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Latest revision as of 22:07, 1 September 2021

A New Beginning... bzz, bzzz, bzzzzz
Date of Scene: 22 June 2021
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Dyani Zitkala, Clarice Ferguson

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
For Dyani there is a /huge/ gap in time, a great deal lost to whatever just happened. The truth was, she didn't remember any of it. The last thing she could recall was flying around her parents house with the hive, looking for flowers to pollinate and get pollen from, then being netted like a common butterfly and shoved in a truck. After that... nothing until she woke up here, in this house.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice - not sure what to expect, not sure what reception she'll get - hesitates outside the girl's door, hand poised to rap. The image of the girl cowering behind some equipment in the Sphere, eyes wide and frightened, fills her memory. Would the girl remember it - and remember her? Be afraid of her? Or hate her?
    The hand hovers in place before she finally musters the impetous to knock, and then crack the door open slowly so she can approach cautiously with what she hopes comes across as a reassuring expression. "Hey," she says softly. "I'm Clarice."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Sitting on the bed, knees drawn up to her chest, Dyani is there but not there. Numerous bees are buzzing around the room, either a part of her or called in from the window. As the doors open, Clarice will witness one of the many unique talents of this young mutant. All the bees zip over to land on her, buzzing, wings twitching.

"Clarice," she repeats, a slight humming buzz to her voice before she settles her compound eyes on the other mutant. "We remember you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah?" Clarice asks in a quiet, almost uncertain voice. "I hope you know - I didn't want to hurt you. I hope I didn't. I want to get you somewhere safe, so we could make sure you were okay, and help you." She leaves the door partially open as she steps fully into the room - not wanting the girl to feel trapped in this room with her. The patches of skin where Clarice had been stung and bitten are still a bit raw - but greatly improved to what they had been during the attack on the Sphere.
    "Is it alright with you if I keep you company for a little while?" she offers.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
The soft constant buzzing continues, almost as if the bees are talking to each other and to her, but it doesn't seem to effect her. Dyani watches Clarice closely, looking her over, tilting her head back and forth, trying to fully 'see' Clarice. One of the bees lifts of and buzzes over, hovering at eye level to the magenta haired mutant, then flies back and lands on Dyani again.

"We do not mind you staying," she comments softly. "We did that to you?" She points at the wounds. "We do not remember it, but we are sorry."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice's gaze locks onto the bug that hovers in front of her, her frame still and her hands open and empty. She follows the bee back to Dyani with her eyes. "It wasn't your fault. You weren't in control of your actions," Clarice answers. She moves over to a chair now that she'd been welcomed to stay and slips onto it - pulling one leg up to her chest and wrapping her arms around it. It's a vulnerable position to take - one that would lose her valuable miliseconds of recation time - which is deliberate.
    "How are you?" she asks with concern. "Is there anything I can do for you? Questions you need answered, or anything you need?"

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala pulls her knees up closer to her chest, resting her chin on her knees. Her wings are presently draped around her, even they have a few bees on them. "We are... better. We had to call for others to come join the hive, so we could heal, but we are better." She offers a hint of a smile for a fraction of a second. "Where are we? What happened to us? Why are we here?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm glad you're better," Clarice replies, her smile widening for a moment. The 'we' thing is odd - but she supposes it makes sense. And as long as the girl is happy? Who really cares.
    "This is a safe place. The Brotherhood of Mutants uses it to provide shelter for people who need somewhere to hide, or rest, or recover. You're welcome to stay here as long as you need. And we don't know everything that happened to you, yet..." Her expression turns a little sad as she admits that. "It seems a group named 'Hydra' kidnapped you, so they could make you work for them. You're here so we can make sure they don't do that again. And so we can all decide what happens next - so you can decide what you want, and we can figure out the safest way to help that to happen."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
A frown touches Dyani's face, her antennas flicking in the air. "We were at home with our human mother and human father," she says sounding a little frustrated. "Then we were here. We are not safe with them now, are we." This is said more as a statement then a question, followed by a soft sigh.

