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Latest revision as of 22:07, 1 September 2021

A night at the Picture Show.
Date of Scene: 23 June 2021
Location: A movie theater a bit outside New York.
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Robert Marksman, Clarice Ferguson

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman would have called Clarice to see if she was up for the date. He would a place about an hour and a half outside of the city that was doing a midnight showing. He offered to pick her up, and they could ride out to the place, maybe grab food on the way in or way home.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    And Clarice accepts the offer - though as she appears, surrounded by the purple energy of her own teleportation abilities - there's an amused smile on the mutants feature. "So when you says 'ride out' to the place - do you mean in a car? What is the //point// of a car?" she asks. For either of them. She grins at Robert - planting one hand on her hip.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and will show her his car. a '56 chevy convertable. "Well there is the whole it is a cool car." He offers with a smile "And also, gives us a chance to talk and get to know one another more along the way." He will open the door for her. "Plus how well are you at going places you have not been before?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Oh it's gorgeous," Clarice says in surprise as her attention is brought towards the car. "...and //huge//. Wow." She spends a moment just staring at it - as if she's never seen a Classic car before. And to be honest - she hasn't seen many, given her life. For a moment, she even seems hesitant to touch it, but in the end, she slides into place, giving Robert a smile that's only a little awkward. "I'm actually not bad at it. I've had to practice it a lot, though. I can get... within a hundred miles usually?" And given that she's teleporting from the Asteroid? That's a good margin of error. "And then I hone in from there. It's easier with somewhere I know. And I have to be careful with crowded places - and buildings."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods his head a bit and says "I have tried places I have not been but it is a bit dicey for me." He admits to her, He starts the car and the engine purrs. He looks over to her, and says "Want to listen to some music or anything?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well. The dicey teleports are what they use me for," Clarice admits. "Though I just did one that..." She gives an unconscious shudder. "I teleported blind into an underground facility. If that had gone bad..." She wouldn't be here right now. "I'm glad it went well."
    As for the music - she gives a nod. "Sure. Anything's fine. Just so long as you don't expect me to sing along - that won't go very well."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman chuckles and will reach over and push a button on what looks like the classic radio, but then it will fold up and show a modern top of the line one. He clicks on some fun not to heavy but decent beat music. "So what were you doing that for?" He will ask as he starts the drive.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I can't go into all the details," Clarice admits a bit evasively. "But we're following the trail of some people who are capturing and enslaving mutants. We're still not quite at the bottom of all that - but we'll get there. We're going to take them down." There's determination in her voice - and for a moment, anger reflected in her gaze.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods a bit and says "Well if you need any help let me know. Besides my powers, I am a doctor, and I specialize in mutants and cybernetics if it is needed." He tells her. He will look over to her for a moment "I know ya buddy offered to help with cash for the clinic I mostly fund it myself but aint going to turn down any assist, never know when they may need something and it is for some reason I can't do it.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "The world's a better place - and we're all stronger - when we work together," Clarice agrees - flashing Robert a smile as they drive. The feeling of the wind in her hair - watching buildings pass them by - it's a sensation she doesn't get very often, and her gaze is constantly moving as she takes it all in.
    "If there's a way you can help - we'll let you know. I'll see if- if we need any medical consults." On any of the mutants they just rescued.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods a bit and says "Sounds like a plan, so did you get a chance to look at the thing I sent you about a Rocky Horror Picture Show? Warning they will probably ask if your a virgin, but it means having seen the movie, not sexual."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I saw it," Clarice confirms. "And one of my friends taught me... 'The Time...' 'The Time Jump?'" That didn't seem right. Damnit. "I'm going to tell them that I am //not// a 'virgin,'" she adds firmly. "One of my friends said that when she saw it they were 'auctioning' the virgins off." She also said it wasn't a //real// auction but- no. Just //no//.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods, a bit and says "Time Warp, but close, and I would not let them do anything your not comfortable with besides, I want you spending the time with me so would hate to have to make everyone look bad."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "To be fair - they wouldn't be //able// to make me do anything I'm not comfortable with," Clarice remarks dryly. But when you blink people across the room without permission, it us //technically// 'assault.' "But let's not tempt the fates." She's silent for a moment before adding, "Some of my friends - when they realized I didn't know what the Rocky Horror Picture Show is - they said we'd start having a weekly movie night, so I can see things like..." She tries to remember some of the things they'd said, "Star Wars, and Little Shop of Horrors, and..." She has to stop and think for a moment before exclaiming, "Evil Dead! ...and I think there was something called 'Heavy Metal' too?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods his head a bit and says "Well we will have to make a list we get to save for movie night for us as a date. Most times we can watch them anyplace, I got a nice set up at home or a local theather, but this one it is almost as much about the experience as the movie, maybe even more so.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "That's what I was told. That it's an //interactive movie//. But I've seen movies before - and I still don't understand how they can be interactive." Clarice gives Robert a wry, almost embarrassed smile as she admits this fact. "Still. Everyone seems to think I'll enjoy it, so..."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman grins and says "I hope you do." He will pull up to a smaller movie theater and there is already a line of folks there. most in some form of costume.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice is not in costume. She is, in fact, in jeans with a nice blouse, and a plunging neckline. She's put on a bit of make-up - which does doesn't always bother with, but it makes for a fun change on days like today. Lorna'd give her lessons. She studies the line of people, then looks back to Robert before she asks, "...I didn't dress wrong for this 'event' - did I?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman shakes his head a bit and says "No, it is ok, a lot wear costumes, but not everyone one does. My everyday attire is close enough to Eddie, some may think I am in costume. If you want to go in costume did bring a simple one you could wear if you want.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Like... what?" Clarice asks. There's curiousity in her eyes. "When I was very young - I remember I dressed up for Halloween once. It was fun."
    Of course, she was also //five// at the time. "I dressed up as Lilo. From Lilo and Stitch."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman grins and will show her a vest and hat both shining so she could be Columbia if she wanted to. "One of the characters wears thism short shorts with it, but it works as an easy costume if your interested.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice takes the top hat - flipping it over in her fingers - before plopping it on her head. She gives a little tilt of her head before asking, "How does it look?" There's an amused smile on her features. She accepts the vest next - studying it before slipping her arms.
    Why not? She's here to //do// this thing, isn't she? And really - she does have fond memories of that Halloween.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and says "Looks nice, course your gorgeous with it or without it. Will warn ya though don't think anyone will make a deal out of it, but Columbia is the one who has the briefiest nudity in the movie, and your not expected to do that or anything just don't want you shocked seeing it.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I think I can manage a little nudity. I've seen much worse in my life," Clarice remarks.
    Still - it's hard to tell, with the life she is lived, what things she is utterly naive about - and what things she's seen far too much of.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods, and will take a bag of supplies, with them and head to get their tickets, and get in line. The people in line seem to not have an issue with her being mutant, but then again it is a group of people who have their own nitch and more often than not those type of people are more accepting than others.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice tags along - hands shoved in her pockets. She nods to a few people who seem to glance her way - even reaches up at one point to pinch the brim of her hat as she does so. Lord knows where she saw someone do that. Maybe a Western movie? As they take their place in line - she only hopes she doesn't seem too 'out of place' - and give away her 'virgin' status. "...so how many times have you seen this thing?" she asks quietly as they wait.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will help her hide it, answering questions if asked. Some might think he is trying to lead the conversations but he is doing his best to help her hide it. Even when asked if they had seen it, hw will nod and says "This is just our first time watching it together. " Not lieing but manipulating the truth a bit.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well - because we've only just met!" Clarice agrees - amusement in her tone and expression.
    And to an extent, she seems to do alright at misleading and redirection. When asked who her favorite character is - she strikes a dramatic pose - one hand on her hip, the other holding the brim of her hat. "Who do you think?" she asks.
    Does the character ever do that in the movie? She has //no idea//. But she's betting it doesn't really matter if they do.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and will get plenty of movie treats, and will lead her towards the back of the teather, where they can both see the movie and the other people.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice is more than happy to go where directed in this circumstance - slipping into a seat with a sort of nervous excitement. She's only been in a movie theater at all a handful of times. It still feels special, and new. As she waits for the movie to start, she dumps a packet of M&Ms into her popcorn, and offers it towards Robert with a questioning look - followed by a broad smile. Of course, she takes a handful of the treat to try herself.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will take some sharing with her, offering her some of his snacks as well. He will put his arm on the back of her chair, and as parts of the movie some up, he will guide her through it, whispering lines to her before they come up for the call backs, hanging her toliet paper when they supposed to throw it.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    It takes her a few times to get used to the call backs - and at first, Robert is given a strange look when he hands her the toilet paper. But when she sees arms in front of her raising in preparation of the throw - she does as as well.
    Only as she throws it, it blinks out of existance, and repapears - flying the wrong way, now headed towards Robert. Think fast!
    Clarice lets out a laugh, as she ducks to the side - having known full well, after all, what had been about to happen.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will just barely get his own portal up, and the roll ends up coming out flying the original direction it was supposed to he does chuckle. amd say s"Heby there sneaky girl." He reaction time maybe not up to a person who heroes all the time but not to shabby.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Not bad!" Clarice answers - still laughing as she straighens up - grinning at Robert. "Not used to going up against someone who can use the same tricks," she adds with amusement, before turning her attention back to the movie.
    At last she's enjoying herself?

