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Latest revision as of 15:13, 16 September 2021

An Evening Chat
Date of Scene: 16 September 2021
Location: Back Yard
Synopsis: Laxmi and Logan chat some more, and learn more about each other. Also: they're friends now. And apparently Laxmi curses?
Cast of Characters: Laxmi Mallick, Logan Howlett

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    The evening hours were a good time for Laxmi to practice her dancing - it was quieter, with many of the students indoors in the rec room, or studying in their rooms. It was also much cooler. The sounds of bells tinkling can be heard with eat stomp of her foot, as she dances to the sound of traditional music coming from a cellphone she'd set nearby. The story is told through precise movements of her body - the tilt of her head, its expression, the various mudra her hands form. Of course, she's also able to cheat and summon images as well.
    In this particular dance, she's carrying a shimmering transluscent sword and as she engages in battle with a a dark skinned being, armed with an ornate staff, and wearing a gleaming golden head-dress with horns protruding from the sides...

Logan Howlett has posed:
Having seen the some what drunk Lorna to her room, Logan decided to head outside to finish the cigar he has started. He rarely actually smokes one, but when he does its tends to be the whole thing. He could hear the bells long before he actually reached the back yard, just as he could smell Laxmi's perfume.

Not wanting to interrupt her in any way, he leans against one of the larger lamp posts to just watch, puffing at the cigar lightly

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    After a long exchange of danced-out blows - Laxmi's shimmering sword colliding soundlessly with her foes staff - the young dancer finally manages to cleave through the illusionary weapon of her illusionary foe, cutting bloodlessly through the demon's body. It falls, lying still on the floor, as Laxmi assumes a final, dramatic pose, sword held aloft before she finally allows the images to fade. She straightens, taking a slow, deep breath in and out, a satisfied smile on her features. Apparently she was quiet pleased with how the performance went. She's been working on the dance for weeks - she was glad it was finally shaping up.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Now Logan makes himself known by clapping, holing the cigar between his lips for a moment as he does.

"That's quite impressive," he comments, but doesn't move any closer than he already is. "You should be on the road getting rich from that, instead of teaching... save teaching for when you get too old."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Oh, I do perform," Laxmi replies - letting out a quiet laugh. "You can catch me at Betsy's club sometimes. You should come out." She retrieve her cellphone - pocketing it within her skirt, and then takes a sip from a water bottle she keeps nearby. "It doesn't make me rich, but I enjoy it and it helps pay the bills. Really it's only in Indian communities that there's much demand for Kathak dance, though. But I appreciate the compliment, Logan." She offers a polite nod of her head, before indulging in a second sip.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan offers a slight shrug as he says, "Perhaps that's because no one else out there knows what Kathak dancing actually is."

Another puff from the cigar, he makes certain the smoke is blowing away from her. "I'd pay to see that kind of dancing, now that I know what it's called, but I don't think other's get the holograms with it. You do that, part of your power?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "It is," Laxmi confirms. "I can create illusions if I like - but only when I'm moving, strangely - and they never look very solid or real. I can also manipulate emotions with my voice - but that's a skills I only use to calm people during a crisis - or when I'm performing. I figure - when people come to see a show, they're hoping for a moving performance." So she takes it as a sort of implicit permission - for better or worse. After another sip of her water she asks, "I hope you got a little rest today?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan nods, finishing off his cigar. Bending down he puts it out carefully, but picks the butt up and shoved it in his shirt pocket. No way is he making a mess outside.

"I did," he finally says, and now that the cigar is gone he moves a little closer. He still respects her by keeping out of arms reach. "Slept until an hour before my class, taught my class, slept a little more, took Jubilee to detention, then slept a little more. I get my sleep, no need for you to worry about that."

He offers her a smile, well sort of smile, it's close. "Been meaning to ask you something, if that's alright."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Interrupted sleep is not as healthy, you know," Laxmi chides gently. "But I'm glad you were able to get some rest."
    She folds her hands in front of herself, her water bottle suspended from her grip. She gives a nod of her head, a curious expression on her features. "Of course," she answers. "There's little harm to be found in curiosity. What can I answer for you?" she asks politely.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Shifting his weight slightly, Logan tucks the thumb on his left hand into the edge of his pants pocket.