"We do not want our human mother and human father hurt, but we must tell them we are alright. They will be worried, they worry about the hive." She shifts a little, perhaps inching a little closer to Clarice. "You are concerned about us?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I am," Clarice admits. "I went through something similar. The Brotherhood freed me five years ago, and some of them helped me... get on my feet. I want to make sure you land on your feet, as well," she explains. The girl looks so tiny - so young - it twists her stomach just thinking about the monsters who would do this to children.
    They need to end every single one of them.
    "Who are your parents?" Clarice asks - rather than give voice to her thoughts. "We can make sure they're alright for you, and let them know that you're safe now. I'm sure you'll be able to see them again - but living with them might be dangerous."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Again, Dyani scoots just a little closer, inching up on where Clarice is sitting in the chair, and watching her constantly. Not in a manner that indicates she doesn't trust her, but more a curiosity.

"They are Tuari and Mitena Zitkala in Arizona," she states as if rehearsed. "We would very much like them to know we are safe. We were taken from their yard while pollen hunting, they must be worried. We do not know how long it has been, but they have always loved us, even after we changed." Another inch closer.

"You were kidnapped?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Tuari and Mitena Zitkala," Clarice repeats - watching the girl scoot closer and closer unflinchingly. "They will know - and I'll make sure you can at least speak with them, as soon as I can arrange for it to be done, safely." In truth - it might be safest to move the parents for now. Would Hydra be watching them? To see if their baby girl goes home to them?
    "I was," she confirms. "I was taken from my home, when I was very little. I was born... like this," one hand reaches up to tuck her purple-hued hair behind her ears. "So there was no hiding that I was a mutant. And at the time, the government of Genosha viewed its mutant citizens as commodities to be exploited. ...that government is no longer in power."
    After a pause she asks, "Would you rather I sat on the bed beside you?" Was the girl lonely? Frightened? Or just curious?

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani stops moving instantly, and the bees around her go back to loudly buzzing.

"We was born with this hair," she says, for the moment ignoring the question. "We cocooned later and got our wings and eyes." She seems proud of this, like a young girl talking about having become a woman in society. "Our human mother and human father never stopped loving us, even when we were not their little human any more. They accepted the hive."

Now she tilts her head again, those black eyes still watching Clarice. "We are curious about you, you are the first mutant we have seen."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You cocooned?" Clarice repeats - her smile widening for a moment. Man. The diversity in the mutant community was //wild//.
    "Well. I'm Clarice - Clarice Ferguson. And I can make things move - I teleport them. And myself, and others... I can show you, if you like." She lifts one hand, holding it palm-up between herself, and the girl. "Can I borrow one of your bees? I promise it won't be harmed."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Her head tilts again, antenna twitching a little, before one of the bees flies over and hovers once again in front of Clarice, just buzzing there like insects do.

"She is a worker, she will not be hurt?" She asks, apparently quite concerned about that one little bee. "She is new to the hive, I don't want her hurt."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I would not hurt your worker," Clarice promises with a reassuring smile. "At worst - she'll be surprised." She moves her hand - lifting one finger - and attempts to touch the bee. Definitely a task she could only pull off if the bee, and therefore Dyani, allows it to happen. If so, the bee would briefly be surrounded by purple energy, and reappear teo feet to the left - still hovering in air.
    "I can send things, and people, clear across the planet if I'd like. I- most teleporters don't have that sort of range, but the- they experimented on the mutants they took. Heightened our powers, and triggered them early. I suppose it's the only thing I can really thank them for."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
The little worker stays right were she was, permitting Clarice to touch her and then poof, she's in a new location. This makes Dyani twitch, visibly twitch, whole body at once, then start laughing.

"You confused us!" she laughs like a child. "We were there with her and then there," she points then points again, still laughing. "We liked that... do it again!"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice's smile widens at the girl's delight, and she nods her head in agreement - holding her hand open and palm up. "Feel free to land as many of your hive here as you would like," she invites. And shortly - the lot of them would find themselves teleported across the room.
    "You were there 'with' her?" Clarice asks. "Your mind travels with the members of your hive?" Oh, she already can see implications there. How far can the girl go from members of her hive an-
    Child, Clarice. She's a child. //Stop that//. For a moment, her expression goes from thoughtful, to annoyed, before she slides a smile back into place.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
A brief buzzing discussion is had, and four more workers fly over to join the one already there, then poof they are across the room and come zipping back over. Another joyous laugh escapes Dyani, after that initial twitch.

