beaten up.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh well that's boring. I mean. I *guess* fake colors are bad for most people," Gabby has to admit even if there's something to be said for brightly colored candy. "Still not bad overall. And yeah, I figure med labs are usually a basic thing for most people. I'm okay with you keeping a file," she agrees with a quick grin and nod as she regards the notebook. She's curious of course, but doesn't ask to see what the others have on them. "What do you need to start it? I can tell you my vitals pretty easy, blood type, stuff like that. Might not have liked it but there were some benefits to growing up in a lab. You pick up a thing or three."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "My mom was kinda a hippie, so I grew up without the artificial colors. Now if anything's brightly colored, it makes me suspicious." Phoebe explains with a slight shrug as she breathes out, and she draws out a report from the computer.

    "I cheat, a little bit. I can pull biological scans from the mask I wore in Madripoor. Gives me a good baseline of when my charges -- or allies -- are in worse shape than they tell me." she gives a slight smile. "But if you'd like to give me the deets, I'm all ears."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney thinks about it a moment. "That is probably pretty handy, and might come in handy with me since I can't tell when I'm injured sometimes. I mean. Unless it's obvious. So far so good?" She reasons with a little bit of a shrug. She is happy to supply all of the information she stated though by plucking up a pen and snagging a piece of paper to slide over to Phoebe once it's complete. "I grew up on a monitored and scientifically accurate meal plan that was super boring and sucked. I'm eating anything I can try now because I want to try it all. At least once." Grinning at Phoebe she considers. "What's it like having parents anyway? I mean. I imagine it's cool sometimes."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Well, I was adopted, so I never knew my birth parents." Phoebe explains thoughtfully. "My mom is very science and eco-charged and is a teacher, and my dad was an EMT and fireman. He was postumously made into a Cheif, but he was a Lieutenant when he was killed. He and I did martial arts together, and my mom taught me how to garden." she smiles slightly.

    "But it sucked when I was in school, because I was the wrong color. They're white. I'm black."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney leans forward to listen raptly to what is explained. It really was something she was interested in hearing and not just an idle remark. Mention of her father dying comes with a soft, "I'm sorry," but she doesn't interrupt otherwise. At least until the end where she looks a bit... puzzled, and then annoyed. "Oh, yeah, I've heard that's a thing with some people. People are stupid sometimes," she reasons with an indifferent shrug. "Sounds like you have a great family though! Even if you were adopted. I get that genetics are important to some," she gestures at herself, "But I can also see that can easily be messed with. I think anyone that takes care of each other is a great family."