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A talk at the hospital
Date of Scene: 10 September 2021
Location: St. Luke's Hospital
Synopsis: Bando goes to the hospital and finds Gwen while she waits for her father to go through surgery. They talk.
Cast of Characters: Gwen Stacy, Bando George

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Time had gone by. Is Gwen even aware of how long? She isn't really sure at this point. Yet as she accompanied the ambulance all the way to the hospital she then went to quietly change to her more 'normal' persona, Gwen Stacy, college student. The call had come from one of her father's colleagues to tell her Captain Stacy had been shot, a call she had to feign not knowing it already. Feigning not having his blood on her hands.

Yet shortly after she had been there, listening to the doctors talk. The prospects of recovery. The surgery that still had to be done. There were chances of recovery but it would be close. And then they had left her alone at the waiting room. Just her and her cellphone. The blonde young woman looks down at her cell, at the numbers in display. Who she could call.

And in the end she knew she needed answers more than comfort. She had to dig into what had happened.

> Come to St. Luke's Hospital so we can talk.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando was eager for the message. He was also afraid of it. Ghost Spider had helped him learn to act like a super hero. Sure he had a long way to go, but he was learning. He managed to get home to wash the blood off quickly and obtain a new shirt. He was tired. His fight took a lot out of him, and not all of it was physical, but he came without delay, telling his parents the truth, really. A friend of his just had a family member go into the hospital, and he was going to visit and support.

    "Take your Bible," his mom reminded him. "Just in case you need it." He stuffed his smaller faux leather ESV into his back pocket, and out the door he headed, down to the station and then to the station.

    twenty-five minutes later, he was there. He walks off the elevator, spotting Gwen in the waiting room, and quietly walks up to sit down next to her. He'll wait for her to talk first.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Without the Ghost Spider suit Gwen looks like the typical college student, blonde, jeans and a t-shirt. Athletic of course. But would anyway actually say she is the Ghost Spider? Pretty much like how no one would think Peter Parker is the actual Spiderman!

She has had time to think on what happened. To get over the initial shock, letting it be replaced by grim determination even as she prayed for her father to recover, blue eyes that are normally vibrant now brim with red, the teltale of someone who has been crying not long ago. She notes Bando coming in from the corner of an eye, letting him sit down before eventually speaking up.

"He is in surgery. They are going to let me know when he gets out." her tone low, "Tell me what happened." It's not a question.

Bando George has posed:
    "Hi," Bando responds, even though the normal greeting wasn't given to him. "I hope he'll be okay." He takes in a breath. "My power," he starts, clausing what he's going to say next. "It uses up my ability to focus. Kind of like studying," he says. "The more I use it, the harder it is to keep track of what's happening around me. I might become overly fixated on a detail, or maybe space out. My point is, I can't remember a lot of what happened. I didn't "forget" I just can't remember." He winces, "That sounds stupid. I teleported a lot more than I normally do. First to get there, and then, when everything was happening."

    He finally turns his head to look at her. "I'm trying to remember."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen lifts her head briefly when Bando starts talking around the matter at hand. She seems to be listening. But is she truly *hearing* it? Her lips press to a thin line and she takes in a deep breath. Is she counting to ten? Maybe. It also gives her some time to look at the young man. He has been through a lot too. People being shot. Some dead. And him in the middle of it. So instead of starting to go off on him she offers a nod.

"Then we can start with what you remember." Her tone turning a touch more gentle. "No matter how small it may be, or you think it may be. And then go from there, maybe have a look at the spot, follow some clues. There's also that guy who fell. He's most likely dead. We can look into him." she is starting to go full on 100 mph now. Most likely intending to start on investigating this right away.

Or maybe just taking her mind off from her father currently being between life and death.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando takes a deep breath, nodding. "Okay, so. I was feeling really overwhelmed in class, and I just had to get away. Couldn't focus anymore," he says, which of course says he started out a few feet back from the starting line. "I came over here to clear my head, figured I'd catch up on whatever I missed later," he explains. "So I was by the water, and I heard shouting inside. The place is closed so I was all like, 'who is in there and what are they doing?' Right?" He scratches his eyebrow, pausing. I walked up under the building to listen, and I heard 'We had a deal, why are you here?' And...um..." he punches his head with an open palm. "Um...something about somebody not doing something..."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
A brow arches as Bando speaks about skipping classes. For shame! But Gwen makes no comment, simply nodding as he goes on explaining. Of course that when he gets to that last part is when she frowns, leaning in closer to the teenager. "Can you remember anything else? It'd be important.." perhaps unfair to be pushing him to try to remember. But she's also desperate.

Yet what she has heard about it already doesn't paint the whole situation in a good light. Her father wasn't at his usual district, and who would he had been meeting?