"Yes, the hive is me us and we are the hive. Where they are, we are." She reaches out a little, one bee on her finger that looks larger than the others. "We are all one. We can focus, it takes a great deal to do so, but we can focus into I," she tilts her head a little, looking like she concentrating. "But they are always still there too. Does this make sense to you?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I mean... in a way?" Clarice replies in a thoughtful tone. "I don't think there's many that could really understand it outside of yourself, though. Our talents are all different, so we each have a unique perspective."
    Clarice is silent for a moment watching the girl before she asks, "You keep referinng to yourself as 'the hive'? Is that how you like to be called? Or do you use your name?"

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala shakes her head slowly, then says softly, "We are the hive, but I am Stinger. Dyani is the name our human parents gave us, so we respond to it as well." The bees all fly back over to land on her, some disappearing into her hair, others settling in clean wings and tap their antenna against one another, catching up on the latest news.

"May we have sugar?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Sure - of course you can, Stinger," Clarice agrees, giving the girl another name. She pulls out her phone - tapping out a simple request in a text. 'Sugar pls. And water.' Thank goodness for autocorrect - or she would have written 'suger.'
    "You're interested in other mutants?" she asks curiously. "I know of a school," she suggests, "Which takes in mutants and gives them a place to live, and to learn. Does that interest you?"

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Clarice now gets to see that Dyani does have eyelids, because she blinks a few times then it's over and they are no longer visible. "A... school? A please of learning? We remember going to school when we were much smaller and only I," she scoots across the bed now to Clarice, right there, beside her.

"We could meet other mutants? We could learn? We could find more for the hive?" She sounds suddenly very excited, so much so that her own wings start vibrating. "Are you there? Do you learn there?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I visit there," Clarice answers. "I could come there as often as you liked, though," she promises. "But I don't learn there. I'm with the Brotherhood - I belong somewhere else. And... I think that this school, they would probably want your parents to agree to you going to school there. I'll... I can talk to them. See what needs to be done. It seems you would like that?"

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala nods repeatedly, very fast, almost twitchingly fast, "We would like to try this school. Our human parents will say it is good for us. They searched for such a place for us after the cocoon, but could not find one, and the local school would not let us attend. We are difficult to teach though," she admits a bit sheepishly. "We... cannot read words any more. We cannot see them correctly, it is very difficult. Sometimes we can use a worker to find the letters and work the words out, when they are very large, but other wise we cannot really see them."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I can't promise anything - because I can't really speak for the school. But... I think they'll want to help. Okay? So - for now, you'll stay here. I'll make sure we find your parents and let them know you're okay, and get them in touch with you. And I'll talk to the school on your behalf. That's our plan?" she asks for confirmation - just as the door is bumped further open. A man with inky black eyes appears with a small dish of sugar, and a glass of water.
    "You wanted sugar?" she asks in a baffled tone - looking between Clarice, and the girl surrounded by bugs.
    Clarice shrugs, and gestures the man to offer it to the girl.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala scoots back away from everything, back into the corner of the bed, the bees starting to buzz madly around her. She stares at this new person intently with her black eyes unblinking.

"Who is this," she asks quickly, looking from Clarice to the person and back again. "Just walks in... who is this?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I asked him to bring the sugar," Clarice reassures the girl. "You said you wanted it." She pops to her feet seeing the girl's discomfort, and intercepts the sugar and water - flashing the man with strange eyes an apologetic smile. Looking back to Dyani she explains, "This is Thun-"
    "Actually, it's Citadel now."
    Clarice looks back at him with a 'since when?' expression, then back to Dyani, as she rolls her eyes.
    "This is Citadel. He's a decent guy."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
A few of the bees fly toward the man, not getting to close, then go back, this repeats several times before Dyani seems to relax. "Citadel... we are Stinger," she offers, then looks back to Clarice and slowly moves back to where she has been sitting.

