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Latest revision as of 15:14, 16 September 2021

Wait... I Can Buy ANY of Them
Date of Scene: 14 September 2021
Location: Clarice Ferguson's Quarters
Synopsis: Clarice takes Pete and Theo out to buy nice suits for Lydia's impending fancy, globe-trotting, surprise party. One of the sales reps isn't an asshole. Then they go sight seeing!
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Raven Darkholme

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Thanks to the wonders of having your own, personal teleporter - it isn't long before Clarice, Theo, and Pete find themselves just outside a relatively high-end vendor of fine suits in New York City - with several snazzy and stylish looking mannequins on display in the window, some of them additionally adorned in rather dashing hats. The magenta-hued mutant takes in the display, then turns to look at the two teenage boys she's brought along with her.
    "Well," she remarks. "Think this'll due? I - ummm - I called ahead. They staff on hand to help advise, because - really. I'm the //wrong// person to ask for advice."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo looks at the display in the window, suits and business casual on display for men. The reflection of himself in the window, for the first time, didn't completely disgust him, though he was still getting used to the binder. Pete pointed out one with pinstripes and makes some comment about the Mafia, before Theo, still chuckling looks to Clarice.

"I'm sure this will work great," he comments, then nudges Pete.

"Those are really nice suits, Clarice," Pete comments. "You sure about this?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's my treat," Clarice insists. "Can't have you boys looking shabby at Lydia's party. Besides, Mystique and Lydia did this for me. It's practically a tradition, now."
    She steps forward to open the door, gesturing the pair of them in, before following in their wake. There's a few stares from the staff and customers, who don't seems to be used to such a brightly-hued female in the shop, but Clarice stakes it all in stride.
    "Where do you think we should start?" she asks.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The teens slip into the shop when Clarice opens the door and both of them pauses there to wait for Clarice to come inside too. Honestly, neither has been shopping some place like this, and it's a little overwhelming. Theo steps up beside Clarice, still not used to reactions from humans, but deliberately puts himself in line of sight as well with his mixed colored skin.

"Best place to start," Pete comments, resisting the urge to make the sale woman think she's covered in ants. "Going to need under shirts, shirts, and then the suits. So... under wear!"

Theo laughs a little at Pete's logic, but it made sense, "Right, underwear... perfect place to start."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Under wear it is," Clarice agrees, linking arms with Theo, and moving through the shop, trying to give the general impression that she practically owned the place - and was not, in fact, feeling largely out of her depths about this whole process. She was beginning to feel that maybe they should have brought someone else along with them - but who could she have asked? It's not like Mr. Creed was a connoisseur of haute couture.
    "I imagine this'll be a first suit for //both// of you?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo pulls Pete over to join the 'we own this shit' walk through the store. He was having the time of his life because HE was shopping with HIS best friend and HIS sister.

"It's my first suit," Pete says, already looking at the mannequin's and the suits on them. "Unless you count the one when I was six that my mother made me wear. I don't count it, it was ugly."

Theo laughs, "Is that the green one you told me about?"

Pete nods slowly, shuddering.

"My first suit as well," Theo comments, stepping away from Clarice to look at the selection of boxers, briefs, and under shirts. White seemed the most common of colors, but there was also light blue and grey.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You didn't pick it. It doesn't count," Clarice agrees easily. She comes to a stop amongst all the boxers and undershirts, her brow wrinkling just slightly. "I imagine your choices //here// don't matter quite so much. Feel free to grab a few spares, though."
    Near the front of the shop, two of the salespeople were engaged in a quiet discussion, while very pointedly not looking at the trio, as they tried to decide which of them was going to approach the pair. Clarice ignores them deliberately, for the moment.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Both Pete and Theo start looking over the choices, deciding on the basic white and both go for boxers over tighty-whities. Then all of a sudden Theo just bursts out laughing, most likely at something Pete was 'thinking' to him.

"Pete, that's horrible," Theo laughs, then looks over to Clarice and whispers. "The sale people are trying to decide who should come over, Pete was just thinking we should do the same thing, decide which of them we want to serve us."

Pete flushes a little pink with a nod, embarrassed but at the same time, he still thinks they should. "Whoever finally comes over, we just go, 'No, not you, that one.' and choose another," he whispers.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Pete... you're my kind of terrible," Clarice remarks with amusement.
    Deciding to 1-up the torment of the poor customer service employees, Clarice disappears with a flash of her usual purple energy, reappearing behind the two women with a quiet but noticable 'bliiiink.' "Ladies," she remarks brightly, studying them both. "My brothers are buying their first suit, so I'm sure they could use a little advice."
    After sizing them both up, she turns to the one who'd literally jumped back by a foot and holds out her credit card. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind running out and buying us some ice coffees? I saw a place just a few doors down - aren't you a doll?"
    "Y-yeah, sure," the girl agrees, retreating from the store to do something that's very much //not// in her job description.
    Besides. The braver one was prettier, so Clarice links arms with her to start leading her back to Pete and Theo.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
By the time Clarice returns, the two teens are laughing rather hard and holding a couple packages of under shirts and boxers. The conversation in their heads must be exceedingly amusing, because the laughter just does stop.