A mystery she damn sure wanted to get down to.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando looks away. He nods. "Yeah," he says. "I remember more. I can't remember what else they said, but it sounded like things were about to go badly. "

    He runs his hands through his hair. "I didn't know there were so many! I just heard two people! A man and a woman. And I thought she might be a... you know," he says, avoiding the word prostitute. "But then I teleported up to the window sill to get a look, and there were like, a bunch of people there. I'm not sure how many, and everyone just turned to look at me, and /everybody/ pulled a gun."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
That makes Gwen look somewhat more confusedly. There's a lot she isn't getting from it just yet. Which means she'd need to investigate. Eventually a sigh comes out and she gets her eyes off Bando, looking at one of the sterile walls of the waiting room. It's mostly empty right now, just her and a few more people on other parts of it. "This is what I was talking about, Bando.." she then finally says.

"When I told you about consequences for our actions. And that people *can* get hurt due to what we do, or not do." It's clearly something she has suffered in the skin apparently.

Bando George has posed:
    A tear rolls down his face. "I thought it was two people," he says again. "I didn't know, but I was afraid that if I didn't do something right then, it'd be too late." Maybe it would have been, who knows. "I tried to take all the guns. I got a lot of them. I couldn't get them all." He wipes the tear away. "Sorry," he apologizes, forcing a slower breath. "I really did what I thought would be the best choice at the time."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Noone knows what could had happened otherwise, yes." At least in that Gwen agrees with! "And you are just coming to figure out now that what we do, what we choose to do has real consequences out there in the world, to ourselves. We have a responsibility to the people we protect, Bando. And that responsibility means we need to be ready. Train." a beat, "Learn." that last word spoken with emphasis. Is she taking a dig at Bando skipping classes for crime fighting?

"We can't simply wake up one day and decide we will be a superhero without understanding the kind of responsibility that is being put on our shoulders. People's lives depend on us. And we need to answer by being the best of ourselves at all times." her tone low as she speaks, no need to let nurses or other people know what they are talking of.

"Could it had gone worse? Maybe. But can you tell me you were as prepared as you could for that battle?"

Bando George has posed:
    Bando frowns. "I wasn't expecting to be in a battle at all," he contests. "I was just takin' a quick break. And I wasn't really skipping, really. I was gonna go back, just a little late, y'know? So no, I wasn't ready, but I wasn't trying to fight anybody!" He sounds a little frustrated. "I know you're really mad," he says, even if her tone hasn't particularly portrayed it. "Your dad is hurt, and I really hope he's gonna be okay. I'll do anything I can to help him. I am learning. I'm training. I'm not taking this lightly." His tone seems to teeter between defensive and apologetic, as if he's not sure which emotion he feels more at the moment.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"I am not mad, I am mostly disappointed in myself for not having been training you better than I could." Is what Gwen replies, folding her arms over her waist and finally turning her head again so her blue eyes are on Bando. "And you being in such a defensive mood right now means you know I am right."

"Yet you can rest assured I am not mad at you. But I -will- find out who did this, and bring them to justice." Her tone firm when she says those words.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando swallows, and he takes a deep breath. He's at least willing to meet her gaze, his brown eyes steady if not frustrated. "Okay," he says, "I am trying to remember stuff, so umm..." He closes his eyes. "I went to the window. They started shooting. Um..." He pinches his nose. "OH OH!" he seems to get excited. "Invisible, they turned invisible. Like, this wrist thing they had, and after I had grabbed some of their guns, they just disappeared. I think they were still around, but they were a little freaked out." His fist bounces on his knee. "So we gotta just figure out who would have a thing that makes people invisible, right?" he suggests.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Technology.." That makes Gwen look up at the ceiling, pondering, "And not the type you find out in the street, or that common thieves have so ..., something was up.." her eyes narrow a touch. "Might have to go talk with my friend Harry about it.." how long has it been since she has talked with Harry Osborn?

"He might be able to clue us in about this." Gwen then finally adds, daring a faint smile to appear on her lips. "Once I make sure my father is okay and makes it out of this."

There is a time in which she then falls silent, watching the young man before finally speaking up. "Though maybe I should introduce myself more fully now. I am Gwen Stacy." she extends one hand over to Bando, the other pulling some of her blonde hair back from her face.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando nods, "Yeah," he says, though he obviously has no idea who this is. When she stops, watching him, he watches Gwen back. Wait, how are we watching each other? He looks a little uneasy for a second until she offers the formal introduction. Handshake. "Hm? Oh yeah. It's good to meet you...I guess, again," He smiles wryly. "Gwen. It's good to actually meet you," he says, taking the handshake firmly and confidently. He shakes maybe a little faster than most people might.