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and will continue on with her, and as the movie ends, he looks over to her "So, what did you think?" He asks her arm still around her but still on the back of the chair.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "That movie is weird," Clarice decides. "And the whole lot of you are weird." But she's grinning as she says it. She glances down into her bowl of popcorn. (Empty - damn.) Then looks back to Robert once more. "I guess I wouldn't mind seeing a movie like that again, though." There's a pause before she asks uncertainly, "Are there... movies like that, though?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman hmms and says "Well not sure, I know of one other I have heard of, but I have not seen it so I don't know how like it really is." He offers her the last of his popcorn.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice accepts some of the remaining popcorn, a curious expression on her features. "What movie is that?" she asks - before eating the popcorn in her hand. "...and why haven't you seen it yet if you like this one so much?"% R

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman says, "Well I have heard of it more as having a bit of a cult following, but just aint never actually saw it playing and till now had not put a lot in the connection. The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, there was an old sitcom, had the people wanting to see Rocky Horror, having a dance off with those wanting to see Priscilla.""

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well. ...the name is suitably ridiculous," Clarice decides - having nothing else to go on but that. "If you find a showing... we can both go," she agrees - flashing Robert a broad smile - as she watches much of the audience streaming out of the theater.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and says "So, I get a second date?" He asks smiling at her. He will stand up offering her his hand to help her up. "So, did you enjoy it?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "If you can find a showing," Clarice counters - as she lets herself be pulled up to her feet, amusement on her features. "But sure - I suppose." Was that a hint of embarrassment in her smile - at the idea of a 'second date'? Perhaps. Her life hasn't allowed her much time for a social life - or leisure time.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles at her, and says "So, are you up for a ride back into the city, maybe grab some real food, or are you wanting to head home from here. I know you said you had to clear time, so not sure, how quick you need to get home.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I, uh..." Okay, now Clarice is //definitely// embarrassed. "...Mystique sort of ordered me to take a full day off, every week," she admits. "SoI suppose I have the time."
    Yup. She wasn't taking a day off before. The girl was a little nuts.
    "Some real food sounds nice, actually."