"We do not mean to be skittish, but we are... unfamiliar, and scared. This is new and we.. don't remember." She frowns a little, the apology meant for Citadel, but to Clarice as well.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You don't need to apologize, Stinger," Clarice replies. She sits on the edge of the bed this time - offering the bowl of sugar, and the water to the girl.
    After another look from Clarice - the man quickly chimes in with, "Yeah, it's not a problem, girl. Stinger. I'll just leave you guys alone - since it seems like you're- I should be on watch anyways. Just a text away, you know?"
    "I know. Thank you, Citadel." Clarice smiles briefly towards the man, then looks back to the girl once more. "It's okay to be skittish. You went through a lot, and it's very confusing. I was confused for a while, too. And frightened, though I tried to pretend I wasn't."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dayni reaches slowly to take the sugar and water, the sugar gets poured into the water and she stirs it up.

"We should just go hide, some place, as the hive, then someone will pray us and make us sick, and we do not like being alone." She starts drinking the water, and a few of the bees dive in to walk along the glass and still little drinks as well.

"We feel like we have been alone for a long, long time now. What day is it?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You don't need to be alone anymore," Clarice reassures the girl. "The only people here are with the Brotherhood of Mutants. We protect other mutants and keep them safe," she promises, as she watches her with the sugar, and the water. She's glad her instincts were right when she asked for the water. "You'll be safest here - inside the building. You can leave your room if you want - there's a nice living room with a TV, and some video games, and a computer you can use... I don't now how well you can see the screen, but- well. They're there. There's a kitchen, of course. There are the guards... And if for any reason there's a problem, they'll know to message me, and I can be here in an instant to bring everyone somewhere safe. But that's very unlikely to happen. Alright?"
    She gives the girl a reassuring smile - then a bit hesitantly adds, "It's Tuesday. Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021." She watches her features closely as she offers the full date.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
She continues to sip the water, sharing with the bees around her. Hard to tell which are her, and which are borrowed, not that Clarice would know the difference. She tilts her head one way, then the other and a look of horror touches her face.

"Two years." She says softly, then takes another drink of the water. "We are two years old now."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Two years since you cocooned?" Clarice asks for clarification. Did she spend all of that time enslaved? There's still a smile on her features - but it's small, and sad. "How long since you saw your parents?" she asks gently, still perches on the edge of the bed beside the girl.
    Would her parents have been left alone? She hoped so. There was no sense in harming them - if she'd been taken while away from her house.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala stares at the water, "Two years since we were in the yard and taken. We remember because our human father was excited for the fireworks that were only a few weeks away. He very much likes fireworks." A tear escapes her eye, but she ignore it.

Taking another drink of the water she sighs softly then looks back to up Clarice. "Our human parents will be very worried, or maybe they have assumed us dead by now."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We're going to find them," Clarice promises. "And tell them you're alright. They'll know soon, okay?" She smiles as she adds, "If you like - we can even make a video for them on my phone. You can tell them yourself that you're alright. Maybe they'll trust us more - that way - when we do contact them. Would you like to do that?" There's definitely a sadness to her smile now - as she can't help but think of her own parents. Are they both gone? They are - aren't they?

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala sits forward quickly and almost doesn't let her finish talking, "A video would be good! They will believe we are safe if they see me! You would do that? We would be very grateful!" She quickly drink the last of the water, save for just a touch in the bottom that she lets the bees have. "The smile changed on your face... why does it change?" She sounds concerned, at the edges of the tone.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I was thinking of my own parents," Clarice explains quietly. "It's been a long time since I saw them." Not entirely true - she saw her mother a week ago.
    It's been a long time since she saw them alive. Sixteen years.
    "But you'll see yours soon," she promises, as she pulls out her phone - and turns the camera on. "Do you want to do it yourself - on selfie mode? Or should I hold the camera for you?" she asks - prepared to relinquish it, or start filming.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Those compound eyes watch Clarice and the phone, and a smile touches Dayni's lips. She sets the glass on the window sill for the bees to enjoy. Clarice may notice a few more come in through the crack she has left it open. "You miss your parents, we understand this. Can we not help you find them as you help us find ours?"