"Oh man," Theo finally manages to breath out, wiping his eyes then nudging Pete.

Pete is still a little pink in the cheeks, but looks to the chosen lady and offers a smile before he just start laughing again.

"We needs suits," Theo blurts, trying very hard not to laugh any more. "Really nice suits. We're going to a seriously fancy party, but not like tuxedo fancy."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice isn't sure if they're laughing at her antics - or their own private joke - but she decides to smile along either way, while releasing her hapless victim.
    "Of course. I'll be happy to help you both. I'm Alison," she offers by way of introduction. "We'll just have to measure your shoulders so I can help you find the right fit - retailoring the shoulder fit is never worth the effort. And since it's your first suit, you'll want something you can get a lot of use out of. We usually recommend something in navy, or charcoal grey, as they're very versitile."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo looks a little uncomfortable all of a sudden, but Pete pats him on the shoulder and just 'looks' at him, which makes Theo smile again.

"I'll... go first," Pete says quietly, then steps over to Alison. "I'm... Pete." he then offers and removes the jacket he was wearing. for her.

Theo watches intently, needing to see what this process what before being willing to do it.

"Black," Theo comments. "With light blue shirts." Clearly he's been thinking about it.

"I'd like dark grey with pink shirts," Pete then adds.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Black is usually quite formal, you might not get quite as many opportunities to wear a black suit," Alison cautions.
    "Then we'll get him another one next time," Clarice answers simply, as if it's of little consequence to her.
    "...if you wish. Though, perhaps you can save yourselves the trip if you buy them both today?" Turning towards Pete she offers, "Alright. Just stand straight, but relaxed. I'll measure across your shoulders, and around your chest - and then we'll see if we can find you a jacket that suits you." She takes out a tape measure - measuring first from one shoulder bone, across the back of the neck, and to the other shoulder - making a mental note of the number, before asking Pete simply. "Lift your arms slightly if you please, sir?" Once Pete complies, she draws the tape measure around his chest, just under his armpits, before making a note of that number as well.
    "Alright. We have our grey jackets over here - were you looking for a wool suit?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo watches the entire process of this measuring, inching his way around to stand by Clarice. He's not really sure that getting measured is a good idea, but if it's part of the process, he'll let it happen. Clarice handled the argument about color, though he did wonder how many suits he might need.

"Just make sure to leave a little room," Theo says to the woman. "Cause we're still growing. I don't think it's a good idea to go buying too many suits because of that." Now to Clarice he says, "Think more than one is really needed?"

Pete obliges, moving as Alison needs but says, "Would need to be a light wool, it's still pretty dang hot out there."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "One's probably fine for now," Clarice agrees with Theo quietly. "In they end up needing a little retailoring, yeah?" she remarks. She assumes, after all, her brother will know exactly what she means. She gives Theo an encouraging nudge with her shoulder, letting Alison explain the fabrics.
    "Well - we have Fresco wool which is specially woven to have a lighter, more breathable weave for summer weather, while still having all the durability and style of a traditional wool suit. But if you're really concerned - we have cotton, and linen as well. They both wrinkle more easily, of course, and have a slightly more casual feel to them as a result... So it's all based on what you're looking for."
    Pulling a charcoal grey jacket off a hanger - she holds it out for Pete remarking, "Let's try this one on and see how it fits?" Once his arms are through - she'll button the front - putting a few fingers in to check the first around the chest, and will check the length of the jacket, to make sure it comes to about his thumb.
    "Looks like the cuff will need taking up a bit - but that's the easiest fix of all..."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete looks at himself in the jacket, grinning ear to ear. "Lighter and breathable works," he comments. "I just don't want to roast and intend to party." He makes his cheeks flush a little with that, got a little ahead of himself in talking there. He's well aware what this party is for and what will be going on.