"I been thinking," he starts. "About how you said men aren't allowed to touch you. I been respecting that as best I can, but... what happens if your life is in danger?" He shifts again, a slight shrug. "If something was happening and grabbing you out of the line of fire was the only way to save you, that would require touching you... how does that work?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Life is sacred, Mr. Logan," Laxmi replies easily, a smile on her features. "There's a spark of the divine in each of us. I think the greater sin would be to allow such a spark to be extinguished - if you had it in your power to save it, don't you?" She lets out a quiet, breathy laugh before she adds, "I'm genuinely touched by your concern for my beliefs. But please - if my life were ever in danger, please don't let me die over some cultural taboo. Exceptions are also made for medical care and the like." Though she'd prefer a female doctor when given the choice.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan huhs softly and nods. "Well, I would've saved you anyway," he admits. "In spite of the taboo. I don't think I could just stand around in that kind of situation and be all 'nope, can't touch her'," he sort of waggles both hands in the air while saying that, then tucks them back into is pants pockets.

"It wouldn't be out of disrespect or anything, but more out of a need to keep you alive. I'm all about keeping allies alive," he nods at this. "As for respecting your beliefs, that's what friends do, right? I don't presume to be your friend," he adds quickly, realizing he might be crossing a line or pressing in on some aspect of her belief where he shouldn't. "But we are colleagues, so that counts."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I'm allowed friends," Laxmi replies, letting out another quiet laugh. "And I'd like to consider you one. You've been kind - even if I did treat you with suspicion at first."
    She smiles as she adds, "And what greater service could there be than to save a life? It's motivated me to act in the past, but all I know how to do in an emergency is keep people calm. Still - staying calm can save lives in an emergency."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Calm has never helped him in the past, in fact it's Logan's more feral nature and anger that has kept him alive for so long... long enough to see people he cares about harmed or killed, but still he goes on.

"I wasn't meaning to imply you couldn't have friends," he offers with a slight chuckle. "Just that maybe I didn't fall into that category. Most often, I don't make friends with people all that well."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Why ever not?" Laxmi asks with some puzzlement. Sure, people had warned her that he could be gruff, or a bit rude, but she hadn't found him to be particularly so.
    "You care for others. You care for that poor girl, Jubilee. You care about my beliefs, and you try to save lives - you strike me as a good, kind man, Logan. So why shouldn't we be friends?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Another shrug, that's all Logan has to offer really, trying to explain it would take too long and was way more than he was willing to share.

"I'm not always the nicest guy," he says simply, then leans against the lamp pole again. "I'm sure they've warned you," he gestures toward the house. "They know me, know my moods. Sure, I try not to be an ass all the time, and I care bout the kids, all of em. It's the adults I got issues with sometimes."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "They did," Laxmi admits a bit wryly. "And so far it's seemed largely unwarranted. Though I think I saw a bit of a temper beginning to flare at Mr. Erickson?" she asks with some amusement. Perhaps she hadn't been completely unaware of the undercurrents, then. "But I think my statements still stand, and I'll be honest - I hope I never cause you any offense. You can let me know if I ever begin to."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan snorts and mutters, "Mr. Erickson." under his breath before saying more loudly, "Who goes by just a last name like that... it's almost insulting, if I truly gave a fu..." and then he remembered who he wsa talking to and the word changed, "... udge." Smooth Logan.

"Honestly, I don't think you could offend me... something about your voice, even when you ain't using your powers... chills me right the fudge out." He shifts again, adjusting how he's leaning. "But yeah, Shi'ar boy was pressing some buttons, til we worked it out."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "If you gave a fuck," Laxmi repeats back - mischief twinkling in the woman's eyes. "Really, Logan, I'm not as pure and innocent as //all that//."
    As he says her voice chills him out, however, her brow wrinkles in thought. She isn't inadvertantly using her powers without her own awareness, was she? She hoped not. But if she was, well. There were worse offenses. "Well, if it's helpful to you then I'm glad."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan smirks slightly, kicking a little at the grass with his work boot.