She tilts her head again slightly, trying to see the phone, "We cannot see the phone clearly," she admits. "We do not see as we used to, as you do. Many eyes see many things at once, it is difficult for us to focus on one thing. Will you hold it for us?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "My parents lived on Genosha," Clarice explains quietly. It takes her a moment to realize that - well - Genosha's fall was quite recent. "Something... very bad happened in Genosha. You don't need to worry about it. I just- I should have tried to find my parents sooner, is all."
    Fully prepared to switch subjects, she holds up her phone aimed at Dyani. "Alright - go ahead whenever you're ready, Stinger," she invites as warmly as she can manage.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala immediately starts waving, "Hello human mother! Hello human father! We are safe! A very nice Mutant saved me! She will be talking to you, she will explain many things, but we want you to know we are safe now!" So much excitement she shifts for a moment into a swarm of bugs then back into the human girl, another proof to her parents it was her. "We will call you soon, we love and miss you!" She keeps right on waving. "Oh! Her name is Clarice, you can trust her, we do!"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice clicks the button to switch it to selfie-mode for a moment. "Yup - that's me. Stinger here is very excited to see both of you again, soon." She ends the video - then gives Dyani a big thumbs up, and a grin. The girl's enthusiasm is infectuous - and he's hard to stay morose in the face of it. "And then everyone gets a happy ending," she remarks.
    Yeah. If only things were that simple.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala she scoots even closer to Clarice now, looking at the phone or trying to. Several of the bees land on Clarice, that's how close she is. Clarice may not realize it but at this moment, the hive is accepting her. "Our human parents are part of the Navajo Nation in Arizona, if you contact them they will lead you to my parents."

Now she looks up to Clarice, "We remember hearing about Genosia, but not details. Our human mother hid the news from us regarding mutants, to protect us."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well. Genosha - that's where I was. The Magistrates - the old government - used mutants as slaves. But the Brotherhood, and Magneto, they came in and freed us. Over threw the Magistrates, and Magneto became our King," she explains. "And we were a free nation." For a while. "And it was my home. Anyways. It's complicated stuff, you don't need to worry about all that, quite yet."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
For one brief moment her eyes flash from black to grey then back to black. "Slaves," Dyani hisses, the buzzing around her picking up. "You were a slave.... they made you one, did they suffer? Did they suffer a lot for what they did?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "They're gone now," Clarice answers the girl's question. Did they //suffer// though? Some of them. Sure, some of them did. Hardly seems like she should tell the child that, though. "But you don't have to worry about any of that - like I said. We try to make sure no one has to go through anything like that again. And when they do? We fight like hell to free them, and give them their lives back. Freedom, and choice, and control. That's what you need to understand. That's what we do."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Watching Clarice, seeing her as only Dyani can, she offers a nod. "We will worry, because you are part of our hive, you are our friend. We wish to help you, to show you we can be useful as a free person, and not only as a puppet. Will you let us help you when we can? We know you are concerned about us, and we have much to learn, but we can help.

She lays her hand on Clarice's arm, "We promise not to do anything without your permission first, we will stay here and be safe, but some day, can we help you?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm the hive too?" Clarice asks - a little surprise in her voice - but also pleasure. She reaches over to rest her opposite hand over Dyani's. "Someday - yes. Your help will be welcome, and you would be welcome in our Brotherhood. But for now... You need time to rest, and recover. To see your parents again, to learn, and to feel safe. When you're ready, you can help us free more of our brothers and sisters from tyrany," she assures her - smiling at the other girl.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala nods, antenna bouncing, "Yes, we have accepted you as part of the hive. We know your spectrum and your scent, and have added it to our memories forever." She says all of this as is Clarice has a clue what she means. "We will learn, and some day we will help. I do not know of the Brotherhood, other than what our human mother attempted to hide from us of their actions."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "The Brotherhood is changing," Clarice tells the girl. "Our actions in the past alarmed many, and made them fight against us, which wasn't helpful to our cause. So we're becoming less aggressive than we used to be. I'm not surprised you mother kept information about the Brotherhood from you."
    She's silent for a moment before asking, "Stinger - how old are you now?" she asks - since that has somehow not come up yet.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani shifts slightly on the bed, "If it has been two years, then we are fifteen now. Is that bad?" She asks, then looks back up at her face. Reaching up she removes a bee that had chosen to land on Clarice's nose.