Theo nods, "Yeah, only one suit, and Pete's right, don't want wrinkle or casual, it needs to be fancier, so probably wool." He's still not looking forward to getting measured, he's pretty sure Alison will say something.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
     "If you like this one - I can pin the cuffs for you?" Alison offers - and after waiting for a nod, she'll do just that, before retrieving a pair of pants, a waistcoat, and a dress shirt to go with the suit. She glances down at Pete's shoes, then adds, "We have some dress shoes just there - if you'd like to pick out a pair while I help your-" she glances between the two, "brother." The hesitation has far more to do with the obvious fact that Pete and Theo don't much resemble one another, than anything else. But it could certainly be easy to misread that hesitation.
    "Alright. Your turn. Black Fresco wool suit and a blue dress shirt, correct?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete holds still to have the cuffs pinned, making sure not to move. When she's finished, he takes the jacket off to offer back and says right into the woman's face, "What, you've never heard of adoption?" in a tone he's never used before around anyone. The idea that she would act like that, and that she might be questioning Theo apparently set him off, and that was rare.

Theo pales slightly, but Pete's 'save' makes him blink and mutter quiet enough only Clarice could hear, "Whoa, they grew in."

There is only a moment pause from Pete before he moves to start looking at shoes, anything else that woman might want to say is lost to him, and he no longer wants to hear it. If he has his way she'd be screaming about spiders in her hair about now.

Theo chews at his bottom lip, clears his throat and steps over to be measured, not saying a single word, just nodding. The voice, that had to be the problem, his voice was still too high pitched.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Oh! I- sorry. I'm very sorry, I just wanted to be sure I heard... correctly." But Pete is already striding away. Oops. Alison instead turns an embarrassed smile on Theo and Clarice. "I really am sorry," she repeats.
    Clarice smirks at Pete's retreating back, and gives Theo another encouraging nudge, before stepping back enough to give the woman room to work.
    Alison measures the shoulders without comment - but as she's measuring around the chest she remarks with what she hopes is an encouraging smile, "So - your first suit, huh? Big step, I take it? Congrats." She starts leading the way over towards the black suits, thumbing through them easily before pulling one off a hanger. "Let's give this one a try."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo wide eyes and stares at Alison for a moment, trying very hard not to smile so big that his eyes squish shut.

"Uh... yeah," he voices, looking over at Clarice with that same big grin on his face. "Ou...our sister's helping us out, for a party."

Pete removed his shoes to try on a couple pairs of shoes, but he caught what was said through Theo's mind and his own being linked. He'd apologize to the woman when he went back over there.

When she brings the jacket over, Theo slips it on over his tshirt. He's not ready to look in the mirror yet, but he will once she's done any pinning she wants to do.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah? Must be nice having a sister. I just have the one dorky little brother. Way little - he's ten." Despite the arguing with her coworker when the trio entered, it seems like Alison's gotten more comfortable around them. Maybe cause they're just //people// and not super powered terrorists intent on robbing the store.
    They don't seem to be, anyways.
    While she's checking the fit of the jacket, and pinning the sleeves into place - the other employee returns with a drink caddy filled with iced lattes, Clarice's credit card, and a receipt. She briefly glares at the magenta-hued mutant, who simply beams back, picking up one of the cups to take a sip.
    "Drinks are here, boys. Just don't spill on the suits, yeah?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete found a pair of shoes he liked and were comfortable, so he moves to place them with the under garments, and then over to collect his drink. Once it's in hand he looks at Alison and says, "Sorry about before, I just get protective."

For now Theo doesn't go for a drink, his jacket is being adjusted, but he does finally look in the mirror. He was already smiling, but he smiles even broader.

"I like this," he comments, chewing a little at his bottom lip. It looked right, it felt right. "Does it have a vest too?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's cool. I mean, if you don't stand up for family... who will?" Alison smiles at Pete before adding, "I really didn't mean to offend."
    She takes a moment to study Theo before remarking, "Yeah, there's a waistcoat - it's optional, but it adds a little versatility. I mean, you can wear the suit with just a shirt and tie, or skip the tie and put on the waistcoat to be a little more casual and debonaire. Or you can to all in - tuck the tie in under the waistcoat. With a black suit, though, that would look extremely formal." As she talks - she gathers up trousers, a waistcoat, and a blue dress shirt to offer to Theo.
    "You'll need a pair of dress shoes as well. And once you gentlemen have all that on - I can pin up the pant legs, and we can look for some ties, or pocket hankerchiefs, or anything else you like."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
It only takes Theo a moment to find exactly the shoes he wants, and in his size. He had an image in his head and they had a pair that damn near matched it perfectly.

While he was doing that Pete stepped into the changing room to put the pants on, then steps back out. He's a tall kid, around six feet in height, which is what makes him and Theo such an odd couple. Theo is only five feet, five inches, so when they stand side by side, they looks like stretch and a mouse.