"You aren't fragile or innocent," he comments idly. "Still no reason to go swearing around you, if I can avoid it." Damn, his nice was showing again, might be time to growl about something, but... nope, her voice and chill.

"I can tell it's not intentional, but last night with Erickson, it was helpful. I really wanted to see just how durable that alien is, but you being there... well, he walked out without holes, need I say more?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I see," Laxmi replies in a thoughtful voice. "Something about me ensures that I see you at your 'best,' is what I am here. I'm glad you didn't go and attack the man - even if he was trying your patience. I don't think he's a bad fellow. He seems to mean well enough, even if he is a bit..." Pretentious? Presumptuous? Preposterous? Well. It was definite a pre-word.

Logan Howlett has posed:
He snorts again, rolling his eyes, more choice words to describe the Shi'ar passing through Logan's mind, but Laxmi was right over all. He wasn't a bad fellow, he was just too passionate about things that didn't need to involve him.

"Yeah," he finally says slowly. "I know he meant well. Concerned, all that... but it's not his business really. Sure, he's worried about Jubilation, but isn't that /our/ job? I don't even know what his purpose here is, and that makes me all kinds of edgy around him."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Well - he's offering to educate us about the Shi'ar, their styles of combat and their role in the universe at large - isn't he?" Laxmi answers in a puzzled tone. "I mean, it hardly sounds like something that would be useful to me, but I imagine it could be to some around here. Given the role that many people with powers seem to choose to fulfill in our society."
    Not her, of course. But then, her powers didn't lend themselves to combat, in her mind.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Pushing off from the lamp post, Logan walks a little closer then toward one of the benches to sit down.

"He think they're coming back?" He asks then. "Cause I think we showed em once that it doesn't work well for em to come around here. I wasn't here for it, and I regret that.... I should of been."

He sighs, shaking his head a little. "You think we all choose the role?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I can't say what he thinks," Laxmi answers, "But it does seem as if he fears that. Who's to say?" She gives a shrug of her shoulders. She chooses to remain standing - though now //she// moves over towards the lamp, leaning back against it, her feet ringing with every step.
    "Some choose it. Some aren't given much of a choice." She frowns slightly as she adds, "We should have a new student joining us soon - Dashenka Ivanov. I'm thinking of asking Gabby if she can befriend the girl. She was forced into a military situation, and hasn't know any other life, the poor dear."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan visibly winces, then looks away for a moment.

"Gabby may not be the best choice," he comments, watching the shadows near the trees "She's not had the most out of the box life either." Military raised, damn close to what ended up happening with him in his childhood.

"But what do I know, just getting to know Gabby myself. Raised as one of many clones..." from his DNA. "She might be able to help."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I thought they could relate," Laxmi points out. "Gabby seems very outgoing, and sure of herself despite her past. I thought she could help bring Dashenka out of her shell. The girl seems so introverted, and uncertain; almost frightened of choice. Just asking her what she likes caused her to freeze up, the poor dear. She'll need a fair amount of help, and patience - my heart just breaks for. Well, and for Gabby as well. That anyone would be so heartless to treat children so horrifically..." She can't understand it.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan looks back to her, and almost says something completely assholery. He just barely manages to stop himself buy coughing, and standing up. Clearly she lead a sheltered life if this was the first she was hearing about the things done to mutants out there.

"I should get to my patrols," he states then, offering a nod. "I'm sure Gabby wouldn't mind, so long as she knows she don't have to do it if he don't want to. Have a good night Laxmi."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I don't think either of them would benefit if the relationship were forced," Laxmi replies smiling reassuringly at Logan - though there's something questioning in her gaze.
    "Logan?" she says as the man prepares to leave. "You do know you can speak your mind to me - don't you? I assure you I won't take offense."