"My human mother tried to keep the good and the bad from me, my human father would tell me some things. She was afraid for me, always afraid, always protecting. He wanted to keep me knowledgeable, to understand the mutant world, he feared but wanted us to decide for ourself."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice smiles with amusement as the bug is taken off her nose, and gives it a rub - since its feet had tickled a little. "Of course it's not bad. It's your age," she says simply. "But I think it might be best if we let you finish school - before you decide your own future." Sure - she'd never really had that chance. But Dyani should.
    "I think everyone should have a chance to decide for themselves," Clarice agrees. "But I can understand why your mother was afraid. There's a lot of work we need to do - before this world is safe for everyone."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala tilts her head, "No, this world is already safe if you are human. We have seen this since we were little. It is only if you are a mutant that you are unsafe, unable to go to school, unable to be free to walk through a town. Father would take us to town, but we had to stay in the truck."

She looks back up and to the window, "We know that we cannot change the world, but it would be nice to. To know a place where we could be free to be, to fly, to learn."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We can't change the world overnight - but we can change the world with time. We will change it," Clarice insists. "A hundred years ago - women couldn't vote. And before mutants began to appear int he world, it was black people, and asain people, and hispanic people who weren't safe," she points out. "Mutants will be safe in this world - someday. I just don't know how long it will take." She smiles at Dyani as she adds, "And Genosha will be that place again - a country where mutands are safe, and free, to fly and to learn. Queen Lorna will make sure of it," she says certainly.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala starts adjusting bees on her arm, and removing a few off Clarice, they are starting to get a little friendly, but never once does one act like they want to sting. They are curious, nothing more. "Mutants have always existed," she says plainly. "They merely have had to stay hidden or act like they are part of the human world. Mutants like us, we cannot pretend to be a part of the world."

Another collecting, one from Clarice's head and hair, "We look forward to a day when there is a place we can be free."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "There were mutants," Clarice agrees. "I know a few who were born in the 19th century. They're both important to me - perhaps you'll meet them someday," she remarks. "But they were much less frequent than they are now."
    She smiles as she adds, "I'll definitely introduce you to Lorna - and you can go with use to Genosha. See what we're rebuilding, there. Genosha will be my home again, someday. Perhaps it'll be yours, too - if that's what you want."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani scoots back to rest her back against the window sill, in that moment several more of the bees crawl over and onto her. "We want to learn everything we can, so that one day, we can help you. If Genosia is important to you, then it's important to us. Our abilities aren't all that useful, unless you count our little spies," she holds up a finger with a bee on it. "They can show us so many things out there."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Everyone's talents are remarkable," Clarice counters with a smile. But yes - it was the spies she had wondered about. "What's the furthest you've sent one of your spies?" she asks the girl quietly.
    All the while reminding herself - she's only a child, Clarice. It was best to leave her out of Brotherhood business - for now.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani hmmms softly, "A single spy? They can go very far, but we can only maintain the link with them for an hour or two, but it used to be even shorter than that. It is getting better, lasting longer, something we practice... as well as trying to focus lenses into one to see better."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    An hour or two. A thoughful look crosses Clarice's features. "Well. Perhaps someday, we shall see what happens when I 'blink' one of your little spies further than that. It doesn't harm you, though, if you were to lose control of just a couple of your hive? Do they always try to rejoin you - or would they wander off to find a closer hive to join?" She seems genuinely curious as she tries to understand the girl's gift.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala holds up both her her hands, on the back of her right hand was a bee, the other was empty. Then from her skin a bee crawls out, not a pleasant sight, more creepy than gross. She extends the right hand, "This worker is a guest to the hive, she will so whatever we wish her to do while in this room, when she leaves she will spend an hour or two with us watching her, then she will return to her queen."