Theo's shoe choice is added to the stack that is growing, before he steps into the changing room to put on the pants then steps back out. While Pete is having his pants measured, pinned, etc. Theo goes over to grab his drink and just plain can't stop grinning. His face is stuck that way.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Alison gets Pete to put the shoes on as she explains, "It's much easier to get the right length when you're wearing the right shoes - with the right height off the floor." She checks the waist first, putting a few pins in, and then crouches down - pinning up the hems with practiced ease - not that Pete needs them put up much, given his height. She stands back to get a look at him, nodding with approval. "Move around in it a little - make sure you like it. And take a look at some of the ties - I can help you with tieing them if you like," she suggests before she'll move towards Theo.
    Clarice, meanwhile, has put an arm around her younger brother, and she's grinning broadly as well. "Glad you like it," she murmurs quietly. "Everyone is going to flip when they see you two," especially poor Lydia, who has no idea what's in store...

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo hears he'll need the shoes so after giving Clarice a hug and saying, "You're just saying that, but biggest sister... she's gonna have a litter of kosher sheep." he goes over to put them on, making certain they are right with the pants.

Pete holds still while the pinning is happening, no one wants to get stuck by a pin. Once she's finished, he gazes in the mirror. Now that's a sexy boy, but he doesn't say that of course, he thinks it and Theo starts laughing and nodding.

Pete moves to start looking at the ties. He choose a pink shirt, and the suit is grey, so he's thinking black tie with hankie for the pocket, right up until he spots the hot pink tie and hankie, and instantly he has a winner!

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We've set her up for quite a surprise. Hell, she doesn't know about the party, either." And sure - Clarice may be delighting in the surprises they're going to inflict on 'poor' Lydia upon her return.
    She sits back and sips her coffee as she watches Alison finish Theo's fitting pinning everything into place, and walking full circle around him. "You look ready to break hearts," she remarks with approval.
    Clarice continues to relax as she watches the boys put the finishing touches on their outfits, a slurping sound soon coming from the bottom of her cup. And hey, if Pete wants hot pink - then god damnit, you do you. Clarice simply grins, and nods her approval.
    "We should be able to get all the alterations finished in a couple days. And - well. I'm going to slip this into your order, in case either of your brothers like it." She opens a little box to show a purple silk pocket hankerchief. "It has a manufacturing defect, unfortunately, but once you fold it and tuck into place..." No one will ever know. But they can't sell it in that state, unfortunately.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo's eyes light up at the handkerchief. Purple was still his favorite color, in fact that's the tie color he choose, a nice deep purple bow tie, and a long, narrow tie of the same purple. He figured it would go well with the black suit and light blue shirt, then for giggles, he got purple socks that matched.

Pete managed to get himself back out of the suit and dressed again, sipping at his iced coffee while Theo was still changing, picking out socks and finding that perfect tie. Eventually they are both there with Clarice, their suits picked out and ready for alterations, shoes, ties, socks and under garments already bagged and ready to go.

"That's a pretty handkerchief," Theo comments. "Almost matches my hair."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "That's what I was thinking. In honor of this being your first suit and all," Alison says brightly. "Just our luck that this one was a factory second, because the only other one we have lying around is..." She pulls out another box from under the counter and opens it - and it has a particularly garish handkerchief of blue and orane with a paisley design. "This has been down here for ages," she confides in amusement.
    Accepting Clarice's card again, she rings her up for the rather hefty bill - and takes her cellphone number down so she can contact her when the suits are finished.
    "And when you boys are ready for suit number two, come and find me again. It's been a pleasure help you out."
    She offers her hand for a handshake - while Clarice tucks away her credit card, ignoring the glares of the other employee who hasn't yet recovered from the teleportation-prank and being sent out for //coffee//.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo makes sure to get one of Alison's cards, which goes into the pocket.

"Thank you Alison," he then says bit shyly. "We'll be back for suit number two."

Pete eyes the second handkerchief and says, "I may be gay as a floral parade, but even I wouldn't use that thing."

Each of the teens takes their respective bags in hand, and offer the extra employee who got the coffee a wave before heading out with Clarice.

"Thanks, Clarice," Theo offers once they are outside, then without warning Clarice gets hugged up high from Pete and normal height by Theo.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "If it makes you guys happy... then it's worth it," Clarice answers - as she finds herself thoroughly enveloped in a hug.
    "...but, uh, we'll probably keep your suit in Cyn- sorry. In Theo's room, 'kay Pete?" Last thing the kid's at the orphange need to know is that she just blew... //how much money// on a tailored suit for Pete.
    "What shall we do while we're in the city?" she asks, taking the by the arm and casually starting to lead them away. As if 'being in the city' matters at all - when you're sister's a teleporter.