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Latest revision as of 20:43, 6 September 2021

More Time At The Beach
Date of Scene: 05 September 2021
Location: Virginia Beach House
Synopsis: Eddie brings Gwen back a present, a signed copy of The Grey Ghost's autobiography.
Cast of Characters: Eddie Brock, Gwen Stacy

Eddie Brock has posed:
Thanks to the HyperLoops it was a quick trip up to Gotham City to pick up wine that had been ordered by Eric, a college buddy of Eddie's and the owner of the beach house. The walk to and from the station was the longest part of the trip. Eddie comes walking down the street and turns into the little drive for the beautiful two-story house, a wine crate under one arm. In the other hand he's carrying a plastic bag

He opens the door and goes inside, calling out, "Wine's here. If you're making time with my woman I'm going to be very cross, Eric! Don't think I know you sent me to get her alone," he calls, though both Gwen and Eric know his voice well enough to know he's joking.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Oh no you caught us.."

Dramatic voice coming from further inside the house.

"I would get dressed but I am sooo lazy right now.."

More teasing.

Exploration will show that the culprit of such teasing is not *inside* the house but rather on the large balcony by the pool, sprawled on a long chair and in a dark blue bikini. A bit of a tan has started to color the usual pale blond some with the few days they have been here now, her hair currently being caught in a ponytail and a pair of shades hiding her eyes. She sits up at Eddie's approach and glances through the open door that lets her look into the living room.

"How was Gotham?" A beat, "Wait, don't tell me. Rainy?"

Eddie Brock has posed:
"Actually, not," Eddie says of the Gotham weather, "Though it looked like it might get a storm as I was leaving. So, stereotype upheld." He has already set the wine crate down in the kitchen, and walks over to Gwen's lounge chair, still carrying the plastic bag.

Eddie sits on the edge of her chair and leans down to brush a lingering kiss to her lips. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," he says in his deep, gravelly voice, and lets his eyes feast openly on the blond college student in her bikini. He lets out a happy sigh and she gets a second kiss.

"Got you something. Which, granted it isn't what I went into Gotham for. But I thought you might get some enjoyment from it anyway," he says, pulling out a book. It's titled "The Man Behind The Mask" and the back cover reveals it to be an autobiography of Simon Trent, actor who played The Grey Ghost on an old TV series. "He was having a book signing at the place I picked up the wine," Eddie says, and offers Gwen the book, opening it so she can see the writing inside the cover:


  There's no better weapon against evil than people caring for one another!

            Simon Trent
            The Grey Ghost

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Good." Gwen offering a grin as the stereotype is upheld, "My world was not shattered. This time." she tries to put up a serious voice but fails terribly at it. Ah well! She's never been a great liar. Never ask her directly if she's Ghost Spider!

As the kiss comes she cranes her neck up to return it, turning to sit up at the mention of a gift. There's a small, curious brow that arches up before she reaches to take the book, turning to look at the back. "The Grey Ghost?! Holy ..." it might perhaps be a bit of a surprise that she knows about that old tv series. She is young after all! "I love the series." Yet she also devoured everything there was about superheroes when she began her career. Give it to being 14 at the time and with nothing to do!

"It's even dedicated to me.." a wide grin on her expression. "Now I am sorry I didn't get to go with you on your run. Darn it."

Still, she gets up to her feet to wrap her slim arms around Eddie's broader shoulders. "Thanks, this is great."

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie's arms enfold the smaller woman, pulling her against him as he nuzzles his lips to her forehead and cheeks before giving her another kiss and tightening the hug. "I'm glad you like it. I hadn't realized you were such a fan of the series. Providence I guess," he says, the rugged older man looking quite happy that Gwen enjoyed the gift so much.

He lets her relax again when she releases him, rising and saying, "I'll go switch into my bathing suit, maybe go for a swim. Pool or ocean, do you think?" he asks, glancing out at the beach and the Atlantic Ocean just a few hundred feet away from the house with it's deck and infinity pool.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Holding the book in hand Gwen places another kiss on Eddie's chest before smiling. "It will be a good nightstand read for the vacation." she says of the book, followed by a wink. The question makes her tap a fingertip to her chin though, considering. "Mmmm, you are bringing up the tough choices now. To laze by the pool or to go out in the sand.."

Such dilemmas!

But eventually she does go with, "Lets go out to the beach." the young woman says. "Want to feel the sand between my toes. Besides, I have been lazying way too long out here by the pool already. We can even go for a run."

Always ready for some exercise!

Eddie Brock has posed:
"Run it is. I think Eric has a few wake boards or boogie boards or whatever they are called. Actually he's got some windsurfers too if we want to do that later," Eddie offers. "Alright, let me go get into a bathing suit."

He leans down to brush a quick peck to Gwen again, and then heads upstairs. He can be heard talking to Eric inside, finally having found the host, and announcing they were going to hit the beach. Eric can be heard saying he's going to start a few things cooking that require a lot of prep, but might join them later.

Eventually Eddie comes back down, towel in hand, and a small cooler he's filled up with drinks. He also found two of the aforementioned boards for running and hopping on and skimming across the surface. "Ready?" he asks, smiling at Gwen.