She holds up her left hand, "This one is part of us, it is one of millions, if it is hurt, we are hurt. It cannot go far from us at all, and if someone tries to take it too far, we are pained."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    If anything, Clarice looks fascinated. Even with the outward signs of her mutation being relatively mild, she knows what it is to be looked at with disgust, and revulsion. It's something she strives never to do to another mutant. "But guests can become part of the hive - part of you - if you are hurt, and need to heal," Clarice offers, looking to Dyani for confirmation.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala nods, "Yes, when we are injured, guests join the hive and we heal. We can accept many guests as needed, or release them back, but they are all drawn to us whether we call them or not. Thankfully for others though, they are docile unless we are angry."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well. Hopeful I don't make you angry, again," Clarice says in an amused tone. She gives the girl beside her a playful nudge - just to make sure she knows there's no hard feelings between them. She's grateful she saved the girl.
    But a little sad for all the mutants she didn't save. Mutants who had their own stories, and families. "Your talent is unique and special. And I'm sure you will learn even more about it, now that you'll have the chance to practice in safety." In a curious voice she asks, "What is like - when you turn into the swarm? Do your thoughts change? Are you able to truly //think// in that state? And remember?"

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala giggles just like a kid as she is nudged, a light humming buzz to her voice. "Yes, we can think, we remain connected to each member of the hive as a whole. We remember everything, the vision of each member of the hive. It is only when the swarm is diminished or separated that it becomes more difficult to remain we."

She gives a slight nudge back, "You cannot make us angry, you are the hive."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "But I'm a guest!" Clarice counters, grining at Dyani once more. "You can always heal, though? If just one of you remains?" There's concern in her voice. Just how far can things go - and the girl still recover? "What happens if the hive is separated? If two halves of the hive were kept enclosed, and apart?"

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala shudders almost violently, then pulls her knees up to her chest. "We have never been separated like that," she says quietly. "It does not sound pleasant to us. We are the hive, we are the swarm, when two half are not whole..." she shudders again and decides to address the other question. "Once... we flew through a field that has been sprayed with something. Many in the swarm, so many died, it was very painful for us... but some survived, and those who did, we called... it is hard to explain. We were not us, we were the hive and had to call others to reform the swarm but then we were us again. I think, if there is even one in time we can gather more and become the swarm again, but... there is a loss in our mind, a piece that goes away and returns very slow."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Alright. Okay. You're alright, Stinger," Clarice says hastily at the girl's reaction to her questions. She reaches out - cautiously, slowly, not wanting to damage the girl's wings, or alarm or anger any bees. She puts her arm around the girl, and tries gently to pull her towards herself - if Dyani doesn't resist the gesture. She's only just free of mind control - and you ask her things like that? You're an idiot, Clarice.
    ...still. In the future, they should try purposefully separating the hive. To see what happens, and if there's some way around the consequences of such a potential attack.
    "You're safe here. You'll remain safe - and whole, as long as I have anything to say about it. You've got me in your corner now. Right?"

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Even though Clarice is the one who asked the questions, Dyani accepts the hug, in fact she wraps her arms rather tightly around Clarice. Several bees take flight as she hugs in close, way close, tightly. She doesn't say a thing, she just hugs, /finally/ feeling safe. Unless Clarice tries to push her away, she stays there for quite a long time before finally saying, "You /are/ the hive Clarice."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Sure," Clarice agrees. "We're the hive." She lets the girl linger as long as she likes - as long as she needs. How long has it been since the child was hugged? Two whole years? Too long. She strokes her fingers gently through Dyani's hair before she adds softly, "One of these days - you'll meet Mister Creed. He was //my// hive - my safety, when I needed it. He still is."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala stays right there, arms wrapped around Clarice. "We would like to meet your hive some day, then they can become our hive too, if they want."

Finally the smaller mutant lets go and moves away. "You... you can call us Dyani."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I think Dyani is a lovely name," Clarice agrees. "I would like to call you Dyani." She lets the girl pull away - and pulls one foot up onto the bed - so she can rest her cheek on her knee. "Now - Mister Creed can be rather gruff - and quick to anger. And he's a big, intimidating guy. In fact..." She picks her cellphone up, and with a few flicks of her fingers, manages to pull up a photo. It shows her, smiling, seemingly laughing with Creed towering over her with an expression that seems to 'just //what// are you on about now, kid?' "See- oh." It's only at this point that she seems to remember. "...you have trouble looking at screens?"