Logan Howlett has posed:
For a moment he pauses, looking over at her. "Sometimes what comes to my head ain't fit to say," Logan admits plainly. "I've seen shit and lived through worse than shit. I been alive over a hundred years, watched what people like to do to Mutants when they think they can get away with it. I don't talk about it, that's all the more I'll say on it."

He considers a moment, looking back toward the mansion. "Most of the kids in this school been through hell Laxmi, one way or another. Parents who can't accept em, don't love em, don't want em. Ya might need to get out more, see the real world and what's been going on, that's all."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I'm sorry for your suffering," Laxmi replies - with seeming sincerety and concern. "If there was any way to ease that pain..." Then she'd try. She lets out a sigh, her gaze dropping as she adds, "I've read. I've seen some news stories - it's always horrifying to me. You're right, I've been fortunate, myself. I'm not completely blind to the suffering many here have endured, I just... I can't comprehend true cruelty. I don't understand how anyone can treat other people that way."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan shakes his head, keeping the venom out of his voice as he says quickly, "I don't need pity. I get that you mean well, have a real desire to be helpful, but you can't help me. Help the kids, help the kids who can't get in here, help the mutants out there who have no one else to help them. Don't waste your energy being concerned about me, I get by."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Concern and pity are not the same thing," Laxmi answers, looking up again. "Neither is sympathy. You're obviously too strong a person for pity to apply. If I pity anyone, it's the monsters with so little love in their hearts that they can act with such cruelty. Their lives must be so hollow, and the future that awaits them..." They'll pay for their actions in their next life.
    "For you, though? I hope you always have people in your life who care enough about you to be concerned for your wellbeing."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan was all prepared to just go, to leave, walk away and then she made sense again. It forced him to freeze a moment, no looking at her, and just stare at nothing while her works echoed in his head. He'd never actually heard someone define the differences between concern and pity, but damn if she wasn't right again.

"Ain't too many who concern themselves with me, Laxmi," he says plainly, quietly. "It's better that way." He half turns to look at her. "The people that concern themselves with me, they get hurt or die. Better that people don't do that now."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Is it so dangerous?" Laxmi asks quietly. She does seem genuinely taken aback by that. She has no desire to put herself in harm's way - but how could simply caring about someone do that?
    And how can you stop yourself from //caring//?
    She sighs, and shakes her head slightly. "I can't help how I feel - I am concerned for you. My heart aches that you've known such pain. I can only hope that your future will be brighter, Logan."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan closes his eyes a moment, then when he looks back he offers a faked smile, forced into place to keep himself from growling or scowling.

"I got enemies, too many of em. They've killed those I care about without blinking an eye." He takes a deep breath and sighs, "So yeah, it can be that dangerous. I keep a distance for a reason, and now you know it."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I see," Laxmi answers quietly. "Well. Thank you for telling me."
    She takes a deep breath in, letting it out slowly as she considers this information, her gaze turning off towards the lake. After a few moments of silence, she looks towards him again and remarks, "I still consider you a friend - but I can't imagine we'll 'hang out' too much away from the school. And besides - given that we never touch, who would think we were close? I think it'll be alright, but I appreciate the warning."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan starts chuckling as he says, "No, don't think we'd hang out much away from the school, unless you need a body guard for something, then don't hesitate to ask. I don't mind calling you a friend Laxmi, hope you don't think that's what I'm trying to say or avoiding the idea of being a friend. Ain't had real friends in a long time."

Glancing to the mansion again, he walks back over to her a little closer, not too close and says more quietly, "Listen, I'm just concerned about what could happen. We may not touch, but that don't mean someone can't figure it out. You sure you wanna be my friend?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I think to claim otherwise would be a lie," Laxmi answers - she smiles back, with a little mischief glinting in her eyes as she remarks, "But I appreciate //your// concern. It's what friends do for one another, after all, isn't it."
    She grips her hands a little more tightly together - as this was one of the moments where she chafes against the restrictions of her family's beliefs - where she wishes she could reach out with a hug, or even to clasp hands - but she doesn't. "I think it'll be alright."