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala turns her head all the way to one side, then has a couple of bees fly over. "We can, sort of see, perhaps not as you do. Gruff is not bad, it is merely gruff. We have a temper too, but I think his will be worse, yes?" She straightens her head. "Do you think he will like us, or will we make him angry?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "There aren't too many that he likes," Clarice admits. "//Really// likes. But I don't think you'll make him angry. And he wouldn't do anything that would hurt me - would he? He is my hive, and I am his. And since you are also part of my hive, now..." she surmises.
    "He's just- well. Slow to warm up to people, to put it mildly. But if he decides he likes you, there's no one better to have on your side in this world." She might be a little biased there.
    "Dyani," she starts suddenly, "Should we- while you're here, should we bring in some flowers for your room? I mean - pesticide free, obviously. Is that how you eat? With sugar water, and flowers?"

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
She starts giggling, "Pollen from flowers is convert to honey in an actual hive, we eat sugar, and honey, but most sugar. Anything with sugar. We also require water, but we do not make honey, at least we have never tried before. They could make honey," she indicates the bees buzzing around. "But they would need to build a construct and we did not know if it was permitted."

For a moment her eyes follow the bees buzzing around, seeming to enjoy their movements then she looks back to Clarice. "What do you like to eat? Ice cream is good, a lot of sugar there."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We could bring you one of those... boxes," Clarice suggests. "I'm sure there'd be no harm in that. If that would make you, and all of the hive, more comfortable. A bee hive box, and flowers."
    As for what she likes to eat, "I enjoy ice cream. Chocolate, and brownies. I am very fond of chips and dip. You didn't get- We, //I// didn't get chips and dip, in the pens. I like the crunch. I like the waffles from the cafeteria - with fruit and whipped cream. I like the apple fritters. But I also like... I don't know, lots of things. Like pizza. Or noodles with creamy sauces. And //coffee//."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala leans closer, "Coffee with LOTS of sugar." She grins great big and wiggles. "And we /love/ pizza! It may not give us the needed energy, but the flavors are still wonderful. Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?" She collects a bee off Clarice again, "They really like you, they feel comfortable now."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well - they tickle," Clarice remarks, smiling at Dyani. "Which isn't a bad thing." She reaches out to cautiously touch one of the bees - and let it crawl onto her finger. "I think a little bit of sweetness on a pizza is nice. I've had apples on pizza as well - and they were good."
    Looking aside at the girl again she asks, "If I accidentally stepped on one of the bees - or sat on one, or laid on one - would I get stung? I mean - normally a bee would, but..."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala shakes her head, "No, they sting because they are afraid or trapped, not because they are angry. It would hurt them to be stepped on, or laid on, or sat on for that matter. They will protect the hive, you are hive, they will not sting you."

The bee lands on the end of Clarice's finger and studies her as much as she studies it, then takes a moment to clean its wings as if she's no longer interesting, or it has an itch.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well," Clarice decides as she studies the bee on her finger. "I will try not to hurt them - because we are hive. But I apologize anyways - if I make a mistake, some day." //When// she makes a mistake, she imagines, given how many of these little things are in the room. "I've never got a chance to see one from this close up before," she muses in a quiet voice, studying the bee in detail.
    In a louder voice she adds, "The room next door is empty." She nods her head. "I'll sleep there for now - if you like. So you won't feel lonely. I'll keep the window open so you can send some of your bees in, if that helps. Whenever you like."
    She looks aside at Dyani. "Do you sleep?" Sometimes it's hard to know how a mutant with such drastically different physiology functions.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
The little bee just stays right there, perfectly content to sit on Clarice's finger. It wiggles it's front legs at here, then it waves... honest to goodness waves.

"We require sleep, but even when we sleep the hive is awake. There is always some awake and some asleep. The hive never full sleeps. We would like like if you stayed, but you do not have to." She looks out the window at the night. "They will sleep so we can sleep." Looking back to Clarice she adds, "We know that some will get hurt, they understand it is inevitable because they are small and you are large. Do not worry yourself over this, they do not, and we do not."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'll stay. For now," Clarice promises, smiling at Dyani. She gives the girl another hug - though more brief, this time. "You rest. I'm going to see about that... hive box," is that what they're called? "And the flowers. And finding your parents. Alright? And tomorrow I'll start figuring out things about the school." She raises to her feet. "If you need something - just knock on the wall. Or let Citadel know, alright Dyani?" She smiles broadly at the girl - before leaving the room.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala nods to Clarice, "We will knock, but now we sleep."